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    1. 本试卷考试时间为120分钟,满分150分。
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Which type of food does the man enjoy?
    A. Asian food. B. Indian food. C. Western food.
    【原文】W: What type of food do you enjoy? Western or Asian?
    M: I like Asian food. Western food is not my thing.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How will the woman get to Columbus Circle?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    【原文】W: Excuse me. How do I get to Columbus Circle?
    M: Take Bus No 14. It’s about eight stops away, and the bus should be along soon.
    W: Thank you.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.
    【原文】W: Do you have a reservation, sir?
    M: No, I’m sorry. I don’t.
    W: Well, I’d like to help you, but I’m afraid all our rooms are taken.
    M: I see. Thank you anyway.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What test did the girl take?
    A. A geography test. B. A chemistry test. C. A math test.
    【原文】W: Hey! How did your geography test go?
    M: Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad that all the exams are over! How about you? How did your chemistry exam go?
    W: Oh, it went really well. I can’t thank you enough for helping me study!
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the big building?
    A. The registration office. B. The school library. C. The lecture theater.
    【原文】W: Hi. Excuse. Can you tell me where the library is?
    M: It’s next to the registration office.
    W: Ah . . . sorry, I’m new. Where’s the registration office?
    M: No problem. See the big building over there? That’s the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library.
    W: I see, thanks!
    第二节(共15小题:每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)

    6. What did the man finally buy?
    A. A gray suit. B. A tie made of silk. C. A tie with stripes.
    7. How much does the man need to pay?
    A. $13. B. $27. C. $30.
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【原文】W: May I help you, sir?
    M: Yes, I’m looking for a tie to go with a gray suit.
    M: Yes, sir. We have a large selection. This one is nice. It’s 40 percent silk.
    M: It’s a little too wide, though.
    W: We have some narrow ones over here.
    M: I want one with stripes.
    W: How about this one, sir? It’s $30. Since we are having a sale, you can get 10 percent off.
    M: Great! I’ll take it.

    8. What does the man want to do?
    A. Go sightseeing. B. Go shopping. C. Go hiking.
    9. Which tour will the man take?
    A. The morning tour. B. The afternoon tour. C. The all-day tour.
    【答案】8. A 9. C
    【原文】W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
    M: Well, I’d like to do some sightseeing. Could you give me some information about the tours?
    W: Certainly. We have a number of tours. Is there anything special you want to see?
    M: No just the interesting and historical places in the city.
    W: All right. Let me give you some brochures. You’ll notice there are morning, afternoon and all-day tours.
    M: Yes, I see. What about this morning tour? Does it include the British Museum?
    W: No, sir. That’s included in the all-day tour or the afternoon tour.
    M: Well, I think I’d better take the all-day tour and see everything. Where does the bus leave from?
    M: It leaves from the Hilton Hotel at 9 o’clock.
    M: That’s fine. Would you reserve a seat for Saturday morning, please?
    W: Of course.

    10. What's the relationship between the woman and the man?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
    11. What does the man prefer?
    A. Watercolor paintings. B. Realistic paintings. C. Abstract paintings.
    12. What does the woman think of abstract paintings?
    A. They can inspire one’s imagination.
    B. They express strong emotions.
    C. They are easy to draw.
    【答案】10. A 11. B 12. A
    原文】W: Darling, come and look at this.
    M: What is it?
    W: It’s called Sitting Woman, by Juan Gris.
    M: It looks like a lot of squares to me.
    W: Well, look, you can see the face of the woman, here at the top of the picture. And these squares show her dress. And here, at the bottom, you can see the chair. It’s very interesting. We can buy it for our son.
    M: Hm, I prefer things that you can see. You know, realistic pictures of people and places. Not all these abstract things.
    W: I don’t agree with you. The painter uses different shapes and lines. There’s movement in the painting.
    M: I really don’t like it. In my opinion, anybody could do it. Even I could paint a picture like that.
    W: No, you couldn’t. I like abstract paintings. They can arouse strong emotions and spark one’s imagination.
    M: Well, let’s agree to disagree.

    13. Where is the woman flying to?
    A. London. B. New York. C. San Francisco.
    14. How old is the woman’s son?
    A. Under 1. B. Under 2. C. Around 3.
    15. Why does the woman prefer an aisle seat?
    A. She doesn’t like the bright sunshine.
    B. It's convenient to go to the restroom.
    C. She can walk her baby around.
    16. When should the woman arrive at the gate?
    A. Before 3: 45. B. After 4: 00. C. Around 4: 30.
    【答案】13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A
    【原文】M: Good afternoon. Where are you flying to?
    W: Good afternoon. I’m flying to San Francisco.
    M: How many people are traveling?
    W: It’s my son and me. He is under 2 years old.
