2022-2023 学年秋学期高三年级期初调研考试
听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题
1.Whichculturewill be presented at the museum?
A.Siberian. B.Chinese. C.Korean.
A.Clothes.B.Theperfume. C.Adrink.
3.What does the man suggest the woman do?
B.Stay in bed all week.
C.Use hotandcoldtreatments.
4.Howmanypeople are coming to dinner tonight?
A.Nine. B.Eight. C.Six.
A.Thegirlisbeautiful. B.Thegirlisplain. C. Thegirlisugly.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。
A.Inastreet. B.Onabeach. C.Inabackyard.
A.Wood. B.Paper. C.Plastic.
听第7 段材料,回答第 8至10题。
A.Ashortstory. B.Apieceofpoetry. C.Abookreport.
B.The topic she wrote about.
C.The way she described her characters.
10.Who is Mary speaking to?
A.Herfriend. B.Herteacher. C.Herfather.
11.Where are the speakers?
A.Onthesubway. B.Onthetrain. C.Onthe bus.
A.Beijing. B.Tianjin. C.Shanghai.
13.What is the speakers'trip for?
A.A holiday. B.Avisittorelatives. C.Abusinessmeeting.
听第9段材料,回答第14至 16题。
14.What will the man use his remote control helicopter for?
A.Taking pictures.
B.Racing other aircraft.
15.What does the woman think about her neighbor's flying remote controlplane?
A.Itseemsuseful. B.Itlooksfun. C.Itisannoying.
16.What does the man have to do before he could fly his helicopter?
A.Putinbatteries. B.Buildit. C.Registerit.
听第 10段材料,回答第17至20 题。
17.Where does the announcement take place?
A.Inamovietheater.B.Inanamusementpark. C.Inaschool.
18.Who are forbiddentoenterthecastle?
A.Peoplewith heart problems.
B.Anyone over eighty years old.
C.Very young children.
19.What should people do with their personal property?
A.Hand themovertothestaff.
B.Lockthem up.
20.Whatarepeopleaskedtodoatthe end?
B.Hang the talking pictures.
第二部分阅读 (共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Don'tlikegettingoutoftheshower on cold mornings? Are you feeling that cold wind whenworkingor trying to relax?
The biggest issue that people have is the fact that most old-fashioned heaters are big,costa lot to runandwasteenergy.Luckily,acompanyhasrecentlyjustdevelopedaproductwhichsaves a ton of power during itsoperationandis,aboveall,smartandeasytouse!It'scalledHotixProandit'saverysmall,powerfulheaterthatconsumesmuch less energy than regularheaters.
The ceramic element(陶瓷零件)stays warm30% longer,so it doesn't have to use muchpowerto reheat over and over again. The fan inside HotixPro then sucks the air out through thehot ceramic element and distributes it evenly throughout the room!It can heat a room upto 250squarefeetandmakeitwarmerin a few minutes,for just pennies.
Oneof the amazing features it has is the programmable timer.You can program it and warmupyourbathroombeforeyou wake up.Also,its remote controller makes it very easy to adjust thetemperature. The company also kept safety in mind in the creation process --- they added a sensorwhichmakesHotixProstopcompletelyif it becomes too hot.
Don'tletyourqualityoflifecontinuetosuffer.Saveonexpensiveenergycosts and keepwarmduring the winter anywhere! Purchase HotixPro at half price with free worldwide shipping!21.What is the main advantage of HotixPro?
A.Itisdelicate. B.ItisefficientC.It is big. D.It is free of charge.22.How does HotixPro make a room warm?
A.Bykeeping a high temperature itself.
B.By storing the heat inside its big body.
C.By heating the ceramic element again and again.
D.Bytakingincoldair and giving off warm air.
23.Whatis a programmable timer used for?
B.Adjusting the temperature from a distance.
C.TurningonoroffHotixProat the set time.
D.TurningoffHotixProwhentheroomis too hot.
