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    这是一份2022年辽宁省沈阳市沈河区中考英语一模试卷,共31页。试卷主要包含了单项选择从A,阅读理解阅读短文,然后从A,阅读填空 阅读短文,综合阅读等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分;满分5.0分)从A、B C D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.(.5分)The ship had ________many men that the ship's cook was always busy.(  )
    A.too B.very C.such D.so
    2.(.5分)It is important ________us to learn about endangered animals in the area.(  )
    A.for B.of C.on D.at
    3.(.5分)Laozi lived in the 6th century BC.It _______believed that he wrote the Daodejing.
    A.are B.were C.is D.was
    4.(.5分)Great inventions change the world.They help people live _______ better life.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D.不填
    5.(.5分)—Do you remember _________?
    —Yes.Rice,soup,chicken and beans.(  )
    A.where you lived B.what you had today
    C.why you said that D.how you loved it
    6.(.5分)—Oh,I played badly.
    — _________.Just try your best.You'll do better.(  )
    A.That's a good idea B.Nice to meet you
    C.With pleasure D.Don't worry
    7.(.5分)The little boy _________ his seat to a sick man on the bus.What a good boy!(  )
    A.took B.provided C.offered D.lent
    8.(.5分)Xi Jinping said people are the creators of history and they are the _______heroes.(  )
    A.true B.real C.big D.strong
    9.(.5分)Paper is an important _______.It appeared in China around 2,000 years ago.(  )
    A.system B.culture C.language D.invention
    10.(.5分)________ the sun came out,the sky was very dark.(  )
    A.Before B.After C.When D.Since
    二、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以人空白处的最佳选。
    Education can help us rise up
    It was a room full of boys.A girl about ten years old,was sitting in the center.She was the(1)    girl among the boys.Her female(女性的) cousins and friends had to(2)    home because they were not allowed to study in the school.
    The girl,Shameem Akhtar,was born in a small village in Pakistan.In her tribe(部族),it was a tradition to keep (3)    inside their homes.
    Fortunately,Shameem's uncle,a university graduate,wanted to give her a chance to see the world and helped her how to teach(4)    at home.One year later,she had an opportunity(机会)to(5)    school.
    However,Shameem struggled to complete her schooling.To get permission(许可) for college,she(6)    a three﹣day hunger strike(抗议).
    After graduating from college,Shameem gained a position in a non﹣profit organization(非营利组织) aiming to help women in rural(农村) areas.
    There,she saw a Pakistan that she didn't know.Until then,she thought she had a (7)   life.But there,she saw what women in(8)    parts of Pakistan were experiencing.Some women had eleven children,but(9)    to feed them.To get water,they would walk three(10)    every day to wells.
    Shameem found that the position was more than just a job(11)    her.She discovered her power.By setting an example,her experience could encourage(12)    people to understand the importance of (13)    and send their daughters to school.
    Now,Shameem teaches in a rural school in her area. "The(14)    day I walked into the school," she said, "I saw all these little Shameems looking back(15)    me with dreams in their eyes,the same dream of freedom which I had in my childhood.
    Today,there is not a single girl in her village who doesn't go to school.

    (6)A.went on
    B.agreed with
    C.waited for
    D.talked about
    D.the other
    12.(6分)My neighbor,Mr.Black,is seventy years old.He always complains(抱怨) about how fast things have changed,and often says that life used to be better than nowadays.
    Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or more cars so parking is becoming a big problem.The traffic in some cities is getting worse and worse,too.Car drivers drive so fast that there are more traffic accidents.Yesterday Mr.Black's old friend was hit by a car and died.He is very sad now.
    Most families own computers now.A study found that children use the Internet more and more.In the past three years,the number of children using the Internet has tripled(增加三倍).Mr.Black's grandson is a high school student.He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet.He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spends less time doing homework.His English teacher told Mr.Black that his grandson failed another test.Mr.Black got very angry with him.
    Mr.Black thinks that life used to be simple and happy,but now it has changed a lot.

    (1)Who was hit by a car?    
    A.Mr.Black's friend.
    C.Mr.Black's grandson.
    D.The English teacher.
    (2)Mr.Black thinks that life is    .
    A.more comfortable
    B.worse than it used to be
    C.the same as it used to be
    D.better than it used to be
    (3)What changes have taken place according to the text?    
    ①There are lights at home.
    ②Lots of families own computers.
    ③Some families have two or more cars.
    ④There is less room for parking.
    (4)From the text we can infer(推测) that    .
    A.Mr.Black likes today's life more than that of the old days
    B.Mr.Black's grandson is not interested in the Internet
    C.Mr.Black is worried about his grandson
    D.Mr.Black is a teacher in a school
    13.(6分)I'm Peter.If I can travel to the future for one day,I want to see the children there,make friends with them and learn more about the future life.
    I think houses in the future will look like a honeycomb(蜂窝状) many people will live in a building.There will not be any washing machines in the flats(公寓) because everyone will have a robot to help do all the housework.There will not be kitchens because people don't have food for their three meals.They take tablets(药片) instead.This can save much time.People will have more time to play with friends and do sports.
    The children in the future will study at home but they can talk to their classmates and teachers on the Internet.They can see each other's faces,too.If they miss their friends,they can take a flying car and visit them.It will just take a short moment to go there.
    I really wonder what people's life will be like in the future.It must be more wonderful.

