
Unit 1 Laugh out loud!
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.mood n.心情
2.circus n.马戏团
3.ankle n.脚踝
4.deserve v.应得,应受到
1.amusement n.娱乐,消遣→amuse v.逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐→amused adj.被逗乐的,觉得好笑的→amusing adj.逗人笑的,好笑的
2.entertain v.使快乐→entertainment n.娱乐活动;娱乐;招待→entertainer n.表演者,艺人→entertaining adj.有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的→entertained adj.娱乐的,愉快的
3.examine v.检查(身体)→examination n.检查,考试
4.advertisement n.广告→advertise v.做广告
5.employer n.雇用者,雇主→employee n.受雇者,雇员→employ v.雇用→employment n.雇用,就业→employed adj.被雇用的→unemployed adj.失业的
6.essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的→essentially adv.本质上,根本上,基本上
7.impress v.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象→impression n.印象→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,令人赞叹的
1.Mr Wang is a person who often us with stories.So staying with him is really a kind of .(amuse)
2.The little children us yesterday because they told many interesting stories for ,making it an day.(entertain)
3.To leave a good in the interview,Bob made up a most story about himself,which really the interviewers.(impress)
4.I need to have my body (examine).
5.Though (advertise) are of great help,I don’t think we should completely rely on them.
6.Your former (employ) recommends you for this post.
7.There are three (essential) different ways of tackling the problem.
8.A long skirt swirled around her (ankle).
9.The whole team was on good form and (deserve) the win.
10.I’m not really in the (moody) to go out tonight.
4.examined 5.advertisements 6.employer
7.essentially 8.ankles 9.deserved
1.To (让我高兴起来),she told me to be cheerful and look on the bright side.
2.To my delight,all my efforts (达到预期效果) and all the audience got amused by my jokes.
3.He pulled a (愁眉苦脸) after he failed in the contest.
4.I can’t wear that!I’d be a (笑柄).
5.The naughty boy (笑了起来) when he saw his parents.
答案:1.cheer me up 2.did the trick 3.long face 4.laughing stock 5.cracked a smile
1.马三立生于1914年10月1日,卒于2003年2月11日。(be born)
Ma Sanli was born on October 1,1914 and died on February 11,2003.
2.由于家境贫困,他很小就学说相声。(learn、because of)
At an early age,he learned crosstalk because of the poverty of his family.
In 1930,he started to entertain the audience on the stage.
4.他一生中创作了大量的优秀作品。(a large number of)
During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works.
5.其中很多作品使人振奋。(cheer up)
Many of them cheer up people.
His unique style impresses the audience deeply so he deserves to be called as a master of humour.
You can appreciate his works on the Internet.
It was in 1930 that he started to entertain the audience on the stage.
During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works,many of which cheer up people.
Dear Eric,
I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in Chinese crosstalk and I’m writing to introduce Ma Sanli—one of the most famous Chinese performing artists of crosstalk.
Ma Sanli was born on October 1,1914 and died on February 11,2003.At an early age,he learned crosstalk because of the poverty of his family.It was in 1930 that he started to entertain the audience on the stage.During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works,many of which cheer up people.His unique style impresses the audience deeply so he deserves to be called as a master of humour.You can appreciate his works on the Internet.
Wish you great progress in your learning of Chinese crosstalk.
Li Hua
Laughter makes people feel better and being a clown doctor means I can help people by entertaining them.Now we clown doctors have to be very sensitive and work closely with medical professionals.And my magic medicine does indeed seem to do the trick,so it’s really true that “laughter is the best medicine”.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.shave n.刮脸,刮胡子
2.fellow n.男人;家伙
3.concept n.概念,观念
4.spot n.地点,处所
5.whisper v.悄声说,低语
1.interaction n.交流→interact v.交流,沟通→interactive adj.合作的;互动的
2.cruel adj.残忍的→cruelly adv.残忍地→cruelty n.残忍
3.complicated adj.难处理的,难懂的→complicate v.使复杂化→complication n.使更复杂化(或更困难)的事物
4.conclude v.结束,终止→conclusion n.结论
5.composer n.作曲家→compose v.作曲;构成;使镇定→composed adj.镇静的,沉着的
1.The deliberate (cruel) of his words cut her like a knife.
2.She laid the baby down (gentle) on the bed.
3.This can provide clues about the true meaning of their non-verbal (interact).
4.He deserves his status as one of the most popular (compose) in Western music history.
5.He was in low spirits,so he hadn’t (shave) for a few days.
6.I finally (spot) my friend in the crowd at the first sight.
7.A car is very (complicate),needing not only car payments,but insurance,maintenance, repairs, gas and more.
8.When the group discussion is nearing its end,we drew a (conclude) with important points.
9.She has a very good reputation among her (fellow).
10.She leaned over and (whisper) something in his ear.
答案:1.cruelty 2.gently 3.interactions
4.composers 5.shaved 6.spotted
7.complicated 8.conclusion 9.fellows 10.whispered
1.Your question really (让他难堪) at the meeting yesterday.
2.The funny story made them (大笑起来).
3.Our teacher made sure nobody would (不能按时完成).
4.You’re resourceful and able to (随机应变).
5.She (匆匆离开) without saying goodbye.
答案:1.put him on the spot 2.roar with laughter 3.fall behind 4.think on your feet 5.hurried away
假设你是李华,英语课上,老师要求以“Why We Need Humour in Our Life?”为题写一篇短文,内容如下:
We badly need humour in our life.
2.幽默可以帮助我们减轻压力,并把我们从复杂的问题中解放出来。(relieve sb.of、set...free from、complicated)
Humour can help relieve us of pressure and set ourselves free from complicated questions.
3.独特的幽默风格使我们具有吸引力,人们跟我们在一起从不觉得无聊。(brand of humour、make+adj.)
Unique brand of humour makes us attractive and people will never feel dull together with us.
4.幽默总能使我们精神高涨。它有益于我们的身心健康。(do good to)
Humour can always keep us in high spirits.It does good to both our mental and physical health.
5.在我们感到压抑的时候,幽默使我们振奋,因此我们会更满足于我们的生活。(feel content with)
Humour cheers us up at a time when we feel depressed so we can feel more content with our lives.
6.幽默对我们很重要。让我们在生活中充分享受幽默吧!(be of+n.)
Humour is of great importance to all of us.Let’s fully enjoy humour in our lives!
Unique brand of humour makes us so attractive that people will never feel dull together with us.
Humour can always keep us in high spirits,which does good to both our mental and physical health.
Why We Need Humour in Our Life?
We badly need humour in our life.Various reasons are as follows.
To begin with,humour can help relieve us of pressure and set ourselves free from complicated questions.In addition,unique brand of humour makes us so attractive that people will never feel dull together with us.What’s more,humour can always keep us in high spirits,which does good to both our mental and physical health.Last but not least,humour cheers us up at a time when we feel depressed so we can feel more content with our lives.
In a word,humour is of great importance to all of us.Let’s fully enjoy humour in our lives!
For thousands of years,humour has been an essential part of human behaviour.The authors of jokes understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on complicated issues.Both Mark Twain and Lin Yutang considered humour as a way of life and a tool to illuminate the world.Humour makes living and working with others easier and it is mankind’s greatest blessing.
Unit 2 Onwards and upwards
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.debt n.债务,欠款
2.pace n.速度;进度
3.nevertheless adv.然而,不过
4.classic n.名著;经典作品
5.guarantee v.保证;确保
6.outcome n.结果,后果
7.blanket n.毯子,毛毯
8.contest n.比赛,竞赛
9.upset adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的
1.rarely adv.很少,难得→rare adj.很少,难得
2.rejection n.拒绝,否决→reject v.拒绝,驳回
3.criticism n.批评;指责→criticise v.批评
4.worthwhile adj.重要的;值得做的→worth n.价值 adj.值得;有价值
5.enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的→enthusiasm n.热情
6.elect v.选举,推选→election n.选举
1.To our surprise,his proposal was met with (reject).
2.The book is of great value and well (worthy) reading.
3. (rare) have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
4.People often lose confidence when they are (criticise).
5.Put some positive (enthusiastic) into your interactions with others.
6.All students are (guarantee) campus accommodation for their first year.
7.I was (delight) at the news of her wedding.
8.We’ll keep you (inform) of the programme’s progress.
9.This job can be done only with (persevere).
10.Her parents suggest she read some (classic) by Asian and western writers.
答案:1.rejection 2.worth 3.Rarely
4.criticised 5.enthusiasm 6.guaranteed
7.delighted 8.informed 9.perseverance
1. (时常) they become bored in daily affairs.
2.To my surprise,the two sisters (没有共同点).
3.We (遗憾地通知你) that your application was unsuccessful.
4.The company has (总数为) 1,776 employees.
5.Julia made a week plan and (把它粘在墙上).
答案:1.All too often 2.have nothing in common
3.regret to inform you 4.a total of 5.stuck it on the wall
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree-planting activity with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
The activity is held annually.
All the teachers and students were enthusiastic about it.
Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill.
5.我们整个上午都在山上挖树坑、种树和浇水。(spend...doing sth.)
We spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering on the hill.
Though we were tired,we all persevered.
When we saw the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
8.这次活动不仅给我们带来劳动的乐趣,而且有助于我们培养团队精神。(not only...but also...)
It not only brings us the pleasure of labour but also helps us to develop team spirit.
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree-planting activity held annually,with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill,where we spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering.
Though tired,we all persevered.
