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    Unit 1单元分析
    1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇magic,clever,foolish,shout,point,laugh,wear,each,long long ago, one day,try on,clever/foolish people,walk through,point at,think of ,turn into。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day,two men visited the king.
    3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型He liked new clothes.What a beautiful clothes! A little boy pointed at the king and laughed.The king isn’t wearing any clothes! They fit well.
    1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写词汇magic,clever,foolish,shout,point,laugh,wear,each,long long ago, one day,try on,clever/foolish people,walk through,point at,think of ,turn into。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There was/were... The king was happy. One day,two men visited the king.
    Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 1st period)

    (1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear
    1. Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves.
    long long ago 很久以前 king 国王 one day 某一天 magic clothes 魔法衣
    clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过
    shout 大喊 point at 指向 wear 穿着
    Step 1. Preparation
    1. Teach “king”.
    Teacher draws a picture about the king.
    Step 2. Presentation & Practice
    Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes”
    T: What does the king like? (播放动画)
       引导Ss: He likes new clothes. (teach “magic clothes”)
    2. Talk about the background
           T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story?
    Chinese is OK. (The King’s New Clothes)
    T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837.
    In the story, the king’s clothes are new. But the story is very, very old.
    Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king. (PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐) 

    2. Paragraph 1and 2
    1)    Look and learn
    T: I’m the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful?
    Mirror: I don’t think so!
    to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me?
    T: Who can make new clothes for me? (teach “make … for …”学生跟读) 板书
    2)    Read like a king (板书)
    3)Read and underline
    T: Who can make new clothes for him?
    T: But they can. Why? Please read and underline. (学生自读)
       Ss read and underline.
    引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes.
    Foolish people can’t see them.
    3. Paragraph 3
          PPT: 音效:织布机
    T: What kind of clothes are they? Look! (拿出新衣)
    T: What does the king think of the new clothes?
    T: Can he see the clothes? (No!)
    Does he like the new clothes?
    But he says “Oh, yes. They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever
    people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. How to read it
    well? Listen and imitate.
    T: You are the king.
    4. Paragraph 4
       1) Learn the text
    T: What do the people think of the clothes?  (出示人群和男孩的图片)
    Let’s read!(出示图片4文字)
    T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!)
    T: Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No)
    Then who? (The boy.)
    What does he say? (出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)
    Here’s a new word. (teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing)
    Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes.
           2) Mini Theatre
    T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period. 一位学生扮演国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。
     Step 3. Production
    1. Talk about the characters
    2. Read the story.
    1) Read and repeat
    T: What a lovely king! Boys and girls, you learn so well!
    It’s time to read after the tape!
    Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation.
    2) Read by themselves
    T: Read by yourselves.
    3. Act the story
    T: You can read very well. And you know them well now.
    Why don’t we act the story!
      Rules: Four students a group. If you read well, you can get one star.
    If you can read without the books, you can get two stars. And if you can
    do the gestures, you can get three stars.
    (Ss practice and act)
      4.       1) Who do you want to be?
    T: 引导学生总结Welcome back! Today we learned the story . If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭)
     T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them! Can you see them? (No./ Yes.)
    T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself!
    1. Design an ending for the story. The king is back home,…
    2. Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet.
    板书设计:Unit 1 The King’s new clothes
    I read a story--The king’s new clothes.
    Want to know

    Who gives the new clothes to the king?
    What do you think of the king’s new clothes? What do you think of the king?

    There aren’t any new clothes.
    本课是六年级上学期第一单元Story time部分对话题的语篇阅读教学。阅读过程中,重在培养学生的阅读兴趣,教会学生简单的阅读策略。在学习和实践的基础上,体现了以下特点:

    Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 2nd period)

    2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。
    2. 通过小组合作学习,拓展故事内容。
    2. 学会有步骤、有感情的讲英语故事,并能自然,声情并茂的表演。
    1. 思考有哪些表示过去时间的词语
    2. 书本上动词的过去式你发现了什么规律?你还知道哪些简单的动词过去式,与大家分享。
    Step 1. Preparation
    1. Free talk.
    2. Check the preparation of the sentences.
    Step 2. Presentation & Practice
    1.T: Who can repeat picture 1?
    S: I.can try.
    板书:Long long ago,there was a king.
    One day,two men visited the king.
    T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar?
    T:Why do they use was/visited?
    S:Long long ago /one day
    2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups
    5.T:Now,you have learn the text. Let’s have fun time
    出示图片和句型I like new clothes. Who can make…for me?
    Ask one to try
    Work in groups and act
    Step 3. Production
    1. Prepare for repeat fun time in groups
    2.try to continue the story

    1. Remember the part of grammar words past
    2. Independent about the king’s new clothes this story
    板书设计:Unit 1 The King’s new clothes
    Long long ago,there was a king.
    One day,two men visited the king.
    本课是六年级上学期第一单元(Grammar time &Fun time)环节的语法教学。教学过程中,重在引导学生在小组内进行对比、分析、整理出一般过去时态的结构和动词过去式变化规则,并能够熟练进行语言练习。纵观整节课的教学活动,总结出以下问题及经验:

    Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 3rd period)

    (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解Fun time中故事的内容。
    标注Fun time中不认识的单词,并通过查字典写音标和中文,能初步朗读。
    fox each mountain say sentence hard next have to
    Step 1. Preparation
    1. Free talk:
    How do you think of my dress?
    Do you want to be a king?
    Who can retell the story?
    The king liked ?
    Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. The king was .
    The men showed the king his new clothes. But the king could not them.
    The king walked through the city in his new clothes. A laughed at him.

    Step 2. Presentation & Practice
    1. Look and say(Sound time)
    Look at the picture.
    Who is he? He is Mike.
    What did he get? He got a card from Mark.
    What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.
    Could you try to say something about the picture?
    Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.
    Try to listen and read it.
    Can you find some other words?
    ar:arm, card, hard, park, party
    2. Look and match(Culture time)
    Who is he?
    An American cowboy
    A Scottish man
    What is the American cowboy wearing?
    He is wearing jeans.
    What is the Scottish man wearing?
    He is wearing a kilt.
    Do you know them? What are they wearing?

    The Chinese woman The Japanese woman
    wearing a chi-pao is wearing a kimono

    3. Look and say.(Cartoon time)
    Talk about the picture.
    What do Miss Fox and her students say?
    Why do they say that?
    They tell a story.
    Try to say.
    Let’s tell the story.
     Step 3. Production
    1.  is, was, were, lived, live
        Long long ago, there          a mountain(山). There        a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy           in the house.The old man told(tell的过去式) the boy a story.
    2.  picked,  lived,  were,  was,  give,  shouted , walked
    Long long ago,there __________ a lion.He __________ in the forest(森林). There __________ some flowers in front of the lion’s house.One day, an old man __________ by the house.He __________ a flower. The lion        angry. He __________ at the old man,“You picked a flower.Now __________ me your child.” The old man’s child was a beautiful girl. She __________ with the lion. The lion          nice to her.One day, the lion __________ sick. The girl looked after him. Then the lion turned into a prince(王子)

    1. Tell the story to your parents.
    2. Recite the story by yourself.

    板书设计:Unit 1 The King’s new clothes
    fox each mountain say
    sentence hard next have to

    Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 4th period)

    3. 加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。
    Step 1. Preparation
    1. Review:
    a. Act out Cartoon time.
    b. Finish some exercise about past tense
    Free talk

    Step 2. Presentation & Practice
    1. Show the ticking time的表格
    一颗星 基本掌握本单元的语言知识点。
    两颗星 能熟练运用语言知识,不需要他人的提示。
    三颗星 能自己用句型组织语言,可以对所学内容适当进行拓展。
    2. Checkout time
    Read and write
    Read the words.
    Finish the story.
    Read and learn the new words.
    Fun reading.
    Circle and say
    Circle the correct words.
    Prepare your own story.
    Tell your story in groups.
    Choose the best story teller of the group and let him/her tell the story in class.
    Step 3. Production
    1. 按要求写词语。 
    King(对应词)   new(反义词)
    Visit(名词)     is(过去式)
    Men(单数)     try(三单)
    Clever(反义词)  can’t(完整形式)
    Cry(反义词)  nice(近义词)
    Little(反义词) city(复数)
    Like(过去式)  are(过去式)
    1. He often ________(have) dinner at home.
    2. We _______(not watch) TV on Mondays.
    3. Mike _______(not go) to the zoo on Sundays.
    4. ______ they ________(like) apples?
    5. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays?
    6. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day?
    1. Read, recite and act the story time and cartoon time.
    2. Recite the key words, phrases and sentences.
    板书设计:Unit 1 The King’s new clothes


    译林小学英语 六上Unit2单元分析
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇
    sunny,show,weather,become,windy,cloudy,high,cloud,rain,rainy,meet,a parrot show,what a day。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型It was sunny/windy/rainy/
    cloudy in the morning.The weather became...We went to...
    It was time for...
    3、 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型What a day!We saw some interesting parrots.We flew kites high in the sky.We were hungry and wet.I lost my kite.
    windy,cloudy,high,cloud,rain,rainy,meet,a parrot show,what a day。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型It was sunny/windy/rainy/
    cloudy in the morning.The weather became...We went to...
    It was time for...

    Unit 2 What a day! (The 1st period)

    Unit 2 What a day! Story time
    1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
    2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain
    3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
    4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型
    5. 学生能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解
    1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
    2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain,、
    3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
    4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型
    1. 学生对本课重点词汇的听、说、读、写
    2. 学生对本课天气表达的句型的掌握
    3. 学生对动词过去式的不规则变化的认读
    板书准备: Unit 2
    Step 1 Warm up
    1. Greeting
    2. Free talk
    T: Hello, boys and girls.
    Would you know something more about me?
    Two days ago, I was in Shanghai. Do you know Shanghai ?
    It’s a big and beautiful city. I
    Review : was(am的过去式) ago
    But now ,I am in Zhangjiagang. It’s beautiful, too.
    3.T: Can you let me know something about you?
    Look at the screen, you can choose one part to tell me something about you.
    出示 Favourite Food, Favourite Animal, Hobbies三个话题
    在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey
    在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show
    在Hobbies话题中引出I like drawing and writing diaries very much.
    Teach: diaries diary
    T:Look ,these are my pictures. Let’s look at them.
    Teach: sunny cloudy windy rainy
    T: These pictures are about the weather.
    Teach: weather
    Step 2. Presentation
    1.show a picture
    T: This is Yang Ling.
    She likes drawing and writing diaries ,too.
    T: This is a diary of hers. What a day!
    What day is it today? Sunday
    What date is it today? 20th September(9月20号)
    3. 引出课题Unit 2 What a day! T:Let’s look at Yang Ling’s pictures.
    What can you see in the picture?
    (1)S:I can see some children in the park.
    T:Who are they?
    S: Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.
    (2) We can see some parrots in the park.
    (3) fly kites
    (4) rain
    4.Let’s talk 出示课文相关图片展开讨论
    Look and match 在此过程中教授动词过去式的特殊变化形式
    go→went see→saw become→became fly→flew are→were
    Then read the sentences in the right orders. (Teach: wet)
    5.Read the diary by yourself, then finish the exercise. (T/F)
    6.Read the diary
    在此活动中教授bring过去式brought, can过去式could
    Step 3.Consolidation
    1.Let’s read
    a.Read after one.
    b.Read together.
    c.Read one by one.
    2.T:What do you think of her day?
    Happy? Interesting? Terrible? Bad?
    Step 4.Homework
    1. Read the text.
    2. Try to retell the diary according to YL’s pictures.

    Unit 2 What a day!
    It was sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy in the morning.
    The weather became...
    We went to...
    It was time for...


