初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)九年级上册(新版)Unit 1 Ancient Greece获奖教案设计
这是一份初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)九年级上册(新版)Unit 1 Ancient Greece获奖教案设计,共12页。
牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期教案 Unit 1 Ancient Greece教材分析:“The Night of the Horse”是一篇古希腊的神话故事。故事主要描述了古希腊人用计谋打败了特洛伊人的经过。文章本身没有太多新的语言点和语法要求,但是由于文章篇幅较长,而故事发生的背景不为学生所熟知,这些都会给教学设计与实施带来了一些难度。学生分析:根据学生实际情况以及初三阶段教学特点,不盲目拔高,也不随意降低要求。教学方法思考: 在对本单元课文的处理上,通过对教材和学生的分析以及初三的教学特点,秉承教学复习并进原则。本单元设计为9个课时,3个课时处理课文内容,解决重要知识点,以培养提高学生阅读能力为主。2个课时作为语法复习,结合中考复习。对现在完成时进行归纳总结操练。结合课文和中考内容,听力和写作各一个课时。在完成这几个课时后,进行一个小测,对本阶段教学进行一个反馈,针对学生特点,小测内容重在温故和稳固。教学目标:1.掌握本单元知识点2.对现在完成时进行归纳总结复习3.训练提高学生阅读,听力和写作能力教学重难点:1. 词汇 (考纲词汇)At a time, no longer, citizen, joke, enemy, go to sleep, including-include, midnight, except, army, succeed, fit, refuse, manage, come on, independent等。语法:现在完成时。阅读听力写作训练提高。 课时安排:ReadingGrammarListeningWriting测试与跟进3课时2课时1课时1课时1+1课时 The first period 学生分析:班级上很大一部分学生英语基础较差,这往往让学生没有信心,甚至对英语没有兴趣。给他们一个营造崭新自己的机会,鼓励学生充满信心,只要付出,必定有收获。注意与学生情感的交流。在第一节课上,还要注意对学生养成习惯的教育。Ⅰ. Pre-task preparationTell the students something about the story background by showing some pictures.古希腊传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯来到希腊斯巴达王麦尼劳斯宫作客,受到了麦尼劳斯的盛情款待,但是,帕里斯却拐走了麦尼劳斯的妻子。麦尼劳斯和他的兄弟决定讨伐特洛伊,由于特洛伊城池牢固,易守难攻,攻战10年未能如愿。最后英雄奥德修斯献计,让迈锡尼士兵烧毁营帐,登上战船离开,造成撤退回国的假象,并故意在城下留下一具巨大的木马,特洛伊人把木马当作战胜品拖进城内,当晚正当特洛伊人醋歌畅饮欢庆胜利的时候,藏在木马中的迈锡尼士兵悄悄溜出,打开城门,放进早已埋伏在城外的希腊军队,结果一夜之间特洛伊化为废墟。Ⅱ. While-task procedureⅰ.the key points of p1-p6A.部分单词的复数形式army---armies; enemy---enemies; century---centuriesB. 几组反义词disappear---appear;(消失---出现)enemy---friend;(敌人---朋友)dark---bright; (黑暗的--- 明亮的)empty---full; (空的---满的)stupid---clever/bright/wise/intelligent/smart(愚蠢的---聪明的)3. history n. 历史 historical a. 历史的4. wooden a. 木头的 wood n. 木头5. city n. 城市 citizen n. 市民6. frightened a. 受惊吓的 (修饰人) frightening a. 恐怖的(修饰物) frighten v. 使害怕7 .help n./v. 帮助 helpful a. 有帮助的8. succeed v. 使……成功 success n. 成功9. enter v. 进入 entrance n. 入口 10. difficult a. 困难的 difficulty n. 困难C.词组1. two at a time 一次两个2. make jokes about sb. 拿……开玩笑 =make fun of 3. no longer 不再 =not…any longere.g. I am no longer a child.= I am not a child any longer.4.. seconds later =after a while =moments later 过了一会儿5. look down at 向下看着6. take sth with sb. 随身带去某物7. obey orders 遵守命令8. sail away 驾船驶走 ⅱ.Read p1-6 and answer the following questions:1. Why did the soldier come down the stairs two at a time?2. What did the captain do then?3. What did he see when he stood on the high wall of the city of Troy?4. How long had the Greeks tried to capture the city of Troy?5. Did the Greeks take everything with them?6. Why did the captain think the Greeks hadn’t taken away the wooden horse?8. What did the captain ask the solider to do then?9.Was it difficult for the Trojans to take the huge wooden horse into the city? Why or why not?10 .What did the solider want to say when the captain interrupted him?11. How did the Trojans move the horse into the city?Ⅲ. Post-task activities: 课堂反馈:1. That ______ house burned quickly.(wood)2. All the ______ in Shanghai must help to fight pollution.(city)3. At the age of thirty he won great ______ in business.(succeed)4. Don’t be afraid of ______. They should be afraid.(enemy)5. He is a ______ man. He often gives me much ______.(help)6. There are many places of ______interests in Shanghai.(history)7. Please wait for me at the ______. (enter)8. I am not afraid of any _____, because I am brave enough.(difficult)9. The ______ film made me very ______.(frighten)Ⅳ. Homework :阶段递进背诵考纲:15+5完成练习(分层)后记:单词量较多,学生的注意力不够集中。The second periodⅠ. Pre-task preparationⅰthe key points of p7-p10词组:1. succeed in doing sth =be successful in doing sth. =manage to do sth 成功地干某事2. by a trick用诡计 by midnight到了午夜4. the Indian Ocean 印度洋5. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have a wonderful time 过得愉快6. get rid of 摆脱7. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人8. make sure that+从句 确信 (make sure= be sure)9. go to sleep = fall asleep 入睡ⅱ。Read p7-p10 and answer the following questions: What did the Trojans do at night? What did they do after the celebration? What happened after the square was completely empty? They were caught by the Trojans, weren’t they? What did they do then? Who were waiting outside the main gates of