    M: Can I have your passports and your child’s birth certificate.
    W: Sure. Here you are.
    M: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
    W: I would be very happy if we could get an aisle seat. I may have to walk him around if he gets bored.
    M: All right, I’ll put you near the restrooms too. Are you checking any bags?
    W: Yes, this suitcase and my backpack.
    M: Put them on the scale, one at a time, please.
    W: Sure. And by the way, I have a layout in Landon. Do I have to pick up my luggage there?
    M: No, you will pick it up in San Francisco. Here is your boarding pass. You are all set. Your flight takes off at 4: 30. Be at the gate at least 45 minutes before the departure time.
    W: Thank you for your help. Have a good day.
    M: Thank you. Have a nice flight.

    17. Why does the speaker suggest the tourists arrive earlier?
    A. To have time for breakfast. B. To get their boat tickets. C. To get a better seat.
    18. What does the speaker advise the tourists to bring?
    A. A hat. B. A jacket. C. A packed lunch.
    19. What are the tourists expected to do in Sausalito?
    A. Do some shopping. B. Visit the museum. C. Watch a performance.
    20. How long can the tourists stay at the Golden Gate Park?
    A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Two and a half hours.
    【答案】17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B
    【原文】OK, so tomorrow we’ll be doing a tour of the city to see some of the most important sights in San Francisco. We need to be at the Ferry Building in time to catch the boat at 8 am. But I think we should aim to be there by 7: 45, because the earlier you get on, the better seats you can get. It’s a 15-minute walk from the hotel. You won’t need to bring any money for food because a packed lunch is provided. It’s included in the boat fare, which is $30. It should be sunny tomorrow, but it can get windy on the boat, so a jacket is necessary. It takes about 25 minutes to get to Sausalito. We’ll spend about an hour in Sausalito where we’ll do some shopping. From Sausalito we’ll get a bus to the Golden Gate Park. Here, you will have a choice of activities. Firstly, the museum. The best thing here is the painting collection. Anyway, you’ll have about two hours to visit before we break for lunch. After lunch, you can go to Japanese Tea Garden. This is the oldest Japanese garden in the United States. There, you’ll have the opportunity to experience the natural beauty and harmony of a Japanese-style garden.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Volunteers Wanted
    Elephant Volunteer Project, Laos
    The 7-day volunteering programme is your gateway to feeling like a part of the elephant conservation team! You will start by following the 3-day visitor programme. Then you will be asked to assist us in the center’s development by participating in projects on site. Your activities may include things like: maintenance work (painting, construction, cleaning, gardening); observing and recording of elephant behaviour; making enrichment tools and materials for the elephants.
    Portugal: Experience Life in a European Town While You Help Its People
    Portugal was one of the countries that led the “discovery” of the Americas, but now it struggles with economic recession(经济衰退) while the people suffer the consequences. As a volunteer in Portugal, you can serve in the city of Beja. You can teach youth and adults in classrooms and municipal(市政的) learning centers.
    St. Lucia: Visit a Caribbean Paradise and Make a Difference in the Life of a Child
    St. Lucia is one of the world’s most beautiful islands. However, in this tropical paradise, children face life-limiting nutrition, health and education challenges. That’s why we need your help to care for these children, provide them with nutritious meals, as well as educate and encourage the children’s parents.
    Social Worker and Construction Volunteering Work in Nepal
    Most of the schools in rural Nepal consist of simple stone structures with no water or electricity. They have no bright classrooms, toilets or playgrounds, and no libraries. Most students do not even have drinking water. Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) places international volunteers for construction and manual work in the areas most in need. VSN asks you to paint, construct or repair necessary buildings. These projects are usually funded by your own contributions.