    Unit 2 What a day! (The 2nd period)

    Unit 2 What a day! Grammer Time, Fun Time, Song Time
    1. 学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
    2. 学生能根据图片复述杨玲的日记内容
    3. 学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
    4. 学生会唱歌曲Rain, rain, go away.
    1. 学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
    2. 学生能根据图片复述杨玲的日记内容
    3. 学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
    1. 学生能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.
    2. 学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音
    板书准备: Unit 2
    教具准备: 单词卡片,PPT
    Step 1.Revision and warm up
    1. Greetings
    2. Revision
    Read the text
    T shows some pictures, ask Ss to retell the text.
    3. Fun Time
    Look at the pictures
    What’s the weather like?
    What can you do?
    Pick three cards, then make sentences.
    E.g It was sunny. I played basketball in the playground.
    Step 2. Grammer Time
    1. 复习动词过去时的变化规则
    一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked
    2. 引入本课过去式的不规则变化:

    1. 有些表示天气的形容词由名词+y构成,如:rain+y → rainy(多雨的)cloud+y → cloudy(多云的)
    wind+y → windy(有风的)snow+y → snowy(下雪的)sun+y → sunny(晴朗的)fog+y → foggy(有雾的)
    2. 动词过去式的不规则变化:
    become → became
    go → went
    come → came
    swim → swam
    bring → brought
    see → saw
    tell → told
    drink → drank
    can → could
    take → took
    run → ran
    make → made
    fly → flew
    have/has → had
    get → got
    eat → ate
    Step 3. Consolidation
    am_____ take_____ can_____ bring_____ look_____ live_____ are_____ become_____ see_____ point_____ shout_____ laugh_____ like_____ fly_____ go_____ is_____ eat_____ watch_____
    1. It_____ (be) rainy yesterday.
    2. We _____(see) a lot of people in the street in the morning.
    3. The girls _______ (go) to the party last Wednesday.
    4. He _________ (live) in America two years ago.
    5.We (visit ) our grandparents last Sunday.
    My grandparents (be) very happy to see us .
    6. The weather _______ (become) rainy a moment ago.
    c.Check the answers.
    Step 4. Song Time
    1. Enjoy the song
    2. Understand the main idea of the song.
    3. Try to sing the song with the tape.
    4. Sing it together.
    Step5. Homework
    2.预习Cartoon time
    Unit 2 What a day!

    Unit 2 What a day! (The 3rd period)
    Unit 2 What a day! Cartoon Time
    1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened?
    2. 学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音
    3. 学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意
    1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened?
    2. 学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音
    3. 学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意
    1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened?
    2. 学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音
    板书准备: Unit 2
    Step 1.Warm up
    1. Greeting
    2. Free talk
    E.g 出示windy的图片
    S: It was windy.
    I flew kites in the park.
    Step 2.Presentation
    1. 出示图片
    2. T: Sam meets Bobby in the park.
    But Bobby is sad.
    What happened?
    Teach:What happened?
    3. Watch the cartoon
    引出答案He lost his new kite.
    Teach: lost (lose的过去式)
    4. Watch the cartoon again
    Teach:wasn’t= was not couldn’t = could not
    Laugh found(find的过去式)
    climb up,climb up, hold onto, fly away
    5. Read the dialogue after the tape
    6. Read the dialogues in roles
    7. Act out the cartoon
    Step 3.Consolidation
    1. Fill in the blanks
    According to the content of the cartoon,ask Ss to finish the exercise.
    Bobby _____ his new bike.This morning, Tina and Bobby ______ the new kite in the park,but it ________windy in the park.The kite ____high, but it ____too high and they ______ hold onto it.It ______ ________.
    2. 改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误)
    How is Jane yesterday?
    He go to school by bus last week.
    He goes home at 6:00 last month.
    I can fly kites seven years ago.
    He wait for you three hours ago.
    I can’t domy homework yesterday.
    3. Check the answers.
    Step 4. Homework
    1. Finish some exercises.
    2. Read the dialogues of Cartoon Time
    3. Enable to act out the cartoon time.
    板书设计:Unit 2 What a day!
    What happened?


    Unit 2 What a day! (The 4th period)

    Unit 2 What a day! Sound Time Checkout Time
    1. 学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化
    2. 学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音
    板书准备: Unit 2
    Step 1.Warm up
    1. Greetings
    2. Free talk
    3. Revison :Play a game
    a. 师说动词原形,请生快速说出动词的过去式
    b. 师说动词过去式,请生快速说出动词原形
    4. 记忆游戏:
    S1:Yesterday I played football.
    S2:Yesterday he played football. I went swimming.
    S3:Yesterday he played football. She went swimming.
    I watched TV. ....
    Step 2.Sound Time
    1. After the game
    T says : Well done,boys and girls.
    Let’s cheer together.
    Teach: cheer
    2. Show a picture
    T: Look,they’re cheering.
    Do you know why?
    Lead: The New Year in nearly.
    Read: nearly Year
    Pay attention to the sound of “ear”
    3. Try to read the words:dear, hear
    4. Enable to know the sound, try to write it.
    5. 拓展:想想其它也含有字母组合ear,且发音相同的单词
    Step 3.Checkout Time
    1. Look at the pictures, ask Ss to say something about them
    2. Listen and choose
    3. Then check the answers
    Last Saturday, it was _______.Mike got up at __________.Mike came to school __________.Mike could not find his ____________.
    4. Say something about yourself:
    What did you do with your family or friends last Sunday?
    E.g. went swimming went shopping
    watched a film climbed the hill
    had a picnic did the housework
    5. Write about it in your diary

    Step 4.Homework
    1. Finish your diary in English.
    Unit 2 What a day!

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 3单元分析
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇holiday,national,call,
    Bund,bottle,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。
    2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:
    Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there?
    How was your holiday? Why did you call me?
    Did you catch any fish?
    It was fun.Because I I wanted to give you the fish.
    She is excited about the s show.What great fun!
    I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.
    ,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。
    Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there?
    How was your holiday? Why did you call me?
    Did you catch any fish?
    Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 1)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Story time & Think and write

    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.
    2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.
    3 Students can retell the story .
    4 Students can talk about their holiday life .

    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.
    2 Students can retell the story .
    3 Students can talk about their holiday life .

    PPT , some photos

    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Free talk
    1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .
    It was National Day holiday last week .
    Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?
    ( Teach : National Day , holiday )
    How do you feel your holiday ?
    S: …
    2 T: I took some photos on National Day.
    Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday .
    (Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema)
    3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Guess ! S :…
    4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .
    Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom.
    What did they talk about ? Can you guess ?
    2 Let’s watch the cartoon .
    What did they talk about ?
    A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday
    3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ?
    ( Show “ Think and write “ )
    Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks .
    ( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught )
    4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday .
    So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy ‘s holiday.
    Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?
    ( Show “ Ask and answer “ )
    Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.
    5 Read the story in group .
    6 Try to retell the story .
    Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .
    Liu Tao went to ….and
    Mike …
    Step 3 Consolidation
    T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday . Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life . How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them . Please write and read to him.
    1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday.
    2 Write a story about your holiday life .
    Blackboard design板书设计:
    Unit 3 Holiday Fun

    went to Shanghai

    visited his aunt went to the Bund visited the Shanghai Museum

    went to a farm

    picked some oranges went fishing


    Unit 3 Holiday fun (Period 2)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Grammar time & Fun time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.
    2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.
    3 We can use these sentences “what did you do?\where did you go?\why did …? Did you …? and how to answer.
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.
    2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Revision
    1.Review the text

    T: What did Mike do? S: …
    S1: What did Liu Tao do? S: …
    S2: Where did Mike\Liu Tao do? S:…
    S3: How was Mike’s \ Liu Tao’s holiday? S:…
    T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because

    Ask some students: Did you …?
    S: Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t.
    2. Writing on the blackboard
    What did … do? I\He\She…
    Where did …go? I\He\She…
    How was …? It was great fun.
    Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because
    Did you …? Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t.
    3. Read these sentences
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Grammar

    (2)How to answer these questions?
    Turn to P29 ,read by yourselves.
    (3)Learn the new past tense. Play the game: Quick respond .
    (4)Practice the questions and answers. Work in four and say it one by one.
    Step 3 Fun time
    T: Look at the girl. She is Li Li. She and her family visited Beijing on National Day Holiday(国庆节假日). They saw many interesting things. She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao.
    Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日)
    T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him?
    Ss: Yes.
    (1). Discuss in group
    (2). Ask and answer.
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1. 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?…
    (1). 四人一小组讨论。
    (2). 选出一位当小记者采访其它组。
    (3). 小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。
    1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。
    2.看Fan time 中的图片,完成对话。
    Blackboard design板书设计:
    Unit3 Holiday fun
    What did … do? I\He\She…
    Where did …go? I\He\She…
    How was …? It was great fun.
    Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because
    Did you …? Yes, I did.\No, I didn’t.

    Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 3)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Culture time, Cartoon time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1能听懂、会读、会说单词、词组:“Easter, summer holiday Christmas holiday, fashion show, excited ,wore ,wonderful, heavy rain”并理解单词的意思。
    2能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Where did you go? I….
    Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you …?I ….
    5 能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    Teaching procedures教学过程:

    Step1 Warm up
    2.T: Hello, class. Where did you go for the holiday?
    S;I went to…
    T: How was your holiday?
    S: It was…
    T: What did you do there?
    S: ….
    Step2 Presentation
    1.T: Oh dear. Your holiday is very good, let’s enjoy some pictures.(教师展示一些有关节日的图片,为后面的做铺垫)
    S: Yes.
    T: Well, Do you know them? 请学生一一介绍,并带读New Year’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day ,Halloween.
    S: Read the New words.
    T: Would you like say something about them?(请学生讨论)
    S: 可以小组讨论每个节日的文化背景知识。
    T: What did you do for the….?
    S: I…
    T: Did you…?
    S: Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
    询问两、三个学生后,教师出示Easter,summer holiday Christmas holiday,图片,让学生读一读并讨论这三个节日的文化背景知识。
    Teach: Easter,summer holiday Christmas holiday,
    I visited ….for the summer holiday.
    He went to…for the ……
    We made many colourful eggs for the…
    3.The difference between main school holidays in the UK and in China
    Step3 Cartoon time
    We can do many things in our school holiday. What about Sam and Bobby?
    1. Watch and answer
    It is time for dinner .Bobby comes home late.
    T: Let’s watch a cartoon and answer the question.
    1.Where did Bobby go?
    S; He was in the park .They had a fashion show.
    2.What did Bobby and Sam wear?
    S: Bobby wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.
    2. Did the show go well at last? Why?
    S: No, it was wonder at first ,but then there was heavy rain.
    3. Read in groups
    4. Acting time
    T: 小组表演。
    1. 表演原文
    2. 改换服装
    3. 增加台词
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1. 再次读短文将对话改编成短文进行填空。
    It is time for dinner .Bobby comes home late .He ___ in the park. They had a_____ ____ there. Tina is _____ about the show, she asks Bobby. ;What did you wear ?Bobby ___a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.But Sam didn’t ,he wore a lot of ____.That’s interesting. It was wonderful at first ,but then there was ____ _____.