    (1)What does Peter think everyone will have in his home?    
    A.A washing machine.
    B.A kitchen.
    C.A honeycomb.
    D.A robot.
    (2)What opinion does the author probably hold?    
    A.People's life will be better in the future.
    B.Making friends is difficult in the future.
    C.We should work harder for our dream.
    D.Internet is very useful now.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE about the children in the future according to the text?    
    A.They will not have classmates or teachers.
    B.They will spend a few minutes getting to their friends homes.
    C.They cannot see their friends.
    D.They will have to go to school to study.
    (4)According to the text,the people in the future will travel around    .
    A.by bus
    B.by robot
    C.by flying car
    D.by train
    14.(6分)At some point in our childhood,many of us visited a beach.And we have probably all done this:collect a beautiful conch shell(海螺壳) and hold it to our ear.Did you hear that whooshing sound(嗖嗖声)like waves' sound?
    As little kids,we probably thought that was the sound of the ocean.Some people believe that the conch shells carry the sound of the waves for a long time.This is why we can hear the whooshing sound even when we're far away from the ocean.However,you can easily tell this is not true.Try putting your palm(手掌) or an empty cup over your ear,and you will hear a similar sound.
    Some people believe in a theory(可能的解释):The air flowing into and out of the conch shell creates the whooshing noise.To test this idea,scientists took some conch shells into a completely soundproof(隔音的) room.Sound was prevented from entering or leaving this room.People inside of the room weren't able to hear any of the noises from outside.However the space itself still had air flowing around inside of it.So did the conch shells produce a whooshing sound in this room?According to the results of the experiment,they didn't Therefore,the theory was wrong.
    So,why exactly do we hear that whooshing sound?Can you guess the answer from the above experiment?Yes,the secret actually lies in the noises in the environment.There're always lots of sounds around us,from small whispers(耳语声) to loud speakers.We usually don't pay attention to the background noises especially if they are very low.
    The conch shell as well as your palm and cup acts like a resonant cavity(共振的腔体).When the noises in the environment hit the walls of the cavity,they get reflected back and forth(来回反射) many times.This makes these noises sound louder to us.The result is something similar to the sound of ocean wave.Depending on the shape and size of the cavity,different sounds can be produced.Do a shell your palm and your cup each produce different sounds?Do a small experiment and find out!

    (1)What does the underlined word"tell"mean in English?    
    A.Think about.
    B.Keep a secret.
    C.Make sure.
    D.Have a discussion.
    (2)Scientists took some conch shells into a completely soundproof room in order to see    .
    A.find out were far away from the ocean
    B.prevent sound from entering or leaving this room
    C.make some noises that people weren't able to hear
    D.blow the air out of the conch shell to make the whooshing sound
    (3)We can hear the whooshing sound in the conch shell because of    .
    A.the walls of the cavity
    B.a small whisper
    C.wrong environment
    D.the result from an experiment
    (4)Which of the following is the best title for the text?    
    A.Conch shells,your loud speakers!
    B.Shh…Listen to the"Waves"!
    C.Say goodbye,ocean and sea's sound!
    D.Hi,clap your hands together!

    Welcome to our company,Kids' Future!We are the professionals(专家)!We build stars!We help your kids take part in talent shows at an early age!
    •We have a modern studio for children to perform their talents,like singing,dancing or even modeling.
    •A team of famous directors can help the kids learn to perform better.
    •The luckiness ones can even win a chance to appear on TV!
    Contact us :by making a phone call to
    600﹣898﹣0123 on weekdays
    700﹣054﹣0366 at the weekend
    (1)What is the name of the company?    
    (2)How is the studio?    
    (3)Who can help the children learn to perform better?    
    (4)Where can kids win a chance to appear?    
    (5)When should you make a phone call to 700﹣054﹣0366?    
    五、阅读填空 阅读短文。然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
    16.(7分)These days talent shows are getting more and more popular.Most young people like Super Brain(《最强大脑》) shown on Jiangsu TV.It (1)   (start) to be on shown in January,2014.It encourages teenagers (2)   (find) their own special talent.Many extraordinarily(非凡地) talented people can be (3)   (see) on it from time to time.No matter who you are how old you are and even where you are from you can take part in it.It's really an exciting and attractive program.It's well worth watching.You can (4)   (easy) find many talented people here.Sometimes you can't believe your own (5)   (eye) while you are watching.You can't imagine how they can have such unbelievable abilities.Not only the production team but also its host is (6)    (usual).So far they have made more great shows for us.I believe this great scientific show will become more and more (7)   (success) in the future.Do you have any interest in taking part in it if you are allowed to?
    17.(10分)Here is another short story by O.Henry.
    Soapy was a homeless man looking for somewhere to stay during the winter.He was thinking about doing something bad so the police would send him (A)_____ prison.
    First,he planned to eat in a restaurant (B)______ paying,but the waiter looked at his clothes and would not let him in.Then he broke a store window and waited for the police.When a police officer (C)arrived at the store,he did not believe Soapy did it because Soapy did not run away.
    Then Soapy passed by a church,and heard people singing.Soapy was moved. (D)He decided to become a good man.
    Just then,he felt a hand on his shoulder.
    "(E)你在这里做什么?"asked a police officer."Nothing," (F)replied Soapy.
    "Then come along." said the officer.
    "Three months in prison." said the judge the next morning.