    21. What may volunteers do both in Laos and Nepal?
    A. Do some gardening. B. Raise their own funds.
    C. Paint and construct things. D. Make some tools and materials.
    22. Where will you go if you are interested in life in a European town?
    A. Laos. B. Portugal. C. St. Lucia. D. Nepal.
    23. Which is the serious problem children in St. Lucia are facing?
    A. Education. B. Economy.
    C. After-school activities. D. Wildlife protection.
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第一则招募广告“ Your activities may include things like: Maintenance work (painting, construction, cleaning, gardening); observing and recording of elephant behaviour; making enrichment tools and materials for the elephants.”(你的活动可能包括:维护工作如粉刷、建造、清洁、园艺:观察及记录大象的行为;为大象制作浓缩工具和材料);最后一段“VSN asks you to paint, construct or repair necessary buildings. ”(VSN要求你粉刷、建造或维修必要的建筑物)可知,在老挝和尼泊尔的志愿者都被要求从事粉刷、建造的工作。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二则招聘广告的标题“Portugal: Experience Life in a European Town While You Help Its People”(葡萄牙:在帮助欧洲人的同时体验欧洲小镇的生活)可知,如果对欧洲小镇的生活感兴趣可以去葡萄牙。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三则招募广告中“However, in this tropical paradise, children face life-limiting nutrition, health and education challenges.”(然而,在这个热带天堂,儿童面临着限制其生命的营养、健康和教育挑战。)可知,圣卢西亚的儿童面临着营养、健康和教育的问题。选项A符合题意。故选A。
    Nancy Meherne lives a simple life by the sea, gardening and riding the soft waves at Scarborough Beach just a couple of blocks from her house. The 92-year-old’s board made in the 1970s is a little old, but it's easy to carry and suits her just fine. Often wearing just a swimsuit, despite summer water temperatures ranging from 14℃ to 18℃, the grandmother of seven walks into the waist-deep water, waits for the perfect wave and jumps on.
    Born in Wellington in 1929, Meherne says her life has been full, with “never a dull moment”. In her early 20s, after training and working as a schoolteacher, she left New Zealand by ship to study and work in England and other countries in Europe, spending her weekends and holidays exploring the regions.
    Her travels also took her to India, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan, where she taught at a school for three months. After returning to New Zealand, Meherne raised three children with her husband, Doug, while teaching in primary schools and tutoring at a music school. Her teaching philosophy was similar to her life philosophy: “You’ve got to have fun.”
    She remembers seeing the ocean for the first time and being shocked at its scale. “I just thought water came in small quantities.” A keen swimmer and surf life saver in her youth, Meherne says she didn’t pick up surfing until her late 30s or early 40s when she was living in Summer and started borrowing her son’s board. “I never did try and stand up, but I loved it. I’d go wherever I could.”
    Meherne will be 93 in August, 2022 and says she will keep surfing as long as she is able to “do a little jump” to get on the waves. Her husband Doug says: “She has definitely kept the bar pretty high there. She has aged but she hasn’t got old.”
    24. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
    A. Meherne surfs near her home.
    B. Meherne started surfing in the 1970s.
    C. Meherne’s worn board is too old to be used.
    D. Meherne can’t bear the water temperatures.
    25. Which of the following words can best describe Meherne’s early life?
    A. Busy and modest. B. Aimless and relaxing.
    C. Full and adventurous. D. Hard and challenging
    26. What does Doug mean by saying the words at the end of the passage?
    A. Meherne keeps practicing to reach her limit.
    B. Meherne has set a high standard for others.
    C. Meherne is no longer fit for surfing due to age.
    D. Meherne is still quite energetic despite old age.
    27. What does the text mainly talk about?
    A. People’s comments on an unusual surfer.
    B. A woman who has stuck to surfing for decades.
    C. The travelling experience of a remarkable surfer.
    D. The sport which attracts people of different ages—surfing.
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Nancy Meherne lives a simple life by the sea, gardening and riding the soft waves at Scarborough Beach just a couple of blocks from her house.(南希·梅赫恩在海边过着简朴的生活,在离她家只有几个街区的斯卡伯勒海滩种植花木,乘风破浪)”可知,梅赫恩在她家附近冲浪。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Born in Wellington in 1929, Meherne says her life has been full, with “never a dull moment”. In her early 20s, after training and working as a schoolteacher, she left New Zealand by ship to study and work in England and other countries in Europe, spending her weekends and holidays exploring the regions.(梅赫恩1929年出生于惠灵顿,她说自己的生活很充实,“从来没有一个沉闷的时刻”。20出头,在接受培训并担任学校教师后,她乘船离开新西兰,前往英国和欧洲其他国家学习和工作,利用周末和假期探索这些地区)”可知,梅赫恩的生活很充实,并探索英国和欧洲其他国家,富有冒险精神。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“She has definitely kept the bar pretty high there. She has aged but she hasn’t got old.(她在那里绝对保持了相当高的标准。她已经是年迈的了,但还没有变老)”可知,道格表示虽然梅赫恩年龄大了,但是她的精神没有变老,仍然精力充沛。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“The 92-year-old’s board made in the 1970s is a little old, but it’s easy to carry and suits her just fine. Often wearing just a swimsuit, despite summer water temperatures ranging from 14℃ to 18℃, the grandmother of seven walks into the waist-deep water, waits for the perfect wave and jumps on.(这位92岁的老人在20世纪70年代制作的冲浪板有点旧,但它很容易携带,很适合她。尽管夏季水温在14摄氏度至18摄氏度之间,但七个孩子的祖母通常只穿着泳衣,走进齐腰深的水中,等待完美的波浪,然后跳上水面)”以及第四段“Meherne says she didn't pick up surfing until her late 30s or early 40s when she was living in Summer and started borrowing her son’s board.(梅赫恩说,她直到30多岁或40出头才开始学冲浪,那时她正生活在夏天,并开始借用她儿子的冲浪板)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了梅赫恩中年时开始学习冲浪,到92岁仍然坚持冲浪,即一个坚持冲浪几十年的女士。故选B项。
    Children begin influencing us even before they are born: We plan for their arrival and adjust our lives to welcome them. As babies, they direct our sleep and, as a side effect, our moods. We know that parents of crying babies are more stressed, sleep less and may even think they are parenting badly. In a vicious cycle, stress and lack of sleep can then lead to an increased risk of parental anxiety.
