展开高二英语期末答案听力1—5 ACBBC 6—10 ACBAA 11—15 CACCB 16—20 CBABA阅读理解A【答案】 21-23CAB 【考点】推理判断题,词义猜测题,细节理解题,时文广告类 【解析】本文是一篇应用文,是旅行社Collette Vacations的意大利和希腊旅游项目简介。21.考查推理判断。根据报价表可知六月份的价格最高, 故选C。22.考查词义猜测。根据“along the waterways of the Mediterranean. The cruise ship is filled with the warmth…”可知该词指的是游轮,故选A。23.考查细节理解。根据“ you will have the only unguided tour to nearby Olympia on the whole journey.” 在整个旅程中,你将有唯一一次,无导游的奥林匹亚之旅。故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。B【答案】 24-27ADCB 【考点】主旨大意题,推理判断题,细节理解题,人物故事类,记叙文 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了二十五年前的圣诞节,作者一家人装扮圣诞树的故事。尽管时间流逝,但是作者一家人对那棵树还是津津乐道,经常想起那棵承载满满回忆的松树。24.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“It was misshapen and pine needles were missing here and there. ”以及下文可知,孩子们挑选的树不好看,作者夫妇对此感到非常困惑,他们不明白孩子们为什么会挑选这样的树。故选A。25.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“'We'll get another tree tomorrow, ' I said, secretly hoping the new tree would be prettier. ”可知,看到那棵树不见了,作者暗自窃喜,她希望新选的树更好看。故选D。26.考查推理判断。根据最后一段可知,作者一家常常回忆起那棵圣诞树,之后的二十五年,每年都会说起那年的故事;因此可推断,作者一家那天晚上装饰了一棵令人难忘的树。故选C。27.考查主旨大意。二十五年前,作者一家人把一棵丑陋的松树装扮成漂亮的圣诞树。尽管时间流逝,但作者一家人对那棵树还是津津乐道,经常想起那棵树。因此,全文围绕一棵由丑陋变得漂亮的树展开,故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。C【答案】28-31 CCBA 【考点】细节理解题,教育文化类,说明文 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,安全带的重要性众所周知,但是有些驾驶者由于种种原因还是不佩戴,而且人们对安全带作用的理解也有偏差。本文就人们的这些认识误区进行了纠正,提醒人们安全带在车祸中的重大作用。28.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belt”可知父亲着急回家健身,没有系安全带, 所以Elizabeth才会这么提醒他。故选C。29.考查细节理解。根据第二段的描述可知父亲着急回家是因为他想着go for a run, 故选C。30.考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“any accident serious enough to ‘throw you clear’ is able going to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing. ”任何严重到可以把你扔出去的事故会严重到让你着陆很糟糕。故选B。31.考查细节理解。根据第六段“Myth Number Two:Safety-belts ‘trap’ people in cars that are burning or sinking in water.” 可知一些人错误地认为在车着火的时候或者当车沉入水中的时候,安全带会将人困住,故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并结合题目要求,从而选出正确答案。D【答案】32-35 DABD【解析】文中开篇提到世界上最难的两件事情是:通过自己的诚实和努力获取财富,以及得到之后怎样合理地使用自己的财富。作者可以看到很多成功人士借威士忌和苏打水逃避现实生活,因为他们已经停止了奋斗,而作者认为:生命不息,奋斗不止。32.考查推理判断。根据第一段 else—there would not have been the constant effort to escape the realities of life through scotch and soda. 很多人借用威士忌和苏打水逃避现实生活,所以对于一些人来说,这是一种好的方式。故选D。33.考查细节理解。根据第二段 “In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread.”“脸上有汗水的时候才可以吃面包。”这里的意思就是“没有付出,就没有收获。”故选A。34.考查推理判断。根据文中最后一段At the end of the road I want to be able to feel that I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.在路的尽头,我能感觉到我已经打了一场好仗,我已经完成了课程,我一直保持着信念。由此可见作者有坚定的信念和积极的人生态度。故选B。35.考查主旨大意。文中开篇提到世界上最难的两件事情是:通过自己的诚实和努力获取财富,以及得到之后怎样合理地使用自己的财富。作者可以看到很多成功人士借威士忌和苏打水逃避现实生活,因为他们已经停止了奋斗,而作者认为:生命不息,奋斗不止。故选D。七选五【答案】36--40 FBDA E【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章向读者讲述了如何学习美国手语这种奇妙交流方式的技巧。36.由下一句“世界各地也使用其他手语,包括马来西亚、德国、奥地利、挪威和芬兰。”可知,承接下文,F选项“ASL在美国和加拿大经常使用。”切题;该选项中的“ASL在美国和加拿大使用”对应下文中的Other sign languages在Malaysia、Germany、Austria等国使用。故选F项。37.由下一句“词典是学习任何语言的关键工具,ASL也不例外。”可知,承接下文,B选项“买一本好的手语词典。”切题;该选项中的a good sign language dictionary对应下文中的“词典是学习语言的关键工具”。故选B项。38.由上一句“然而,学习指南将帮助你以更实际的方式打手语并提供比字典更多的信息。”可知,承接上文,D选项“它将帮助你学习基本的对话。”切题;该选项中的help you learn basic conversations对应上文中的help you sign in a more practical fashion。故选D项。39.由下一句“你可以发现很多人在课堂上练习打手语,以及找到对你表现的反馈。”可知,承接下文,A选项“参加一位聋哑教师的课。”切题;该选项中的Take a class from a deaf teacher对应下文中的practice signing in class。故选A项。40.由下一句“Handspeak是另一个很好的视频资源和在线词典。”可知,承接下文,E选项“对于新学习者,ASLU是一个很好的资源。”切题;该选项中的a great resource对应下文中的another good video resource。