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    读后续写专题09 读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)(5篇) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练
    读后续写专题09 读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)(5篇) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练01
    读后续写专题09 读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)(5篇) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练02
    读后续写专题09 读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)(5篇) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练03
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    读后续写专题09 读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)(5篇) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练

    读后续写专题训练(全国通用02)TOC \o "1-3" \h \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc10012" 第1篇 夜遇盗贼  PAGEREF _Toc10012 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc17746" 第2篇 救助小狗  PAGEREF _Toc17746 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc17374" 第3篇 爸爸住院  PAGEREF _Toc17374 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc5094" 第4篇 珍贵的建议  PAGEREF _Toc5094 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc31546" 第5篇 捡到钱包  PAGEREF _Toc31546 \h 10第1篇 夜遇盗贼阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整故事。续写的词数应为150词左右。The big Town Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge. The dark night air was cold and a little wet, and the street lamp gave little light. Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the silent night.When he reached the middle of the bridge, he thought he could hear someone coming near behind him. He looked back but could see no one. However , the sound continued and Frank began to walk more quickly. Then he slowed down again , thinking there was nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this.Just then , he heard short , quick steps closely behind him. By the time he reached the other side of the bridge , he could almost feel someone at his heels. He turned round and there stood a man in a large coat. A hat was pulled down over his eyes and very little of his face could be seen.Frank said something about the weather in an effort to be friendly. The man did not answer but asked roughly where Oakfield House was. Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way.Then Frank wondered why the stranger had wanted to find Oakfield House at such an hour. He knew that the people who lived there were very rich. Almost without realizing what he was doing , he began following the stranger quickly.The man was soon outside the house and Frank saw him look up at the windows. A light was still on and the man waited until it went out. When about half an hour had passed, Frank saw him climb noiselessly over the wall and heard him drop on the ground at the other side.Paragraph 1:Now Frank knew what the man wanted to do.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:Frank couldn’t just stand in the dark and wait.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】Paragraph 1:Now Frank knew what the man wanted to do.Everyone knew that Oakfield House was filled with artwork worth millions of dollars. It was clear to Frank that the family inside was in danger. Would the man have a weapon? Would he be strong enough to overpower him before he could harm the people inside? Frank’s heart was racing with fear. He reached for his cellphone to call the police, but found it out of power. If only he had charged his phone before leaving the office, but it was too late. Paragraph 2:Frank couldn’t just stand in the dark and wait. He had to do something, even if it meant risking his own life. At his feet he silently found several good-sized stones, and he threw them with all his strength right at the windows of the house. The clatter woke up the people inside the house and a light came on upstairs. The man froze, not quite knowing what had just happened. Lights came on everywhere in the house and within a minute the night was filled with sounds of police sirens screaming towards Oakfield House.