    (1)在文中(A)和(B)的空白处填人适当的单词:    ;    
    (2)写出文中画线部分(C)和(F)的同义词或近义词:    ;    
    (3)将文中画线部分(D)改写为:He     a     to become a good man.
    Get your work done on time
    There was once a man who built his own house.From top to bottom,he designed and built every inch (英寸) of his home. ①In the end,he had a beautiful house of his own.No other house in his neighborhood (邻里) looked like it and many of his neighbors admired it.
    But as time went by, (A)his house had some problems.One day,a neighbor said,"Friend,it looks like your front yard is a bit overgrown."
    ②The man replied,"Yes,I know.But it's okay.I'll cut the grass tomorrow."
    A few days later,a postman came by with a letter for the man.The postman said,"Friend,it looks like your house is a bit dirty."
    The man replied, "Yes,I know.But it's okay.I'll wash it tomorrow.
    (B)几周过去了。Finally,the man's brother came over to pay a visit.He took one look at his brother's house and couldn't believe what he saw.The yard was a mess,the paint on the walls was falling down (C) ______ the windows were covered with dirt(尘土).The house looked like it could fall apart at any second﹣all because the man put everything off until "tomorrow".③
    When we procrastinate(拖延) "tomorrow" can turn into"next week" or even "next rear",it's much better to just take care of things today (D)______ to wait until some imaginary(想象的) "tomorrow" that might not actually come.

    (1)将文中画线部分(A)改写为:    some problems in his house.
    (3)在文中(C)和(D)的空白处填入适当的单词:    ;    
    (4)在文中①②③选出能够填入"It took him over a year."的位置:    
    (5)从文中找出两个描述房子的形容词:    ;    
    all the time are required is used one day turn the dough into
    Mr Chen makes toys from dough.He is over 50 years old now.His hands are rough because he works with dough (1)   .
    Mr Chen makes dough toys of different sizes.Only a small piece of dough and some simple tools (2)    to make a dough toy.Mr Chen uses his hands to (3)    different characters,for example the Monkey King.Dough of different colours (4)    to make the toys more interesting.
    I like Mr Chen's toys because they are very lovely.I hope that (5)    I can learn to make dough toys.
    1.对传统技艺的描述(从Paper cutting,Chinese knots,Shadow puppet plays中任选一个进行描述,也可不选);
    Dear Tom,
    You asked me about some Chinese traditional skills in your letter.I'm glad to introduce one now.
    Li Hua

