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    这是一份2021广州高三普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, 36 628, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Exercising regularly not only helps you keep slim, but also improves your overall health and well-being. Different exercises produce different results, as they focus on alternate parts of the body. There are four broad exercise categories: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Many people often only focus on one exercise type, but including all four in your workout will produce better results and reduce your risk of injury.
    Endurance exercises increase your breathing and heart rate. By doing endurance exercises, you are working to keep your heart, lungs, and blood-flow system healthy while improving your total fitness. Over time these activities will make everyday activities seem easier.
    If you want to build up your muscles, then strength exercises, which are also known as "resistance training", are right for you. Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference in your ability to carry out daily tasks. Developing strong muscles also reduces your risk of weak bones.
    Flexibility exercises help stretch your body's muscles. This allows for more freedom of movement for other exercises and can also improve your range of motion, posture, ability to breathe deeply, and blood flow. Also, it reduces the muscle tension caused by stress.
    Balance exercises help prevent falls and are especially important to older adults, helping them stay independent. Most good balance exercises are ones that keep you constantly moving with your feet on the ground. Heel-to-toe walking and standing on one foot are simple ways to improve balance.
    21. How can a person benefit most from their exercise routine?
    A. By combining different exercise types together
    B. By having sufficient rest between their workouts
    C. By concentrating on one training aspect at a time.
    D. By increasing the frequency of their training gradually.
    22. Which exercise types are most useful to improve a person's breathing function?
    A. Strength and Balance B. Flexibility and Balance
    C. Endurance and Strength D. Endurance and Flexibility
    23 Which part of the body plays the most important role in balance-related exercises?
    A. Arms. B. Legs. C. Waist D. Neck
    The history of microbiology begins with a Dutch cloth maker named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a man of no formal scientific education. In the late 1600s, Leeuwenhoek, inspired by the magnifying lenses(放大镜) he used to examine cloth, built some of the first microscopes. He developed a technique to improve the quality of tiny, rounded lenses, some of which could magnify an object up to 270 times. After removing some plaque from between his teeth and examining it under a lens, Leeuwenhoek found tiny twisting creatures, Which he called "animalcules"".
    His observations, which he reported to the Royal Society of London, are among the first descriptions of microbes(微生物), Leeuwenhoek discovered an entire universe invisible to the human eye. He found different microbes in samples of pond water, rain water, and human blood. He gave the first description of red blood cells, observed plant tissue, examined muscle, and investigated the life cycle of insects.
    Nearly two hundred years later, Leeuwenhoek's discovery of microbes helped French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur to develop his "theory of disease". This concept suggested that disease originates from tiny organisms attacking and weakening the body. Pasteur’s theory later helped doctors to fight infectious diseases including anthrax, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, tetanus, and typhoid. All these breakthroughs were the result of Leeuwenhoek's original work. Leeuwenhoek did not foresee this legacy.
    In a 1716 letter, he described his contribution to science this way: "My work, which I’ve done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a strong desire for knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men, And therefore, whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that the scientific community might be informed thereof.”
    24. Which of the following best describes Leeuwenhoek?
    A. A trained researcher with an interest in microbiology
    B. A curious amateur who made pioneer studies of microbes
    C. A talented scientist interested in finding a cure for disease
    D A bored cloth maker who accidentally made a major discovery
    25. The underlined phrase "this legacy" in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
    A. the discovery of microbes B. Pasteur's theory of disease
    C. Leeuwenhoek's contribution D. the origin of the tiny organism
    26. What does the quote from Leeuwenhoek's letter suggest?
    A. He admitted that many of his discoveries happened by chance.
    B. He considered his work to be central to later medical breakthroughs.
    C. He was greatly concerned with improving people’s living conditions.
    D. He believed the sharing of knowledge was a key to scientific progress
    27. What is the correct order for the following events?
    a. Magnifying lenses were built.
    b. The “theory of disease” was put forward
    c Microbes were discovered in samples of waters.
    d. Leeuwenhoek's first microscopes were successfully developed.
    e Leeuwenhoek explained his thoughts upon his own contribution.
