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    这是一份2022年上海市崇明区6月线下高考二模英语试题(含答案),共18页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. In a htel.B. In a bank.C. In an art schl.D. In a statinery shp.
    2. A. At 10:15. B. At 10:25. C. At 10:30. D. At 10:40.
    3. A. The curse is t difficult.B. The final exam has been cancelled.
    C. The prfessr changed his mind.D. The wman misunderstd the prfessr.
    4. A. Where the wman heard the news. B. Hw the wman feels abut the news.
    C. If the wman is ging t lse her jb. D. What the wman is ging t buy in the stre.
    5. A. The wman’s birthday gift.B. The shirt frm the man’s aunt.
    C. The buttns n the yellw shirt.D. The man’s plan fr his birthday.
    6. A. Get a key frm his neighbr.B. Study in his neighbr’s apartment.
    C. Intrduce the wman t his neighbr.D. Brrw sme bks frm his neighbr.
    7. A. The man desn’t enjy swimming. B. The wman swims as well as the man des.
    C. The man learned t swim at an early age.D. The wman desn’t have time t learn swimming.
    8. A. He wasn’t ging t the party at first.B. He didn’t receive the invitatin t the party.
    C. He has been persuaded t jin the party.D. He will attend the party after the man leaves.
    9. A. The wman didn’t study hard enugh. B. He shuld stp learning the curse at nce.
    C. He culd have dne better in the curse.D. The wman shuldn’t have taken the curse.
    10. A. He began t learn French when in high schl.
    B. The wman shuld have studied French in Paris.
    C. The wman must have had a gd French teacher.
    D. Living in Paris imprved the wman’s French skills.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f them. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11. A. The physical benefits f gardening.B. The effects f gardening n success.
    C. The emtinal benefits f gardening.D. The effects f gardening n persnality.
    12. A. It cmbines different fields f science and prmtes ur feelings.
    B. It prvides fd and ther resurces fr us t get enugh nutritin.
    C. It creates an incredible space fr us t tend and entertain urselves.
    D. It cnnects us t nature and invlves bth physical and scial activities.
    13. A. It can make us mre patient.B. It can cntribute t ur success in wrk.
    C. It can heal us f physical prblems.D. It can imprve ur scial respnsibility.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    14. A. China’s pet market.B. Smart pet devices.
    C. Autmatic pet feeders.D. Pet prducts cmpanies.
    15. A. T prvide shelter fr pets.B. T encurage mre peple t raise pets.
    C. T bring pet wners cnvenience. D. T keep pet wners safe frm their pets.
    16. A. Gu is very ptimistic abut his cmpany.
    B. China is seeing a decline in its pet ecnmy.
    C. Smart pet huses can detect pets’ health prblems.
    D. Gu’s cmpany is a must-see destinatin fr pet wners.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. Purchasing a new smartphne.B. Increasing security f smartphnes.
    C. Imprving wrking prductivity.D. Installing new applicatins fr phnes.
    18. A. Impssible.B. Unnecessary.C. Immral.D. Unavidable.
    19. A. It is the same as the wman’s.B. Its strage is inadequate fr wrk.
    C. It features helpful applicatins.D. It has an up-t-date perating system.
    20. A. She desn’t use her phne fr wrk.
    B. She desn’t like the new phne mdels.
    C. It takes time fr her t adjust t a new ne.
    D. Her phne has better security than the man’s.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    T Shake r Nt T Shake Hands
    As we emerge frm the pandemic (大流行病), we’re starting t see the return f an age-ld custm: the handshake. Many f us went (21) _____ shaking smene else’s hands fr abut tw years. But as vaccinatin (接种疫苗) rates g up and scial distancing restrictins fall, we’re starting t press the flesh again.
    Nt everyne is happy that the handshake is making its way back. (22) _____ it’s a deep-rted way f expressing friendship and respect, sme medical experts wish it were gne fr gd.
    “It’s never been safe,” said Dr. Gregry Pland, a May Clinic physician and prfessr. “Handshaking carries the risk f transmitting a hst f undesirable cnditins,” Pland said. Handshaking (23) _____ have started as an ancient custm t demnstrate t a stranger that yu had n weapn in yur hand. But “yu are, in fact, bearing at sme level, a biweapn” n yur unwashed hand, Pland said.
