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    人教版英语八年级上 Unit7重点知识复习课件

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    人教版英语八年级上单元重点知识复习课件Unit 7 Will people have robots?paper 纸pollution 污染;污染物prediction 预测future 未来pollute 污染environment 环境planet 行星earth 地球;泥土plant 种植,植物基础夯实peace 和平sky 天空play a part 参与astronaut 宇航员apartment 公寓房间rocket 火箭space 空间;太空even 甚至;愈加human 人的; 人;人类【重点单词短语过关】读一读 背一背servant 仆人dangerous 危险的already 已经factory 工厂believe 相信disagree 不同意shape 形状fall 倒塌;跌倒possible 可能的part 参加,部分probably 大概;或许;很可能holiday 假日word 单词space station 太空站over and over again 多次;反复地hundreds of 许多 ;大量; 成百上千【重点单词短语过关】读一读 背一背基础夯实on computers 在电脑上on paper 在纸上live to be 200 years old 活到200岁free time 空闲时间in danger 在危险中on the earth 在世界上play a part in sth 在某方面出力/做贡献computer programmer 电脑程序师  the same…as 与…...一样get bored 无聊wake up 醒来/唤醒look like 看起来像 fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌look for 寻找;寻求in the future 在将来 【重点单词短语过关】读一读 背一背基础夯实重点词句精讲1. People won’t use money. Everything will be free. 人们不使用钱,任何东西都是免费的。be free 免费的,有空的,空闲的例句:Many Spaniards believe that music and movies should be free. 许多西班牙人认为音乐和电影应该是免费的。Will you be free tomorrow morning?你明天早上有空吗?2. People will live to be 200 years old. live to be + 基数词 + years old “活到……岁”【辨析】live, alive, living和livelylive “活着的”, 置于名词之前, 作定语。alive “在世的”, 常作表语, 但偶尔也作后置定语或补语。living “活着的”, 常作定语, 也可以作表语,作表语时相当于alive。lively “活泼的, 有生气的”, 既可以作定语, 又可以作表语。重点词句精讲3. Will people use money in 100 years?一百年后人们还会使用钱吗?这里的 in 100 years “在……期间;在……以后”后接一段时间表示在将来某段时间之后。例如: He’ll come back in a week. 他将于一周之后回来。 I’ll call you in two hours. 我两个小时后给你打电话。4. fewer与less及more表数量的用法 few,形容词,带否定含义“几乎没有,很少的”,修饰可数名词。其比较级、最高级为规则变化:few-fewer-fewest 。 “a few”表示“一些”。例: a few days ago, for a few weeks► He has few friends here. ► There will be fewer trees. 重点词句精讲2) little,形容词,带否定含义,意思是“很少的,几乎没有的”,修饰不可数名词,此外还有“小的,幼小的”意思,其比较级、最高级为不规则变化: little-less-least。a little意思是“有一些”,修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意思。例句:There’s little food left. We have to buy some. There’s a little water in the cup. There will be less pollution.3) many “许多”,修饰可数名词,much “许多”,修饰不可数名词。many / more 比较级、最高级为不规则变化:many / much -more-most 例句:There will be more people on the earth in the future. More and more students start to exercise more every day to keep fit. 重点词句精讲5. play a part in 参与某事China plays a more and more important part in the world.现在中国在世界上担负着越来越重要的角色 Everyone should play a part in protecting the environment.6. What’s your prediction about the future?你对未来有什么预测?prediction是predict 的名词形式。有“预言、预料、预测”之意。 例如:Sales were five percent lower than predicted. 销售额比预计的低5%。Newspapers predicted that Davis would be re-elected.报纸预测戴维斯将再次当选重点词句精讲7. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。play a part in… 是一个固定结构,表示“参与……;在……中尽自己一份力量” 例如:► She plays an active part in teaching these poor children. 她积极参加对这些贫穷孩子的教学工作。► He didn’t play a part in making this decision.