【解析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,午夜时分Frank走在路上,总感觉有人跟着自己,他放慢脚步,发现一个身穿大衣,帽檐遮脸的人,Frank与其交谈,试图表现出镇定的样子,而那人并不理睬,只顾着问Oakfield House怎么走。Frank好奇陌生人为什么这么晚要去Oakfield House,并且住在那里的人非常富有。想到这些,Frank决定悄悄跟随谋生人看他到底要做什么,在Oakfield House外,Frank看到陌生人等灯全熄灭后翻墙进入了Oakfield House里面……根据段落首句,确定段落走向。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:现在Frank知道这个男人要干什么了。可能Frank猜出这个男子是盗贼。接下来Frank会做什么呢?第二段开头是:Frank不能站在那里干等。他又在等什么呢?很有可能Frank报了案,他认为不能干等着警察来。所以第一段续写Frank报案,第二段Frank接下来采取了什么措施,最后盗贼被擒住。【范文点评】本文续写情节合情合理,内容拓展丰富,并且运用了丰富多变的句式:如It was clear to Frank that the family inside was in danger. 此句运用了it做形式主语;If only he had charged his phone before leaving the office, but it was too late.此句运用了虚拟语气;He had to do something, even if it meant risking his own life.此句运用了让步状语从句……为文章增色添彩。 第2篇 救助小狗阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为150左右。Last Sunday afternoon, Sandra and I were eager to meet up with a man on Detroit’s east side to help him get ready for a job interview this week. But on the way, we spotted a dog lying near the road next to his owner. We thought he’d been hit by a car. My friend, Sandra Abrahamian and I, had assisted animal rescue groups before and we thought there might be something we could do, so we quickly pulled over to help.His owner, a woman told us the dog’s name is Bosco, and she was walking him over a mile in the heat to her new home. She said Bosco was an outside dog and no one would give him a ride to her new place. That’s when she and a friend decided to walk the entire way. He was going from a life on a chain in one backyard to another. She said Bosco was having trouble breathing along the way, but they thought he could make it. But just a block away from their destination, Bosco fell down. We could tell he was suffering from heatstroke(中暑). She told us he had thrown up and could no longer stand. Bosco was out of breath quickly, his drool(口水) was also thick. Bosco’s owner said she wanted to give him away because she didn’t have time for him. She said he would never be allowed into her new “home” because her children have allergies(过敏症) and she worried he would dirty the carpet.I made a call to Kristina Rinaldi of Detroit Dog Rescue to ask if they could help Bosco because it was clear that he was going to die without emergency care. To our happiness, Rinaldi said they could help. At once she told the people at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services that a dog which needed critical care was being rushed in and they must be ready to try their best to save him.Paragraph 1:Sandra drove while I stayed in the back seat trying to comfort Bosco.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:So Bosco is now being called Roscoe, whose critical care and recovery were estimated to be several thousand dollars.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】Paragraph 1:Sandra drove while I stayed in the back seat trying to comfort Bosco. I thought we lost him a couple of times when he was seemingly out of breath and his eyes seemed to close. By the time we arrived, Bosco was wheeled into the animal care center to receive emergency care. Bosco was put on oxygen and was taken good care of by staff there and we waited anxiously for the dog to get out of danger. Rinaldi said another dog in Detroit Dog Rescue had already been named Bosco, and she wanted this new member to have a new name for his new life.Paragraph 2:So Bosco is now being called Roscoe, whose critical care and recovery were estimated to be several thousand dollars. It would be difficult for Roscoe’s new home to cover the costs as a non-profit organization. Thankfully, many people who knew Roscoe’s story on Detroit Dog Rescue’s Facebook page donated money to his care. With the help of supporters, Detroit Dog Rescue managed to make it. Once Roscoe was in a stable state, Sandra and I returned to our original mission, knowing we had already been given the chance to help one desperate soul.【解析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。所给文章讲述了救助小狗Bosco以及给他找到新家的经过。