    “It’s unfrtunate that we needed a pandemic t shake sme sense int peple n hw disease is transmitted,” said Dr. Mark Sklansky, wh’s wrried that the pprtunity (24) _____ (kill) the handshake is slipping thrugh ur fingers.
    Shaking hands as a symbl f friendship and trust (25) _____ (practice) by Babylnian kings and ancient Rmans and prmted by 18th-century Quakers. S far, it (26) _____ (becme) an internatinal custm f agreement, respect and cngratulatins in mdern business, plitics and sprts. But right nw, we are in a scially awkward time f handshake uncertainty, (27) _____ sme peple are cmfrtable shaking hands and sme are nt. If we are nt cmfrtable accepting a(n) (28) _____ (ffer) handshake, we can be ready t respnd in a plite manner. Instead f refusing directly, we can keep ur hands t ur side, maintain eye cntact, smile, nd r slightly bw while (29) _____ (say) smething gracius like, “I’m currently nt shaking hands, but it’s s very nice t meet yu.”
    Sklansky is cnvinced that even lng-held cultural custms can change ver time if we realize (30) _____ unhealthy they are.
    Sectin B
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in each blank with a prper wrd given in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Making Fashin Accessible
    Peple with Dwn syndrme (唐氏综合症) have shrter arms and legs, runder bdies and cmmn sensitivities t tags and fabrics (布料), which make it difficult t find everyday clthes, like jeans, that fit them and feel gd.
    A research study at the University f Delaware’s Innvatin, Health and Design Lab is being
    31 t create the United States’ first size guide fr peple with Dwn syndrme. The lab’s missin is t prvide a whle cmmunity with access t utfits that help them 32 with mre independence and cnfidence.
    At the end f the study, the nearly 1,000 participating children with Dwn syndrme will each receive free custm-made jeans that 33 their size and limited mtr functins.
    The lab, which pened in September 2018, is pwered by the visin and 34 f Martha Hall. Hall started her career designing ccktail dresses. But after she saw the wrk a prfessr was ding fr children with mtr disabilities, she gt inspired and 35 herself t imprving minrities’ quality f life thrugh functinal clthing afterwards. The lab prjects address everything frm inclusive clthing and athletic wear t medical devices that can increase the 36 chances f premature babies.
    Sme brands have tried t make sensry sensitive clthing lines 37 , but they’re nt using accurate size guides, said Hall. That’s where Hall’s student researchers cme in. With the Dwn syndrme size guide and jean prject, they interview caregivers t learn the children’s 38 needs.
    T prduce the size chart, the lab uses a three-dimensinal (三维的) scanner that scans each participant’s bdy and creates a 3D clred 39 with exact measurements. Once all participants are scanned, the cmpany that created the machine will take the measurements, create a size guide and sell the guide t cmpanies, which will be able t design clthing based n accurate measurements fr this 40 f peple.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has amazing ptential t change the wrld, and we’ve nly just begun t scratch the surface. As AI matures and peple mve further away frm distinct prgramming and mnitring f systems, unidentified bias (偏见) might make decisins cntinue fr a lng time that cause 41 harm fr individuals and sciety. This bias might 42 input data r even the algrithms (算法) themselves.
    All t ften, data sets are incmplete and the sample represented in the data set des nt 43
    the ppulatin that the AI mdel is making predictins abut—this is knwn as cverage bias. Sme ther types f bias related t input data include sampling bias, where data is nt cllected randmly frm the target grup, and participatin bias, where users frm certain grups 44 surveys at different rates than users frm ther grups. Still, anther mre challenging bias t identify is cnfirmatin bias that ccurs when a decisin maker r analyst has a strng 45 belief r experience that affects their ability t cnsider alternatives. This culd lead ne t mre strngly 46
    data that cnfirms a preexisting belief.