    1.向你的家人说说Culture time中节日的文化知识以及了解更多节日的文化背景知识。
    2.抄写Cartoon time一英一中,并表演。
    Blackboard design板书设计:

    Unit 3 Holiday fun
    A: Where did you go ? B: I went to …
    A: What did you do ? B: I’ …

    Unit3 Holiday Fun (Period 4)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Sound time, Checkout time &Ticking time
    Teaching aims and objectives教学目标:
    1. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Where did you go? I….
    Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did you …?I ….
    2. 能熟练运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。
    3. 能初步根据提示写出过去所做事情的短文。
    4. 能正确使用降调来朗读句子。
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    1. 能熟练运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。
    2. 能初步根据提示写出过去所做事情的短文。
    3. 能正确使用降调来读句子。
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step1 Warm up
    1. 学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。
    2. Do you want to take part in the programmer? If you want the ticket, you should fininsh the game.
    Step2 Presentation
    1. Review the text.
    T: Do you remember what did Mike and LiuTao do on the holiday?(教师展示一些有关课文的图片,启发孩子的记忆)
    S: Yes.
    T: Introduce the rules. Say yeah yeah yeah,或者no no no.
    2. 出示图片录音引导学生问答。
    T: Why didn’t LiuTao have the big fish?(请学生讨论)
    S: Because Mike ate them.
    T: So Mike felt sorry about that. He wants to go to the farm again.
    Watch and answer:
    What does Mike want?Let’s have a look.
    S:Mike wants an orange and a fish.
    T: Look at the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感叹句要用降调来读)
    S: (跟读句子,齐读句子)
    完成ticking time中的一项。
    Step3 Checkout time
    1. Write and say
    T:Congratulation! Now you get the ticket.
    There are nine eggs here, You can choose one. Maybe you can get some presents,and maybe not.you should answer some questions.Let’s look.
    a. (砸到空的金蛋,需要看图完成填空,才能获得3颗星。)
    We know on the National Day, Mike got some fish and some fruit ,he was happy. Look, they were happy too. What did they do in the holiday?
    b. 选一人作答,然后齐读。
    2. Think and write
    T: Hello, class. They had a lot of fun on the holiday. Do you like the National Day holiday?
    S:Yes, we do.
    a. Ask and answer.
    T:Last holiday, where did you go?
    S;I went to…
    T: How was your holiday?
    S: It was…
    T: What did you do there?
    S: ….
    b. Try to wirte.
    T: I know a lot about your holiday. Do you want to know something about my holiday. S: Miss Ang, where did you go? What did you do ?...
    T: I went to BeiJing for the holiday.
    I saw the summer palace.
    There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of nice food with my family.
    It was great fun.
    Step 4 Consolidation
    2. 再次仿照范例将对话改编成自己的短文。
    My holiday
    I went for the holiday. I saw there. I . It was great fun,
    展示并完成ticking time中内容。

    Blackboard design板书设计:

    Unit 3 Holiday fun
    I went to BeiJing for the holiday.
    I saw the summer palace.
    There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of nice food with my family.
    It was great fun.

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 4单元分析

    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇then,ago,telephone, office,mobile phone,radio,news,yesterday,then and now,make friends,all over the world,go on,six years ago。
    2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Six years ago,Mike could read and draw,but he could not write.Now he can do many things.What day is it today?It’s...
    3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people.Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere.
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词an e-mail, busy, a town, usually, well, fast, high, from。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Does he/she...? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. What does he/she usually do...? He/ She usually..
    2.词汇:mobile phone,sentence等词的读音及动词过去式。
    Unit4 Then and now(period 1)
    1.听说读单词then and now ,e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-friend, anywhere, could,并能运用于语句中。
    2.掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,会说…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,…
    四、教具学具准备 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT
    Step 1. Warming up
    1.T: Time flies quickly. We are growing up, and the things around us are changing. We know, the world is changing.
    2. T: Then what is changing? Do you have your idea?
    Step2. New learning
    A.1. T: Perfect. I like your ideas. Now I’ll show you a family. Do you know them? Who is he/ she? ( Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mike’s grandpa)
    2. Then, how about this boy? Yes, this is Mike six years/ Mr Brown twenty years ago/ Mrs Brown twenty years ago/ Mike’s grandpa thirty years ago.
    T: (总结)The time before, we can use this word: Then. ( what does it mean?)
    T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 4, Then and now.
    T: SO ,can you say sth. about Mike’s family? (对比说,is/are, was/were)
    T: They have changed a lot. And this lesson, we’ll know more about the changes of Mike’s family.
    B.1. (图) This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many things now. Let’s guess, what can he do?
    (图)T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago? What could he do? (读could)I give you two fist letters here. Can you guess? What couldn’t he do?
    T: So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …(师生一起读文本)
    T: Can you describe little Mike six years ago and young Mike now?
    总结:In fact, everyone is changing everyday( the changes of people), What they look like is changing(appearance) , and what they can do is changing, too(ability).
    3. T: And we know, as we people are changing everyday, our life is changing, too. Now let’s listen to the tape, and try to catch: what they did then and what they do now. And remember to tick them quickly. After learning let’s check.
    4. look at Mr Brown. This is Mr Brown twenty years ago. And This is Mr Brown now.
    What did he do then and what does he do now?
    (1)Read the paragraph quickly, and try to find out the communicate tools.
    (2)read the four words. T: They are needed when we want to contact others. So ,which one do you like? And Why?
    (3) How about Mr Green? What did he use twenty years ago? (match: wrote letters, used the telephone) How about now? ( match: writes e-mails, uses the mobile phone)
    T: Let’s imagine where he did or does these things. Where did he wrote letters/ use the telephone/ write e-mails/ uses the mobile phone?
    (4) T: Let’s read this paragraph together. Now, try to describe Mr Brown.(学生复述)
    (总结)T: Then and now, the way to contact people is changing .
    5. T: look at the pictures, do you remember her? —Mrs Brown Let’s see what changes have happened on her.
    (1) T: What is she doing in the picture?
    (2) T: Are you right? Read it please. (解释e-friends) So maybe she is doing some shopping or chat with her e-friends on the Interenet.
    (3)And this is the picture of her twenty years ago. Then she was a schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy things?
    (4) Read the text with your partners.
    (5) T: Let’s try to fill in the table ,OK? 根据表格说一遍。
    (总结:It tells us the way to ______ and the way to _______. And the ways are changing now.)
    7. Read the whole text together.
    8.T: What do you think? You can discuss in groups first.
    Ss: Their life is…(colourful, cool , modern, happy…) ,because…
    T: This time, let’s work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.(分组练习朗读,然后四人一小组,上台借助板书进行反馈)。
    Step4 Homework
    1.Listen and read Story time.
    2.Retell Story time on P38
    3.Bring two photos and think of the changes between two photos on P40.
    板书设计:Unit4 Then and now


    Unit4 Then and now (period 2)
    1. 能够理解并掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。
    2. 学生能运用句型…….years ago, I was/ I could (not)/ didn’t……..。
    3. 在真实情境中,用所学知识正确比较过去与现在。
    1. 能正确掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。
    2. 能用一般现在时和一般过去时的语句来描述自己。
    1. 能够在课上的活动中发现学习英语的乐趣,乐于去表达说出英语。
    2. 了解过去与现在的变化,体会我们生活的提升。
    1. 了解掌握动词过去式的转换方式和运用。
    2. 运用文中所学的句型等,准确表达出自己的过去和现在。
    Step 1. Preparation
    1. Free talk
    T: What did you do yesteday /last weekend?
    T:What do you often do at weekends?
    2. Act and say
    T: What did I do just now ?
    S: You listened to music just now.
    Step 2. Presentation & Practice
    1. Think and say
    T: Think about the changes of Mike’s family and finish the table.

    2. Read and learn
    T: Look at the pictures and learn the words.

    an e-book a mobile phone a newspaper

    a radio a telephone a TV
    3. Try to use
    T: Look at this short passage, use the new words to fill in the blanks.
    Twenty years ago ,my mother used the
    at home. She couldn’t call people anywhere. Now she
    has a .It is easy to take .My father listened to the and read for news in the past ,but now he usually watches news on the Internet .Sometimes he reads newspaper .He also reads .For me ,ten years ago ,I watched at weekends, now I like playing computer games when I’m free . It’s fun.
    4. Grammar time : Make sentences
    T: There are three types of cards in my hand.They are “When”,“Who”and “What”. We need to put these three arbitrary combined into a sentence .
    Eg: S1: twenty years ago
    S2: Mr Brown
    S3: write letters to his friends
    S4: Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends.
    5. Grammar time : Read and find
    6. Grammar time : Play a game(Quick response)
    (1)T: I say the words, you should say the past tense as quickly as you can.
    is/am(was)are(were) can(could)
    fly(flew) take(took) see(saw)
    go (went) eat(ate) get(got)
    7. Grammar time : Read the irregular verbs
    Eg:I (see) a mobile phone under the desk just now .
    Lucy (get) up late this morning .
    Step 3. Production and Progress
    1. Checkout time: Look and write
    T: What could they do? What couldn’t they do?
    2. Fun time
    A. T: Look, here are two photos of me. Twenty years ago, I was a student. I could ride a bike .I couldn’t drive. I didn’t work. Now I’m a teacher. I can drive . I teach you English.
    B. T: Let’s say something about “ then and now” of you, and make a comparison table.
    3. Checkout time:Think and write
    T: Stick a photo of yourself and then write about it .
    板书设计:Unit4 Then and now
    is/am(was)are(were) can(could)
    fly(flew) take(took) see(saw)
    go (went) eat(ate) get(got)
    一般过去时表示在过去发生的事情,其时间状语一般是表示在过去,如yesterday,last week,an hour ago,in 1982等等,这一点是其典型的特征。虽然对于小学生来说,讲到的都是简单的一般过去时的构词和用法,但是实际上在课外已经涉及到它很多形式的变化,我们可以将一般过去时的构成做一个系统的划分:

    Unit4 Then and now (period 3)
    1、阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。
    2、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去, 感受个人的成长和社会的进步。;
    1、阅读并了解相关的Culture time;
    1、阅读并了解相关的Culture time;
    教具学具准备 PPT
    Watch the video;
    Let’s recall the past.
    Revision a、Introduce myself.
    b、Introduce themselves.
    c、Introduce Clothes 、Food、House and Transportation about the past and the present.
    Step2: Presentation
    1 Sound time
    1)Talk and lead-in: Bobby and Sam also learn English at school. This is an English lesson.
    Ask: What are they doing now?
    2)Try to read the sentences;
    3)Explain :er is pronounced as ---
    4)Try to say some other words about “er”
    5)Read the words together ,then make some new sentences with the words.
    2 Cartoon time
    Watch the cartoon, then answer :Miss Fox gets angry. Why?
    Read together and judge.
    Read alone and answer: What do you think of Sam and Bobby?
    Listen and repeat.
    Think and imagine: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? Read in roles and try to act.
    Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about?
    3 Culture time
    They’re talking about a book called Great inventions.
    Ask: What is this? It’s an aeroplane. What about this? It’s a train.
    Ask: Who invented the aeroplane and the train? Listen and repeat.
    Introduce the first aeroplane and the first train.
    Step5: Extension
    1) The Americans and the British invented the first aeroplane and the first train. And Our Chinese people are even great. Then Introduce the Four Great Inventions of ancient China
    2)Share some other inventions.
    3)Sum up: Listen carefully in class, we will know a lot and be a useful person!
    Step6: Homework
    1、Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.
    2 、Surf the Internet and find out some stories about inventions.
    板书设计:Unit4 Then and now
    Miss Fox gets angry. Why?
    What do you think of Sam and Bobby?
    If you were Miss Fox, what would you say?

    (1) 挖掘故事中的矛盾点,激发学生对故事的兴趣。
    (2) 帮助学生构建生活经验,激发学生对故事的兴趣。
    (3) 借助图片或简笔画,激发学生复述故事的兴趣。
    (4) 通过猜想续编故事,激发学生表达的兴趣。
    (1) 挖掘词汇之间的联系。
    (2) 挖掘故事内容之间的联系。
    (1) 通过实物让学生演绎故事,体验情感。
    (2) 运用多媒体创设情境,使学生体验未知的事物。
    (1) 分层选择朗读内容,给更多学生以展示的机会。
    (2) 设计贴近故事内容的活动,使学生有话可说。
    (3) 双耳听故事,双手拼故事。

    Unit4 Then and now (period 4)
    4.正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
    正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
    正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
    教具学具准备 PPT, 照片
    Step1 Show the task
    Hello, boys and girls, welcome back again. Nice to see you. Today let’s go on learning this unit. What is the topic?
    At this lesson, we’ll have a main task. Look, the task is :Write a passage: I’ve grown up! At the end of this lesson, please try to finish the passage. OK?
    Step2 Play a game
    Firstly, let’s play a game, it’s called: Choose and classify. For me , some words that used in the past and some of them that used in the present. Can you classify them?
    You can say like this: In the past, you…. Now, you…
    Step3 Revision
    1)Just now, you could classify the words that used in the past and the present. Which one do you prefer? That means which one do you like better, life in the past or life today?
    You can answer the question in this way: I think life in the past was…Life today is…
    2) Someone likes the life today, but someone doesn’t. No matter whether we like it or not, we will grow up! Look, this is Mike’s family photo. But what were they like when they were young? What could they do? What couldn’t they do? Let’s take a look.
    3)Say something about them according to the photos? Please try to guess from the photos.
    T: Look at this baby. Who’s he?
    S: He’s Tim.
    T: Can you say something about him?
    S: Tim was one year old. He couldn’t…
    T: What else…?
    4)Now, let's know more about the members in Mike’s family. Open your books, read this part and finish the exercise here.
    Let’s check together.
    Boys and girls, you should use could and couldn’t correctly.
    5) You know Mike’s family. What about you? Now, it's time for us to write a passage: I’ve grown up!
    Step4 Task
    You see, everyone has changed a lot .and we can see many changes in our daily life. Can you find more changes in our life.
    Discuss in groups and then share ideas.
    Step5 Homework
    1.Talk to your friends about the changes happen on you.
    2. Memorize the irregular verbs you’ve learnt, and try to know more.
    3. Think about more changes of our life, try to say them in English.
    板书设计:Unit4 Then and now
    I’ve grown up!