Seeing the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree -planting activity held annually,with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
All the teachers and students were enthusiastic about it.Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill,where we spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering.Though tired,we all persevered.Seeing the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
Undoubtedly,it not only brings us the pleasure of labour but also helps us to develop team spirit.
Success rarely happens overnight.A lot of highly successful writers have previously faced rejection.J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter then became a global success after 12 rejections.J.D.Salinger received criticism along with rejection before his final success.All three Brontë sisters didn’t give up and their works today become classics of world literature.Therefore,perseverance is the key to success besides talent,hard work and luck.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.blessing n.幸事,幸运
2.worthy adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞
3.mere adj.仅仅,只不过
4.outline n.外形,轮廓
5.permanent adj.长久的;永久的
1.appreciative adj.感激的→appreciate v.感激,欣赏→appreciation n.感激,欣赏
2.gentleness n.和蔼,温和→gentle adj.温和的,和蔼的,轻轻的→gently adv.温柔地,轻轻地
3.delightful adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的→delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的→delight n.使人高兴的事
4.literary adj.文学的→literature n.文学
5.embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的→embarrassedly adv.难堪地,尴尬地→embarrassing adj.令人难堪的→embarrass v.使难堪,使尴尬→embarrassment n.难堪,尴尬
1.Our seven student guides received many (appreciate) comments from our guests.
2.His questions made me angry greatly.I felt my face burning with (embarrass).
3.It’s not (mere) a job,but a way of life.
4.Her (gentle) of manner has left a deep impression on me.
5.He had (permanent) strengthened his senses to a point far beyond what others could attain.
6.What is just beyond my wildest imagination is fortune should (blessing) me with a chance to realize my dream.
7.I am convinced that I will strive hard to fulfill my (literature) dream if given the chance.
8.By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and (outline).
9.We had a (delight) time talking about the old days on his farm.
10.Once you have (worth) opponents,set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries.
答案:1.appreciative 2.embarrassing;embarrassment
3.merely 4.gentleness 5.permanently
6.bless 7.literary 8.outlines
9.delightful 10.worthy
1.The question is worthy (考虑).
2.All the candidates are excellent,but I like the last one (尤其)—his experience is just what we need at the moment.
3.Only when you what you have learned (将……应用到……) practice can you say you have made it.
4.The policeman made efforts to (探究) this special case.
5.Let’s (着手于) the work separately.
6.And I felt the whole room (包围) me.
答案:1.to be considered/of being considered/of consideration 2.in particular 3.apply;to 4.probe into 5.go about 6.closing in on
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community.
2.这次活动旨在提高人们的环保意识。(be designed to、raise one’s awareness of)
It was designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
3.在乘车前往目的地之前,我们在学校门口集合。(assemble、head for)
We assembled at the school gate before we headed for the destination by bus.
On arrival,our Student Union chairman delivered a speech and guided inhabitants there to classify waste.
After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there.
These leaflets helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.
7.所有在场的人都对我们的行为表示感谢。(appreciative of)
Everyone present was appreciative of our behaviour.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment.
I benefited much from it.
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community,designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
We assembled at the school gate before heading for the destination by bus.
After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there,which helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment,from which I benefited much.
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community,designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
We assembled at the school gate before heading for the destination by bus.On arrival,our Student Union chairman delivered a speech and guided inhabitants there to classify waste.After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there,which helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.Everyone present was appreciative of our behaviour.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment,from which I benefited much.
Darkness would make a person more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound.My seeing friend returned from a long walk in the woods but observed nothing in particular.I have imagined having three days to see what I should most like to see.Darkness descending on me again made me realize how much I had left unseen.Of all the senses,I’m sure that sight must be the most delightful.
Unit 3 Faster,higher,stronger
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.shiny adj.光滑发亮的,闪光的
2.bounce v.(使)弹起,(使)反弹
3.sharpen v.使提高,使改进
4.teammate n.队友
5.footstep n.脚步声;足迹
6.philosophy n.人生哲学
7.self-belief n.自信
8.cheat v.欺骗,作弊
9.remarkable adj.非凡的;不寻常的
1.association n.协会,社团→associate v.联想,联系→associated adj.有关联的,联
2.muddy adj.沾满泥的,泥泞的→mud n.泥
3.expectation n.预料,预期→expect v.期待;预料→expected adj.预期的,预料的→unexpected adj.出乎意料的
1.Lindsey’s husband was totally astonished by the (expect) visit.
2.Alice,the sales manager of our company,is doing a course to (sharp) her business skills.
3.The (associate) between the two companies has been for 30 years.
4.The road was (shine) with puddles,but the rain was at the end.
5.In baseball,the performance of individual players is less dependent on (teammate).
6.The only access to that building is along that (mud) track.
7.The (cheat) boasted that he could turn stone into gold.
8.Given his age,he’s (remarkable) active.
9.The sound of (footstep) gradually died away.
10.This text illuminates the early thinking of the (philosophy).
答案:1.unexpected 2.sharpen 3.association 4.shiny 5.teammates 6.muddy
7.cheater 8.remarkably 9.footsteps 10.philosopher
1.They will (继续) their negotiations next week no matter what conditions they face.
2.The weather is usually changeable,sometimes (超出人们的预期).
3.He is a great figure in this research field so we should (仿效他) to learn more.
4.What he did was (与……大不相同) what he promised at the meeting.
5.The bridge threatened to (倒塌) as the floodwaters rose.
答案:1.carry on 2.beyond people’s expectations 3.follow in his footsteps
4.a far cry from 5.give way
1.你在信中问起我们学校的体育运动。我很高兴告诉你一些关于我学校体育的事情。(sport、be glad to do)
You asked about sports in our school in your letter.I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school.
The most popular sport in my school is basketball.
Many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills.
4.这超出了人们的预料。(beyond one’s expectations)
It is beyond people’s expectations.
Second to basketball is table tennis.The players have established a table tennis association in school.
6.我最喜欢羽毛球。(like sth.best)
I like badminton best.
7.我已经坚持了差不多十年了,大大提升了我的自信心。(carry on、self-belief)
I have carried on it for almost ten years.I have promoted my self-belief greatly.
I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school asked in your letter.
Many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills,which is beyond people’s expectations.
Having carried on it for almost ten years,I have my self-belief promoted greatly.
Dear David,
I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school asked in your letter.
The most popular sport in my school is basketball.Even many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills,which is beyond people’s expectations.Second to basketball is table tennis.The players have established a table tennis association in school.
As for me,I like badminton best.Having carried on it for almost ten years,I have my self-belief promoted greatly.
If you want to know more,just tell me.
Li Hua
主旨大意:文章介绍了体育明星Stephen Curry的成功之路。
Stephen’s grandfather built a simple basket near his house where Stephen practised playing basketball all days to sharpen his skills.Stephen’s creativity and perseverance made him Davidson’s star player.He won his first NBA championship,and led the Warriors to their first championship since 1975.With self-confidence,perseverance and hard practice,Stephen has shown that anything is possible.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.net n.球网
2.burst v.突然出现
3.vivid adj.生动的,逼真的
4.opponent n.(竞争、比赛等的)
5.surgery n.外科手术
6.defeat v.战胜,打败
7.seize v.夺取
8.teamwork n.合作,协作
9.tournament n.锦标赛
1.assign v.分配,分派→assignment n.分配;任务,作业
2.steely adj.钢铁般的;坚定的→steel n.钢
3.cooperation n.合作,协作→cooperate v.合作,协作
4.intense adj.紧张的,激烈的→intensely adv.紧张地,强烈地→intensity n.强烈,紧张→intensify v.(使)加强,增强
1.We would like to see closer (cooperate) between parents and schools.
2.There is a look of (steel) determination on his face.
3.He is a novelist who can (vivid) describe a landscape.
4.If you take this (assign),take it seriously and read the instructions.
5.The most unlikely pairs will (intense) support each other.
6.Although they (defeat),they didn’t lose heart and wanted to go back to the court again.
7.If the pipe (burst), it could flood the whole house.
8.It’s difficult to look natural when you’re feeling (nerve).
9.The Chinese women’s volleyball team reached the final after defeating many strong (opponent).
10.All (ingredient) are readily available from your local store.
答案:1.cooperation 2.steely 3.vividly 4.assignment 5.intensely 6.were
defeated 7.bursts 8.nervous
9.opponents 10.ingredients
1.They were having an argument and somehow I (被卷入) it.
2.Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence (取得成功).
3.As is known to us all,life is full of (沉浮).
4.—Another cup of coffee?
—No,thanks.I think I’d better (动身)for the airport immediately.
5.As soon as the bell rang,the class were (站起来) and ran out of the room.
答案:1.was caught up in 2.paid off 3.ups and downs 4.set off 5.on their feet
Last Saturday morning,we had a basketball match against Class Two.
What an intense match!
3.比赛继续进行,两队奋力拼抢,比赛一路跌宕起伏。(fight one’s way、ups and downs)
The game carried on,and the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.
When there were 2 minutes left,the result was 26∶26,a tie!
How could we win the match?By teamwork!
We kept passing the ball and finally Li Ming shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!
7.我们取得了成功,打败了二班。(pay off、defeat)
We paid off.We defeated Class Two.
8.我们都爆发出欢呼声。(burst out)
All of us burst out cheering.
With the game carrying on,the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.
We kept passing the ball and finally it was Li Ming who shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!
We paid off,defeating Class Two,which made all of us burst out cheering.
