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中职英语外研版 (2021)基础模块2Unit 4 We're Ready to Help获奖表格教案设计
展开单元名称Unit 1 `We’re Ready to Help.课型For Better Performance教学目标1. 能够听懂有关社区服务社团的相关信息;能谈论与社区服务社团的相关活动,恰当地使用所学词汇、句型介绍自己所能参加的社区志愿活动。2. 能够分析有关事件描述的邮件的语篇特点;能够以所学专业为基点,发散思考自己可以参加的志愿活动;能从多重视角认识志愿活动,挖掘志愿精神的丰富内涵。3. 能够从社区服务的视角认识志愿服务的重要意义,感受青年志愿者的风采和担当,并以志愿服务精神为引领,参加更多的志愿服务活动。4. 能通过多种渠道查找语言所需信息和材料;能够有合作学习意识,愿意与他人分享观点,共同进步。思政目标:能够从社区服务的视角认识志愿服务的重要意义,感受青年志愿者的无私奉献和勇于担当;能够以志愿服务精神为引领,参加更多的志愿服务活动。教学重点1. 能使用泛听、精听相结合的方式提取和记录对话中的重要信息,如服务社团的名称和活动内容等。2. 能观察和总结电子邮件的文体特征、构成要素和基本结构。3. 能运用不同的阅读策略提取有效信息、根根不同的专业介绍所能参与的社区志愿活动。教学难点如何根据自己的专业表达所能参加的社区志愿活动。教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法、交际法教学手段PPT课件、多媒体设备、音频素材等教学过程教学环节与时间分配教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点Warm-up5’T shows some pictures of volunteer services held in the community and asks Ss what they are doing. Then T asks Ss to brainstorm other volunteer activities in the community and writes them down on the Bb.通过描述社区服务图片,复习相关词汇,为新课学习做好铺垫。说出相关社区志愿活动名称。Pre-listening1’T asks Ss to guess what volunteer activities are mentioned in the dialogue. 培养学生听前预测的能力,在听力过程中做到更加有的放矢。猜测可能提及的志愿活动,让学生带着任务和兴趣去听。While-listening8’1. Ss listen to the recording and check their predictions. 通过泛听练习,检验学生听前预测,培养学生整体把握听力内容的能力。准确判断听力对话中涉及社区志愿服务内容的介绍。2. Ss listen again, catch the detailed information and fill in the blanks in Activity One. 通过精听练习,培养学生提取指定的细节信息并进行整理记录的能力。获取与社区服务社团名称及其作用、开展的志愿服务内容等相关的具体信息,并填写到空格中。3. T introduces the key sentence patterns, for example:(1) How is everything going?(2) I joined a club called… (3) It’s a club that …(4) That sounds cool.(5)help sb. with…(6) Are you interested in joining us?(7) count me in. 梳理对话中的重点句型,帮助学生熟悉单词发音、语调和节奏等语音知识,为后续的分角色朗读对话奠定基础。掌握对话中的关键句型和重要语言点,更好理解对话内容。Post-listening3’Ss read the dialogue in roles and try to make up a new dialogue with other volunteer activities. 分角色朗读对话,做志愿活动内容的替换练习,训练学生的朗读能力和语言运用能力。运用朗读技巧,注意发音和语调,读出感情。Transition &Pre-reading3’T shows a picture of Shi Dan winning the gold medal of hairdressing in the 45th World Skill Competition and asks who she is. Then T shows another picture of her taking parting in haircutting for medical staff during the covid-19 outbreak. T asks Ss to answer the question: If you were Shi Dan, how would you feel when you cut hair for medical staff? 引入世界技能大赛美发冠军石丹和其在去年疫情期间为医护人员理发的图片,引导学生认识石丹和思考参加社区志愿活动的感受,为后续的环节做好铺垫。认识技能大赛冠军石丹和利用自己的技术为医护人员服务的志愿活动。While-reading10’1. T asks Ss to answer the questions:(1) Who wrote the email to whom?(2) What is the email about? Ss use the reading technique of circling to get the answers as soon as possible. 通过扫读策略和圈画的方式迅速定位答案,了解电子邮件“主题”、“写邮件人”、“收邮件人”、“称呼”和“落款”的构成要素,从而对这封电子邮件有初步而整体的感性认识。快速、准确圈画出问题答案,定位电子邮件的“主题”、“写邮件人”、“收邮件人”、“称呼”和“落款”。2. Ss listen to the recording and circle Angie’s feelings after taking part in community volunteer service.熟悉单词发音、语调和节奏等语音知识,培养运用画圈提取相关信息的找读技巧和判断、辨识的能力。寻找细节信息,以此对比学生此前回答石丹为医护人员理发的感受。3. T asks Ss to read the email again and answer questions: (1)What did Angie do yesterday?(2) What’s Angie’s major?(3)Why did the elderly enjoy Angie’s work? (4)What did the people in the local community do? 通过自主阅读和回答问题,引导学生深入分析细节信息,提升独立思辨的意识和总结归纳的能力。自主阅读邮件正文,正确回答所给问题。Post-reading13’T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence “I feel so happy that I can help people with my skills learnt at school.” T asks Ss to say the majors in their school and each group chooses a major to discuss what they can do with their skills to help people.2. T asks each group to share their opinions and gives some comments.3. T invites one student to do the match on the screen.让学生关注“用自己在学校所学技能来帮助别人很高兴”,引导学生思考学校所开设的各专业和如何发挥它的服务他人和社会的功能。说出各专业的英文名称,讨论其服务功能。各小组分享观点。一位学生在PPT上展示专业和志愿活动的匹配。Summary&Homework2’Summary: According to what Ss have learned today, they try to sort out the knowledge points.Homework: Ss write about their experiences as volunteer using the skills they’ve learnt at school.能监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,树立正确的学习态度和良好的学习习惯。回顾本课所学,通过自我评价,学会反思和改进。板书设计community volunteer serviceUnit 4 We’re Ready to Helpcomputer science—repair computerstourism—introduce some scenic spots to visitorssecretary—help for the arrangement of a meetingelectronic—repair electrical appliancesnumerical control—manufacture components cookery—cook delicious food for the oldmajorshand out posterscheer up the elderlypick up rubbishcut hair for the oldrepair electrical appliances…
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