五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Feelings Lesson 5 Try yourself.教学设计
这是一份五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Feelings Lesson 5 Try yourself.教学设计,共3页。
课 题Unit2 Feelings Lesson 5 Try yourself课 时1备课教师 单 位 教学目标通过Enjoy it 和Check it两部分内容,复习巩固第二单元知识点。通过Learn to learn拓展练习表情词。教学重点Check it.中I know 和I can.单元重点单词和句型的差缺补漏。教学难点文本阅读Mr Black’s garden的正确理解。教学准备课件教 学 过 程复 备一、Warm-upFree talk(本单元的对话)PPT出示图片Mr Black 的图片,He has a beautiful garden.Let’s tell a story about his story.【既能激发兴趣,又能引出新知】二、Presentation1.Watch and say.播放课文录音,引导学生通过观看来感知故事大意。2.Learn the new words.出示图片,跟读单词,garden, noise, shout, scared, run away, happily, again认知单词的意思。Understand the story.PPT出示第一段,展示问题,带着问题去读,(1)What is in Mr Black’s garden? (2) What do the children like to do in the garden?引导学生找打答案。同样,以此种方法学习其它段,出示问题:(3)Is Mr Black happy?(4) Are the children scared?(5).Spring is coming.Is Mr Black very happy?Why?(6)What does Mr Black say to the children?(7) What do the children do in the garden?(8).How is Mr Black’s garden? (9).What’s everyone’s feeling?【按故事的逻辑分段学习,通过提问题引导学生猜测故事的发生、发展,多渠道输入,运用自主阅读合作学习的方式,培养学生阅读理解归纳总结的能力】跟录音读故事三、Practice复述文本。四、SummaryWhat did you learn in class?五、Homework利用课余时间绘制本单元思维导图。 板书设计 Unit2 Feelings Lesson 5 Try yourself 教学反思