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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Wh sent Game f Kings t the wman?
    A. Bb.B. Charlie.C. Peter.
    2. Hw did the man find the film?
    A. It was bring.B. It was lng.C. It was interesting.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Waiter and custmer.B. Turist and guide.C. Hst and guest.
    4. When will the exam be held?
    A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.
    5. What did the man mean?
    A. He disliked the restaurant.
    B. Spain wn the game.
    C. He lst a bet.
    6. What are prbably the tw speakers?
    A. Dctrs.B. Teachers.C. Students.
    7. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Wrk as a vlunteer.B. Attend a medical schl.C. Travel in Chicag.
    8. What des the wman regret?
    A. She missed the reunin.B. She quitted cllege.C. She ate sme bacn.
    9. What can we knw abut the man?
    A. He had a talent fr business.
    B. He preferred tennis t bks.
    C. He enjyed drpping ut f class.
    10. Hw des the man feel when he was called "bkwrm"?
    A. Prud.B. Cnfused.C. Annyed.
    11. Why des the wman g t art galleries and exhibitins?
    A. T meet sme famus artists.
    B. T get inspired fr her wrk.
    C. T buy sme artwrks.
    12. Where des the artist Edvard Munch cme frm?
    A. America.B. Spain.C. Nrway.
    13. Which is Stuart Davis's famus wrk?
    A. Lucky Strike.B. The Scream.C. The Dance f Life.
    14. What des the wman cmplain abut?
    A. The man's leaving hme alne.
    B. The man's breaking the tap.
    C. The man's wasting water.
    15. What percentage f fresh water resurces can be used?
    A. 87%.B. 13%.C. 70%.
    16. What measures d sme cuntries take t reserve fresh water resurces?
    A. String sea water.B. Setting up dams.C. Melting Antarctic glaciers.
    17. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Water shrtage.B. Water pllutin.C. Water recycle.
    18. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Making an annuncement.
    B. Delivering a speech.
    C. Giving a lessn.
    19. What shuld applicants d first t apply fr the jb?
    A. Prepare a shrt lecture.
    B. Learn the histry f China.
    C. Register infrmatin nline.
    20. Where will the jb fair be held?
    A. In the lecture hall.B. In the lab.C. In the meeting rm.
    Thanks t sme f the best summer camps fr gifted students we mentin dwn belw, yu wn't have t wrry abut hw t ensure yur children will enjy study while schl is ut.
    Wrld Schlars Academy
    Headquartered in Hawaii, the Wrld Schlars Academy ffers a number f summer curses specifically designed fr gifted high schl students. Students here will learn advanced study skills, will have an pprtunity t develp a deeper cnceptual understanding f cmplex subjects, and will have a unique pprtunity t create relatinships with ther students that can serve them well fr years and years t cme.
    Summer Institute fr the Gifted
    With lcatins in a variety f famus universities thrughut the United States, these prgrams vary wildly frm year t year but are always designed t give gifted yung peple enugh pprtunity t develp new skills, knwledge, and a wealth f experiences that will help set them up fr success.
    Jhns Hpkins Center fr Talented Yuth
    Hsted at 25 different lcatins n bth the East Cast and the West Cast f the US-as well as in Hng Kng-these three-week prgrams cver a wide variety f studies, including humanities, math, science, writing, and much mre. Sme f them can even be used twards high schl credits.
    Nrthwestern Center fr Talented Develpment
    Each ne f the summer camps prvided by Nrthwestern University is situated n the Nrthwestern campus in nrthern Illinis. Gifted yuth in grades 10th thrugh 12th are invited t attend the three-week residential prgrams each summer. These prgrams prepare them fr life after high schl, and prvide them cllege credits at the cnclusin f the curse.
    21. Wh wuld be mst interested in the text?
    A. Parents.B. Turists.C. Cllege students.D. Scientific researchers.
    22. What will students acquire frm Wrld Schlars Academy?
    A. The skills f writing.B. The secret t success.
    C. Adaptatin t cmplex life.D. Advanced curses t better themselves.
    23. Which camp has a branch in China?
    A. Wrld Schlars Academy.B. Summer Institute fr the Gifted.
    C. Jhns Hpkins Center fr Talented Yuth.D. Nrthwestern Center fr Talented Develpment.
    Sammie Vance is an extrardinary kid. She was just named ne f Peple's Girls Changing the Wrld in 2021, and she is nly 12 years ld.