Last Saturday morning,we had a basketball match against Class Two.What an intense match!With the game carrying on,the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.When there were 2 minutes left,the result was 26∶26,a tie!How could we win the match?By teamwork!We kept passing the ball and finally it was Li Ming who shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!We paid off,defeating Class Two,which made all of us burst out cheering.
It was the teamwork that made us defeat Class Two.
The Chinese women’s volleyball team won the gold medal at the Rio Olympics.Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight.Showing a strong will and the steeliest nerves,they seized gold in the final.Teamwork is the key to their victory.They will prepare for new challenges on the way to the next Olympics.
Unit 4 Meeting the muse
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.quote n.引文,引语
2.float v.浮,漂
3.folk adj.民间的,民俗的
4.tale n.故事
5.princess n.公主
6.ethnic adj.民族的
7.trend n.趋势,动向
8.contrast n.反差,对比
1.motion n.动,运动 v.做动作示意→motionless adj.不动的,固定的
2.compose v.作(曲)→composition n.作品;作文→composer n.作曲家→composed adj.镇定的,沉着的
3.abstract adj.抽象(派)的→abstract n.抽象作品;摘要
4.wire n.金属丝;电线→wireless adj.无线的
5.innovative adj.新颖的,创新的→innovation n.革新,创新→innovate v.革新,创新
1.This book is rich in (quote),but few seem to have come from original interviews.
2.There wasn’t a breath of wind and the willow branches were (motion).
3.Beethoven is one of the greatest (compose).
4.His new design of the engine is (innovate).
5.Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an (inspire) to her family—and that’s pretty powerful.(2020新高考全国Ⅰ,阅读B)
6.The little girl found something (float) on the river,which frightened her.
7.Our office needs to install a (wire) network.
8.We listened to their (tale) about life in the Sahara Desert.
答案:1.quotes 2.motionless 3.composers
4.innovative 5.inspiration 6.floating
7.wireless 8.tales
1.How can faculty improve their teaching (以便) encourage creativity?
2.When our team won the first prize in the tournament,every one of us (活跃起来).
3.Big waves are not tsunamis,which are (使……开始)by earthquakes.
4.Self-driving shuttles and solar cars were (展览) at the show.
5.We will remember the old man’s help and (传递) this selfless kindness to others in trouble.
答案:1.so as to 2.came to life 3.set in motion
4.on display 5.pass down
Here I’m writing to invite you to watch and give your valuable comments on our show.
2.表演将于5月31日上午8:30至11:30在学校体育馆举行。(take place)
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31.
The theme of the show is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.
Each class is expected to provide one program.
5.节目将充分展示他们的才华。(show one’s talent)
The program will fully show their talents.
6.我相信这将是一场精彩的演出。(be sure)
I’m sure it will be a wonderful show.
I will be very grateful if you can come.
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31,the theme of which is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.
Each class is expected to provide one program,fully showing their talents.
3.使用I’d appreciate it if将第7句进行改写。
I’d appreciate it if you could come.
Dear Ms Ann,
I’m glad to tell you the good news that a school culture and art show will be held in our school.Here I’m writing to invite you to watch and give your valuable comments on our show.
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31,the theme of which is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.Each class is expected to provide one program,fully showing their talents.I’m sure it will be a wonderful show.
I’d appreciate it if you could come.If you have any questions,please contact me at 136××××6789.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
We find out more about the influences behind the successes of three different artists.Seeing people feeding fish in Wuzhen,Hofman set his idea for Floating Fish,which was inspired by Chinese folk tales,in motion.Tan Dun,a composer,has been using a combination of Chinese music and sounds from all over the world to tell stories.Inspired by the dance style of the Dai people,Yang Liping created the famous Spirit of the Peacock dance.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.technician n.巧匠
2.animation n. 动画片
3.innovation n.革新,创新
1.literally adv.根据字面意思→literal adj.字面意思的
2.distinct adj.清晰的;明显不同的→distinction n.区别,差别→distinctly adv.明显地
1.This technical (innovate) will save us much time and labour.
2.This word should not be understood in its (literally) sense.
3.Audiences in the cinema are (distinct) on the increase.
4.The phrase is (label) as slang in the dictionary.
5.A manager should be (access) to his staff.
6.A skilled (technology) takes years to train.
答案:1.innovation 2.literal 3.distinctly
4.labelled 5.accessible 6.technician
1.Because he (对……不熟悉) the city,I hope you can give him necessary help.
2.We had to (排队) for an hour for the tickets.
3.I like to (与……互动) others,which makes me delighted.
4.Put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not (可接近) the kids.
5.The city with amazing beautiful scenery (被认为……) the garden of the world.
答案:1.is unfamiliar with 2.queue up 3.interact with 4.be accessible to 5.is labelled as
假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),打算邀请附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请根据以下内容给她写一封信。
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School.
2.我的学校离你们大学很近。(be close to)
My school is close to your university.
I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest.
The contest will be held in our school on June 15.
5.比赛将于下午两点开始,持续约三小时。(start、last for)
The contest will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours.
6.十名学生将以“艺术与科技”为主题发表演讲。(deliver a speech)
Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Art and Technology”.
We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university.
The contest,starting at 2:00 pm and lasting for about three hours,will be held in our school on June 15.
Dear Ms Smith,
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university.I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest.
The contest,starting at 2:00 pm and lasting for about three hours,will be held in our school on June 15.Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Art and Technology”.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Art reminds you of different artworks.But these new and exciting artworks make people puzzled.Art and technology have always been seen as two very separate things.Today technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology.The art-tech combination has brought exciting new art forms,which has raised questions.Technological advances are perhaps bringing us closer to a time when computers rather than humans create art.Technology makes artists be able to explore new possibilities.
Unit 5 Revealing nature
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.seed n.种子,籽
2.disgrace n.丢脸,耻辱
3.evolve v.进化
4.ancestor n.(动物的)原种,祖先
5.evolution n.进化(论)
6.decline v.减少
7.blame v.责怪,指责;把……归咎于
8.goat n.山羊
9.worldwide adv.遍及全世界
10.giant adj.巨大的,特大的
1.distant adj.遥远的→distance n.距离
2.sample n.样本→sample v.抽样,取样
3.suspect v.猜想,怀疑,觉得→suspect n.犯罪嫌疑人→suspect adj.不可信的,可疑的
4.generate v.产生,创造→generation n.产生→generator n.发电机
5.characteristic n.特征,特性→characterise v.以……为特征→characteristic adj.典型的,独特的
6.primitive adj.原始的,低等的→primitively adv.原始地
1.It’s some (distant) to the shopping centre.
2.Do you know about the (evolve) of a seed into a plant?
3.Steam and water power are used for the (generate) of electricity.
4.Their position in international trade rapidly (decline).
5.Personal (characteristic),such as age and hobbies, are taken into account.
6.Twelve percent of the children (sample) said they preferred cats to dogs.
7.A dropped cigarette (blame) for the fire.
8.As I had (suspect) all along,he is not a good man.
答案:1.distance 2.evolution 3.generation 4.declined 5.characteristics 6.sampled 7.is being blamed 8.suspected
1.The hill appeared as a black mass (在远处).
2.Many young people (响应号召) of our country to go to the west.
3.The profits are (正在下降) this year so the employer says that the employees will (下降了) about two percent.
4.It took him a while to (适应) his new surroundings.
5.It is one of the most popular English songs (有史以来).
6.These elephants (原产于) Africa.
答案:1.in the distance 2.answered the call 3.in decline;decline by 4.adapt himself to
5.of all time 6.are native to
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist.The book systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.
2.达尔文搭乘“贝格尔号”一路考察各地的地质和动植物的特性,采集了无数的样本,并将自己的发现做了详细的观察笔记。(sample、characteristic、make notes)
Darwin took the Beagle to investigate the characteristics of geology,animals and plants,collected numerous samples,and made detailed observation notes of his finds.
3.他大胆地猜想这些动物是如何出现的,同时不断地寻找答案和证据。(suspect、come to exist、at the same time、look for)
He boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,he constantly looked for answers and evidence.
4.他的探险之旅带来了有史以来最重要的一项科学发现:动植物的新种类是从早期的祖先进化而来的。(lead to、of all time、evolve from)
His adventures led to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time:new species of plants and animals evolved from their early ancestors.
It was not published until 1859 and immediately caused a storm.
This theory of evolution is so groundbreaking that it has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist,which systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.
He boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,constantly looking for answers and evidence.
3.用It is...that强调句型改写第6句,以强调主语。
It is this theory of evolution that has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist,which systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.In 1831,Darwin took the Beagle to investigate the characteristics of geology,animals and plants,collected numerous samples,and made detailed observation notes of his finds.In the meantime,he boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,constantly looking for answers and evidence.Finally,his adventures led to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time:new species of plants and animals evolved from their early ancestors.
It was not published until 1859 and immediately caused a storm.It is this theory of evolution that has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
主旨大意:课文以时间及行程路线为线索,介绍了著名生物学家Charles Darwin的发现之旅以及他基于此次旅行写成的《物种起源》一书。
Darwin answered the call made by the captain of the ship Beagle and began his journey of discovery.He studied the collected samples of the plants and animals and wondered how different species came to exist.His new idea inspired himself to look for more evidence.After studying the finches on the Gal?pagos Islands,he concluded that new species of plants and animals evolved from earlier ancestors.His theory of evolution convinced people and changed ideas about life on Earth forever.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.myth n.(古代的)神话
2.legend n.传说,传奇(故事)
3.root n.根
4.link v.把……联系起来;连接
5.centimetre n.厘米
detect v.发现,察觉(尤指不易觉察到的事物)→detection n.发现,察觉→detector n.探测器→detective n.侦探
1.The new test should aid in the early (detect) of the disease.
