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    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件
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    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件01
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件02
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件03
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件04
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件05
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件06
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件07
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件08
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件01
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件02
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件03
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件04
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件05
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件06
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件07
    外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!课时教学课件08
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    外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!教学课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!教学课件ppt,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境:人与自然—人类的探险活动及其意义。2.语篇类型:科幻故事。3.课文内容分析:课文是根据法国作家Jules Verne的科幻小说《海底两万里》的选 段改写的,通过Arnnax教授等人跟随Nem船长在海底漫步的视角,呈现了海底的 景色,着重描述了阳光透过水面的光线变化和在海床上行走的感受。阅读本文,有 利于培养学生探索未知世界的好奇心和献身精神,启发学生思考人与自然的关系 和自我价值。
    Twenty thusand leagues under the sea
    a nut in its shell
    shne thrugh
    brad daylight
    One afternn,while attempting t get int bed she cllapsed(倒下) frm what was eventually discvered t be a heart attack.(2021年全国乙卷,完形填空)一天下午,当她试图上床睡觉时,摔倒了,最终发现摔倒的原因是心脏病发作。Mst dgs will nt attack unless prvked.大多数的狗受到挑衅才会攻击。
    1.While attacking frm the ship,Arnnax and Cnseil,alng with the whale hunter Ned Land,fall int the sea,and discver that the “creature” is actually a submarine.(教材第57页) 他们从船上对这只生物展开攻击,结果阿龙纳斯、康塞尔和捕鲸猎人内德·兰德都坠入海中,并且发现所谓 的“生物”其实是一艘潜水艇。 ◆attack vt.& vi.攻击;抨击;侵害 n.攻击;抨击;发作
    单句语法填空①Researchers said eating sybean-based fd lwered the risk f death frm      heart attack,strke and ther cardivascular prblems. ②When an animal is      attack,it can run away r fight back. 完成句子③After the Rmans left Britain,it          (受到……的袭击) the Angl-Saxns wh were frm the area f Eurpe that is nw Germany and Hlland. 
    was attacked by
    The remvable battery takes abut tw and a half hurs t charge and has a range f rughly 31 kilmetres.这种可拆卸电池充电大约需要两个半小时,续航里程约31千米。He tk charge f the farm after his father’s death.他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。He ffered t fix bikes free f charge fr anyne wh needed it.(2021年天津卷,完形填空)他主动免费为任何有需要的人修理自行车。
    2.They are captured and taken inside the submarine,where they meet the man in charge,Captain Nem.(教材第57页) 他们一行人被抓了起来并带到潜水艇内,在那里他们遇见了尼摩船长。 ◆charge n.主管,负责 vt.& vi.指控,要价,充电
    单句语法填空①What did they charge      the repairs? ②I’m leaving the schl      yur charge. ③He was charged       murder. 
    3.In rder t keep this secret,Captain Nem tells his three newest passengers that they are nt permitted t leave the submarine.(教材第 57页) 为了保守这个秘密,尼摩船长告诫他的三位新乘客永远都不能离开潜水艇。 ◆permit v.允许,准许,许可 n.许可证
    Try t g ut fr a walk at lunchtime,if the weather permits.如果天气允许,午饭时间尽量出去散散步。Emplyees are permitted t use the glf curse during their free hurs.准许雇员在业余时间使用高尔夫球场。
    单句语法填空①It des nt guarantee that an immigratin fficer will permit yu      (enter) the cuntry. ②Time      (permit),I am ging t g n a trip t Munt Tai. ③Peple need      (permit) t be funny in scial settings because there’s always a risk that cmes with humr.(2020年江苏卷) 
    4.While Ned Land can think nly f escaping,Arnnax and Cnseil are fascinated by their adventures in the new underwater wrld.(教材第57页) 尽管内德·兰德一心想要逃离这个地方,但阿龙纳斯与康塞尔已被他们在海底新 世界的奇遇深深吸引住了。 ◆fascinate vi.& vt.(使)着迷;(使)迷住
    It seems that the Spring Festival Gala never fails t fascinate.春晚似乎总是让人津津乐道。Anything t d with planes fascinates him.任何与飞机有关的事都使他着迷。
    单句语法填空①I was       (fascinate) t see hw skilfully the ld craftsman wrked. ②I’ve had a lifelng       (fascinate) with the sea. 
