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    sacrifice v.&n. 牺牲
    saying cn. 俗话,谚语
    scenery un. 景色,风景
    schedule n. 时间表,时刻表
    v. 安排
    seldom adv. 很少,不常
    similar n. 相似的
    sincere adj. 真诚的
    stature n. 名誉,声望,身材
    statue n. 雕像,塑像
    struggle v.&n. 挣扎,斗争,奋斗
    sad n. sadness
    safe n. safety
    adv. safely
    sail 航行n. sailor 水手
    sale n. salesman 男售货员 pl. salesmen
    n. saleswoman 女售货 pl. saleswomen
    salt adj. salty
    sand adj. sandy 含沙的
    satisfy n. satisfaction
    adj. satisfied 感到满意的
    adj. satisfying 令人满意的
    save n. saving 节约
    scare adj. scared 感到害怕的
    adj. scary 令人害怕的
    scarf pl. scarves
    scholar n. scholarship 奖学金
    science adj. scientific
    n. scientist 科学家
    scientific adv. scientifically
    secure n. security
    select n. selection
    self adj. selfish 自私的
    adj. selfless 无私的
    sense adj. sensible 合理的,明智的
    adj. sensitive 体贴的,敏感的,灵敏的
    serve n. service 服务
    n. servant 仆人,佣人
    severe n. severity 严重性
    shame adj. ashamed 感到羞愧的
    adj. shameful 可耻的
    sharp vt. sharpen
    shelf 架子 pl. shelves
    shock adj. shocking 令人震惊的
    adj. shocked 感到震惊的
    shop n. shopping 购物
    short vt. shorten
    adv. shortly 不久,很快
    n. shortage 短缺,不足
    shy n. shyness
    sick n. sickness
    significant n. significance
    silence adj. silent
    similar n. similarity
    simple adv. simply
    v. simplify
    sincere adv. sincerely
    skill adj. skilful\skillful\skilled
    slave n. slavery (奴隶制)
    sleep adj. sleepy 困倦的,瞌睡的
    sleeve pl. sleeves 袖子
    slim slimmer 比较级 slimmest 最高级
    smoke n. smoker
    snow adj. snowy
    social n. society 社会
    n. socialism 社会主义
    speak n. speaker 演讲人
    adj. spoken 口头的
    n. spokesman 发言人
    n. spokeswoman 女发言人
    special n. specialist 专家
    spell n. spelling 拼写
    spirit adj. spiritual
    state n. statement 声明,陈述
    starve n. starvation
    storm adj. stormy 暴风雨的,波涛汹涌的
    strange n. stranger
    strong n. strength
    adj. strengthen
    stress adj. stressed 感到紧张的
    adj. stressful 令人紧张/有压力的
    subject adj. subjective 主观的
    succeed n. success
    adj. successful
    suffer n. suffering
    suggest n. suggestion
    suit adj. suitable
    sun adj. sunny
    surround adj. surrounding 周围的
    n. surroundings 周围环境
    survive n. survival 幸存
    n. survivor 幸存者
    system adj. systematic
    sympathy adj. sympathetic
    1. satisfy (熟义:使满意) 生义:v. 满足要求或需要 Satisfy /feed one’s curiosity 满足好奇心
    The cold water satisfied our thirst.我们喝了凉水就不口渴了。
    She satisfied her hunger with an apple.
    2. save 熟义:挽救, .解救 生义:节省, 储蓄; 保存, 保全,保留,免除,避免
    save me much trouble 免去我很多麻烦
      saved the tourist from being cheated使旅游者免于受骗
    3. seat 熟义:座, 座位(n) 生义:使就座 ;(屋子)可容纳若干人; The big table can seat 20 guests.