    译林小学英语 六上Project 1单元分析
    1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 holiday,weather,was,did,didn’t,Great Wall,went,for the holiday,how was the weather,National Day,go to。
    2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for tthe holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? WWhy did you call me?Did you ...?Yes,I did./No, I didn’t.
    How was the wweather? It was...
    3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Find photos or draw pictures. Ask and answer the questions about the photos or pictures.Make a holiday album and give a report.




    Project1 A holiday album(period 1)
    1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 holiday,weather,was,did,didn’t,Great Wall,went,for the holiday,how was the weather,National Day,go to。
    2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for tthe holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? WWhy did you call me?Did you ...?Yes,I did./No, I didn’t.
    How was the wweather? It was...
    3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Find photos or draw pictures. Ask and answer the questions about the photos or pictures.Make a holiday album and give a report.

    四、教具学具准备 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT
    Step1.Warm up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk
    What day is it today?
    What day was it yesterday?
    How is the weather today?
    How was the weather yesterday?
    Where did you go this summer holiday?
    What did you do last weekends?
    1. Review the words:
    Bund/Great Wall/Palace Museum/Shanghai Museum/Summer Palace/Tian’anmen Square
    2. Show my holiday album
    3. draw and say(part A)
    Everyone should draw a place you have gone in your life. And try to introduce the place to your classmate.(每个同学都要简单地画出自己曾经去过的一个地方,并且用简单的语句向你的同学们介绍这个地方。)
    Tips: I went to...
    there was/were...
    The weather there was...
    4. ask and answer(Part B)
    Four students in a group and talk about the places you visited.(四人一小组讨论你所游玩过的地方)
    Use the sentences below:
    Where did you go for your holiday?
    What did you do there?
    How was the weather?
    Did you...?
    1. Last National Day Holiday, Mike______ (go) to the Star Lake with his family.
    2. He______ (fish) now. But he______ (not catch) any fish.
    3. The boy pointed at the king and______ (laugh).
    4. She was ill. So she______ (take)some medicine and______ (stay) in bed.
    5. It was______. So there was a lot of______ (rain).
    6. It was ______. There were black ______ (cloud) in the sky.
    7. We ______ (see) some bees flying in the flowers just now.
    8. He ______ (look) sad, because he ______ (lose) a new pen.
    板书设计:Project1 A holiday album
    Where did you go for tthe holiday?
    What did you do there?
    How was your holiday?
    Why did you call me?
    Did you ...?Yes,I did./No, I didn’t.

    Project 1 A holiday album(period 2)
    Step 1 预习反馈
    1.唱诵歌曲Rain, rain, go away
    T: How was the weather on National Day/1st October/Monday?
    Ss: It was…..
    Step 2 新知呈现
    1. 要求学生拿出课前准备好的旅游景点的照片或图片,交流分享。
    2. 指导学生将准备好的照片或图片贴在学生用书P99,并仿照例子给每幅图片写上标注,标明时间、城市和风景地名称。
    3. 组织学生互相展示自己制作的相册,并根据其内容,运用所学的语言知识,互相介绍出游经历。学生先根据自己的照片或图片进行介绍,再离开座位,与自己的好朋友进行交流提问。
    Step 3 自主学习
    watered pulled played cleaned
    cooked milked picked liked
    watched helped washed looked
    collected visited tasted
    1) 规则动词的过去式词尾变化:
    a. 一般情况下加ed,如played、milked.
    b. 以不发音字母e结尾的加d,如liked.
    c. 以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i,再加ed,如study—studied
    2) 规则动词加ed后的词尾读音:
    a. 在浊辅音和元音后读/ d /,如lived.
    b. 在清辅音后读/t /, 如liked, helped.
    c. 在/ t/,/ d /音后读/ Id /,如tasted
    3) 不规则动词过去式积累 :
    am/is-was are-were
    go-went do, does-did
    have, has-hade make-made read-read eat-ate drink-drank
    get-got come-came take-took
    see-saw buy-bought sing-sang
    work-worker teach-teacher
    板书设计: Project1 A holiday album

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 5单元分析
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词 汇sign.smoke,smell,danger,no eating or drinking, no littering,no parking,no smoking,wet floor,go in。
    2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it mean? It means...No smoking.
    3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Be careful,Tim. Is someone smoking? I can smell it.Do you want some juice?
    Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest.
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇sign.smoke,smell,danger,no
    eating or drinking,no littering, no parking,no smoking,wet floor,
    go in。
    2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型
    What does it mean? It means...No smoking.

    Unit5 signs(Story time)
    教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。
    2、What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t….
    教 学重、难点 熟练运用本课所学语言来描述公共场合的标志及它们的意义。
    Step 1 Warming up
    Guessing game.
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1.Buying things
    T:I like going shopping at weekends. If I want to buy some beautiful dresses and skirts, I can go to the shop. If I want to buy some food, I can go to the supermarket. I like going window shopping at the shopping centre. If I want to buy some books, I can go to the bookshop. I can buy some fresh fruit at the fruit shop. I like eating bread very much. So I often go to the bakeshop. If I want to have a big lunch with my family, we can go to the restaurant.
    PPT依次出现图片:shop,supermarket,shopping centre,bookshop,fruit shop,bakeshop,restaurant。
    Play the game:
    S: She likes … .( one by one)
    2.T: When I go shopping, I always see these things. (PPT呈现公共标志图片)。
    T: They are signs. There are many signs. They mean different things. They can tell us what can we do and what we can’t do.
    3.Look and say(PPT出示故事图片1)
    T: Who are they?
    4.Listen and answer:
    T: Where are they? Please listen to the tape, than answer.
    5.Read and choose
    T: Now please read the story quickly, than finish the exercises on page 50 “Read and choose.”
    T: Number 1, Where are Mike, Helen and Tim? How do you know?(依次讨论4个选择题,并追问如何得出答案,让学生说说依据)。
    6.Look and answer
    T: What does it mean? (PPT出示标志“Wet floor”)
    T—S: It means ‘Wet floor’. It means the floor is wet.
    What does it mean?
    It means ‘No littering’ / ‘No eating or drinking’ / ‘No smoking’.
    It means you can’t litter / eat or drink / smoke here.
    7.Listen and repeat
    T: Now let’s listen to the tape, repeat the sentences.
    T: Now it’s your turn to read the story. Then you can act in your groups.
    Step3 Consolidation
    Look and write. (P50)
    S快速在书中找出句子It means the floor is wet.
    Read and act.
    Work in groups.
    T—S: What does it mean?
    It means‘No parking’.
    It means you can’t park here.
    板书设计:Unit5 signs
    What does it mean?
    It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…
    You can /can’t….

    本课是六年级上册第五单元Story time部分对句型的语篇阅读教学。在学习回答的过程中要注意单独把每一部分的图片都放大,让学生对着每张图片进行口述,培养学生的复述能力,然后让一个小组学生拿着图片去问另一个小组的学生,小组之间进行竞争,看哪个小组最棒,回答的更完整。这样带有竞争性的小组互动能够充分调动起学生的季积性。

    Unit5 signs(Grammar time & Fun time )
    教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t….
    2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。
    教学重、难点 掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+doing(动名词)结构。
    Step1 Warm up
    Listen and point
    T: You can find the sign in the park. It means you can’t litter here.
    T: You can find the sign in the shopping centre. It means the floor is wet……
    依次复习Story time 里提到的标识。I feel….
    I can get a/some…for you.
    (教师逐一出示Part C的图片)
    Step3. Read and say.
    Greetings with the teacher.
    Ss:(手指禁止乱扔垃圾的标识)No littering.
    学生指标识,学习No parking. 结合句型操练,同法学习Danger.
    Step2 Presentation
    T: You can see the sign in the street. It means you can’t park your car here.
    Step3 Revision
    1.Show the pictures .Look and answer.
    1)Where are they?
    2) What shop do they see first?
    3) Does Helen want to take her juice into the bookshop?
    4) What are they eating in the restaurant?
    5) Who is smoking in the restaurant?
    Place Sign Name It means…
    shopping centre Wet
    littering We litter
    No or We can’t
    restaurant No
    Step4 Grammar time
    1.Let’s play a game “Super bomb” 快速闪现公共标识的图片。
    No + 动名词/名词(祈使句)
    Step 5 Fun time讲解规则,示范游戏。
    It means … .
    Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
    Fill in the form.
    Read the text in roles.
    Retell the story.
    Play the game.
    板书设计:Unit5 signs
    What does it mean?
    It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…
    You can /can’t….

    本课是六年级上册第五单元Grammar time & Fun time部分的重点句型进行讲解。有的学生对于主谓一致感到不太理解,要注意名词为单数时,所对应的动词应该用第三人称单数;当单词为复数时,所对应的动词应该为原形。
    在Grammar time中值得注意的是在观察每一幅图片时,一定要定位准确,让学生仔细观看图片要表达的含义,如果不能确定,可以小组形式合作交流讨论,如果还不能确定就请教老师。注意每个句子的不同表达方法时,既可以用一整句话,可以用简单的短语进行表达。
    注意Fun time部分中每一幅图片要表达的意思,在游戏前,学生要先弄懂每个图片的含义,想一想应该怎样表达。把每幅图片要表达韵含义写在纸上,读熟,牢记于心,这样在游戏时就能做到游刃有余。教师在游戏时要注意游戏的趣味牲,以增强学生学习英语的信心。