    一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分;满分5.0分)从A、B C D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.(.5分)The ship had ________many men that the ship's cook was always busy.(  )
    A.too B.very C.such D.so
    【解答】too太;very非常;such/so...that..."如此......以至于......",such修饰名词,so修饰形容词。这里so many"这么多"固定短语。
    2.(.5分)It is important ________us to learn about endangered animals in the area.(  )
    A.for B.of C.on D.at
    【解答】for为了;of的;on在...上面;at在;"It's +adj+for sb to do sth",意为"做某事对某人是怎么样的",句中的形容词是不可以修饰人的形容词,important不可以修饰人,所以选for符合题意;当句中形容词可以修饰人时,要用"It's+adj of sb to do sth",意为"某人做某事是怎么样的"。
    3.(.5分)Laozi lived in the 6th century BC.It _______believed that he wrote the Daodejing.
    A.are B.were C.is D.was
    【解答】根据"It _______believed that he wrote the Daodejing."可知,此处描述的是一个事实,意为"人们认为他是《道德经》的作者",主语为It,因此选is。
    4.(.5分)Great inventions change the world.They help people live _______ better life.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D.不填
    【解答】live a better life为固定搭配,意为"过上更好的生活",因此选a。
    5.(.5分)—Do you remember _________?
    —Yes.Rice,soup,chicken and beans.(  )
    A.where you lived B.what you had today
    C.why you said that D.how you loved it
    【解答】根据Rice,soup,chicken and beans可知,应该是问你今天吃了什么,因此选B项符合题意。
    6.(.5分)—Oh,I played badly.
    — _________.Just try your best.You'll do better.(  )
    A.That's a good idea B.Nice to meet you
    C.With pleasure D.Don't worry
    【解答】That's a good idea好主意;Nice to meet you很高兴见到你;With pleasure乐意效劳;Don't worry别担心。根据I played badly."我打得不好。"及Just try your best.You'll do better."尽你最大的努力。你会做得更好。"可知,应该说"别担心。"
    7.(.5分)The little boy _________ his seat to a sick man on the bus.What a good boy!(  )
    A.took B.provided C.offered D.lent
    【解答】take﹣﹣﹣took带走,provide﹣﹣﹣provided提供,provide sth.for sb.=provide sb.with sth.为某人提供某物,offer﹣﹣﹣offered主动提供,offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.提供某人某物,lend﹣﹣﹣lent借给,lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人。结合句意:在公共汽车上,小男孩把座位让给了一个病人。多好的孩子啊!由此可知此处横线要用"offered"。
    8.(.5分)Xi Jinping said people are the creators of history and they are the _______heroes.(  )
    A.true B.real C.big D.strong
    【解答】true正确的;real真实的;big大的;strong强壮的;根据句意,人民是历史的创造者,可知人民是真英雄,排除C和D;true指符合事实,强调正确性;real指人或物真实的存在,强调真实性,故真英雄是real heroes。
    9.(.5分)Paper is an important _______.It appeared in China around 2,000 years ago.(  )
    A.system B.culture C.language D.invention
    10.(.5分)________ the sun came out,the sky was very dark.(  )
    A.Before B.After C.When D.Since
    【解答】before在...之前;after在...之后;when当...的时候;since自从;根据"the sky was very dark"天空很黑,可知是太阳出来之前,因此选Before符合题意。
    二、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以人空白处的最佳选。
    Education can help us rise up
    It was a room full of boys.A girl about ten years old,was sitting in the center.She was the(1) A  girl among the boys.Her female(女性的) cousins and friends had to(2) C  home because they were not allowed to study in the school.
    The girl,Shameem Akhtar,was born in a small village in Pakistan.In her tribe(部族),it was a tradition to keep (3) B  inside their homes.
    Fortunately,Shameem's uncle,a university graduate,wanted to give her a chance to see the world and helped her how to teach(4) D  at home.One year later,she had an opportunity(机会)to(5) D  school.
    However,Shameem struggled to complete her schooling.To get permission(许可) for college,she(6) A  a three﹣day hunger strike(抗议).
    After graduating from college,Shameem gained a position in a non﹣profit organization(非营利组织) aiming to help women in rural(农村) areas.
    There,she saw a Pakistan that she didn't know.Until then,she thought she had a (7) D life.But there,she saw what women in(8) C  parts of Pakistan were experiencing.Some women had eleven children,but(9) B  to feed them.To get water,they would walk three(10) B  every day to wells.
    Shameem found that the position was more than just a job(11) A  her.She discovered her power.By setting an example,her experience could encourage(12) D  people to understand the importance of (13) A  and send their daughters to school.
    Now,Shameem teaches in a rural school in her area. "The(14) A  day I walked into the school," she said, "I saw all these little Shameems looking back(15) C  me with dreams in their eyes,the same dream of freedom which I had in my childhood.
    Today,there is not a single girl in her village who doesn't go to school.

    (6)A.went on
    B.agreed with
    C.waited for
    D.talked about
    D.the other
    【分析】这篇文章主要记述了一个巴基斯坦女孩Shameem Akhtar冲破部族的规定,努力求学的故事。她的事情激励着如她一样的女孩也纷纷求学。
    【解答】(1)考查形容词。A.唯一的;B.甚至;C.很;D.同样的。根据空后among the boys(在男孩之中)可知,空处表示"唯一的"。故选A。
    (2)考查动词。A.去;B.得到;C.待;D.来。根据空后because they were not allowed to study in the school(因为不允许她们在学校学习)可知,空处句意为:她的女性的姐妹们和朋友们必须待在家里。故选C。
    (3)考查名词。A.男孩;B.女孩;C.母亲;D.父亲。根据上文Her female(女性的) cousins and friends had to stay home because they were not allowed to study in the school.(她的女性的姐妹们和朋友们必须待在家里,因为不允许她们在学校学习。)可知,空处句意为:在她的部族,让女孩子待在家里是个传统。故选B。
    (4)考查反身代词。A.它自己;B.他自己;C.我自己;D.她自己。根据空前Fortunately,Shameem's uncle,a university graduate,wanted to give her a chance to see the world (幸运的是,Shameem的叔叔,一个大学毕业生,想给她一个看世界的机会)可知,空处句意为:帮助她在家怎样自学。故选D。
    (5)考查动词。A.离开;B.参观;C.经营;D.参加。根据空前One year later,she had an opportunity(机会)to(一年后,她有机会)及空后school(学校)可知,空处使用"参加"。attend school上学。故选D。
    (6)考查短语。A.进行;B.同意;C.等待;D.谈论。根据上文To get permission(许可) for college,(为了获得上大学的许可)可知,空处句意为:她进行了一个三天的绝食抗议。故选A。
    (7)考查形容词。A.快乐的;B.正确的;C.美丽的;D.困难的。根据下文But there,she saw what women in other parts of Pakistan were experiencing.Some women had eleven children,but nothing to feed them.(但是在那里,他看见了巴基斯坦其他地方的妇女正在经历的事情。一些妇女有11个孩子,但是没有动词喂养他们。)可知,空处句意为:直到那时,她认为她过着艰难的生活。故选D。
    (9)考查代词。A.每件事;B.没有什么;C.某事;D.任何事。根据空前Some women had eleven children,but(一些妇女有11个孩子,但是)及空后 feed them(喂养他们)可知,空处表示"没有什么"。故选B。
    (10)考查名词。A.天;B.小时;C.分钟;D.秒。根据空后every day (每天)可知,空处表示"小时"。故选B。
    (11)考查介词。A.对于;B.和;C.属于;D.作为。根据空前 Shameem found that the position was more than just a job(Shameem发现这个职位不仅仅是一份工作)及空后her(她)可知,空处表示"对于"。故选A。
    (12)考查形容词。A.更少的,修饰不可数名词;B.更大的;C.更少的,修饰可数名词复数;D.更多的。根据上文By setting an example(通过树立榜样)可知,空处句意为:她的经历将鼓励更多的人懂得教育的重要性并且送他们的女儿去上学。故选D。
    (13)考查名词。A.教育;B.交流;C.介绍;D.人口。根据空后send their daughters to school(送他们的女儿去上学)可知,空处表示"教育"。故选A。
    (14)考查数词。A.第一;B.第三;C.第五;D.第八。根据上文Now,Shameem teaches in a rural school in her area.(现在,Shameem在她所在地区的一所农村学校任教。)可知,空处句意为:我走进学校的第一天。故选A。
    (15)考查介词。A.在……之后;B.在……上;C.在;D.通过。根据空后looking back(回头看)结合选项,可知空处使用at。look back at sb回头看某人。句意:我看见所有的这些小Shameems 回头看着我,她们的眼里带着梦想。故选C。
    12.(6分)My neighbor,Mr.Black,is seventy years old.He always complains(抱怨) about how fast things have changed,and often says that life used to be better than nowadays.
    Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or more cars so parking is becoming a big problem.The traffic in some cities is getting worse and worse,too.Car drivers drive so fast that there are more traffic accidents.Yesterday Mr.Black's old friend was hit by a car and died.He is very sad now.
    Most families own computers now.A study found that children use the Internet more and more.In the past three years,the number of children using the Internet has tripled(增加三倍).Mr.Black's grandson is a high school student.He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet.He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spends less time doing homework.His English teacher told Mr.Black that his grandson failed another test.Mr.Black got very angry with him.
    Mr.Black thinks that life used to be simple and happy,but now it has changed a lot.

