展开初中英语阅读理解易错译短语和句型1.It’s all Greek to me .一窍不通2.What’s up ? 出什么事了?3.What if...假如...会怎么样4.What for 为什么?5.So what?那又怎么样6.First come , first served 捷足先登7.Just my luck 真倒霉8.Do you really mean it ? 此话当真?9.Don’t be a wet blanket.别扫兴10.tighten your belt 节衣缩食11.come back safe and sound 安然无恙地归来12.Got it 明白13.Forget it 算了,别想14.Go for it 努力争取go for sth 去参加15.How come ?怎么会16.at your service 听你差遣17.People from all walks of life 来自各阶层的人18.make yourself at home 请随意19.help yourself to the fish 请自便,自取,随便吃20.be all ears 洗耳恭听21.With pleasure 乐意效劳22.My pleasure 我的荣幸23.Behave yourself 规矩点24.Rain cats and dogs 下大雨25.Would you do me a favor? 帮个忙好吗26.In that case 在那种情况下27.Just in case 以防万一28.As is often the case 正如常有的情形29.Rise to one’s feet 站起来30.I couldn’t agree more 我再同意不过了31.Many happy returns 生日快乐!32.It couldn’t be better 再好不过了33.You can’t be serious 不是认真的吧?34.You can’t be too careful 再小心不为过35.Can I take your order ?可以点菜了吗36.It’s still up in the air 还没定37.Its up to you 由你决定38.It doesn’t hurt to ask 不妨问一问39.It’s a hard nut to crack 难啃的骨头40.It's my treat 我请客41.It doesn’t make any difference./It makes no difference to me 都一样42.Actually = In fact= As a matter of fact事实上43.By all means 当然可以44.Cheer up 振作精神45.pull one’s legs 开玩笑46.All thumbs 笨手笨脚47.That’s a deal 成交,一言为定48.It depends 看情况49.The pot calling the kettle black 锅笑壶黑,五十步笑百步50.Hold on 坚持,别挂(电话)51.That’s not the case 情况并非如此52.A Jack of all trades but master of none 杂而不精53.Once bitten , twice shy 一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳54.Stay hungry, stay foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚55.Remember me to your parents 请代我向你家人问好56.Not a chance 门都没有57.Not exactly 不完全是, 不确切58.Not really 并非如此 59.Not in the least 一点也不60.Are you kidding me ?开玩笑吧61.No wonder 难怪62.After you 您先请63.Allow me 让我来64.After all 毕竟终究65.You made it 你成功了66.become a hit 成为轰动的事67.You name it 但凡你能想到的68.You don’t say! 真的吗?69.You are wanted on the phone 电话里有人找你70.You have me there 把我难住了71.You can say that again 说的没错72.Go ahead 去吧73.Come on 加油,快点,得了74.I’m just having a look 只是看看75.I’m behind you 我支持你76.Let’s hit the road 上路吧,出发吧77.Search me 我不知道78.Face the music 面对现实79.Let’s call it a day = So much for today 今天就到这儿吧80.around the clock 24 小时81.mind your own business 管好自己的事,不要多管闲事82.As sb puts it 正如某人这样说83.make a big difference 有所影响84.cost an arm and a leg 花血本85.A fall into the pit, a gain in the wit 吃一堑长一智86.Think twice before you act 三思而行87.Out of the blue 突然88.Leave me alone 让我静一静89.Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同90.Let sleeping dogs lie不要自找麻烦91.Bite your tongue 缄口不语92.For here or to go 这里吃还是外带93.Many hands make light work 众人拾柴火焰高94.It never rains but it pours 祸不单行95.A miss is as good as a mile 失之毫厘谬以千里96.The grass is always greener on the other side邻家芳草绿,这山望着那山高97.There’s no smoke without fire 无风不起浪98.A white elephant 大而无用的东西99.Make no sense 没有意义100.What’s the point of doing sth?做某事有什么意义呢?