作者和朋友Sandra在路上遇到了一只因为中暑而生命垂危的狗。狗的主人说因为种种原因,她想将这只狗送出去。作者打电话给在Detroit Dog Rescue工作的Kristina Rinaldi,向她说明了情况后,Rinaldi 答应帮忙。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:Sandra开着车而我待在后座试图安抚Bosco,再结合Paragraph 2开头的内容提示可知,接下来的内容应该是去救援中心途中Bosco的情况,以及到达救援中心后Bosco的情况(接受治疗,救援中心的工作人员给了Bosco一个新名字Roscoe等)。无论从何角度拓展,需注意与续写第二段首句呼应。第二段开头是:现在Bosco被称为Roscoe,它的急救护理和恢复预计要花费几千美元。这暗示接下来的内容可能会交代这笔钱的来历(如有好心人捐款等),还可以进一步延伸内容, 交代一下Roscoe的恢复情况以及作者的感想。续写时要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。根据所给内容和段落开头语续写,注意连贯,使之构成一篇完整的短文。注意按要求完成写作任务。【范文点评】本文内容符合要求,语句严谨,层次分明,同时文中使用高级句子。I thought we lost him a couple of times when he was seemingly out of breath and his eyes seemed to close.句中使用when引导的定语从句;By the time we arrived, Bosco was wheeled into the animal care center to receive emergency care.句中使用By the time引导时间状语从句;Thankfully, many people who knew Roscoe’s story on Detroit Dog Rescue’s Facebook page donated money to his care.句中使用who引导定语从句。 第3篇 爸爸住院阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Throughout life, we come across many people who impact us in a way. The person who left a great impact on me is my dad.Three months after turning fourteen, my life was great. I was getting settled into a high school; my grades were already starting off greatly and I was making friends. One day as I came home from school, I walked into our living room, finding my mom and dad talking. My parents turned to me and told me to sit down because there was something important they had to tell me. I soon found out that my dad’s liver (肝脏) was failing and he needed an immediate transplant. I was shocked and confused. He was working and never looked sick. My parents told me not to worry because everything would be fine. Four months had passed and my dad still had not received a new liver; he was progressively getting worse. His body seemed to be getting weaker, but he constantly said he was fine.It was getting hard for my family and me. My dad had to quit his job leaving my mom to be the only provider. I had to take on the responsibility of cleaning the house, cooking meals and checking on my dad while my mom was at work. I had to cut back on hanging with my friends because my dad was beginning to go in and out of the hospital. My focus for school was starting to slip. So were my grades. Two nights before my school spring break, my mom received a call from the hospital that my dad had been in a car accident and that he was in hospital. Surprisingly, my dad hadn’t received a scratch on him. Then next night my mom received a call from the doctor stating that there was a liver that matched my dad’s body and that he needed to get to the hospital immediately.Para. 1 My mom and I rushed to the hospital and my dad was brought into surgery.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pare. 2 Having to take on so many responsibility at home and constantly worn about my dad has helped shaped me into the person I am today.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】Para. 1My mom and I rushed to the hospital and my dad was brought into surgery. We were waiting anxiously outside. After what seemed to be a long time, his doctor came out and informed us that the surgery was successful, but my dad couldn't leave the hospital for at least a month. During my dad's stay in the hospital and his adapting to his new liver, my father still tried to comfort us, saying that everything would be OK.Pare. 2Having to take on so many responsibility at home and constantly worn about my dad has helped shaped me into the person I am today. I become more responsible for my family and even for everything. Seeing my dad remain positive and strong throughout his journey has taught me not to take my life for granted, but still positive to life. Also, having seen my dad in hospital for months has inspired me to go into the medical field as a doctor. Thus, I can do everything in my power to help those in need.【解析】通过阅读所给文章可知,作者十四岁时一天放学回家父母告诉作者,父亲需要肝脏移植,四个月过去了,父亲仍然没有接受新的肝脏移植;他的病情越来越严重。他的身体似乎越来越虚弱,但他不断地说他很好。作者的母亲成为了家庭的支撑,作者也必须承担起打扫房间、做饭和照看爸爸的责任。在学校放春假的前两天晚上,妈妈接到了医院的电话,说作者父亲出了车祸,住院了。