The other day, while taking a drop-in art class,I had an experience that I don't alwayshave whenI'mengagedinsomethingcreative.I was fully in the zone.My instructor even commented:"You're on fire today.”Painting after painting was flying out of me.I felt free---a very unfamiliar feeling for me.
Class startedoffwithquickthirty-secondfiguredrawings,thenweworkedourwayuptoone-minute,andthenfinallyfour-minutesketches(素描),Eversincetheinstructortold me not togooverthesamelinetwice,I've really struggled with finding my freedom in figure drawing. But thatdayIwascompletelyfree,andasaconsequence,mylinequalitywasmuchbetter.Ifelt completelyunconcernedwithwhattheteacherthoughtofmywork.Itwasoneofthemost enjoyablecreative experiences I've had.
Afterwards,I was reflecting on why this was such a pleasurable experience.This ishowI alwayswanttofeelwhilecreating.
Ithinkthiswassoenjoyablebecauseitwasa drop-in class.Not a full course.Not to get a master'sdegree.Therefore,Ifeltnoresponsibilityforgettingitright.Iwasabletotakeitless seriouslyandjusthavefunwithit.AndIwasn'tmonitoringmyselftomakesurethatIwas improving.
If you practice at your chosen craft,you will improve over time.Worryingaboutwhether you're getting better doesn't help you improve.It actually slows down your growth.Your intellectmightthinkit'shelpingout,butit'sactuallyslowingyoudownandmakingyourcreativeprocesslessfun.Eventually,there'struthtothesimplesaying --- practicemakesperfect.Sincethere'snoperfectionintheworldofcreativity,practicemakesbetter.
Don'tlettheperfectbetheenemyofthegood.Createeventhough it won't be perfect. Createbecause it won'tbeperfect.Createbecauseyourspiritneedstoexpressitself.Thatiswherethefreedom is.That is where the joy is.
24.Whatdoestheunderlinedpartinthefirstparagraph mean?
A.Theauthor was very clever.
B.The author got a little bored.
C.The author made a wise choice.
D. The author devoted herself to her work.
25.What do we know about the author in the drop-in art class?
A.She did what she liked.
B.Shelearnt the basic skills of sketching.
C.She had no inspiration to create works.
D.Shecouldn't keep up with other students.
26.What can we learn about the author from the text?
A.She focuses on gaining better drawing skills.
B.She has no sense of responsibility in her daily life.
C.She thinks joy mainly results in a person's perfection.
D.She has found the reason for the pleasurable experience.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Practicemakes perfect
B.Begin enjoying drop-in art classes
C.Trytofind the key to a successful work
D.Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
WeareoftenremindedofOscarWilde'ssayingthat“sarcasm(讽刺)is the lowest form ofwit”whileforgettingthefollowing"butthehighestformofintelligence” .Parentsor teachers ofteenagers,in particular,may find it hard tobelievethatitisactuallyasignofaflexibleandinventivemind.
Yet that isexactlywhatpsychologistsandneuroscientistshavebeenarguing.Theyhavefoundthatsarcasmrequiresthebraintojumpthroughnumeroushoops(圈)to arrive at a correctinterpretation, requiringmorebrainpowerthanliteral statements.
If you're still not convinced that your teen's love of sarcasm is a thing worth celebrating,consider a recent experiment from Li Huang,a psychologist at Insead's business school inFontainebleau,France.
Intheexperiment,participants were presented with a candle,a pack of matches and a box oftacks(图钉).Their task was to find a way to attach the candle to the wall so that it could burnwithout dripping wax on the floor. The correct answer is to empty the box of tacks,pin it to the
wall, andthenplacethecandleinside-asolutionthatwillonlycometomindifyouare preparedtothinkaboutthefunctions of each object.
Beforeworkingontheproblem,some participants were asked to recall a sarcastic interaction,whileothersrememberedasincereorneutralexchange.Quiteamazingly,thesarcasticmemoriesmorethandoubledthe participants'success rate,from around 30% to more than 60%.