    Unit 5 Signs( cartoon time)
    教学目标 1. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。
    2. 学生对本课重点句型的综合运用。
    教学重、难点 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。
    Step 1. Warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Review.
    Review the text
    Who can retell the story?
    What does it mean?
    It means ….
    No littering/parking/smoking/…
    You can /can’t….
    3. Practice in groups.
    Step 2. Look and say.(Cartoon time)
    Greetings with the teacher.
    Read and recite the words.
    Listen to the tape and repeat.
    Change the words and say the rhyme again.
    S:(根据图片内容)I’ve got a …
    S: I feel …
    Look at the picture. Where are they? What are they doing?谈论,适时教授词汇outing.2.Watch the cartoon then answer the questions
    1) What time is it now?
    2) What does Bobby have for lunch?
    3) Does Bobby have a good time?
    回答三个问题后,接着追问学生Why didn’t Bobby have a good time?然后带领学生读故事,重点放在第三、四段上,适时教授词汇walk on 和around.
    What does the sign on the tree mean?
    Why can’t they eat bananas there? 帮助学生体会故事的幽默之处
    Step 3. Assign homework
    1. 朗读并抄写要求四会的单词,词汇和句型。
    2. 用句型 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a … 和 How do you feel now ? I feel … 进行笔头编对话各两组。
    Ask and answer in pairs.
    Look at the picture, listen to the tape and try to answer.
    Listen to the tape and repeat.
    Read the dialogue by themselves.
    Read in different roles.
    Try to act out the dialogue.
    板书设计: Unit 5 Signs
    What time is it now?
    What does Bobby have for lunch?
    Does Bobby have a good time?
    Why didn’t Bobby have a good time?
    本课的内容比较简单,在学习过程中注意让学生发掘动画的魅力,欣赏动画,增强他们学习英语的兴趣。要注意对口语能力的培养,像本单元最基本的句型,What does it mean? It means…等在本课结束后,要求全班百分之九十五以上的学生都能将其运自如,熟悉平时生活中的各种标识。
    Unit 5 Signs (sound time & culture time)
    教学目标 1、能正确读出字母组合ir发音,并能够体会小诗的韵律。
    2. 能了解美国和英国的地铁名称
    教学重、难点 能正确读出字母组合ir发音,并能够体会小诗的韵律。
    Step 1. Warming up.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    What does it mean?
    It means ….
    No littering/parking/smoking/…
    You can /can’t….
    3. revision
    A. Retell the text of story time.
    B. Act out the Cartoon time.
    Step 2: Look and say(Sound time)
    Look at the picture.
    What can you see?
    What did they say?
    Greetings with the teacher.
    Practice with the teacher.
    Try to listen and read it.Can you find some other words?
    thirteen thirsty first 等等
    Step 3: Look and match(Culture time)
    Look,What’s this? metro
    In the UK, people call the metro “underground”
    In the US, people call the metro “subway”
    Read them.
    Step 4. Exercises.
    1. Write the public signs.
    危 险!
    地 滑!
    2. 句型转换
    1. It means “ No climbing.”( 对划线部分提问)
    What _______ it ______________ ?
    2. Go and smoke there. ( 改成否定句)
    go and there.
    3. I can see some signs . (改成一般疑问句)
    Can see signs ?
    4. I am looking for my books. (对划线部分提问)
    you looking for ?
    Step 5. Homework.
    Say a rhyme.
    Play a game.
    Work in groups and act.
    Read the four words and try to find out the characteristics.
    Listen to the teacher and repeat.
    Listen to the tape and repeat.
    Practice reading some other words.
    板书设计:Unit 5 Signs
    What does it mean?
    It means ….
    No littering/parking/smoking/…
    You can /can’t….

    本课是六年级上册第五单元Sound time and culture time第四课时,本课的内容比较简单,在以前的sound time部分也有所接触,本课学习的是ir的发音规律,涉及到的单词主要有要有dirty,girl,shit,skirt,bird,对于这几个单词的发音规律,学生要牢记,在学习的过程中要注意对比分析,一点一滴地积累。
    Culture time部分要注意培养学生对英美文化的了解,注意在对英国人说话时,用英式英语,与美国人说话时,尽量用美国英语,不要养成不区分任何英语,笼统的放在一起说。要求学生下课后查找相关的知识,了解为什么同样都是说英语的国家,同一事物叫法却不尽相同呢?英美两国还存在哪些差异?具体体现在哪些方面?学生可以去图书馆查阅资料,掌握更多的课外知识,这样在学习的过程中注意既培养了学生的学习动力,更让学生掌握了很多的知识,可谓一举两得。
    在Checkout time部分的学习中要让学生准确地画出各种图案并清楚地表达。准确运用各种标志进行提问,对重点句型进行练习,并注意兼顾学习困难的学生,帮助他们学习。在Ticking time部分对学生进行检测,让他们自我评估,有不懂的内容要在本单元内多加回顾,在学习过程中要注意鼓励和激发学生的积极性。

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 6单元分析
    1、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇keep,clean,make,air,
    dirty,smoke,rubbish,bin,plant,keep our city clean,make t the air dirty,the rubbish in the water,take the bus。
    2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What makes the air dirty?Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.What can we do keep our city clean?
    3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.Well done, class!Your dies are great.We can move...away from...Do you throw rubbish on the floor?
    1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词half, night, past, ready, really, take, begin。
    2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What time is it? It’s time for...Do you want to...? I want to...

    Unit6 Keep our city clean(period 1)
    1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can…
    2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty
    3. 能流利的朗读课文。
    4. 知道怎样使我们的城市保持干净,培养学生的环保意识。
    1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can…
    2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty
    3. 能流利的朗读课文。
    1. 能听懂、会说、会读:What makes…dirty /messy? …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to…? We can…
    2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:keep, clean, make, dirty
    四、教具学具准备 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT
    Step 1 Warm up
    1.Listen to the song :Two little blackbirds.
    T:Do you like birds?
    What birds do you know?
    Can you see any birds near your house?
    Where can you see any birds?
    T:These pictures are of City A.What can you see in these pictures?
    T: Do you like City A? Why?
    T: Now, let’s look at some pictures of City B. What can you see?
    T: Do you ike City B ?Why ? What’s wrong with City B?
    T:Look, I usually take a walk in the park. I often to boating. I like flying kites. Look at these pictures. It’s our city. It’s beautiful and clean.
    We live in the city, so we should keep our city clean.
    揭题:Unit 6 keep our city clean
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. T: Look , who are they? Let’s look at their city
    新授: messy, dirty
    2. T: The city is messy and dirty. Why? What can you see in these pictures?
    新授: smoke from cars , smoke from factories, rubbish, dead fish
    3. T: Now please open your books, read P58 and find
    新授: A: What makes our city dirty?
    B: …makes…dirty
    What makes our city dirty?
    Smoke from cars and black smoke from factories make(s) the air dirty
    Rubbish the streets
    Rubbish in the water the river
    5. T: What can we do to keep our city clean?
    a. Brain storm b. Listen and repeat
    Step 3. Consolidation
    1. Reading time
    2. 就教师提出的有关鸟的问题展开讨论,引出本单元的话题。
    S:I can see a lot lf beautiful flowers and trees/a clean river / some birds in the blue sky clean streets…
    Ss:(Talk in pairs and answer)
    S1:I can see a grey sky /a lot of cars in the streets/a lot of rubbish in the streets…
    Read the title after the teacher.
    Ss:Watch and choose
    The city is ________
    A. beautiful and choose B. messy and dirty
    3.Read and underline.
    4.Read and learn.
    5.Discuss in groups
    Topics: 1. keep the park clean
    2.keep the school clean
    3.keep the bedroom clean
    Step 4 Home work
    1. Copy the new words
    2. Listen and read the story
    3. Make a poster about keeping the city clean in groups.

    本课教学的主要内容是学会新的单词,在学习单词的过程中注意单词的发音,记单词时要与图片的内容相结合,并对句型What makes our city dirty?和What can we do to keep our city clean?进行重点练习,为下文学习Grammar time打下良好的基础。

    Unit6 Keep our city clean (period 2)
    1. 能够四会掌握单词keep, clean, make, dirty并熟练地听说读air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, move … away from, bin, plant, more。
    2. 复习巩固Story time,能正确地进行ask and answer部分的问答。
    3. 能正确地说出保护环境的措施。
    4. 保护环境从身边做起。能结合Fun time说一说并填一填怎样保护学校环境并进行演讲。
    1.能够四会掌握单词keep, clean, make, dirty并熟练地听说读air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, move … away from, bin, plant, more。
    2.复习巩固Story time,能正确地进行ask and answer部分的问答。
    Step1 Revision
    T: Today we’ll still learn “Unit6...”
    1. Grammar time
    T: (老师出示词组,同学们快速读一读,跳出小老虎图片就拍一次手) In the game there are some phrases . Let’s review them.
    2. Practice time
    Fill in the blanks
    3. Act time
    T: I’d like someone to act as the story time.
    a. 先出示文中有图片的单词如:clean , dirty , air , factory , smoke , rubbish
    clean 干净的 a clean chair , a clean room , clean windows
    dirty 脏的 dirty hands , a dirty street ,dirty shoes
    air 空气 clean air , dirty air , by air
    factory 工厂 clothes factory , food factory , many factories , in the factories
    smoke 烟 black smoke Don’t smoke. (作动词用)
    rubbish 垃圾 rubbish bin
    Step 2 Grammar time
    T: Now, boys and girls, turn to page 60, look at the questions.
    T:出示Grammar time 的完整图片。
    2. 语法要点归纳:
    1) What 作为疑问词看作是单数,所以动词make使用了第三人称单数形式。
    2) Smoke 和rubbish都是不可数名词。一般现在时的肯定句中,主语是不可数名词,谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。
    3) Make和keep的不同用法:
    Make 的意思有很多,做,制作,制造,整理,获得等,在本单元中的意思是“使……变得”,make+sth/ sb+形容词 。如:
    Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. 汽车排出来的烟使空气变得肮脏。
    Rubbish makes the steeets messy and dirty. 垃圾使街道杂乱无章。
    例如:We can put rubbish in the bin to keep our city clean. 我们把垃圾放进垃圾桶能让我们的城市保持干净。
    Trees help keep the air clean. 树木有助于空气保持清新。
    3. Make some sentences.
    Can you make some sentences : What makes … dirty? What makes … messy and dirty ?
    Step 3 Play a game (Magic eyes)
    T: The city is dirty. So what can we do to keep our city clean? Talk to your partners.
    Step 4 Fun time
    T: Boys and girls . How do you think of our school ? Is it beautiful ?
    T: Is it clean ?
    T: Do you want our school to be cleaner and more beautiful ? What can we do to keep our school clean?
    Here is a passage about it . Can you read it ?
    Our school is big and beautiful. It is often clean . But sometimes there is some rubbish in the corner or on the grass. In the classroom there is some rubbish on the floor. I hope it can be cleaner and more beautiful. What can we do to keep our school clean ?We can… We can… We can… We can…
    Step 5 Homework
    1. 仿照例文,写一段维护校园卫生的短文,整理成演讲稿。
    2. 从身边点滴做起,保护环境。
    Ss: “Keep our city clean”.
    b. 对其余单词如messy, dead, move … away from, bin, plant, more也让学生认读和练习。
    Ask and answer in pairs.
    Act out
    S: What makes the desk dirty?
    S: What makes the house messy and dirty?
    S:What makes the room messy and dirty?
    S: What makes the school dirty?
    S: Yes.
    S: Yes, it is . But sometimes there is some rubbish in the corner .
    板书设计: Unit6 Keep our city clean
    What makes … dirty?
    What makes … messy and dirty ?
    What can we do to keep our city clean?
    本课是在学习的过程中要求教师以多种形式练习句型“What makes the air dirty? What can we do to keep our city clean?”找出城市问题形成的原因,并寻求解决办法。可以采取问卷调查的形式。学生做一个问卷,去学校或是小区里,或是大街上进行随机调查,根据回答最后进行汇总,做出一个表格,明确地看出存在的问题及解决方法。让学生和老师分享各自的调查内容。
    Unit6 Keep our city clean (period 3)
    1. 能理解Cartoon time部分内容并能听说读skin, slip ,throw, should ,ground, museum, pick…up等词语。
    2. 通过Cartoon time部分内容的学习,培养不随手乱丢杂物的好习惯。
    3. 会唱歌曲Two little blackbirds.
    1.能理解Cartoon time部分内容并能听说读skin, slip ,throw, should ,ground, museum, pick…up等词语。
    2. 通过Cartoon time部分内容的学习,培养不随手乱丢杂物的好习惯。
    3. 会唱歌曲Two little blackbirds.
    能正确读好Cartoon time的内容并尝试表演。
    教具学具准备 PPT
    Step1 Warming up
    T: Hello, boys and girls, what day is it today?
    T: What’s the date today?
    T: What’s the weather like today?
    Step 2 Review
    T: Boy and girls, sometimes, our school is not very clean. What makes our school dirty? What can we do to make our school clean?
    Step 3 Song time
    T: Now let’s sing another song . This song is about two blackbirds. One named Jack and one named Jill. (named名叫)The intonation is almost the same as the song we just sang. 歌曲的曲调和我们刚才唱得差不多。Let’s watch and song. Try to follow it.
    2.解释fly away , come back的意思,并作出相应的动作。
    Step 4 Cartoon time
    1. Watch and answer : What did Bobby do ?
    T: Boys and girls, now it’s time to watch a cartoon. It’s about Bobby. He did a bad thing . What did he do ? Let’s watch it . 播放动画。
    T: What happened?
    T: Well done. Now open your books and read the cartoon, circle the new words, please.
    T teaches the new words and phrases:
    museum, art museum; throw—threw; skin, a banana skin; pick…up, pick the skin up/pick up the skin; slip—slipped; fall--fell
    1) Read and write
    T:Who likes living in the city?
    T:Why does Bobby like living in the city ? And why does Tina like living in the city, too? Read the first part and try to find the answer.
    Finish the exercise and check:
    Bobby likes living in the city because there are many _________ , ________ and __________ . Tina likes living in the city because it’s _____ and _______ .
    3) Read and answer:
    T: Bobby likes the city. But he did a bad thing. Read the following part and answer the questions.
    1. What did Bobby do after eating a banana ?
    2. What happened next ?
    3. Did Bobby feel sorry ?
    4)Read and talk
    T: Bobby threw a banana skin on the ground. Is it right? What should he do ?
    T: Yes, we should put the rubbish in the bin. We shouldn’t throw the rubbish on the ground.
    板书: …should…. … shouldn’t …
    5). 听读模仿。
    6). 小组分角色模仿读。
    7). 试着分角色表演。
    1).我们现在应该回家。We should go home now.
    2).我们不应该在街上玩。We shouldn’t play in the street.
    3).我们不应该在动物园里吃或者喝东西。 We shouldn’t eat or drink in the zoo.
    4).你应该在晚饭前做作业。 You should do your homework before supper.
    5).你应该把垃圾捡起来。 You should pick the rubbish up.
    T: Bobby wanted to pick the banana skin up. But it’s too late. Billy slipped on it and fell . What a pity ! This is the story. It tells us we shouldn’t…
    Step 5 Homework
    1. 熟读Cartoon time
    2. 预习Checkout time
    板书设计:Unit6 Keep our city clean
    …should…. … shouldn’t …
    本课的Cartoon time部分告诉学生不要随便丢垃圾,让他们知道由此所带来的社会影响,注意保护身边的每一寸土地。
    Song time部分的内容为儿歌,学生接触英文儿歌的机会比较少,由于中国人生性内敛,学生往往羞于表现,在这方面应该多多鼓励我们的孩子。Two little blackbirds是首旋律简单的歌曲,以后可以用这首歌作为课前的话动。国外的儿歌一般韵律简单,节奏清楚,比较适于小学生的学习,在学习的过程中要特别注意英文单词在儿歌中的发音规律,这样有利于英语语感的培养。

