北师大版Topic A You教案
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授课日期 课型The Alphabet授课教师 教学课题总课时: 4 第 1 课时 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够:能按顺序正确说出26个字母;能正确书写26个字母的大小写;能通过听,写出丢失的大写字母和六个人名;能在课堂活动中认真听讲,细致观察。教学重点The Alphabet教学难点正确书写人名教学方法引领法教学准备ppt, keyboard 教21世纪教育网 学 过 程 教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图时间安排 Step1 Exercise 6Show a paper with 26 letters andsay “Point to the capital letter A” . Then say “Point to the small letter a” Say “Read the letters aloud”Then Say “Now let’s listen and chant along” Play the recoding for the students to listen and chant. Step2Play a video about how to write 26 letters. Then ask the students to write 26 letters (capital letters and small letters)in order. Step3 Exercise6Play the recording again, ask the students to listen and write down the missing capital letters Step 4 Exercise 9Write two names : Kate and Li Xiaolong on the blackboard.Ask “What are the letters in the name?” “How to write English names and Chinese names?” Then sum up the rules of spelling names with the students. Then play the recording and ask the students to listen and write down the name they hear. Then ask the students to check in pairs, then in class. Step5 Exercise10Ask the students to look at the box of letters. As a class, think of a word using some of the letters, for example, “many”. Write the word on the board. Then divide Ss groups of five to come up with as many words as they can and write on a piece of paper. The group with the most words in 6 minutes is winner Step6 Homework跟读录音按字母顺序正确书写26个字母大小写一遍写出中英名字各两个。 Point to the capital letter A”. Then Point to the small letter a” Read the letters aloudlisten and chant along Watch a video about how to write 26 letters. Then write 26 letters (capital letters and small letters)in order. listen and write down the missing capital letters Watch carefully sum up the rules of spelling names with the students. Listen and write down the names they hear. check in pairs, then in class Work in groups of five to come up with as many words as they can with the letters in the box and write on a piece of paper. Then Choose the best group. Finish the homework 帮助学生按顺序正确说出26个字母同时通过说唱激发学生兴趣 引导学生正确书写26个字母的大小写 引领学生正确书写中英文人名字 训练通过听句子,写出所提的英文名字的能力 采取比赛形式既激发兴趣又训练学生利用所给字母快速拼写自己知道的单词的能力 巩固课上所学 6’ 15’ 6’ 9’ 8’[ 1’ 板 书 设 计 课后反思 比赛环节和说唱环节,课堂气氛很好。学生书写还需加强
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