It may initially feel like a shock when parents notice their children using sarcasm--- a sign,perhaps, of a more adult-like cynicism(愤世嫉俗)that conflicts with theirimpressionsoftheirchildren's youthful innocence.Parents may feel particularly helpless when dealing with a teenager whousesitinalmostallinteractions,as if they struggle. to express any sincere emotions.
Butshouldweblameteensfor applying this handy tool? Perhaps it's better seen as the usefulpracticeofavitalability.PennyPexman,a psycholinguist at the University of Calgary agrees and itisforthisreasonthatshehasproducedSydneyGetsSarcastic,astorybookthatprovides multipleexamplesofsarcasmandthereasonsitwasused.Inarecentexperimenton 5-to 6-year-olds,sheshowedthatchildrenwhoreadanddiscussedthestory found it easier to detectsarcasticstatementsinafollowingtest.
28.Whydoesthe author refer to Oscar Wilde's words at the beginning of the text?
A.To give a definition of sarcasm.
C.Toexpresshisconcernabout sarcasm.
D.To show the misunderstanding of sarcasm.
29.Whatcanwelearn about sarcastic memories from Li Huang's experiment?
B.Theyofferedcluesto the problem to be solved.
C.Theycouldforceparticipants to face problems.
30.What might parents think of their children's sarcasm?
A.It showstheirinnocence.
B.Ithelpsthemexpress emotions.
C.Itisnotappropriate for their age.
D.Itallowsthemtobehavelike adults.
31.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To urge parents to learn from their children's sarcasm.
Sincetheearlytomid-2010s,socialmediaappshavemadeapermanenthomeinmany people"s phones,and spending time on social mediahasbecomeasmuchofadailyactivityasdrinkingwater.Sincesomanypeopleareonitformuchoftheirdays --- especiallykids,teens,andyoungadults --- there is increased concern over what social media is doing to people.
Manyargue that social media is an unhealthy way to pass the time,and that false informationfrom online is causing confusion andpanic.Thistypeofthinghappenswitheverygeneration whensomethingnewthatpeopledon'tunderstandcomesalong.Somanypeoplethought rock-and-rollwasmakingteensmorallybad,which really wasn't the case.It is fair to say that theteenageyearsarehard, andthat teens need an escape.Back before phones,teens would listen to rockmusicasaformofescapism,ortheywouldwatchTV,gotothemovies,skatearound,or dressupincrazyclothes.Unfortunately,allofthosethingsatonepointintime were blamed forbeing a bad influence on young people.Social mediaisthenewrock-and-roll: it'sanewthing, andpeopledemonize(妖魔化)change.
Forexample,manybelievethateverythingonsocialmediaappsisfiltered(加滤镜)andthatseeing perfect people and their perfectly edited lives often leads tolotsofnegativeemotions.However,models,magazines, andmovieshavebeenusingretouching(修整)tools for photos andmedia since Photoshop and other post-production services were invented.Social media has madeit easier to see more edited pictures,but socialmediaitselfisn'tmakingpeoplewanttolooka certainway. Peopleshouldacknowledgethatthesepicturesaren'tauthentic,andthepostsare madetolookgood on purposc.Social media is not to blame for body confidence issues when thethings people want to look like aren't even real in the first place.
Itseems like most issues around social media are user errors, like anyone complaining thereare too many people beingaddictedtosocialmedia.However,noteveryoneisaddictedtosocialmedia; peoplewhohaveanygrasponrealitywouldn'tspendeverywakingsecondonthephone.It is really up to the individual how they use social media.Keeping upwiththefloodofposts,stories,andphotostakesalotoftime-- many young people admit that they spend hours on their phoneseveryday.Yet, thisseemslikeaneasyproblemtosolvewhenthesolutionissimply clicking off the phone a couplehoursearly.Soitisclearthatmoderationisthekeytodealing
with all the issues around social media.
32.Whydoesthe author mentionrock-and-rollin Paragraph 2?
