英语仁爱科普版Topic 2 Where are you from?教学设计及反思
这是一份英语仁爱科普版Topic 2 Where are you from?教学设计及反思,共15页。教案主要包含了课标内容,设计理念,教材分析,学情分析,教学目标,教学重点,教学策略,教学时间等内容,欢迎下载使用。
七年级上册Unit 1Topic 2 Where are you from?Section C一、课标内容一级 能相互交流简单的个人信息,如姓名、年龄、电话号码等;理解和运用有关下列话题的语言表达形式:个人情况、家庭与朋友、学校与日常生活等。二、设计理念采取游戏、歌曲、小组竞学的教学模式组织课堂。遵循七年级英语知识结构和本文的文体特点,设计贴近学生生活的任务型教学模式,提供运用英语表达、交流的教学情境。体现本课时在这个话题教学中的承上启下作用。在启迪学生智慧、激活他们英语知识积累的同时,关注对学生价值观教育的引导。三、教材分析本节课选自仁爱英语七年级上册Unit 1, Topic2中的Section C。本节课在本话题内容中既有对之前内容的巩固,同时又有新的知识呈现,所学内容(数字的表达)贴近生活,为学生的真实生活服务,学生兴趣浓厚,可操作性强。本节课的活动包括1a、1b、1c、2、3和4a、4b。其中,1a——3的活动设计是内容衔接较紧密的活动,而4a和4b则是单词音标与发音的训练,任务量较大,预测一节课很难高效完成,所以4a、4b的学习放到早读时间完成。另外,本人对文本1a——3的活动安排也进行了二次解读与加工,以期更好的学习效果。四、学情分析 本班学生40人,其中男生21 人,女生 19人。七年级的孩子相对活泼,对英语有着较浓的学习兴趣,乐学、愿学、勇于表达。但个别同学由于综合能力不强而导致学习起来力不从心,表现在单词量少、阅读费力、语言表达能力差等方面。根据以上情况,本节课致力于增加趣味十足的游戏、创设贴近生活的任务来调动孩子学习的积极性,同时,有选择性地扩大单词量、知识面,聚沙成塔,让学生在长期的积累中提高英语的综合运用能力。五、教学目标1.掌握本节课出现的新单词(分层次):数词 zero, one, two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten等;人称代词it, her;名词telephone, number, family;副词 very, much。2.理解短语very much的意思及用法。3.掌握并运用与数字0-10相关话题的表达。六、教学重点、难点数字0-10的熟练表达与运用(生活中数字的灵活性与机动性增加了运用的难度,因此,灵活、全面的数字学习将是本节的重点和难点。)七、教学策略游戏、竞赛、任务型教学法八、教学时间1课时九、教学媒体PPT课件、银行卡、教师自制卡片十、教学过程Step 1 Warm upEnjoy the song One Two Three Four FiveThe whole class enjoys a very simple and lively song, which is perfect for this period of learning, and it can be learned after class.A game called BINGO(1) Show the Nine-squared Grid on the screen to let students fill it with different words of numbers such as one, three, nine and so on. Tell them whatever they choose is OK.(2) Teacher reads different words randomly, until someone whose words in a line are read firstly says BINGO!(3) Congratulate the student and have a small talk with him or her about his or her name and address. Then ask other students something about the winner as follows, What’s his\her name?What’s his\her family name?What’s his\her given name?Where is he\she from?(4) Repeat the game like above, saying that, Another chance, OK?3. Lead in the next step by saying,Today we’ll meet a Chinese boy called Li Jie. By the way, do you know his family name and his given name?(歌曲One,Two, Three, Four, Five先“声”夺人,好像为本课量身定做一般,欢快明朗的节奏和清晰易学的歌词趣味十足,让孩子们瞬间进入欢快的学习状态,激发孩子求知的渴望。新颖灵活的BINGO游戏适当热身,兼具复习旧知和预习新知的同时,又为下文充分造势。在游戏过程中,可以和孩子简单互动交流,缩短师生间的距离,让孩子放下心理包袱,轻松进入英语的世界。)Step 2 Presentation1. Show the pictures from the textbook on the screen, and have the students get the main idea by asking, (1) - Who is the boy in Picture 1?- He is Li Jie.(2) - Who is the woman with long hair?- She is Li Jie’s mother.(3) - What about the woman with short hair?- She is the shopkeeper. (Extra word SHOPKEEPER can be given on the blackboard.)(4) - What do they say?- They say, “Welcome.” “Thanks.”(5) - Who is the other woman in Picture 2? And what do they say?- She is Miss Chen. They say, “...”(6) - Then what happens?- Li Jie can’t find his mother.(7) - Who is the man in Picture 3? What do they say?- He is a policeman. They say, “...”(Extra word POLICEMAN can be given on the blackboard.)(8) - What happens finally?