1.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
It’s natural to feel the need to control something when everything around you feels out of control, and you feel helpless. When a friend of mine first heard about the coronavirus outbreak, she got down on her hands and knees and cleaned her kitchen floor. She told me, “My floor wasn’t even dirty, but doing something constructive made me feel in control and that I was holding on to my power, despite the desperate circumstances.”
Your most powerful weapon against uncertainty is your perspective because nobody and no situation can take that from you unless you give it away. Your perspective can victimize or empower you. When you look for the upside in a downside situation and figure out what you can control and what you can’t, it’s easier to accept whatever is beyond your control.
Small gestures during hard times gentle worry and concern. Often during emergencies and crises, people start performing acts of kindness at random. Helping others through a crisis by performing good deeds can make you feel in control. The obvious benefit when you reach out to help someone else is that you get a break from your own worries for a while. Contributing, giving, volunteering, donating and performing kind acts, no matter how small or brief, connect you to other people (and animals) in a deeply meaningful, humane way. So practice doing small gestures for others and yourself.
Positive action is supposed to be taken to ensure you a sense of control. Make “cans” out of “cannots” and focus on what you can control. Take advantage of this restrictive time to clear clutter out of your basement, pull weeds in the garden, organize drawers, closets, and bookshelves, or get caught up on fun hobbies you’ve neglected for a while. Focus on a thought, person, pet, or object that stir hope and positivity within you. Hope always exists alongside of despair.
2.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
A Brief Introduction of Cryptocurrency
In 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper to an online group that discussed cryptography (密码学). That paper described a process that would use cryptography to create a secure electronic cash system, now known as a cryptocurrency (加密货币). Person to person payments could be made online using a shared network of computers instead of a bank or other financial institutions. Each transaction could happen very quickly. The shared network of computers would also serve as the means to verify(核实) those transactions safely. Getting rid of the need for a centralized banking system would open up the possibility for anyone to become part of the digital economy.
The software behind cryptocurrency is open source, which means anyone can use the original code to create their own version. Today, there are well over a thousand different cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately, their becoming the global payment systems are held back by problems affecting the entire cryptocurrency industry. One issue is weak security on cryptocurrency websites where users either store their electronic cash in virtual “wallets” or exchange one kind of electronic cash for another. In recent years, clever thieves have broken into many of these websites and stolen electronic cash. The websites are struggling to protect their users from such thefts.
Another problem is the large number of fake cryptocurrencies that are advertised on the internet. The advertisements invite internet users to visit websites offering new cryptocurrencies. Many visitors are persuaded by the websites to buy their cryptocurrencies using actual money. Later, the websites disappear along with the victims’ money. In response to this problem, companies like Facebook and Google are limiting cryptocurrency advertising on their websites.
3.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Effects of Acid Rain
After studying the Hubbard Brook Forest and other areas, researchers found several important effects of acid deposition, more commonly referred to as acid rain, on both natural and man-made environments. Aquatic (水生的) settings are the most clearly affected because acidic precipitation falls directly into them.
As this acidic liquid flows into larger bodies of water, it is diluted (稀释). However, over time, acids can increase and lower the overall pH of the body of water. Acid deposition also causes clay soils to release aluminum and magnesium, further lowering the pH in some areas. If the pH of a lake drops below 4.8, its plants and animals risk death. It is estimated that around 50,000 lakes in the United States and Canada have a pH below normal (about 5.3 for water). Several hundred of these have a pH too low to support any aquatic life.
Aside from aquatic bodies, acid deposition can significantly affect forests. As acid rain falls on trees it can make them lose their leaves, damage their bark, and stunt their growth. By damaging these parts of the tree, it makes them vulnerable to disease, extreme weather and insects. Damage to forests by acid rain is seen all over the world, but the most advanced cases are in Eastern Europe. Half of the forests in Germany and Poland and about 30 percent in Switzerland, are estimated to have been damaged.