    The seventh grader frm Indiana is cllecting bttle caps t upcycle them int benches fr her schl and neighbrhd parks. But these benches are mre than just fr sitting. There are many kids in her schl wh have truble in finding friends.
    Sammie learned abut buddy(同伴)benches at a camp she attended ne summer. At the camp, there were benches set up when children felt lnely. They wuld sit dwn signaling t ther kids that they were in need f a friend.
    She lved the idea and tld thers, “This wuld be really cl t have them at my schl.” Then she sprang int actin by initiating a meeting with her president and the Parent-Teacher Assciatin t present her idea.
    Sammie used a cmic strip(连环画)she created shwing hw a simple bench culd help classmates understand when ne f their wn needed a friend. The adults were surely impressed by her initiative but were mre impressed with hw she planned t make the benches.
    Sammie cntinued her effrts and expanded her prject t cllect mre benches fr ther schls. She made an nline page where she calls fr thers t fllw her jurney and make bttle cap dnatins.
    Tday, Sammie has helped fix 200 recycled benches in schls and neighbrhds and she has n plans f stpping. She knws first-hand that a yung age has n limitatins t impacting the wrld. “I just lk frward t making a difference,” she said, “and inspiring ther peple t make a difference.”
    24. Why did Sammie want t set up buddy benches?
    A. She was in need f friends.B. She wanted t win recgnitin.
    C. She had t finish an assigned prject.D. She intended t help kids make friends.
    25. What made a deeper impressin n adults?
    A. Sammie's cmic strip.B. Sammie's strng determinatin.
    C. Sammie's plan f making benches.D. Sammie's meeting with the president.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Sammie?
    A. Demanding.B. Hnest.C. Caring.D. Humrus.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Mre Dnatins Have Cme as a HelpB. This Kind-hearted Girl Inspires Friendship
    C. A Yung Girl Is Named Peple's GirlD. 200 Buddy Benches Are Equipped in Schls
    When we lk at birds, we tend t fcus n their plumage. But many birds have clrful bdy parts that are nt feathers. S a grup f scientists wndered if dinsaurs, the distant ancestrs f birds, als had sme shining bdy parts. Accrding t a study published this week, sme dinsaurs might have had clrful feet and faces, and these bright bdy fashins culd have been used t attract their mates.
    “Living birds use a cllectin f pigments(色素)and can be very clrful n their legs and arund their eyes,” lead authr Sarah Davis said in the University f Texas at Austin n Thursday. “We culd expect that extinct dinsaurs expressed the same clrs.”
    As is knwn t us,carrts are a famus example f hw cartenids(胡萝卜素)make fd range. Data analysis frm the past als suggested insights int mdern birds. They als give birds their bright yellw, range and red clrs. The study fund birds with plant-based diets with plenty f cartenids tend t have mre bright clrs in mre places n their bdies than meat-fcused birds. “The earliest dinsaurs were as big as a small hrse and ate such large birds r animals,” said the study's c-authr Julia Clarke, “s this led t the clratin f dinsaurs' skin.”
    Hwever,the fssil(化石)recrd desn't give scientists a lt t g n when it cmes t determining what clr the dinsaurs have, but the study suggests sme bright new pssibilities fr what dinsaurs might have lked like.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “plumage” in paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. Feather.B. Shape.C. Ft.D. Face.
    29. What might cntribute t dinsaurs' bright clr accrding t Julia Clarke?
    A. Plants in their habitat.B. Carrts in their bdies.
    C. Clr frm their mates.D. Pigments frm their diets.
    30. What did researchers d t draw their cnclusin?
    A. They analyzed species f birds.B. They examined data and fssil.
    C. They did research n varius animals.D. They studied the functin f pigments.
    31. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A bk review.B. A news reprt.
    C. A guidebk.D. A cllectin f stries.
    Tetraplegia(四肢瘫痪)patients are prisners f their wn bdies,unable t perfrm the slightest mvement. Researchers have been wrking fr years t develp systems that can help these patients carry ut sme tasks n their wn. “Assistance frm rbts culd help these peple recver sme f their lst abilities, since the rbts can perfrm tasks in their place.”
