必修第3册 Unit 4-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019)
必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration
astronaut, procedure, metal, centimeter, intelligent, rocket, gravity, frontier, vehicle, universe, satellite, launch, orbit, mankind, agency, transmit, data, disappointed, on board, independent, signal, determined, giant, leap, ongoing, independently, spacecraft, jade, spacewalk, dock, in the hope of doing sth., so as to do sth., recycle, muscle, otherwise, beyond, solar system, current, figure out, sufficient, towel, tissue, facility, globe, argument, shallow, pattern, as a result, monitor, regular, resource, limited, in closing, oxygen, Float, soap, microwave, keen, fatal, analysis, high-end, regularly, foam, pillow, smartphone, closing, mystery
mental adj.思想的,精神的,思考的,智力的,精神病治疗的,精神健康的;疯狂,发疯
àmentally adv.精神上,智力上,思想上
mentality n.心态,思想状态,思想方法
intelligent adj. 有才智的,聪明的,(动物、生物等)有智力的,有理解和学习能力的
àintelligently adv.
intelligence n.智力,才智,智慧;(尤指敌对国家的)情报,信息,情报人员
astronaut n.宇航员,航天员
àastronomer n.天文学家
astronomy n.天文学
(II)universe n.宇宙,天地万物;(已知宇宙之外的)宇宙;(某种)经验体系
àastronomical adj.天文的,天文学的;(数量、价格等)极其巨大的
universally adv.全体地,一致地,共同地;到处,随时随地,在各种情况下
universality n.
determine v.查明,测定,准确算出;决定,形成,支配,影响;确定,裁决,安排;决心(做某事)
àdetermined adj.决心,决定,决意;坚决的,果断的,坚定的
determinedly adv.
determiner n.(语法)限定词(det.)
determination n. 决心,果断,坚定;(正式)决定;确定,规定;查明,测定,计算
determinism n.决定论(及个性或行为均由出身、环境等因素决定,个人不能自由选择)
giant n.巨人,巨兽,巨型指物;大公司,强大的组织;伟人,卓越人物 Adj.巨大的,特大的
àgiantess n.女巨人
agency n.服务机构,(尤指)代理机构,经销机构;(政府的)专门机构
àagent n.(企业、政治的)代理人,经纪人;(演员、音乐家、作家等的)代理人;原动力,动因(指对事态起重要作用的人、事物;(术语)(化学)剂
transmit v.传送,输送;发射,播放;传染,传播;(术语)传(热、声音等)
àtransmitter n.(尤指无线电或电视信号的)发射机,发射台,发报台;传送者,传输者,传播者,传染媒介
transmission n.传达,传递,传送,传播;传染;(电子信息、信号或广播、电视节目的)播送,发射,发送,传输;(电台或电视)信息,广播;(机动车的)传送装置,变速器
desire n.愿望,欲望,渴望;想望的人,渴望是事物 vt.(不用于进行)渴望,期望,想望
àdesirable adj. 想望的,可取的;值得拥有的,值得做的
desirability n.
desirous adj.渴望,想望,希望
disappoint v.使失望,使破灭,使落空
àdisappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的,示意的
disappointing adj.令人失望的,令人沮丧的,令人扫兴的
disappointingly adv.
disappointment n.失望,沮丧,扫兴,使人失望的人(或事物)
depend v.依靠,依赖;由……决定,受……影响,取决于
àdependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的
dependability n.
dependent adj.受抚养者(尤指孩子);靠他人生活者
dependence n.(生存或成功必需的)依靠,依赖;附属国,附属地
dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的;有瘾的;受……的影响,取决于
dependence n.(国家)独立;自主,自立
independent adj.独立的,自主的,自治的;不相干的人所做的(或提供的);公正的,无偏见的;不相关的,不受影响的,无关联的;私营的;有主见的;自主的,自食其力的;无党派的,独立的 n.无党派议员(或候选人等)
independently adv.
current adj.现时发生的,当前的,现在的;通用的,流通的,流行的 n.(海洋或江河的)水流,潮流,气流,电流;思潮,潮流,趋向
àcurrently adv.现时,目前,当前,时下
currency n.通货,货币;通用,流行,流传
sufficient adj.足够的,充足的
àsufficiently adv.
sufficiency n.足量,充足
insufficient adj.不充分的,不足的,不够重要的
insufficiently adv.
insufficiency n.
argue v.争论,争吵,争辩,论证
àargument n.争吵,争论,争辩,辩论;论据,理由,论点
argumentative adj.好争论的,爱辩论的
arguable adj.可论证的,可论据的;可疑的,无把握的
arguably adv.(常用于形容词比较级或最高级前)可论证地,按理
fatal adj.致命的;灾难性的,毁灭性的,导致失败的
àfatally adv.