故选E项。完行填空:【答案】41-45 DACBC 46-50 BCADC 51-55 BDABD 56-60 ABDCA 【考点】记叙文,人物故事类 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个小女孩卖掉自己的生日礼物,把钱捐给台风受害者的故事。作者也感慨到世界上还是有很多像小女孩一样善良、乐于助人的人。41.句意:那是漫长的一天。A:good”好“;B:cold”寒冷的“;C:warm”温暖的“;D:slow”缓慢的,漫长的“。根据上文作者说他已经在这儿盯了两个小时了,可知他感觉时间过得很慢,这是漫长的一天。故选D。42.句意:我瞥了一眼商店前的桌子,我的心痛了。A. ached”疼痛;B.“beat”打败“;C. ran”跑“;D. sank”下沉“。作者想到受台风影响的受害者就感到难过,疼痛。故选A。43.句意:这是超级台风Yolanda 灾民的捐赠表,尽管我已经捐出了我所能得到的,但每在电视上看到人们受苦受难时,我仍然感到悲伤。A. almost”几乎“;B. also”也“;C. still”仍然“;D. never”从不“。此处是指当我从电视上看到他们的遭遇时,我仍然难过。故选C。44.A.firstly”首先“;B.eventually”最后,终于“;C:quickly”迅速地“;D:excitedly ”激动地“。作者被突然打开的门打断了思路,终于有客人来了,故选B。45.句意:我认出了她的妈妈。A. served”服务“;B. found”发现“;C. recognized”认出“;D. told”告诉“。根据下文“I got to know her when she was selling clothes she 46 herself at the market”可知,作者认出了来访的顾客,知道这位母亲在市场里卖自己做的衣服。故选C。46句意:当她在市场卖她做的衣服时,我认识了她。A.wore”穿着“;B.made”制作,制造“;C.washed”洗“;D.bought ”买“。make clothes”制作衣服“。故选B。 47句意:女儿刚过生日,她妈妈终于有足够的钱买了 PS3 和一些游戏。A.date”日期“;B.job”工作“;C.birthday”生日“;D.disease”疾病“。 根据下文“The mom explained,'She wants to sell her birthday 55 ,so she can donate to the 56 .'”可知,小姑娘刚过了生日。故选C。48.A.enough”足够的“;B.little”很少,几乎没有“;C.easy”容易的“;D.big”大的“。 此处表示她有足够的钱买游戏机和一些游戏。故选A。49.A. carried”携带“;B.“left”离开“ ;C. sold ”卖“;D. opened”打开。此处表示她打开了背包拿出了一个操纵版。故选D。50.A. sell”卖“;B. change”变化“;C. return”归还“;D. donate”捐“。此处表示小女孩想把她在这儿买的游戏机退了。故选C。51.句意:我检查了控制台和游戏, 没有打开任何东西。A.opened”打开“;B.checked”检查,核实“;C.held”持,握,举行“;D.looked ”看“。根据下文“and nothing was opened”可知,作者对小姑娘所退还的操纵台盘进行了检查,发现没有被打开过。故选B。52.句意:根据我们的规定,我把钱还给那个女孩。A. plan”计划“;B. decision”决定“;C. discussion”讨论“;D. regulation”规则“。根据语境可知,作者照章办事,把钱退给了小姑娘。故选D。53.A.money”钱“;B:backpack”背包“;C:games”游戏“;D:receipt”收据“。 此处表示我把钱给她妈妈。故选A。54.A.soon”不久“;B:fast”快地“;C.long”长的“;D.far”远的“。 根据下文“as her little feet could take her”可知,小姑娘拿到退款后,尽可能快地跑开了。故选B。55.句意:她想卖掉生日礼物,这样她就可以捐给受害者了。A.card”卡片“;B.cake”蛋糕“;C.surprise”惊讶“;D.gift ”礼物“。根据语境可知,小姑娘要卖掉自己的生日礼物,这样她就可以向(台风)受灾者捐款。故选D。56.A. victims”受害者“;B. workers”工人“;C. charities“慈善”;D. typhoons“台风”。这里的意思是:她卖掉生日礼物,捐给受害者。故选A。57.句意:她愿意放弃她最喜欢的游戏, 并给了那些不幸的人。A.grateful“感激的”;B.willing“愿意”;C.unhappy“不高兴的“;D:afraid”害怕的"。此处表示她愿意放弃本该属于她的。be willing to do sth固定短语,“愿意做某事”。故选B。58.A. ordinary“普通的”;B.”injured“受伤的” ;C. disabled“残疾的”;D.unfortunate“不幸的。此处指把钱捐给不幸的人。故选D。59.句意:当我看着她在捐款台与女孩交谈时,有人提醒我,尽管世界上有很多自私的人,但还是有那些像那个小女孩一样的人。故选C。60.A. selfish“自私的”;B. lucky“幸运的”;C. special“特殊的”;D.kind“善良的”。根据下文的“there are still those people just like that little girl”及上文的even though可知,前后表示转折关系,小姑娘代表无私的人,故此处应为自私的人。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。语法填空 【答案】61-70 suddenly;found;serious;burned/burnt;which;on;pressed;caused;if;treated 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了什么叫急救,以及烧伤的类型和急救方法。 (1)考查副词。句意:急救是在医生被找到之前给突然生病或受伤的人急性的一种施救。副词修饰谓语动词作状语,故填suddenly。 (2)考查语态。句意:急救是在医生被找到之前给突然生病或受伤的人急性的一种施救。谓语动词是含有情态动词的被动语态,故填found。 (3)考查形容词。句意:这种病或者伤经常是不严重的。形容词作表语,故填serious。 (4)考查非谓语动词。句意:人们可能被许多东西烧伤,例如:热的液体,蒸汽,火。辐射。太阳。电和化学药品。get burned固定短语,“被烧伤”,故填burned。 (5)考查定语从句。句意:皮肤,抵御疾病,毒素和阳光有害射线的屏障,是身体的重要组成部分。 acts as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays是非限制性定语从句,先行词是the skin,在从句中作主语,故填which。 (6)考查介词。句意:一级烧伤只对皮肤表层有影响,按下去就会变成白色。make an effect on固定短语,“对.....有影响”,故填on。 (7)考查非谓语动词。句意:一级烧伤只对皮肤表层有影响,按下去就会变成白色。it和press在逻辑上是被动关系,用过去分词,故填pressed。 (8)考查非谓语动词。句意:二级烧伤包括严重晒伤和高温液体造成的烧伤。burns和cause在逻辑上构成动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填caused。 (9)考查连词。句意:必要时使用剪刀除去衣物,除非它粘在烧伤处。if necessary固定短语,“如果必要的话”,故填if。 (10)考查语态。句意:总之,不同程度的烧伤可以用不同的方法治疗。根据空前的be ,可知用过去分词,构成被动语态,填treated。 