    Prfessr Billard carried ut a study with Prfessr Jsé del R.Millan. They have develped a cmputer prgram that can cntrl a rbt using electrical signals sent ut by a patient's brain. N vice cntrl r tuch functin is needed, patients can mve the rbt simply with their invlved develping an algrithm(运算法则)that culd adjust the rbt's mvements based nly n a patient's thughts.
    T use the system, all the patient needs t d is t lk at the rbt. If the rbt makes an incrrect mve, the patient's brain will send an “errr message” thrugh a clearly identifiable signal, as if the patient is saying “N, nt like that.” The rbt will then understand that what it's ding is wrng. The prcess ges pretty quickly-nly three t five attempts are usually needed fr the rbt t figure ut the right respnse and achieve the patient's wishes.
    “The rbt's AI prgram can learn rapidly, but yu have t tell it when it makes a mistake s that it can crrect its behavir,” says Prfessr Millán. “Develping the detectin technlgy fr errr signals was ne f the biggest technical difficulties we faced.” Iasn Batzianula, the study's lead authr,adds, “What was particularly difficult in ur study was linking a patient's brain activity t the rbt's cntrl system-r in ther wrds, ‘translating’ a patient's brain signals int actins perfrmed by the rbt.”
    32. What's the purpse f paragraph 1?
    A. T attract mre researchers.B. T intrduce the tpic f this text.
    C. T state the research f tetraplegia.D. T shw sympathy fr the patients.
    33. Hw d the rbts perfrm their task?
    A. By sensing the tuch.B. By mnitring cmputers.
    C. By reading peple's thughts.D. By fllwing vice cmmands.
    34. What did Iasn Batzianula think f the rbt's AI prgram?
    A. Challenging.B. Cst-effective.C. Fruitless.D. Time-cnsuming.
    35. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The develpment f mind-cntrlled rbts.B. The sufferings f the tetraplegia patients.
    C. The cmplexity f the algrithm.D. The prmising future f rbts.
    Mving frm ne culture t anther is exciting,but it is als a very stressful experience. 36 Culture shck is described as feelings f anxiety, frustratin,r anger that may ccur when a persn is placed in a new culture. T better understand what I mean, I'll share my experience with yu.
    The first thing that cnfused me in American culture was hw Americans tend t be very friendly. 37 And they will give a randm praise t strangers n the street, r even invite a new acquaintance t a birthday party r lunch. Americans find it easy t make casual friends. They make friends and becme relatively clse in n time at all, but it is als easy fr them t disappear in an instance. This aspect f American culture was kind f cnfusing t me.
    38 I think nt always fllwing strict rules is a uniquely American value. Calling yur elders, teachers, and superirs by their first names was smething unheard f in my cuntry where yu have t use full name and middle name when addressing yur superirs. But the American infrmality desn't decrease the respect they have fr ther peple.
    Anther aspect f American culture that I fund different frm my culture was a sense f privacy and persnal space. Americans d nt like their persnal space disturbed. 39
    Part f the excitement f living in a new culture is learning abut hw it differs frm yur wn culture. Yu might cmpare yur values and custms with the new values and custms yu bserve every day. 40 Als, it teaches us t shape ur wn cultural identity, and teaches us abut urselves.
    A. They will chat with passengers n the bus.
    B. Sme peple may even experience a culture shck.
    C. Different peple experience culture shck differently.
    D. What surprised me is American's way f calling thers.
    E. They find it uncmfrtable when thers stand t clse.
    F. By understanding a new culture,we becme mre pen-minded.
    G. Anther shcking bservatin fr me was the infrmality f the Americans.
    Fr mst, crss-cuntry is an individual sprt. But fr Susan and Jeffrey, teamwrk makes the dream 41 .
    Jeffrey, nw 15, 42 cerebral palsy(脑瘫)at 22 mnths ld due t heart rhythm disrder. Because f lack f xygen, it als 43 damage t his brain. Fr his yunger sister Susan, 14, Jeffrey is the ne she lves. The tw are very 44 . When bth f them registered at high schl, she wanted t 45 a sprt after schl. She 46 crss-cuntry wuld be a great sprt nt just fr her, but als fr her brther. “We like spending time tgether, and this is a(n) 47 we can spend time tgether after schl,” Susan said. “It's smething he culdn't d n his wn, s in this way we can be 48 and d a sprt tgether.”