A.To predict the future of social media.
B.Tounderlinetheadvantages of social media.
C. Toanalyzewhy social media is so popular today.
D.To explain why social media is regarded as negative.
33.Whatdoestheauthorthink of posting edited photos on social media apps?
A. Disturbing. B.Understandable.
C.Intolerable. D.Innovative.
34.Whatdoesthetext suggest people do about social media?
A.Makethe best use of it.
B.Completelystay away from it.
C.Prohibityoungpeople from using it.
D.Spendreasonable amounts of time on it.
35.Whichof the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Whatmakesussoaddicted to social media?
B.Why is social media so popular among teenagers?
C.Should we depend on social media for information?
D.Isitright to blame social media for all the problems?
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分12.5分)
Youroptions for an eco-friendly home may seem somewhat limited now-solar panels,rainbarrels,andmaybeasmallgarden-butas the world of green technology advances,there is a riseinthenumberofsmart,eco-friendlyhomeimprovements.Someofthem are available now,36Read on to see how you can improve your home now.
A home thermostat can automatically adjust the temperature for you,making sure your house is warm when you get home and reducing energy waste during the day.For example,a thermostat called Nest Learning Thermostat learns your heating and cooling preferences and automatically adjusts itself. 37 ,without ever having to remember to adjust the temperature.
Years ago,recycling paper and plastic was the most you could do to save resources. 38 ,recyeling everything from Christmas lights to wine corks.And where do the
post-recycling-processmaterialsendup?Backinyourhome,intheformofrecycled-paper countertopsandrecycled-plastic carpets,to name a few.
39 .But if you're ready to take yourheating,coolingandelectricitysystemintothe future,thenyou'llwanttostartwithalternativenewenergysources,likesolarpanelsorwind power.Solarpanelsare additions you can make to your own house,but if you don't have the timeormoney,youcanalsochoose alternative energy sources through your regular supplier.
In 2009,TheWallStreetJournalaskedfourarchitectural firms to imagine the future of green homes. 40 .Theydesignedwhattheycallthe“IncredibleEdibleHouse”,coveredin greenintheformofplantsand gardens that provide food for the homeowners,absorb heat to keeptheinteriorcool, and are watered from a rooftop that catches rain.
A.There are quite a lot of benefits of green homes
B.Others,likewalls made of gardens,are a bit more futuristic
C.Traditionalenergysourcesare still the norm in most houses
D.Nest users have saved $29 million in energy in less than two years
E.It will depend on the type of heating and cooling system in your home
G.And one of the groups,Rios Clementi Hale Studios,undertook the project
第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分 )
第一节 ( 共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分 )
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
January23,2007 becameanightmareforJessicaBachus.HerseconddaughterKenzi 41atjust 24 weeks."WhenKenzipassedaway,allmyhopeswentaway,too,”Jessica
says.TheColorado-based mother was overcome with emotion, 42she eventually decidedto channel her griefintothe 43 ofKenzi.
Jessica knew that even if she couldn't give dolls to both of her daughters that year,she could still make the holidays44for another girl. With the help of her husband, Kyle,and their daughter,Bailey,she45150 dolls to gift underprivileged girls in the community.
WhenIsawafamily 46 a doll we donated,I cried tears of joy for thefirsttimeinalmostayear,"Jessicasays. So,she47tocollectdollsandfoundedtheDollsfor Daughters,anonprofitorganizationdedicatedto 48 nncially-strappedfamiliesin Coloradowithtoys,food, school supplies, and more.
Now going into its ninth annual 49 the Dolls for Daughters operates five toy shops inColoradoonthefirstSaturdayinDecember.Parents are able to choose at least one new gift foreachof their children free of charge.
Mostfamiliesinour 50 make less than $15,000 a year,”Jessica says.“Many childrenareusedtogettinghand-me-downs-this is one time we guarantee that what they get is51 ."Sincetheestablishmentof the Dolls for Daughters,more than 48,000 children have
been52 and more than 323,400 items have been gifted to the families.
