menu 菜单dessert menu 甜品菜单specials 特色菜品recommendations /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃns/ 推荐菜steak 牛排medium 5分熟medium well 7分熟Well done 8分 全熟sauces 酱汁tomato ketchup 蕃茄酱chopsticks /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/ 筷子mineral water /ˈmɪnərəl/ 矿泉水tap water 自来水salty 咸
实用例句Excuse me, could I book a table for Saturday night?不好意思,能不能订一下周六晚上的餐桌?For how many people?几位?For six people. 六位。At what time?几点?At seven thirty pm.晚上19:30。I’m sorry, we don’t have anything then. What about a little earlier, at six o’clock?不好意思,那个时间没有位置,早一点怎么样,18:00?Ok, that would be fine. 好的没问题。×What is your name?×May I know your name?Could I have a name please?请问您贵姓Could you give me a contact number?能不能留一个联系方式?Thanks, and see you on Saturday. 谢谢 周六见。Good evening. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,你们有预定吗?Could we have a table for two please? 能不能安排两位的餐桌?Would you like to sit next to the window?要坐窗边吗?What about here?这张桌子,可以吗?Could we sit somewhere quieter?可以坐一个安静一点的地方吗?Could you give me a menu, please?可以给我一份菜单吗?Could we see the menu?我们能不能看一下菜单?Would you like to see the dessert menu? 要看一下甜点菜单吗?Are you ready to order, or do you need more time? 你想现在点菜还是需要更多时间?Could you give us a few more minutes?能再给我们几分钟时间吗?We are ready to order.我们可以点餐了。What are today’s specials?今天的特色菜品是什么?Do you have any recommendations?你有什么推荐?Have you decided what you want to have?你决定点什么了吗?I’d like the steak please.我想要牛排。How would you like your steak cooked?您的牛排要几分熟?I’d like it medium. 5分熟I’d like it medium well. 7分熟Well done. 8分 全熟Would you like any sauces with it?牛排有哪些酱汁?Pepper sauce, please.胡椒汁。Mushroom sauce.蘑菇汁。Could you give us some tomato ketchup?能再给我们一些番茄酱吗?Do you have spicy sauce?有辣椒酱吗?Do you have chopsticks?有筷子吗?Could we have some more water, please?我们能再要一点水吗?Could I have some hot water please?能不能给我倒一点开水?Still or sparkling?没汽的还是气泡水?I don’t mind. Either is fine.无所谓,都可以Would you like anything to drink?你想喝什么?I’d like a cup of tea with lemon, please.我想要一杯茶,加柠檬。Could I have a glass of apple juice please?我要一杯苹果汁。Excuse me, I ordered 40 minutes ago, but my food hasn’t come yet.不好意思,我40分钟前就点了菜,但现在还没上。There is a hair in my food.我的菜里有一根头发。This food is cold. 菜凉了。It’s too salty, I can’t eat it.太咸了 我吃不下Could you make another one?你能不能再做一份二、看病重点单词和词组
make an appointmen 预约diarrhoea /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/ 拉肚子symptoms /ˈsɪmptəms/ 症状flu 流感temperature /ˈtemprətʃə/ 温度painkiller 止疼片ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/ 救护车scraped 划伤cut 割伤a bruise /bruːz/ 瘀伤bump my head 碰头 appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ 胃口feels sore 酸 injection /ɪnˈdʒekʃn/ 打针
Hi, I’d like to register to see a doctor.你好,我想挂号。I’d like to make an appointment to see a doctor.我想预约看医生。×I feel uncomfortable.I feel ill. I don’t feel well.我觉得不舒服。Could I see your ID card please?能不能看一下你的身份证?医生现在可以见你The doctor will see you now.Where does it hurt?What’s the matter?哪里不舒服?×Does here hurt?Does it hurt here?这里疼吗?It hurts when I move my arm.胳膊一动就疼。My stomach hurts.我肚子疼。I have diarrhoea.我在拉肚子。How long have you been feeling like this?已经多长时间了?What are your symptoms?有什么症状?I think I’ve caught a cold.我好像感冒了。I’ve been coughing and sneezing. 我一直咳嗽,打喷嚏。I’ve got a blocked nose.我鼻塞。A lot of people have caught the flu.很多人感染流感了。My back is killing me. 我的背疼死了。It’s unbearable我受不了了。I have a fever. I have a temperature.我发烧了。I need a painkiller. 我需要止疼片。Quick, call an ambulance.快叫救护车。My son scraped his knee.我儿子划伤了膝盖I cut myself on a broken cup.我的碎杯子割伤了自己。I bruised my leg playing football. 踢足球的时候,把腿搞紫了。I bumped my head.我碰了头。I pulled a muscle.我的肌肉拉伤了。I’ve lost my appetite. 我没有胃口了。I threw up last night.I vomited last night.我昨天晚上吐了。I'll need to do some tests.我需要做一些测试。I need to do an X-ray.我需要拍片子。Can you roll up your sleeve please?请卷起袖子。How badly does it hurt?有多疼?My back is sore. 背酸。Let me listen to your chest.我听一下你的心跳。I’m going to give you an injection.我要给你打针。You need to cut down on your drinking.你需要少喝酒。You need to try and lose some weight.你要尽量减肥。Get plenty of rest.好好休息Drink plenty of fluids(液体).多喝水。Get better soon.Get well soon.早日康复。Are you feeling a bit better?你好一点了没有?Has your cold got a bit better?你感冒好一点了吗?Not really. 没有。Yes, I'm feeling much better now, thanks.我现在感觉好多,谢谢。