Finally, acid deposition also has an effect on architecture and art because of its ability to corrode certain materials. As acid lands on buildings (especially those constructed with limestone), it reacts with minerals in the stones, sometimes causing them to disintegrate and wash away.
4.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Offshore production
The world’s consumption of fashion is huge. The European Union imported textiles (clothing and carpets) to the value of €83.7 billion in 2010. Prices have fallen, too, with hand-finished shirts costing less than five euros. To make clothes at these low prices, companies have to keep costs down. They use offshore production to do this. Large companies make their products in developing countries where workers are paid much less than in developed countries.
A point that should be considered in that case is that developing countries encourage developed countries to invest in them to provide jobs. Supporters of overseas production point out that increased investment has positive effects in the long term. Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman points out that the growth in manufacturing has an impact on the rest of the economy, because it reduces the number of people needing to work in agriculture and increases competition for labour. This leads to higher wages, which lead to other improvements, such as the ability to send children to school. On the other hand, the disadvantage of this foreign investment is the fact that it can have a negative impact on the economy of developed countries, because people lose their jobs when production is outsourced to other countries.
It seems that if multinationals are going to benefit from low production costs by using overseas suppliers, they should do more to improve the social situation-for example, by building schools for the children in those communities. It is also clear that multinationals should invest in communities in the developed countries where they sell their products. Furthermore, given multinationals do benefit from lower costs of production in developing countries and their workers, they need to feel obliged to protect the workers in overseas manufacturing plants.
5.Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated.Use your own words as far as possible.
For students chasing lasting wealth,the best choice of a college major is less obvious than you might think.
The conventional wisdom is that computer science and engineering majors have better employment prospects and higher earnings than their peers in liberal arts.
This is true for the first job,but the long-term story is more complicated.The advantage for STEM majors fades steadily after their first jobs,and by age 40,the earnings of people majoring in fields like social science or history have caught up or even surpassed.
This happens for two reasons.First,many of the latest technical skills that are in high demand today become out-dated when technology progresses.Older workers must learn these new skills on the fly,while younger workers may have learned them in school.Skill undesirability and the increased competition from younger graduates together lower the earnings advantage for STEM degree-holders as they age.
Second,although liberal arts majors start low,they gradually catch up to their peers in STEM fields.A liberal arts education fosters valuable “soft skills” like problem-solving,critical thinking and adaptability.Such skills are hard to quantify,but they have value in a wide variety of careers in the long run.
Why did that happen?According to a 2018 survey,the three qualities of college graduates employers considered must important were written communication,problem-solving and they ability to work in a team.In liberal arts traditions,these skills are built through the dialogue between instructors and students and a broad range of subjects.
I’m not suggesting that students should avoid majoring in STEM fields,but I do think we should be careful of the urge to make college curricula ever more technical and career-focused.A balanced choice should prepare students for a future that none of us can imagine.
6.Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
More than any other aspect of the climate crisis, it is the over-production of carbon dioxide that has been valued. But nitrogen and its abundant use in commercial fertilizer, also leads to air pollution and climate change. Evidence suggests their use also contributes to air pollution, increases the rates of cancer and reduces biodiversity, as well as releasing gas (laughing gas).
But nitrogen helps feed around half the world’s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future. With prices of fertilizer rising, many developing countries don’t have access to it, with resulting threats to food security. The global nitrogen challenge involves both reducing fertilizer use, and getting it to where it’s needed most.
A team of scientists has come up with a five-step plan to solve this two-sided problem. Benjamin Houlton, the leader, explains that only by undertaking a holistic approach and combining solutions can the problem be solved on both levels.
The five steps identified involve changing agricultural practices, getting fertilizer to the places it’s needed, reducing nitrogen pollution and finally, both reducing food waste and promoting a change in diet. The latter two are essential because approximately one-quarter of all global food produced is wasted along the supply chain, which means that a large portion of the nitrogen fertilizer applied to crops is ultimately wasted.