- Li Jie finds his mother.(9) - What does his mother say?- “Thank you very much.”(10) - What do you say when others say thank you to you? And what else can you say? - “That’s OK.” “You’re welcome.”2. Understand by two questions.(1) Have students pay attention to THANKS in Picture 1 and THANK YOU VERY MUCH in Picture 2, saying,Do you know the differences between THANKS and THANK YOU VERY MUCH? Or do you know how to use THANKS and THANK YOU VERY MUCH in our real life?(2) Several examples can be given to emphasize that:① If someone says to you, “Your English is pretty good!” Then what should you say? (Thanks.)② If I pass the book to you, saying, “Here you are.” Then what should you say? (Thanks.)③ “Aha--- a bank card! Is it yours?” Then you say, “Oh, my God! It’s mine, and I looked for it everywhere! Thank you---VERY MUCH!”(3) Another question, How does the policeman find Li Jie’s mother? (Maybe by calling his mother.)3. Sum up.Indeed, numbers are important in our life. You have to remember some important numbers such as your dad’s telephone number, your mom’s telephone number, your ID number and so on. And now let’s learn the numbers from 0 to10. (以问题的形式引领学生思考、分析文本,提高学生的思维品质。在备课过程中,我敏锐捕捉到其中一个细节,即thanks和 thank you very much的区别,如若用常规方式讲解,则一句单调的语法解说“Thank you very much”表示非常感谢即可完事,但实在令人乏味。因此,我特意创设了三个生动的小情境,相信孩子们马上心领神会。深刻解读文本,在具体情境中让孩子们会意语言使用的得体性,避免文本学习的泛化和肤浅。)Step 3 Practice1. Learn the numbers from 0-10 and practice them in different ways as follows,(1) Can you read them from 0 to 10 fluently?(2) Can you read them from 10 to 0 fluently?(3) Can you read every other number fluently, such as 0, 2, 4 ,6, 8, 10?(4) Let’s have a PK, shall we?A competition between two groups, in order to consolidate the fluency of numbers.(层层深入的练习,难度系数逐增,以PK的比赛形式点燃学生的挑战欲,契合低年级孩子的活泼天性,使练习变得生动、高效、有弹性。)2. Practice more with different pictures about numbers on the screen, such as room number, car number, bank card number and post code number.(1) - What’s the room number? - It’s ...- Pay attention to the capital letter R when followed by specific numbers such as Room 106.(2) - What’s the car number? And whose car is it? Can you guess?- It’s...(3) - What’s the post code of Lianhuazhen?- It’s 462413.(4) - What’s the bank card number? - It’s... - This bank card is not mine, can I get money with it?- No.- Because I don’t know the PASSWORD. So NEVER tell others your password.(5) - What’s the ID number? - It’s...- Who is it? Can you guess? - ...-He is my HUSBAND. Is he handsome? No! Am I beautiful? Yes! I love you, guys! (Extra words such as ROOM, POST CODE, BANK CARD, and PASSWORD can be given on the blackboard.)Listening practice. (1) Ask students about their telephone numbers, their QQ numbers and their Wechat numbers by using,What’s your telephone number\QQ number\Wechat number?(Extra word WECHAT can be given on the blackboard.)(2) Have one student answer the question while others do the dictation as well,then check the other students’ listening result.(无论是房间号、邮政编码、银行卡号,还是学生喜闻乐学的QQ号和微信号,都来源于生活,更真实服务于学生生活。针对每个例子都进行简单的深化处理,比如提醒Room 106的大写形式、告诫银行密码的安全保存、幽默的调侃互动等,避免为教而教、为学而学。