【点评】本题考点涉及副词,语态,形容词,非谓语动词,定语从句,介词,连词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇医学类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。短文改错There is a famous song called Never Say Never, which is one of my favorite song. The lyrics [来源:学科网]①songstell people no matter what happens, never give ② it up. And then you will be successful. I keep believe ③believingthose words. But last week. I watch a TV show in which the host asked people Ʌ learn to ④watched ⑤ togive up sometimes. He explained that he met a boy who were not good at maths but extreme ⑥was ⑦extremelyskilled in drawing. Therefore, he suggested the boy gives up the major and learn drawing. ⑧giveAnd now, the boy is the famous painter. It proves that giving up is not always a bad thing, ⑨ abecause your potential is which really gives you the chance to succeed. ⑩what书面表达One possible version:Dear Tom,I’m more than delighted to know you’ll study with us. I can’t wait to see you. Now let me introduce some of our courses which will surely help deepen your understanding of Chinese culture.First of all, I may suggest Chinese calligraphy, for each character tells a story with culture. While practicing writing them, you can not only appreciate the beauty of calligraphy but also cultivate your mind. Another course I’d recommend to you is Beijing Opera. It offers you an access to Chinese opera history and the main characters of this traditional Chinese theatre.Best wishes to you! Looking forward to your early arrival.Yours,Li Hua听力原文Text 1W:Have you seen Disney’s new movie Coco? We went to see it last night.M:How was it?W:I thought it was very amusing. But my little niece felt scared.Text 2W:Oh, look. There is beer, wine, soft drinks, and a lot of snacks.M:And there is a big cake, too. We want to give Linda a surprise tonight.W:Oh, I remember now. She’ll turn twenty-five tonight.Text 3M:How long can I keep the books, Jenny?W:For one week, John. I borrowed them from Jack. I promised to return them by next Saturday.M:OK. I’ll try to finish them by then.Text 4W:Good morning. I was just walking by and saw the sign in the show window, “Sales assistant wanted”.M:That is right. We need someone who is experienced. We’ve some very expensive dresses to sell.W: Well, I think I am qualified.Text 5W:Yesterday’s lecture was excellent, right?M:It was at first. But it got a bit boring later. I thought it’d last just from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. But it wasn’t over until 4:00 pm.W:Well, I loved it so much that I just wished it’d last longer.Text 6M:Lily, there is a big art exhibition in town tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?W:⑥How would I miss an art exhibition? I just love art. But where exactly will it be held?M:In the art gallery owned by a Mr. Brown. It’s in the south of the city. I heard some very famous paintings from around the world will be shown there.W:I just can’t wait to go. My car is being repaired now. I’m afraid we’ll have to take a bus or the subway.M:I hate traveling by public transport. ⑦I’ll ask David to drop us there.Text 7W:Sam, it looks like you’re in pain.M:Yes, that’s true. There is pain in my left leg.W:What’s happened to it? Is it because you’ve been running too much recently? I heard you love running in the morning.M:No, I don’t think it’s the cause. I just run for about half an hour every morning and I don’t run fast.W:Could you tell me what the pain is like?M:It’s hard to describe. But sometimes it hurts