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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought集体备课ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought集体备课ppt课件,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境:人与社会。本文讲述的话题为健康饮食。2.语篇类型:专栏文章。3.课文内容分析:课文用图片的方式展示了五位人物的冰箱,并介绍了他们的职业 特点、饮食习惯和生活习惯。阅读本文,有利于学生深入理解饮食习惯与健康生 活方式之间的联系,养成健康饮食的良好习惯。
    the time r the energy
    Cnstructin wrker
    Ready meals
    have healthy meals
    1.Can yu guess which fridge belngs t which persn?(教材第9页) 你能猜出哪个冰箱属于哪个人吗?
    ◆belng t 属于;归……所有;是……的成员The huse belngs t my grandfather.这房子归我祖父所有。D yu belng t the tennis club?你是网球俱乐部的成员吗?
    温馨提示belng t不用于进行时或被动语态。
    单句语法填空①While yu are travelling,take care f yur      (belng). ②Victry always      (belng) t the peple. ③Remember yu belng      ur team.Yu shuld bey the team rules. 
    2.I ften end up saving part f my meal fr the next day.(教材第9页) 我常常会把一部分饭菜留到第二天吃。
    ◆end up ding sth.(尤指经历一系列意外后)最终处于,到头来Or maybe yu end up switching yur attentin away frm nvels,and discver the histry f rmantic pets in England.或者你最终把注意力从小说上移开,去探索英国浪漫主义诗人的历史。If yu dn’t knw what yu want,yu might end up getting smething yu dn’t want.如果你不知道自己想要什么,到头来你可能会得到自己不想要的东西。
    单句语法填空①I ended up    (tell) him everything althugh I tried nt t. ②It is widely acknwledged that educatin shuld nt end up    the graduatin. 
    3.Cking tgether gives us a chance t relax and catch up n each ther’s days.(教材第9页) 一起做饭给了我们放松的机会,也让我们有机会聊聊彼此日常的情况。
    ◆catch up 打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈Yu and I must really catch up with each ther (n each ther’s lives) smetime sn.你我一定得找时间聚聚。
    单句语法填空①He walks s fast that I can’t catch up     him. ②Sn the sng will catch      and be sung all ver the cuntry. 完成句子③It’s s easy t             (陷入) everyday life that we frget we can bring cheer t urselves and thers simply. 
    be/get caught up in
    4.When I get back hme,there’s nthing mre satisfying than a big meat dinner.(教材第9页) 回家后,什么都比不上一顿肉食大餐更让人心满意足了。
    ◆satisfying adj.令人高兴的,令人满意的It’s a mst satisfying meal.这是一顿很令人满意的饭。It can be very satisfying t wrk in the garden.在花园里干活可以让人十分满足。
    单句语法填空①Nthing      (satisfy) him—he’s always cmplaining. ②The ftball match seemed     (satisfy) and attractive. ③She seemed pretty      (satisfy) with her new car. 完成句子④回顾自己的事业,她深感欣慰。 She lked back n her career              . 
    with great satisfactin
    5.I knw we shuld eat mre fresh fruit and vegetables,but ready meals are s cnvenient. (教材第9页) 我知道我们应该多吃些新鲜水果和蔬菜,但是即食食品真的很方便。
    ◆cnvenient adj.方便的,便利的A bike is ften mre cnvenient than a car in twns.在城镇里,骑自行车往往比开车更方便。Is it cnvenient fr yu t start wrk nw?现在就开始工作的话,你方便吗?