    Bias resulting frm AI algrithms themselves, r algrithmic bias, is equally 47 . One example f algrithmic bias is implicit bias r uncnscius bias, where data scientists 48 make assciatins r assumptins based n their mental mdels and memries that affect data mdeling decisins. Implicit bias can 49 hw data is cllected and classified, r hw systems are designed and develped. As machines learn, their cnclusins and decisins affect peple. Ethical (道德的) AI must understand these impacts and create gvernance and testing methds t 50 mistakes and inaccuracies.
    T create ethical AI, cmpanies need t put the 51 f the individual at the center f data innvatin. This means thinking abut 52 rights as human rights and develping a cmprehensive apprach t data, including hw we use AI.
    Having 53 data practices fr AI means having gd AI gvernance. This gvernance nt nly fcuses n data and analytics but als understands the impacts f any given analysis and makes sure it’s 54 and accurate. Gd AI gvernance includes data respnsibility as well as a cmmitment t transparency (透明性).
    Nne f this will be easy, but true innvatin never is. By cming tgether and wrking n the prblem f bias nw, befre it becmes a(n) 55 frce, businesses can help bring ut the best AI has t ffer the wrld.
    41. A. thereticalB. psychlgicalC. disprprtinateD. unintended
    42. A. arise frmB. cntribute tC. take verD. make up
    43. A. inspireB. matchC. prtectD. restrict
    44. A. quitB. administerC. cmpareD. analyze
    45. A. distinctB. predictableC. riginalD. widespread
    46. A. restreB. implyC. missD. favr
    47. A. embarrassingB. dangerusC. relevantD. ridiculus
    48. A. intentinallyB. temprarilyC. autmaticallyD. apprpriately
    49. A. influenceB. helpC. attractD. predict
    50. A. admitB. defineC. addressD. publicize
    51. A. belngingsB. expressinsC. characteristicsD. needs
    52. A. civilB. digitalC. legalD. natural
    53. A. frequentB. respnsibleC. peculiarD. graceful
    54. A. fairB. quickC. appealingD. adequate
    55. A. leadingB. innvativeC. culturalD. destructive
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    United States gvernment health fficials are mving frward with a plan designed t keep electrnic cigarettes ut f the hands f yung peple. The plan wuld restrict sales f mst flavred e-cigarettes at drug stres, gasline statins and ther businesses that sell them.
    The U.S. Fd and Drug Administratin, r FDA, first prpsed the new rules last Nvember. They are the latest gvernment effrt t fight what health fficials call an epidemic (泛滥) f yung peple using the devices.
    Last week, the FDA annunced that e-cigarette makers wuld need t restrict sales f mst flavred prducts. Sales wuld be limited t stres that ask peple fr their age upn entry r have a separate, age-restricted area fr vaping prducts r e-cigarettes. Cmpanies wuld als be expected t use utside identity-cnfirmatin technlgy fr sales invlving the internet.
    The FDA will als wrk t remve vaping prducts that clearly appeal t children. Cmpanies that d nt fllw the new requirements risk having their prducts pulled frm the U.S. market, the FDA said. The restrictins will nt include three flavrs that the FDA says appeal mre t adults than teenagers.
    Anti-smking activists have questined whether the new FDA restrictins will be enugh t stp the rise in teenage vaping. The FDA has little pwer ver hw stres sell vaping prducts. Instead, critics say the agency is largely telling cmpanies t self-plice.
    Erika Sward is with the American Lung Assciatin, which has called n the FDA t remve all flavred e-cigarettes frm the market. Sward said the FDA’s decisin t leave ut three flavrs is a mistake. Studies shw thse flavrs are used by nearly half f teenagers wh vape.
    The new rules are expected t heavily affect small businesses. Grups representing thse stres have fught against the plan since it was first prpsed last Nvember. The restrictins are expected t have less f an effect n vape specialty shps. That is because many f them already require stre wrkers t ask peple fr identity dcuments.