2.Tree (root) can cause damage to buildings.
3.Television stations around the world are (link) by satellites.
4.There are many nice folk (legend),expressing the beautiful dreams of people.
答案:1.detection 2.roots 3.linked 4.legends
1.When she studied abroad,she a house (与……分享) three other students.
2.I like to (与……交流) my family.
3.Put a (微量的) salt in the water.
4.The two children are walking (并肩) talking and laughing.
5.They fought bravely to (赶走) enemies from their country.
答案:1.shared;with 2.communicate with 3.tiny amount of 4.side by side 5.drive away
假设你是李华,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,描述你种植绿豆(mung beans)的经历。
Last summer I planted some mung beans in my garden.
I bought some seeds from a seedman.
I sowed them in the garden.
4.几天后,我去花园,发现绿豆开始生根发芽了。(take root)
A few days later,I went to the garden and found the mung beans were beginning to take root.
5.又过去了几天,绿豆渐渐长出了叶子。(come into leaf)
Another few days passed and the mung beans were coming into leaf.
6.我时不时地给它们浇水,使它们长得很好。(now and then、so that)
Now and then I watered them so that they grew well.
7.我种的绿豆一直在生长,2个月后终于开始结籽了。(keep doing、go to seed)
The mung beans I planted kept growing,and finally two months later they began to go to seed.
8.我很高兴看到我的劳动成果。(be delighted to do)
I was very delighted to see the fruits of my work.
I bought some seeds from a seedman and sowed them in the garden.
A few days later,I went to the garden finding the mung beans were beginning to take root.
With another few days passing,the mung beans were coming into leaf.
Last summer I planted some mung beans in my garden.
I bought some seeds from a seedman and sowed them in the garden.A few days later,I went to the garden finding the mung beans were beginning to take root.With another few days passing,the mung beans were coming into leaf.Now and then I watered them so that they grew well.The mung beans I planted kept growing,and finally two months later they began to go to seed.
I was very delighted to see the fruits of my work.I’m going to plant something else this summer.
In many myths and legends,trees can communicate with animals and people.New research has revealed that plants can communicate by releasing chemicals or making noises.Most surprisingly,using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food with each other.Maybe one day when knowing enough about plant communication,we can “talk” to them ourselves.
Unit 6 Nurturing nature
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.steadily adv.平稳地
2.landmark n.地标
3.splendid adj.壮丽的
4.leisure n.空闲,闲暇
5.mirror-like adj.如镜面般的
6.wander v.徘徊
7.scenery n.风景,景色
8.jungle n.(热带)丛林
9.disturb v.干扰,扰乱
1.massive adj.巨大的→mass n.团,堆,大量
2.delicate adj.脆弱的→delicacy n.脆弱,精致→delicately adv.脆弱地,精致地,微
3.radiation n.辐射→radiate v.辐射,放射
4.economy n.经济→economist n.经济学家→economic adj.经济上的,经济学的→ economical adj.经济的,节约的
5.operator n.经营者→operation n.经营,运营;手术→operate v.经营,运营,动手术
6.conservationist n.(动植物或古旧建筑的)保护工作者;环境保护主义者→conservation n.保护→conserve v.保护;节省→conservative adj.保守的
1.The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted at her first (operate).
2.Our research work is progressing (steady).
3.We must make (mass) efforts to improve the living standard.
4.He had a novel and (disturb) experience last year.
5.We gave up the house because of (economy) considerations.
6.It’s a (leisure) season-long tour of a continent-wide buffet line.
7.Their diseases are not so clearly tied to (radiate) exposure.
8.Most people have come to accept the need for (conservationist) of natural resources.
9.I thought you handled the situation very (delicate).
10.The child was found (wander) the streets alone.
答案:1.operation 2.steadily 3.massive
4.disturbing 5.economic 6.leisurely 7.radiation 8.conservation 9.delicately 10.wandering
1.She had some doubts about what she (将要做的).
2. (一群) kids were playing with a ball in the street.
3.We travelled around (一段时间) and landed up in Seattle.
4.We should protect wild animals from being harmed and live (与……和睦相处) them.
5.When applying for a job,please (确保) you meet the following qualifications.
答案:1.was about to do 2.A group of 3.for a while 4.in harmony with 5.make sure
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting.
It was organised by Students Union of our school.
3.一大早,我和同学们带着工具和幼苗去了附近的一座小山。(head for)
Early in the morning,my classmates and I headed for a hill nearby with tools and seedlings.
4.我们一到,就开始按计划一起工作。(as soon as、get down to)
As soon as we arrived,we got down to working together as planned.
Some dug pits and put seedlings in,and some filled the pits with earth,and others watered them.
6.通过我们的共同努力,山坡上树苗成行。(be lined with)
Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings.
They were bathed in the sunshine.
Though we were exhausted,we tasted the joy of labour.
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting organised by Students Union of our school.
On arriving,we got down to working together as planned.
Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings,bathed in the sunshine.
Exhausted as we were,we tasted the joy of labour.
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting organised by Students Union of our school.
Early in the morning,my classmates and I headed for a hill nearby with tools and seedlings.On arriving,we got down to working together as planned.Some dug pits and put seedlings in,and some filled the pits with earth,and others watered them.Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings,bathed in the sunshine.
Exhausted as we were,we tasted the joy of labour.
I travel along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway that many foreign experts claimed was “impossible”.I was one of the people working on it.How to protect the delicate ecosystem was the most difficult challenge to overcome.Passages were built and wetlands were moved to protect its animals and ecosystem.The high altitude and the thin air,changeable weather and high levels of UV radiation challenged railway workers.But I am proud that we built an extraordinary “Sky Railway” with the care for the environment.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.via prep.通过(某人、某机器等)传送(某物);借助于
2.candidate n.申请者
3.salary n.薪金,工资
4.waist n.腰,腰部
1.applicant n.申请人→apply v.申请→application n.申请;应用
2.favour n.支持,赞同→favour v.赞同;有利于;偏爱→favourable adj.赞同的,有利的
3.advertise v.(为……)做广告(宣传)→advertisement n.征聘;广告
4.genuine adj.真的,真正的→genuineness n.真正,真诚→genuinely adv.真正地
5.negotiable adj.可协商的→negotiate v.协商,谈判→negotiation n.协商,谈判
6.preference n.优先(权)→prefer v.更喜欢
7.qualification n.技能条件,资格→qualify v.使合格→qualified adj.合格的
1.Jack has obtained a medical (qualify) after his hard efforts.
2.A polar bear has a (prefer) for cold weather.
3.We are satisfied with the smoothness of the (negotiate).
4.Preference will be given to the (apply) who has a passion for work.
5.The wall is covered with (advertise) and looks untidy.
6.The old man is a serious scholar,a (genuine) learned man.
7.She made a (favour) impression on the interviewers.
8.It was difficult to decide between the two (candidate).
答案:1.qualification 2.preference 3.negotiation 4.applicant 5.advertisements 6.genuinely 7.favourable 8.candidates
1. (另外) the names on the list,there are six other applicants.
2.The villagers have (意识到) the seriousness of the problem and begin to take measures.
3.We are (支持) her promotion to manager.
4.The rescue team (由……构成) twenty doctors and ten nurses.
5.The study aims to (强调……的重要性) further education.
答案:1.In addition to 2.become aware of 3.in favour of 4.is made up of 5.highlight the importance of
1.我写信申请做一名中国画展览的志愿者。(apply to)
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition.
It will be held in your art gallery.
3.我想我可以优先得到这份工作,因为我从小就学习中国画。(have the preference for)
I think I have the preference for the job because I have learned Chinese painting since childhood.
4.我的中文和英文都很流利。(be fluent in)
I am fluent in both Chinese and English.
5.这有利于介绍中国画。(be in favour of)
This can be in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.
6.如果我有幸被选为志愿者,我可以带游客参观美术馆,让他们更多地了解中国画。(show around、get sb.to do sth.)
If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volunteer,I can show visitors around the gallery and get them to know more about Chinese paintings.
All in all,I can meet the qualifications for this job.
8.如果你能给我这个机会,我将不胜感激。(would appreciate it if)
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity.
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in your art gallery.
I am fluent in both Chinese and English,which is in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in your art gallery.
I think I have the preference for the job because I have learned Chinese painting since childhood.Besides,I am fluent in both Chinese and English,which is in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volunteer,I can show visitors around the gallery and get them to know more about Chinese paintings.All in all,I can meet the qualifications for this job.
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity.I’m looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Looking after the Great Barrier Reef means doing a lot.The call for an island caretaker could highlight the importance of the reef and the need to protect it.The delicate reef is now under threat.Finally,the job was offered to Ben Southall selected from thousands of applicants.He joked the job should have been advertised as the “busiest one in the world”.Thanks to the job,people came to know they should protect the reef.