    Susan 49 Jeffrey in a wheelchair at every single practice. She said her brther's 50 attitude helped her 51 the difficult training. Jeffrey's psitive attitude nt nly helped his sister, but all f his crss-cuntry 52 . Susan said at first,peple were 53 arund her brther and didn't knw what t d r hw t act. But after getting t 54 Jeffrey, they accepted him and even tk turns pushing him at practice.
    But accrding t the Wiscnsin Interschlastic Athletic Assciatin's 55 the siblings(兄妹)are nly 56 t cmpete as exhibitin runners, and their results d nt 57 . With the caches, athletic directrs and ther runners' supprt, the rules are changed. 58 their dream cmes true.
    “We felt glad t have 59 the way fr runners that want t run with smene wh can't take part by themselves and make them have 60 access t sprting events,” Susan said.
    41. A. breakB. wrkC. remainD. g
    42. A. hidB. develpedC. studiedD. cntrlled
    43. A. causedB. sufferedC. remvedD. repaired
    44. A. differentB. sincereC. silentD. clse
    45. A. pint utB. make upC. cmpete inD. play with
    46. A. distinguishedB. decidedC. readD. imagined
    47. A. wayB. welfareC. aidD. assciatin
    48. A. simpleB. busyC. activeD. lucky
    49. A. pushedB. walkedC. carriedD. set
    50. A. humrusB. rudeC. respnsibleD. psitive
    51. A. cntribute tB. relate tC. see thrughD. get thrugh
    52. A. wrkersB. teammatesC. classmatesD. relatives
    53. A .kindB. dynamicC. nervusD. plain
    54. A. knwB. spnsrC. recgnizeD. track
    55. A. rulesB. appintmentsC. cmmitmentsD. warnings
    56. A. determinedB. allwedC. chsenD. awarded
    57. A. matchB. addC. changeD. cunt
    58. A. CnstantlyB. SecretlyC. NrmallyD. Finally
    59. A. ledB. fllwedC. smthedD. cnfirmed
    60. A. rarerB. quickerC. saferD. easier
    The first knwn examples f paper mney 61 (create) in China ver a thusand years ag. Nw, China is the first majr ecnmy 62 (prduce) and distribute a digital currency.
    The digital yuan is a frm f central bank digital currency, 63 is issued by the Peple's Bank f China. It is a digitized versin f the physical yuan. It wrks the same as bankntes and cins,but differs 64 frm. This means that the digital yuan may 65 (eventual) replace physical cash as a means f payment.
    China's digital currency 66 (g) int an early trial phase in 2020 and extended during the next tw years, 67 (expect) t be adpted in 2023 r 2024. Users can stre their digital yuan in digital wallets and use a QR cde t make 68 (purchase) with the digital currency.
    The end gal f China's digital currency is t create 69 cashless system that can create cnsumer, cmmercial, and gvernment efficiencies.
    China isn't alne in its ambitin t digitize mney.Nearly 80 cuntries arund the wrld are researching r testing a digital currency f 70 (they) wn.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    It's safer t use pedestrian crssings r verhead bridge. Never crss a rad by dashing acrss it, what is inviting truble. If there’re n crssings, we must lk careful right and left and crss nly when that is safe t d s.