Benjamin admits that adding nitrogen to the list of existing climate woes might cause a sense of exhaustion. Nevertheless, he has an encouraging message. “The truth is, nitrogen is a blessing and a curse,” he says, “But if you can reduce the spill-overs of nitrogen, you can quickly get systems to return to a more original state. That makes it very different from CO2. We lock in 30 to 50 years of climate impacts every time we send out a molecule of CO2 into the air. But with nitrogen you can get immediate returns on investment.”
7.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Joining a Study Group
Different people may find that different learning methods work best for them. While some would turn to tutoring in order to get better grades, others choose to join study groups. In fact, many universities encourage their students to form study groups and make good use of them.
“Two heads are better than one.” That’s the simple idea behind study groups. By participating in a study group, students can benefit some of their best academic resources: other students. They get to pick each other’s brains and improve their own understanding of different problems. Moreover, study groups can create slightly tense atmosphere in which it’s good to study. For example, some students tend to put off their schedule when they are studying by themselves; however, by joining a study group, they get to observe their peers who are working diligently and are likely to thus be motivated for working harder.
Study groups work best when they are small, but not too small — four to five participants is about right. And it’s necessary to make sure everyone has the same goal, to prepare for a particular test, to discuss class readings or to review lecture notes.
In addition, to maximize the efficiency, some study groups like to assign members certain roles, and thus efficiency will be promoted. Besides an organizer, who gets group members to agree to a common purpose and a convenient time and place, there often is a group member playing the role of a source-seeker, whose duty is to remind group members to identify their sources. For instance, when a group member says, “I read somewhere that…,” the source-seeker should ask for specifics. This person reminds the group that it’s important to know who said what and where it was said. And a gatekeeper, who tries to make sure that all group members are participating, may ask a direct question to help a shy person to participate, or find a way to get a dominating member to listen.
8.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
New look on the Museum
Museums have changed. They are no longer places for the privileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy days.
At a science museum in Ontario, Canada you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at 17 century instruments while listening to their music. At the Modern Museum in Sweden, you can put on costumes provided by the Stockholm Opera. As these examples show, museums are reaching out to new audiences, particularly the young, the poor and the less educated members of the population. As a result, attendance is interesting.
Many museums have changed in appearance. Some old, gray museums have been rebuilt, and the newer ones are open and modern in their architecture. Inside, there is modern lighting, color, and sound. Instead of displaying everything they own, museum directors show fewer objects and leave open spaces where visitor can gather and sit down. They also bring together in one display a group of objects drawn drawn from various parts of the museum to represent the whole lifestyle of region or a historical period. In one room, for instance, you may find materials, clothing, tools, cooking pots, furniture, and art works of a particular place and time.
More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, for example, there are no guided tours. The visitor is encouraged to touch, listen, operate, and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself. The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science. The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to the best advantage.
9.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Gothic or Helvetica? Fonts Matter
In a crowded marketplace, many mainstream consumer brands have placed more focus on fonts(字体) as a crucial part of their marketing.
When Southwest Airlines upgraded its brand in 2014, it changed its font and logo as part of the project. The company wanted to create the image of an airline that cared about customer loyalty — one that had heart. So, Southwest changed its all-caps Helvetica font to a thicker, custom-made (定制的) Southwest Sans font that included lowercase letters. It also added a tricolor (三色的) heart to the logo. All these changes were meant to convey a softer, friendlier tone.
A survey of Southwest customers showed that 95 percent found the new identity appealing. “We’ve definitely seen an increase in bookings and brand momentum (品牌动力),” said Helen at Southwest Airlines. “We’re in a very competitive category and we’re trying to avoid that sameness.”
The right fonts can help brands stand out in a competitive market. However, they need to know whom they are targeting and what they want to say. Monster Beverage is a good example. The eye-catching logo and colors connected with fans of sports, who were exactly its target customers. Now Monster’s logo remains valuable and recognizable.
Legacy companies are sometimes nervous about making changes, but they risk making no progress if they don’t. When the clothing retailer Gap changed its spire-like font to Helvetica, customers pushed back hard. “The new logo lost all the personality the original mark had acquired over the years,” said Matt See, senior art director. “And it was rolled out without explanation. It felt like no thought was put into it.”
