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备考2022届高考英语国外新闻时文赏析 07
展开备考2022届高考英语国外新闻时文泛读赏析 07职场前辈给新人的10条忠告,送给毕业季的你 (七选五素材)10 Pieces of Advice for New Grads That Everyone Should Take时文导读六月,又到一年毕业季。散伙饭吃了,毕业照拍了,毕业生们收拾好行囊,准备迈入社会,在各自的舞台上演炙热的故事。面对全新的挑战,职场新人们多少会感到紧张和迷茫。不如来听听领英上的职场前辈们总结的10条职场生存法则,你一定会有所收获。1.Remember These Four Words记住这四个词Be positive, principled, pro-active, and productive.乐观,讲原则,主动,高效——Rakesh N.2.Discover Yourself挖掘自己Consider this job a journey to learn about yourself. The purpose is to grow as a human being; to discover what you’re good at, what you love to do, and what you dislike.把这份工作看作是一次了解自己的旅程。目的是实现个人成长;去发现你擅长什么,喜欢做什么,不喜欢什么。Discover your why, and you’ll become happier and more passionate in life!发掘你的内心,你的生活会变得更快乐和更有激情!——Carol L.3.Be Open to Change勇于改变Don’t get discouraged when a job you really want does not pan out for you. It just opens up doors to other opportunities.当你真正想做的工作并不适合你时,不要灰心。它只是为其他机会打开了大门。——Mitchell M.4. Don’t Hide From Mistakes不要逃避错误Be honest. Not sure about something? Ask questions. Screwed up? Own up!诚实点。有什么不懂的尽管问。搞砸了要承认!I’ve always valued someone willing to learn, and we do that in different ways. I’ll always highly regard someone willing to be honest about their mistakes because we learn from those just as much as our successes!我一直很看重愿意学习的人,学习的方式有很多种。我非常重视那些愿意诚实面对自己错误的人,因为我们从这些错误中学到的东西和从成功中学到的一样多!——Samantha DM.5. Prepare for the Future为未来做好准备Develop good time management habits early on. Your workload will only increase with time, and so will your responsibilities. Be ready when they do.尽早养成良好的时间管理习惯。你的工作量只会随着时间的推移而增加,你的责任也会随之增加。做好准备迎接它们。——Alicia M.6. Learn From Everything从周围的一切学习Remember every moment is an opportunity to learn from everyone around you, no matter their title.记住,每时每刻你都有机会向周围的人学习,不管他们是什么职级。Pay attention when things go well; pay extra attention when they don’t, and watch how people react to it. Build relationships with the people who face problems by being their solution.当事情进展顺利时要留心;当不顺利的时候要更加留心,并观察人们的反应。与面对问题想办法解决的人来往。——Anita S. 7.Make Connections建立人脉Your biggest asset is your network.你最大的资本就是你的人际关系。——Eddie M. 8.Keep Your Own Counsel隐藏自己的想法Don’t assume that a co-worker won’t repeat your criticisms of a colleague. When asked how you feel about individuals in the office, be open and vague with your answers.不要以为同事不会把你对另一个同事的批评外传。当有人问你对办公室里的人有何看法时,回答要诚恳但有所保留。Always reserve judgment on your co-workers until you have enough time to make up your own mind.在你有足够的时间下定主意之前,不要轻易评价你的同事。——Nicholas G. 9.Utilize Your Co-workers利用好你的同事Don’t be intimidated by your colleagues and superiors!不要被你的同事和上级吓到!Remember that they were once in your shoes when they began their careers. Leverage their knowledge and experience and find ways to take what worked for them and adapt it to work for you.记住,他们刚刚开启职业生涯时,也曾站在你的位置上。利用他们的知识和经验,并找到他们行之有效的工作方法,加以调整,为你所用。——Lauren L. 10. Treat Everyone With Respect尊重每个人Speak when you walk into the office everyday. Say good morning to your boss and peers as you walk past their offices, smile at janitors and receptionists in your office.每天走进办公室时打个招呼。路过老板和同事的办公室时,向他们问好,对办公室的管理员和接待员微笑。Treating people with humanity and integrity is most important.以博爱和正直的态度待人是最重要的。——Brittany K. 来源:Muse