    Sme f us g t schl by the bus. It's imprtant fr us nt t getting n r ff a bus while it is still mve.I tried t get n a mving bus nce. It drags me a shrt distance and nearly ran ver me.I was lucky escape with sme scratches. Dn't fl arund in the bus and yu will get hurt.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    4月23日为世界读书日(Wrld Bk Day),你校英文报将举办以“Frm a Habit f Reading”为主题的英语征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    Frm a Habit f Reading
    As the Wrld Bk Day is appraching,reading is appealing t mre and mre peple.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 ACBCC6-10 CBBAC11-15 BCACB16-20 BAACA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21.A【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段yu wn't have t wrry abut hw t ensure yur children will enjy study while schl is ut可知,父母们最有可能对这些夏令营感兴趣。
    22.D【解析】细节理解题。根据Wrld Schlars Academy部分的Students here will learn advanced study skills... cmplex subjects可知,在这个夏令营中学生们可以学到提升自己的更高级的课程。
    23.C【解析】细节理解题。四个夏令营中只有Jhns Hpkins Center fr Talented Yuth提及在中国香港有分部。
    24.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段There are many kids in her schl wh have truble in finding friends. 可知,Sammie设置交友椅的目的是帮助交友有困难的孩子们结交朋友。
    25.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段The adults were surely impressed by her initiative but were mre impressed with hw she planned t make the benches.可知,大人们对她计划如何制作椅子更加印象深刻。
    28.A【解析】词义猜测题。根据第一段But many birds have clrful bdy parts that are nt feathers.可知,我
    们在看颜色鲜亮的鸟类时,倾向于关注它们的羽毛。But一句中的that are nt feathers对此做了提示。
    29.D【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“The earliest dinsaurs were as big as a small hrse and ate such large birds r animals, said the study's c-authr Julia Clarke, “s this led t the clratin f dinsaurs' skin.” 可知,恐龙身体呈现出鲜亮的颜色是由它所吃的食物(鸟类或动物)的色素引起的。this指代上文提到的恐龙的饮食习惯。
    30.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段Data analysis frm the past als suggested insights int mdern birds.和第四段the fssil(化石)recrd desn't give scientists a lt t g n when it cmes t determining what clr the dinsaurs have可推知,研究人员是根据之前的数据和化石记录得出的结论。
    31.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中的this week和第二段中的n Thursday并结合全文可知,本文有可能是一则新闻报道。
    33.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段N vice cntrl r tuch functin is needed,patients can mve the rbt simply with their thughts.可知,机器人能在病人的思维控制下执行任务。
    34.A【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段 “What was particularly difficult... perfrmed by the rbts.”可知,Iasn Batzianula认为这个项目是具有挑战性的。
    36.B【解析】空前提及从一个国家到另一个国家让人兴奋,但也会让人紧张:空后提及文化冲击的概念。B选项中的even承接上文,culture shck呼应下文。
    37.A【解析】根据空前句The first thing that cnfused me in American culture was hw Americans tend t be very friendly.可知,本段想要介绍美国人对人友好。A选项符合语境。
    38.G【解析】本句为主旨句。结合下文可知,本段讲述美国人不拘小节的特点。G选项中的infrmality是关键词,与空后的nt always fllwing strict rules和本段末的infrmality相呼应。
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    41.B【解析】根据下文可知,妹妹推着坐在轮椅上的残疾哥哥一起参加越野比赛,两兄妹一起实现梦想。make ne's dream wrk意为“实现梦想”。
    42.B【解析】根据空后due t heart rhythm disrder可知,“得脑瘫”符合语境。
    43.A【解析】此处指的是哥哥由于缺氧引发脑部损伤。cause damage t意为“对……造成损害”。
    44.D【解析】根据空前Jeffrey is the ne she lves可知,两人关系很亲密。
    45.C【解析】根据下文the siblings(兄妹)are nly 56 t cmpete as exhibitin runners可知,此处指妹妹想要在课后参加一项运动。
    49,A【解析】根据下文even tk turns pushing him at practice可知,此处指妹妹推着坐在轮椅上的哥哥一起参加训练。
    50.D【解析】根据下文Jeffrey's psitive attitude nt nly helped his sister, but all f his crss-cuntry 52 . 可知,哥哥乐观积极的态度不仅帮助妹妹克服困难,也影响到了许多和他们一起参加比赛的人。
    51.D【解析】此处意为哥哥乐观积极的态度帮助妹妹通过了艰难的训练过程。get thrugh意为“通过”。
    52.B【解析】根据下文they accepted him and even tk turns pushing him at practice可知,they指代的是和兄妹两人一起参赛的人。哥哥乐观积极的态度同时也影响到了和他们一起参加比赛的人。