Experts recommended that companies conduct surveys before making a change to their logos. Done right, fonts allow brands to show their human side and personality, which can connect with consumers emotionally.
10.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as fars as possible.
Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and took care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles. But by the middle of this century, men’s and women’s roles were becoming less firmly fixed.
In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the 1960s a new force developed called the counterculture. The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes. In addition, many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier. Some young men refused to be drafted as soldiers to fight in the war in Vietnam.
In terms of numbers, the counterculture was not a very large group of people. But its influence spread to many parts of American society. Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns. Industrial workers and business executives alike cut down on “overtime” work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families. Some doctors, lawyers, and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods.
In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or women’s liberation, produced additional economic and social changes. Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers. Most of them still took traditional women’s jobs as public school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work. But some women began to enter traditionally male occupations: police work, banking, dentistry, and construction work. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion.
Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations.
1.For reference:
(范文一)Strengthening or retrieving a sense of control is a natural demand. First, good perspective is of the greatest help, for evaluating the situation properly brings a clearer picture. Second, kind behaviors during tough times can secure you a sense of control as well. Third, actions and thoughts of positivity also help as they may create hope and optimism.
(范文二)It’s essential to feel you can control something in a crisis or emergency. Positive perspective is the most important, since it will ensure you confidence and power to pull through the difficult situation. Then doing small good deeds can free you from worry temporarily by helping others. Lastly, take some positive action to arouse the hope within you.
①It’s natural to feel the need to control something when everything around you feels out of control, and you feel helpless.
②Your most powerful weapon against uncertainty is your perspective because nobody and no situation can take that from you unless you give it away.
③Small gestures during hard times gentle worry and concern.
④Positive action is supposed to be taken to ensure you a sense of control.
Strengthening or retrieving a sense of control is a natural demand.
First, good perspective is of the greatest help, for evaluating the situation properly brings a clearer picture.
Second, kind behaviors during tough times can secure you a sense of control as well.
Third, actions and thoughts of positivity also help as they may create hope and optimism.
[高分句型1] Strengthening or retrieving a sense of control is a natural demand.(对原文第一段进行了概括,运用了动名词短语作主语)
[高分句型2] Third, actions and thoughts of positivity also help as they may create hope and optimism.(对文章第四段进行了概括,运用了as引导的原因状语从句)
2.Cryptocurrency is an electronic cash system created through a process using cryptography. It enables fast online transaction and removes the need for financial institutions. However, the cryptocurrency industry is facing serious challenges. Weak security means the websites and the users are subjected to thefts. Besides, fake cryptocurrency cheats people of real money, so many companies are restricting cryptocurrency advertising. (59)
1 要点摘录
①In 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper to an online group that discussed cryptography (密码学).
②That paper described a process that would use cryptography to create a secure electronic cash system, now known as a cryptocurrency (加密货币).
③Person to person payments could be made online using a shared network of computers instead of a bank or other financial institutions. Each transaction could happen very quickly.
④Unfortunately, their becoming the global payment systems are held back by problems affecting the entire cryptocurrency industry.
⑤One issue is weak security on cryptocurrency websites where users either store their electronic cash in virtual “wallets” or exchange one kind of electronic cash for another.
⑥In recent years, clever thieves have broken into many of these websites and stolen electronic cash. The websites are struggling to protect their users from such thefts.
⑦Many visitors are persuaded by the websites to buy their cryptocurrencies using actual money. Later, the websites disappear along with the victims’ money.
⑧In response to this problem, companies like Facebook and Google are limiting cryptocurrency advertising on their websites.
3.遣词造句Cryptocurrency is an electronic cash system created through a process using cryptography.
It enables fast online transaction and removes the need for financial institutions.
However, the cryptocurrency industry is facing serious challenges.
Weak security means the websites and the users are subjected to thefts.