    56. Why did FDA prpse the new rules?
    A. T prevent teenagers vaping.B. T stp stres selling e-cigarettes.
    C. T reduce vape specialty shps.D. T limit the flavrs f e-cigarettes.
    57. Accrding t the new rules, mst flavred e-cigarettes are limited t stres that _____.
    A. have a separate area fr teenagers B. impse restrictins n maximum purchases
    C. fllw age cntrl requirementsD. invlve bth ffline and nline sales
    58. What is anti-smking activists’ attitude twards the new rules?
    A. Optimistic.B. Suspicius.C. Curius.D. Uninterested.
    59. What can be learned abut the new rules prpsed by FDA?
    A. Small businesses disapprve f them.
    B. Cmpanies failing t bey them will be fined.
    C. They ban sme cmpanies frm prducing e-cigarettes.
    D. They remve three flavred e-cigarettes frm the market.
    60. Lively Mbile Plus mainly aims at prviding _____.
    A. emergency medical helpB. cnnectin with lved peple
    C. nline safety cnsultatinD. rund-the-clck health management
    61. Which f the fllwing is ne f the features f Lively Mbile Plus?
    A. It can lcate the user precisely.
    B. It can prevent the user frm falling.
    C. It can charge itself whenever necessary.
    D. It can cnnect the user t the appinted dctr.
    62. If yu want t buy a Lively Mbile Plus with the extra service f fall detectin, yu need t pay at least _____ fr the first mnth.
    A. $29.99.B. $39.99.C. $64.98.D. $89.98.
    China’s plicy f planting trees is likely playing a significant rle in tempering its climate impacts. An internatinal team has identified tw areas in the cuntry where the scale f carbn dixide absrptin by new frests has been underestimated. Taken tgether, these areas accunt fr a little ver 35% f China’s entire land carbn “sink”, the grup says.
    A carbn sink is any area that absrbs mre carbn than it releases, such as frests, thereby lwering the cncentratin f CO2 in the atmsphere.
    China is ne f the wrld’s majr surces f human-prduced carbn dixide. But it has stated an intentin t peak the emissins befre 2030 and then t mve t carbn neutrality by 2060.
    “Achieving China’s net-zer target by 2060 will invlve a massive change in energy prductin and als the grwth f sustainable land carbn sinks,” said c-authr Prf Yi Liu at the Institute f Atmspheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy f Sciences, Beijing, China. “The affrestatin (植树造林) activities described in ur Nature paper will play a rle in achieving that target,” he said.
    China’s increasing leafiness has been evident fr sme time. Billins f trees have been planted in recent decades, t tackle desertificatin and sil lss.
    The new study mdifies estimates fr hw much CO2 all these extra trees culd be taking up as they grw. The latest analysis examined a hst f data surces. These cnsisted f frestry recrds, satellite remte-sensing measurements f vegetatin greenness, sil water availability, and bservatins f CO2, again made frm space but als frm direct sampling f the air at grund level.
    The tw previusly under-appreciated carbn sink areas are centred n China’s suthwest, in Yunnan, Guizhu and Guangxi prvinces; and its nrtheast, particularly Heilngjiang and Jilin prvinces.
    Prf Shaun Quegan frm Sheffield University, UK, studies Earth’s carbn balance but was nt invlved in this research. He said the extent f the nrtheast sink was nt a surprise t him, but the suthwest ne was. But he cautined that new frests’ ability t draw dwn carbn declines with time as the grwth rate declines and the systems mve twards a mre steady state.
    Richard Black, directr f the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), a nn-prfit think-tank wrking n climate change and energy issues, said, “Hwever, althugh the frest sink is bigger than thught, n ne shuld mistake this as prviding a ‘free pass’ way t reach net zer. Fr ne thing, carbn absrptin will be needed t make up fr nging emissins f all greenhuse gases, nt just CO2; fr anther, the carbn balance f China’s frests may be cmprmised (折中) by climate change impacts, as we’re seeing nw in places such as Califrnia, Australia and Russia.”
