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    Unit 3 It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册01
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册02
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册03
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册04
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册05
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册06
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册07
    Unit 3   It must belong to Carla.-Section B 2a-3b课件初中英语鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全册08
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    初中英语鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section B教学演示课件ppt

    这是一份初中英语鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section B教学演示课件ppt,共52页。PPT课件主要包含了cant,must,must ,Review,Free Talk,He is a,More than,Yes,not only,but also等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    用must或can的适当形式填空。The by wh is playing ftball n the playgrund _____ be Harry. He desn't cme t schl tday.2. There ________ be smene in the classrm because the light is n.3. Many peple g t Sanya t travel. It ____ be a beautiful place. 4. Yu _____________ talk with each ther during the exam, r yu will be asked t leave.
    mustn't / can't
    根据汉语意思和括号中的英文提示完成句子。  1. 她一定有二十多岁了。(must be) 2.那双鞋不可能是我姐姐的,因为她不喜欢红色。(can't be)
    She must be ver / mre than twenty years ld.
    That pair f shes can't be my sister's because she desn't like red.
    Read the sentences belw, paying attentin t the underlined parts.
    It was snwing, and s I culd nt g ut.As I am very tired, I am ging t bed.   I study because I want t learn.Since it is late, I shall g hme nw.   The watch was cheap, but it ges quite well.We all tried ur best. Hwever, we lst the game.
    7. Thugh the task was difficult, they managed t finish it n time. 8. We must nt nly finish ur task but als d it well.9. Yu can g by air r by train. 10. I was reading a magazine when he came in. 11. While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing utside.
    连词是一种连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。表示前因后果的连词有:s(所以)等;表示原因的连词有:because, since, as等;表示意义转折的连词有:but, hwever, thugh;nt nly … but als…表示递进意义,“不仅……而且……”;表示选择关系的连词有:r (或者;还是);表示两个动作同时进行的连词有:when, while等。
    2a Match each linking wrd r phrase with its purpse.
    Linking wrd r phrase
    Purpse f linking wrd r phrase
    as, because, since
    but, hwever, thugh
    nt nly … but als
    when, while
    expressing a difference
    giving a chice
    expressing a result
    expressing tw things happening at the same time
    giving reasns
    adding infrmatin
    Have yu ever heard f Stnehenge?Where is it?Why is it famus?
    The Stnehenge is famus as it is a histrical archaelgical structure that is believed t have been built between the years 3000BC and 2000BC. It is believed the area served as a burial grund (墓地) as the bne structures (骨结构) that were fund can be dated t 3000 BC and cntinued fr abut 500 years.
    2b Skim the article and underline the sentences with linking wrds r phrases.
    nt nly … but als, but, as, hwever, because, while, but, r, because, but, but
    Hw many peple visit Stnehenge every year?Wh is Paul Stcker?D peple think it hard t build Stnehenge? Why?
    Read the article again and answer the questins.
    Mre than 750,000 visitrs.
    He is a histrian.
    Yes because the stnes are s big and heavy.
    Read the article again and cmplete the chart.
    Mysteries abut Stnehenge
    Wh built it?
    What Stnehenge might have been used fr …
    Midsummer day is in June ______ a lt f peple g t Stnehenge during this mnth.The sun shines straight int the Stnehenge _____ the stnes were put in a special psitin.
    Cmplete the sentences using the wrds frm the chart in 2a.
    3. Sme peple think the rcks can _____ stp peple frm becming ill ______ keep them healthy.4. We dn't knw wh built Stnehenge _____ hw it was built.5. Histrians think Stnehenge was built abut 5,000 years ag; ________, they are nt sure.
    Interesting and Fun Stnehenge Facts fr Kids
    ♦ Stnehenge seems t be the center f many Brnze Age and Nelithic mnuments. Yu can find hundreds f burial munds in the area that surrunds Stnehenge.♦ Stnehenge itself is managed by English heritage and is wned by the crwn. ♦ In 2008 evidence was uncvered that Stnehenge may have been a burial site well befre Stnehenge itself was cnstructed.
    ♦ One f the stne types used t cnstruct Stnehenge is called a Sarsen Stne. Theses stnes weighed 25 tns and were abut 18 feet tall.♦ There is mre than meets the eye with Stnehenge. The designers and builders had t be extremely sphisticated in gemetry and mathematics. It is aligned with midwinter sunset and the midsummer sunset.
    ♦ Stnehenge is the mst well-knwn f the ver 900 different stne rings in the British Isles.♦ It is estimated that it t arund 30 millin hurs f labr ver a span f 1500 years t cnstruct Stnehenge.
    Buildings with Mysterius Origins
    Nan Madl(南马都尔)
    Nan Madl is a ruined city next t the eastern shre f the island f Phnpei. It is the nly knwn ancient city ever built n tp f a cral reef. 