Besides, fake cryptocurrency cheats people of real money, so many companies are restricting cryptocurrency advertising.
[高分句型1]:Cryptocurrency is an electronic cash system created through a process using cryptography.(运用过去分词和现在分词作定语。)
[高分句型2]:Besides, fake cryptocurrency cheats people of real money, so many companies are restricting cryptocurrency advertising. (运用so引导结果状语从句。)
3. A research suggests that acid deposition impacts on both natural and man-made environments, aquatic settings in particular. It lowers the overall pH levels of the water and the clay soil, thus posing a deadly threat to the plants and animals. Besides, it destroys forests by lowering the trees’ resistance to diseases and insects. Furthermore, it corrodes certain materials of architecture and art.
① After studying the Hubbard Brook Forest and other areas, researchers found several important effects of acid deposition, more commonly referred to as acid rain, on both natural and man-made environments. Aquatic (水生的) settings are the most clearly affected because acidic precipitation falls directly into them.
② However, over time, acids can increase and lower the overall pH of the body of water. Acid deposition also causes clay soils to release aluminum and magnesium, further lowering the pH in some areas. If the pH of a lake drops below 4.8, its plants and animals risk death.
③ Aside from aquatic bodies, acid deposition can significantly affect forests. As acid rain falls on trees it can make them lose their leaves, damage their bark, and stunt their growth. By damaging these parts of the tree, it makes them vulnerable to disease, extreme weather and insects.
④ Finally, acid deposition also has an effect on architecture and art because of its ability to corrode certain materials.
A research suggests that acid deposition impacts on both natural and man-made environments, aquatic settings in particular.
Acid deposition lowers the overall pH levels of the water and the clay soil, thus posing a deadly threat to the plants and animals.
Besides, acid deposition destroys forests by lowering their resistance to diseases and insects.
Acid deposition corrodes certain materials of architecture and art.
[高分句型1]A research suggests that acid deposition impacts on both natural and man-made environments, aquatic settings in particular. (运用宾语从句对原文第一段概括)
[高分句型2]It lowers the overall pH levels of the water and the clay soil, thus posing a deadly threat to the plants and animals. (对第二段进行了概括,用现在分词作结果状语)
[高分句型3]Besides, it destroys forests by lowering the trees’ resistance to diseases and insects. (概括了第三段内容,用动名词作介词by宾语,介词短语表方式)
4.Reference answer
Large clothing manufacturers exploit offshore production, outsourcing production in developing countries, to cut costs. This practice creates jobs and boosts long-term overall development in developing countries but robs people of their jobs in developed countries. To profit from offshore production, multinational companies should invest in improving overseas social situations and target consumers’ communities while protecting overseas employees. (57 words)
①To make clothes at these low prices, companies have to keep costs down.
②Large companies make their products in developing countries where workers are paid much less than in developed countries.
③A point that should be considered in that case is that developing countries encourage developed countries to invest in them to provide jobs.
④because it reduces the number of people needing to work in agriculture and increases competition for labour. This leads to higher wages
⑤On the other hand, the disadvantage of this foreign investment is the fact that it can have a negative impact on the economy of developed countries
⑥they should do more to improve the social situation…. It is also clear that multinationals should invest in communities in the developed countries where they sell their products...they need to feel obliged to protect the workers in overseas manufacturing plants.
Large clothing manufacturers exploit offshore production, outsourcing production in developing countries, to cut costs.
This practice creates jobs and boosts long-term overall development in developing countries but robs people of their jobs in developed countries.
To profit from offshore production, multinational companies should invest in improving overseas social situations and target consumers’ communities while protecting overseas employees.
