- Unit 1 Festival Around the World(1)Listening and Speaking 教学设计(2课时) 教案 18 次下载
- Unit 1 Festival Around the World(3)Language Practice & Vocabulary 教学设计 教案 16 次下载
- Unit 1 Festival Around the World(4)Culture Understanding & Group Work 教学设计 教案 16 次下载
- Unit 2 Community Life(1)Listening and Speaking 教学设计(2课时) 教案 19 次下载
- Unit 2 Community Life(2)Reading and Writing 教学设计(2课时) 教案 16 次下载
高教版(2021)基础模块3Unit 1 Festivals Around the World公开课教学设计
这是一份高教版(2021)基础模块3Unit 1 Festivals Around the World公开课教学设计
Unit 1 Festival Around the World教学设计(二)第三、第四课时 Reading and Writing一、教材分析本课教学内容选自教材《英语3基础模块》中Unit1 Festival Around the World 的Reading and Writing,要求学生通过阅读文章,概括文章主题, 梳理文章内容,获取信息细节,感知中外不同的节日文化,增强文化理解能力。在写作板块,要求学生学会使用恰当的词汇和句型补充节日信息,完善节日邀请函,增强语用能力。二、学情分析经过听说内容的学习,学生已能根据情境选用得体的语言发出或接受节日邀请。能够用准确的语言描述节日名称、庆祝活动的时间、地点和活动等相关基本信息。但多数学生对节日类说明文的阅读策略还比较陌生。因而教师需结合学生的学习基础,搭设合适的阶梯,帮助学生运用思维导图,提取、比较文章关键信息,锻炼逻辑思维能力。学生在第一册第五单元Celebrations中详细学习邀请函的写作方法。因此我们将把写作重点放在如何运用恰当的语言对邀请函的内容进行补充。三、教学目标After leaning this lesson,students can通过本课的学习,学生能够1. summarize the theme of the article, sort out the information and content;概括文章主题、梳理信息和内容;2. identify logics of introducing festivals; 识别介绍节日的逻辑;3. introduce festivals and write a festival invitation with appropriate vocabulary and sentence patterns; 完成节日介绍,用适当的词汇和句型写一份节日邀请4. discuss the similarities and differences between the Spring Festival in China and Christmas in America; 讨论中国春节和美国圣诞节的异同 5. learn to respect and love different cultures and enhance their self-confidence of our national culture.学会尊重和热爱不同的文化,增强民族文化自信。四、教学重点、难点分析教学重点:掌握描述各国新年活动的相关词汇和句型。 运用阅读策略对文章进行分析、归纳和总结教学难点:能正确组织语言,补充节日信息,能撰写逻辑清晰、语言得体的节日邀请函。五、教学过程Before class:* 1. 课前准备: 教师筛选优秀对话视频,同学们利用问卷星投票选出“最佳编剧组合”、“最佳表演组合”及“最佳口语组合”。During class:Step 1 Review*复习巩固听说课内容:邀请获奖者依次在全班展示,师生点评。 Warming Up1. Think and discuss.教师呈现ppt 单元封面图,提出一下四个问题(1)T:What is the festival in the picture? Answers:The Spring Festival (2)T:Before the Spring Festival, what do we usually do?Possible answers:go for new year shopping;buy new clothes;clean and decorate our house; make dumplings; * hang red lanterns; * put couplets) (3)T:On the eve of the Spring Festival, what do we usually do?Possible answers: eat reunion dinner; watch the Spring Festival gala; * set off firecrackers(4)T:During the Spring Festival holidays, what do we usually do? Possible answers: receive lucky money;visit friends and relatives; go to the temple fairs; visit flower fairs; watch the lion dance; * watch Chinese New Year movies (设计意图:通过四个问题,引导学生说出自身经历的新年活动,使学生对其他国家的人怎样庆祝新年产生好奇心,为后续阅读活动做铺垫。)Step 2 Pre-readingDiscuss and match.处理教材活动9。学生阅读选项,将节日名称与活动内容进行匹配。(设计意图:本环节要求学生匹配节日活动信息,旨在引入课文主题相关内容,提前激活学生的相关知识储备,为后续阅读活动做铺垫。)Step 3 While-reading1. Read and decide.处理教材活动10,可分为两步:(1)学生快速浏览整篇文章,判断文本类型,选出文章主题。The Spring FestivalChina Festival celebrations in different countriesChristmasWestern countriesSongkranThailand*(2)拓展活动:分小组寻找文章文体和写作方法的支撑信息。教师结合小组观点进行总结。