    63. The wrd “tempering” in paragraph 1 is clsest in meaning t “_____”.
    A. assessingB. slidifying C. lesseningD. authrizing
    64. What can be learned abut the new study?
    A. It finds that China has stpped its desertificatin by planting trees.
    B. It is based n data frm bth the grund and the satellites.
    C. It warns that China will peak its emissins befre 2030.
    D. It verlks the rles that the land carbn sinks play.
    65. Accrding t Prf Shaun Quegan and Richard Black, _____.
    A. frest sinks absrb less carbn dixide when they are grwing
    B. new frests are very likely t guarantee the target f carbn neutrality
    C. the suthwest sink wn’t draw dwn as much carbn as the nrtheast ne
    D. many ther factrs need t be taken int accunt when assessing the frest sink
    66. Which f the fllwing is the best title f the passage?
    A. Greenhuse Gas Emissin Largely Reduced
    B. Rles f Carbn Sinks Prved by New Study
    C. China’s Frest Carbn Absrptin Underestimated
    D. Climate Impacts Balanced Due t China’s Affrestatin
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    The Truth Is Out
    Human beings are nt brn liars, but the mment we can frm cmplete sentences we begin lying t prtect the feelings f thers, t avid punishment and cnflict, and, mst frequently, because lying gives advantages the truth wuldn’t prvide. Lying gets results.
    One study by Bella DePaul, a prfessr f psychlgy at the University f Virginia, fund lies played a part in 30-38 percent f peple’s scial interactins. Scially skillful peple tld a lt mre lies than their mre awkward cwrkers. 67
    Nwhere is this mre bvius than n the singles scene. First dates have always invlved a certain amunt f self-bast, but sme singles nw regard ut-and-ut deceit (欺骗) as a reasnable strategy.
    Experts believe that increased cmpetitin and the higher expectatins amng singles, alng with the ppularity f Internet dating, are encuraging utbreaks f deceitfulness. The prblem is that many singles are presenting images f themselves that are impssible t live up t, and csting their already limited chances f lng-term lve in the prcess. 68
    Of curse, lng-term lvers aren’t immune (不受影响) t the cnflict-aviding, prblem-burying lie either. Once again, a pleasant singles scene cupled with unrealistic expectatins has put new pressure n less-than-faultless relatinships and tempted many int mre serius deceptin. A study last year by Caht fund that a majrity f partners lie t each ther abut their persnal financial situatin. Other studies have fund that wmen appreciate wise lies abut their weight r lks.
    69 In this cntext, might a plicy f hnesty at all csts upset the delicate balance f deceit that we’ve invlved in by chance ver the past few years? Culd lying, as sme peple suggest, be little mre than the latest scial art?
    Pssibly. After all, few f us feel that lying is wrng any mre. 70 But then that, f curse, is the real issue. We might be great and frequent liars these days, but we’re nt any better at recvering r frgiving, if we discver that we’ve been lied t.
    IV. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    71. Building Trust in Virtual Envirnments
    Research int the science behind human cmmunicatin tells us that up t 90 percent f what we tell ne anther is nnverbal. It’s the cuntless eye, facial and bdy mvements we flash ne anther that help us understand smene’s intentin and determine if we shuld trust them.
    The challenge we all face is figuring ut ways t build trust in virtual envirnments. Sure, we have sme interactins n videcnferences, but the physical cues (暗示) we’ve becme accustmed t reacting t are restricted and masked. This is frcing us t develp new ways t trust ne anther. Gd leaders are wrking t engineer thse pprtunities t build trust in their nw virtual teams.
    There are lessns we can learn frm glbal multinatinal cmpanies that have figured ut hw t make virtual relatinships wrk ver the past few decades. If yu have vital business partners, r even emplyees wrking verseas, yu have, at best, limited pprtunities t meet them in persn. What these cmpanies have learned is that actins speak luder than wrds, and peple base a simple analysis f trustwrthiness n delivering n cmmitments. Peple that d are trustwrthy; peple that dn’t aren’t.
    When yu hire virtual wrkers and get a new virtual team member, there is the questin f whether smene has the backgrund and experience they claim t have. That means we all need t lean n tls and techniques t help certify (证实) smene’s backgrund. Sme cmpanies have built talent databases in which peple can search their teammates and cnfirm their impressive backgrunds. Knwing that yu are wrking with a certified superstar builds trust.