    The hall can only seat less than 100 people.这个大厅可容纳一百人
    seat oneself ; be seated ; find sb. seated at the back of the room;the people seated in the front
    注意seat 的用法,该词为及物动词。考试说明中有要求掌握:be seated。
    4. seek 熟义:寻找,寻求(常与for/ after 连用) 生义:企图,试图;图谋求得 ;请求,征求
    I will seek my doctor's advice.我将请教医生的意见。
    seek shelter from rain寻找避雨的地方
    seeking information; 查询信息
    He sought to make peace.他企图讲和。注意seek 的过去式和过去分词 sought;
    seek to do good.试图行善seek help求助
    5. sense 熟义:官能, 感觉,
    生义:意义(n) in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说
    There is a lot of sense in what he says.他的话颇有道理。
    make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理
    make sense of理解;懂;明白
    He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome.他觉得他的建议不受欢迎。
    The dog sensed that I was afraid.这只狗感觉到我害怕了。
    Sense the danger察觉到危险
    ……感 a high sense of responsibility 高度的责任感
    6. sentence 熟义:句子 生义:判决, 宣判(v / n);刑罚(n)
    sentence sb.to death判处某人死刑sentence sb.to 5 years in prison判处某人5年徒刑serve one's sentence服刑
    7. serve 熟义:服务(vt), 服役(vi)
    生义:1.提供,准备(如食物): serve breakfast供应早餐
    2.可做;适于 This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.这个平台将用作港口和火车站。
    3.上(菜); 斟(酒) serve tea.上茶。serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务
    8. sharp 熟义:锐利的,尖的;(目光)敏锐的;(思维)敏捷的;(言词)尖刻的;准时地;
    补充:be sharp in thought思维敏捷。"
    生义:整(adv) at seven o'clock sharp 七点整
    突然的;急剧的 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转a sharp decline急剧下降 a sharp turn急转弯 a sharp pain.剧痛 a sharp picture 清晰图像
    9. shoulder 熟义:肩, 肩部
    生义:用肩抗;肩负, shoulder the responsibility承担责任
    用肩推,挤 shoulder people aside  用肩膀把人挤开 shoulder one's way through the crowd
    用肩从人群中挤过 补充:shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩
    10. sign 熟义:标记, 符号,牌子,告示;征兆,迹象;签名; sign up for a course.报名参加课程
    生义:1.身势,姿势;信号(n) He made a sign for me to follow him.他向我示意跟着他(走)。
    2.做手势示意(vi / vt)He signed to /for me to be quiet.他做手势要我安静。
    There are no signs of life about the house.这房子没有有人住的迹象。
    11. solid 固体,.固体的,坚固的, 结实的,(adj) 生义: solid arguments理由充分的
    12. sort 熟义: n.种类, 类别 生义:分类, 拣选;整理 补充:有几分;有点;相当(Somewhat; rather)
    "Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip, please." "请把这些文件整理一下,用夹子夹在一起。"
    He is sort of disappointed.他有点失望。
    13. sound 熟义:声音(n)
    生义:sound the alarm发警报
    完好的;健全的 A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健全的身体。
    get home safe and sound平安到家 be sound asleep
    14. spare 熟义:备用的; .多余的, 剩下的 补充:in your spare time ; a spare tire 备用轮胎
    生义:节约, 吝惜(用于否定) spare no effort to do不遗余力
    放过, 饶恕 He spared the prisoner.
    抽出,匀出; Can you spare the time to help me?你能抽出这段时间帮我吗?
    15. spring 熟义:春天 泉水,泉 a hot spring温泉 生义:弹簧, 发条
    16. stage 熟义:.舞台
    生义:发展的进程, 阶段或时期 at an early stage in our history 在我们的历史早期
    17. stand 熟义:站立; 座落,屹立于 生义:忍受;经受
    I cannot stand waiting [to wait] any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。
    stand the test of time经受时间的考验
    The building stands over 200 feet high
    立场;主张 take a firm stand on sth .对…采取坚定立场
    架; 台; 摊;看台上的观众(pl) a fruit stand水果摊a music stand乐谱架
    18. stick 熟义:n.棍, 棒,
    生义:粘住, 粘贴 Stick no bills.请勿张贴
    vt.刺, 戳 Stick the knife into the right side
    伸出(v) Stick out your tongue. 伸出舌头 stick out of the water 伸出水面
    卡住.困住 He was stuck by the question.他被这个问题难住了。The key stuck in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里。
    stick to粘住,坚持,忠于Stick to basic principles.坚持基本原则Stick to one’s own opinion 坚持自己地观点。
    19. store 熟义:商店, 店铺 生义:贮藏, 贮备, 存储(n / v) in store存储着;预备着
    Who knows what the future has in store for us?谁知道我们将来会怎么样?