the city? What did they do to the city of Troy?ⅲ. Fill in the table(A)The Greeks l________ the huge horse outside the city, and went away. In the morning the soldier of Troy saw the Greeks had left and found the wooden horse. He r________ it to the captain. The captain o________ the soldiers to pull it inside the city as a symbol of their v________. The Trojans then celebrated, but the Greeks had not r________ gone away. They were just hiding in their ships. In the evening, when they could not be seen, they sailed b________ to Troy. That night, when everyone was a________, Greek soldiers who were hiding in the wooden horse q________ climbed out of the horse and opened the city gates. The Greek army came inside. Soon, they were s________ in capturing the city.(B)TimeThe GreeksThe TrojansBefore night1. The Greek army _____________________________.2. They left a huge horse ___
_____________________ _____________________.1. The Trojan captain _____________ the empty _____________ and the ____________ sea.2. He thought they __________ the war.3. The soldier had to _____________.4. The Trojans ______________ the horse ____________ the city with ____________.At night1. The Greek army _____________________ in the ________________.1. All the citizens _____________ and ________________________ their enemies.2. The Trojans _____________ all the gates of the city were ___________ _______________.3. They all went to sleep, __________ ____________________________.By midnight1. The __________ Greek soldiers waited for another hour.1. The _______________ was empty.An hour later1. They opened the _______ __________on the side of the horse and __________.2. They opened the _______ _____________. The army ______________ the city.3. They _______ the captain.1. No guards ______________ the Greeks.2. The city of Troy was ___________in one night by a trick.Ⅲ. Post-task activities: 1. Discuss: What lessons can we get from this story?2. 反馈练习: The soldier came down the stairs two at a time. _____ _____ the soldier _____ down the stairs?The captain of the soldiers was not listening any longer.=The captain of the soldier was _____ _____ listening.The enemies captured the city by fighting.______ _______ the enemies capture the city?Ⅳ. Homework :阶段递进背诵考纲:15+5完成练习(分层)后记:文章单词量大,对于初三生又复习又上新课,进度较快,只能抓重点单词词组。The third period ( A )Long time ago, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was very handsome and many women loved him. One of them was a fairy called Echo. Unluckily, Echo could only repeat after others, so she couldn’t tell Narcissus her love for him.One day, Narcissus got lost in the woods. He shouted, “Who’s there?” Slowly, Echo stepped forward. But Narcissus didn’t love Echo, and left her heartbroken.Later, a goddess learnt this. She decided to punish Narcissus. She made the boy fall in love with himself. Once, Narcissus took a drink from a pond. He saw his own reflection and fell in love with himself. From then on, he stayed there and looked into the water until he died. Where he died a flower grew. That flower is called a narcissus.This story tells us why the narcissus flower is seen as too much self-love. It also shows that too much self-love is unhealthy. What about healthy self-love? To have healthy self-love, we need to use the mirror. That is to say, we need to love ourselves. Also, we need to find the goodness in others and love them. In this way, we will hear praise from each other. When we have learnt to appreciate the value that we add to each other’s lives, we can love ourselves healthily. Answer the following question: What does Narcissus mean in this passage?It means both the name of a _________________ and the name of a __________. Could Echo tell Narcissus her love for him?