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.mood n.心情
2.circus n.马戏团
3.ankle n.脚踝
4.deserve v.应得,应受到
1.amusement n.娱乐,消遣→amuse v.逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐→amused adj.被逗乐的,觉得好笑的→amusing adj.逗人笑的,好笑的
2.entertain v.使快乐→entertainment n.娱乐活动;娱乐;招待→entertainer n.表演者,艺人→entertaining adj.有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的→entertained adj.娱乐的,愉快的
3.examine v.检查(身体)→examination n.检查,考试
4.advertisement n.广告→advertise v.做广告
5.employer n.雇用者,雇主→employee n.受雇者,雇员→employ v.雇用→employment n.雇用,就业→employed adj.被雇用的→unemployed adj.失业的
6.essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的→essentially adv.本质上,根本上,基本上
7.impress v.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象→impression n.印象→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,令人赞叹的
1.Mr Wang is a person who often us with stories.So staying with him is really a kind of .(amuse)
2.The little children us yesterday because they told many interesting stories for ,making it an day.(entertain)
3.To leave a good in the interview,Bob made up a most story about himself,which really the interviewers.(impress)
4.I need to have my body (examine).
5.Though (advertise) are of great help,I don’t think we should completely rely on them.
6.Your former (employ) recommends you for this post.
7.There are three (essential) different ways of tackling the problem.
8.A long skirt swirled around her (ankle).
9.The whole team was on good form and (deserve) the win.
10.I’m not really in the (moody) to go out tonight.
4.examined 5.advertisements 6.employer
7.essentially 8.ankles 9.deserved
1.To (让我高兴起来),she told me to be cheerful and look on the bright side.
2.To my delight,all my efforts (达到预期效果) and all the audience got amused by my jokes.
3.He pulled a (愁眉苦脸) after he failed in the contest.
4.I can’t wear that!I’d be a (笑柄).
5.The naughty boy (笑了起来) when he saw his parents.
答案:1.cheer me up 2.did the trick 3.long face 4.laughing stock 5.cracked a smile
1.马三立生于1914年10月1日,卒于2003年2月11日。(be born)
Ma Sanli was born on October 1,1914 and died on February 11,2003.
2.由于家境贫困,他很小就学说相声。(learn、because of)
At an early age,he learned crosstalk because of the poverty of his family.
In 1930,he started to entertain the audience on the stage.
4.他一生中创作了大量的优秀作品。(a large number of)
During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works.
5.其中很多作品使人振奋。(cheer up)
Many of them cheer up people.
His unique style impresses the audience deeply so he deserves to be called as a master of humour.
You can appreciate his works on the Internet.
It was in 1930 that he started to entertain the audience on the stage.
During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works,many of which cheer up people.
Dear Eric,
I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in Chinese crosstalk and I’m writing to introduce Ma Sanli—one of the most famous Chinese performing artists of crosstalk.
Ma Sanli was born on October 1,1914 and died on February 11,2003.At an early age,he learned crosstalk because of the poverty of his family.It was in 1930 that he started to entertain the audience on the stage.During his whole life,he created a large number of excellent works,many of which cheer up people.His unique style impresses the audience deeply so he deserves to be called as a master of humour.You can appreciate his works on the Internet.
Wish you great progress in your learning of Chinese crosstalk.
Li Hua
Laughter makes people feel better and being a clown doctor means I can help people by entertaining them.Now we clown doctors have to be very sensitive and work closely with medical professionals.And my magic medicine does indeed seem to do the trick,so it’s really true that “laughter is the best medicine”.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.shave n.刮脸,刮胡子
2.fellow n.男人;家伙
3.concept n.概念,观念
4.spot n.地点,处所
5.whisper v.悄声说,低语
1.interaction n.交流→interact v.交流,沟通→interactive adj.合作的;互动的
2.cruel adj.残忍的→cruelly adv.残忍地→cruelty n.残忍
3.complicated adj.难处理的,难懂的→complicate v.使复杂化→complication n.使更复杂化(或更困难)的事物
4.conclude v.结束,终止→conclusion n.结论
5.composer n.作曲家→compose v.作曲;构成;使镇定→composed adj.镇静的,沉着的
1.The deliberate (cruel) of his words cut her like a knife.
2.She laid the baby down (gentle) on the bed.
3.This can provide clues about the true meaning of their non-verbal (interact).
4.He deserves his status as one of the most popular (compose) in Western music history.
5.He was in low spirits,so he hadn’t (shave) for a few days.
6.I finally (spot) my friend in the crowd at the first sight.
7.A car is very (complicate),needing not only car payments,but insurance,maintenance, repairs, gas and more.
8.When the group discussion is nearing its end,we drew a (conclude) with important points.
9.She has a very good reputation among her (fellow).
10.She leaned over and (whisper) something in his ear.
答案:1.cruelty 2.gently 3.interactions
4.composers 5.shaved 6.spotted
7.complicated 8.conclusion 9.fellows 10.whispered
1.Your question really (让他难堪) at the meeting yesterday.
2.The funny story made them (大笑起来).
3.Our teacher made sure nobody would (不能按时完成).
4.You’re resourceful and able to (随机应变).
5.She (匆匆离开) without saying goodbye.
答案:1.put him on the spot 2.roar with laughter 3.fall behind 4.think on your feet 5.hurried away
假设你是李华,英语课上,老师要求以“Why We Need Humour in Our Life?”为题写一篇短文,内容如下:
We badly need humour in our life.
2.幽默可以帮助我们减轻压力,并把我们从复杂的问题中解放出来。(relieve sb.of、set...free from、complicated)
Humour can help relieve us of pressure and set ourselves free from complicated questions.
3.独特的幽默风格使我们具有吸引力,人们跟我们在一起从不觉得无聊。(brand of humour、make+adj.)
Unique brand of humour makes us attractive and people will never feel dull together with us.
4.幽默总能使我们精神高涨。它有益于我们的身心健康。(do good to)
Humour can always keep us in high spirits.It does good to both our mental and physical health.
5.在我们感到压抑的时候,幽默使我们振奋,因此我们会更满足于我们的生活。(feel content with)
Humour cheers us up at a time when we feel depressed so we can feel more content with our lives.
6.幽默对我们很重要。让我们在生活中充分享受幽默吧!(be of+n.)
Humour is of great importance to all of us.Let’s fully enjoy humour in our lives!
Unique brand of humour makes us so attractive that people will never feel dull together with us.
Humour can always keep us in high spirits,which does good to both our mental and physical health.
Why We Need Humour in Our Life?
We badly need humour in our life.Various reasons are as follows.
To begin with,humour can help relieve us of pressure and set ourselves free from complicated questions.In addition,unique brand of humour makes us so attractive that people will never feel dull together with us.What’s more,humour can always keep us in high spirits,which does good to both our mental and physical health.Last but not least,humour cheers us up at a time when we feel depressed so we can feel more content with our lives.
In a word,humour is of great importance to all of us.Let’s fully enjoy humour in our lives!
For thousands of years,humour has been an essential part of human behaviour.The authors of jokes understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on complicated issues.Both Mark Twain and Lin Yutang considered humour as a way of life and a tool to illuminate the world.Humour makes living and working with others easier and it is mankind’s greatest blessing.
Unit 2 Onwards and upwards
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.debt n.债务,欠款
2.pace n.速度;进度
3.nevertheless adv.然而,不过
4.classic n.名著;经典作品
5.guarantee v.保证;确保
6.outcome n.结果,后果
7.blanket n.毯子,毛毯
8.contest n.比赛,竞赛
9.upset adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的
1.rarely adv.很少,难得→rare adj.很少,难得
2.rejection n.拒绝,否决→reject v.拒绝,驳回
3.criticism n.批评;指责→criticise v.批评
4.worthwhile adj.重要的;值得做的→worth n.价值 adj.值得;有价值
5.enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的→enthusiasm n.热情
6.elect v.选举,推选→election n.选举
1.To our surprise,his proposal was met with (reject).
2.The book is of great value and well (worthy) reading.
3. (rare) have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
4.People often lose confidence when they are (criticise).
5.Put some positive (enthusiastic) into your interactions with others.
6.All students are (guarantee) campus accommodation for their first year.
7.I was (delight) at the news of her wedding.
8.We’ll keep you (inform) of the programme’s progress.
9.This job can be done only with (persevere).
10.Her parents suggest she read some (classic) by Asian and western writers.
答案:1.rejection 2.worth 3.Rarely
4.criticised 5.enthusiasm 6.guaranteed
7.delighted 8.informed 9.perseverance
1. (时常) they become bored in daily affairs.
2.To my surprise,the two sisters (没有共同点).
3.We (遗憾地通知你) that your application was unsuccessful.
4.The company has (总数为) 1,776 employees.
5.Julia made a week plan and (把它粘在墙上).
答案:1.All too often 2.have nothing in common
3.regret to inform you 4.a total of 5.stuck it on the wall
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree-planting activity with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
The activity is held annually.
All the teachers and students were enthusiastic about it.
Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill.
5.我们整个上午都在山上挖树坑、种树和浇水。(spend...doing sth.)
We spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering on the hill.
Though we were tired,we all persevered.
When we saw the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
8.这次活动不仅给我们带来劳动的乐趣,而且有助于我们培养团队精神。(not only...but also...)
It not only brings us the pleasure of labour but also helps us to develop team spirit.
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree-planting activity held annually,with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill,where we spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering.
Though tired,we all persevered.
Seeing the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
On the National Tree-planting Day,our school organised a tree -planting activity held annually,with the theme of “Building a Green Home”.
All the teachers and students were enthusiastic about it.Early in the morning,we gathered on the West Hill,where we spent the whole morning digging,planting and watering.Though tired,we all persevered.Seeing the trees waving in the breeze,we thought it was worthwhile.
Undoubtedly,it not only brings us the pleasure of labour but also helps us to develop team spirit.