他并没有参与做出此决定。8. Will people use money in 100 years? people作“人”讲时,是可数名词, 单、复数相同。 a / one people 或 two peoples,three people, many people people泛指“人们”,是一个集体名词. 例如:► There are five people in that room.那个房里有五个人。► Many people like to go shopping.很多人喜欢购物。重点词句精讲people的其他意思1) We study for the people.我们为人民而学习。 the people作“人民”讲,有“全体”的含义。2) The Chinese people is a great people.中华民族是一个伟大的民族。 people作“民族”讲,可以说 a people。3)the village people 乡下人 the city people 城里人 people指“平民、百姓、居民”重点词句精讲【辨析】 people, person, folks和 human。1) people意思为“人们”时, 着重指全体,不能说one people。2) person①“人”包括men, women, children② people的单数形式,one person③意思为“人们”时, 着重指个体VIP = very important person 重要成员3) Folks意为“人们”时, 指一般人或特殊年龄、位置、境遇等特殊阶级的人, 现在常用people。 如: the old folks at home 家里的老人4) human = human being 人(类)主要用来区别于其他动物重点词句精讲9. money不可数名词,意为“钱,金钱”。可用: much, some, any, a lot of 等修饰。earn / make money 赚钱bank money 把钱存入银行save money 存钱refund money 退款纸币 paper money硬币 coinsmall money =change 零钱ready money =cash 现金重点词句精讲10. Kids will study at home on computers.kid n. 小山羊、小山羊皮;(口语)小孩 相当于child( kids =children) v.欺骗,戏弄,取笑。过去式 kidded 现在分词 kiddingYou’re kidding! 你在开玩笑No kidding! 别开玩笑与home有关的单词短语:homeland祖国 hometown家乡 homework家庭作业homemade自制的 homegrown国产的 homeless无家可归的be away from home离家在外the joys of home天伦之乐Please make yourself at home.请随便!(不要拘束)重点词句精讲【辨析】 family, house, 和 home1) family指家、家庭、家人不指住房► These are my family. 这是我的家人2) house指居住的房屋、住宅► This is my new house. 这是我的新居3) home①指同家人共同生活的地方, 不一定含有建筑物的意思.②可以是船上、窑洞或帐篷里的家庭组织.③特别强调家里的氛围和环境④home在美语中指“住宅”=house谚语: East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝, 不如自己的狗窝.谚语:There is no place like home. 没有地方比得上家.重点词句精讲11. There will be more pollution. 1) there be 某地有某物(表存在) have / has 某人有某物(表拥有) 2) there be 接词要运用就近(临近)原则 ► There is a book and two bags.► There are two bags and a book.【注意】由于will后接动词原形, 因此在 “there be”句型一般将来时的句中,will之后用be动词的原形,即“be”一词,无论后面是单、复数或不可数名词(短语)。e.g. There won’t be any paper money. There will only be one country. There will be more leisure time.重点词句精讲3) there be 句型的时态变化一般过去时 There was / were…一般现在时 There is / are…一般将来时 There will be…e.g. There is a book on the table. There will be more people in this city . There won’t be rain soon. — Will there be rain? — Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.12. There will be fewer trees. There will be less free time.相同点: fewer 和less 都表示“较少”的意思。不同点:1. fewer 是few 的比较级,只能修饰可数名词复数。 2. less 是little 的比较级,只能修饰不可数名词。重点词句精讲13. Yes, I hope so. 对,我希望如此。此句意为“ yes, I hope there will be world Peace”。 句中的so 为副词,代替了对话中上文所说的内容,除hope 外, so还常与think (想),believe(相信),guess(猜测)等词搭配。例如:►A: Is he coming to see us? 他要来看我们吗? B: I think so. 我想是的。14. I sometimes see blue skies in my city,...我有时看到城市里的蓝天,…… 句中skies用作复数,表示天气或某地的天空看上去怎样例如:► a land of blue skies and warm sunshine. 一片有着蓝蓝的天空和温暖的阳光的土地。当只指“天空”时,sky通常用单数形式例如:► There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. 天空中万里无云。► The sky turned dark just before the storm.暴风雨来临前,天空变得漆黑了。