这是一份2022年高考英语二轮复习专题二七选五题型针对练一__小标题类含解析,共10页。试卷主要包含了E 解析,A 解析,C 解析,B 解析,G 解析等内容,欢迎下载使用。
题型针对练(一)——小标题类Test1(2021·山东济宁一模)Psychologists have long believed that human beings have a fairly consistent “negativity bias(消极偏见)” that leads us to pay more attention to negative thoughts, feelings and events than to positive ones. 1 There is a positive explanation for the question. After all, we are motivated to grow after a misstep. However, we can’t abandon ourselves to the negativity bias forever. How? 2 PractisePositivity.Like your muscles, your thought patterns respond to how they are used and exercised. You don’t have to erase the negativity bias from your mind. 3 For example, set calendar reminders throughout your day to convey an expression of gratitude or simply adjust your body language so you’re holding yourself with strength and confidence. 4 We’re living in a time of pandemic or financial stress and deep division. Our negativity biases call our attention towards those realities. But we are well served to also see the opportunities in this moment: Maybe there’s a home project we otherwise wouldn’t have found time to tackle.AskforPositiveReminders.Get in the habit of checking in with people who are with you when goodness finds you today. Mention to them,“That is an unexpected bit of praise from the boss, isn’t it?” 5 And who knows, you may help your friend, family member or coworker have a more positive day as well! A.Try the following suggested ideas.B.Redefine negativity as an opportunity.C.Instead, practise your positive lifestyle.D.Its negative influence can never be avoided.E.Why and how does this phenomenon happen? F.How do you handle it as you try to live with more positivity? G.Asking others to confirm your positive insight can facilitate your positivity.Test2(2021·山东菏泽一模) Sometimes, the stress, fear and grief feelings can overwhelm(压倒) us. It’s fortunate that self-care is now more widespread. It is used to provide guidance on what people can do to get healthy. 1 Settleyourmind.Self-care can help ease the mental burden. What happens to be simple, efficient and free is meditation(冥想). 2 The positive effect of meditation on anxiety, depression, focus and even physical pain has been so well-established that it is now used in schools, sports teams and corporate offices. Rollawaystress.When you’re under stress, overwhelmed, regular exercise can be one of the first healthy habits to go. Moving your body is a core principle of self-care and one of the best defenses against stress. Melanie Caines, a yoga teacher, suggests movement needn’t mean doing a serious workout every day.“A little goes a long way. 3 ” she says. 4 An important self-care way is to be mindful of what you’re eating and consider adding some nutritional support. This means a balanced diet that is right for your needs. But one commonly overlooked piece, according to Toronto naturopathic(自然疗法的) doctor Nikita Sander, is Vitamin D.She notes that the nutrient is protective in many ways and the key for mental health. It helps protect against mood disorders like depression.Generally speaking, self-care, as the name suggests, is whatever you make it. 5 You can develop your own self-care routine, a set of practices and habits to follow. A.Get your vitamins.B.Keep balanced diets.C.Here are some starting points.D.Self-care can extend in many directions.E.Gentle exercise can do a lot to relax your entire body.F.That is, letting your mind wander freely allows it to settle.G.It can be difficult to maintain a regular meditation practice. Test3(2021·山东烟台高三模拟)Panic attacks are sudden, intense eruption of fear, panic, or anxiety. 1 Panic attacks are generally brief, lasting less than 10 minutes, although some of the symptoms may last for a longer time. Here are a few tips for you to cope with panic attacks. Takedeepbreaths.If you’re able to control your breathing, you’re less likely to experience the hyperventilation(强力呼吸) that can make other symptoms—and the panic attack itself—worse. Focus on taking deep breaths in and out through your mouth, feeling the air slowly fill your chest and belly and then slowly leave them again. 