    Unit6 Keep our city clean (period 4)
    1.学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成checkout time。
    2.学生能熟练掌握句型:…make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…
    学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成checkout time
    1.学生能熟练掌握句型:…make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…
    教具学具准备 PPT
    Step1 Warm up
    1. Greeting
    2. Revision
    T: Let’s say something about the pictures.
    Is the city clean?
    What makes the city dirty?
    What can we do to keep the city clean?
    Step2 Checkout time
    1.Look and write
    Look at the pictures. What can you see in these pictures?
    T: Yes, they are dirty or messy. To keep them clean, we can… Please write down your ideas and fill the blanks.
    Check the answers.
    板书: …make(s)the… dirty/messy.
    To keep the …clean, we can…
    2.Look and say
    1. Show a picture
    2. Summary: Your ideas are great. To keep the room clean, we should put the things in the right places.
    Step3 Sound time
    8. Read together.
    9. Read the other sentences.(注意升降调)
    Does smoke make the air dirty?
    Yes, smoke makes the air dirty.
    Does rubbish make the streets messy and dirty?
    Yes, rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.
    Can we keep the air clean?
    Yes, we can!
    We can move some factories away from our city.
    Can we keep the streets clean?
    Yes, we can!
    We can put rubbish in the bin.
    Step4 Ticking time
    Step5 Homework
    1. Make some sentences about our classroom with the sentence pattern.
    …make(s)the… dirty/messy. To keep the …clean, we can…
    2. Review unit6
    Talk in pairs.
    The bedroom is …
    The park is …
    The classroom is …
    The air is …
    Talk about the pictures in groups.
    2. Have a competition
    1.Read by themselves.
    2.Watch the cartoon. Listen and feel.
    3.Read after the cartoon.
    4.Read after the teacher.(Show a finger and do actions together)
    5. The students read by themselves again.
    6. Read by some students
    7. The students try to give a summary.
    板书设计:Unit6 Keep our city clean
    …make(s)the… dirty/messy.
    To keep the …clean, we can…
    Checkout time部分主要是对单词及短语的再次应用,要求学生能够根据图画内容,填出相应的短语。在学习之前,可以让学生回顾一下本单元的生词表,巩固学生的记忆。
    Ticking time部分要求学生用can,make,keep自由组句子,可以是学生背诵的本单元的句子,也可以是学生自创的句子,在造句的过程中注意不要有语法错误,例如单复数和第三人称等,让学生养成良好的学习习惯。

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 7单元分析
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇protect,Earth,save,
    useful,use,waste,much,drive,save water/trees,too much
    /many,use/waste water,protect the Earth,make tables。
    2、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型We drink water and use water to clean things every day.We should use...We should not use...
    3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.Water is useful.Let me draw the EEarth first.I think it’s really cool.That looks nice!

    Unit 7 Protect the earth
    一、教学内容:6A Unit7 Protect the earth Story time
    a. Aims of knowledge
    1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the new words of “ protect the earth” fluently.
    2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the whole “story time” fluently, especially for the We should, We should not… We use..
    b. Aims of abilities.
    1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.
    2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories.
    c. Aims of emotions.
    1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand that “ We should protect the earth” because earth is our mother.
    2.At the end of the class, the students awareness of “protect the earth” should be aroused and do it in our daily life.
    1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.
    2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories.
    PPT, books, teaching plans.
    Step 1. Warm up
    T : I have lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies?
    T: Yes, you’re so clever, I like riding bikes best, but why?
    T: Yes, because it’s very “green” and healthy(PPT presents the picture of Pm.2.5)
    Step 2 .Presentation
    1.T: The PM2.5 is so heavy, now let’s watch a video called ”Our home”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can you see in this video?(play the video)
    S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in danger….
    T: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the plastic bags and plastic bottles. )
    T: So today we’re going to learn” Protect the earth”.
    2.T: First, Let’s listen to the story and circle the problems.
    3.T:Now let’s listen to the tape again and tell the names of each story.
    (listen, name and check)
    4.T: Well done , now let’s try to fill in the blanks.
    Energy comes from _____and____
    Teach oil and coal(PPT presents oil and coal)
    ______ comes from the trees
    Teach wood.
    5.T: Now let’s read and judge, please read it by yourselves.
    6.T: Now we know water is useful, boys and girls, but why should we protect it and how?
    Please read and learn.
    用直线画出原因(Why do we save water?)
    虚线画出方法(How do we save water?)
    listen to the tape and read after it.
    2.Save energy
    T: Now we know water is useful, what about energy? Please read and choose.
    S1:.Most of the energy comes from___B___.
    A. water and soil. B. coal and oil.
    S2. We should ____________ and we should not_______________.
    save energy; drive so much
    drive so much; save energy
    T: Now let’s find out why should we save energy and how to save it.
    用直线画出原因(Why do we save energy?)
    虚线画出方法(How do we save energy?)
    3. Save trees
    T: Now we know water and energy are important, what else?
    S: They’re trees.
    T: Yes, now please read by yourselves and then you can check with your deskmate.
    T: Perfect, now let’s try to fill in the blanks, boys and girls.
    ________comes from trees. We use ________ to make tables, chairs and many other things. We _____________cut down ______________trees because trees help ____________________.
    4. Don’t use too much plastic
    T: Now boys and girls, wood comes from trees, do the plastic come from the trees?
    S: No.
    T: So what do you know about plastic? You can have a group discussion.
    T: Good, now let’s listen and answer, what can we use plastic to make?
    Should we use too much plastics?
    T: So what can we use? Please have a group discussion.
    T: Ok, it’s time for reading, you can read by yourselves or get into a group.
    1. Listen to the tape and read after it for at least five times.
    2. Try to retell the story.
    3. Finish the exercises book.
    板书设计:Unit 7 Protect the Earth
    We drink water and use water to clean things every day.
    We should use...
    We should not use...

    本节课是六年级上册第七单元Story time部分说明型的语篇阅读教学。不同于其他的小故事,本篇短文阐述性较高,趣味性较低,所以为了避免学生学习过程中的枯燥乏味之感,提高学习本文的趣味性非常重要。因此,在阅读过程中,重在培养学生的阅读兴趣,教会学生简单的阅读策略。
    Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Period 2)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Grammar time, & Fun time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 Pupils have a review of the story time.
    2 Pupils can grasp the use of the modal verb: should/should not.
    3 Pupils can make sentences with use…to…
    4 Pupils can reuse the things and they can describe.
    5 Pupils realize the earth is the only home, they should try their best to protect the Earth.
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    1 Pupils can grasp the use of the modal verb: should.
    2 Pupils can make sentences with use…to…
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Warm up
    1 T shows the picture of the earth, it’s healthy, then shows another picture of it, it’s ill.
    T: Boys and girls, what’s wrong with the Earth?
    Ss: It’s ill/unhealthy.
    T:What should we do?
    Ss: We should…(出示protect the Earth)
    T: Do you want to be the little environment protector?
    Let’s try to be one, Mr Brown, Chairman of the World Environment Organization, will recruit some Chinese volunteers, do you want to be the volunteers? You must finish some tasks.
    Step 2 Revision
    Task1: Know how to protect the Earth
    Ss answer this question: Save the water, save energy…
    Teacher shows respective pictures. (Review main ideas of the story time)
    T: Let’s review some new words.
    Show pictures: coal, oil, wood, plastic, paper.
    Task2: Know how to deal with these things
    Read and judge
    Think and write
    Pupils fill in the blanks and show the answers.
    Step 3 Presentation & Practice
    Task3 Know the meanings of the signs and obey(遵守) them
    Teacher shows 4 public signs, pupils must use we should/should not….to make sentences.
    Teacher guides pupils to learn the use of should/should not: Grammar time.
    T: There are some sentences in story time about should/should not, read them and try to find the rules.
    Task4 Brain storm!
    Q: What else should we do/not to do to be a good environment protector?
    Pupils can discuss in a group, then teacher asks the volunteers to answer it.
    Task5 Know how to use the things on the Earth correctly(正确地)
    Teacher shows 3 sentences(课本上).
    Q1: Which one is not the right way?
    Q2: What else can we use on the Earth correctly?
    Task6 Know how to reuse the things
    T: We use almost everything on the Earth, after using, we throw them, what a pity! I t think clever people can reuse something.
    T shows four pictures.
    1.I collect some paper cups.
    I can reuse them to make …
    T: Boys and girls, you are clever too, can you show your DIYs? Please use this dialogue.
    A: Hi …,look, this is a...
    B: Oh, really?
    A: I reuse a ...to make this ...,do you like it?
    B: Yes, it’s nice / creative(有创意的)…I like it very much.
    Show time.
    Step4 Consolidation
    Task7 Write an application (申请)
    T: Boys and girls, you meet all the rules to be the environment protector, now you can write an application to Mr Brown !
    Step 5 Homework
    1.Share your DIYs to your classmates.
    2.Go on to finish the application.
    Blackboard design板书设计:Unit 7 Protect the Earth
    We drink water and use water to clean things every day.
    We should use...
    We should not use...