    5.The light,which lit the sil thirty feet belw the surface f the cean,astnished me by its pwer.(教材第57页) 光线照亮了海面以下30英尺的土地,这股力量使我震惊。 ◆astnish sb.使某人惊讶
    The news astnished everyne.这消息使大家十分惊讶。She seemed astnished (that) I had never been t Paris.我从未去过巴黎,这似乎使她大为惊奇。T my utter astnishment,she remembered my name.她竟记得我的名字,使我万分惊讶。
    单句语法填空①He was astnished      (learn) he’d wn the cmpetitin. ②She ran 100m in an      (astnish) 10.6 secnds. 完成句子③She      (使我们大为惊讶) by saying she was leaving. 
    astnished us
    6.Truly this water which surrunded me was but anther air heavier than the Earth’s atmsphere,but almst as clear.(教材第57页) 真的,环绕在我四周的水仿佛不过是一种气体,比地球的大气更稠密,却几乎一样 透明。 ◆surrund v.围绕,环绕
    The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp,which was surrunded by a high wire fence.(2020年浙江卷,读后续写)饥饿的熊跟着气味来到我们的营地,营地四周围着一道高高的铁丝网。Tall trees surrund the lake.环湖都是大树。
    单句语法填空①As a child I      (surrund) by lve and kindness. ②I like t surrund myself       beautiful things. ③The buildings have been designed t blend in with their   . (surrund). 
    was surrunded
    7.This dazzling carpet,really a reflectr,drve away the rays f the sun with wnderful intensity,which accunted fr the vibratin which passed thrugh every atm f liquid.(教材第57页) 这块令人目眩的地毯简直是一个反射器,强有力地把阳光反射回去,光线所经之处 的每个水分子都因此而振动。 ◆accunt fr 说明/解释……的原因;是……的原因
    Lighting accunts fr abut 7% f the ttal electricity cnsumed in the US.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D)照明约占美国总用电量的7%。Lack f cnfidence accunts fr her failure in the interview.缺乏自信是她在面试中失败的原因。
    完成句子①The pr weather may have         (解释) the small crwd. ②She retired early          (由于,因为) ill health. ③         (绝不,绝非) shuld the huse be left unlcked. 
    accunted fr
    n accunt f
    On n accunt
    Abve me was the calm surface f the sea.(教材第57页)头顶上是平静的海面。◆表示方位的介词短语放于句首时,句子用完全倒装结构。In the east f ur city lies a man-made lake,many trees and flwers arund it,quite beautiful.在我市东部有一个人工湖,周围有许多树和花,相当美丽。There cmes a bus! It’s time fr us t leave!公交车来了!我们该走了!Nw starts the cnference,thugh smene desn’t turn up.现在开始开会吧,尽管还有人没来。
    温馨提示完全倒装常见结构:①there be、live、stand、appear、seem、remain、exist……句型。②“here、there、nw、thus、then+动词+主语”的句子中(谓语动词为be、g、 cme、lie、run等转移动词,主语为名词)。③ut、in、up、dwn、ff、away、in the distance、arund the crner、n the hill等有方向性意义的副词或表示地点的介词短语位于句首(谓语动词表示 动作,主语为名词)。④强调表语,构成“表语+连系动词+主语”结构。⑤某些表示愿望的感叹句。
    完成句子①                (头上方悬着的那盏灯),giving ut a weak light. ②             (我姐姐来了).Yu wait t be blamed. ③             (现在开始演讲).Please take ntes. 
