news 新闻TV series /ˈsɪəriːz/ 电视剧 drama series 戏剧variety show /vəˈraɪəti/ 综艺节目 contestant /kənˈtestənt/ 选手Chinese TV series国产剧American TV series美剧British TV series 英剧 the male lead 男主角 the female lead 女主角
What’s on the TV tonight?今晚电视上有什么节目?What’s on?有什么节目Is there anything interesting on?有什么有意思的节目吗?I‘m just watching the news.我就看新闻。Maybe later we can watch a TV series.也许晚一点我们可以看一个电视剧。In the evenings, I like to watch variety shows.我晚上喜欢看综艺节目。I’m watching Sisters Who Make Waves我在看乘风破浪的姐姐。Who is your favourite contestant on the show?你最喜欢哪个选手?Cyndi Wang is my favourite.我最喜欢的是王心凌。the male lead 男主角 the female lead 女主角The male lead is so handsome.男主角很帅的。I really admire the female lead,because she is a very strong character.我非常佩服女主角,因为她很坚强。What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch? 你喜欢看什么样的电视节目Are you watching any good TV series?你最近有在看什么好看的剧吗?I’m looking for a new show to watch.我在找一个新的节目可以看Have you got any recommendations?你有什么推荐?There’s this medical drama I’ve been watching.我最近在看一个医疗剧。It’s on Wednesday evenings at nine o’clock. You should check it out!周三晚上9点播,推荐你看一下。Recently I've been binge-watching House of Cards.我最近在追纸牌屋Have you seen it?你看了吗?I’ve only watched season 1.我只看了第一季。How many episodes have you watched?你已经看了几集?What do you think of it?你觉得怎么样?It’s very addictive.很上瘾。I’m addicted to it.我上瘾了。I get addicted to things easily.我很容易上瘾。My favourite show is on in a few minutes. It’s the series finale and I don’t want to miss it.过几分钟,我最喜欢的节目要开始了。是最后一集 我不想错过。 二、手机一、重点单词和词组
menu 菜单live stream 直播 flicking 刷influencers 网红screen 屏幕exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ 锻炼battery /ˈbætri/ 电池charger 充电器a mobile power bank 充电宝data (数据) 流量 data plan 流量套餐 live stream 直播comment 评论Moments 朋友圈 signal 信号
What are you doing?你现在在干什么?❌I play the phone.我在玩手机。☑️I’m playing on my phone.我在玩手机。I’m playing games on my phone.我在手机上玩游戏。I’m watching a live stream on my phone. 我在手机上看直播。I’m watching short videos.我正在看短视频。I’m checking my emails.我在查邮件。I’m flicking through Mouyin.我在刷某音。I follow a lot of influencers.我关注了很多网红。I’m playing on my phone.玩手机。You’re always playing on your phone.你总是在玩手机。It’s not a good idea to stare at the screen all the time. 不应该一直看屏幕。Stop staring at the screen.不要看屏幕。You should go out for a bit and get some exercise. 你应该出去一下,锻炼身体。Go out and get some fresh air. 出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。My phone is running out of battery. 我的手机快没有电了。My phone is almost dead. 我的手机快没有电了。 My phone has crashed. 我手机死机了。Can I borrow a charger?我能不能借一个充电器?What type of charger do you need?你需要什么样的充电器?I need a Type-C charger.我需要一个typeC充电器。Maybe you can rent a mobile power bank.也许你可以租一个充电宝。All you need to do is scan this QR code. 你只需要 扫二维码就可以了。I’m running out of data.我快没有流量了。How much data do you have left in your plan?你的套餐还剩多少流量?I only have two gigabytes left. 我只剩两个2GB。Don’t always use your data.不要总是使用流量。You should try to use Wi-Fi whenever you can.你应该多使用Wi-Fi。What's your Wi-Fi password?WiFi密码是多少?I liked his post.我给他的帖子点赞了。Don’t forget to like my live stream. 别忘了给我直播点赞。I left Chris a comment. 我给小克里写了一个评论。I posted some photos to my Moments.我在朋友圈上发了一些照片。Sorry, my signal is really bad. 不好意思 我信号很差。Let me move to somewhere with a better signal.我换一个信号比较好的地方。