令人惊讶的是,父亲身上没有任何伤痕。第二天晚上,母亲接到了医生的电话,说有一个肝脏与父亲的身体匹配,需要马上送到医院。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:我和妈妈赶到医院,爸爸被送进了手术室。所以后文应该是讲述父亲接受手术后的情况,手术很成功,但父亲至少一个月都不能出院。在父亲住院期间,他正在适应他的新肝脏,父亲仍然说一切都会好起来的。第二段开头是:我在家里承担了那么多的责任,而且总是穿着我父亲的衣服,这些都塑造了我今天的样子。本段应该写作者在这件事中的体会,作者变得更负责,父亲也教会了作者要积极地面对生活。同时,看到父亲住院几个月的经历也激励作者进入医学领域,成为一名医生,可以尽自己所能去帮助那些需要帮助的人。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。【范文点评】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:anxiously, seem to, inform sb. that, at least等高级词汇短语;After what seemed to be a long time, his doctor came out and informed us that the surgery was successful, but my dad couldn't leave the hospital for at least a month.运用了宾语从句;Also, having seen my dad in hospital for months has inspired me to go into the medical field as a doctor.运用了动名词短语作主语等高级句式。 第4篇 珍贵的建议阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为 150 左右。I met DeDe during my second year in high school. She was in a class that helps students with a variety of mental and physical disabilities. I had never communicated with them until my, field hockey(曲棍球)coach who was also their teacher, asked me to help her to meet DeDe when her bus dropped her off for the basketball game.On that January evening, I saw an electric wheelchair with DeDe in it. The first feature I noticed about DeDe was her smile, which was as vibrant (有活力的) as the sun on a summer day, “I came to pick you up for your first basketball game,” I said. “I’m really excited about that,” she replied enthusiastically.I had never worked with special needs students and didn’t know what to expect, but DeDe could cam, on a full conversation, and I could understand 90% of her words. She blew me away with her intelligence and confidence. Soon we became close friends.One day as I drove to DeDe’s house, I thought about my life. I couldn’t think of any great achievements, yet I had the ability to succeed. DeDe couldn’t go through a normal day of high school, and she didn’t have a regular social life. But she was always joyful and devoted herself to her interest. At that time, I was deeply in love with field hockey, but my mother didn’t allow me to play it in the third year. I didn’t know what to do.Pulling up to her house, I saw DeDe’s grandmother. She called me inside to talk. “DeDe really thinks a lot of you and I feel so blessed that you have come into her life. It’s not a complete day if DeDe doesn’t mention you.” I felt so touched. I had never known how much I meant to DeDe before.Paragraph 1:So I decided to talk to DeDe directly about my problems.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2I thought DeDe was right.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案解析】 Paragraph 1:So I decided to ta to DeDe directly about my problems. DeDe smiled as soon as she saw me. I kept talking about how much I loved field hockey and why my mother didn’t want me to play it anymore. DeDe listened to me carefully. After a moment of silence, she said, “As one of the people with disabilities, I think it’s lucky to have the ability to do what you really love. Maybe your mother just doesn’t know what field hockey means to you. But you can explain it to her.”Paragraph 2:I thought DeDe was right. That night when I came back home, I had a conversation with my mother. “Mom, playing field hockey is not just an interest to me: it will be my lifelong hobby. The sport gives me confidence,” I explained. And I promised that I would keep a balance between my study and sports. My mother was greatly touched and finally agreed that I could continue playing field hockey. I’m grateful to DeDe until now.【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者在帮助DeDe的过程中发现虽然DeDe不能过正常的高中生活,但DeDe总是很快乐和自信。在与DeDe祖母的聊天中,作者了解到对于DeDe来说,作者是很重要的人,他感到很感动。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“所以我决定直接告诉DeDe我的问题。”可知,第一段可描写作者和DeDe聊天后,DeDe给他提出的关于自己兴趣的建议。②由第二段首句内容“我认为DeDe是对的。”可知,第二段可描写作者和母亲解释了自己对曲棍球的兴趣和爱好之后,母亲最后同意了。2.续写线索:作者一直谈论对曲棍球的喜爱——DeDe仔细地听——建议向妈妈解释——作者与妈妈谈话——作者承诺——妈妈很感动并且同意了——作者感激3.