    完成句子①Please cme here at 10 tmrrw                 (如 果你方便的话). ②I hpe yu can visit ur city                 (在你 方便时). ③Dn’t wrry.                      (我来这里很 方便的). ④We have prvided seats                     (为 了……的方便) ur custmers. 
    if it is cnvenient fr yu
    at yur cnvenience
    It is cnvenient fr me t cme here
    fr the cnvenience f
    6.The cmbinatin f spicy,salty,sweet and sur flavurs makes Gng Ba Chicken hard t resist.(教材第11页) 辣、咸、甜和酸各种风味的组合使得人们难以抵抗宫保鸡丁的诱惑。
    ◆resist v.抵抗;抵制;克制;忍住I culdn’t resist laughing when I saw the funny gesture f the clwn.当我看到小丑滑稽的动作时,我忍不住笑了。
    单句语法填空①They     (resist) desperately and wn the battle. ②She culd hardly resist      (laugh) n thse ccasins. ③The club is resistant      any frm f change. 
    7.What’s mre,it is easy t make and can be adapted t individual tastes.(教材第11页) 最重要的是,它的烹饪方法简单,也可根据个人口味调配。
    ◆adapt v.(使)适合;改编;适应The film has been adapted frm a play f the same title.电影改编自一部同名戏剧。We adapted urselves quickly t ur new surrundings.我们很快适应了新环境。
    完成句子①The mvie  (根据著名的小说改编的) is very interesting.②It tk me a lng time         (适应) the weather in Kunming. ③The new bk               (是为孩子们改编的). 
    adapted frm a famus nvel
    is adapted fr children
    8.S,dn’t frget t pick up sme chicken n yur way hme and try this recipe ut!(教材第11页) 因此,别忘了回家路上买些鸡肉,尝试一下这个菜谱!
    ◆pick up 买,购买;(偶然地、无意地)得到,弄到;学会(语言);拿起;使搭乘Where did yu pick up that bk? I’ve been trying t get it fr weeks! 你在哪儿弄到的那本书? 几个星期以来,我一直想买这本书!Please wait at the schl gate.Jhn will pick yu up there.请在校门口等候,约翰会去那儿接你。
    单句语法填空①He picked      Russian while wrking with friends in Russia. ②I think white cars are easy t be picked       n the rad. 
    My mum says I need t have three healthy meals a day,but I’m t busy studying and meeting friends!(教材第9页)妈妈常说,每日三餐要吃得健康,但我的学习和社交生活太忙了!◆be busy (in) ding sth. 忙于做某事He is busy (in) preparing fr the examinatin.他忙着准备考试。The teacher was busy crrecting ur exercise bks when we called at his huse.我们去老师家拜访时,他正忙着批改我们的作业。
    单句语法填空①Mr Smith is s busy     his ffice wrk that he spends little time lking after his children. ②He is very busy      (write) his paper. 
    As a dctr,I knw I had better change the way I eat,but I just dn’t have the time r the energy right nw.(教材第9页)作为医生,我知道我最好改变这种饮食方式,但我现在完全没有时间和精力。该句子为并列主从复合句。并列连词but连接两个并列分句,前面分句中the way之后的I eat为定语从句。
    1.There’s nt enugh rm t swing a cat in my small apartment,s I dn’t ck very ften.(教材第9页) 我的小公寓连转身的空间都没有,所以我不常做饭。
    ◆swing vt.& vi. 摆动;转动;挥动 n.秋千;摆动At that mment,the dr swung pen,and Ry walked in.正在那时,门开了,罗伊走了进来。
    Culd yu swing a cat in it?常用于询问房间的大小There is n/nt enugh rm t swing a cat.用来形容一个地方太小,连转身的余地都没有。This bus is t crwded! I have n rm t swing a cat! 这个公共汽车太挤了,都没有立锥之地了!He is very lucky t have a spacius study like this; there’s nt rm t swing a cat in mine.他很幸运有这么一个宽敞的书房,我的书房却是非常狭小。
    单句语法填空①The sldiers     (swing) their arms as they marched. ②The library at my cllege was really small—there wasn’t enugh rm      (swing) a cat! 