Success rarely happens overnight.A lot of highly successful writers have previously faced rejection.J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter then became a global success after 12 rejections.J.D.Salinger received criticism along with rejection before his final success.All three Brontë sisters didn’t give up and their works today become classics of world literature.Therefore,perseverance is the key to success besides talent,hard work and luck.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.blessing n.幸事,幸运
2.worthy adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞
3.mere adj.仅仅,只不过
4.outline n.外形,轮廓
5.permanent adj.长久的;永久的
1.appreciative adj.感激的→appreciate v.感激,欣赏→appreciation n.感激,欣赏
2.gentleness n.和蔼,温和→gentle adj.温和的,和蔼的,轻轻的→gently adv.温柔地,轻轻地
3.delightful adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的→delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的→delight n.使人高兴的事
4.literary adj.文学的→literature n.文学
5.embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的→embarrassedly adv.难堪地,尴尬地→embarrassing adj.令人难堪的→embarrass v.使难堪,使尴尬→embarrassment n.难堪,尴尬
1.Our seven student guides received many (appreciate) comments from our guests.
2.His questions made me angry greatly.I felt my face burning with (embarrass).
3.It’s not (mere) a job,but a way of life.
4.Her (gentle) of manner has left a deep impression on me.
5.He had (permanent) strengthened his senses to a point far beyond what others could attain.
6.What is just beyond my wildest imagination is fortune should (blessing) me with a chance to realize my dream.
7.I am convinced that I will strive hard to fulfill my (literature) dream if given the chance.
8.By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and (outline).
9.We had a (delight) time talking about the old days on his farm.
10.Once you have (worth) opponents,set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries.
答案:1.appreciative 2.embarrassing;embarrassment
3.merely 4.gentleness 5.permanently
6.bless 7.literary 8.outlines
9.delightful 10.worthy
1.The question is worthy (考虑).
2.All the candidates are excellent,but I like the last one (尤其)—his experience is just what we need at the moment.
3.Only when you what you have learned (将……应用到……) practice can you say you have made it.
4.The policeman made efforts to (探究) this special case.
5.Let’s (着手于) the work separately.
6.And I felt the whole room (包围) me.
答案:1.to be considered/of being considered/of consideration 2.in particular 3.apply;to 4.probe into 5.go about 6.closing in on
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community.
2.这次活动旨在提高人们的环保意识。(be designed to、raise one’s awareness of)
It was designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
3.在乘车前往目的地之前,我们在学校门口集合。(assemble、head for)
We assembled at the school gate before we headed for the destination by bus.
On arrival,our Student Union chairman delivered a speech and guided inhabitants there to classify waste.
After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there.
These leaflets helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.
7.所有在场的人都对我们的行为表示感谢。(appreciative of)
Everyone present was appreciative of our behaviour.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment.
I benefited much from it.
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community,designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
We assembled at the school gate before heading for the destination by bus.
After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there,which helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment,from which I benefited much.
Last Sunday our school organised a worthy activity about trashing sorting in Taoyuan Community,designed to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
We assembled at the school gate before heading for the destination by bus.On arrival,our Student Union chairman delivered a speech and guided inhabitants there to classify waste.After that,we distributed some leaflets to the people there,which helped them cultivate a greener lifestyle.Everyone present was appreciative of our behaviour.
It is a delightful activity,a blessing for protecting the environment,from which I benefited much.
Darkness would make a person more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound.My seeing friend returned from a long walk in the woods but observed nothing in particular.I have imagined having three days to see what I should most like to see.Darkness descending on me again made me realize how much I had left unseen.Of all the senses,I’m sure that sight must be the most delightful.
Unit 3 Faster,higher,stronger
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.shiny adj.光滑发亮的,闪光的
2.bounce v.(使)弹起,(使)反弹
3.sharpen v.使提高,使改进
4.teammate n.队友
5.footstep n.脚步声;足迹
6.philosophy n.人生哲学
7.self-belief n.自信
8.cheat v.欺骗,作弊
9.remarkable adj.非凡的;不寻常的
1.association n.协会,社团→associate v.联想,联系→associated adj.有关联的,联
2.muddy adj.沾满泥的,泥泞的→mud n.泥
3.expectation n.预料,预期→expect v.期待;预料→expected adj.预期的,预料的→unexpected adj.出乎意料的
1.Lindsey’s husband was totally astonished by the (expect) visit.
2.Alice,the sales manager of our company,is doing a course to (sharp) her business skills.
3.The (associate) between the two companies has been for 30 years.
4.The road was (shine) with puddles,but the rain was at the end.
5.In baseball,the performance of individual players is less dependent on (teammate).
6.The only access to that building is along that (mud) track.
7.The (cheat) boasted that he could turn stone into gold.
8.Given his age,he’s (remarkable) active.
9.The sound of (footstep) gradually died away.
10.This text illuminates the early thinking of the (philosophy).
答案:1.unexpected 2.sharpen 3.association 4.shiny 5.teammates 6.muddy
7.cheater 8.remarkably 9.footsteps 10.philosopher
1.They will (继续) their negotiations next week no matter what conditions they face.
2.The weather is usually changeable,sometimes (超出人们的预期).
3.He is a great figure in this research field so we should (仿效他) to learn more.
4.What he did was (与……大不相同) what he promised at the meeting.
5.The bridge threatened to (倒塌) as the floodwaters rose.
答案:1.carry on 2.beyond people’s expectations 3.follow in his footsteps
4.a far cry from 5.give way
1.你在信中问起我们学校的体育运动。我很高兴告诉你一些关于我学校体育的事情。(sport、be glad to do)
You asked about sports in our school in your letter.I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school.
The most popular sport in my school is basketball.
Many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills.
4.这超出了人们的预料。(beyond one’s expectations)
It is beyond people’s expectations.
Second to basketball is table tennis.The players have established a table tennis association in school.
6.我最喜欢羽毛球。(like sth.best)
I like badminton best.
7.我已经坚持了差不多十年了,大大提升了我的自信心。(carry on、self-belief)
I have carried on it for almost ten years.I have promoted my self-belief greatly.
I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school asked in your letter.
Many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills,which is beyond people’s expectations.
Having carried on it for almost ten years,I have my self-belief promoted greatly.
Dear David,
I’m glad to tell you something about sports in my school asked in your letter.
The most popular sport in my school is basketball.Even many girls play basketball in their spare time to sharpen their skills,which is beyond people’s expectations.Second to basketball is table tennis.The players have established a table tennis association in school.
As for me,I like badminton best.Having carried on it for almost ten years,I have my self-belief promoted greatly.
If you want to know more,just tell me.
Li Hua
主旨大意:文章介绍了体育明星Stephen Curry的成功之路。
Stephen’s grandfather built a simple basket near his house where Stephen practised playing basketball all days to sharpen his skills.Stephen’s creativity and perseverance made him Davidson’s star player.He won his first NBA championship,and led the Warriors to their first championship since 1975.With self-confidence,perseverance and hard practice,Stephen has shown that anything is possible.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.net n.球网
2.burst v.突然出现
3.vivid adj.生动的,逼真的
4.opponent n.(竞争、比赛等的)
5.surgery n.外科手术
6.defeat v.战胜,打败
7.seize v.夺取
8.teamwork n.合作,协作
9.tournament n.锦标赛
1.assign v.分配,分派→assignment n.分配;任务,作业
2.steely adj.钢铁般的;坚定的→steel n.钢
3.cooperation n.合作,协作→cooperate v.合作,协作
4.intense adj.紧张的,激烈的→intensely adv.紧张地,强烈地→intensity n.强烈,紧张→intensify v.(使)加强,增强
1.We would like to see closer (cooperate) between parents and schools.
2.There is a look of (steel) determination on his face.
3.He is a novelist who can (vivid) describe a landscape.
4.If you take this (assign),take it seriously and read the instructions.
5.The most unlikely pairs will (intense) support each other.
6.Although they (defeat),they didn’t lose heart and wanted to go back to the court again.
7.If the pipe (burst), it could flood the whole house.
8.It’s difficult to look natural when you’re feeling (nerve).
9.The Chinese women’s volleyball team reached the final after defeating many strong (opponent).
10.All (ingredient) are readily available from your local store.
答案:1.cooperation 2.steely 3.vividly 4.assignment 5.intensely 6.were
defeated 7.bursts 8.nervous
9.opponents 10.ingredients
1.They were having an argument and somehow I (被卷入) it.
2.Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence (取得成功).
3.As is known to us all,life is full of (沉浮).
4.—Another cup of coffee?
—No,thanks.I think I’d better (动身)for the airport immediately.
5.As soon as the bell rang,the class were (站起来) and ran out of the room.
答案:1.was caught up in 2.paid off 3.ups and downs 4.set off 5.on their feet
Last Saturday morning,we had a basketball match against Class Two.
What an intense match!
3.比赛继续进行,两队奋力拼抢,比赛一路跌宕起伏。(fight one’s way、ups and downs)
The game carried on,and the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.
When there were 2 minutes left,the result was 26∶26,a tie!
How could we win the match?By teamwork!
We kept passing the ball and finally Li Ming shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!
7.我们取得了成功,打败了二班。(pay off、defeat)
We paid off.We defeated Class Two.
8.我们都爆发出欢呼声。(burst out)
All of us burst out cheering.
With the game carrying on,the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.
We kept passing the ball and finally it was Li Ming who shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!
We paid off,defeating Class Two,which made all of us burst out cheering.