    A. a-d-c-e-b B. d-a-c-e-b C. a-c-d-b-e D. d-a-e-b-c
    Around 200 B. C, Aristophanes, an ancient Greek librarian, developed a system of marks to break up text to make it easier to read. Before this, words were often written in one long sentence without spaces between the words. Today in many languages -including English-there is a set of rules on how to use full stops, commas and other text marks. However, some believe this is changing. Dr Robert Frost, who studies language, says people no longer use full stops and other punctuation (标点)symbols because they feel their messages are clear enough without them. So, is punctuation helpful or just troublesome?
    Yes-punctuation is important
    Punctuation is needed in order to make the meaning of written words clear. If a parent messaged to say, “It's time to eat, children, this is different from, " It's time to eat children". The second sentence would probably make you want to run in the opposite direction because it sounds as though children were on the menu. The author Jonathan Pierce argues that punctuation can be used to add drama, to break up the sequence of words and change the rhythm of a sentence. "It allows writers to make sentences more interesting so the readers do not get bored, Pierce claims. “Otherwise, the words run into each other and lose their impact. " Besides, learning the different ways punctuation marks can be used is fun. It can add a lot to the style of writing and make it clearer.
    No-we don't need it
    Punctuation. Even, if a sentence is badly punctuated. like this one: It can still be, understood. This short piece of text shows that it is the words that are the important part of the sentence, not the symbols between them. Oxford-based linguist Kelly Jones says, "It is the order in which the words appear that conveys the meaning, not the punctuation marks. If there is any doubt in the meaning of the sentence, people are clever enough to work out what the person is really trying to say. For instance, when people speak, they do not use punctuation and yet we can still understand each other.” Also, punctuation can be confusing -there are lots of complex rules to observe, and if it is used incorrectly it can cause more problems than if there were none, Punctuation simply isn't needed.628
    28. What is the purpose of this passage?
    A. To discuss alternative viewpoints.
    B. To support one argument over another.
    C. To evaluate the strength of competing ideas.
    D. To outline historical development of language
    29 Who believes punctuation is necessary?
    A. Robert Frost and Kelly Jones
    B. Aristophanes and Robert Frost
    C. Jonathan Pierce and Kelly Jones
    D. Aristophanes and Jonathan Pierce
    30. In paragraph 3, the underlined part is used as .
    A. a definition B. a fact C. an example D. an error
    31. Which of the following can be a strong argument against Kelly Jones's opinion?
    A Punctuation adds to the effect and richness of a language.
    B. Without punctuation, people would be breathless when speaking.
    C Pauses and tones in speech serve similar functions to punctuation.
    D. The choice and order of words are important to conveying meaning.
    To many people, honey bees symbolize wealth, sustainability and environmentalism. But as a honey bee researcher, I have to tell you that only the first item on that list is defensible. Although they are important for agriculture, honey bees, which are usually imported from outside the local area, also disturb natural ecosystems by competing with native bees.
    For several years the media has told us that bee populations are under threat. In response to this media campaign to "save the bees", raising honey bees has become a popular hobby. But as a species, honey bees are least in need of saving. Much media attention is given to honey bees at the expense of native bees, and this has led many citizens—myself once included—to mistakenly believe they are doing a good thing for the environment by raising honey bees. Unfortunately, they
    are probably doing more harm than good.628
    “Beekeeping is for people; it's not a conservation practice, "says Shelly Smith, an environmental science professor. People mistakenly think keeping honey bees also helps the native bees, which are at risk of extinction. That's wrong.”
    Smith and her research team recently surveyed one thousand local people in Canada and found that they had a surprisingly poor understanding of bee types and their roles in promoting flower growth. Most people’s attention is on saving honey bees when, from a conservationist's point of view, native bees are the ones in more need of support.
    “To make matters worse, beekeeping companies and various non-science-based projects have
    financially benefited from the decline of native bee populations, "Smith explains. "These companies pretend they are interested in saving bees but their actions are actually damaging the native bee populations.” 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华
    The introduction of honey bees increases competition with native bee populations for food, putting even more pressure on the wild species that are already in decline. Honey bees are extremely efficient food gatherers and take over almost all local flower resources, thus leading to damaging competition—that is, where one species uses up a resource, not leaving enough to go around.
    32. Which statement does the writer argue for?
    A. Honey bees endanger native bees.
    B. Honey bees are a symbol of wealth.
    C. Honey bees are important for agriculture.
    D Honey bees can defend natural ecosystems.