    But there’s more. Many studies show that a child’s innate (天生的)personality shapes how we parent them. It means how we parent depends on our children’s character. One child may be naturally outgoing and therefore enjoy a constant stream of playmates. Another might like play by himself, meaning we are quieter around them. One child might love surprises, while another may find them stressful and prefer order and routine.
    As children get older, their influence on us becomes more obvious. In one 2016 study, psychologist Leon Kuczynski and colleagues asked parents from 30 families to talk about any recent events where their children had some influence in their lives. He found a wide range of responses from comments on a parent’s appearance, their politeness, their health and driving abilities. They even changed their recycling habits. One parent of a 10-year-old says: “Maybe we didn’t believe in being environmentally friendly before he drew our attention to it.”
    The study, explains Kuczynski, shows that while our actions affect the child, the child’s actions affect you. By being in a close relationship, you’re likely to accept this child’s influence”. It happens for good reason too—parents wanting to maintain a close relationship with their children, to improve closeness and respect. Finally, parents and children are learning from each other. Accepting this and responding to their needs make life easier.
    28. What does the underlined word “vicious” in the first paragraph?
    A. Calm. B. Demanding. C. Successful. D. Awful.
    29. What do we learn about parenting according to many studies?
    A. Parents should stay quiet around their children.
    B. Parents ought to be based on children’s characters.
    C. Parenting has nothing to do with children’s personality.
    D. Parents’ ways of parenting determine children’s development.
    30. Parents are willingly influenced by their children because they want to ________.
    A. maintain good relationships with their children
    B. show their deep affection towards their children
    C. be treated with respect by their naughty children
    D. establish authority in relationship with their children
    31. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A Business. B. Politics. C. Life. D. Entertainment.
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C
    词义猜测题。根据第一段“We know that parents of crying babies are more stressed, sleep less and may even think they are parenting badly.”(我们知道,婴儿哭闹的父母压力更大,睡眠更少,甚至可能认为他们的育儿方式不好。)以及划线词后“stress and lack of sleep can then lead to an increased risk of parental anxiety.”(压力和睡眠不足会导致父母焦虑的风险增加)可知,这是一种恶性循环,划线词是糟糕的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Many studies show that a child’s innate (天生的)personality shapes how we parent them. It means how we parent depends on our children’s character. ”(许多研究表明,孩子的先天性格决定了我们如何养育他们。这意味着我们如何为人父母取决于我们孩子的性格。)可知,根据许多研究,我们对育儿的了解是父母应该以孩子的性格为基础。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“ It happens for good reason too—parents wanting to maintain a close relationship with their children, to improve closeness and respect.”(处于亲密关系中,你很可能会接受这个孩子的影响。这也是有原因的——父母想和孩子保持亲密的关系,增进亲密和尊重。)可知,父母之所以愿意受孩子的影响,是因为他们想与孩子保持良好的关系。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“ Children begin influencing us even before they are born: We plan for their arrival and adjust our lives to welcome them. As babies, they direct our sleep and, as a side effect, our moods.”(孩子甚至在他们出生前就开始影响我们:我们为他们的到来做计划,调整我们的生活来欢迎他们。作为婴儿,它们引导我们的睡眠,我们的情绪作为副作用。)可知,本文是生活类文章。这段文字可能出现在报纸的生活版面。故选C。
    Despite being there for your safety, many people still ignore the red man at the traffic lights and cross early, running the risk of a deadly accident. Now Smart, a car maker, has come up with a smart idea for an experiment to see if safety could be improved at traffic lights by encouraging pedestrians (行人) to wait for the green man with a “Dancing Traffic Light”.
    The Dancing Traffic Light was designed to draw the attention of people who were standing waiting to cross the road in Portugal. It shows a dancing red figure, as opposed to the static (静态的) figure that is normally shown. The figure is a low-resolution (低分辨率的) representation of someone who is in a room nearby, dancing.
    Those who want to dance can go into the room and then select music of their choice. When the traffic light turns red, the music plays and the individual can then start to dance. A video is from the person dancing in real time to the traffic light and the dancing red figure can keep pedestrians amused while they wait.
