英语Unit 5 Into the wild教案设计
课 题 | Unit5 Into the wild Starting out & Understanding Ideas | 学 科 | 英语 | 班 级 | Class | 授课教师 |
单 元目 标 | 1 语言能力目标 能够理解与动物有关的文章内容,。 2 文化意识目标 通过了解黑脉金斑蝶、熊猫、丹顶鹤等动物的习性,感知人与动物的和谐相处,形成关爱动物、保护生态的正确价值观;通过阅读熊猫租借的相关信息,了解动物在文化交流方面的作用,坚定文化自信。 3 思维品质目标 能够有逻辑、有条理地在辩论中概括信息、构建概念、分析原因和逻辑关系;能够创造性地表达关于人与动物关系的观点;能够在深入理解文本的同时联系自身实际,思考如何处理好人与动物的关系,实现知识与思维能力的迁移。 4 学习能力目标 能够通过了解人与动物关系的相关内容,激发英语学习的兴趣;能够多渠道获取英语学习资源;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程。 | ||||||
重 点 | 通过略读锁定关键词,获取课文大意,根据课文内容准确判断文章出处 | ||||||
难 点 | 通过精读,迅速找出主要细节在文中的位置,理清文中的因果逻辑关系,熟悉话题语境加深对课文单元主题的认知。 | ||||||
教 学方 法 | Interactive Reading Approach Critical Reading Approach | ||||||
教 学 内 容 与 过 程 | Step1 Watching a video 教师引导学生观看视频,了解英国人饲养宠物的情况,初步导入主题。播放视频,请学生通过看画面和听旁白,试着回答学生用书所给出的问题。 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What are the most popular pets in the UK? 2 What is the most important animal charity in the UK? ○参考答案 1 The most popular pets in the UK are cats and dogs. 2 The most important animal charity is the RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Step2 Starting out 教师带领学生讨论日常生活中人与动物的关系,激活已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣。 第一步:学生独立看图片,描述各图片上展示的内容,思考两个问题并给出答案。 第二步:学生以小组为单位,根据图片内容,联系自身经历,讨论问题答案。 第三步:引导学生思考并补充人与动物还有哪些关系,进一步拓展思维,激活话题。 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 What are the relationships between the people and the animals? 2 What animals do you often interact with? What is your relationship with them? ○参考答案 1 The pictures show different kinds of relationships between the people and the animals, namely pet owner and pet, blind people and guide dog (life assistant), horseman and horse (competition companion), owner and livestock. (from top left to bottom right) 2 Students’ own answers.
Step3 Understanding ideas Activity 1 Discussion 第一步:学生看图片,思考并讨论问题,提前熟悉课文话题。 第二步:全班分享答案。 Look at the pictures and choose the animals that migrate. ○参考答案 monarch butterfly, Siberian crane, Atlantic salmon, some types of killer whales
Activity 2 Reading Ⅰ.Skimming 请学生带着任务快速阅读课文,确认阅读中应特别注意的信息,找到答案。 Read the passage and find out what mystery the scientists have solved. ○参考答案 The scientists have solved the mystery of how monarch butterflies manage to travel a long distance and find their way to their destination.
Ⅱ.Reading for the source of the passage. 教师可以利用此活动检验学生初读之后对课文的理解情况。 第一步:学生独立阅读课文,根据课文的主旨大意和文体选出文章可能的出处。 第二步:请个别学生说出答案并陈述理由,全班核对答案。 Choose where you are most likely to find the passage. 1 In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration. 2 In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly. 3 In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America. ○参考答案:2
Ⅲ.Reading for detail information. 第一步:确认学生理解流程图表现的因果逻辑关系,明确活动意图。 第二步:学生分组,各小组选择其中一个流程图完成活动,回归课文梳理因果逻辑关系,寻找相应信息补全句子,并完成流程图。 第三步:请各小组选择代表分享答案,其他小组进行补充。 第四步:鼓励学生根据流程图用自己的语言复述课文,使学生对因果逻辑关系有更深入的理解。 Complete the sentences with expressions from the passage. Then use the sentences to complete the “cause-effect” flow charts. a. The monarch butterfly is able to tell 1________. b. Using these two pieces of information, the monarch butterfly determines 2_______ . c. The monarch butterfly measures 3_______ with its eyes. d. The monarch butterfly reaches 4_______ . e. Humans 5_______ trees. f. The 6_______ where monarchs can be found is destroyed. g. Humans use chemicals that 7_______ that monarch caterpillars eat. h. The monarch butterfly’s population 8_______ in the last few years. ○参考答案 1 the time of day 2 the way to go 3 the position of the sun 4 the places where it will spend the winter 5 cut down 6 natural environment of many places 7 kill the plants 8 has crashed (by as much as 90 per cent)
Step 4 Critical thinking 1 What impresses you most about the monarch butterfly? 2 What can people do to help protect the monarch butterfly? 引导学生关注第二个流程图,有针对性地提出保护黑脉金斑蝶的办法。教师也可引导学生从更多的角度思考这一问题,并适当提示学生,鼓励学生找到更多办法,拓展学生思维的广度和深度。
Step 5 Homework | 备注 |
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