[高分句型1]Large clothing manufacturers exploit offshore production, outsourcing production in developing countries, to cut costs. 运用了现在分词作状语,对第一段部分内容进行概括。
[高分句型2]To profit from offshore production, multinational companies should invest in improving overseas social situations and target consumers’ communities while protecting overseas employees.运用了不定式作状语,对最后一段内容进行概括。
5.Despite the traditional emphasis on the STEM majors, liberal arts offers brighter career prospect in the long run as the graduate ages. Firstly, fast development of technology makes new graduates better armed in skills, reducing the advantages of the old professionals. Also, courses in liberal arts prepare soft skills for catching up and qualities employers value. Thus, a balanced choice of major is preferred. (60 words)
1 要点摘录
①The advantage for STEM majors fades steadily after their first jobs,and by age 40,the earnings of people majoring in fields like social science or history have caught up or even surpassed.
② First,many of the latest technical skills that are in high demand today become out-dated when technology progresses.
③A liberal arts education fosters valuable “soft skills” like problem-solving,critical thinking and adaptability.Such skills are hard to quantify,but they have value in a wide variety of careers in the long run.
④A balanced choice should prepare students for a future that none of us can imagine.
Despite the traditional emphasis on the STEM majors, liberal arts offers brighter career prospect in the long run as the graduate ages. Firstly, fast development of technology makes new graduates better armed in skills, reducing the advantages of the old professionals. Also, courses in liberal arts prepare soft skills for catching up and qualities employers value. Thus, a balanced choice of major is preferred.
[高分句型1]Firstly, fast development of technology makes new graduates better armed in skills, reducing the advantages of the old professionals. 对原文第四段进行了概括。其中运用非谓语动词表主动表达高级。
[高分句型2]:Thus, a balanced choice of major is preferred. 用被动语态对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
6.Although nitrogen leads to air pollution and climate change, it helps feed around half the world’s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future. A team of scientists has come up with a five-step plan to solve this two-sided problem. The leader admits that if the spill-overs of nitrogen can be reduced, we can quickly get systems to return to a more original state.
1 要点摘录
①But nitrogen and its abundant use in commercial fertilizer, also leads to air pollution and climate change. But nitrogen helps feed around half the world’s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future.
②A team of scientists has come up with a five-step plan to solve this two-sided problem.
③Benjamin admits that adding nitrogen to the list of existing climate woes might cause a sense of exhaustion. But if you can reduce the spill-overs of nitrogen, you can quickly get systems to return to a more original state.
2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3三个要点进行分说。
Although nitrogen leads to air pollution and climate change, it helps feed around half the world’s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future.
A team of scientists has come up with a five-step plan to solve this two-sided problem.
The leader admits that if the spill-overs of nitrogen can be reduced, we can quickly get systems to return to a more original state.
[高分句型1] Although nitrogen leads to air pollution and climate change, it helps feed around half the world’s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future.运用让步状语从句对原文第一段和第二段进行了概括。
[高分句型2] The leader admits that if the spill-overs of nitrogen can be reduced, we can quickly get systems to return to a more original state.用that引导宾语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
7.University students are encouraged to form study groups. One reason is that study groups enable students to learn from each other. Besides, it creates good learning atmosphere, motivating students to study harder. For study groups to be most effective, members should have the same aspiration and the size should be limited. Besides, members should be assigned definite roles. (58 words)
①In fact, many universities encourage their students to form study groups and make good use of them.
②They get to pick each other’s brains and improve their own understanding of different problems.
③Moreover, study groups can create slightly tense atmosphere in which it’s good to study.
④by joining a study group, they get to observe their peers who are working diligently and are
likely to thus be motivated for working harder.
⑤Study groups work best when they are small, but not too small — four to five participants is about right.
⑥And it’s necessary to make sure everyone has the same goal,
⑦In addition, to maximize the efficiency, some study groups like to assign members certain roles
Many universities encourage their students to form study groups.
Because study groups make students learn from each other.
In addition, it creates good learning atmosphere, which can motivate students to study harder.
To study more effectively, members should have the same goal and the group should be small.
Additionally, study groups should assign members certain roles.