Jessica and her husband now have four children—Bailey,Kam,Karson,and Kenzi."We talkaboutKenziallthetime.Last year our goal was to serve 10,000 kids since she would have been ten. Itwasabig53 andwesurpassedit,”Jessicasays.“Forourlivingchildren,volunteeringisagreatwayforthemto54back,honor their sister,and learn that even
from the greatest tragedy can come something 55 . ”
42.A.soB.forC.and D.but
43.A.recovery B.rescue C.memoryD.appearance
44.A.simpleB.freshC.special D.sensible
45.A.bought B.collected C.possessedD.exchanged
46.A.pickup B.turn down C.come across D.break up
47.A.failedB.agreed C.offered D.continued
48.A.finding B.choosingC.supportingD.appreciating
50.A.world B.schedule C.opinion D.program
51.A.newB.usefulC.strange D.expensive
55.A.normalB.various C.beautiful D.unique
TheWinterOlympics in Beijing used lots of man-made snow.This was the first time that theWinterolympics 56. (take) place on almost 100% artificial snow.
MostskiingcompetitionsoftheWinterOlympicswereheldinareas northwest of Beijing,57.it's cold in the winter but often doesn't snow much.That's because theseareasaren'tfar 58.the Gobi Desert,and are generally very dry. To hold theWinterOlympics, ChinahiredTechnoAlpin,59.Italian company,to create thesnowneededforthe events.
It's 60.(use) to be able to make snow when nature doesn't provide enough.Butartificialsnowissurelynotthe same as natural snow, which has more air and less water.Anathleteusedtonaturalsnow might have to adjust their style when 61. (perform)onman-made snow.
However,nowmachine 62.(design)to make artificial snow are quite advanced. Theycanmakedifferentkindsofsnow depending on what's needed for each sport.Mostathletesthought 63. (high) of the artificial snow and considered it brought them_much 64. (amuse). Withglobalwarminggoingforward,it 65.(expect) that artificial snow will be used more at future winter sports events.
第四部分写作(共两节;满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分 )
注意: 1.写作词数应为80 左右;
参考词汇: 英文字幕English subtitles 纪录片documentary
DearSiror Madam,
Yours,Li Hua
“Go back, Mom!Go back!"shouted my six-year-old daughter,June.Iquicklyturnedaround tocastmydoubtfuleyesonthebackseat,worriedIhadforgottenheryoungersister.Iwas relievedtoseethegirlssafeandsitintheircarseats,butJune'sexpressionwasoneofpure anxiety.“Mom, we have to go back,"she insisted.“Someone needs our help!”
AsIlooked back from the driver's seat,I spotted a young man in rags playing his guitar.His skinny,poor-lookingdogrestednexttohisfeetnearanold,worncardboardsignthatread,“Homeless,pleasehelp.”
We'd come across homeless people before and had talked abouttheirneedsandstruggle.I shouldseizethechancetosetagoodexampleformydaughterstogiveahelpinghand.SoI searched for some cash, onlytofindIhadnothingbutcreditcards.“I'msorry,sweetheart,butIdon't have any cash,”I said.“I have some,Mom!"June replied.She opened her little pink purse andpulledoutafive-dollarbill.“Oh,good.I'llpayyoubackwhenwe get home,”I responded withasighofrelief."No,Mom,”sheinsisted,“Iwanttohelphim.Idon'twantyoutopayme back. Iwanttogivehimmymoney.”
Aswedrovedownthecrowdedrowsoftheparkinglot,I reassured her that we would get tohim.Whenwegot there,I called out,"Excuse me,sir!”He cautiously walked toward our car andanswered,"Yes,ma'am?”“Here you go,sir.”June stretched out her entire body to hand himher five-dollarbillthroughthewindowandexplained,“Iwantyoutohavethis.”Hesmiledand hesitatingly asked,"This was your money?”"Yes!I want you to have it,"she proudly answered. Thankyou,hesaid,touchedbyherthoughtfulness.