    本课是六年级上册第七单元Grammar time &Fun time环节的语法教学。教学过程中,重在引导学生在小组内对重点句型的用法进行总结,并能够熟练进行语言练习。纵观整节课教学活动,做出如下总结:

    Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Period 3)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 能理解并体会字母组合oo在单词中的发音
    2 能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展
    3 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践
    4 能意识到保护环境的重要性并付诸于实际生活
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:
    1能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展
    2能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手制作海报
    3 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力
    PPT, poster, CD
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1 Free talk
    2 Revision
    T: As we know, Nanjing has been covered by fog and haze recently. It’s not good for our health. ( Show a picture of fog and haze) We have experienced this terrible result. The world environment is getting worse too. What should we do? Discuss with your desk mates. You can use the sentences pattern: We should …/ We should not...
    S: We should …
    We should not...
    Step 2 Presentation
    Sound time
    1 T: We should do a lot of things to protect the environment —— our big home “the earth”, and I think we should start from the little things around us, like our little home —— school.
    T: (PPT 呈现) Everyday I go to school.
    I think it's really cool.
    We have fun in the classroom.
    Every morning and afternoon.
    ( Play the Sound time)
    2 T: Who can read it?
    Invite several students to read.
    3 T: Read Sound time by yourselves and find the same rhyme.
    S: school, cool, classroom, afternoon
    “oo” pronounces /u:/
    4 T: Say more words with letters “oo” pronounces /u:/
    S: Food, wool, moon, fool, oops…
    Write them on the blackboard.
    Read these words.
    5 Game: Finding home (PPT)
    Help students to distinguish the sound /u:/ and /u/.
    Cartoon time
    1 T: School is our little home. Earth is our big home. Bobby, Sam and Billy are doing a project for the big home. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: What project are they doing?
    S: They are making a poster.
    2 T: Why do they want to make the poster and how?
    Read the story in groups and answer.
    1) Why do they want to make the poster?
    S: The Earth is our home. We should protect it. All students should know this.
    2) How do they do? (order these sentences)
    ( ) Let me draw some bananas on the trees.
    ( ) Let me draw a rubbish bin.
    ( ) Let me draw the Earth with trees and flowers on it.
    ( ) Put the poster at the school gate.
    Do this exercise on the paper. Then check the answer.
    3 Read the story together
    4 Read in groups and act it out..
    5 T: What a nice poster! Can you add some other things to make it more meaningful?
    Eg:Let me draw a tap. We should save water.
    (Teacher sticks a poster on the blackboard and encourage students to draw and practice the key sentences.)
    S: Let me draw… We should…
    Let me draw… We should not…
    Culture time
    1 T: Look! I have a poster too. What do you know from it?
    S: Earth Day is on 22nd April.
    World Environment Day is on 5th June.
    Read the sentences after the teacher.
    Invite some students to read the sentences.
    Pay attention to the expression of the date.
    2 T: We know Earth Day and World Environment Day. Do you know other days about environment protection?
    (Demand students to prepare before class. They can surf the Internet or refer to the books.)
    Invite students to answer the question.
    S: …
    3 T: You introduced a lot of days about environment protection. Now I’ll show you some pictures about it too.
    Eg: (Show the picture of World Food Day) World Food Day is on 16th October. We should not waste food. Because in many places, there is not much food for people, like Africa. We should save food. As a student, we should finish all the food every meal.
    (Show picture one) T: World Water Day is on 22nd March.
    (Show picture two) S: World No-Smoking Day is on 31st May.
    (Show picture three) S: World Animal Day is on 4th October.
    (Show picture four) S: World Wetland Day is on 2nd February.
    (Show picture five) S: Tree Planting Day is on 12th March.
    (Show picture six) S: World Forest Day is on 21st March.
    Group Activity: Every group choose one day and discuss in groups: what should we do or not do on these days. And why?
    T: We should take activities not only on these special days but also in daily life.
    Step 3 Consolidation
    T: Nowadays we face a lot of problems on the Earth, we should…(lead students to say the sentence “we should love and protect our Earth.”)
    S: We should love and protect our Earth. (read)
    Share some sentences:
    Protect the environment, protect ourselves.
    We have only one Earth.
    Protect the Earth, benefit the people.
    Homework 作业:
    1 Recite Cartoon time
    2 Make a poster about environment protection in groups
    Blackboard design板书设计:
    Unit 7 Protect the Earth
    Let me …
    We / You shoud …
    We / You shoud not…

    oo /u:/
    cool food room
    school zoo


    Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Period 4)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Checkout time, Think and write & Ticking time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 Fill in the blanks and learn to read the passage;
    2 Write a passage of protecting the Earth;
    3 Know the ways to protect the Earth;
    4 Discuss in groups and judge their own study.
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1 Write a passage of protecting the Earth;
    2 Know the ways to protect the Earth;
    Textbook, PPT, stickers
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Preparation
    1 Greeting and daily English
    2 Free talk
    Q1 What can we do to keep our city clean?
    Q2 What can we do to protect the Earth? ---- should / should not
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Checkout time
    a.T: We all know how to protect our city and the Earth, and what we should do or should not do, that’s great. Look at those people, do they do the right things? Why?
    (Show them the pictures of page 76 on the PPT, ask them to discuss in groups and fill in the blanks)
    Ss: They should not……
    b. Ask someone to write the phrases and check the answers.
    c. Read the whole passage together.
    2 Watch the video
    T: You did a good job! Now let’s look at the animals. Watch the video carefully, and try to answer two questions.
    Q1 What do the animals do in the video?
    Q2 Why do they do like that?
    (Watch the video for the first time.)
    Ss: They……
    T: How clever they are ! Shall we watch it again?
    (Watch the video for the second time.)
    T: From this video, What can we learn from the animals?
    Ss: Avoid using plastic bags
          Use the energy saving lightbulbs
          Recycle all you can
    (Learn those key words, read and spell several times)
    3.Think and write
    T: As we know, the animals and our people, we are all the masters of this planet, the Earth, but around us, there are more and more pollution nowadays.
    (Show some pictures about the environmental pollution.)
    T: Talk about the pollution and waste around you.
    Ss:(Talk about the pollutions in their daily life in pairs)
    T: We have something to do to protect the Earth. Now please discuss in groups.
    1.What should we do to save water?
    2.How do we save the energy(electric, oil, coal…)?
    3.What about protecting the forest, the trees?
    4.How to stop the white pollution?
    Ss discuss in groups, then share their answers in class. Write on the blackboard.
    T: Now please write the passage of page 77, more is better.
    -(Show them the useful words and patterns on PPT.)
    -(Choose one or two students’ passage and discuss in class according to their writing.)
    -(Encourage them to involve more respects. )
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1. Share and discuss the passages;
    2. Read the passages together, pay more attention to the key words and phrases.
    3. Ticking time
    T: You are so great! Now please judge each other and give yourself stars.
    How many stars have you got?
    Who has got nine stars? Congratulations!
    For the others, please practice more with the help of your classmates after class.
    Step 4 Homework
    1 Read the passage of page 76;
    2 Finish their passage;
    3 Discuss with your partners the more ways to protect the Earth.
    Blackboard design板书设计:Unit 7 Protect the Earth
    We drink water and use water to clean things every day.
    We should use...
    We should not use...

    过去教师疲于应应试教育(现在仍然如此),重点是抓语言点language points的训练。然而,现代英语教学强调语言的交际功能,也体现在评价上——听力、口试的施行。所以现代英语教师更需要有地道流利的口语,良好的沟通交际能力,并能自如流利地表达自己的观点。

    Unit 8 Chinese New Year (Period 1)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Story time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 能听懂、会读、会说fireworks, a lion dance, red packets.
    2 能听懂、会读、会说将来时句式I’m/We’re going to…
    3 能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导下尝试复述
    4 能正确用将来时表述自己或他人将要做的事
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    PPt 板书图片
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Free talk
    1 What day is it today? What date is it today?
    2 What holiday is coming?
    Do you like …? Why? What are you going to do? I’m going to…
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Ann in Hong Kong.
    Teach: Hong Kong----It is a part of China. It returned to motherland in 1997. Now it is a popular place for people to travel.
    2 They are also talking about the coming holiday in the email. What holiday are they talking about?
    Watch and answer: They are talking about (holiday) in (city).
    They are talking about Chinese New Year in Hong Kong.
    3 What’s the subject of Anna’s email? Chinese New Year
    We can also call it ‘Spring Festival’
    When is Chinese New Year?
    Step 3 Practice
    1 How will Anna celebrate Chinese New Year? What is she going to do? We have some pictures about Anna’s Chinese New Year.
    Read and order the 6 pictures.(Look and orderP80)135624
    2 What is she going to do?
    Try to talk about the pictures in pairs. With the sentence: She is going to…
    3 Anna is going to be very busy at Chinese New Year. When is she going to do the things?
    Read the passage and fill in blanks on P80. Teach: red packets.
    How will you feel when you get red packets?
    Teach: excited.
    4 Read after the tape
    5 Pay attention to different words: on…Day/Eve. At Chinese New Year
    6 Introduce the things Anna is going to do at Chinese New Year in groups.
    Before Chinese New Year, she is going to …
    On Chinese New Year’s Eve, she is going to …
    On Chinese New Year’s Day, she is going to …
    On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, she is going to …
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1 Let’s compare:
    Is it the same between people in Hong Kong and us to celebrate Chinese New Year?
    Nearly the same, a little different.
    What’s the difference between People in Hong Kong and mainland大陆 to celebrate Chinese New Year?
    Talk with the sentences:
    Before Chinese New Year, we’re going to…they’re going to…
    On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to…they’re going to…
    On Chinese New Year’s Day, we’re going to…they’re going to…
    On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to…they’re going to…
    2 Show time:
    Talk about your Chinese New Year like this:
    Before Chinese New Year, I’m going to …
    On Chinese New Year’s Eve, I’m going to …
    On Chinese New Year’s Day, I’m going to …
    On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, I’m going to …
    1. Listen and read the passage three times.
    2. Retell by P80

    Blackboard design板书设计:
    Unit 8 Chinese New Year
    Before Chinese New Year, (new clothes,food, cakes, tangyuan图片)
    On Chinese New Year’s Eve, (dinner, flowers图片)
    On Chinese New Year’s Day, ( red packets, lion dance图片)
    On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, (fireworks图片)

    本节课是六年级上册第八单元Story time环节,此部分是以邮件形式介绍春节的一篇文章。由于是熟悉的话题,学生在对文章的理解上相对比较容易。但大量新单词和新句型的出现,却又对学生完全理解文章有一定的阻碍作用。基于此文章高度的条理性,教师选择列提纲和关键词的方式教学,不但对提高学生的阅读效果意义重大,而且能够提高学生自主阅读的能力。

    Unit8 Chinese New Year (period2)
    Teaching contents教学内容:Grammar time &Fun time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 Warming-up and review.
    1. Free talk:
    What day is it today?
    What are you going to do today?
    What holiday is going to be next week?
    2. Review story time
    1)Anna’s family are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. What are they going to do? ( 播放课文动画)
    2)Fill in the blanks
    Next week is Chinese New Year. Anna’s family is going to celebrate it in Hong Kong.
    They _____ going to buy _____ _____ _______ and food tomorrow. In the evening, they are going to ______ some ______ and __________.
    On Chinese New Year’s Eve, they’re going to ______ ______ with their relatives. After that, they’re going to buy some _________.
    On Chinese New Year’s Day, Anna’s parents will give her _____ ______ and ______ ______ _______ with her.
    On the second day, they are going to watch ________ in the evening.
    Anna is very excited .