    2.This means we dn’t eat meat,and any milk r cheese had better be dairy-free.(教材第9页) 这意味着我们不吃肉、奶或奶酪也最好不是动物乳制成的。
    ◆free为形容词后缀,意为“不含……的”“无……的”。It turns ut that peple wh eat lw-fat r fat-free dairy lse mre weight than peple wh dn’t.事实证明吃低脂或无脂乳品的人群减重比其他的多。
    完成句子T be sure,candy makers have been ffering      (无糖的) alternatives fr years. 
    3.Each day at the cnstructin site is mre r less the same—tiring! (教 材第9页) 建筑工地上每天都差不多——累!
    ◆mre r less或多或少;几乎;差不多Her health has mre r less imprved.她的身体多少有点好转了。
    完成句子①希望我的建议对你多少有些帮助。 I hpe my advice will be             t yu. ②全世界越来越多的人参与极限运动。 Arund the wrld             are taking part in extreme sprts. 
    mre r less helpful
    mre and mre peple
    4.We dn’t really buy fresh fd,and I suppse the fridge culd be kind f cleaner...(教材第9页) 我们不怎么买新鲜食物,而且我觉得冰箱应该再干净点儿……
    ◆kind f有点儿;有几分I’m nt sure why,but I feel kind f srry fr him.不知为什么,我有点儿为他惋惜。I was kind f upset that yu weren’t there.你没出现我有点不安。
    单句语法填空①Bks      this kind are very ppular with yung peple. ②Her design is very special,ne f      kind. 
    Writing a recipe
    1.文体类型:写食谱,属于应用文范畴,常用于描述如何烹饪食物。2.要点内容:(1)食物名称及介绍;(2)食材原料(Ingredients),原料应包含配料的名字 以及大体用量;(3)制作过程说明(Instructins),说明操作的详细过程。
    1.Slice small the il ver a high the il is ht, stir them fr with salt and heat.
      注意:  1.写作词数为80左右; 2.介绍必须包括图画中的所有主要内容。  参考词汇:一袋鸡肉饭a bag f chicken rice;鸡肉粥chicken prridge;香葱chive;搅动stir;壶kettle;菜板cutting-bard。
    Yurs,Li Hua
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.         n.种,类 2.         v.烧开;煮沸 3.         v.搅动;搅拌 4.         adj.方便的,便利的 5.         把……加入…… 6.         把……倒入…… 
    Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法完成句子1.现在让我来告诉你怎么做这种鸡肉粥。                               make this srt f chicken prridge nw. 2.烧一壶水备用。                          fr use. 3.把一袋鸡肉饭倒进锅里,再把开水倒进去。                                    a pt and pur the biled water int it. 
    4.把锅放在火上,煮到冒泡后继续搅拌。 Put the pt n fire,bil until bubbling and              . it. 5.盖上盖子,加热10分钟。 Put the lid n and                         . 6.把葱放在菜板上,并将其切碎。      the chives      n the cutting-bard and cut them int small pieces. 7.把粥从火上取下来,加上葱花。      the prridge      the fire and               .      it. 
    8.这样鸡肉粥会更好吃。 It will make the chicken prridge           . 9.这种即时鸡肉粥对你来说既简单又方便。 This instant chicken prridge is                     . yu. 
    Take the prridge ff the fire and add the chive t it,which will make the chicken prridge mre delicius.