词汇激活行为类谈论:talk about/discuss仔细地听:listen to sb. carefully/hear carefully解释:explain/account for与……交谈:communicate with sb./have a conversation with sb.承诺:promise/undertake情绪类感动的:moved/touched感激的:grateful/thankful【点睛】[高分句型1]I kept talking about how much I loved field hockey and why my mother didn’t want me to play it anymore.(how much和why引导的是并列的宾语从句)[高分句型2]After a moment of silence, she said, “As one of the people with disabilities, I think it’s lucky to have the ability to do what you really love.( it’s lucky to have the ability to do what you really love.为省了that的宾语从句,what引导宾语从句) 第5篇 捡到钱包阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为 150 左右。Mary looked at the store window longingly. There was nothing that she wanted more than a Happy Hannah doll. It was 29.9. Unluckily, Mary didn't even have the 95 cents, so she let out a deep sigh and continued walking home.As she crossed the street, she thought about doing her brother's housework, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes all months to earn money, but even then she would have only eleven dollars. Suddenly, something small and pink in the snow caught her eyes. Mary walked over and picked it up from the snow. It was a beautiful wallet. She opened the wallet and found a thick pile of folded green bills and a woman's driver's license. Mary put the wallet into her bag quickly. She turned around and walked back.Mary's heart beat fast as she entered the store. She had long dreamed about this moment, but something didn't feel right. As she got to the Happy Hannah dolls, she pushed away her feelings. She grabbed one and walked toward the checkout.As Mary was waiting to pay, her mobile phone rang. Mary looked around, startled (吓了一跳). It was her grandma. Mary's heart was suddenly filled with love and warmth when she thought of her. She put the doll down and answered the phone."Hi, Grandma! I'm going to be a little bit late tonight…. Alright…I love you, too." Mary left the store and walked all the way to 301West Street.1.续写词数应为150左右。2.请按如下格式在答题卡上的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:The woman who answered the door looked upset and anxious______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:The woman took the wallet smilingly.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案解析】 Paragraph1: The woman who answered the door looked upset and anxious. Mary recognized her from the ID, but she still asked some questions about the woman and the wallet. Of course, the woman answered correctly.” Here, I found this in the snow.” Mary said as she handed her the wallet. The woman looked very surprised and then she said,” Oh, good, God! This is the money for the poor children in the welfare house. Now we can bring the children the dolls for Christmas! It’s unbelievable!”Paragraph2: The woman took the wallet smilingly. She was so appreciative that she touched her head and said happily, ”You did a good deed. Wait a moment.” And then the woman walked back to the house and took out some cookies and a doll as a reward. It was a great surprise for Mary, because it was just a Happy Hannah doll she longed for. Mary accepted the doll gratefully and Mary knew that she had done the right choice. She told the story to her grandma proudly that night.【分析】文章以物为线索展开,讲述了Mary一直想买洋娃娃,但是她的钱不够,一天在路上捡到了一个钱包,本来想要拿着里面的钱买洋娃娃的,但是正准备去付钱时,祖母的电话打来了,她选择了不买,把钱归还了失主。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“应门的女人看上去既沮丧又焦虑。”可知,第一段可描写Mary找到失主后,询问了相关信息确认钱包的主人,并且描写了钱包里这些钱的用处。②由第二段首句内容“女人微笑着接过钱包。”可知,第二段可描写Mary归还钱包后,老人给了她一些饼干和一个娃娃作为奖励,这对玛丽来说是一个巨大的惊喜,因为这正是她所渴望的Hannah娃娃。玛丽感激地接受了娃娃,玛丽知道她做了正确的选择。2.续写线索:认出失主——把钱包递给那位女士——女士感到惊讶——女士表示感谢——拿出奖励——感激的接受——告诉奶奶这个故事3.词汇激活:行为类认出:recognize/identify递给:hand/pass拿出:take out/bring out接受:accept/receive情绪类惊讶的:surprised/amazed/astonished感激的:grateful/thankful【点睛】[高分句型1]It was a great surprise for Mary, because it was just a Happy Hannah doll she longed for.(because引导原因状语从句,she longed for为省了that的定语从句,修饰名词doll)[高分句型2]Mary accepted the doll gratefully and Mary knew that she had done the right choice.(that引导宾语从句)






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