Last Saturday morning,we had a basketball match against Class Two.What an intense match!With the game carrying on,the two teams fought their way through ups and downs.When there were 2 minutes left,the result was 26∶26,a tie!How could we win the match?By teamwork!We kept passing the ball and finally it was Li Ming who shot the ball into the basket just 10 seconds before the end of the game!We paid off,defeating Class Two,which made all of us burst out cheering.
It was the teamwork that made us defeat Class Two.
The Chinese women’s volleyball team won the gold medal at the Rio Olympics.Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight.Showing a strong will and the steeliest nerves,they seized gold in the final.Teamwork is the key to their victory.They will prepare for new challenges on the way to the next Olympics.
Unit 4 Meeting the muse
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.quote n.引文,引语
2.float v.浮,漂
3.folk adj.民间的,民俗的
4.tale n.故事
5.princess n.公主
6.ethnic adj.民族的
7.trend n.趋势,动向
8.contrast n.反差,对比
1.motion n.动,运动 v.做动作示意→motionless adj.不动的,固定的
2.compose v.作(曲)→composition n.作品;作文→composer n.作曲家→composed adj.镇定的,沉着的
3.abstract adj.抽象(派)的→abstract n.抽象作品;摘要
4.wire n.金属丝;电线→wireless adj.无线的
5.innovative adj.新颖的,创新的→innovation n.革新,创新→innovate v.革新,创新
1.This book is rich in (quote),but few seem to have come from original interviews.
2.There wasn’t a breath of wind and the willow branches were (motion).
3.Beethoven is one of the greatest (compose).
4.His new design of the engine is (innovate).
5.Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an (inspire) to her family—and that’s pretty powerful.(2020新高考全国Ⅰ,阅读B)
6.The little girl found something (float) on the river,which frightened her.
7.Our office needs to install a (wire) network.
8.We listened to their (tale) about life in the Sahara Desert.
答案:1.quotes 2.motionless 3.composers
4.innovative 5.inspiration 6.floating
7.wireless 8.tales
1.How can faculty improve their teaching (以便) encourage creativity?
2.When our team won the first prize in the tournament,every one of us (活跃起来).
3.Big waves are not tsunamis,which are (使……开始)by earthquakes.
4.Self-driving shuttles and solar cars were (展览) at the show.
5.We will remember the old man’s help and (传递) this selfless kindness to others in trouble.
答案:1.so as to 2.came to life 3.set in motion
4.on display 5.pass down
Here I’m writing to invite you to watch and give your valuable comments on our show.
2.表演将于5月31日上午8:30至11:30在学校体育馆举行。(take place)
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31.
The theme of the show is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.
Each class is expected to provide one program.
5.节目将充分展示他们的才华。(show one’s talent)
The program will fully show their talents.
6.我相信这将是一场精彩的演出。(be sure)
I’m sure it will be a wonderful show.
I will be very grateful if you can come.
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31,the theme of which is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.
Each class is expected to provide one program,fully showing their talents.
3.使用I’d appreciate it if将第7句进行改写。
I’d appreciate it if you could come.
Dear Ms Ann,
I’m glad to tell you the good news that a school culture and art show will be held in our school.Here I’m writing to invite you to watch and give your valuable comments on our show.
The show will take place in our school gym from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on May 31,the theme of which is “Culture,Art and Our Campus”.Each class is expected to provide one program,fully showing their talents.I’m sure it will be a wonderful show.
I’d appreciate it if you could come.If you have any questions,please contact me at 136××××6789.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
We find out more about the influences behind the successes of three different artists.Seeing people feeding fish in Wuzhen,Hofman set his idea for Floating Fish,which was inspired by Chinese folk tales,in motion.Tan Dun,a composer,has been using a combination of Chinese music and sounds from all over the world to tell stories.Inspired by the dance style of the Dai people,Yang Liping created the famous Spirit of the Peacock dance.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.technician n.巧匠
2.animation n. 动画片
3.innovation n.革新,创新
1.literally adv.根据字面意思→literal adj.字面意思的
2.distinct adj.清晰的;明显不同的→distinction n.区别,差别→distinctly adv.明显地
1.This technical (innovate) will save us much time and labour.
2.This word should not be understood in its (literally) sense.
3.Audiences in the cinema are (distinct) on the increase.
4.The phrase is (label) as slang in the dictionary.
5.A manager should be (access) to his staff.
6.A skilled (technology) takes years to train.
答案:1.innovation 2.literal 3.distinctly
4.labelled 5.accessible 6.technician
1.Because he (对……不熟悉) the city,I hope you can give him necessary help.
2.We had to (排队) for an hour for the tickets.
3.I like to (与……互动) others,which makes me delighted.
4.Put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not (可接近) the kids.
5.The city with amazing beautiful scenery (被认为……) the garden of the world.
答案:1.is unfamiliar with 2.queue up 3.interact with 4.be accessible to 5.is labelled as
假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),打算邀请附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请根据以下内容给她写一封信。
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School.
2.我的学校离你们大学很近。(be close to)
My school is close to your university.
I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest.
The contest will be held in our school on June 15.
5.比赛将于下午两点开始,持续约三小时。(start、last for)
The contest will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours.
6.十名学生将以“艺术与科技”为主题发表演讲。(deliver a speech)
Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Art and Technology”.
We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university.
The contest,starting at 2:00 pm and lasting for about three hours,will be held in our school on June 15.
Dear Ms Smith,
I’m Li Hua,chairman of the Students’Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university.I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest.
The contest,starting at 2:00 pm and lasting for about three hours,will be held in our school on June 15.Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Art and Technology”.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Art reminds you of different artworks.But these new and exciting artworks make people puzzled.Art and technology have always been seen as two very separate things.Today technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology.The art-tech combination has brought exciting new art forms,which has raised questions.Technological advances are perhaps bringing us closer to a time when computers rather than humans create art.Technology makes artists be able to explore new possibilities.
Unit 5 Revealing nature
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.seed n.种子,籽
2.disgrace n.丢脸,耻辱
3.evolve v.进化
4.ancestor n.(动物的)原种,祖先
5.evolution n.进化(论)
6.decline v.减少
7.blame v.责怪,指责;把……归咎于
8.goat n.山羊
9.worldwide adv.遍及全世界
10.giant adj.巨大的,特大的
1.distant adj.遥远的→distance n.距离
2.sample n.样本→sample v.抽样,取样
3.suspect v.猜想,怀疑,觉得→suspect n.犯罪嫌疑人→suspect adj.不可信的,可疑的
4.generate v.产生,创造→generation n.产生→generator n.发电机
5.characteristic n.特征,特性→characterise v.以……为特征→characteristic adj.典型的,独特的
6.primitive adj.原始的,低等的→primitively adv.原始地
1.It’s some (distant) to the shopping centre.
2.Do you know about the (evolve) of a seed into a plant?
3.Steam and water power are used for the (generate) of electricity.
4.Their position in international trade rapidly (decline).
5.Personal (characteristic),such as age and hobbies, are taken into account.
6.Twelve percent of the children (sample) said they preferred cats to dogs.
7.A dropped cigarette (blame) for the fire.
8.As I had (suspect) all along,he is not a good man.
答案:1.distance 2.evolution 3.generation 4.declined 5.characteristics 6.sampled 7.is being blamed 8.suspected
1.The hill appeared as a black mass (在远处).
2.Many young people (响应号召) of our country to go to the west.
3.The profits are (正在下降) this year so the employer says that the employees will (下降了) about two percent.
4.It took him a while to (适应) his new surroundings.
5.It is one of the most popular English songs (有史以来).
6.These elephants (原产于) Africa.
答案:1.in the distance 2.answered the call 3.in decline;decline by 4.adapt himself to
5.of all time 6.are native to
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist.The book systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.
2.达尔文搭乘“贝格尔号”一路考察各地的地质和动植物的特性,采集了无数的样本,并将自己的发现做了详细的观察笔记。(sample、characteristic、make notes)
Darwin took the Beagle to investigate the characteristics of geology,animals and plants,collected numerous samples,and made detailed observation notes of his finds.
3.他大胆地猜想这些动物是如何出现的,同时不断地寻找答案和证据。(suspect、come to exist、at the same time、look for)
He boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,he constantly looked for answers and evidence.
4.他的探险之旅带来了有史以来最重要的一项科学发现:动植物的新种类是从早期的祖先进化而来的。(lead to、of all time、evolve from)
His adventures led to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time:new species of plants and animals evolved from their early ancestors.
It was not published until 1859 and immediately caused a storm.
This theory of evolution is so groundbreaking that it has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist,which systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.
He boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,constantly looking for answers and evidence.
3.用It is...that强调句型改写第6句,以强调主语。
It is this theory of evolution that has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
On the Origin of Species is a biological work by Charles Darwin,a British biologist,which systematically expounds the theoretical basis of biological evolution.In 1831,Darwin took the Beagle to investigate the characteristics of geology,animals and plants,collected numerous samples,and made detailed observation notes of his finds.In the meantime,he boldly suspected how these animals came to exist,at the same time,constantly looking for answers and evidence.Finally,his adventures led to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time:new species of plants and animals evolved from their early ancestors.
It was not published until 1859 and immediately caused a storm.It is this theory of evolution that has caused a great revolution in the whole human thought and has a broad and far-reaching influence in the process of world history.