    1 make sacrifices 作出牺牲
    2 in safety 处于安全中
    3 for the sake of= for sb’s sake 为了sb的利益/看在sb的份上
    4 on a salary of 以……的工资
    5 on sale 廉价出售
    6 all the same 仍旧,仍然
    the same…as… 和……相同
    7 blood sample 血液样本
    8 sense of satisfaction 满足感
    with/ in satisfaction 满足地
    have the satisfaction of doing 做sth有满足
    to sb’s satisfaction 使sb满足的是
    9 save sb the trouble of doing 省去sb做sth的麻烦
    save face 挽回脸面
    10 on a large/ small scale 大规模/小规模
    11 scarce resources 稀有资源
    12 scarcely…when… 一……就……
    13 at the scene of the crime 在犯罪现场
    on the scene 在现场
    14 on schedule 按照计划的时间
    ahead of/ behind schedule 提前
    busy/ tight schedule 时间表紧(忙)
    be scheduled for sth/ to do 为了sth/做sth定了时间
    15 go to school 去上学
    attend school
    16 a pair of scissors 一把剪刀
    17 scold sb for (doing) 因为做sth而责怪sb
    18 at sea 在船上工作(当水手)
    go to sea 去当水手,去船上工作
    19 search A for B 为了找到B而搜寻A
    in search of 为了寻找
    20 seaside resort 海边度假胜地
    21 be in/ out of season 合时宜的/不合时宜的
    22 have/ take a seat 坐下
    seat sb 使sb就座
    be seated 坐在
    23 be second only to 仅次于
    be second to none 首屈一指
    on second thoughts 三思/再想了一下
    24 see sb off 为sb送行
    see through 看穿
    see to it that 保证,确保
    see sb do/ doing/ done 看见sb做sth/正在
    25 seek to do 寻思着去做sth
    26 seem to do 似乎/好象去做sth
    27 seize a chance/ an opportunity抓住机会
    28 sell out卖完
    29 send sb sth = send sth to sb 把sth送给sb
    send sb to do 派sb去做/使sb去做
    send sb/ sth flying/ sprawling/ reeling 使sb处于某一状态
    send for 派人去叫
    30 be senior to 比……高级/年长
    31 a sense of humor 幽默感
    There is no sense in doing sth 做sth没有意义
    make sense 讲得通,有道理
    32 be sensitive to sth 对sth敏感
    33 death/ jail sentence 死刑/判坐牢
    sentence sb to sth 宣判sb去sth
    34 separate A from B 把A和B分开
    34 a series of 一系列地
    35 serve as 起着sth的作用
    36 set about doing 开始做sth
    set aside 留置,节省
    set off 出发
    set out to do 开始做sth
    set up 建立
    set sb doing 使sb做sth
    set an example 树立榜样
    37 settle down 定居下来
    38 shake hands with sb 和sb握手
    39 in/ out of shape 身体好/不好
    in the shape of 以……的形状
    40 a sharp turn 急转弯
    at 12 o’clock sharp 在12点整
    41 shift the blame/ responsibility (onto sb) 把责任推卸到sb身上
    day/ early/ late/ night shift 中班/早班/晚班
    42 shoe shop 鞋店
    in sb’s shoes 在sb的位置
    43 shoot at 朝sb/sth射击
    44 do/ go shopping 去购物/逛街
    45 on shore 在沙滩上
    46 (at/on) short notice 时间短/刚刚知道
    be short of 缺少
    47 water/ food shortage 缺水/食物
    48 shortly before/ after 在……之前不久/在……之后不久
    49 broad shoulders 宽阔的肩膀
    look over sb’s shoulder 监督sb
    shoulder to shoulder肩并肩
    50 shout at/ to sb 朝sb喊叫
    shout out 叫出
    51 show sb sth = show sth to sb 把sth给sb看
    show off 炫耀
    show sb around sp 带领sb参观sp
    on show 在展出中
    52 take/ have a shower 冲凉
    53 at first sight 第一眼
    at the sight of 看见sth
    in/ out of sight 看得见/看不见
    54 signal (to) sb to do 招呼sb去做sth
    55 be similar to A in B 在b这个方面和a相似
    56 ever since 自从
    57 your heart sinks 心一沉
    58 construction side 建筑工地
    59 in a … situation 在……的情况下
    60 size sb up 打量sb
    61 sleep soundly 熟睡
    sleep like a log 熟睡
    62 a slice of bread 一片面包
    63 slow down 减慢
    64 or so 大约
    so as to 为了去做sth
    so that 为的是
    so…that… 如此……以至于
    so many/ much/ few/ little 这么多/少
    so great a man 如此伟大的一个人
    65 the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法
    66 solve a problem 解决问题
    67 as soon as 一……就……
    sooner or later 迟早
    68 a sore throat 嗓子痛
    69 heart and soul 全心全意
    70 in space 在太空中
    71 Can you spare me 10 minutes? 我能占用你10分吗?
    72 speak to sb about sth 和sb谈论sth
    speak of 谈到sth
    73 give/ make/ deliver a speech 发表演说
    74 at the speed of 以……的速度
    speed up 加速
    75 spend sth on sth 在sth上面花sth
