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展开英语晨读美文6-2022届高三英语作文写作素材美文阅读1 大胆的尝试新事物Absolutely true…这句话千真万确you can do anything in this world,你能完成世界上的任何事you just have to want to.只要你心向往之Well a simple example to back this powerful statement up.让我们举出一个简单的例子,证明这句豪言壮语是正确的We woke up one morning有天早上我们起床时and my roommate's laptop wouldn't just start,我室友的笔记本无法开机it was really a surprise他十分惊讶since it all happened un-announced因为这件事没有一点预兆She had a lot of presentations to work on她还要处理很多的演示文稿and potentially she was a bit confused.她隐隐感到有些不安Then one thing came in her mind,接着她想到了一个主意so she just typed what she thought the problem was于是她在电脑上敲出了她能想到的问题描述and there came some solutions搜索出了一些解决方案and she picked the first one.她选了第一个方案She followed through all the directions as instructed on that particular article她对着一片文章,按照上面的指示一步一步完成了所有的步骤and whoa it worked out just like that.随即,问题轻而易举的被解决了So that was it,就这么简单she saved herself from going to a computer expert她为自己免去了麻烦,不用去找电脑维修的专业人员and pay for the service.也不用为维修付钱It is always good to try out things boldly大胆的尝试新事物,肯定不会有错because you never know which one would turn out so well.因为你永远不会知道,哪一种新事物会带来多么精彩的回报 美文阅读2 真正的自我 从不会被弄丢 "Finding yourself" is not really how it works.“找回迷失的自我”并非正确的思考方式。You aren't a ten-dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket.别把自己当成一张十美元的钞票,隐藏在去年冬天穿过的大衣口袋里。You are also not lost.你也并没有迷失自己。Your true self is right there,你真正的自我就在此处buried under cultural conditioning ,它被深深的埋藏起来了,在它之上覆盖着文化规训other people's opinions,他人的界定and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid还有你孩童时期得到的模糊的教训that became your beliefs about who you are.正是这些成为你对自己的认识"Finding yourself" is actually returning to yourself.“找回迷失的自我”其实就是回归自我An unlearning, an excavation , a remembering who you were未受教化的,等待你发觉的,如同一段模糊的回忆一般的自我before the world got its hands on you.在世界磨光你的棱角之前的自我 美文阅读3 最危急的时刻 也是最好的契机 The people stayed home.人们闭门不出And read books,他们阅读书籍and listened, and rested, and exercised,他们倾听,休息,锻炼and made art, and played games,做艺术品,玩游戏and learned new ways of being,学习新的生活方式and were still.保持沉静的状态And listened more deeply.人们能更深入的倾听Some meditated ,更多的沉思,some danced.更多的载歌载舞And the people began to think differently.有些人开始以另一种方式思考问题And the people healed.人们开始自愈And,同时in the absence of people由于人类的缺席living in ignorant , dangerous,由于这些活得无知,危险mindless, and heartless ways,愚蠢而又冷酷的人类的缺席the earth began to heal.大地开始自愈And when the danger passed,当危机过去时and the people joined together again,人们重聚在一起they grieved their losses,为死者悼念and made new choices,做出新的抉择and dreamed new images,有了新的梦想and created new ways to live创造出新的生活方式and heal the earth fully,好好疗救大地母亲as they had been healed.正如人类自己被疗救一样 美文阅读4 我们生活在光里As I look outside from my desk at work,当我工作之余从桌前向外探望I have a view of the mountains,眼前是一派群山a beautiful, partially cloudy blue sky云海半遮,天际蔚蓝的美景and the random car traffic on our quiet road.马路上一派宁静,偶尔有车流经过I love this view我十分喜爱这景致and consider myself blessed心存感恩to have it every work day.为自己每个工作日都能坐览这番景致I have worked for companies我曾在数家公司任职where my desk or cubicle had no window view坐在桌前或隔间里,却没有窗外美景and there are associates at my current company现在这家公司里的一些同事who do not have a view.也没有美景可赏I know I am lucky我知道自己很幸运and I appreciate it so much.并且为此格外欣喜I stop我时常驻足and let the sunlight shine on my face,让阳光照在自己脸上I close my eyes我闭上眼睛and feel it warm my soul.感觉阳光温暖了自己的灵魂Maybe this day had a restful night to start it,或许安宁只在今夜,明天却是一日操劳maybe I am in mourning,或许我正心中悲怆I could be tired or sore from the gym.或许我刚健身归来,感到疲累,四肢酸痛Maybe I have trouble in my heart或许我心中正有烦恼over an action from my young adult children,由于我刚成年的孩子某个举动my husband or myself.由于丈夫或我自身There are so many ways a day can start,有如此多的不同方式,可以开启新一天But但是when I feel that light touch my face,当我感到光照在脸上warm it in the heat of summer带着夏天的灼热让我感到温暖or I shiver in the cold of winter,抑或冬天的严寒让我瑟瑟发抖I am blessed我知道自己被祝福着I know happiness is with me.我知道幸福与我同在