    Finding ways t get smene t prve their trustwrthiness by ding what they say they will and backing up their claims f experience will g a lng way in helping yu adapt t the new reality that we wrk in.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 赶紧拖一下地板上的水,以免有人滑倒。(in case)
    73. 那个曾经一贫如洗的小山村近几年发展迅猛。(witness)
    74. 你昨天不该听任你的孩子在餐厅里为所欲为的,那肯定打扰到了其他顾客。(which)
    75. 面对实验一次又一次失败,这个科学家并没有气馁,而是不断改进实验,最终取得了突破。(face)
    VI. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    76. 假设你是中华中学的高三学生徐晶,最近,学校拟定了今年高三毕业典礼方案的讨论稿如下,并公布在了校园网,征求师生意见。你看到后很想发表你的意见,写一封邮件给负责的王老师,内容须包括:
    注:文中不得提及你的真实姓名或学校。A. accessible
    B. accmmdate
    C. cmmitted
    D. cnducted
    E. figure
    F. functin
    G. leadership
    H. ppulatin
    I. reserved
    J. specific
    K. survival

    Get help in emergencies big r small.
    With the fastest call respnse time, this cmpletely mbile all-in-ne medical alert needs n additinal equipment r base statin. Yu can g anywhere with it and reach ur certified (有保证的) Urgent Respnse Agents anytime, day r night. And with lw mnthly plans, it’s ne f the mst affrdable medical alert devices yu can buy.
    Our all-in-ne medical alert gets yu help at the tuch f a buttn.
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    The Lively Mbile Plus is waterprf, s yu can even wear it in the shwer, where mst falls ccur.
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    With up t 80 hurs f standby time, yu can charge the Lively Mbile Plus when it’s cnvenient fr yu.
    Wear it many ways
    The Lively Mbile Plus is easy t wear wherever yu g. Clip (别住) it n yur belt, carry it in yur purse r wear it arund yur neck n the Fall Detectin Lanyard.
    Stay cnnected, safe and healthy at hme r n the g with these Lively services.
    Get help in emergencies 24/7 frm Urgent Respnse Agents.
    Just press the Urgent Respnse buttn and we’ll cnfirm yur lcatin, assess the situatin, and get yu the help yu need.
    Speak t a dctr r nurse 24/7 frm the cmfrt f yur hme.
    Bard-certified dctrs and registered nurses can answer yur medical questins, rder prescriptins (处方) fr cmmn medicatins and mre.
    Keep lved nes updated n yur health and safety.
    The Lively Link app helps yu stay independent and reassures friends and family by sending an alert t their smartphnes if yu call Urgent Respnse.
    Yur device autmatically cnnects yu t an Agent.
    With available Lively Fall Detectin, we can send help even if yu’re unable t press the buttn.
    Add the services that are right fr yu with a Lively Health & Safety Package.
    Services Included
    Urgent Respnse
    Services Included
    Urgent Respnse
    Urgent Care
    Lively Link
    Services Included
    Urgent Respnse
    Urgent Care
    Lively Link
    Fall Detectin
    Lying, it seems, is becming an acceptable and even admirable scial skill.
    A lie is nly wrng because it might be discvered, and cause hurt and upset.
    But the Caht research als shwed that lying is n increasingly difficult grund.
    We, as a result, are all n the receiving end f a great many mre lies than in the past.
    They are s emtinally and intellectually evlved nw that they are lying mre, n a regular basis.
    They either stp ptential lvers by asking fr t much, r they invite lies that will be discvered quickly.