We exchanged a smile,and as we drove away,my younger daughter Scarlett began to cry.I hadn'tnoticedthatshehademptiedherpurseandwasholdingtwoquarters(25分硬币)in her tiny
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30 分)
1-5BBCAA6- 10BCBAA 11-15BACAC 16-20 CBCBC
第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分 )
21-23 BDC 24-27 DADD 28-31 BDCC 32-35 DBDD
第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分12.5分)
36-40 BDFCG
第三部分语言运用(共三节,满分30 分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
41-45ADCCB46-50ADCDD 51-55ABBAC
第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)
56.had taken61.performing
65.is expected
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节 (满分 15 分)
DearSiror Madam,
HearingthatvolunteerswhocanwriteEnglishsubtitlesareneededforthecoming documentaryforthelifeofseniorthreestudents, Icanhardlywaittoapplyfortheposition.
Asaseniorstudent,Ihaveabetterunderstandingofthistoughbutverymeaningfulyear, becauseofwhichIcanwritemoretouchinganddramaticsubtitlesforthewonderfulscenesin thedocumentary.Besides,whatqualifiesmemostismyproficiencyinwrittenEnglish. Additionally,withenthusiasmandresponsibility,IdoholdthebeliefthatIamperfectlyqualified forit.
Iwouldappreciateitifyoucouldtakemyapplicationintoconsideration.Lookingforward to your early reply.
第二节 (满分 25 分)
“Mom,Iwantedtohelp,too,"shesobbed. Shefeltlikeshehadmissedout.Ididn'tknow howtoletherunderstandthattwoquarterswastoolittle.ButbeforeIcouldmakeupasuitable explanation,sheannounced,"Mom, heneedshelp!"Isighedandturnedaround.Seeingusagain, thegentlemanlookedconfused.Iawkwardlyexplainedthatmyotherdaughterwantedtogive himhermoneyjustashereldersisterhadjustdone.Hepeeredintothevanwindowtoseemy pig-tailedfour-year-oldgrinningfromeartoear.“Iwanttohelpyou!"shedeclaredproudly
Nowwithtearsinhiseyes, hesaidindisbelief,“Youwanttohelpme?"She nodded firmly andhappily. ThenJuneproudlyhandedhimScarlett'scoins.Hetightlyclutchedthemin his dirt-stainedhandandshowereduswithsincereblessings.Twoquarterswasn'tmuch,even to theman,but what mattered to him and us was the loving gesture my girls made.On our way backhome,Juneputherhandonherheart, closedhereyes,andtoldherlittlesister,"Itfeelssogoodto help someone,doesn't it,Sisterbaby?”Scarlettagreed.Withbigsmiles,theysankbackinto their seats.
M: Sure! Ididn'tgettogototheSiberianCustomsorKoreanMartialArtsexhibitions,becauseI don'twanttomissthisone.
W: Ihurtmy back while I was lifting weights today,doctor.Then I rested in bed for two hours,butthepaingotworse.What should I do?
M: Stay away from the gym this week.And use a heating towel and an icepackonyourback(3)
W: Did you make a reservation at the restaurant for enough people? There are a lot of people comingtonight.
M: Iremembered.Therearethreecouplesandthreesingles.(4)Thereservationisfor eighto'clock.
W:Iworryaboutmylooks.Ilookin the mirror sometimes and think I'm plain.Ugly,in fact
M: I thinkyouknowthatisalie.I'verarelyseensuchalovelycreature.(5)
W:All girls need a friend like you.I hope you meanit.
M: Lookatall this rubbish!
W:Let'sgetapartyoffriends together and clean it up just like we did in the streets. M:Yes,we'llmakeitsothatwecanseethesandagain.(6)
M: Isupposethingslikepaperandwoodrotdown, butplasticstaysasitis.(7)Wewillhaveto doitregularlyifwewanttokeepthebeachthewaynatureintended.(6)
W:Ifwedoitevery week,it will be a good way of meeting friends.
