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UNIT 3 CONSERVATION美 文 导 入素养解读:《普通高中英语课程标准》要求对学生进行文化素质的培养。文化素质的培养主要是指通过英语教学使学生扩大视野,认识地球和我们所生活的环境,弄清地球的自然资源,把握能源革命的最新发展。通过对本单元课文的学习,同学们要学会在日常生活和学习过程中,注意节约能源,自觉地保护环境,养成良好的环保意识。主题:生物能源学科素养:人与自然难度系数:★★★Seaweed as Future Source of Fuel and FoodSeaweed has many benefits; it may replace plastic as a future source of fuel and food. Seaweed is classified as algae. It is fast growing, uses energy from the sun, and consumes carbon dioxide and nutrients from seawater. Scientists are suggesting that seaweed may be able to help mitigate(减少;缓解) carbon emissions and climate change.A seaweed cultivation rig is fixed to the seafloor. It has ropes that are latticed(制成网格的) and have lengths of 50,000 meters or 164,000 feet. The strings are designed so that they can withstand large and rough waves. According to seaweed producer and Ocean Rainforest managing director Mr Gregarsen, the rig’s main structure goes down 10 meters to avoid large breaking waves.They have cultivation areas in the North Atlantic in Denmark’s territory(领土,领域). According to Mr Gregarsen, the site is rich in nutrients and has deep waters. Also, its temperature ranges from 6 to 11℃.All of these factors make the area ideal for seaweed growth. This year, they will be getting in about 200 tons.Gregersen’s group is one of many seaweed farms set up in North America and Europe due to increasing demand from various industries, including the food sector. It is gaining demand because it can be used as feed and food, and it can also replace fossil fuel-based plastic packaging products.Ocean Rainforest has recently been funded by the US Department of Energy to copy its Danish system and build a similar California one. California wants to start industrialized production for use as biofuels(生物燃料). Gregersen’s company is planning on doubling production this year. They are planning to mechanize their production and make their operation large-scale and more efficient. Gregersen says only a few companies can make seaweed a profitable venture.Dried seaweed is used in the manufacture of food, while fermented seaweed is used as animal feed. Seaweed extract has many benefits, such as cosmetics, toothpaste, pet food, and medicines. These products have seaweed-derived hydrocolloids(水状胶质;水状胶体) made in many ways. More producters may find seaweed useful. Many firms currently work on making alternatives to plastic and textiles. Soon, seaweed may be used as water capsules, drinking straws, and biodegradable packaging.○课标词汇1.replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ vt.取代;代替2.classify /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ vt.分类3.cultivation /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ n.培养;培育4.withstand /wɪðˈstænd/ v.承受;抵挡5.structure /ˈstrʌktʃə/ n.结构;构造6.demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ n.&vt.要求;需求7.fund /fʌnd/ vt.资助;n.资金8.manufacture /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)/ n.制造1.be classified as… 被归类成……2.range from…to… 从……到……排列3.be funded by… 被……资助○重要短语Scientists are suggesting that seaweed may be able to help mitigate carbon emissions and climate change. 分析:句中的动词suggesting在此处意为“认为”,不表示“建议”,所以其后的宾语从句中的谓语动词用的是陈述语气,而没有使用“should+动词原形”结构。译文:科学家表示,海藻可能有助于减少碳排放和气候变化。○句型精析核心素养目标【语言技能】听、读、说有关环境保护话题的语言材料;掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语和句式;学会使用关系副词when, where, why引导定语从句;学会在口头语中如何表达建议或接受建议;学会写作表达对立观点的议论文;观看短视频,发表自己的观点,对相关内容发表自己的看法。【素养提升】认识世界范围内的资源及能源现状,形成危机意识;了解世界的环境现状,培养良好的环保意识;学会用英语就环保话题发表自己的观点和看法。