    I. Listening Cmprehensin(第1至10小题,每题1分;第11至20小题,每题1.5分。共25分。)
    1. B2. D3. D4. C5. B 6. A7. C8. A9. D10. D
    11. C12. D13. A14. B15. C16. A17. A18. B19. B20. C
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary(每小题1分。共20分。)
    21. withut22. Thugh / Althugh / While23. may / might24. t kill25. was practiced
    26. has becme27. when / as / because / since28. ffered29. saying30. hw
    31. D32. F33. B34. G35. C 36. K37. A38. J39. E40. H
    III. Reading Cmprehensin(第41至55小题,每题1分;第56至70小题,每题2分。共45分。)
    41. D42. A43. B44. A45. C46. D47. B48. C49. A50. C
    51. D 52. B53. B54. A55. D56. A57. C58. B59. A60. A
    61. A62. D63. C64. B65. D66. C67. A68. F69. C70. B
    IV. Summary Writing(共10分。)
    Physical cues, vital in cmmunicatin, help build trust. But these cues are limited in virtual envirnments, which blcks trust-building, s we shuld seek new ways t prve trustwrthiness. First, we can trust thse wh d as prmised. Secnd, peple whse claimed backgrund and experience have been cnfirmed are wrth trusting. (50 wrds)
    1. 本题总分为10分, 其中内容5分, 语言5分。
    2. 评分时应注意的主要方面: 内容要点、信息呈现的连贯性和准确性。
    3. 词数超过60,酌情扣分。
    A. 能准确、全面地概括文章主旨大意,并涵盖主要信息。
    B. 能准确概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏个别主要信息。
    C. 能概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏部分主要信息。
    D. 未能准确概括文章主旨大意,遗漏较多主要信息或留有过多细节信息。
    E. 几乎不能概括文章的主旨大意,未涉及文中有意义的相关信息。
    F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关。
    A. 能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。
    B. 能用自己的语言较连贯、正确地表述,但有个别语言错误。
    C. 基本能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述,但连贯性较差,且有少量不影响表 意的语言错误。
    D. 基本能用自己的语言表述,但连贯性较差,且严重语言错误较多。
    E. 几乎不能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。
    F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关。
    V. Translatin(第72至第73小题,每题3分;第74小题4分;第75小题5分。共15分。)
    72. Mp up the water n the flr at nce in case smene slips. (1.5+1.5)
    73. Recent years has witnessed the quick develpment f the muntain village which was extremely pr. (2+1)
    74. Yu shuldn’t have had yur children ding whatever they wanted in the restaurant yesterday, which must have disturbed the ther custmers. (1.5+1+1.5)
    75. Facing the failure f experiment after experiment, the scientist didn’t get discuraged; instead, he kept imprving his experiment and finally made a breakthrugh. (1.5+1+1.5+1)
    VI. Guided Writing(共25分)
    1. 本题总分为25分,其中内容10分,语言10分,组织结构5分。
    2. 评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点,应用词汇和语法结构的数量和正确性及上下文的连贯性。
    3. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。其中,内容和语言两部分相加,得15分或以上者,可考虑加4-5分,15分以下者只能考虑加0,1,2,3分。
    4. 词数少于 70,总分最多不超过10分。
    Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. M: Excuse me, but I’d like t draw sme cash.
    W: Will yu step right ver t the secnd windw, please?
    Q: Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    2. M: S when are the ther guys ging t get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes.
    W: It’s 10:30 already. They’re suppsed t be here by nw. I tld everybdy t meet here by 10:15.
    Q: When is the train leaving?
    3. W: Can yu believe it? A twenty-page term paper and the final exam! What des Prfessr Jhnsn think?
    M: Wait a mment. I’m sure what he said was either ne r the ther.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    4. W: I gt sme bad news tday. The stre where I wrk is laying ff staff.
    M: Are they ging t make yu g?
    Q: What des the man want t knw?
    5. W: Why dn’t yu wear that yellw shirt that yur aunt gave yu fr yur birthday?
    M: I lve that shirt. But tw buttns are missing.
    Q: What are the tw speakers mainly talking abut?
    6. W: What’s the prblem? Dn’t yu have yur apartment key?
    M: It’s a gd thing I leave a spare ne with my neighbr. I am ging t stp by, ask fr it and get my bks.
    Q: What will the man mst prbably d next?
    7. W: It’s n use. I’ll never learn t swim as well as yu d.
    M: Dn’t give up s easily. Remember I practically grw in the water.
    Q: What can be learned frm the cnversatin?
    8. M: I talked t Philip tday and he said he’d be cming t the party this weekend.
    W: Oh, s he can cme after all.
    Q: What can be inferred abut Philip?
    9. W: This curse is much t hard fr me.
    M: I had already reminded yu befre yu chse it. It was yu yurself wh insisted n taking it, right?
    Q: What des the man imply?