    33. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
    A. Beekeeping is a still-popular traditional hobby.
    B. The media is responsible for misleading the public.
    C. Citizens’ attempts to protect the environment are effective.
    D. The media campaign has failed to promote honey bee businesses.
    34. What surprised Shelly Smith's team?628
    A. Beekeeping companies' making great profits.
    B. The quick expansion of bee-friendly habitats.
    C. The public's ignorance of bee varieties and roles.
    D. Insufficient attention given to saving honey bees.
    35. How does the writer develop the last paragraph?
    A. By listing examples. B By making comparisons.
    C. By analyzing survey data. D. By explaining cause and effect.
    Do you like the idea of running your own business from home? Most of you do, and the first things you say you like about it are being your own boss, having flexible hours and working In your pajamas(睡衣). 36 628
    Being your own boss is definitely one big advantage. 37 You must commit to work on
    your business regularly to make profits. If not, you will find that your income becomes non-existent. So, have set office hours where you productively work on building your business.
    38 Doctors’ appointments and family commitments can simply be worked into your schedule. Again, you need to arrange your appointments carefully and try to book them together. This way you can get all of your running around done in one day.
    Working in your pajamas may seem appealing initially. But it can also prevent you from actually getting your work done. 39 After that, just walk into your office and start your day’s work. Being too casual means getting less work done on a regular basis.
    In order to run a successful business from home you need to have a good mindset. 40
    Taking off too many hours each week will damage your financial stability and long-term success. Set goals and limits on your time. Build your business first, before taking advantage of what working from home offers.
    A. But it can also become your downfall without care.
    B. Flexible hours are another huge plus of working from home.
    C. Once it's achieved, you'll have more opportunities to develop business contacts.
    D. You may find it more efficient to get up, exercise, then shower and dress for work.
    E. This includes realizing that you and only you are responsible for your own income.
    F. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it is so easy to allow yourself to have excuses.
    G. While these benefits sound great, the reality of working from home can be a little different.
    Camogli looks like any other small Italian coastal town. The little 41 houses face the
    sea, The sunlight warms their beauty. But, look carefully and you'll see many things that seem 41 ...but they're not.
    This fishing village is full of trompe l’oeil—an art form in which nothing is what it appears to be. While some flowers die, others live for years. Why? Because they're 43 on the building!
    Trompe l’oeil has been around for centuries. 44 , Camogli's fishermen painted their houses in bright colors and unusual designs, so that they could see their homes 45 from the water. Then, in the 1700s, it became a way to make small, simple buildings look 46 and high-valued.
    And today? There are still many trompe l’oeil houses in villages like Camogli, but only a few
    artists are 47 to paint them. Carlo is one of this ever-decreasing band of artists who's managed to make a business out of it. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华-wqpywi
    His 48 are often people who want to improve their home’s 49 .But for Carlo trompe l’oeil’s purpose is to bring something 50 to a new place, such as bringing the city to the sea or even the deserts to the cities.
    Carlos painting style 51 the past. He only uses old-style paints and mixes them by hand. He does so for one reason: to protect the trompe l’oeil 52 . He also believes this art should be 53 everywhere.
    Fortunately, in Camogli, local art and culture are still 54 .But remember, don’t always
    55 your eyes!
    41. A. colored B. crowded C. damp D. wooden
    42. A. fancy B. novel C. real D. valuable
    43. A. carved B. pressed C. painted D. planted
    44. A. Creatively B. Mistakenly C. Frequently D. Originally
    45. A. closely B. easily C. happily D. hopefully
    46. A. comfortable B. complicated C grand D. harmonious
    47. A. allowed B. available C. responsible D. introduced
    48. A. designers B. followers C. customers D. partners
    49. A. appearance B. capacity C. convenience D. privacy
    50. A. civilized B. faraway C. natural D. unexpected
    51. A. comes from B. brings about C. goes against D. leaves out
    52. A. artists B. buildings C. paints D. traditions
    53. A. accepted B. discussed C. learned D. seen-wqpywi
    54. A. changing B. alive C. diverse D. unique
    55. A. believe B. block C. widen D. cheat
    A comforting cup of tea is an essential part of the day for hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Worldwide, three cups of tea 56 (consume) for every cup of coffee. To 57 (full) appreciate the ancient roots of the herbal drink, a visit to the China National Tea Museum might be in order. The institution has a long history.