so much that I even couldn’t walk.W:⑨I’m afraid you’d better go and see a doctor. M:You’re totally right. But it’s the busiest time of the year of our company now.W:How can you work if you even can’t walk?Text 8M:Hi, Lisa. I heard you had spent two weeks in France. How was your time there?W:It was much better than expected. (10)You know, I’m allergic to some food. So I was afraid I wouldn’t have a good time there.M:So how did you eat there?W:Well, (11)in the first week, my parents and I rented an apartment with a kitchen in Paris. In this way, we could cook our own meals.M:But wasn’t that too annoying? You’d spend a lot of time cooking.W:That was really a bit annoying.(11)So we just cooked for two days. And on the following days of the week, we just ate outdoors. Luckily, most restaurants in France seemed very careful about food allergies. So I could easily choose food.M:That’s really great. So where did you spend the second week?W:On a ship. The meals were great and (12)the chef carefully checked everything I ate.Text 9W:What are you doing, Sam?M:(13)I’m just reading some news on my phone about Senegal. W:Senegal? I’ve a friend who is from there.(14)It’s Meissa. Do you remember him? He speaks French.M:Yeah, I do remember him.(14)Besides French, he also speaks three local languages and English. The news report says that more than 20 languages are spoken in his country. Most of them are local languages.W:That’s true. Meissa once told me about that. So is the news report about languages in Senegal?M:Not exactly. It’s about something more specific. You know in the country most children are taught in French instead of the language they use at home. And there is a problem caused by that.W:What is it?M:Some experts say it makes learning more difficult for little children. You know, most children entering primary school in Senegal have been speaking their local language for at least seven years. They have built their world in this language, but as soon as they get to school, all this knowledge is set aside in order to master French.W:So what do experts suggest doing?M:(16)They suggest teaching children in both French and a local language at school. They think their reading skills in their native language can later be used as a base to read in French. So what do you think of it?W:I’ve no idea. Why don’t we ask Meissa what he thinks about it?M:Good idea!Text 10M:(17)During my first trip to Spain with my parents to enjoy some sunshine on the beach, (18)on the plane I noticed there were two red triangle(三角形的物体) signs above the window near my seat. And when I looked around, there were two others above the window on the other side of the plane. I didn’t know what they were meant for back then. The other day I read an article on the Internet and learned something about them.(19)The signs actually line up with the edge of the airplane wing — one for the front, and one for the back. When flight attendants or pilots need to look at the wings, the triangle signs act like a sign telling them exactly where to look. If they’re checking the moving parts of a wing for problems like ice, they won’t have to try hard before finding the best view, according to the article I read.(20)And if you easily feel sick on a flight, you can choose seats near the triangle signs. The wings are the center of gravity(地心引力,重力) on most planes. You’ll get the least movement and smoothest ride by sitting over the wings.
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