    10. W: I studied French in high schl, but I never really learned it until this summer in Paris.
    M: Really using the language makes all the difference, desn’t it?
    Q: What des the man mean?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f them. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Gardens can be incredible spaces. They nt nly prvide us with fd and ther resurces t keep ur bdies healthy, but they can als be great fr ur emtinal well-being.
    Researchers nte that gardening is beneficial because it cmbines physical activity with scial interactin and expsure t nature and sunlight. Tending yur wn garden ver time can als prmte healing and mental well-being.
    One study shws gardening can help yu t develp an ability t cpe with difficult situatins. Nt everything in a garden will g accrding t plan. And small disappintments and frustratins will help yu learn hw t cpe when ther things g wrng. Meanwhile, yu can learn patience, and begin t appreciate that there are things utside f yur cntrl. With each small success, hwever, yur cnfidence in yur wn skills and abilities will cntinue t grw.
    What’s mre, tending a garden can help yu feel mre cnnected t the natural wrld, and als, f curse, t thers wh might garden alngside yu. Whether yu garden n yur wn r with thers, this can help yu feel less lnely.
    Additinally, gardening can help peple heal after mental health prblems, and help them t find their place in the wrld. As we can see, gardens grw mre than just plants.
    (Nw listen again, please)
    11. What is the passage mainly abut?
    12. Why is gardening beneficial accrding t sme researchers?
    13. Hw can gardening affect us accrding t the passage?
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Nwadays, pet prducts cmpanies ffer a wide range f smart pet devices. These devices include autmatic feeders, smart waterers, self-cleaning litter bxes and air-cnditining smart pet huses.
    Gu Weixue is the c-funder and CEO f a pet prducts cmpany in Shanghai. Accrding t Gu, his cmpany aims t make pet wnership easier and mre efficient. It ffers pet wners a ne-stp destinatin t access everything frm pet tech slutins, pet fd, pet care and medical services. While pet wners are away frm hme, pets will be taken better care f with the help f its pet prducts and services.
    Fr instance, pet wners can schedule feeding and cntrl the smart pet feeders n their smartphne with the app while they are away frm hme. And the cmpany’s air-cnditining smart pet huse will allw cnsumers t remtely regulate the temperature inside the pet huse by using the app. The built-in sensr will detect the presence f the pet and recrd data such as resting time.
    Gu said his cmpany earned nearly 500 millin yuan last year, and he expected t see the figure reach arund 1 billin yuan this year thanks t the rapid develpment f China’s pet market and the strng recvery f the ecnmy.
    (Nw listen again, please)
    14. What is the passage mainly abut?
    15. Accrding t Gu, what is the aim f his cmpany?
    16. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    M: Jenny, I’m planning t get a new smartphne.
    W: Why? Is there smething wrng with yur ld ne? We gt urs at the same time, remember? I dn’t feel the need t get a new ne yet.
    M: I’m always running ut f strage and the battery is dying faster than befre.
    W: Really?
    M: I think I’d be mre prductive fr wrk if I updated my phne.
    W: Hw s?
    M: It wuld make cmmunicatin easier, and a new phne wuld be faster.
    W: I knw yu are using yur phne fr wrk mre. But are yu sure yu need a new ne? Often a new mdel just means a new size, clr r sme ther small features.
    M: I need a phne with an up-t-date perating system s that my prductivity rate stays high. The new phne I’m planning t buy has very helpful new applicatins, t.
    W: Well, I guess … if yu need it fr wrk.
    M: What abut yu? Yurs must nt be as efficient as it used t be.
    W: Well, my phne des die faster than it used t. But there is s much t learn when yu get a new phne. It tk me a lng time t get used t the ne I have nw.
    M: Yu still shuld think abut it. There’s been a huge increase in peple stealing data frm phnes. A new phne can keep all f ur infrmatin safer because it has better security.
    (Nw listen again, please)
    17. What are the tw speakers mainly talking abut?
    18. What did the wman think f the man’s plan at first?
    19. What can be learned abut the man’s smartphne?
    20. Why is the wman reluctant t change her phne?
    That’s the end f the listening cmprehensin.

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