    Apart from providing entertainment for pedestrians as they wait to cross the road, there is also the “gaming” side to the Dancing Traffic Light as anyone can be the dancing figure and so he or she can contribute to the project.
    This isn’t the first time that entertainment has been used for positive social outcomes. The Volkswagen Fun Theory campaign involved a Piano Staircase which encouraged people to walk up the stairs instead of using an elevator and the Bottle Bank Arcade that was made to encourage people to recycle.
    Smart said that 81% more people stopped at the red light to watch it dance while they waited for the green light to appear.
    32. Why did Smart design the Dancing Traffic Light?
    A. To draw the attention of people. B. To help reduce traffic accidents
    C. To provide entertainment for pedestrians. D. To make traffic lights more interesting.
    33. What is the idea behind the Dancing Traffic Light?
    A. A real person dances beside the traffic light.
    B. A pedestrian performs a dance while waiting
    C. A figure dances in real time to red traffic lights.
    D. An individual dances to various music in a room.
    34. What does the author want to stress in Paragraph 5?
    A. The good results of safety product.
    B. The needs for more such campaigns.
    C. The influence of the Dancing Traffic Lights.
    D. The use of entertainment in some social activities.
    35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A. A Dancing Traffic Light—A Guardian of Life
    B. Road Safety—An Essential Talk
    C A Campaign—A Solution from the Air
    D. Smart—A Pioneer in Traffic Light Research
    【答案】32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Now Smart, a car maker, has come up with a smart idea for an experiment to see if safety could be improved at traffic lights by encouraging pedestrians (行人) to wait for the green man with a “Dancing Traffic Light”.(现在,汽车制造商Smart想出了一个聪明的主意,通过一项实验来观察是否可以通过鼓励行人等待“舞动红绿灯”的绿灯来提高交通安全。)”可知,这家汽车制造商设计出跳舞的交通信号灯是为了减少交通事故的发生。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Those who want to dance can go into the room and then select music of their choice. When the traffic light turns red, the music plays and the individual can then start to dance. A video is from the person dancing in real time to the traffic light and the dancing red figure can keep pedestrians amused while they wait.(想跳舞的人可以进入房间,然后选择自己喜欢的音乐。当交通灯变红时,音乐响起,一个人可以开始跳舞。一个视频是实时跳舞的人到红绿灯,跳舞的红色身影可以让行人在等待时感到有趣。)”可推断,当交通信号灯变成红色时,房间音乐响起,一个人影开始实时跳舞。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“This isn’t the first time that entertainment has been used for positive social outcomes. The Volkswagen Fun Theory campaign involved a Piano Staircase which encouraged people to walk up the stairs instead of using an elevator and the Bottle Bank Arcade that was made to encourage people to recycle.(这并不是第一次娱乐被用于产生积极的社交结果。大众娱乐理论活动包括一个钢琴楼梯,鼓励人们走楼梯而不是使用电梯,还有一个瓶子银行商场,旨在鼓励人们回收利用。)”可推断,作者在第五段主要是强调娱乐在一些社会活动中的运用,故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Now Smart, a car maker, has come up with a smart idea for an experiment to see if safety could be improved at traffic lights by encouraging pedestrians (行人) to wait for the green man with a “Dancing Traffic Light”.(现在,汽车制造商Smart想出了一个聪明的主意,通过一项实验来观察是否可以通过鼓励行人等待“舞动红绿灯”的绿灯来提高交通安全。)”可知,文章主要介绍了一款跳舞的交通信号灯,其目的是为了减少交通事故的发生。所以A选项“A Dancing Traffic Light—A Guardian of Life(舞动的红绿灯——生命的守护者)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Summer holiday is coming. Are you ready for flight travels? We have prepared a list of tips for making your airport experience as easy as possible.
    Don’t travel with wrapped gifts.
    ___36___ Package gifts in gift bags or gift boxes so you don’t have to re-wrap any presents later on. If you’re planning on giving someone a snow globe, just make sure that it contains less than 3. 4 ounces of liquid.
    While US airports are actually busier in the summer months than during the holiday season, it still pays to arrive an hour or two early. As a general rule, it is recommended arriving two hours early for a domestic (国内的) flight and three hours early for an international flight.
    It’s OK to travel with food.
    Yes, it is completely permitted to travel with the fruitcake, pies and chocolates you take away from holiday dinner. But the 3.4 ounce liquid limit for carry-ons applies here, too. ___38___
    Don’t bring along any prohibited items.
    ___39___ The airport won’t permit those in either checked bags or carry-ons. For a full list of prohibited items, visit the website.
    Pack smartly
    Consider packing your bags and dressing in ways that will make going through security faster. Wear sports clothes that don’t require a belt. ___40___ And pre-pack any liquid in a clear, small-sized plastic bag.
    A Go to the airport in time.