    53.C【解析】根据下文didn't knw what t d r hw t act可知,一开始的时候哥哥的队友们因为不知如何能帮助他而有些紧张。
    54.A【解析】根据语境可知,队友们在了解哥哥之后,都被哥哥的乐观精神感染,接纳他并且帮助他。get t knw smebdy意为“逐渐了解某人”。
    55.A【解析】根据下文With the caches, athletic directrs and ther runners' supprt, the rules are changed...可知,此处指的是根据威斯康星州校际体育协会的规定。
    58.D【解析】根据空前提到的With the caches, athletic directrs and ther runners' supprt, the rules are changed.可知,“最终梦想实现”符合语境。
    59.C【解析】兄妹俩通过努力,成功参加比赛并实现自己的梦想,这为其他有类似情况的人参赛铺平了道路。smth the way fr...意为“为某人铺平道路”。
    6l. were created【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。主语examples f paper mney与谓语动词create是被动关系,因此需要用被动语态,又因时间状语为a thusand years ag,故用一般过去时。
    62.t prduce【解析】考查非谓语动词。名词ecnmy前有序数词the first修饰,应用不定式作后置定语。
    63.which【解析】考查定语从句。关系代词which代指先行词a frm f central bank digital currency,在定语从句中作主语,又因此处为非限制性定语从句,故用which。
    64.in【解析】考查介词。differ in为固定搭配。
    66.went【解析】考查动词的时态。根据时间状语in 2020可知,本空应用一般过去时。
    67.expected【解析】考查非谓语动词。expect与主句的主语China's digital currency是逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。
    68.purchases【解析】考查名词复数。purchase作名词时意为“购买的东西”,为可数名词,此处用make purchases表示购物。
    69.a【解析】考查不定冠词。a cashless system意为“种无现金系统”,用不定冠词表示泛指。
    70.their【解析】考查物主代词。f ne' swn用作后置定语,意为“属于自己的……”。
    第四部分 写作
    It's safer t use pedestrian crssings r verhead bridgebridges. Never crss a rad by dashing acrss it, whatWhich is inviting truble.If there're n crssings, we must lk carefulcarefully right and left and crss nly when thatit is safe t d s.
    Sme f us g t schl by the bus. It's imprtant fr us nt t gettingget n r ff a bus while it is still mvemving. I tried t get n a mving bus nce. It dragsdragged me a shrt distance and nearly ran ver me. I was lucky ∧t escape with sme scratches. Dn't fl arund in the bus andr yu will get hurt.
    第二节 书面表达
    Frm a Habit f Reading
    As the Wrld Bk Day is appraching, reading is appealing t mre and mre peple. As we knw, bks are the stepping stnes t human prgress.Reading bks can bring us knwledge as well as much pleasure. We can learn abut the past, the present and the future f the wrld by reading. We can experience thers' adventures by reading their travel jurnals withut taking any risks. S frm a habit f reading regularly n a daily base! Besides buying bks, it is cnvenient t brrw bks frm a library r read nline free f charge. All we need t d is t start reading.
    It is hped that all f us can enjy the pleasure f reading,and enrich ur life.
    Text 1
    M: Hey, is that the new versin f Game f Kings? Where did yu get it?
    W: Frm my brther.He sent it t me.
    M: Charlie?
    W: N, anther brther f mine, Bb, wh lives with my uncle Peter in New Yrk City.
    Text 2
    M: Mm, I saw a film this afternn which was amazing and 2 hurs went by befre I knew it.
    W: Well, I culdn't wait t see it.
    Text 3
    W: Is that included in the tur? A cup f tea with the Queen?
    M: Emm, well,n,nt exactly, but there's a lvely cafe near the palace where yu can get a cup f tea.
    Text 4
    W: Can I visit the museum n Thursday? It has brught in sme new artwrks.
    M: N. Yu'd better frget that idea. The exam is n Friday, right? Yu must g ver yur hmewrk then.
    Text 5
    W: Have yu watched the Wrld Cup?
    M: Yeah, I went with friends t a cinema t watch the Russia-Spain game. I thught Spain wuld win but ended up having t pay fr the fd and beer because Spain lst.
    Text 6
    M: It's hard t believe we're ging t graduate in tw mnths.
    W: I knw. Time has passed by s fast.
    M: Are yu still planning t g t a medical schl?
    W: Yeah. I'm ready t g. What abut yu?
    M: I'm ging t take a year t wrk in Chicag. Then try t decide.
