写作素材及话题表达积累 经验与学历 学案 2022届高考英语外刊学习
展开Experience vs. education: which is more important for work? 外刊素材原句 The importance of a degree学历的重要性1. Educational attainment and income are closely linked, with higher degrees typically leading to higher salaries.教育程度和收入密切相关,高学历通常会带来更高的薪水。 2. A degree can show that the degree holder has the specialized knowledge or technical skills that an employer is looking for and that can be transferred to the workplace with minimal on-the-job training.学位可以表明学位所有者拥有雇主所需要的专业知识或技术技能,并且这些知识和技能可以通过最少的在职培训被用到工作场所。 3. A degree is a secure way for bright youngsters from poor families to prove their abilities.学历是优秀的寒门学子证明自己能力的可靠方式。 4. Better-educated people are more likely to come up with productivity-boosting innovations. As technological change makes new demands of workers, it is imperative to be well-educated.受教育水平更高的人更有可能想出提高生产力的创新性想法。随着科技变化对工人提出了新的要求,受教育程度高非常重要。5. Recruiters, who pay none of the cost of jobseekers' higher education, are increasingly able to demand degrees in order to screen out the least motivated or competent.由于招聘人员不支付求职者接受高等教育的费用,因此他们越来越可以要求申请者具有高等学历,以便筛选掉最没有干劲和没有能力的人。 The importance of work experience工作经验的重要性The working environment can equip individuals with industry knowledge and help build valuable transferable skills such as commercial awareness, time management and teamwork.工作环境会使个人具备行业知识,并有助于培养有价值的可转移技能,如商业意识、时间管理和团队合作。transferable skills指可用于不同部分和行业的通用能力。比如leadership领导能力、problem-solving问题解决能力。 Obtaining a higher degree only proves one can succeed in academia, not in a real-world job situation. Success in actual work tells prospective employers more about what someone has to offer.获得高等学历只能证明一个人能在学术领域取得成绩,而不是在真实的工作环境中。实际工作中的成功更能向潜在的雇主证明一个人具备的能力。【have something to offer有所需的能力/特征】 Sometimes it is hard, and even impossible, to apply for jobs that offer a high salary if one has just graduated from college .如果刚从大学毕业,申请高薪的工作是很难的,甚至是不可能的。 Work experience also offers a good route to smaller companies, which don't have the budget for big recruitment drives and where poor hiring decisions can be costly.工作经验也为进入小公司提供了一条很好的途径。小公司没有大的招聘预算,而且招聘决策不佳会带来较高成本。【drive作名词,表示在某方面的努力。】Not only can work experience help guide one's career choice, but understanding what a job entails will significantly improve one's confidence when applying for and starting another full-time job.工作经验不仅有助于指导一个人的职业选择,而且了解一份工作需要什么将大大提高在申请和开始另一份全职工作时的信心。 The importance of bothWork experience can make people a good match for a particular job today, but without higher education they may lack the skills that are important for advancement tomorrow.工作经验可以使人们适合如今的某项工作,但如果没有高等教育,他们可能缺乏对日后晋升很重要的技能。2. The ideal mix of education and experience can vary from industry to industry. While a graduate degree is important for some jobs, it may be of little value in others.教育和经验的理想组合因行业而异。虽然研究生学位对某些工作很重要,但对其他工作可能没有多大价值。补充:In a high-tech field, education might trump experience, while in vocational fields, experience tends to reign supreme.在高科技领域,教育可能胜过经验,而在职业领域,经验通常最重要。【trump: 比...更重要 reign supreme: 最重要】 话题词汇及表达积累教育程度educational attainment专业知识pecialized knowledge 技术技能technical skills在职培训on-the-job training证明他们的能力prove their abilities招聘人员recruiters筛选掉screen out是某人具备…….equip individuals with…通用能力 transferable skills商业能力commercial awareness时间管理time management有所需的能力/特征have something to offer 招聘抉择不佳poor hiring decisions晋升advancement因行业而异vary from industry to industry比...更重要 trump 最重要reign supreme