_______, _______________. How did the goddess punish Narcissus?She _____________________________________________________________. Choose the best answer:( )1. How did Echo feel when Narcissus didn’t love her?A. excited B. angry C. happy D. sad( )2. What does the passage tell us?A. Why the narcissus flower is seen as too much self-love.B. Too much self-love is unhealthy.C. How can we have healthy self-love.D. All of above.( )3. What do we need to do to have healthy self-love?A. We don’t need to love ourselves.B. We should always praise ourselves.C. We need to love not only ourselves but also others and find the goodness in others.D. We should use a mirror( B )Cyprus: the island of AphroditeDo you like Greek mythology(希腊神话)? Which god or goddess do you like best? What do you know about Mediterranean(地中海的) countries?Cyprus is an island of legends(传说) that basks(晒太阳) in year-round Mediterranean sun. Its civilizations come and go throughout the past 10,000 years. But the waves of time didn’t remove its admiration(赞美,钦佩) towards this goddess of love and beauty because of a romantic story.It is said that around 1,200 BC, Aphrodite, whose another name is Venus, appeared from the quiet sea at Petra tou Romiou, a huge rock in south coast of Cyprus. Once, Cupid, Aphrodite’s son, hurt her with his arrow by accident. So she rested in her pool on the Akamas Peninsula of Cyprus, where she met the hunter Adonis and fell in love with him. So, Cypriots celebrate the Venus Day in honour of the goddess. They drink the water Aphrodite once drank so that they can be given the great power of love and beauty. World-famous operas including Carmen and Turandot are played in the old and beautiful castles, which have changed the national day into an important art festival for the whole world.Answer the following question:1. Cyprus is an island that enjoys the sunshine throughout the whole year, isn’t it?2. Who is Cupid?3. How was Aphrodite hurt?4. Why did Cypriots celebrate the Venus Day?Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the passage:Cyprus is an island of legends that enjoy the Mediterranean sun all over the year. People of Cyprus admire the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite very much. It is said that Cupid, Aphrodite’s son, once hurt her with his arrow by ________. When she ________ in her pool in Cyprus, she met the hunter Adonis and ________ in love with him.Every year, Cypriots celebrate the Venus Day in ________ of the goddess. They wish to get ________ of love and beauty. World-famous operas are also played, which have changed the national day into an important art festival for the whole world.Ⅳ. Homework :阶段递进背诵考纲:15+5完成练习(分层) The fourth periodGrammar The present perfect tense(1)Teaching objectivesLanguage Focus: Learning the different use of adverbs in the present perfect tenseAbility Focus:Having Ss know how to use the present perfect tense properly and correctlyCharacter Building:Learning to behave well and show the kindness to othersTeaching ProcedureⅠ.8分钟小练:Ⅱ.Stage Teacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesAimsPre-task1.Ask Ss to read a rap2. Let Ss guess1.Read a rap2.A guess game1.Get warmed up2. lead in While-task Show some pictures and teach the structure “have you ever been to..?”Practice the structure “have you ever been to..?”