    W: That sunds like a gd idea. What kind f jb in Chicag are yu ging t d?
    M: I'm nt sure. I just like Chicag. What kind f dctr d yu want t be?
    W: I was thinking abut wrking with children's prblems. I nce vlunteered in a Children's Center.
    M: That sunds like a gd prfessin.
    Text 7
    M: Hi. It's s gd t see yu again!
    W: Lng time n see. I'm s glad I came t the reunin. I had a feeling yu wuld be here.
    M: What d yu d t bring hme the bacn?
    W: Oh, It's nt been s easy. I drpped ut f cllege, s I had t take what I culd get.
    M: I'm srry t hear that. What happened?
    W: I just didn't think it was wrth the time, s I let my studies slide. Nw, I really regret it.
    M: But yu lk pretty gd!
    W: Well, I had t find a new gal. I gt int sales, and have dne quite well.
    M: I'm glad t hear that.
    W: S, what abut yu? Yu always had a gd head fr figures. Yu g int business, right?
    M: Yes, it is bvius, isn't it?
    W: Yu were kind f a bkwrm in high schl.
    M: Hey, I was nt. I was als gd in tennis.
    W: I knw. I'm just pushing yur buttns. Yu were always cncerned abut being called a bkwrm.
    Text 8
    M: Shna, d yu have any talents r interests like art r music r cking?
    W: Yeah. Actually, I really enjy art. I like t study different artists and lk at art frm the past. I als paint myself, s I like t g t art galleries and exhibitins and get inspiratin fr my wn wrk.
    M: That is cl. S, speaking f artists, wh d yu really like?
    W: I like Edvard Munch, wh is a Nrwegian artist. His famus wrks include. The Scream and The Dance f Life. Anther ne is the Spanish artist Picass.
    M: S,anybdy else?
    W: Yeah, I've gt many artists I lve. There's als this guy called Stuart Davis, wh is an American, and he was very famus in the 1950s. He mainly painted cmmercial paintings,drawings fr different things like Lucky Strike, which is ne f his famus nes.
    Text 9
    W: Jimmy?
    M: Yes,mm. What's ging n?
    W: I've tld yu several times nt t keep the tap water running when yu leave. Dn't yu knw that ur cuntry is shrt f water?
    M: I think the fact is nt as bad as yu say. We have enugh water every day.
    W: The fresh water resurces that ur mankind can use are very limited. 70%amng the fresh water is freezing under the ice cver in the Antarctic Ple and the Arctic Ple. 87% f fresh water resurces cannt be used.
    M: It sunds very serius.
    W: Yu shuld knw that many places suffer the water shrtage every year, and peple living there are severely affected.
    M: Aren't there any related measures in thse cuntries t prevent r relieve this phenmenn?
    W: Of curse. There are many cuntries that set up dams t reserve fresh water resurces,and ther cuntries are ding the research n plluted water in rder t reuse these fresh water resurces.
    M: Is there any bvius effect?
    W: There is,but still culdn't meet the scial needs fr water.
    M: Water is s imprtant fr the survival and develpment f human beings and I'll pay clse attentin t saving water in future.
    Text 10
    In rder t better spread Chinese culture and strengthen the influential pwer f China in the wrld, Cnfucius Institute will emply sme Chinese teachers in ur cllege t g t ther cuntries t teach freign learners Chinese.
    All the students studying here are welcmed t participate in the campus jb fair but every applicant needs t care abut the fllwing several aspects. What yu must d first is t register yur name and relevant infrmatin n ur fficial website “www. applicants.cm” and uplad yur ne-inch pht and diplma infrmatin. Besides, we suggest that yu prepare a shrt lecture t shw yur teaching ability. Finally, we have a small requirement that yu need t knw abut the basic histry and culture f China.
    Our jb fair will be held frm 8:00 a.m. t 5:00 p.m. in ur lecture hall, just ppsite the lab, n July 27, 2022. Fr mre detailed infrmatin,cme t ur meeting rm n the secnd flr.

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    2022-2023学年广东省清远市四校高一上学期联合学业质量检测英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2022-2023学年广东省清远市四校高一上学期联合学业质量检测英语试题(解析版),共28页。试卷主要包含了本试卷由四个部分组成,18, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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