    58 (locate)in Hangzhou, the museum occupies a parklike setting. Inside, various halls demonstrate the story of tea, its ceremonies(仪式) and its tools. Records of tea drinking date as far back as the 59 (ten)century B.C. in China. Originally the leaves were baked into a brick,a part of 60 could be broken off and made into a powder (粉状物). Tea spread into northern China during the Tang Dynasty; by the Song Dynasty it 61 (acquire)a loose-leaf production as well as the ceremonies that made its consumption 62 art form.
    The art of tea extended to its fancy containers, which are 63 display at the museum. Gracefully rounded kettles date back 5,000 years; tea bowls from the Tang Dynasty have a beautiful simplicity. Today 64 (visit)can observe a tea ceremony that might be enough 65 (change) even the most passionate coffee drinker-wqpywi
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,上周你校举办了首届生活技能云端展示活动,主题为“劳动创造美好生活( Work Creates a Better Life)”。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    The First Online Life Skills Show

    It took place in a teachers family. One day, Ben was playing basketball in the living room after school, when he accidentally threw the ball at a vase sitting on the shelf. The vase dropped to the floor and a large piece broke off. What made Ben more upset was that the vase was not a common decoration but an antique, which was handed down through generations from the 18th century. It was also his mother's favourite possession. To cover his terrible action, the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.
    As the mother herself dusted the vase every day, she naturally noticed the cracks(裂纹) that evening. To her surprise, the repair work was actually very good. At dinner time, she asked her boy if he broke the vase. Fearing punishment, the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbour’s cat jumped in from the window and he couldn’t drive it away no matter how hard he tried. It raced around the living room and finally knocked the vase off its shelf. His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before she left for work each morning and opened after she returned. However, in the face of her son’s nervous eyes and the suspicious looks of the other family members. Ben’s mother remained calm. She realized she shouldn’t just simply blame and punish her son for lying. She came up with another idea.
    Before going to bed, the boy found a note from his mother in his room, asking him to go to
    the study at once. The boy thought he would now be punished but, as he had already lied, he was determined to deny everything to the end, no matter how angry his mum became.
    In the study, calmly bathed in the light, his mothers face showed no sign of anger. On seeing her son push open the door and cautiously enter, she took a chocolate box out of a drawer and gave him one.