    (teach: Simple Future Tense一般将来时: be going to do = will do
    以及 be 动词= am is are they’re = they are we’re = we are )
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. T: We use Simple future tense to talk about Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year.
    Please work in pairs ask and answer
    Distinguish on/at
    Ask Ss to list more future time.
    2. T: At Chinese New Year, we can see ……(展示图片)
    watch fireworks 看烟花
    set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
    watch a lion dance 观看舞狮表演
    give/get red packets 给/收红包
    T: These are the symbols of Chinese New Year. Can you say something more?
    3. T: Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China.
    There’re also many important holidays in the world.
    Let’s look at the pictures and say.
    T: These holidays are from different countries. Let’s put them in correct shapes
    Let’s read them together.
    4. T: OK. You all do the good job. We are going to have a rest. Let’s play a game. “pick and say “
    T: Now I have four cards here about holidays.
    I pick one card and you ask me some questions to guess what holiday it is.
    Ss: What are you going to do \ buy \ make……?
    T: I’m going to buy some clothes for myself, I’m going to make a cake. I’m going to have a party and get lots of gift.
    Ss: Is it birthday?
    T: Yes , it is.
    5. Ss pick and guess in groups.
    a. Four in a group;
    b. Each one picks only one card;
    c. Don’t tell others about your holidays.
    d. Others ask and guess what holiday it is
    6. Write and say:
    Step 3 Consolidation
    T: Nowadays, Some Western holidays become more and more popular(流行的).Lots of Chinese prefer(更喜欢) Western holidays to Chinese holidays.
    I hope every Chinese person can pay more attention to(更重视) Chinese traditional(传统的) holidays.
    Let’s try to introduce Chinese holidays.
    1. Four in a group and open the envelope;
    2. Take out the piece of paper and finish it;
    3. Take out the stickers to decorate(装饰) it;
    4. Read it in groups.
    5. Show time.
    Teacher add more Chinese traditional festivals.
    Step 4 Homework
    1. Share your introduction with other groups.
    2. Use Simple future tense to make a dialogue, talk about your plan for this weekend.
    3. Read books or surf the Internet, try to know more about Chinese traditional festivals.
    Blackboard design板书设计:
    Unit 8 Chinese New Year
    What are you going to …. at\on ?
    I’m going to ……

    本节课是六年级上册第八单元Grammar time & Fun time环节的语法教学。本课时重点学习一般将来时态的语法知识,一直以来,语法的学习都会显得枯燥,所以,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生在课堂学习中主动性就成为第一着力点。由于学生求知欲,表现欲强,善于模仿,乐于参加活动,所以,教师需要设计各种活动贯穿于整个课堂,这对于学生实现课程目标意义重大。除此之外,开展小组竞赛活动或竞争性的游戏,不但能够激发学生的积极性和主动性,也有利于学生获得成就感。让他们更加有信心学到真正的英语,并在语言实践活动中有用武之地。

    Unit 8 Chinese New Year (Period three)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    cartoon time ,culture time &sound time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1.能理解并体会字母oo 组合在单词中的发音
    2. 能理解culture time 中的内容并适当拓展。
    3. 能理解和熟读cartoon time 中的内容并能表演
    4. 能够用将来时态表达未发生的事情 “be going to do ..., will”
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1.能理解culture time的内容并适当拓展.
    2. 能在前两课基础上正确并熟练地表达将来时。
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step1. Free talk
    1. Daily English:
    T: What festivals do you know in China?( PPT )
    What’s your favourite?
    What are you going to do on that day?
    Step2. Presentation
    1.T: I like Spring Festival ,because all the family members are going to have a big dinner together. We can cook delicious food.
    Look at the picture ,the man is cooking.
    (PPT) Now let’s read these sentences.
    T: Can you find the rule.
    (‘oo’ pronounce /u/)
    T: Now ,you can discuss in groups and find more words
    (Teacher write down on the blackboard, and let the students read.)
    2.T: The cook cooks good things ,so does Bobby’s mother.
    Look at the picture , What is she cooking? Why?
    T: It’s New Year’s Eve. How are Bobby and Tina? What do you think of them?
    (The students can guess first, then read and answer)
    T: Bobby and Tina have a good time. Why they are so happy?
    (The students can underline the sentences)
    1).They get red packets after dinner.
    2).They are talking about the plans for Chinese New Year’s Day.
    3).They are watching fireworks.
    3.Encourage students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation
    The students can act the story in groups (Show time)
    Step3. Practice
    T: In China ,New Year is a very important festival.Other countries also have their own important festival.
    Look at the picture, do you know what festival it is?
    Read culture time
    T: Can you say more about Christmas and Thanksgiving Day?
    The students discuss and say.
    Show the PPT
    Step3. Consolidation.
    T: You did a very good job today. You have known some of Western festivals.
    Let’s know morefestivals.
    Encourage students discuss in groups and write down the introduction:
    1. 听读 cartoon time 尝试背诵.
    2.Write down some customs of Chinese New Year。
    Blackboard design板书设计:

    Unit 8 Chinese New Year
    ‘oo’ /u/ : cook book foot good look
    What are you going to do on that day?
    What are they going to do?

    译林小学英语 六上Unit 8单元分析
    一、 教学内容:
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇excited,food,fireworks
    ,firecracker,rich,Chinese New Year’s Eve,red packet,a o lion dance,watch fireworks,Chinese New Year’s Day.
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to
    do at/on...?I’m going to...
    3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型I’m very excited. C On Chinese New Year’s Day,my parents are going to give m me red packets.Pick one!I’m rich now.Hooray!Yummy!
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to
    do at/on...?I’m going to...

    Unit 8 Chinese New Year (Period 4)
    Teaching contents教学内容:
    Checkout time Ask and Answer Ticking time
    Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:
    1 能听懂,会说,会读,会写词组:eat dumplings, red packets, have dinner, firecrackers and fireworks,Happy Chinese New Year, buy a lot of things, excited
    2 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:It was nice to get your email.What are you going to do? What food are you going to make? What places are you going to visit?
    3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:We’re going to …初步了解一般将来时的构成和用法。
    4 能运用正确的英语格式和朋友写电子邮件
    Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1 熟练掌握eat dumplings, red packets, have dinner, firecrackers and fireworks,Happy Chinese New Year, buy a lot of things, excited
    2 能正确知道以下词组的用法:It was nice to.../.be excited about / have a lot of fun
    3 能熟练掌握并运用be going to 的用法, 了解一般将来时的用法。
    4 学会用英语写电子邮件
    5 学会与他人交流,谈论所学话题。
    PPT,tape recorder
    Teaching procedures教学过程:
    Step 1 warm up
    1. T: What day is it today?
    What are you going to do after school today?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 T: What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?
    T: Who are you going to visit?
    T: What are you going to eat?
    T: What food are you going to make?
    T: What places are you going to visit?
    2 T: Now open your books, it’s your turn to finish the questions on the book.(Ask and answer)
    3 T: What are you going to do on Chinese New Year Eve?
    S: We are going to ....
    3 T: Su Hai is writing an email to Anna. But Su Hai forgot some important phrases. Can you help him?
    4 Fill in the blanks on Page 86.
    5 Read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph. Then T let students read in different styles.
    6 T can give students some key words or phrases to let students say something about the Chinese New Year.
    Step 3 Consolidation
    T: Now your teacher needs your help. I have a close friend from America. She is now studying in Nanjing University. She is doing some projects about Chinese New Year. But she doesn’t know much about Chinese New Year. She is very worried. Can you send an e-mail to her to tell her something about Chinese New Year?
    T: Pay attention to the formal of the e-mail.
    T should give students some ideas on how to write an e-mail. You can start with “It was nice to ......”The passage should be divided into at least three paragraphs.总-分总的结构
    T can also give students some phrases of wishes on how to write an e-mail.
    Step 4.Ticking time
    评价I can talk about Chinese New Year
    T:Sounds good.(鼓掌) (指着图片上的新年图片)This is our Chinese New Year.People are very happy.The family members are together .(ppt 图片)And what are they doing?(介绍)T :work in paris,and talk about the pictures .The best groups will get three stars.(ppt:三颗星)
    “血”与“水灾”真特殊,“oo”读[Λ]细分辨。“oo”加“r”读作[ ],“poor”读[ ]好可怜。
      3.k前短:book,brook,cook,look,shook,took    4.[ ]:door,floor
    Step 5 Homework:
    1. Write down sth about Chinese New Year .Such as food,clothes or your activities.
    2. Find out more words that pronounce /u/or /u:/,and write them down.
     Blackboard design板书设计:
    What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?
    Who / what food / what places
    It was nice to ....
    Be excited about
    Be going to
    Have a lot of fun


    译林小学英语 六上Project 2单元分析
    1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇reuse,Internet,things,
    reuse/recycle things,on the Internet,make a poster。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to
    do ?I’m going to use...to make...

    reuse/recycle things,on the Internet,make a poster。
    2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型W What are you going to do? I’m
    going to use...to make...

    Project2 Reuse and recycle(period 1)
    教学内容:Project2 Reuse and recycle
    ②能听懂、会说、会读句型 What does it mean? It means.... How can we do to keep the ....clean? We can .....
    2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What does it mean? It means……
    How can we do to keep the ....clean? We can .....
    如何用句型“How can we do to keep the……clean? ”“ We should.... We should’t.....”等及相关日常交际用语。
    2.Dictation: litter, go in, take,restaurant, someone, smoke, smell, outing, walk on, air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, bin, plant, more, slip, skin, pick……up, fall, dirty.
    3.Free talk:(创设in the park的juice情景) What day is it today? It’s Saturday.Let’s go to the park. OK. How can we do to keep the park clean?
    How can we do to keep the Earth.小组间合作交流,写出你能想到保护地球的方法,并讨论出写出来。
    A: B:
    A: B:
    Step 2 Presentation
    Teacher shows the pictures of our city. Then asks the students what makes our city dirty.
    3.完成书上project 2 Part A ,B,小组讨论后写下。
    Step 3 Summary
    Step 4 Homework
    ②将Unit8 A部分中的图片信息作相关描述。
    板书设计:Project2 Reuse and recycle
    How can we do to keep the……clean?
    We should.... We should’t.....”

    Project2 Reuse and recycle(period 2)
    教学内容:Project2 Reuse and recycle
    ②能听懂、会说、会读句型 What are you going to do?
    I’m going to use .... to make....
    2、能听懂、会说、会读句型: What are you going to do?
    I’m going to use .... to make....
    如何用句型 “How can we do to keep the……clean?”“
    We should......We shouldn’t.....”等及相关日常交际用语。
    Step1 Warming up
    2、Free talk
    T: I love my hometown.How about you ?
    Ss: I love my hometown,too.(引导学生谈谈对家乡的热爱,列举家乡的美景和特色,逐步引导学生谈到家乡的环境变化)
    3、Sing a song: Two little blackbirds
    引导学生说出 I’m going to use cups to make....
    Step 2 Revision
    1.复习句型 What can we do to ....
    T: What can we do to keep the park clean?
    Ss: We can in the bin.
    T: What can we do to keep the classroom clean?
    Ss: We can the desks and chairs..
    2. Dictation
    Protect , cut down , project , poster , red packet , oil , firework , coal
    We use telephones to talk with our friends.
    I’m going to the museum.
    What’s this? Do you like this doll?
    What do I make this doll?
    Now ,give you some paper cups, what are you going to do ?
    引导学生使用句型 I can reuse……to ……
    询问What are you going to do ? 让学生分组讨论
    3. Walk in pairs

    Step 3 Presentation
    What’s this? Do you like this doll?
    What do I make this doll?
    Now ,give you some paper cups, what are you going to do ?
    引导学生使用句型 I can reuse……to ……
    询问What are you going to do ? 让学生分组讨论
    3. Walk in pairs

    Step 4 Consolidation
    1.完成《课课练》Part C、D中部分题目。
    Step 5 Summary

    Step 6 Homework
    听力作业: 听6、7单元录音。
    口语作业: 跟读录音,注意模仿其语音、语调。
    书面作业: 完成《课课练》所有内容。
    板书设计: Project2 Reuse and recycle
    What are you going to do?
    I’m going to use .... to make....


    六年级上册英语 全册分析 北京版: 这是一份六年级上册英语 全册分析 北京版,共4页。

    小学英语新版-牛津译林版一年级上册全册分课时教案及教学计划: 这是一份一年级上册本册综合教学设计,共61页。

    牛津译林版小学英语一年级上册全册教案: 这是一份英语一年级上册本册综合教案设计,文件包含12doc、1doc、22docx、2doc、2docx、32doc、3doc、4doc、5doc、ExamAnalysis2doc、ExamAnalysisdoc、ExamAnalysisdoc、ExamAnalysisdocx、period5doc、单元备课2doc、单元备课doc、试卷分析3-4doc、试卷分析5-6doc等18份教案配套教学资源,其中教案共57页, 欢迎下载使用。







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