    B. Arrive at the airport early.
    C. Leave your match and knife at home.
    D. You can bring some books or even your iPad to kill the time.
    E. Food items like cookies, cake, or turkey can pass through security.
    F. If your gifts lead to an alarm, you need to remove any gift wrapping.
    G. Keep large electronic items accessible so you can remove and replace them easily.
    【答案】36. F 37. B 38. E 39. C 40. G
    根据后文“Package gifts in gift bags or gift boxes so you don’t have to re-wrap any presents later on. If you’re planning on giving someone a snow globe, just make sure that it contains less than 3. 4 ounces of liquid.(用礼品袋或礼品盒包装礼物,这样以后就不用重新包装礼物了。如果你打算送别人一个雪花玻璃球,只要确保它的容量小于3.4盎司的液体)”可知,本段主要是关于礼物包装的说明,且后文提到了重新包装。故F选项“如果你的礼物引起警报,你需要拆除任何礼物包装”符合语境,故选F。
    根据本段内容“While US airports are actually busier in the summer months than during the holiday season, it still pays to arrive an hour or two early. As a general rule, it is recommended arriving two hours early for a domestic (国内的) flight and three hours early for an international flight.(虽然美国机场在夏季的几个月实际上比假期更繁忙,但提前一两个小时到达还是值得的。一般来说,国内航班建议提前两小时到达,国际航班建议提前三小时到达)”可知,后文提到了国内航班建议提前两小时到达,国际航班建议提前三小时到达,即本段的主旨是提前到达机场。故B选项“提前到达机场”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“Yes, it is completely permitted to travel with the fruitcake, pies and chocolates you take away from holiday dinner. But the 3.4 ounce liquid limit for carry-ons applies here, too.(是的,带着你从节日晚餐中带走的水果蛋糕、馅饼和巧克力旅行是完全允许的。但随身携带3.4盎司液体的限制也适用于这里)”可知,上文提到可以带着节日晚餐的食物旅行,故E选项“饼干、蛋糕、火鸡等食物可以通过安检”符合语境,故选E。
    根据后文“The airport won’t permit those in either checked bags or carry-ons. For a full list of prohibited items, visit the website.(机场不允许携带这些东西在托运行李或随身行李里。有关禁用物品的完整清单,请访问网站)”可知,本句主要是在具体说明禁用物品。故C选项“把你的火柴和刀子留在家里”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Consider packing your bags and dressing in ways that will make going through security faster. Wear sports clothes that don’t require a belt.(考虑打包行李和穿着可以让你更快地通过安检。穿不需要腰带的运动服)”以及后文“And pre-pack any liquid in a clear, small-sized plastic bag.(把所有液体预先装在一个透明的小塑料袋里)”可知,本句与前后文并列,都是在说明如何打包行李物品。故G选项“让大的电子产品触手可及,这样你就能很容易地拆卸和更换它们”符合语境,故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A Touching Gesture
    On a Monday morning, back in 2015, I remember ___41___ my car under a shady tree in the car park outside my doctor’s clinic. ___42___, grief and the loss of the idea of a complete family left me not coping well.
    I wept uncontrollably. My doctor had ___43___ me with severe anxiety and depression. I wanted to be ___44___ as my son, Kai, was depending on me.
    Still sobbing, I was scared to hear a knock on my car ___45___. A thin lady with short fair hair, probably in her 40s, ___46___ opened it and began to speak calmly and kindly to me. “I don’t know what you’re ___47___ now. But know this: what you are experiencing will pass,” she said. “Can I give you a ___48___?”
    There I was, a weeping mess, gratefully accepting this kind embrace. All I ___49___ to reply in a choked-up voice was “thank you”. This was the most significant act of kindness that I’ve ever received from a(n) ___50___. It gave me hope in the world, in people and for me. My ___51___ started right there.
    About a year later, when I was doing a lot better, I ___52___ the same kind lady at the opening of an art exhibition. She ___53___ me and smiled. She said that she could ___54___ I was doing well. We hugged again, and once more I was able to express my appreciation for her ___55___ —this time a little more clearly.
