所属成套资源:沪教牛津版(六三制一起)英语五年级上学期 教学设计全册
小学英语新版-牛津上海版五年级上册Unit 12 Fire优质教案
这是一份小学英语新版-牛津上海版五年级上册Unit 12 Fire优质教案,共11页。
Unit 12 Fire教案 1教学目标 1、知识目标:认识并使用fire, dangerous以及祈使句和We must / mustn’t …句型。2、能力目标:(1)培养学生掌握合作学习的方法。
培养学生寻找、感受生活中的乐趣,养成健康的生活习惯。 2学情分析 学生已经步入五年级,思想都发生了很多改变,学习积极性不是很高,尤其不爱发言。但是他们在学习生活中积累了很多英语知识,如果能够调动他们的学习积极性,会收到良好的效果。 3重点难点 词汇:fire, hurt, must, careful, smoke, burn down,(be) careful with, hate, not…at all句型:We must be careful with fire.We mustn’t play with matches.日常用语:Safety first.语音:th(thin, path) 4教学过程 活动1【导入】fire 首先,在黑板上画棵树,树上画上十个苹果,然后,在黑板上画四条空格线(用来写单词fire),告诉学生今天玩游戏的方法,用此方法来引出fire。T: Let’s play a game. Guess the word. You have 10 chances to guess a word. It’s a word with four letters. Guess a letter.Sl: Is there an “a”?T: No, there isn’t an “a”. (erase one apple from the apple tree)S2: Is there a “P”?T: Yes, there’s an “I” (write the 1etter i in its proper position)S3: Is there an “f”?T: Yes, there’s an “r” (Write the letter in its proper position)如果学生能在十次机会以内猜中该单词,他们就赢了。反之,超过十次机会还未猜中该单词,则为失败。 活动2【讲授】讲解知识点 1.向学生呈现Listen and say的图片,请学生看着图片回答教师问题。T: (point to the first picture) Look at this person. What does he do?S1: He’s a fireman.T: What does a fireman do?S2: He puts out fires.T: Yes. What do you think of him?S3: He’s very brave.然后,请学生看第二幅图,继续回答老师的问题,以此引出fire safety。T: Where’s the fireman?S1: He’s in the classroom.T: What’s he doing?S2: He’s telling the children about fire safety.2.让学生听一遍Listen and say的录音,学生跟录音朗读课文,然后回答教师的问题。教师出示相关标志帮助学生理解must的含义及用法。1) Fire is dangerous. What can fire do? (Fire can burn down a lot of trees. Fire can hurt people.)2) What must we do then? (We must be careful with fire.)3) What mustn’t we do in the forest? (We mustn’t smoke.)4) What mustn’t we do at home? (We mustn’t play near fires. We mustn’t play with matches.)利用课本第81页Listen and say的后续练习,让学生互相问答,熟悉must及mustn’t的句型。S1: What mustn’t we do in the forest?S2: We mustn’t smoke in the forest.… 活动3【活动】用must的句型说一说标志的含义 出示给学生不同的防火警示标志,让他们用must的句型说一说每个标志的含义。T: (show the card for Don’t smoke.) This is a sign for fire safety. What does it mean?S1: People mustn’t smoke.T: (show the card for Don’t play with matches!)What does this sign mean?S1: People mustn’t play with matches.…然后,请学生四人一组,在组内进行操练。活动4【练习】巩固操练标语 通过快速反应的游戏,帮助学生巩固Look and learn栏目中的标语Don’t smoke!和Don’t play with matches!T: (show the card for Don’t smoke!)Ss: Don’t smoke!然后,教师给每一组分发一些标志,学生通过小组活动的方式,再一次巩固操练。 活动5【测试】防火规则 让学生看一些图片,里面的人物违反了防火规则,如:一些孩子在火堆旁玩耍;一些孩子准备燃起篝火;一个男孩正在玩火柴;一些人在森林里抽烟。请学生两人一组进行讨论,他们能对图片中的这些人说些什么?T: Look at these pictures. What are they doing? Are they doing the right things?What can you say to these people? Please discuss in pairs.然后,请几组学生来进行反馈。T: Look at the first picture. What can you say to them?S1: You mustn’t play near fires/Don’t play near fires.… 活动6【作业】Homework 制作一个警示标志,并在全班进行介绍。 4.2 第二学时 4.2.1教学目标 1.通过复习活动,帮助学生巩固核心句型。2.通过Listen and enjoy的儿歌帮助学生了解火灾逃生的知识。3.帮助学生学习字母组合th在单词中的发音。 4.2.2学时重、难点 语音:th (thin, path) 4.2.3教学活动 活动1【导入】巩固防火警示语 通过快速反应的游戏,帮助学生巩固Look and learn中的防火警示语。T: Now let’s play a game. Please tell what the sign means as quickly as you can.T: (show the card for “Don't smoke.”)Ss: Don’t smoke. 活动2【讲授】感受th在单词中的发音 出示Learn the sounds的语音单词卡片th(thin)和th(path),学生跟读单词,感受th在单词中的发音。T:th, /θ/, thin, thin.Ss: th, /θ/, thin, thin.T:th, /θ/, path, path.Ss: th, /θ/, path, path.然后,播放Learn the sounds的儿歌录音,请学生模仿录音朗读儿歌。鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调。