    The mother said, "This chocolate is a reward for your imagination: a window-opening cat!”

    Now with some chocolates in hand, the boy’s bad attitude disappeared.

    A篇 本篇是一篇介绍四种锻炼方式的说明文
    21-23: ADB
    21. 答案为 A。由第一段最后一句“but including all four in your workout will produce better results…”可知与选项 A“ combining different exercise types together”意思一致,要几种锻炼方式一起进行才能达到更好的效果。
    22. 答 案 为 D 。由 Endurance 段第一句“…increase your breathing…” 和Flexibility 段 第 二 句 “improve your range of motion posture ability to breathe deeply…”可知这两种锻炼方式都对呼吸有好处。
    23. 答案为 B。由 Balance 段第二句“keep you constantly moving with your feet…” 可知和脚的运动有关, A 选项为手臂,C 选项为腰部,D 选项为脖子,因此选 B。
    B篇 本篇是一篇人物传记
    24-27: BCDA
    24. 答案为 B。由第一段可知显微镜是 Leeuwenhoek 发明的,第二段可知他也是第一个研究微生物的人,因此他是微生物研究的先驱者。同时,第一段第一句也说明了他没有接受过正式的科学教育,故也符合 B 选项的“amateur 业余者”的身份。
    25. 答案为 C 。“this legacy” 指前面 提到的 “ 所有的这些成就都离不开Leeuwenhoek 的研究” , 因此他没有预料到的是他的研究会带来这么多的成就“contribution”,故选C。
    26. 答案为 D。由最后一段的最后一句可知,Leeuwenhoek 在信中提到“每当我有所发现,我会认为把它们记录到纸上是我的义务,因为这样的话科学界才能对我的这些发现有所了解。” 与 D 选项意思一致。
    27. 答案为 A。由第一二段可知,先是放大镜被发明,Leeuwenhoek 从中获得灵感发明了显微镜,再发现了微生物。从第三段第一句可知,在 1600s 显微镜被发明的两百年后,即大约大约 1800s “the theory of disease”被提出。由最后一段可知他对他的贡献作出解释的信是在 1716 年写的,因此时间先后顺序应是 a-d-c-e-b。
    C 篇 是一篇关于标点符号是否有用的议论文
    28-31 ADCA
    28. A 主旨题。本篇文章是一篇议论文,根据文体特点,文章的主旨应该是第一段的主题句。根据题文同序的原则,该题的答案也应该在第一段。而第一段的主旨句是最后一句”So, is punctuation helpful or just troublesome?” 由此可知,本文的主旨是讨论标点符号到底
    是有用还是冗余这样一个二选一的问题,对应 A 选项的 discuss alternative viewpoints。
    29. D 细节题。问谁支持标点符号有用,第一段的 Aristophanes 发明了标点符号,和第二段表示支持的 Jonathan Pierce,答案选 D。
    30. C 推断题。根据题干,本题要求找出文中第三段划线句子的作用。划线句子的下一句“This short piece of text shows that it is the words…”说明这个短句的作用是展示词汇才是句子的重要部分而不是词汇之间的符号,可知划线句子的作用就是举例子展示。
    31. A 细节题。根据题干“Kelly Jones’s opinion”定位到第三段,Kelly Jones 的观点是“It’s the order in which the words appear that conveys the meaning not the punctuation marks.”也就是 Kelly 认为是词汇的顺序影响具体意义,而不是标点符号,她认为标点符号对 meaning 无影响。而本题要求找到与 Kelly 观点最相悖的选项,只有 A 选项提到标点符号 adds to the effect and richness of a language 丰富了语言本身,对语言意义有影响,和 Kelly 观点最相悖。
    D 篇 是一篇关于蜜蜂的引入会使野生蜜蜂受到威胁的议论文。
    32-35 ABCD
    32. A 主旨题。首段最后一句,作者提出 honey bees 蜜蜂会与野生蜜蜂竞争,从而打扰自然生态系统。尾段作者也提出了,引入蜜蜂会让本就数量下降的野生蜂蜜面临更大的生存压力。此答案选 A,蜜蜂让野生蜂蜜陷入困境。
    33. B 推断题。第二段作者提出,媒体一直强调蜜蜂的数量岌岌可危,但实际上蜜蜂并不需要刻意去保护,因此人们都误以为养蜜蜂是一件环保的事情。因此可推断答案选 B,媒体需要为误导大众而负责。
    34. C 细节题。此题可定位到第四段,they had a surprisingly poor understanding of bee types and their roles in promoting flower growth,意为“出乎意料的是,当地人们几乎不了解蜜蜂的种类以及它们对于促进花朵生长的角色”。因此答案选 C,公众对于蜜蜂种类及其角色的忽视。
    35. D 最后一段总结分析道,蜜蜂引入后会与野生蜜蜂的竞争,使野生蜜蜂陷入危机。原因是蜜蜂采集花粉的速度极快,这就让野生蜂蜜无法找到花粉食用,这就导致了恶性竞争。作者分析了导致野生蜂蜜数量减少的原因,因此选D,因果分析。
    七选五:36-40: GABDE
    解析:该空前一句提到多个在家办公的好处,包括being your own boss, having flexible