(Pair work)Start to use the structure “have you ever been to..?” Show some pictures and teach the structure ”Have..already..? /yet?Practice the patterns in turns.To consolidate adverbs ”already, yet” Play the record and make sure students listen carefully 1.Listen and choose T or F2.Read the sentences they listened1. Develop the skill of listening to a sequence.2. Get familiar with the adverbs “already, yet” Give out the handout and ask Ss to find out the time adverbials and say T or FUnderline the time adverbials with ”for , since”To consolidate the time adverbials “for , since” Post-task 1. Show the exercise1. Do an exercise about adverbs learnt in the present tense1. Get familiar with the verb learnt.2. Prepare for the next activity. Ask Ss to do some tasks in groups according to the given situations.1. Do Pair work and group work according to some information given.2. Act out Ss’ conversations1. Review the structure and adverbs.2. Develop the skill of cooperation and communication.Assignment 1. Spoken work: Introduce your wonderful family with the present perfect tense according to the short passage . 2. Written work: Write a report about what their family members have done at school, at work or at home this week.阶段递进背诵考纲:15+5 To further Ss’ ability of speaking and writing to consolidate the present perfect tense. Reading MaterialA WONDERFUL FAMILYMr. and Mrs. Patterson have lived in America for twenty years. They are very proud of their family. Their daughter, Alan is a very successful secretary. She has worked in the company since 1997. She has been in the Science Club since last year. Her husband’s name is Polo. Polo has known how to play the guitar since he was four years old. Alan and Polo have two children. Their son, David is a computer programmer. He has been interested in computers since he was in the primary school. Their daughter, Linda is a doctor .She has been a doctor for only two years.Mr. and Mrs. Patterson feel lucky to have such wonderful children and grandchildren. They are very proud of them.True or False1. ____ Alan She has worked in the company for thirteen years. 2. ____ David has been interested in computers since three years ago.3. ____ Linda worked as a doctor two years ago.4. ____ Polo has played the guitar since four years ago. The fifth period Grammar The present perfect tense(2)The second periodTeaching objectivesLanguage Focus: Continue learning the different use of adverbs in the present perfect tenseAbility Focus:Having Ss know how to use the present perfect tense properly and correctlyCharacter Building:Learning to behave well and show the kindness to othersTeaching ProcedureⅠ.8分钟小练:Ⅱ.Stage Teacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesAimsPre-taskFree talk: give some examples of using the present perfect tensee.g. 1) Have you been to Beijing?2) What places have you visited during the summer holidays?3) Have you finished all your homework?4) Have you ever been to Hong Kong? Talk about something that the students have done.1.Get warmed up2. lead in While-task Answer the Qs using the present perfect tense: 1) Why do you look so sad?2) Why do you look so happy?3) Where’s Miss Liu?4) What’s the matter with your hand?5) Why do you look so pale? Practice the present perfect tense.Review the tense. Answer the Qs first positively and then negatively:eg.Would you like to have lunch with me?Yes, I would. I haven’t had lunch yet.No, I’m sorry, I wouldn’t. I’ve already had lunch.1) Would you like to go to the cinema with me?2) Would you like to read this book?3) Would you like to have a drink?4) Would you like to wash your hands?Practice the patterns in turns.To consolidate adverbs ”already, yet” Review: since: a point of time; for: a period of time 1.Read the sentences on the book.1.Get familiar with the adverbs “since, for” Individual work: Ex. D1: Read the conversation and complete the answers: A competition: Ex. D1,2 Underline the time adverbials with ”for , since”To consolidate the time adverbials “for , since” Post-task Ask each student read a passage and rewrite it into present perfect tense. Do an exercise about adverbs learnt in the present tenseReview the tense they have learnt. Ask the students discuss and retell the rules of the tense.Memorize the usage of the tense.1. Review the tense.2. Develop the skill of cooperation and communication.Assignment 1. Spoken work: Read the rules on the book.2. Written work: Students’ exercise book P5-73.