主旨大意:课文以时间及行程路线为线索,介绍了著名生物学家Charles Darwin的发现之旅以及他基于此次旅行写成的《物种起源》一书。
Darwin answered the call made by the captain of the ship Beagle and began his journey of discovery.He studied the collected samples of the plants and animals and wondered how different species came to exist.His new idea inspired himself to look for more evidence.After studying the finches on the Gal?pagos Islands,he concluded that new species of plants and animals evolved from earlier ancestors.His theory of evolution convinced people and changed ideas about life on Earth forever.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.myth n.(古代的)神话
2.legend n.传说,传奇(故事)
3.root n.根
4.link v.把……联系起来;连接
5.centimetre n.厘米
detect v.发现,察觉(尤指不易觉察到的事物)→detection n.发现,察觉→detector n.探测器→detective n.侦探
1.The new test should aid in the early (detect) of the disease.
2.Tree (root) can cause damage to buildings.
3.Television stations around the world are (link) by satellites.
4.There are many nice folk (legend),expressing the beautiful dreams of people.
答案:1.detection 2.roots 3.linked 4.legends
1.When she studied abroad,she a house (与……分享) three other students.
2.I like to (与……交流) my family.
3.Put a (微量的) salt in the water.
4.The two children are walking (并肩) talking and laughing.
5.They fought bravely to (赶走) enemies from their country.
答案:1.shared;with 2.communicate with 3.tiny amount of 4.side by side 5.drive away
假设你是李华,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,描述你种植绿豆(mung beans)的经历。
Last summer I planted some mung beans in my garden.
I bought some seeds from a seedman.
I sowed them in the garden.
4.几天后,我去花园,发现绿豆开始生根发芽了。(take root)
A few days later,I went to the garden and found the mung beans were beginning to take root.
5.又过去了几天,绿豆渐渐长出了叶子。(come into leaf)
Another few days passed and the mung beans were coming into leaf.
6.我时不时地给它们浇水,使它们长得很好。(now and then、so that)
Now and then I watered them so that they grew well.
7.我种的绿豆一直在生长,2个月后终于开始结籽了。(keep doing、go to seed)
The mung beans I planted kept growing,and finally two months later they began to go to seed.
8.我很高兴看到我的劳动成果。(be delighted to do)
I was very delighted to see the fruits of my work.
I bought some seeds from a seedman and sowed them in the garden.
A few days later,I went to the garden finding the mung beans were beginning to take root.
With another few days passing,the mung beans were coming into leaf.
Last summer I planted some mung beans in my garden.
I bought some seeds from a seedman and sowed them in the garden.A few days later,I went to the garden finding the mung beans were beginning to take root.With another few days passing,the mung beans were coming into leaf.Now and then I watered them so that they grew well.The mung beans I planted kept growing,and finally two months later they began to go to seed.
I was very delighted to see the fruits of my work.I’m going to plant something else this summer.
In many myths and legends,trees can communicate with animals and people.New research has revealed that plants can communicate by releasing chemicals or making noises.Most surprisingly,using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food with each other.Maybe one day when knowing enough about plant communication,we can “talk” to them ourselves.
Unit 6 Nurturing nature
Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language
1.steadily adv.平稳地
2.landmark n.地标
3.splendid adj.壮丽的
4.leisure n.空闲,闲暇
5.mirror-like adj.如镜面般的
6.wander v.徘徊
7.scenery n.风景,景色
8.jungle n.(热带)丛林
9.disturb v.干扰,扰乱
1.massive adj.巨大的→mass n.团,堆,大量
2.delicate adj.脆弱的→delicacy n.脆弱,精致→delicately adv.脆弱地,精致地,微
3.radiation n.辐射→radiate v.辐射,放射
4.economy n.经济→economist n.经济学家→economic adj.经济上的,经济学的→ economical adj.经济的,节约的
5.operator n.经营者→operation n.经营,运营;手术→operate v.经营,运营,动手术
6.conservationist n.(动植物或古旧建筑的)保护工作者;环境保护主义者→conservation n.保护→conserve v.保护;节省→conservative adj.保守的
1.The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted at her first (operate).
2.Our research work is progressing (steady).
3.We must make (mass) efforts to improve the living standard.
4.He had a novel and (disturb) experience last year.
5.We gave up the house because of (economy) considerations.
6.It’s a (leisure) season-long tour of a continent-wide buffet line.
7.Their diseases are not so clearly tied to (radiate) exposure.
8.Most people have come to accept the need for (conservationist) of natural resources.
9.I thought you handled the situation very (delicate).
10.The child was found (wander) the streets alone.
答案:1.operation 2.steadily 3.massive
4.disturbing 5.economic 6.leisurely 7.radiation 8.conservation 9.delicately 10.wandering
1.She had some doubts about what she (将要做的).
2. (一群) kids were playing with a ball in the street.
3.We travelled around (一段时间) and landed up in Seattle.
4.We should protect wild animals from being harmed and live (与……和睦相处) them.
5.When applying for a job,please (确保) you meet the following qualifications.
答案:1.was about to do 2.A group of 3.for a while 4.in harmony with 5.make sure
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting.
It was organised by Students Union of our school.
3.一大早,我和同学们带着工具和幼苗去了附近的一座小山。(head for)
Early in the morning,my classmates and I headed for a hill nearby with tools and seedlings.
4.我们一到,就开始按计划一起工作。(as soon as、get down to)
As soon as we arrived,we got down to working together as planned.
Some dug pits and put seedlings in,and some filled the pits with earth,and others watered them.
6.通过我们的共同努力,山坡上树苗成行。(be lined with)
Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings.
They were bathed in the sunshine.
Though we were exhausted,we tasted the joy of labour.
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting organised by Students Union of our school.
On arriving,we got down to working together as planned.
Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings,bathed in the sunshine.
Exhausted as we were,we tasted the joy of labour.
Today we witnessed a rewarding activity—Tree Planting organised by Students Union of our school.
Early in the morning,my classmates and I headed for a hill nearby with tools and seedlings.On arriving,we got down to working together as planned.Some dug pits and put seedlings in,and some filled the pits with earth,and others watered them.Through our joint efforts,the hillside was lined with rows of seedlings,bathed in the sunshine.
Exhausted as we were,we tasted the joy of labour.
I travel along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway that many foreign experts claimed was “impossible”.I was one of the people working on it.How to protect the delicate ecosystem was the most difficult challenge to overcome.Passages were built and wetlands were moved to protect its animals and ecosystem.The high altitude and the thin air,changeable weather and high levels of UV radiation challenged railway workers.But I am proud that we built an extraordinary “Sky Railway” with the care for the environment.
Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection
1.via prep.通过(某人、某机器等)传送(某物);借助于
2.candidate n.申请者
3.salary n.薪金,工资
4.waist n.腰,腰部
1.applicant n.申请人→apply v.申请→application n.申请;应用
2.favour n.支持,赞同→favour v.赞同;有利于;偏爱→favourable adj.赞同的,有利的
3.advertise v.(为……)做广告(宣传)→advertisement n.征聘;广告
4.genuine adj.真的,真正的→genuineness n.真正,真诚→genuinely adv.真正地
5.negotiable adj.可协商的→negotiate v.协商,谈判→negotiation n.协商,谈判
6.preference n.优先(权)→prefer v.更喜欢
7.qualification n.技能条件,资格→qualify v.使合格→qualified adj.合格的
1.Jack has obtained a medical (qualify) after his hard efforts.
2.A polar bear has a (prefer) for cold weather.
3.We are satisfied with the smoothness of the (negotiate).
4.Preference will be given to the (apply) who has a passion for work.
5.The wall is covered with (advertise) and looks untidy.
6.The old man is a serious scholar,a (genuine) learned man.
7.She made a (favour) impression on the interviewers.
8.It was difficult to decide between the two (candidate).
答案:1.qualification 2.preference 3.negotiation 4.applicant 5.advertisements 6.genuinely 7.favourable 8.candidates
1. (另外) the names on the list,there are six other applicants.
2.The villagers have (意识到) the seriousness of the problem and begin to take measures.
3.We are (支持) her promotion to manager.
4.The rescue team (由……构成) twenty doctors and ten nurses.
5.The study aims to (强调……的重要性) further education.
答案:1.In addition to 2.become aware of 3.in favour of 4.is made up of 5.highlight the importance of
1.我写信申请做一名中国画展览的志愿者。(apply to)
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition.
It will be held in your art gallery.
3.我想我可以优先得到这份工作,因为我从小就学习中国画。(have the preference for)
I think I have the preference for the job because I have learned Chinese painting since childhood.
4.我的中文和英文都很流利。(be fluent in)
I am fluent in both Chinese and English.
5.这有利于介绍中国画。(be in favour of)
This can be in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.
6.如果我有幸被选为志愿者,我可以带游客参观美术馆,让他们更多地了解中国画。(show around、get sb.to do sth.)
If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volunteer,I can show visitors around the gallery and get them to know more about Chinese paintings.
All in all,I can meet the qualifications for this job.
8.如果你能给我这个机会,我将不胜感激。(would appreciate it if)
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity.
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in your art gallery.
I am fluent in both Chinese and English,which is in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in your art gallery.
I think I have the preference for the job because I have learned Chinese painting since childhood.Besides,I am fluent in both Chinese and English,which is in favour of introducing Chinese paintings.If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volunteer,I can show visitors around the gallery and get them to know more about Chinese paintings.All in all,I can meet the qualifications for this job.
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity.I’m looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Looking after the Great Barrier Reef means doing a lot.The call for an island caretaker could highlight the importance of the reef and the need to protect it.The delicate reef is now under threat.Finally,the job was offered to Ben Southall selected from thousands of applicants.He joked the job should have been advertised as the “busiest one in the world”.Thanks to the job,people came to know they should protect the reef.