    Abve the head hangs a light
    Here cmes my sister
    Nw begins the speech
    I n lnger felt the weight f my clthes,r f my shes,f my air supply,r my thick helmet,inside which my head shk like a nut in its shell.(教材第57页)我已经感觉不到衣服、鞋子、氧气罐和厚重头盔的重量。我的头在头盔中摇来晃去,就像果仁在壳里滚动一般。该句子为主从复合句。句中inside which my head shk like a nut in its shell为非限制性定语从句,先行词是 my thick helmet。
    ②我已经感觉不到书包、头盔的重量,我的头在头盔里就像壳里面的坚果在晃动着。 . .
    单句情境写作①他在梦中不再感觉到烦恼,在梦中他正在环游世界。 . .
    He n lnger feels the wrries in the dream,inside which he is turing arund the wrld.
    I n lnger felt the weight f my bag,r f my helmet,inside which my head shk like a nut in its shell.
    1.And nw,hw can I lk back upn the impressin left upn me by that walk under the waters?(教材第57页)
    现在,我该如何追述水下漫步给我留下的印象呢?句中复数名词waters表示某一江、河、湖、海等的水域。This is where the waters f Amazn flw ut int the sea.这就是亚马孙河入海的地方。
    完成句子①The ship successfully underwent sea trials             (在 近海水域). ②Be aware f thse wh               (浑水摸鱼). 
    in castal waters
    fish in trubled waters
    2.Wrds are nt enugh t relate such wnders!(教材第57页) 那种奇遇是语言无法描述的! ◆relate vt.相联系,有关联;讲述
    The witness related what he had seen.证人陈述了他所看到的情况。Then he related what had passed between them.然后他讲述他们之间发生的事情。
    温馨提示①relate意为“讲述,叙述”时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理 地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名 词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用t引出。②relate还可意为“把……联系起来”,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用 作不及物动词时,常与介词t连用;用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
    单句语法填空①Granny tld Jim t relate this stry      his mther. ②The victims       (relate) what had happened in the earthquake. ③I think there is n       (relate) between the tw wrds. 
    3.Beynd that the clurs darkened int fine shades f deep blue,and gradually disappeared.(教材第57页) 在这个距离之外,颜色变深,呈现出深蓝色的阴影,逐渐看不到了。 ◆beynd prep.除了……;除……之外
    He’s gt nthing beynd his apartment.除了他的公寓,他一无所有。Research has shwn that emtinal skills may cntribute t sme f these qualities,but mst f them mve far beynd skill-based emtinal intelligence.(2021年新高考全国Ⅰ卷,阅读D)研究表明,情商技巧可能有助于这些品质的形成,但其中大多数远远超出了基于技巧的情商。
    单句语法填空①I can’t believe it.It is just       my imaginatin. ②Julia may lse the game because it is beynd      (she) reach. ③The beauty f the valley is beynd       (express). 
    4.The ship rests upright n the sea bed,abut 30 metres belw the waves. (教材第59页) 轮船笔直地矗立在海浪以下30米的海床上。 ◆rest (sth.) n/upn (使)倚、靠,被……支撑着;(目光)落在……上;(视线) 停留在……上
    Rest yur head n my shulder.把你的头靠在我的肩膀上。His eyes rested n the empty seat.他的目光落在了那个空座位上。
    完成句子①After a day’s wrk,the tired by                 (头靠 在椅子上) and fell asleep. ②Suddenly,the eyes f the bss                  (落在我 的机器上). ③Yu can              (放心)everything will be ready befre the meeting. 
    rested his head n the chair
    rested n my machine
    rest assured that
    Writing abut a diving experience
    1.文体类型:潜水探险经历,属于记叙文。2.要点内容:根据潜水探险广告发挥想象力,写水下探险经历,包括(1)自己做了什么; (2)自己看见了什么;(3)自己的感受。
    潜水探险经历首段常用句式:When it cmes t the adventure stry, int my mind first.Speaking f the adventure,I experienced ne three years ag.If yu want t experience an adventure under the sea,let’s read the fllwing stry tgether.I’d like t yu.D yu want t knw mre abut my
    潜水探险经历中段常用句式:We went there by was the sea first,it it turned ut t f sudden,潜水探险经历尾段常用句式:It is really wrth nw I still feel frightened/excited at the thught f that adventure.I realised that...
