001 a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush [翻译]一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林002 a black sheep [翻译]败家子 害群之马003 a bolt from the blue [翻译]晴天霹雳 出人意表004 a hot potato [翻译]烫手山芋,指处理困难或危险或棘手的事情 005 a left-handed compliment [翻译]假意恭维006 a penny for your thoughts [翻译]询问他人在琢磨什么 007 a piece of cake [翻译]小菜一碟,那就很容易做到008 a slap on the wrist [翻译]轻微的惩罚009 a snowball effect [翻译]滚雪球效应010 ace up one’s sleeve [翻译]手中握有王牌、解救危机的好办法011 actions speak louder than words [翻译]行动胜于雄辩012 add insult to injury [翻译]雪上加霜013 against the clock [翻译]争分夺秒014 an arm and a leg [翻译]形容很富有015 at sea [翻译]不知所措或混乱的状态016 at the drop of a hat [翻译]立即地 毫不犹豫017 back against the wall [翻译]陷入困境无处可逃018 back to square one [翻译]重起炉灶019 back to the drawing board [翻译](失败后)重新开始,从头再来 020 ball is in your court [翻译]掌握发言权,由你决定021 barking up the wrong tree [翻译]捕风捉影,主要是指把精力花在了不该花的地方,搞错了目标022 be glad to see the back of [翻译]庆幸终于摆脱(某人或某物)023 be in a tight corner. [翻译]处于困难的境地024 bear a grudge [翻译]含怨025 beat around the bush [翻译]拐弯抹角026 behind one’s back [翻译]背着某人027 beside yourself with joy [翻译]特别开心028 best of both the worlds [翻译]两全其美029 best thing since sliced bread [翻译]有史以来最好的事情030 better late than never [翻译]迟做总比不做好031 bide one's time [翻译]等待时机032 big cheese [翻译]大人物,要人033 bite off more than you can chew [翻译]贪多嚼不烂034 bite the bullet [翻译]硬着头皮做 咬紧牙关应付035 black and blue [翻译]青一块紫一块036 black out [翻译]晕厥 暂时昏迷037 blessing in disguise [翻译]塞翁失马,焉知非福038 blow hot and cold [翻译]反复无常 039 blow off steam [翻译]发泄情绪,宣泄不满040 boil the ocean [翻译]尝试艰难或不可能的任务041 bounce something off someone [翻译]征求某人的意见042 break a leg [翻译]祝你好运043 break fresh/ new ground [翻译]开辟新天地044 break the bank [翻译]斥巨资 倾家荡产045 burn the midnight oil [翻译]熬夜046 burn your boats/bridges [翻译]不留后路,下定决心干到底”,破釜沉舟047 bury the hatchet [翻译]化干戈为玉帛048 by the skin of your teeth [翻译]侥幸,勉强049 call a spade a spade [翻译]直接了当,直言不讳050 call it a day [翻译]到此为止 结束 051 caught between two stools [翻译]两边不讨好052 chip off the old block [翻译](相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人053 cross that bridge when you come to it [翻译]船到桥头自然直054 cry for the moon [翻译]异想天开 海底捞月055 cry over spilled milk [翻译]覆水难收056 crying wolf [翻译]假意求救057 curiosity killed the cat [翻译]好奇心往往很危险058 cut corners [翻译]偷工减料059 cut no ice [翻译](对某人)没有影响、不起作用,说服不了(某人)060 cut the mustard [翻译]符合要求(或条件) 达到标准,正常运转I061 cut to the chase [翻译]抓住核心 抓住要害062 devil’s advocate [翻译]故意唱反调的人063 do unto others as you would have them do unto you [翻译]己所不欲,勿施于人064 don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched [翻译]不要过早乐观,过早地打如意算盘065 don’t give up the day job [翻译]做好眼下的工作(让某人不要追求不可能成功的事情)066 don’t judge a book by its cover [翻译]勿以貌取人 067 don’t put all your eggs in one basket [翻译]不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里068 down for the count [翻译]彻底失败069 drastic times call for drastic measures [翻译]非常时期采用非常手段070 draw first blood [翻译]先下手为强071 easier said than done [翻译]说起来容易做起来难072 eat like a horse [翻译]狼吞虎咽073 egg on your face [翻译]困窘不堪074 eleventh hour [翻译]最后时刻,刚好来得及075 elvis has left the building [翻译]不用再等了”或者“已经毫无悬念了”076 every cloud has a silver lining [翻译]天无绝人之路077 face the music [翻译]承担自己行为的后果 接受批评(或惩罚)078 fair and square [翻译]光明正大地 诚实地 079 far cry from [翻译]与......