    Dear Kate,Let me tell yu hw t make this srt f chicken prridge nw.Ingredients:Chicken rice…………………………………………………………………………………………1 bagChives………………………………………………………………………………………………………2Instructins:1 Bil a pt f water fr use.2 Pur a bag f chicken rice int a pt and pur the biled water int it.3 Put the pt n fire,bil until bubbling and keep n stirring it.4 Put the lid n and heat it fr 10 minutes.At the same time,get the chives ready n the cutting-bard and cut them int small pieces.5 Take the prridge ff the fire and add the chives t it,which will make the chicken prridge mre delicius.This instant chicken prridge is simple and cnvenient fr yu.I hpe yu will like it.Yurs,Li Hua
    假设西红柿炒鸡蛋是你的最爱,请你和同学们分享一下这道菜的烹饪方法。写作词数为80左右。需包含以下内容: 1.食材和配料; 2.具体的烹饪步骤和方法。 参考词汇:西红柿炒鸡蛋 stir-fried eggs with tmates;炒锅 wk;汤匙tablespn;番茄酱ketchup;玉米淀粉crn starch。
    One pssible versin:Recipe fr stir-fried eggs with tmatesIngredients:cking il……………………………………………………………1 tablespnEggs……………………………………………………………………………………2salt……………………………………………………………………1/4 tablespnpepper…………………………………………………………………………1 pinchcking il……………………………………………………………1 tablespntmates…………………………………………………………2 r 3,cut in chunkssalt………………………………………………………………………1/8 tablespnketchup…………………………………………………………………1/4 tablespncrn starch………………………………………………………………1 tablespnspring nins…………………………………………………………little,chpped
    Instructins:1 Beat the eggs lightly.Add 1/4 tablespn f salt and a pinch f pepper.2 Heat 1 tablespn f il in the wk.Stir-fry the egg in the il until set and remve frm wk.3 Clean the wk.4 Heat anther tablespn f il in the wk,stir-fry the tmat chunks, add 1/8 tablespn f salt,1/4 tablespn f ketchup and 1 tablespn f crn starch.When almst dne,add the egg chunks and stir-fry quickly ver high heat.Remve frm heat.5 Sprinkle with chpped spring nins.
    Ⅰ.语境填词1.At the meeting,many      (cnstruct) suggestins were put frward. 2.She seemed pretty      (satisfy) with her new car. 3.The Internet makes it       (cnvenience) fr us t get in tuch with each ther. 4.The wrd “music”      (riginate) cmes frm Greek. 5.Each prduct has a number fr easy       (identify). 
    6.The sup made by myself is s      (salt) that I can’t drink it. 7.We haven’t yet been tld      (fficial) abut the clsure. 8.These styles can be      (adapt) t suit individual tastes. 9.She packed her few       (belng) in a bag and left. 10.Our      (chef) use nly the freshest prduce available. 
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.莉莉不得不乘出租车,因为箱子太重了,不能一路搬回家。 Lily had t take a taxi because the bx was             all the way hme. 2.你今晚方便和我一起出去吃饭吗?                 t eat ut with me this evening? 3.我有许多工作要补做。 I have a lt f wrk t           . 4.结果所有的活儿都是我一个人干了。 I             all the wrk myself. 5.他是由姨妈带大的。 He              by his aunt. 
    t heavy t carry
    Will it be cnvenient fr yu
    ended up ding
    was brught up
    阅读理解A “Farm t table” is the name f a mvement that encurages peple t eat lcally grwn fd.The farm-t-table idea has becme mre ppular in recent years.But there is als a mvement that brings “Table t farm”.Its purpse is t cnnect peple t the land and t hnur lcal farmers by creating a srt f restaurant withut walls. Its funder,Jim Denevan,gt the idea fr this kind f “culinary adventure (美食探险)”,as he called it,ten years ag.He recently prepared tables fr mre than a hundred peple at Briars Farm in Virginia.He and his eight-member team arrived the night befre.Chefs frm a lcal restaurant prepared the dinner. Jim Denevan’s brther is a farmer and he himself is a chef.He thught that the idea f a meal served right n the farm made sense,thugh nt everyne agreed.
    “But I wanted t make the idea wrk,s I decided t crss the cuntry,”said Denevan.“I went all the way acrss the United States and set the table n farms,ranches (大牧场) and beaches,and all the places where fd came frm.” “This kind f event cnnects us with a lt f enthusiastic peple,peple that we can frm relatinships with,” said Matt Szechenyi,wh perates Briars Farm. The tur f the farm ends at the dinner table.The meats in the meal cme frm Matt Szechenyi’s farm.The vegetables cme frm nearby farms.Guests and lcal farmers sit tgether. Annica Ingram came with a friend.“The fd is wnderful.I appreciate their hard wrk.I see everything they have t d t take care f the animals and make sure they are well-cared-fr.Withut them,I think,we’ll have big prblems,”she said.
