牛津译林版英语九年级下册Unit 2 Great People第三课时教学设计课题 Reading 2单元Unit 2学科English年级9学习目标Knowledge aims: 1.To learn about Neil Armstrong’s life and landing on the Moon 2.Familiar with and understanding of biographical style Ability aims: To improve students’reading,speaking,and writing ability Emotional aims: 1.make students know about the importance of hard work and discipline 2.To encourage students never to give up before the face of difficulty 重点 To improve students’reading ability 难点 To enable students to write a biography of a person 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课ReviewT: We’ve learned a lot about Neil Armstrong. Can you say something about him? First,let’s watch the video,then,answer. 1.Retell something about Armstrong. 见课件第三页2. Fill in the blanks with the right words. 见课件第四页 Revision and answer 登月视频激发学生探索宇宙奥秘的兴趣,再复习上节课所学内容,引入本课讲授新课Group workGroup1-5: Introduction (Para1-3) Tips: 1. Work in groups and introduce Armstrong with “I”2. The whole group should come to the front and introduce in turns (轮流). 3. A timeline on Page 3 may help you.4 . If you report the times in different ways, you will get more marks.Group 6---10: Interview (Para4-6) Tips: 1. Work in groups and interview Armstrong and his workmates. 2.The whole group should come to the front . 3.If you ask some special questions, you will get more marks. Read & answerRead the passage again and answer the following questions.This time, you need read carefully.You also can read the passage one by one.P25 B4According to the passage.Finish P25 B3ExtensionWhat did people think of Neil Armstrong?Neil’s motherListen to the record and then answer.1.When did Neil become interested in flying?2. How old did he receive his student pilot’s licence?Discussion1 .What’s your interest? I like …. or My interest/ hobby is ……2. How will you develop it?Mr BoldenPlease say the same meanings as evaluation(评价). He worked so hard.He was responsible.David Scott1.Hero2.Act out the conversation with your feelings!
David: (Boom!) Our spacecraft is spinning out of control! What should we do? What should we do?Neil: Calm down, David. I just received the order. Let’s cut our flight short!David: Cut it short? How ? Neil: We will land it in the western Pacific Ocean! Look out!David: Oh, my god! Am I alive?Neil: Yes. We’re home! Look there, our dear friends are coming in the lifeboat!David: No one is more outstanding than you. I love you ,Neil! Sum upHero: Hard-working Enthusiastic Responsible Outstanding Work in group,finish the exercise , try to show in your group first and then show in front of the whole class. Others listen and watch carefully, give your idea about their work Read the passage again and answer the following questions. Listen to the record and then answer. Discuss with your partner Act out the conversation with your feelings!
分组安排任务,节约时间,给学生留有充足的时间讨论,汇报时认真听,既锻炼了听力,又能够参与到每个环节 带着问题分角色读课文,训练学生的阅读能力和听说能力 通过播放阿姆斯特朗妈妈说的话,训练听力水平,了解阿姆斯特朗,并拓展到自己的兴趣爱好,由浅入深,易于接受 危急时刻的表演,更是将英语生活化,避免学生产生畏难心理,更好的诠释什么是英雄 练习巩固 Group workShow different kinds of people and ask:“Who is your hero?”Do pair workTranslate the sentences.1.王芳每天第一个到校,最后一个离开。2.由于恶劣的天气他们只好缩短假期。 Free talk Do them by yourselves , check answers with desk -mates and then with classmates 明白英雄来自身边,我们也可以成为英雄 学以致用,测试自己对本节课的掌握程度和灵活运用能力 课堂小结HERO Hard-working Enthusiastic Responsible OutstandingThink and answer 通过总结,明确本课目标板书Unit 2 Great peopleReading 2 Early years: Neil Armstrong as born on 5 August1930. Pilot years: Armstrong received his student pilot’s licence. Armstrong became a pilot. Astronaut years: Gemini 8 went into space. Two men walked on the Moon for the first time. Apollo 11 returned to the Earth. Armstrong was awarded the Medal of Freedom. 形象直观的展示了太空第一人-阿姆斯特朗的登月历程
这是一份牛津译林版九年级下册lntegrated skills第四课时教案及反思,共9页。