M: What is this,Mary?(9)Is this something you did for school?
W:No,it's just something I quickly wrote down when I was bored.It's nothing special.M: Whatareyoutalkingabout?It'sbeautiful.
W:Really? I'm not a very good writer.
(9) Whatisitabout?
W:Idon'tknow.Sometimesitjustcomestome.Thankyou,though. Doyouwrite?
M: WehadtowriteashortstoryforEnglishclasslastweek. My teacher said my characters werereallygood, butmywritingwas too simple.
W: Here,youcanborrowthis.It's called"Great Poems of the 20th Century” .It really helped me
improvetheway I describe things.
M: Cool,thanks!
W:That was a big hurry.I thought the subwaywouldn'tgetustothestationontime.
M: Thebusbeforethatwasslowaswell. Buthere we are.Are you ready for some very fast travel?
W:Yes,Iam.BeijingtoShanghaiatthespeedofabullet.(12)Howlongisthejourney?M:I'llhaveto check.I've only been on one of these trains before,(11)and that was to Tianjin. W: Itdoesn't matter,really.The meeting isn't until tomorrow.(13)
M: Wecanspend a few hours sightseeing.It will be like a holiday.
M: I believe you have familyinShanghai.
W:Yes,mybrotherlivesthere.Iwon'thavetimetovisithim, though.
M:That's a shame.But travel is so fast these days that you can easily go another time.
W:Yes,that'strue.SometimeI'dlike to travel all around China this way and take in all the sights.
M:That would be fantastic,wouldn'tit?
M:Hey,Dorothy! Comecheckthisout.I got one of those remote control helicopters for Christmas!W:Oh, really?Ineverunderstoodwhy people like them so much.What do you use it for,anyway?
M: Thebasiconesarejustusedforflyingaroundyourneighborhood.Someareused for racing, buttheoneIgothasacameratogefsomegoodshots.(14)
M: Well,heshouldn'tbedoingthat. You'renotsupposedtouseyourremotecontrolaircrafton
M: I was thinking abouttakingittothepark.Doyouwanttolearnhowtoflyit? It'llbesomuch fun!
W: Idon'twanttobreakit...
M: Comeon,it'snotthathard.Youjustpressthisbuttontoturniton.Thenyouhavealeftstick thatmakesitgoupanddownandanotherstickthatmakesitgoleftandright.
Text10(第17 题为推断题)
Hello,myfriends.I am Professor Dumbledore,headmaster of Hogwarts School of Magic. Beforeyouenterthecastle,(18)Imustwarnyou.Theadventureaheadisdangerous,and not suitable for everyone.For this reason,childrenundertheageoffiveorsmallerthan 48 incheswillnotbeallowedtoenter.(18)Wealsostronglyrecommendthatpeopleover 80,especiallythose with heart conditions, considertheserisks.However,ifyouarebraveenoughtocontinue forward, thereissomethingImustaskofyou.Inthenextroom,youwillbegivenakeyto
purses,hatsorevenglasses.(19)Thereisarealpossibilitytheymightbelostduringour adventure,andwedon'twantthat,do we? Next,you will pass through the winding hallways ofthecastie. Don'tbeafraid of the talking paintings.They are just some of my colleagues.Followtheir voices and you will end up at your destination.Once there,allow our friendly staff to give youahandwithyourseatbelts.Pleasekeepthemsecurelyfastenedandyour hands on the bars atalltimes.Attheendofyourjourney,pleaselookoutforthegreenexitsigns,whichwill lead you backtoyourbelongings.(20)Andnow,onbehalfofUniversalStudiosinHollywood,California, I welcome you to Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey!
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这是一份2024泰州中学高三上学期期初调研考试英语含答案,文件包含江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语docx、江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2024泰州中学高三上学期期初调研考试英语含答案,文件包含江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语docx、江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。