在最后一个步骤增设听力练习。和个体进行问答对话之际,给其他学生下达听力任务,不失为一个高效的教学策略,避免出现部分学生的时间空挡。此外,结合具体情境合理扩展孩子的单词量,比如本环节中room, husband, handsome, beautiful等单词,均在以前的课堂中呈现过,今天的情境则是这些词汇的运用和巩固,符合循序渐进的认知规律,并非加重孩子的负担。)Step 4 A surveyPresent the task.Help the teacher to make a personal information list of students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers in groups, using questions like these, Hi! What’s your name, please?Where are you from?What’s your ID number?Work in groups for about 5-8 minutes. Teacher walks around to offer help.3. Give a report in class group by group, one passage, which is third person narrative, can be given if necessary.Hello, this is ____. ____ is his\her family name. ____ is his\her given name. He\She is from _____. His\Her telephone number is ____.4. Summary. Give thanks to the students and make a summary according to the students’ performance.(巧妙利用孩子学校生活中的真实任务——“学生基本情况统计”,让英语和学生的当下生活紧密对接,升华文本。第二环节的课堂汇报又能训练学生的听力和口头表达能力。)Step 5 Make a name card1. Show a model card made by the teacher with personal information, and have the students say something according to the information on the card as follows,Hello, this is ____. ____ is her family name. ____ is her given name. She is from _____. Her telephone number is ____.If possible, specifically lead them to add the structure I LIKE ...VERY MUCH, aiming to practice the phrase VERY MUCH.2. Students make their own name cards, including personal information on the one side of a card, and a motto on the other side, which can encourage them to study harder and to be better. (The word MOTTO can be given on the blackboard, and more mottoes can be given to the students.)3. Show the name card in class and have them say something about themselves according to the information on the name card, using the passage below, which is first person narrative.Hello! I am _____. ____ is my family name. ____ is my given name. I am from _____. My telephone number is ____. My motto is ______.(“在做中学”,新颖的名片制作活动再次紧扣文本重点,妥帖服务于学生生活;名片上增设“座右铭”内容,既拓宽英语知识面,又给学生以精神的引领;名片展示环节的汇报叙述又在之前第三人称的基础上切换成第一人称的表达,巩固之余又有新的突破。)Step 6 Written practice (Homework)Choose one from the following two,1. Introduce someone, using the information we learned today;2. Introduce yourself, using the information we learned today.(二选一的作业设计给学生提供选择的空间,体现以人为本;以写作练习的方式巩固所学,讲究实效,兼顾听、说、读、写综合能力的提升。)十一、板书设计 Topic 2 Where are you from?Section Cone two three four fivesix seven eight nine tenWhat’s your telephone number? 十二、备课反思对于常年教九年级的我来说,备一节知识相对简单的七年级教材,着实让我煞费一番功夫。乍一看文本,内容浅显的表达几乎看不出教学难点,教学活动也呈线性发展,看不出多少深意。自然,按部就班的依托文本而教,无可厚非。但凭借多次的培训经历与经验习得,我深谙解读文本之道。于是,潜下心来揣摩、研究。站在教材编者的高度俯视文本;以学习者(学生)的视角仰视文本(自认为“仰视”一词形容学生和新知识之间的“最近发展区”较为准确);全程以《新课程标准》指导对文本的解读。终有所发现、有所突破。探究之余,也不由得叹服编者的智慧。在备课中,秉承“在真实的活动中,让英语为真实的生活服务”的宗旨。为此,我深挖教材,让孩子致力于真实语境中感受并体会真实的生活、真实的英语。同时,拿教材为我用、为生活用,以教材为纽带,让英语融入孩子的真实生活,让孩子融入真实的英语生活。大量的生活实例、全方位的练习、真实的任务设计,让课堂鲜活生动、真实高效。值得自我肯定的是,课件中的每个材料皆为原创,不求精美(甚至告诫自己:去浮华,留本真),但求实效,“只为高效课堂服务”。其中,第一张和最后一张幻灯片是我班孩子的生活照,他们个个稚气扑面、笑靥如花,胜过无数“精美”;其它和数字相关的图片也是在校园中取景、拍摄,简单却高效地服务于课堂。
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