可复习上一单元的语音,让学生仔细区分th组合的清音、浊音的不同发音,如让学生试着区分three—there, thick—this等组单词中的发音是否相同,但不要求学生强记。 活动3【活动】填空完成句子 让学生根据Listen and say中消防员说的有关消防安全的内容,填空完成句子。1) We mustn’t smoke.2) We must be careful with fire.3) We mustn’t play near fires.4) We mustn’t play with matches.5) Safety first.6) Fire can hurt people.然后,请学生进行个别反馈,核对答案。请学生一起看一组不同场所防火警示标志的图片。然后,请学生结合他们的生活经验回答问题。T: Where can you see these signs?S: We can see the sign “Don’t smoke,” in the lift. 活动4【练习】巩固句型 1.出示给学生不同的场景,让学生两人一组用must的句型进行讨论,在各种不同的场所,如图书馆、电影院等,我们必须做到的和禁止做的事情,以此进一步巩固该句型。T: Here are some places. Discuss what we must do or what we mustn’t do in these different places.S: We mustn’t talk aloud in the library.2.请学生阅读课本Make and say的内容。然后,请学生说一说制作一个警示标志的步骤。T: How can we make a sign?Sl: First, we draw a sign.S2: Second, we write the words.然后请学生出示他们课后完成的手工作品并说一说。S: This is my sign. It says, “Don’t smoke.” We mustn’t smoke. 活动5【作业】Homework 让学生分组做关于防火的海报或思维导图,并填空完成有关fire safety的语段,向班级汇报。Fire is very useful. We use fire to cook food. But fire can hurt people. We must be careful with fire. We mustn’t start a fire in the park or in the forest. At home, we mustn’t play near fires. We mustn’t play with matches.When there is a fire, we call 119. 4.3 第三学时 4.3.1教学目标 1.一起阅读故事《亚兹、肉与火》,了解人类是如何开始用火煮食的。2.通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。 4.3.2学时重、难点 词汇:hate, not…at all 4.3.3教学活动 活动1【导入】谈谈对Stone Age的认识 学生根据出示的Stone Age图片或录像,谈谈对Stone Age的认识。教师可以用提问的方式,帮助学生整理信息。1) The Stone Age is a long time ago in human history. Where did people live then? (They lived in caves.)2) Did they have fire in their caves? (Yes, they did.)3) What did they eat? (They ate meat and fruit.) 活动2【讲授】通过问答初步感知故事大意 1.从学生的回答中引出课文Yaz, the meat and the fire,让学生带着问题阅读课文第一、第二幅图的内容。Picture 11) What’s the boy’s name? (His name is Yaz.)2) Does he live in the same time that we live in? (No. Yaz lives in the Stone Age)3) Where does he live? (He lives in a cave.)4) What does fire give them? (Fire gives them heat and light.)Picture 21) Do they eat raw meat or cooked meat? (They eat raw meat.)2) Who likes eating raw meat? (Yaz’s parents and his sister.)3) Does Yaz like eating raw meat? Why? (No, he doesn’t. It does not taste good.)2.学生通过小组合作的方式,阅读课文其余部分,并回答以下问题。1) Yaz does not like raw meat. What does he do? (He throws the meat into the fire.)2) What happens then? (The meat smells very nice.)3) What do Yaz and his family do with the cooked meat? (They eat it.) 活动3【活动】朗读课文 学生听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调逐句跟读课文。 活动4【练习】填空 学生根据课文内容填空完成短文。Yaz and his family live in the Stone Age. They live in a cave. They have a fire in the cave. Fire gives them heat and light. Yaz’s parents and sister like raw meat. But Yaz does not like it. He throws the raw meat into the fire. The fire cooks the meat. The meat smells nice. They eat the cooked meat. It tastes nice. Then they always cook meat on the fire. 活动5【作业】Homework 学生分成四人小组,在小组内表演课本剧。然后学生在小组内进行交流,说说Stone Age与现代的生活差异。可就下面两个问题展开讨论。1) How was life different in the Stone Age? What do we have that people in the Stone Age didn’t?2) If you could go to the Stone Age, what would you bring with you?
这是一份五年级上册unit 3 Fire教案,共7页。教案主要包含了设计意图,设计策略,设计内容,预期效果等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份小学英语沪教牛津版(五四制)五年级上册unit 3 Fire教学设计及反思,共7页。
这是一份沪教牛津版(五四制)五年级上册unit 3 Fire教案设计,共2页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。