    spend sth in doing 在做sth上面花了sth
    76 be in good/ high spirits 情绪高昂/心情好
    77 in spite of 尽管
    78 spoken English 英语口语
    79 on the spot 在现场
    80 spring up 冒出
    81 spy on 监视
    82 a square peg in a round hole 不相符合/格格不入
    83 a staff of 100 100名员工
    84 stand up 站起来
    stand for 代表
    stand by 旁观
    stand up for 支持
    85 living standards 生活水平
    86 stare at 盯着sth/sb看
    87 start to do/ doing 开始做sth
    to start with 首先
    88 in a bad/ terrible state 处于糟糕的状态
    89 steal sth from sb 从sb那里偷sth
    90 stick to 坚持
    91 stimulate sb to do 刺激sb去做sth
    92 stock market 股票市场
    93 a stone’s throw (away) from 一步之遥
    94 stop to do/ doing 停下来做sth/停止做sth
    stop sb from doing 阻止sb做sth
    come to a stop 停止/停顿
    bring sth to a stop 使sth停止
    95 have/ find the strength to do 有力气做sth
    96 under stress 在压力之下
    97 stretch your legs 伸腿
    98 be strict about sth 对sth严格
    be strict with sb 对sb严格
    99 strive to do/ for 努力去做
    100 social structure 社会结构
    101 struggle to do/ for 挣扎去做sth
    102 be subject to 臣服于
    change the subject 改变话题
    103 substitute A for B 用a代替b
    104 succeed in doing 成功做sth
    105 be successful in doing sth
    106 such…as 象……一样的……
    such as 例如
    107 all of a sudden 突然
    108 suffer from 遭受
    109 suggest doing 建议做sth
    110 be suitable for 对sth/sb适合
    111 a large sum of money 一大笔钱
    112 be superior to 优于sth
    113 supply sb with sth 提供sb sth
    supply sth to sb
    114 be supposed to do 应该做sth
    115 make sure 确保
    be sure of 肯定sth
    be sure to do 肯定去做sth
    116 take sb by surprise 使sb吓一跳
    117 carry out/ conduct a survey 做调查
    118 suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑sb做sth
    119 suspension bridge 悬索桥
    120 swear to do 发誓去做sth
    121 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食
    122 switch on/ off 打开/关掉
    sacred a. 上帝的;神圣的
    salute n. 致意,行礼 vi. 行礼
    sample n. 样品;实例,标本
    scale n. 天平;比例;范围
    scan vt. 浏览;扫描
    scar n. 伤疤,伤痕
    scratch vt. 划破;擦伤
    sceptical\skeptical adj. 怀疑的
    sew v. 缝制,缝
    sow v. 播种
    sheet n. 被单;纸张;薄板
    shilling n. 先令
    shuttle v. 往返运送 n. (往来两地的)班车
    shortcut n. 近路,捷径
    shrimp n. (复数shrimp(s)(小)虾
    signature n. 签名
    sunken adj. 沉底的,下沉的
    sketch n. 略图;速写;概略
    skyscraper n. 摩天大楼
    slogan n. 标语,口号
    soldier n. 士兵
    solemn a. 庄严的;隆重的
    sorrow n. 悲痛,悲哀,悲伤
    sparrow n. 麻雀
    spray n. 浪花;喷雾 vt. 喷,喷洒
    squeeze vt.&vi. 榨,挤;压榨
    squirrel n. 松鼠
    stem n. 茎,(树)干 vi.起源
    straw n. 稻草,麦秆
    stretch vt. 伸展 vi.伸 n.伸展
    striking a. 显著的,惊人的
    swan n. 天鹅
    say said said
    scan scanned scanned
    see saw seen
    seek sought sought
    sell sold sold
    send sent sent
    set set set
    sew 缝,缝补sewed sewed\sewn
    shake shook shaken
    shine shone shone
    shoot shot shot
    shop shopped shopped
    show showed shown
    shut v. 关闭shut shut
    shrink 使缩小,收缩 shrank shrunk
    sing sang sung
    sink sank\sunk sunk
    sit sat sat
    sleep slept slept
    slide slid slid
    slip slipped slipped滑倒
    smell smelled\smelt smelled\smelt
    sob 抽泣 sobbed sobbed
    sow 播种 sowed sowed\sown
    speak spoke spoken
    speeded\sped speeded\sped
    spell spelled\spelt spelled\spelt
    spend spent spent
    spin旋转 spun spun
    spit 吐唾沫 spat\spit spat\spit
    split 分裂 split split
    spread spread spread
    spring跳跃 spring\sprung sprung
    stand stood stood
    steal stole stolen
    step跨步,踩 stepped stepped
    stick stuck stuck
    stop stopped stopped
    strike struck struck
    submit submitted submitted
    supply supplied supplied
    swap交换 swapped swapped
    swear发誓,诅咒 swore sworn
    sweep swept swept
    swim swam swum
    swell肿胀,增加swelled swollen
    swing摇摆,转动swung swung






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