    Skarabrae (斯卡拉布雷)
    It is a stne-built  settlement. It is the best preserved grups f prehistric huses in Western Eurpe. Older than Stnehenge and the Great Pyramids, it has been called the "Scttish Pmpeii" because f its excellent preservatin.
    Newprt twer(纽波特塔)
    It is a rund stne twer lcated in Tur Park in Newprt, Rhde Island (USA). It is cmmnly cnsidered t have been built in the mid-17th century. It is ne f this cuntry's lngest enduring architectural enigmas (谜).
    Statues f Easter Island(复活节岛巨石像)
    Easter Island is in the suthern Pacific Ocean, 2,300 miles west f the cast f. Easter Island is nly 15 miles lng and 10 miles wide. It is cvered with hundreds f giant statutes, each weighing several tns and sme standing mre than 30 feet tall. It has even been suggested that space aliens may have played a rle regarding these giant statues.
    Olmec clssal heads(奥尔梅克巨型头像)
    Olmec clssal heads (1500 BC t 400 BC) were huge statues f heads made by the Olmecs, the earliest knwn civilizatin f Mexic. They are amngst the mst mysterius and debated artifacts frm the ancient wrld.
    Puma Punku (普玛彭古)
    Puma Puncu is part f a large temple cmplex r mnument grup that is part f the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Blivia. The prcesses and technlgies invlved in the creatin f these temples are still nt fully understd by mdern schlars.
    Language pints
    1. nt nly … but als 不仅……而且 nt nly … but als 连接的两个部分通常必须是对称的并列成分,例如 连接两个主语、连接两个状语等等。Nt nly Mr Lin but als his sn went n the trip.不仅林先生而且他的儿子都去旅行了。I nt nly play tennis but als practise shting.我不仅打网球,还练习射击。
    He plays nt nly the pian but als the vilin. 他不仅弹钢琴,也拉小提琴。They speak English nt nly in class but als in the drmitry. 他们不仅在课堂上说英语,在宿舍里也说。注意: nt nly 位于句首时,该句的主语和谓语要部分倒装。Nt nly is this yung man clever but als he is hardwrking.
    1) 汤姆是我们班最好的学生。他不但学习上严格要求自己,而且乐于帮助别人。 Tm is the tp student in ur class. He _________________________________________________________________________________. 2) 他不仅擅长体育,唱歌也不错。 He is _________ ding well in sprts _________ gd at singing.
    is nt nly strict with himself in his study but als ready t help thers
    nt nly but als
    This is my twin sister Lucy. Nt nly she but als I _______ gd at drawing. A. is B. am C. are解析:nt nly … but als 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。
    2. Every year it receives mre than 750,000 visitrs. receive 在这里是“接待”的意思 She was warmly received.    她受到热情地接待。We received a warm welcme.    我们受到热烈欢迎。
    receive 还有“接到;收到”的意思I was n vacatin last week and didn't receive yur letter. 上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的信。I didn't buy the bk. I received it frm the writer as a gift. 这本书不是我买的,而是作者送给我的礼物。We received him int ur family as a sn. 我们收他为养子。 receive a letter frm sb. 相当于 hear frm sb.
    receive与accept的区别receive 表示客观上收到某物,而 accept 则表示主观上的接收。 例如: I received an expensive gift frm my friend yesterday, but I did nt accept it. 昨天我收到了朋友的一件贵重礼物, 但我并没有接受它。
    1) She is lking frward t _____ a special gift. A. receiving B. receive C. accept D. accepting2) Mary felt surprised when she ____ the a birthday present frm Jack because they haven't seen each ther fr ver five years. A. received B. accepted C. receive
    3) He gave me sme flwers, but I didn't _____ them. A. accept B. receive C. accepted 4) Mrs Liu is kind and always _____ her help t thers.   A. shares B. receives C. makes D. ffers  5) 我们在那里受到了热烈的欢迎。
    We received a warm welcme there.
    3. Fr many years, histrians believed Stnehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried t cmmunicate with the gds.where ancient leaders tried t cmmunicate with the gds是where引导的定语从句,修饰名词temple。 The bkshp where I bught this bk is nt far frm here. 我买这本书的那个书店离这里不远。This is the huse where I lived tw years ag. 这就是我两年前住的那个房子。
    leader n. 领导;领袖;领先的人He's a fllwer, nt a leader. 他是追随者,不是领导者。Which ftball team is the leader in the ftball champinship? 现在哪只球队在足球锦标赛中领先? 动词 lead (带领) + 名词后缀-er
    4. pint ut 指出;指明I must pint ut what yu said is incrrect.   我必须指出,你所讲的情况不正确。Can yu pint ut the church in this picture?   你能在这张图上指出教堂吗?