fatalism n.宿命论
fatalist n.宿命论者
fatalistic n.宿命论的,听天由命的
fatalistically adv.
fatality n.(事故、战争中的)死亡;(疾病的)致命性;宿命,听天由命
analysis n.(对事物、物质的)分析,分析结果(复数形式analses)
àanalyse v.分析
analyst n.分析者;化验者
analytical adj.分析的,解析的,分析性的;(科学的)分析
analytically adv.
regular adj.规则的,有规律的,间隙均匀的,定时的;频繁的,经常做(或发生的);(人)经常做某事的,常去某地的;通常的,平常的,惯常的;匀称的,均匀的,整齐的;持久的,稳定的,固定的;标准尺寸的,中等大小的,中号的;普通的,平凡的;常备军的,正规军的;规则的,按规则变化的;完全的,彻底的;n.老主顾,常客;主力(或正式队员);(电视节目的)老主持人,经常参加某项活动的人
àregularly adv.有规律地,正常地,间隙均匀地;经常;均匀地,匀称地
regularity n.规律性,经常性;匀称,有规则的分布;有规则的东西,有规律的事物
regularize v.使合法化,使正式存在
limit n.限度,限制;极限,限量,限额;(地区或地方的)境界,界限,范围 v.限制,限定,限量
àlimitation n.限制,控制,局限,限度;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)
limited adj.有限的,受(……的)限制
limiting adj.限制性的
limitless adj.无限制的,无限度的,无界限的,无止境的
mystery n.神秘的事物,不可理解的事,奥秘;(常用作形容词)神秘的人(或物);陌生而有趣的人(或物);神秘,不可思议;疑案小说(或电影、戏剧);秘密的宗教仪式,秘密知识;(宗教信仰的)奥义
àmysterious adj.神秘的,奇怪的,不易解释的;(尤指人)神秘的,陌生的;(人)诡秘的,故弄玄虚的
mysteriously adv.
attach v.把……固定,把……附(在……上);认为……有重要性(或意义、价值、分量等);重视;(有时不受欢迎或未收邀请而)参加,和……在一起;(使)与……有联系,与……有关联
àattached adj.依恋,爱慕;附属于,为……工作,所附的
attachment n.依恋,爱慕;信念,信仰,忠诚,拥护;(机器的)附加物,附加装置,配件;连接(物);暂时隶属于(某医院、学校、部队等);短期在……工作;(用电子邮件发送的)附件
1. determine
2. carry 短语
3. desire
4. launch
5. argue
6. result 短语
7. provide
8. run 短语
9. attach
1. (P.40) ______ (look) up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers. They make vehicles to carry brave people into space ______ (find) out the secrets of the universe.
2. (P.40) Before the mid-20th century, most people felt ______ (travel) into space was an impossible dream.
3. (P.40) Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, ______ (fame) saying, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” ______ (follow) this, many more goals were achieved.
4. (P.41) It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, ______ (provide) a ______ (continue) human presence in space.
5. (P.41) China’s space programme started later than ______ of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to ______ (depend) send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei ______ (succeed) orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then sehnzhou 6 and 7 completed a second ______ (man) orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, ______ (follow) by the vehicle Jade Rabbit ______ (send) to the moon to study its surface.
6. (P.44) After careful ______ (analyse), the scientists can provide useful ______ (recommend) and advice for farmers. As a result, space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough good ______ (feed) Earth’s increasing population.
7. (P.44) In order to provide for such a ______ (rapid) increasing population, scientists are trying to find other planets that could one day be our new home.
8. (P.44) In closing, exploring space provides the world ______ many different benefits.
1 Looking; to find 2 travelling 3 famously; Following 4 providing; continuous 5 those; independently; successfully; manned; followed; being sent 6 analysis; to feed 7 rapidly 8 with
meet/satisfy one’s requirements
require doing/to be done
require sb. to do sth.
require that … (should) do sth。
be curious to do sth.
in/with curiosity
be related to
relate … to/with …
relate to
in/with relation to
be determined to do sht.
be determined that …
determine to do sth.
determine on/upon (doing) sth.
be disappointed at/with/about sth.
be disappointed in sb.
be disappointed that …
be disappointed to see/hear/find …
have a strong desire to do sth./.for sth.
desire to do sth.
desire sb. to do sth.
desire that … (should) do sth.
carry on (with sth.)/ carry on doing sth.
继续做某事(相当于go on with sth.)
carry out
carry off
carry through
be independent of
be dependent on
signal (to) sb. to do sth.
signal (sb.) that
signal sth. to sth.
be due to do sth.