    hours 和working in your pajamas. 而G选项中的these benefits恰好指代这些好处。37
    解析:该空前一句肯定独自创业的优势,而A选项中的But与前一句形成转折关系。A选项警示独立创业存在着负面影响,并且呼应该段中If not所在句,该句即是A选项downfall的具体内容。
    38 答案B
    解析: 该空位于第三段首句, B 选项中another huge plus 呼应第二段首句one big advantage。
    39 答案D
    解析:该空前一句讲到在家办公也会影响人完成工作。D选项中more efficient承上启下,并介绍提高效率的方法。该空后一句代词that指代D选项中的get up, exercise, shower and dress for work
    40 答案E
    41. 答案A。考察形容词。该形容词修饰houses,根据后文得知这些房子的外观是由颜料涂成的各种样子,A“有颜色的”;B“拥挤的”;C“潮湿的”;D“木制的”,colored符合题意。
    42. 答案C。考察形容词。根据上下文得知“看清楚你会发现很多东西很逼真,但是她们不是真的”,在下一段中根据“flowers”的例子也知道这只是绘画,A“花俏的”;B“新颖的”;C
    43. 答案C。考察动词。这些建筑的外观应该是画出来的,A“雕刻的”;B“按压的”;C“画
    44. 答案D。考察副词。根据上下文得知这是此种绘画的历史的介绍,有明显时间关系,逻辑词搭配是“originally……then……”。A“有创造性地”;B“错误地”;C“经常地”;D“起初地”,originally符合题意。
    45. 答案B。考察副词。根据上下文逻辑得知,五颜六色的外墙是为了使在海里看起来更容
    46. 答案C。考察形容词。根据并列形容词high-valued的线索得知应该选择近义表达,A“舒
    47. 答案B。考察形容词。根下文得知,“在该小镇还有很多房子,但是现存的能够绘制这种房子外观的艺术家所剩无几”,A“允许的”;B“可使用的”;C“负责的”;D“引入的”,
    48. 答案C。考察名词。根据上下文得知应该是“画家”和“消费者”之间的关系,消费者雇佣画家用来装饰他们房子的外观。A“设计师”;B“追随者”;C“顾客”;D“伙伴”,customers符合题意。
    49. 答案A。考察名词。根据上下文得知这些绘画是在房子的外观上,所以是用来装饰和改善房 子 的 外 观 。 A. appearance 外 观 ;B. capacity 能 力 ;C. convenience 便 利 ;
    D. privacy 隐私。
    50. 答案 D。考察形容词。根据下文可知,“把城市带到海洋,把沙漠带到城市”,排除A、C。这些例子都说明了绘画的具体内容是别出心裁的,只有“unexpected”符合题意。A. civilized 文明的;B. faraway 遥远的;C. natural 自然的;D. unexpected 出乎意料的。
    51. 答案 A。考察动词词组。根据后文“他只运用传统风格的颜料和徒手把这些颜料混合”的
    信息得知 Carlo 的风格是来自于过往。只有“past”符合题意。A. comes from 来自;B.brings
    about 引起;C. goes against 不利于;违反;D. leaves out 遗漏,省去。
    52. 答案 D。考察名词。根据前文 Carlo 是遵循传统技法,使用传统颜料手工绘制,推出其目的为保护 trompe l'oeil 的传统,因此选D。A. artists 艺术家;B. buildings 建筑;C. paints颜料;D. traditions 传统。
    53. 答案 D。此题考查动词。与前文 Carlo 保护 trompe l'oeil 这一艺术形式相符。此句意思
    为“他也相信这种艺术形式应该在各地被看到。”A. accepted 被接纳;B. discussed 被谈论
    C. learned 被学习;D. seen 被看到。
    54. 答案 B。此题考查形容词。A. changing 改变的;B. alive 活着; 继续存在;C. diverse 不
    同的; 多种多样的;D. unique 独特的。根据前文 There are still many trompe l'oeil houses in the village like Camogli 得知这种艺术和文化形式还是继续存在着。
    55. 答案 A。考查动词。A. believe 意为“相信”;B. block 意为“堵塞; 阻塞”;C. widen 意为“(使)变宽”;D. cheat 意为“欺骗;作弊”。根据前文 This fishing village is full of trompe l'oeil-an art form in which nothing is what appears to be ,意为“这个渔村到处都是错视画—— 一种表里不一的艺术形式”,所以不能相信眼睛所看到的。故答案选 A。
    56. are consumed
    解析:考察谓语动词。consume 消耗、本句长度较短,容易发现缺少谓语动词,主语three
    cups of tea,与谓语动词consume之间是被动关系,时态是一般现在时,所以答案填are
    57. fully
    58. Located
    解析:考察非谓语。locate 定位,动词。本句已有谓语动词,故使用locate的非谓语形式。
    其次,坐落于be located in,变为非谓语located in。
    59. tenth
    60. which
    61. had acquired
    62. an
    63. on
    解析:考察介词。on display展览、展出,通过后文at the museum提示,此处为展览、展
    64. visitors
    65. to change
    解析:考察非谓语。change 改变,动词。本句1个连词、2个谓语动词,故只能填写change
    的非谓语形式,be enough to do足以做某事,故填to change

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