    (1)Who was hit by a car?  A 
    A.Mr.Black's friend.
    C.Mr.Black's grandson.
    D.The English teacher.
    (2)Mr.Black thinks that life is  B .
    A.more comfortable
    B.worse than it used to be
    C.the same as it used to be
    D.better than it used to be
    (3)What changes have taken place according to the text?  D 
    ①There are lights at home.
    ②Lots of families own computers.
    ③Some families have two or more cars.
    ④There is less room for parking.
    (4)From the text we can infer(推测) that  C .
    A.Mr.Black likes today's life more than that of the old days
    B.Mr.Black's grandson is not interested in the Internet
    C.Mr.Black is worried about his grandson
    D.Mr.Black is a teacher in a school
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Yesterday Mr.Black's old friend was hit by a car and died.(昨天布莱克先生的老朋友被车撞死了。)可知,布莱克先生的老朋友被车撞了。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第一段My neighbor,Mr.Black,is seventy years old.He always complains about how fast things have changed,and often says that life used to be better than nowadays.(我的邻居布莱克先生70岁了。他总是抱怨事情变化有多快,经常说生活过去比现在好。)可推理出,布莱克先生认为生活比过去更糟。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第二段Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or more cars,so parking is becoming a big problem.(现在城市里到处都是汽车。有些家庭甚至有两辆或两辆以上的车,所以停车成为一个大问题。)和第三段Most families own computers now.(现在大多数家庭都有电脑。)可知,发生的变化是:许多家庭拥有电脑。有些家庭有两辆或更多的车。停车的地方少了。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据Mr.Black's grandson is a high school student.He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet.He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spends less time doing homework.His English teacher told Mr.Black that his grandson failed another test.Mr.Black got very angry with him.(布莱克先生的孙子是一名高中生。他经常熬夜在网上玩电脑游戏。他一大早就睡着了,花更少的时间做作业。他的英语老师告诉布莱克先生,他的孙子又一次考试不及格。布莱克先生对他非常生气。)可推理出,布莱克先生很担心他的孙子。故选C。
    13.(6分)I'm Peter.If I can travel to the future for one day,I want to see the children there,make friends with them and learn more about the future life.
    I think houses in the future will look like a honeycomb(蜂窝状) many people will live in a building.There will not be any washing machines in the flats(公寓) because everyone will have a robot to help do all the housework.There will not be kitchens because people don't have food for their three meals.They take tablets(药片) instead.This can save much time.People will have more time to play with friends and do sports.
    The children in the future will study at home but they can talk to their classmates and teachers on the Internet.They can see each other's faces,too.If they miss their friends,they can take a flying car and visit them.It will just take a short moment to go there.
    I really wonder what people's life will be like in the future.It must be more wonderful.

