展开中考英语必背高级写作词第一组 名词1.机会 chance→opportunity2.影响 effect→influence / impact3.后果 result→consequence4.缺点 shortcoming→drawback5.方法 way→approach6.职业 job→career / employment / profession7.老人 old people→the old / the elderly / the aged / senior citizens8.青少年 young people→youngsters / youths第二组 动词及动词短语1.看见 see→catch sight of2.遇见 meet→come across3.拥有 have→possess4.提高 develop / improve→promote5.面对 face→be faced with6.容忍 bear→put up with7.解决 solve→deal with8.决定 decide→determine / make up one's mind9.考虑 consider→take into account / consideration10.应该 should→be supposed to11.理解 understand→make sense of / figure out12.使用 use→employ / make use of / take advantage of13.道歉 apologize→make an apology14.记住 remember→bear / keep in mind15.发生 happen→occur / come about16.想起 occur→think of / come up with17.感谢 thank→appreciate18.帮助某人 help sb →do sb a / the favor19.节省 save→set aside20.参观 visit→tour / pay a visit to21.分发 hand out→distribute22.站起 stand up→get to one's feet23.习惯于 be used to→be accustomed to24.为……做准备 prepare for→make preparations for / be prepared for25.反对 be against→object to26.忙于 be busy in (with)→be occupied in (with) / be buried in / be engaged in27.感到舒心 feel comfortable→feel at ease28.美化学校 make our school beautiful→beautify our school29.置若罔闻 refuse to listen to→turn a deaf ear to30.成功做某事 succeed in doing sth →make it31.想做某事 want to do sth →seek / intend / desire to do sth32.尽力做某事 try one's best to do sth →spare no effort to do sth33.向某人寻求帮助 ask someone for help→turn to sb for help34.我认为 I think→in my opinion / as far as I'm concerned第三组 形容词1.令人惊奇的 surprising→amazing / astonishing / shocking2.贫穷的 poor→needy / poverty-stricken3.优秀的 excellent→outstanding4.明显的 obvious→apparent / evident5.常见的 common→universal6.可用的 useful→available7.艰难的 difficult→challenging8.重要的 important→significant9.不可能的 impossible→out of the question10.幸运的 lucky→fortunate11.古老的 old→ancient12.唯一的 only→unique13.全部的 whole→entire14.富裕的 rich→wealthy 第四组 其他 (副词 连词 介词短语 数词)1.突然 suddenly→all of a sudden2.立即 immediately→in a flash3.有时 sometimes→once in a while / from time to time4.另外; 况且 besides→in addition / what's more / moreover5.因此 so→therefore6.第一 first→to begin / start with7.第二 second→in addition / what's more8.最终 finally→eventually9.但是 but→however10.大多数 most→the majority11.许多 a lot of→amount of / endless12.种类繁多的 all kinds of→a variety of / varieties of / various13.事实上 in fact→as a matter of fact / actually14.例如 for example→for instance15.几天前 a few days ago→the other day16.故意 on purpose→deliberately / by design17.因为 because of→on account of / due to / owing to / thanks to18.总之 in a word→to sum up / in conclusion / in summary19.由……构成 be made up of→consist of20.越来越多 more and more→an increasing number of21.因为 because→in that22.一……就…… on/upon+名词→as soon as从句23.如果 if→suppose / supposing / on condition that24.即将到来 coming soon→ (just) around / round the corner