    假设你是李华,去年暑假和父母去了英国法恩岛。期间经历了人生第一次潜水探险。请以日记的形式描述自己的这一次冒险经历,并写出从中自己的所思所想所获。内容包括: 1.潜水地点是英国法恩岛(Farne Island)。 2.与海豹嬉戏。 3.潜水有益于身体健康,磨炼意志。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.      n.努力,尝试 2.      n.惊险,刺激 3.      adj.未觉察到的,未意识到的 4.     adj.被迷住的,被吸引住的 5.      v.使吃惊,使惊讶 6.     adv.逐渐地,逐步地 7.      v.环绕,围绕 8.      prep.在……之下,在……正下方 9.      n.居民,住户 
    Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法1.说到冒险经历,我想到了去年刺激的法恩岛潜水经历。                  ,the thrilling diving experience in Farne Island came int my mind first. 2.这是一次难忘的精彩经历。 It was an                  . 3.我正在潜水时一只雄性海豹出现了。 I was diving in the sea when                 . 4.起初我大吃一惊,但是慢慢地被雄性海豹迷住了。 At first I          ,but gradually I           it. 
    When it cmes t adventure
    unfrgettable and wnderful experience
    a male seal appeared
    was astnished
    was fascinated by
    5.我原以为雄性海豹会伤害我,但是结果发现它可爱友好。 I thught it wuld hurt me,but it turned ut that it was       .       . 6.我被一群海豹围绕着,我们一起快乐地游来游去。 I               a grup f seals,and we were swimming happily tgether. 7.游泳过度疲惫,上岸后我睡着了。 I was s tired that I fell asleep when I              the beach. 8.尽管疲惫,但是我觉得这次潜水经历的确值得再尝试一次。              ,I still thught it was wrth trying again. 
    was surrunded by
    Thugh I was tired
    1.将句1用 “speak f” 改写升级。    
    Speaking f the adventure,the thrilling diving experience in Farne Island came int my mind first.
    2.将句2用 “” 改写升级。  
    It was such an unfrgettable and wnderful experience that I wuld never frget it.
    Speaking f the adventure,the thrilling diving experience in Farne Island came int my mind first.It was such a wnderful experience that I wuld never frget it. I was diving in the sea when a male seal appeared.At first I was astnished,but gradually I was fascinated by it.I thught it wuld hurt me,but it turned ut that it was lvely and friendly.I was swimming happily with a grup f seals surrunding me.I was s tired that I fell asleep when I was back n the beach. Thugh I was tired,I still thught it was wrth trying again.
    早在600多年前的明朝,我国就有了郑和下西洋的壮举。假设你是郑和,请根据下列内容写一篇英文日志,叙述你的探险活动并发表你的看法。内容包括: 1.时间: 1405—1433年。 2.地点:在我的指挥下,船队从中国的东南沿海起航,穿越印度洋,最后到达非洲东海岸和红海沿岸。 3.意义:7次远洋探险展示了我国高超的造船技术,增进了我国和世界各国的友谊。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    One pssible versin: I am Zheng He,a Chinese adventurer,wh is ne f the greatest adventurers in human histry.Frm 1405 t 1433,the Ming Dynasty,I made seven expeditins t the ceans.Under my cmmand,we set sail frm the Sutheast Cast f China acrss the Indian Ocean and finally t the East Cast f Africa and the muth f the Red Sea. Due t my great achievements,the whle wrld came t realise advanced technlgy f Chinese peple in building ships.Furthermre,China strengthened its friendship with ther cuntries.I strngly recmmend that students wrk harder fr China’s future.