(be) due to sb.
for/through lack of …
be lacking in
or otherwise
figure out
figure on
as a result of
as a result
result in
result from
be limited to
beyond/over the limit
set a limit to
limit … to …
to the limit
1. This is because …这是因为……
2. This/That is why … ……的原因是……
(七)语法 动词不定式作定语和状语
l 离我们的日常生活太遥远
l 浪费金钱,这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染等问题。
l 卫星已用来进行通讯、天气预报,使我们生活更方便了。
l 有望解决地球能源短缺等问题。
Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.
30% of us think it is not worthwhile. They think it is too far from our daily life and that it wastes money, which can be used to solve some problems, such as starvation and pollution. However, 70% think space is worthy of exploration. Satellites have been used for communication as well as weather forecasts, which makes our life more convenient. Besides, the problem of energy shortages may be solved.
As far as I’m concerned, space exploration is necessary and worthwhile.
词句基础巩固练习·必修第三册 ·Unit 4 Space Exploration
1. They collect blood samples for analysis at a national laboratory.
2. The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
3. No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations are still ongoing.
4. The children had great fun watching monkeys leaping from tree to tree.
5. The spacecraft is set to throw new light on a dark corner of the solar system.
6. That was the third Chinese manned space mission, but the first time Chinese astronauts perform a spacewalk.
7. To kill time, Mary spent the afternoon floating on her back in the pool.
8. The Sun and all the planet move around the solar system.
9. A hospital spokesman said the Prime Minister had suffered a fatal heart attack.
10. The chairman is keen that the company should expand its product range.
1 分析 2 传输 3 仍在进行的 4 跳跃 5 宇宙飞船 6 太空行走 7 漂浮 8 太阳的 9 致命的 10 渴望的
1. Our feelings of well-being at any moment are ______ (决定) to a certain degree by genes.
2. The ceremony was transmitted live by ______ (卫星) to over fifty countries.
3. The research l______ solid evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.
4. Can you tell the pupils why ships are able to f______ on the sea?
5. We lost our way in that small village. O______ we would have visited more places of interest.
6. I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed b______ recognition.
7. Only when agriculture is fully developed can industry have ______ (足够的) materials and markets.
8. Something must be done to change our ______ (当前的) examination system.
9. Keeping your ______ (肌肉) strong helps you to avoid back problems.
10. We’re planning to travel around the g______ sometime next year.
11. The main ______ (争论) about nuclear energy is that it isn’t safe.
12. Research in this area is not enough to make generalized ______ (模式).
13. The pressure maintained in the water main is two kilograms per square ______ (厘米)。
14. He is being constantly ______ (监视) with regular checks on his blood pressure.
15. We must protect the present water ______ (资源) and explore potential ones scientifically.
1 determined 2 satellite 3 lacks 4 float 5 Otherwise 6 beyond 7 sufficient 8 current 9 muscles 10 globe 11 argument 12 patterns 13 centimeter 14 monitored 15 resources
三、单句语法填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
1. To become an astronaut in China, you have to have 1, 350 hours of ______ (fly) experience.
2. It has been proved that mental health is related ______ physical health.
3. ______ (learn) more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.
4. While ______ (intelligence) people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.
5. We used to see each other ______ (regular), but I haven’t heard from him since last year.
6. When I opened my book, I found a beautiful card ______ (attach) to the first page, giving me best wishes.
7. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together ______ (share) a meal, admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes.
8. Do you know who is the first astronaut I the world ______ (go) into space?
9. The professor was delighted to find that two thirds of the project had been finished by the students ______ (independent).
10. The police began to pay attention to the ______ (mystery) disappearance of the girl.
11. Personally, if you don’t use computers ______ (proper), something uncomfortable will happen.
12. From the earliest ages, they desire ______ (help) others and participate in achieving common goals.
13. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very ______ (disappoint).
14. Johnny ran outside, determined never ______ (go) to another dance.
15. They may only have a ______ (limit) amount of time to get their points across.
1 flying 2 to 3 To learn 4 intelligent 5 regularly 6 attached 7 to share 8 to go 9 independently 10 mysterious 11 properly 12 to help 13 disappointed 14 to go 15 limited
graduate from on board be curious about carry on
result in provide … for… in closing run out
in the hope of dong sth. give up figure out so as to
1. In high school, I ____________ the computer, and built my first website.
2. When I ____________ college, I made up my mind to make a journey to Tibet.
3. The captain refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others ____________.
4. Mary and her sister have ____________ the family tradition of giving away plants.
5. Have you ____________ why she didn’t invite you to her birthday party?
6. Doctors examine their patients thoroughly ____________ make a correct diagnosis.
7. Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that ____________ big benefits.