    (1)What does Peter think everyone will have in his home?  D 
    A.A washing machine.
    B.A kitchen.
    C.A honeycomb.
    D.A robot.
    (2)What opinion does the author probably hold?  A 
    A.People's life will be better in the future.
    B.Making friends is difficult in the future.
    C.We should work harder for our dream.
    D.Internet is very useful now.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE about the children in the future according to the text?  B 
    A.They will not have classmates or teachers.
    B.They will spend a few minutes getting to their friends homes.
    C.They cannot see their friends.
    D.They will have to go to school to study.
    (4)According to the text,the people in the future will travel around  C .
    A.by bus
    B.by robot
    C.by flying car
    D.by train
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据There will not be any washing machines in the flats(公寓) because everyone will have a robot to help do all the housework.(公寓里不会有洗衣机,因为每个人都会有一个机器人来帮助做所有的家务。)可知皮特认为每个人家里都会有一个机器人。故选:D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据I really wonder what people's life will be like in the future.It must be more wonderful.(我真的很想知道人们未来的生活会是什么样子。它一定更精彩。)及全文的介绍,可以判断出,作者认为未来人们的生活会更好。故选:A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据It will just take a short moment to go there.(去那里只需要很短的时间。)可知,他们会花几分钟的时间去朋友家。故选:B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据If they miss their friends,they can take a flying car and visit them.(如果他们想念他们的朋友,他们可以乘飞行汽车去拜访他们。)可以判断出,未来人们的交通工具是飞行汽车。故选:C。
    14.(6分)At some point in our childhood,many of us visited a beach.And we have probably all done this:collect a beautiful conch shell(海螺壳) and hold it to our ear.Did you hear that whooshing sound(嗖嗖声)like waves' sound?
    As little kids,we probably thought that was the sound of the ocean.Some people believe that the conch shells carry the sound of the waves for a long time.This is why we can hear the whooshing sound even when we're far away from the ocean.However,you can easily tell this is not true.Try putting your palm(手掌) or an empty cup over your ear,and you will hear a similar sound.
    Some people believe in a theory(可能的解释):The air flowing into and out of the conch shell creates the whooshing noise.To test this idea,scientists took some conch shells into a completely soundproof(隔音的) room.Sound was prevented from entering or leaving this room.People inside of the room weren't able to hear any of the noises from outside.However the space itself still had air flowing around inside of it.So did the conch shells produce a whooshing sound in this room?According to the results of the experiment,they didn't Therefore,the theory was wrong.
    So,why exactly do we hear that whooshing sound?Can you guess the answer from the above experiment?Yes,the secret actually lies in the noises in the environment.There're always lots of sounds around us,from small whispers(耳语声) to loud speakers.We usually don't pay attention to the background noises especially if they are very low.
    The conch shell as well as your palm and cup acts like a resonant cavity(共振的腔体).When the noises in the environment hit the walls of the cavity,they get reflected back and forth(来回反射) many times.This makes these noises sound louder to us.The result is something similar to the sound of ocean wave.Depending on the shape and size of the cavity,different sounds can be produced.Do a shell your palm and your cup each produce different sounds?Do a small experiment and find out!

    (1)What does the underlined word"tell"mean in English?  C 
    A.Think about.
    B.Keep a secret.
    C.Make sure.
    D.Have a discussion.
    (2)Scientists took some conch shells into a completely soundproof room in order to see  B .
    A.find out were far away from the ocean
    B.prevent sound from entering or leaving this room
    C.make some noises that people weren't able to hear
    D.blow the air out of the conch shell to make the whooshing sound
    (3)We can hear the whooshing sound in the conch shell because of  A .
    A.the walls of the cavity
    B.a small whisper
    C.wrong environment
    D.the result from an experiment
    (4)Which of the following is the best title for the text?  B 
    A.Conch shells,your loud speakers!
    B.Shh…Listen to the"Waves"!
    C.Say goodbye,ocean and sea's sound!
    D.Hi,clap your hands together!
    【解答】(1)词义猜测题。根据第二段However,you can easily tell this is not true.Try putting your palm or an empty cup over your ear,and you will hear a similar sound.(然而,你很容易tell这不是真的。试着把你的手掌或一个空杯子放在你的耳朵上,你会听到类似的声音。)结合选项可知,tell是"确认"的意思,与make sure意思相同。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段To test this idea,scientists took some conch shells into a completely soundproof room.Sound was prevented from entering or leaving this room.(为了验证这个想法,科学家们将一些海螺壳带入了一个完全隔音的房间。声音被阻止进入或离开这个房间。)可知,科学家们把一些海螺壳带进完全隔音的房间,目的就是禁止外界的声音进出这个房间。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段The conch shell as well as your palm and cup acts like a resonant cavity.(海螺壳以及你的手掌和杯子就像一个共振的腔体。)可知,海螺壳以及手掌和杯子就像一个共振的腔体,这样才使得我们能听到海螺壳发出的嗖嗖声。故选A。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段At some point in our childhood,many of us visited a beach.And we have probably all done this:collect a beautiful conch shell and hold it to our ear.Did you hear that whooshing sound like waves' sound?(在我们童年的某个时候,我们中的许多人都去过海滩。我们可能都做过这样的事:收集一个美丽的海螺壳,放在我们耳边。你听到像海浪一样的声音了吗?)结合全文内容,主要介绍了海螺壳对着耳朵,可以听到嗖嗖的海浪般的声音,以及为我们探寻出这声音真正形成的原因。可知,B项,"嘘…听海浪!"符合题意。故选B。