    1.What is the main purpse f the mvement “Table t farm”? A.T prvide peple with healthy fd. B.T help farmers earn mre mney. C.T hnur farmers fr their hard wrk. D.T encurage peple t wrk less and practice mre.
    1.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段中的“But there is als a hnur lcal farmers by creating a srt f restaurant withut walls.”可知,这项活动的目的是致敬农民的辛苦工作。故选C。
    2.Annica’s attitude twards farmers’ wrk is    .  A.wrriedB.grateful C.dubtfulD.supprtive
    2.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“I appreciate their hard them,I think,we’ll have big prblems.”可知,Annica对农民持有一种感激的态度。故选B。
    3.What kind f writing is the passage likely t be? A.A travel guide. B.A news reprt. C.A diary. D.Ppular science.
    3.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。分析文章结构和内容可知,文章开头介绍了该项活动的由来及目的;第二、第三段介绍了该活动创始人的相关信息;最后一段引用了活动参与者的看法,符合新闻写作的结构及格式。B项符合文意,故选B。
    B Organic fd (有机食品) is very ppular.It is als expensive.Sme rganic fd csts twice as much as nn-rganic fd.Sme parents and pet wners pay up t 200 percent mre fr rganic fd while sme peple think rganic fd is a waste f mney. There is ne main difference between rganic and nn-rganic fd.Organic farms d nt use agricultural chemicals,such as pesticides(杀虫剂).This makes sure that the prducts are natural. Sme peple think “rganic”means“lcally grwn”.At the beginning,this was true.Over time rganic farming became mre difficult.The demand fr rganic fd grew larger than the supply.Small cmpanies had t sell ut t large cmpanies.There weren’t enugh rganic materials.This made it difficult fr many rganic cmpanies t stay in business.Tday,many large cmpanies have an rganic line f prducts.
    Is rganic fd mre nutritius (有营养的)?This is part f the debate.Many farmers and cnsumers believe it is.They think agricultural chemicals cause health prblems,such as cancer.Many health experts disagree.Few studies prve that rganic fd prevents health prblems.Health experts wrry mre abut bacteria (细菌).These can cme int cntact with rganic and nn-rganic fd.Dctrs recmmend washing prduce very carefully. Mst peple agree that naturally grwn fd tastes better.Is tastier fd wrth the extra mney?This is a matter f pinin.Whether it is healthier r nt may require mre research.Hwever,rganic cnsumers argue it is better t be safe than srry.
    4.What is the dctrs’ suggestin? A.Grw yur wn fd. B.Reduce the use f pesticides. C.Make sure the fd is clean. D.Buy large cmpanies’ prducts.
    4.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第四段中的“Dctrs recmmend washing prduce very carefully.”可知,医生建议要非常细心地清洗农产品。故选C。
    5.Which f the fllwing d mst peple agree n rganic fd? A.It tastes better. B.It is easier t grw. C.It cntains mre fat. D.It is mre nutritius.
    5.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“Mst peple agree that naturally grwn fd tastes better.”可知,大多数人同意自然生长的食物(即有机食品)味道更好这一观点。故选A。
    6.What is prbably the majr cncern (关心) f rganic cnsumers? A.Price.B.Safety. C.Freshness.D.Variety.
    6.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“Hwever,rganic cnsumers argue it is better t be safe than srry.”可知,有机食品消费者们认为安全总比后悔好,所以愿意为了安全花更多的钱。故选B。
    7.Where des this text prbably cme frm? A.A health magazine. B.A medical reprt. C.A chemistry paper. D.A menu f a restaurant.
    7.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。文章主要介绍了有机食物的有关信息,并提到了人们对于其营养、价格等方面的不同意见,属于饮食、健康方面的文章。故选A。
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