2 Closeyoureyes.Some panic attacks come from triggers(触发物) that overwhelm you. If you are in a fast-paced environment with a lot of stimuli(刺激), this can feed your panic attack. 3 This can block out any extra stimulus and make it easier to focus on your breathing. 4 Mindfulness can help ground you in the reality of what is around you. Since panic attacks can cause a feeling of separation from reality, this can prevent your panic attack as it is approaching or actually happening.Usemusclerelaxationtechniques.Much like deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques can help stop your panic attack in its tracks by controlling your body’s response as much as possible. Consciously relax one muscle at a time. 5 Techniques of this kind will be most effective when you have practised them beforehand. A.Practise mindfulness.B.Get away from reality.C.They have physical as well as emotional symptoms.D.To reduce the stimuli, close your eyes during your panic attack.E.You can start with the fingers, and then move your way up through your body.F.These cannot only help you fall asleep, but they may also promote muscle relaxation.G.Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a second, and then breathe out for a count of four. Test4(2021·陕西高三下模拟) Children are in constant need of being recognised for the effort they have been putting. The amount of recognition they get is directly proportional(成比例的) to self-respect. 1 . Next we will discuss some ways to develop healthy self-respect in children. •Tellthemaboutwhattheyshouldknow.Children will be full of questions, like why the sky is all blue, why the sea is of that colour, why birds fly, etc. 2 , as it’s tough to meet the intellectual(智力的) curiosity of children. What should one be doing ideally in such a situation? They should explain the scientific reasons behind all the phenomena that catch the eye of the children. •Encouragethemtostudyinaninspiringway.Children are different. When you force them to study something they would start hating those particular subjects. It is good if you can take a middle-way approach, and explain to them like a friend. Tell them about the importance of studying, and the pleasure involved in it. 3 . •Makechildrenread.Reading can be understood as a purely aesthetical(美学的) activity. 4 , giving wings to the imagination of children so that they can fly high. To do this, one must understand what the child likes. If the child likes a bit of an adventure, make him or her read OneThousandandOneNights. • 5 . If your child is showing the potential of creativity, make him or her participate in artistic activities such as painting, singing, playing instruments and writing. It’s not about winning prizes, but activities such as these will improve the competitive spirit in children.A.Involve them in sports activitiesB.Involve them in artistic activitiesC.This has a relationship with psychologyD.It can promote intellectual developmentE.Most of the children would like such an approachF.Sometimes it’s very difficult to answer all the questions as wellG.The main question will be how we can boost the self-respect of children 七选五能力升级练题型针对练(一)——小标题类Test1【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章提到心理学家认为人类有一种相当一致的 “消极偏见”, 但人们不应该永远沉浸在消极偏见之中, 文章给出了一些方法, 帮助人们走出消极偏见。1.E 解析:空格前一句 “Psychologistshavelongbelievedthathumanbeingshaveafairlyconsistent ‘negativitybias’ thatleadsustopaymoreattentiontonegativethoughts,feelingsandeventsthantopositiveones.” 提到了 “消极偏见” 这种消极的心理现象, 而下一句 “Thereisapositiveexplanationforthequestion.” 又说这个问题有一个积极的解释, 由此可知该空格处所填内容应提出问题, 因此E项 “这种现象为什么会发生, 又是如何发生的?” 符合语境。故选E项。2.A 解析:根据空格前的 “However,wecan’tabandonourselvestothenegativitybiasforever.How?”, 第二段小标题 “PractisePositivity.” 以及最后一段小标题 “AskforPositiveReminders.” 可知, 空格处所填内容应与提供建议有关, 因此A项 “尝试以下建议。” 符合语境。故选A项。3.C 解析:根据本段小标题 “PractisePositivity.” 