阶段递进背诵考纲:15+5 To further Ss’ ability of speaking and writing to consolidate the present perfect tense.Revision:Form: have/has+ done (the past participle form of the verb)have not=haven’t, has not=hasn’t1. just, already, yet just 刚刚(用于肯定句) already已经 (用于肯定句) yet 还,已(用于否定句和一般疑问句)2. ever, never ever 曾经(肯定句,一般疑问句) never 从不(否定句)3. since, for since自。。。以来(conj. 现在完成时+ since +过去时,prep. +时间点) for +时间段4. have /has been to与have/has gone to have/has been to 去过(某地) have/has gone to 已去(某地) The sixth period Listening The start of the Trojan WarTeaching objectivesLanguage Focus: Listen to get a gist of the textAbility Focus:Having Ss learn the listening skills properly and correctly and practice listening comprehension. Teaching ProcedureⅠ.8分钟小练:Ⅱ.Stage Teacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesPre-taskWord study: Teach some new words about the story:learn some new words about the story:While-task First Listening: listen to get the sense and the main pointslisten to get the sense and the main points Second Listening: listen and complete the exerciselisten and complete the exercise Third listening: Listen and check the answersListen and check your answersPost-task Retell the story in your own words: Pair work: In pairs, discuss and retell the story in your own words.In pairs, discuss and retell the story in your own words. Do an additional exerciseListen and do the exercise.Assignment Oral: 1) Listen to the story for 3 times 2) Read the whole text2. Written:1) Copy work: words and phrases in the passage2)Review the whole text Additional exercise:Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) No.1班级___________ 姓名 ___________ 得分 _____________I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(10分)7. A) Red. B) Green. C) Blue. D) Red and green.8. A) Geography. B) Chinese. C) English. D) Physics.9. A) At a quarter past six. B) At six o'clock. C) At a quarter to six. D) At half past six.10. A) 10. B)13. C)20. D)30.11. A) Susan. B)Jack. C) Jimmy. D)John.12. A) 3:00. B)3:15. C) 3:30. D) 3:45.13. A) English. B) French. C) German. D) Japanese. 14. A) Have a walk. B) Take an underground. C) See a film. D) Mail a letter.15. A) England. B) Australia. C) Japan. D) Hong Kong.16. A) He's as old as Jim. B) He's younger than Mike. C) He's as old as Mike. D) He's older than Jim. III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)17. In London, Paris, New York and Tokyo there are too many cars in the street.18. Tokyo's nightclubs are seldom empty at night.19. It is rather difficult for people to walk in the Tokyo street at 11:30 at noon. 20. Most people in Tokyo go to work by train during the day21. Six million train tickets are sold every day in Tokyo.22. You may see everybody reading a newspaper in Tokyo trains.23. Japanese trains don't often leave and arrive on time. IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文填空,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(7分24. Steven Jobs often got into_______ with either his classmates or his teachers.25. But he was full of new ideas, which few people could see the value_______.26. Steven Jobs worked_______ as a video game designer at Atari.27. He_______ that the trip would give him more ideas and a change in life for the better. 28. After he had returned from India, he began to live on a_______ in California.29. In 1975, Steven Jobs began_______ a new type of computer.30. His Apple computer became such a great_______ that Steven Jobs became famous.
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