小学英语教科版6A Fun with languag 主题单元复习部优课件
这是一份小学英语教科版6A Fun with languag 主题单元复习部优课件,共20页。
Module 1 & Module 2 The city life or The country life——Theme review lesson 黄 懿广州市芦荻西小学For example:What’s Guangzhou like?What can I see in Guangzhou?What can I do in Guangzhou?What I should pay attention to in Guangzhou? yearsoldonasmallfarmmumdadgrandparentslovelivingbusywakeupmilkthecowsmorethanplentyoffreshmilkridemybiketakesaboutsmallpupilsonlyonetogethergethomestilltodofinishmyhomeworkfeedourchickenswithotherhouseworkverybusyfeeltiredplentyofexercisecleanfresha country life is a healthy lifeDifferent people have different ideas. What’s Li Wei’s favourite life?What does the life look like ?评 价 标 准Homework熟背M1-M2的课文与单词完成《双》M1-M2综合练习3. 默写单词纸M1-M2