[高分句型1] One reason is that study groups enable students to learn from each other.运用表语从句对原文第二段前三句进行了概括。
[高分句型2] Besides, it creates good learning atmosphere, motivating students to study harder. 运用了非谓语动词作状语对第二段后两句进行概括,表达非常高级。
[高分句型3] For study groups to be most effective, members should have the same aspiration and the size should be limited.运用了and连接并列句,对第三段进行概括。
8.As many have shown, museums have changed from a place where only few people visit into something that serve more for the young, the poor and the less educated. Besides more modern appearance and broader activity space, the way of displaying has also innovated. To help people learn and use science better, museums encourage people to get involved themselves.
1 要点摘录①Museums have changed. They are no longer places for the privileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy days.
②Many museums have changed in appearance.
③More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing.
④The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to the best advantage.
3.遣词造句As we all know, the museum is moving from a sacred place once only visited by the rich to a place now accessible to ordinary people.
In order to let people feel and experience science and technology, the museum has encouraged people to freely contact and discover the facilities of the museum content, and truly understand the charm of technology and scientific phenomena.
[高分句型1] As many have shown, museums have changed from a place where only few people visit into something that serve more for the young, the poor and the less educated.运用一个复杂的主从复合句对原文第一段和第二段进行了概括。其中where引导的定语从句为高级表达。
[高分句型2]:To help people learn and use science better, museums encourage people to get involved themselves.用不定式引导目的状语对第四段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
9.Many brands pay more attention to fonts because of the fierce competition. Southwest Airlines changed the font and logo to convey a softer and friendlier tone, which received a good response. However, companies should know their target and conduct surveys before changing like Monster Beverage whose logo still has value, or else, they would lost their original personality like Gap.
1 要点摘录
①In a crowded marketplace, many mainstream consumer brands have placed more focus on fonts as a crucial part of their marketing.
②Southwest Airlines upgraded its brand and changed its font and logo to convey a softer, friendlier tone. A survey of Southwest customers showed that 95 percent found the new identity appealing.
③The right fonts can help brands stand out in a competitive market. However, they need to know whom they are targeting and what they want to say. Monster Beverage is a good example.
④The clothing retailer Gap changed its spire-like font to Helvetica, customers pushed back hard. The new logo lost all the personality the original mark had acquired over the years. Experts recommended that companies conduct surveys before making a change to their logos.
Southwest Airlines changed the font and logo to convey a softer and friendlier tone, which received a good response.
However, companies should know their target and conduct surveys before changing like Monster Beverage whose logo still has value, or else, they would lost their original personality like Gap.
[高分句型1] Southwest Airlines changed the font and logo to convey a softer and friendlier tone, which received a good response.(运用一个which引导的非限制性定语从句对原文第二段和第三段进行了整合和概括。)
[高分句型2] However, companies should know their target and conduct surveys before changing like Monster Beverage whose logo still has value, or else, they would lost their original personality like Gap.(运用了whose引导的限制性定语从句,以及or else连接的并列句对文章第四段、第五段和第六段进行了整合和概括。)
10.Male and female roles were once easily divided by labour. However, this has changed. The counterculture offered them new role choices. Men tended to transform their economic and social patterns while women called for equal jobs and promotion opportunities in women’s liberation. Though it’s difficult to adapt to these transformations, the influence of counterculture is going into all levels of society.
①Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. But by the middle of this century, men’s and women’s roles were becoming less firmly fixed.
②The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices.
③Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns.
④In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or women’s liberation, produced additional economic and social changes. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion.
⑤Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations.
Male and female roles were once easily divided by labour. However, this has changed.
The counterculture offered them new role choices.
Men tended to transform their economic and social patterns while women called for equal jobs and promotion opportunities in women’s liberation.
Though it’s difficult to adapt to these transformations, the influence of counterculture is going into all levels of society.
[高分句型1] Men tended to transform their economic and social patterns while women called for equal jobs and promotion opportunities in women’s liberation. (运用while连接并列句对原文第三段和第四段进行了概括)
[高分句型2] Though it’s difficult to adapt to these transformations, the influence of counterculture is going into all levels of society. (用though引导让步状语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级)