    41. A. parking B. driving C. circling D. abandoning
    42. A. Anger B. Embarrassment C. Heartbreak D. Guilt
    43. A. applied B. examined C. tested D. diagnosed
    44. A. healthy B. lovely C. innocent D. awesome
    45. A. seat B. door C. wheel D. glass
    46. A. fiercely B. gently C. accidentally D. casually
    47. A. preparing for B. staring at C. going through D. talking about
    48. A. hug B. nudge C. smile D. tip
    49. A. hesitated B. refused C. decided D. managed
    50. A. doctor B. stranger C. consultant D. assistant
    51. A. patience B. escape C. recovery D. growth
    52. A. knew B. encountered C. ignored D. missed
    53. A. witnessed B. found C. assessed D. recognized
    54. A. record B. repeat C. tell D. clarify
    55. A. honesty B. gift C. optimism D. gesture
    【答案】41. A 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. B 53. D 54. C 55. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:2015年的一个周一早上,我记得我把车停在了医生诊所外停车场的一棵阴凉的树下。A. parking停车;B. driving开车;C. circling围绕;D. abandoning放弃。由后文的“in the car park”可知,作者是把车停下,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:心碎、悲伤和失去一个完整家庭的想法让我无法很好地应对。A. Anger愤怒;B. Embarrassment尴尬;C. Heartbreak心碎;D. Guilt内疚。由后文的“the loss of the idea of a complete family”可知,想到要失去一个完整家庭,作者是心碎,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的医生诊断我患有严重的焦虑和抑郁。A. applied应用;B. examined检查;C. tested测试;D. diagnosed诊断。由后文的“severe anxiety and depression”可知,医生诊断作者患有严重的焦虑和抑郁,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想要健康,因为我的儿子凯依赖我。A. healthy健康的;B. lovely可爱的;C. innocent清白的;D. awesome非常棒的。由后文的“as my son, Kai, was depending on me”结合作者去医院可知,作者是想要健康,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还在抽泣,听到有人敲我的车门吓了一跳。A. seat座位;B. door门;C. wheel轮子;D. glass玻璃。由上文的“a knock on my car”和后文的“opened it”可知,有人敲作者的车门,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:一位大约40多岁、留着一头金色短发的瘦瘦的女士轻轻地打开了门,开始平静而友好地对我说话。A. fiercely猛烈地;B. gently轻柔地;C. accidentally意外地;D. casually随意地。由后文的“speak calmly and kindly”可知,那位女士性格很温和,所以是轻轻地打开门,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我不知道你现在经历了什么。A. preparing for为……准备;B. staring at盯着看;C. going through经历;D. talking about谈论。由后文的“what you are experiencing will pass”可知,此时女士是说“我不知道你现在经历了什么”,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我能给你一个拥抱吗?A. hug拥抱;B. nudge轻推;C. smile微笑;D. tip提示。由下文的“gratefully accepting this kind embrace”可知,此处是说女士想要给作者一个拥抱,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我只能用哽咽的声音回答“谢谢”。A. hesitated犹豫;B. refused拒绝;C. decided决定;D. managed设法做到。由后文的“was “thank you””可知,作者能回答的只是“谢谢”,manage to do意为“设法完成某事”。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我从陌生人那里得到的最重要的善举。A. doctor医生;B. stranger陌生人;C. consultant顾问;D. assistant助手。由上一段的“A thin lady with short fair hair, probably in her 40s,”可知,作者并不认识那位女士,所以那位女士是陌生人,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的康复就是从那时开始的。A. patience耐心;B. escape逃跑;C. recovery恢复;D. growth成长。由下文的“I was doing a lot better”可知,作者开始康复了,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:大约一年后,当我做得好多了的时候,我在一个艺术展的开幕式上遇到了这位善良的女士。A. knew知道;B. encountered遇到;C. ignored忽视;D. missed错过。由后文的“the same kind lady at the opening of an art exhibition”可知,作者是后来又遇到了这位女士,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她认出了我,笑了。A. witnessed目击;B. found发现;C. assessed评价;D. recognized识别,认出。由后文的“and smiled”可知,那位女士认出了作者,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说她能看出来我过得很好。A. record记录;B. repeat重复;C. tell看出,确切地判断;D. clarify澄清。由后文的“I was doing well”可知,女士是说能看出作者过得很好,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们再次拥抱,我又一次表达了我对她的感激之情——这次表达得更清楚了。A. honesty诚实;B. gift礼物;C. optimism乐观主义;D. gesture姿势。由上文的“We hugged again”可知,作者感激对方所做出的拥抱作者这个姿势,故选D。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Dunhuang’s long and glorious history represents its significance ___56___ a center of cultural and commercial exchange. Boasting sites with UNESCO-protected heritage status, Dunhuang possesses various murals, ___57___ cover an astonishing area of 45, 000 square meters. The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary from ___58___ (religion) stories to scenes of everyday life. These images are full of life, ___59___ (reflect) the confidence and optimism of people from that time. But in the Ming Dynasty, trade routes changed ___60___ Dunhuang was less prosperous than before. It ___61___ (gradual) faded from memory.
    This century is bringing Dunhuang to life through the Belt and Road Initiative. Once again, Dunhuang ___62___ (become) a global crossroads since it hosted hundreds of ___63___ (represent) from 51 countries for the Silk Road International Cultural Expo in 2017. ___64___ (give) that the theme of the Expo was to promote cultural exchange and ____65____ (strong) mutual cooperation between the countries along the Silk Road, Dunhuang was the ideal place.