    Welcome to our company,Kids' Future!We are the professionals(专家)!We build stars!We help your kids take part in talent shows at an early age!
    •We have a modern studio for children to perform their talents,like singing,dancing or even modeling.
    •A team of famous directors can help the kids learn to perform better.
    •The luckiness ones can even win a chance to appear on TV!
    Contact us :by making a phone call to
    600﹣898﹣0123 on weekdays
    700﹣054﹣0366 at the weekend
    (1)What is the name of the company?  Kids' Future. 
    (2)How is the studio?  Modern. 
    (3)Who can help the children learn to perform better?  A team of famous directors. 
    (4)Where can kids win a chance to appear?  On TV. 
    (5)When should you make a phone call to 700﹣054﹣0366?  At the weekend. 
    (1)根据Welcome to our company,Kids' Future!(欢迎来到我们公司,孩子们的未来!)可知,公司的名字是Kids Future"孩子未来"。故填Kids' Future.
    (2)根据We have a modern studio for children to perform their talents,like singing,dancing or even modeling.(我们有一个现代化的工作室,让孩子们表演他们的才能,比如唱歌、跳舞甚至是模拟。)可知,演播室是非常现代的。故填Modern.
    (3)根据A team of famous directors can help the kids learn to perform better.(由著名导演组成的团队可以帮助孩子们学习更好的表现。)可知,由著名导演组成的团队可以帮助孩子们学会更好的表演,故填A team of famous directors.
    (4)根据The luckiest ones can even win a chance to appear on TV!(运气好的人甚至可以赢得出现在电视上的机会!)可知,幸运的人甚至可以赢得一个上电视的机会。故填On TV.
    (5)根据700﹣054﹣0366 at the weekend.(周末700﹣054﹣0366。)可知,700﹣054﹣0366这个电话号码是在周末时候拔打的。故填At the weekend.
    五、阅读填空 阅读短文。然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
    16.(7分)These days talent shows are getting more and more popular.Most young people like Super Brain(《最强大脑》) shown on Jiangsu TV.It (1) started (start) to be on shown in January,2014.It encourages teenagers (2) to find (find) their own special talent.Many extraordinarily(非凡地) talented people can be (3) seen (see) on it from time to time.No matter who you are how old you are and even where you are from you can take part in it.It's really an exciting and attractive program.It's well worth watching.You can (4) easily (easy) find many talented people here.Sometimes you can't believe your own (5) eyes (eye) while you are watching.You can't imagine how they can have such unbelievable abilities.Not only the production team but also its host is (6) unusual  (usual).So far they have made more great shows for us.I believe this great scientific show will become more and more (7) successful (success) in the future.Do you have any interest in taking part in it if you are allowed to?
    (2)考查不定式。根据句意,它鼓励青少年发现自己的特殊才能。encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。故答案为:to find。
    (3)考查动词。根据句意,很多才华横溢的人可以在上面看到。can be seen能被看到,情态动词的被动语态。故答案为:seen。
    17.(10分)Here is another short story by O.Henry.
    Soapy was a homeless man looking for somewhere to stay during the winter.He was thinking about doing something bad so the police would send him (A)_____ prison.
    First,he planned to eat in a restaurant (B)______ paying,but the waiter looked at his clothes and would not let him in.Then he broke a store window and waited for the police.When a police officer (C)arrived at the store,he did not believe Soapy did it because Soapy did not run away.
    Then Soapy passed by a church,and heard people singing.Soapy was moved. (D)He decided to become a good man.
    Just then,he felt a hand on his shoulder.
    "(E)你在这里做什么?"asked a police officer."Nothing," (F)replied Soapy.
    "Then come along." said the officer.
    "Three months in prison." said the judge the next morning.

    (1)在文中(A)和(B)的空白处填人适当的单词:  to ;  without 
    (2)写出文中画线部分(C)和(F)的同义词或近义词:  reached ;  answered 
    (3)将文中画线部分(D)改写为:He  made  a  decision  to become a good man.
    (4)将文中画线部分(E)译成英语:  What are you doing here? 
    (5)从文中找出表示Soapy在故事中结局的短语:  Three months in prison. 
    (1)根据空前"send him"以及空后"prison"可知,send sb.to…表示把某人送到...;根据上文"He was thinking about doing something bad."(他想做些坏事。)可知,他决定吃饭不给钱,without"不使用",故填to;without
    (3)根据"He decided to become a good man."可知,此句时态是一般过去时,decided to do sth."决定做某事"可以替换为"made decison to do sth."。故填made;decision
    (4)根据文章中的汉语可知,这是警察当时说的话,用正在进行时"be doing"形式表示正在进行的动作和状态,此句是特殊疑问句用what引导,首字母大写。"这里"用"here";故填What are you doing here?
    (5)根据文章最后一句话 "Three months in prison." said the judge the next morning.(第二天早上法官说:"三个月的监禁"。)可知,这是审判对他说的话,显而易见就是Soapy在故事中的结局,故填Three months in prison.
    Get your work done on time
    There was once a man who built his own house.From top to bottom,he designed and built every inch (英寸) of his home. ①In the end,he had a beautiful house of his own.No other house in his neighborhood (邻里) looked like it and many of his neighbors admired it.
    But as time went by, (A)his house had some problems.One day,a neighbor said,"Friend,it looks like your front yard is a bit overgrown."
    ②The man replied,"Yes,I know.But it's okay.I'll cut the grass tomorrow."
    A few days later,a postman came by with a letter for the man.The postman said,"Friend,it looks like your house is a bit dirty."
    The man replied, "Yes,I know.But it's okay.I'll wash it tomorrow.
    (B)几周过去了。Finally,the man's brother came over to pay a visit.He took one look at his brother's house and couldn't believe what he saw.The yard was a mess,the paint on the walls was falling down (C) ______ the windows were covered with dirt(尘土).The house looked like it could fall apart at any second﹣all because the man put everything off until "tomorrow".③
    When we procrastinate(拖延) "tomorrow" can turn into"next week" or even "next rear",it's much better to just take care of things today (D)______ to wait until some imaginary(想象的) "tomorrow" that might not actually come.