    Mr. Wang _____ the danger f ding s.   A. came ut       B. pinted ut   C. wrked ut   D. gave ut老师指出我作业里的许多错误。
    The teacher pinted ut many mistakes in my hmewrk.
    pint t, pint at, pint ut的区别pint at侧重表示指向距离较近的事物;pint t则侧重表示指向距离较远的事物,t是介词,着重于指的方向。Dn't pint at the wrds while yu are reading. He pinted t the huse n the ther side f the river and said, “That's my hme.” pint ut 表示的是给某人指示方向、要点或错误等,意为“指出”,ut 是副词。
    5. prevent illness 预防疾病 prevent v. 阻止;阻挠It is the jb f the plice t prevent crime. 防止犯罪是警察的职责。Nthing can prevent us (frm) carrying ut the plan. 什么也无法阻挡我们去实施这个计划。What can we d t prevent this disease (frm) spreading?    我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?
    stp / keep / prevent sb. frm ding三者都表示“阻止某人做某事”的意思”,一般情况下可以通用。用法上的差别:在主动式中,stp sb. frm ding sth.和prevent sb. frm ding sth.中的frm可以省略,但 keep sb. frm ding sth. 中的frm不能省略,因为keep sb. ding sth. 意思为让某人一直做某事。在被动式中三个词组中的frm都不能省。
    1) T ______ nature is t help urselves, r we will be punished.  A. prtect B. prevent C. prvide D. pllute2) 句子翻译。 政府已经采取措施禁止酒后开车了。
    The gvernment has already taken actin t stp / prevent / keep peple frm driving after drinking.
    3) 根据下列句子的意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空限填一词。Nthing can prevent us frm ________ (realize) ur dreams.4) 他服药以防止感冒恶化。  He tk medicine ___________________________________________________.
    t stp / keep / prevent the cld frm getting / becming wrse
    6. … yu can feel energy frm yur feet mve up yur bdy, … energy n. 精力;力量Yung peple usually have mre energy than the ld. 青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。Dn't waste yur time and energy n trifles. 别把你的时间和精力浪费在琐事上。He gave a speech n the use f slar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场演讲。  energetic adj. 精力旺盛的;能量的
    Jennifer takes a lt f exercise every day and she is always full f ______. A. knwledge B. energy C. change D. curageWith the help f his friends, he changed a lt. Maybe that's the ______ f friendship. A. statin B. energy C. decisin D. inventin
    7. …, but mst agree that the psitin f the stnes must be fr a special purpse. psitin n. 位置;地方Can yu find ur psitin n this map? 你能在这幅地图上找到我们的位置吗?I can tell the time frm the psitin f the sun. 我可以从太阳的位置知道时刻。The psitin f manager is still pen. 经理职位仍然空缺。The cmpany is in a difficult psitin nw. 这家公司现在正处于困难境况。
    in psitin 在适当的位置 ut f psitin 不在适当的位置One f the cups is ut f psitin. Put it back in psitin. 有只杯子位置不对,把它放在适当的位置。 psitin v. 安置;定位
    psitin, place都可表示“位置”,其区别是:place是表示地点的普通词语;psitin用于表示与其他地点相对而言的某个位置。例如:I'll shw yu the place where I was brn. 我来带你看看我的出生地。He drew a plan shwing the psitin f all furniture in the rm. 他画了一张图,显示房间里所有家具的位置。
    --- Hi, this way, please.--- OK.I smetimes have n sense f ______ when I arrive at the crssrad.   A. psitin B. directin C. situatin D. cnditin解析:需根据句意来分析。have n sense f directin 意为“没有方向感”。
    8. Stnehenge was built slwly ver a lng perid f time. perid n. 一段时间;时期We lived in Beijing fr a perid.    我们在北京住过一段时间。The wrk must be cmpleted within a tw-mnth perid.    工作须于两个月内完成。It was the mst glrius perid f the Rman Empire.    这段时期是罗马帝国最辉煌的时期。
    perid, age, generatin这三个词的共同意思是“时期”。其区别是:perid是这组词中最一般的常用术语,用于任何时限,时间可长可短;age意为“时代, 寿命”,常用来表示以一个中心人物或显著特征而闻名的时期;generatin意为“代、世代”,用于上辈出世与下辈出世之间的时段,对人类来说这段时间有时可算作20年或25年,也可用于下辈本身。
    The perid in which peple learnt t make tls f irn is called the Irn Age. 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代,我们称为“铁器时代”。My generatin behaves differently frm my father's and grandfather's. 我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同。

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Section B习题课件ppt: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Section B习题课件ppt,共16页。PPT课件主要包含了period,circle,purpose,victory,position,medical,leader,historian,enemies,Britain等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section B教案配套ppt课件: 这是一份鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section B教案配套ppt课件,共56页。PPT课件主要包含了Free Talk,Writing,Sample,a little ,a bit ,知识链接,知识拓展,except,full of,is used to等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section A课文内容ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语鲁教版 (五四制)九年级全册Section A课文内容ppt课件,共57页。PPT课件主要包含了jacket,T-shirt,toy truck,magazine,book,cups,plate,volleyball,hat,hair band等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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