    Ⅰ.语境填词1.The neighburhd       (surrund) with trees,which prvide the residents with fine shade. 2.I am fnd f everything which      (relate) t classical music. 3.We were astnished      (find) the building still in its riginal cnditin. 4.He asked t speak t the persn      charge. 5.Smking is nly      (permit) in the public lunge. 6.Ed      (fascinate) t see mnkeys in the wild. 7.I was impressed by the     (deep) f her knwledge. 
    is surrunded
    was fascinated
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.It rained heavily,                (因此他上课迟到了). 2.The scientist,alng with his teammates,            (被…… 包围着) many reprters. 3.He talked         (好像) he had knwn all abut it.  4.In frnt f the teaching building               (矗立着 许多美丽的树). 5.Hw d yu          (解释) the questin that yu have again made the same mistake in the exam? 6.             (回想起) the impressin left n me,I always feel very srry. 7.Students             (不被允许) leave schl when severe sandstrms ccur. 
    fr which he was late fr the class
    stand many beautiful trees
    Lking back upn
    are nt permitted t
    Ⅰ.阅读理解 Larry was n anther f his underwater expeditins (探险),but this time,it was different.He decided t take his daughter alng with him.She was nly ten years ld.This wuld be her first trip with her father n what he had always been famus fr. Larry first began diving when he was his daughter’s age.Similarly,his father had taken him alng n ne f his expeditins.Since then,he had never lked back.Larry started ut by renting diving suits frm the small diving shp just alng the shre.He had hated them.They were either t big r t small.Then,there was the instructr.He gave him a shrt lessn befre allwing him int the water with his father.He had made an exceptin.Larry wuld never have been able t g dwn withut at least five hurs f thery and anther similar number f hurs n practical lessns with a guide.Children f his age were nt even allwed t dive.
    After the first expeditin,Larry’s later diving adventures gt better and better.There was never a dull mment.In his black and blue suit and with an xygen tank fastened n his back,Larry dived frm bats int the middle f the cean.Dangerus areas did nt prevent him frm cntinuing his search.Smetimes,he was limited t a cage underwater but that did nt bther him.At least,he was still able t take phtgraphs f the underwater creatures. Larry’s first expeditin withut his father was in the Cayman Islands.There were numerus diving spts in the area and Larry was determined t visit all f them.Frtunately fr him,a man ffered t take him arund the different spts fr free.Larry didn’t even knw what the time was,hw many spts he dived int r hw many phtgraphs he had taken.The diving spts affrded such a wide array f fish and ther sea creatures that Larry saw mre than thirty varieties f creatures.
    Larry lked at his daughter.She lked as excited as he had been when he was her age.He hped she wuld be able t cntinue the family traditin.Already,she lked like she was much braver than Larry had been then.This was the key t a successful underwater expeditin.语篇导读:本文是一篇记叙文。Larry小时候接受了水下探险的理论和实践教育。在父亲的带领下,他开始了神奇的水下探险之旅,并不断地成长,最后成为一个有名的探险家。今天,他也要带着女儿进行水下探险,希望女儿能继承家中传统,成为一个优秀的水下探险者。文章有助于培养学生对水下探险运动的兴趣,激发学生的探索大自然和求知的欲望。
    1.In what way was this expeditin different fr Larry? A.His daughter had grwn up. B.He had becme a famus diver. C.His father wuld dive with him. D.His daughter wuld dive with him.
    1.D 细节理解题。本题考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。 第一段第一、第二句“Larry was n anther f his underwater expeditins,but this time,it was different.He decided t take his daughter alng with him.”告诉我们,Larry再次进行水下探险,但这次的不同之处是,他决定带他女儿一起去。故选D。
    2.What can be inferred frm Paragraph 2? A.Larry had sme privileges. B.Larry liked the rented diving suits. C.Divers had t buy diving equipment. D.Ten-year-ld children were permitted t dive.
    2.A 推理判断题。本题考查学生根据文本具体信息进行推断归纳的能力。从该段可知,本来像他这样年龄的小孩是不允许进行水下探险的,然而他是个例外,并且下水之前,他必须接受至少5小时的理论教育以及5小时以上的和老师一起下水的实践辅导。由此推测,A选项正确。
    3.Why did Larry have t stay in a cage underwater smetimes? A.T prtect himself frm danger. B.T dive int the deep water. C.T admire the underwater view. D.T take phts mre cnveniently.