Q1: T: What type of passage is it?A.an argumentation(议论文)B. a narration (记叙文)C.an exposition (说明文) Q2: T: What is the writing method of this passage? A. giving examples B. showing facts C. showing data*Q3: What’s the main idea of the passage?It’s an exposition and mainly introduce _______________, including their ________ and ________ with some examples.Possible answers:It’s an exposition and mainly introduce three different kinds of festivals, including their meaning and celebrations with some examples.(设计意图:指导学生快速阅读,寻找关键词,归纳大意,理清文章结构, 了解节日类说明文的写作方式)2. Read and complete.处理教材活动11。学生再读文章,勾画不同节日的活动安排,进一步梳理文章内容。(1)学生借助给出的思维导图框架,抓住段首句,填写剩余两个节日名称。 (2)学生提取不同节日庆祝活动的细节信息,继续完善思维导图。3. Read and decide.处理教材活动12,可分为两步:1.学生再细读文章,找到每道判断题的支撑句,再做判断。完成练习后,2.教师公布答案。*学生分组讨论,归纳细节题描述错误的类型: 增减扩缩、鱼目混珠、颠三倒四、无中生有等。*3.随机抽取三个学生,要求指出活动12中1、3、4题的错误类型,并大声念出能作此判断的文章原句。(设计意图:训练学生有意识、有目的地快速找到需要的信息的能力。)Step 4 Post-reading1. Discuss and compare处理教材活动13,可分二步:1. 结合课本知识和自身见闻,分组讨论春节和圣诞节的异同之处。Similarities: 1. The most important festival in a year 2. To have a family reunion dinner 3. To decorate the house before the festival…Difference: 1. Christmas falls on Dec. 25 (solar calendar) but the Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month (lunar calendar). 2. The Spring Festival celebrates the 'Start of Spring', While Christmas commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ (a religious holiday). 3. Children in western countries get gifts on Christmas Day where children in China get lucky money from seniors…2. 似乎越来越多的青少年热衷于过西方节日如:万圣节、圣诞节等,而对中国传统节日失去兴趣,针对这一现象,你有什么看法?*Q: What do you think of the phenomenon(现象) mentioned above? Please discuss with your classmates and try to write down your views.(设计意图:1. 培养学生对中外文化差异的感知力,提高跨文化理解能力。2.正确认识和对待外国文化,增强民族自信心)Step 5 = 3 \* ROMAN Writing 1. Read and describe. 处理教材活动14。(1)根据图片和提示信息,完成对图片的描述;(2)教师随机选择一个同学的作业投屏,与同学们讨论、修改。2.Write and practice.处理教材活动15。假如你是Robert,补全邀请信。(1)Who 学生填写框架表,理清写作结构Li Fei join a Christmas partyWhat Para 1: make it clear sincere apologyat 6 p.m. on Dec.25Whendecorate the Christmas treePara 2: make it convincingWrite an invitation3C principlessing songs and give presentsHowplay games and have traditional foodWaiting for your replyconfirmationPara 3: make it courteousHope you can comeexpectation(2)独立完成邀请函的填写;(3)学生自评和互评,教师展示部分同学的邀请函并现场点评。(设计意图:1. 给出框架图,帮助学生理解邀请的写作结构,降低写作难度,增强写作信心;2.学生通过互评和教师现场点评能够第一时间发现文题,纠正错误,取长补短,提高课堂实效性。)Step 6 Conclusion教师引导学生结合本单元读写部分的配套微课,总结本课所学。教师引导学生总结本课所学:Step 7 Homework读记本节课中的重点单词和表达;熟读活动15的邀请函,掌握重点句型;拓展作业: 结合所学知识,写一封邀请信。邀请Robert Jones重阳节一起去敬老院做志愿者。邀请信包括活动目的、时间、地点及安排。More and more teenagers seem to like celebrating Western festivals such as Halloween, Christmas and lose interest in traditional Chinese festivals.写作评价标准邀请函的相关词汇与句型是否使用正确?表达是否清晰且符合逻辑?语法运用是否正确?单词拼写是否正确,标点符号使用是否规范?读说写不同国家的节日庆祝(中国春节、西方国家圣诞节、泰国宋干节)。1)分组讨论春节和圣诞节的异同之处。2)讨论年轻人热衷过“洋节”的现象。补充完整给李飞的邀请信(时间、庆祝活动)。用结构图梳理文章内容,理清文章逻辑关系。比较中外传统节日的异同,认识文化的多样性,正确认识和对待外国文化。用3C原则理清写作结构。
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这是一份中职英语高教版(2021)基础模块3Unit 1 Festivals Around the World公开课教学设计