大相径庭080 feel a bit under the weather [翻译]感觉有点不舒服081 fish out of water [翻译]走出你的舒适区082 flesh and blood [翻译]血肉之躯083 forty winks [翻译]打盹,小睡,午睡084 get in shape [翻译]强健身体085 get your act together [翻译]有条理地行事 合理安排086 give it a whirl [翻译]试一试087 give the benefit of doubt [翻译]姑且信(某人说的话)088 go back to the drawing board [翻译]从头做起089 go cold turkey [翻译]突然停止090 go the extra mile [翻译]加倍努力 加把劲 091 good things come to those who wait [翻译]苍天不负苦心人092 has bigger fish to fry [翻译]有更重要的事情要做093 have the blues [翻译]郁郁不乐094 have your heart in your mouth [翻译]心都提到嗓子眼了,形容非常紧张095 hear through the grapevine [翻译]道听途说096 heart misses (skips) a beat [翻译]脸红心跳,形容非常兴奋或紧张097 hit the books [翻译]好好读书 098 hit the nail on the head [翻译]一针见血099 hit the sack/sheets/hay [翻译]去睡觉100 hook, line and sinker [翻译]以彻底和热情做某事或试图实现某事101 ignorance is bliss [翻译]难得糊涂102 in for a penny, in for a pound [翻译]一不做,二不休103 in the fast lane [翻译]紧张而刺激的生活104 in the heat of the moment [翻译]盛怒之下,一时激动105 in the same boat [翻译]同病相怜106 it is always darkest before the dawn [翻译]黎明前总是最黑的,事情会变得更好107 it takes two to tango [翻译]一个巴掌拍不响108 jam on the brakes [翻译]猛地刹车109 jump on the bandwagon [翻译]站在某人一边 一窝蜂做某事110 jump the gun [翻译]抢先行动 过早地行动111 keep an ear to the ground [翻译]密切注意舆论动向 注意人们想的和说的112 keep something at bay [翻译]控制住,牵制113 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs [翻译]杀鸡取卵114 kill two birds with one stone [翻译]一石二鸟115 last straw [翻译]最后一根稻草116 left out in the cold [翻译]遭受冷落117 let sleeping dogs lie [翻译]别惹麻烦 别多事 118 let the cat out of the bag [翻译](无意中)泄露秘密 说漏嘴 119 light at the end of tunnel [翻译]苦尽甘来、柳暗花明的迹象120 like a cakewalk [翻译]如此轻松的任务121 like a cat on hot tin roof [翻译]热锅上的蚂蚁122 look before you leap [翻译]三思而后行123 looking to your laurels [翻译]小心翼翼地保持已得的荣誉124 lose your marbles [翻译]发疯125 make a long story short [翻译]长话短说126 make one’s blood boil [翻译]使某人非常生气127 method in the madness [翻译]装疯卖傻不合常理的方法128 miss the boat [翻译]错失良机129 not a spark of decency [翻译]不体面130 not playing with the full deck [翻译]精神上、心理上或智力上有缺陷的人 131 not the only fish in the sea [翻译]天涯何处无芳草 132 not your cup of tea [翻译]不关你的事 133 notch up [翻译]赢得 达到 134 off the cuff [翻译]即兴表演135 off the record [翻译]不公开136 old as the hills [翻译]古老的137 old habits die hard [翻译]旧习难改138 oldest trick in the book [翻译]最常用来欺骗别人的把戏或方法139 on cloud nine [翻译]异常兴奋 乐不可支140 on the ball [翻译]敏锐的,机警的141 once bitten, twice shy [翻译]一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳142 once in a blue moon [翻译]千载难逢 百年不遇 143 open the floodgates [翻译]一发不可收拾144 out of the blue [翻译]出乎意料145 out on a limb [翻译]孤立无助 陷入绝境146 over my dead body [翻译]除非我死了,否则休想”(表示强烈反对)147 over the top [翻译]夸张的 言过其实的148 palm off [翻译]骗卖149 pen is mightier than the sword [翻译]笔墨胜过刀剑150 penny wise and pound foolish [翻译]小事聪明,大事糊涂151 play by the ear [翻译]即兴发挥152 play devil’s advocate [翻译]唱反调153 play your cards right [翻译]办事高明,处理得当154 pour out one’s heart [翻译]倾诉衷肠 155 push one’s luck [翻译]得寸进尺156 put something on ice [翻译]推迟,搁置某件事情157 rain on someone’s parade [翻译]破坏原定的计划158 raining cats and dogs [翻译]下大雨159 read between the lines [翻译]字里行间 了解事物背后的真实信息160 reap the harvest [翻译]收获硕果161 right off the bat [翻译]马上 立刻 162 ring a bell [翻译]听起来很熟悉163 roll up one’s sleeves [翻译]撸起袖子加油干164 round the bend [翻译]做蠢事165 run around in circles [翻译]白费功夫166 scrape the barrel [翻译](因别无选择)将就,凑合”167 see eye to eye [翻译]意见一致168 sell like hot cakes [翻译]热销169 shoot from the hip [翻译]鲁莽行事170 shoot oneself in the foot [翻译]咎由自取,搬起石头砸自己的脚171 shot in the dark [翻译]无根据的瞎猜172 sink your teeth into [翻译]全神贯注,决心解决173 skating on thin ice [翻译]如履薄冰174 snug as a bug in a rug [翻译]非常舒适 175 stab someone in the back [翻译]暗箭伤人176 stand in a good stead [翻译]对某人很有用177 step up your game [翻译]开始表现更好178 straight from the horse’s mouth [翻译]绝对可靠179 strike while the iron is hot [翻译]趁热打铁180 swan song [翻译]绝唱181 take a back seat [翻译]退居次要位置 182 take a nosedive [翻译]急转直下183 take a rain check [翻译]推迟计划184 take it with a grain of salt [翻译]半信半疑185 take the plunge [翻译]决心行动186 taste of one’s own medicine [翻译]自食其果187 the best thing since sliced bread [翻译]最好的东西188 the pot calling the kettle black [翻译]五十步笑百步189 the whole nine yards [翻译]一切 全部190 think the world of [翻译]非常喜欢191 through thick and thin [翻译]风雨同舟192 throw caution to the wind [翻译]不顾一切地做某事193 tight spot [翻译]千钧一发194 to be in the doldrums [翻译]了无生气,无精打采195 to bell the cat [翻译]老虎头上捉虱子196 to have sticky fingers [翻译]贼197 to not see the wood for the trees [翻译]只见树木不见森林198 tongue in cheek [翻译]口是心非199 turn a blind eye [翻译]视而不见200 turn a deaf ear [翻译]充耳不闻201 twist someone’s arm [翻译]指给某人施加压力,迫使他做你要他做的事202 up a creek without a paddle [翻译]处于困境203 up for grabs [翻译]可能得到的204 up in arms [翻译]愤怒 竭力反对205 walk on eggshells [翻译]小心翼翼206 want someone’s head on a platter [翻译]想严惩某人207 watch (someone) like a hawk [翻译]密切监视某人 盯着某人208 water under the bridge [翻译]不可改变的既成事实209 wave a dead chicken [翻译]做一些无用、无用的事情,希望它能解决问题210 weak in the knees [翻译]因情绪、恐惧或疾病而几乎无法站立211 wear many hats [翻译]身兼数职212 wear your heart on your sleeve [翻译]感情外露 213 weather the storm [翻译]成功度过一段艰难的时期214 wet behind the ears [翻译]乳臭未干的215 whale of a time [翻译]享受很多216 whistle in the dark [翻译]假装沉着给自已壮胆 217 why keep a dog and bark for yourself [翻译]既然花钱雇人,为何还亲自动手218 wide off the mark [翻译]远离目标219 wild goose chase [翻译](根据错误信息进行的)徒劳寻找,徒劳之举220 wipe the slate clean [翻译]一笔勾销 既往不咎 221 wolf in sheep’s clothing [翻译]披着羊皮的狼222 work your fingers to the bone [翻译]拼命工作223 worm’s eye view [翻译]最下层的看法224 worth one’s salt [翻译]称职225 wrap one’s brain around [翻译]绞尽脑汁226 you can say that again [翻译]这是绝对正确的227 your guess is as good as mine [翻译]我跟你一样也不知道228 zero in on something [翻译]专注于某事