    3.A 推理判断题。本题考查学生根据文本具体信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据常识可知,在深水中人待在笼子中以防危险的突发(如海洋动物的袭击)。故选A。
    Ⅱ.完形填空 A friend f mine met with an accident driving in darkness.His legs were s hurt that he culdn’t mve.What was the wrst was he fund himself unable t ask fr help—his mbile phne went ut f  1  as a result f exhausted battery.Nthing culd be dne but  2  in cld wilderness.It was 8 hurs later that day brke,and then the  3  f the rescue.  It was almst  4  that he culd stand the hrrr in the darkness fr s lng.Even mre surprising was his  5 :“First f all I checked up my physical cnditins and fund myself nt in mrtal (致命的) danger.As there was n  6  t call fr help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best t keep the wund frm bleeding.In this way I dzed (打盹) ff.” 
    His stry put an end t my regret fr the  7  f an explratin adventure that happened last year.A grup f yung men tried t explre a muntain cave and gt lst. 8  t find a way ut in the dark cave,they were frightened and ran anxiusly withut a sense f  9 .Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustin (筋疲力尽).Accrding t the  10  peple that fund them,the place where they gt lst was nly abut 20 metres away frm the  11  f the cave.If they stayed n the spt when they lst their way and tried t  12  themselves,they wuld prbably sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) nt far away. 
    Dn’t yu think that yu can cmpare it with  13  itself? When yu meet with bstacles in life and wrk,yu are lst in darkness. 14  yurself it’s unclear yet and yu needn’t put up struggle  15 .It seems t be a negative attitude,but a persn wh can affrd t d s must have fresight as well as a great curage in the first place. 语篇导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过两个事例的对比,说明无论是在生活中还是在工作中,当人们处于困境或危急关头时,不轻举妄动、保持镇静是智慧和勇气的表现。文章有助于培养学生在探险中遇到紧急情况时,临危不乱、冷静自救的能力。
       B.way C.rder B.lie C.waitB.success C.teamD.arrival
    1.D 根据句意可知,因为电池电量用尽,手机不能用了。ut f wrk意为“(机器等)有毛病”。故选D。2.C 句意:除了等,别无选择。此处是固定句型nthing can be dne but d,相当于have n chice but t d。从作者叙述朋友在深夜受伤,但非常镇静地等待(wait)救援这一事实可知,选C。3.D 根据下文可知,作者的朋友最终获救了,因此此处应是救援队来到(arrival)了。
    B.unimaginable C.trueB.decisin C.explanatinB.way C.tlsD.strength
    4.B 根据下文可知,朋友在那样的情况下竟然能够打个盹,作者认为这是令人无法想象的(unimaginable)。作者此处是在赞扬朋友在那样的情况下能如此镇静,其他选项不符合文义。5.C 根据句意可知,朋友的解释(explanatin)更让作者惊讶。6.B 根据句意可知,朋友无法呼救。way意为“做事情的方式”,可用于指没有办法呼救。methd多表示解决问题的具体“方法”。
    B.failure C.disappintment B.Unable C.Determined B.sight C.feeling D.directin
    7.B 根据下文可知,探险失败(failure)了。8.B 根据下文这群年轻人乱作一团可知,他们不能(unable)找到出口。9.D 根据这群年轻人迷路可知,他们乱跑一气,没有了方向(directin)感。
    B.village C.lcalB.tp C.peningB.help C.stpD.calm
    10.A 根据语境可知,发现那群年轻人失败真相的应是营救(rescue)人员。11.C 根据下文“a faint light glimmering”可知,此处指的是“出口”,故用pening。12.D 作者强调的是人们处于危急状况或困境时应保持镇静,故用calm。
    B.wrk C.lifeB.Watch C.ImagineB.immediately C.carefullyD.hpefully
    13.C 根据下文可知,作者由上述两个事例联想到“生活”,life最具有概括性。14.A remind sb.意为“提醒某人”,符合语境。句意:处于迷茫状态时,你应该提醒自己情况还未明了,不要轻举妄动。15.B 根据句意可知,作者希望人们在处于危急关头或困境时应保持镇静,不要轻举妄动,因此不必立即(immediately)去斗争。
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