    (1)将文中画线部分(A)改写为:  There were some problems in his house.
    (2)将文中画线部分(B)译成英语:  Several weeks passed. 
    (3)在文中(C)和(D)的空白处填入适当的单词:  and ;  than 
    (4)在文中①②③选出能够填入"It took him over a year."的位置:  ① 
    (5)从文中找出两个描述房子的形容词:  beautiful ;  dirty 
    【解答】(1)同义句转换题。根据his house had some problems(他的房子出现了一些问题。)there be表示有,结合had用一般过去时,there be遵循就近原则,some problems复数,故选were,故答案为:There were.
    (2)翻译题。根据came over用一般过去时,pass过去,several weeks几个星期,故答案为:Several weeks passed.
    (3)填空题。根据The yard was a mess,the paint on the walls was falling down (C) ______ the windows were covered with dirt(尘土).(院子里一片狼藉,墙上的油漆掉了下来,窗户上满是灰尘,)表示承接关系,故用and连接;结合better比较级,用介词than"比"。故答案为:and;than.
    (4)推理判断题。根据From top to bottom,he designed and built every inch (英寸) of his home. ①In the end,he had a beautiful house of his own.(从上到下,他设计并建造了他家的每一寸土地。①最后,他有了一座自己的漂亮房子。)It took him over a year,(他花了一年多的时间)放在中间,符合题意。故答案为:①.
    (5)词义理解题。根据he had a beautiful house of his own.(他有了一座自己的漂亮房子。)it looks like your house is a bit dirty.(看起来你的房子有点脏。)可知形容房子的形容词有beautiful和dirty,故答案为:beautiful;dirty.
    all the time are required is used one day turn the dough into
    Mr Chen makes toys from dough.He is over 50 years old now.His hands are rough because he works with dough (1) all the time .
    Mr Chen makes dough toys of different sizes.Only a small piece of dough and some simple tools (2) are required  to make a dough toy.Mr Chen uses his hands to (3) turn the dough into  different characters,for example the Monkey King.Dough of different colours (4) is used  to make the toys more interesting.
    I like Mr Chen's toys because they are very lovely.I hope that (5) one day  I can learn to make dough toys.
    【解答】(1)考查代词短语。根据句意:他的手很粗糙,因为他总是用面团工作。all the time,总是,一直。故填all the time。
    (2)考查动词。根据句意:制作面团玩具只需要一小块面团和一些简单的工具。are required必需的,故填are required。
    (3)考查动词短语。根据句意:陈先生用手把面团变成不同的角色。turn...into变成,故填turn the dough into。
    (4)考查动词。根据句意:不同颜色的面团被用来使玩具更有趣。一般现在时的被动语态,dough做主语要用is+动词ing,故填is used。
    (5)考查名词短语。根据句意:我希望有一天我能学会做面团玩具。one day,一天,指将来的某一天。故填one day。
    1.对传统技艺的描述(从Paper cutting,Chinese knots,Shadow puppet plays中任选一个进行描述,也可不选);
    Dear Tom,
    You asked me about some Chinese traditional skills in your letter.I'm glad to introduce one now.
    Li Hua
    It's such a wonderful art form that I fell in love with it the first time I came across it.这是一种如此美妙的艺术形式,我第一次见到它就爱上了它。
    Firstly,it's a perfect way to train me to be patient and careful.首先,这是训练我耐心和细心的完美方法。it is +形容词+to do sth做某事怎么样。
    【解答】Dear Tom,
    You asked me about some Chinese traditional skills in your letter.I'm glad to introduce one now.(点题)
    Now let me introduce paper cutting. (哪个传统艺术形式)It's a kind of folk art in China,with a history of more than 1,500 years.People cut different pictures of people,animals or plants with knives or scissors on red paper.(对传统技艺的描述)
    Among all the traditional Chinese art forms,my favorite is paper cutting.I've been practicing paper cutting for more than five years.It's such a wonderful art form that I fell in love with it the first time I came across it. 【高分句型一】Firstly,it's a perfect way to train me to be patient and careful. 【高分句型二】Secondly,paper cutting works are great presents for my family and friends on special occasions.(个人观点)
    Paper cutting is part of Chinese culture that all Chinese people should be proud of.And I want to spread it to others.(总结全文)
    Li Hua

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