和下文举的例子可知, 作者建议读者养成积极的生活方式。故选C项。4.B 解析:根据空格处的位置可知, 此处应填写本段的小标题。根据下文的 “Ournegativitybiasescallourattentiontowardsthoserealities.Butwearewellservedtoalsoseetheopportunitiesinthismoment:Maybethere’sahomeprojectweotherwisewouldn’thavefoundtimetotackle.” 可知, 即使我们的消极偏见使我们关注那些消极的事实, 但我们也要在消极中看到机遇, 因此本段主要介绍将消极重新定义为一种机会。故选B项。5.G 解析:根据本段小标题 “AskforPositiveReminders.” 和空格前的 “Mentiontothem, ‘Thatisanunexpectedbitofpraisefromtheboss,isn’tit?’” 可知, 此处作者建议读者向别人寻求对自己积极见解的肯定, 以此来促进自己的积极性。故选G项。【帮你拓知识】重点语块①negativethought 消极的想法②abandononeselfto... 沉浸在……③financialstress 经济压力Test2【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。面对生活压力, 人们应该学会自我护理, 因为自我护理可以让人们保持身心健康。文章介绍了一些进行自我护理的方法。1.C 解析:根据空格前一句 “Itisusedtoprovideguidanceonwhatpeoplecandotogethealthy.” 可知, 自我护理可以用来为人们提供健康指导; 再结合下面各段的小标题可知, 空格处引出下文内容。故选C项。2.F 解析:根据空格前一句 “Whathappenstobesimple,efficientandfreeismeditation.” 可知, 此处介绍了冥想的一些特征。空格处进一步对冥想进行解释。故选F项。3.E 解析:根据空格前的 “MelanieCaines,ayogateacher,suggestsmovementneedn’tmeandoingaseriousworkouteveryday.” 以及 “Alittlegoesalongway.” 可知, 运动不需要很大的量, 也不需要高强度, 适度的运动能给身体带来好处。故选E项。4.A 解析:根据下文的 “Animportantself-carewayistobemindfulofwhatyou’reeatingandconsideraddingsomenutritionalsupport.” 以及 “Butonecommonlyoverlookedpiece,accordingtoTorontonaturopathicdoctorNikitaSander,isVitaminD.Shenotesthatthenutrientisprotectiveinmanywaysandthekeyformentalhealth.” 可知, 维生素D经常被忽视, 而这种营养物质在很多方面都有保护作用, 是心理健康的关键, 所以本段主要强调要注意补充维生素。故选A项。5.D 解析:根据空格后一句 “Youcandevelopyourownself-careroutine,asetofpracticesandhabitstofollow.” 可知, 自我护理不仅仅是之前所提到的那些方面, 它还可以涵盖许多方面, 你可以建立自己的自我护理程序。故选D项。【帮你拓知识】重点语块①settleone’smind 使思绪平静下来②easethementalburden 减缓精神压力③rollawaystress 远离压力④bemindfulof... 留心……⑤nutritionalsupport 营养支持Test3【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何应对恐慌发作给出了四条建议。1.C 解析:根据上文的 “Panicattacksaresudden,intenseeruptionoffear,panic,oranxiety.” 可知, 本段介绍了恐慌发作及其特点, 空格处进一步对恐慌发作进行说明。C项中的They指代上文中的Panicattacks, 因此C项 “他们有身体上和情绪上的症状。” 符合语境。故选C项。2.G 解析:根据本段小标题 “Takedeepbreaths.” 可知, 该段介绍的方法与呼吸有关。G项的Breathein和breatheout与标题呼应。因此G项 “吸气, 数到四, 屏住呼吸一秒钟, 然后呼气, 数到四。” 符合语境。故选G项。3.D 解析:根据本段小标题 “Closeyoureyes.” 可知, 本段介绍的方法是闭上双眼, 因此D项 “为了减少刺激, 在恐慌发作时闭上眼睛。” 符合语境。故选D项。4.A 解析:根据下文的 “Mindfulnesscanhelpgroundyouintherealityofwhatisaroundyou.Sincepanicattackscancauseafeelingofseparationfromreality,thiscanpreventyourpanicattackasitisapproachingoractuallyhappening.” 可知, 本段主要介绍警觉的作用。因此A项符合语境。故选A项。5.E 解析:根据本段小标题 “Usemusclerelaxationtechniques.” 和空格前一句 “Consciouslyrelaxonemuscleatatime.” 可知, 本段主要介绍使用肌肉放松技巧, 空格前一句提到有意识地一次放松一块肌肉, 因此E项符合语境。故选E项。【帮你拓知识】必背单词①symptomn.症状②overwhelmv.压垮; 征服③fast-pacedadj.快节奏的④mindfulnessn.警觉; 留神⑤consciouslyadv.有意识地Test4【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些培养儿童健康自尊的方法。1.G 解析:根据空格后的 “Nextwewilldiscusssomewaystodevelophealthyself-respectinchildren.” 可知, 空格处应提到如何提高孩子们的自尊, 因此G项 “Themainquestionwillbehowwecanboosttheself-respectofchildren” 符合语境。故选G项。2.F 解析:根据上文的 “Childrenwillbefullofquestions,likewhytheskyisallblue,whytheseaisofthatcolour,whybirdsfly,etc.” 和空格后的asit’stoughtomeettheintellectualcuriosityofchildren可知, 空格处和下文形成因果关系, 而F项中的allthequestions与上文的befullofquestions对应,difficult和下文的tough对应。故选F项。3.E 解析:根据上文的 “Itisgoodifyoucantakeamiddle-wayapproach,andexplaintothemlikeafriend.Tellthemabouttheimportanceofstudying,andthepleasuresinvolvedinit.” 可知, 上文提出了可行的方法, 空格处总结大部分孩子都会喜欢这样一种方法。E项中的suchanapproach和上文的amiddle-wayapproach对应。故选E项。4.D 解析:根据上文的 “Readingcanbeunderstoodasapurelyaestheticalactivity.” 和空格后的givingwingstotheimaginationofchildrensothattheycanflyhigh可知, 空格处介绍了阅读的好处, 因此D项 “Itcanpromoteintellectualdevelopment” 符合语境。故选D项。5.B 解析:空格处为段落小标题。根据下文的 “Ifyourchildisshowingthepotentialofcreativity,makehimorherparticipateinartisticactivitiessuchaspainting,singing,playinginstrumentsandwriting.” 可知, 本段主要内容是让孩子参加艺术活动;B项 “Involvetheminartisticactivities” 和下文的participateinartisticactivities对应。故选B项。【帮你拓知识】必背单词①recognitionn.认可②toughadj.艰难的③ideallyadv.理想地重点语块④catchtheeyeof... 吸引……的注意⑤artisticactivity 艺术活动
这是一份2023届高考二轮总复习试题 英语 (适用于新高考新教材) 专题二 七选五 题型针对练(一)——小标题类 Word版含解析,共5页。