    【答案】56. as 57. which
    58. religious
    59. reflecting
    60. and 61. gradually
    62. has become
    63. representatives
    64. Given 65. strengthen
    考查时态。句意:2017年,来自51个国家的数百名代表在敦煌参加了丝绸之路国际文化博览会,敦煌再次成为了全球的十字路口。根据后文“since it hosted hundreds of”可知用现在完成时,主语为,助动词用has。故填has become。
    考查名词的数。句意:2017年,来自51个国家的数百名代表在敦煌参加了丝绸之路国际文化博览会,敦煌再次成为了全球的十字路口。作介词的宾语,表示“代表”应用名词representative,由hundreds of修饰应用复数形式。故填representatives。
    考查状语从句。句意:鉴于此次世博会的主题是促进丝绸之路沿线国家的文化交流,加强相互合作,敦煌是理想的地方。结合句意表示“鉴于……”可知为given that…,引导原因状语从句,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Given。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你校英语广播电台正在招聘播音员。请你给负责人Mr. Jams写一封英文申请信,内容包括:
    Dear Mr. James,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Mr. James,
    Knowing that you are looking for an English news announcer, I am writing to apply for this post.
    Firstly, I have a good command of oral English. I won the first prize in the Spoken English Contest in my school last year. Besides, working as a part-time English tour guide has contributed to the fluency of my oral English. Finally, I have a great passion for this job.
    I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account. Looking forward to your early reply!
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英语广播电台负责人Mr. Jams写封信,申请当播音员,内容包括:1.写信目的;2.英语能力及相关经验。
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    最后:finally→at last
    考虑:take...into consideration→take...into account
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Firstly, I have a good command of oral English. I won the first prize in the Spoken English Contest in my school last year.
    拓展句:Firstly, I have a good command of oral English, which enabled me to win the first prize in the Spoken English Contest in my school last year.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing that you are looking for an English news announcer, I am writing to apply for this post. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account. (运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Ella’s First Fashion Creation
    Ella was wearing a new dress and she felt like a famous model, Even better, it was a dress she made! Her very first piece of fashion!
    “What do you think?” she asked her family. They were all gathered at the kitchen table for breakfast. “It’s very pretty. I can’t believe you designed and sewed that all by yourself!” Mom said.“I’m so proud of you! How long did that take?”Dad asked. Ella pulled out her chair and sat down.“Two weeks! But I think I could make the next one faster. I had a few problems.
    Ella smiled. She had so many problems making the dress, but right now it was all worth it. It was going to be a great day.
    The kids at school weren’t quite as excited about her dress as she thought they would be, but she did get some nice comments from some of the girls, so she was happy about that. The day went by quickly, and before she knew it, she was outside for the last break of the day. What a perfect day, she thought to herself as she swung on the swings.
    The school bell rang and the break was over. When the swing was close to stopping, Ella jumped off. When she landed, she heard a loud rip (撕裂). She moved her hand to the back of her dress. It was ripped all the way down the back! Her very first fashion creation fell apart! Ella was so embarrassed.
    Ella spotted her teacher, Miss Miller, near the door. Ella took one hand from her dress and waved for Miss Miller to come to her. Miss Miller came up and looked at the back of Ella’s dress.“Oh no! And it is such a beautiful dress!” “I made it myself,” Ella said. “You must be very proud! You did a great job!” “Not really. Or it wouldn’t have ripped.” “Well, that happens sometimes. Even with clothes you buy in the store!”
    Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on.
    “We can’t avoid problems,” said Mom.
    【答案】 Miss Miller took off her sweater and helped Ella to pull it on. She helped Ella up and walked her back to the classroom. As soon as she sat down, she heard a girl laughing at her torn clothes. Ella was very sad and felt very defeated. Miss Miller came to Ella and said, "Your clothes are very beautiful. You shouldn't deny yourself because it is broken.". After hearing this, Ella called her mother and asked her mother to pick her up. Because her clothes were broken, she couldn't walk home by herself. When her mother came, she saw what had happened and was distressed.
    “We can’t avoid problems,” said Mom. “When the problem arises, we should find a way to solve the problem instead of complaining about ourselves. Now your dress is broken and you just need to sew it”. After saying that, mother took out the sewing bag and handed it to Ella, who took over the sewing bag and nodded to her mother. Then she stitched up the broken part of the dress.
    ①坐下:sit down/be seated
    【点睛】[高分句型1]As soon as she sat down, she heard a girl laughing at her torn clothes.(由连接词as soon as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]After saying that, mother took out the sewing bag and handed it to Ella, who took over the sewing bag and nodded to her mother.(由关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句)


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