8. Many animal welfare originations ____________ care and adoption services ____________ homeless animals.
9. ____________, I want to thank all our sponsors and supporters for what they have done for us.
10. It is necessary to find a new home for people in space, as the resources of Earth will ____________.
1 was curious about 2 graduated from 3 on board 4 carried out 5 figured out 6 so as to 7 results in 8 provide; for 9 In closing 10 run out
1. 我们的英语老师每天早晨总是第一个到达学校。
Our English teacher is always the first ________________________________.
2. 我的朋友假期努力训练,以便第一次尝试就能通过驾考。
My friend practiced hard during the holiday ________________________________.
3. 你在英语方面取得了很大的进步,这是因为你改进了学习方法。
You have made great progress in English, ________________________________.
4. 那位老师在讲故事,几个可爱的孩子围在身边。
The teacher was telling a story, ________________________________.
5. 为了帮助学生更好地学习语文,我们学校已决定为你们的汉语班捐赠一些图书。
________________________________, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.
1 to get school every morning
2 so as to pass the driving test at the first attempt
3 This is because you have improved your studying methods
4 surrounded by several lovely kids
5 To help the students to learn Chinese better
必修第三册 · 语法基础巩固练习 ·Unit 4 -to do不定式
I 单句语法填空
1. The kind woman is easy ______ (get) along with and we all like her.
2. Her words made me ______ (feel) like I was a cheat.
3. Why not ______ (have) a talk with your father and tell him the truth?
4. I’m sorry ______ (keep) you waiting there for such a long time.
5. Her work is ______ (take) good care of these poor children.
6. When summer comes, they will invite their students ______ (pick) the fresh vegetables.
7. He would ask who we were and pretend ______ (not, know) us.
8. He will be asked ______ (help) you tomorrow.
9. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ______ (stop) until we reached the nest stop.
10. After school we went to the reading room to do some reading, only ______ (tell) that it was being decorated.
11. While I tend ______ (buy) a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning I attach to them.
12. But remember, it’s you that have ______ (grow) and read and reread in order to better understand your friends.
13. In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced race ______ (learn) proper technique, she says.
14. We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants ______ (replace) functions of the things that we use every day.
15. The technology, Strano said, could one day be used ______ (light) the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.
16. A housewarming party is a special party ______ (hold) when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house.
17. Jennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student ______ (pursue) her goal of earning a nursing degree.
18. She decided to go back to college ______ (advance) her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing.
1 to get 2 feel 3 have 4 to have kept 5 to take 6 to pick 7 not to know 8 to help 9 to stop 10 to be told 11 to buy 12 to grow 13 to learn 14 to replace 15 to light 16 to be held 18 to advance
II 语篇语法填空
This year’s top award in architecture goes to Balkrishna Doshi. This is the first time for an Indian (1) ______ (win) in the 40-year history of the award, known (2) ______ (be) the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Some compare the award (3) ______ the Nobel Prize.
Doshi was born in 1927 in the city of Pune. He studied architecture in Mumbai and was the first director of Ahmadabad’s School and Planning, now (4) ______ (name) CEPT University. He founded his own company in 1956, and lives and works in Ahmadabad.
Doshi is known to be (5) ______ architect, city planner, and educator. And he is famous for designing low-cost housing. Doshi said his life’s aim has been (6) ______ (help) “the have-nots, the people who have nothing.”
He called the prize an honor both for (7) ______ (he) and for India. The Hyatt Foundation, (8) ______ sponsors the Pritzker Architecture Prize, called Doshi’s work “poetic and functional”. It noted the Doshi’s buildings both respect (9) ______ (tradition) culture and improve the quality of life in India.
“My work is the story of my life. I am always moving forward, changing and searching (10) ______ (look) at life beyond architecture,” Doshi said in the award announcement. Doshi will be given the $100, 000 prize in May at a ceremony in Toronto, Canada.
1 to win 2 to be 3 to 4 named 5 an 6 to help 7 himself 8 which 9 traditional 10 to look
必修第3册 Unit 2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019): 这是一份必修第3册 Unit 2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共14页。
必修第2册 Unit 5-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019): 这是一份必修第2册 Unit 5-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共12页。学案主要包含了听力填空,单词拼写,单句语法填空,选词填空,英汉互译等内容,欢迎下载使用。
必修第2册 Unit 4-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019): 这是一份必修第2册 Unit 4-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共12页。学案主要包含了写作提示等内容,欢迎下载使用。