重点词句精讲15. Some robots are very human-like.一些机器人十分像真人。在human-like (形似真人的;真人一样的)一词中,like为形容词后缀,用在名词之后,与其构成一个完整的形容词,表示“ 形似……的;像……一样的;类似于……的”。如:a bird-like building (像鸟一样的建筑)a cabbage-like vegetable(一种形似卷心菜的蔬菜)the ball-like thing on the top of the building(楼顶上那个像球一样的东西)重点词句精讲16. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.此句中的get bored 译为“ 感到厌烦,感到无聊”。其同义词为:be bored 二者的区别在于:get bored(强调动作) be bored (强调状态) 英语中有很多过去分词或形容词都可以和get, be 连用。比如:tired,angry 等。例如:► You won’t be bored when you are hungry.当你饿的时候你就不会觉得无聊了。► If you do the same things month after month, you may get bored.如果你每月都做同样的事情,你可能会感到厌烦。 重点词句精讲17. It will be difficult to make them really think like a human. 把机器人做的像人一样思考将会很难。通常用it 做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置于谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些习惯用法中。当谓语是系表结构(be + 形容词/ 名词)时,常将不定式后置,构成句型 “it + be + 表语(形容词 / 名词)+ 不定式”。例如: ► It is not an easy thing to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语不是件容易的事。18. Scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up... be able to “能够……”辨析:can 和be able to相同点: 两者都表示能力不同点: can只有现在式和过去式。be able to可用于现在时、过去时和将来时,但它没有进行时。表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,只能用be able to.①He can drive a car.②He was able to climb over the mountain before.重点词句精讲19. But many scientists disagree with Mr. Whit.但很多科学家不赞同怀特先生的观点。这里的“disagree with ”译为“不同意;不一致;不适合”。固定搭配:agree with sb/sth. disagree with sb/sth.e.g. ► They disagreed with each other about the time and place of the accident.他们在对事故发生的时间和地点彼此有分歧。► I strongly disagree with his views.我强烈反对他的见解。► I disagree completely with Jack.我完全不同意杰克的意见。重点词句精讲20.If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.如果建筑物倒塌,人还在里面,这些蛇形机器人可以帮助在坍塌的建筑物里搜救伤者。fall down 的意思如下: 1)掉下,落下,跌倒:► The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg. 老妇跌倒在大街上,摔坏了腿。2)拜倒,跪倒:► They fell down before him.他们拜倒在他面前。3)倒塌:► The old house soon fell down.这座老房很快就倒塌了。21. So I’ll probably just keep a bird.keep: v. “保持;维持;喂养”keep + sb. / sth. +形容词 “使某人/某物……”e.g. The job kept them busy for a year. 重点词句精讲2) keep +形容词 “保持”e.g. The man ran up and down to keep warm. 3) keep + sb. / sth. doing “让某人/某物继续做某事”e.g. She kept us waiting for her at the station for an hour.4) keep + doing “继续做,坚持做”e.g. He kept running after her, trying to catch her. 22. I will live on a space station. space 空间,空处 (可数)► There is a space of 46 inches wide between the two bookcases.► The road is bad for a space of two miles. ► We need more space to set it up. ► Is there any space left? 还有地方吗?space当太空讲时是不可数名词。space station 太空站 space ship太空船 space suit宇航服语法知识精讲1. 概念:1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 ► We will go to see him tomorrow.我们明天来看他。2)表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。► From now on, I will come every day.从现在起,我每天都来。2. 基本句型肯定句:主语 + will +V原形否定句:主语 + will +not + V原形一般疑问句:Will +主语 + V原形特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 简略回答:Yes, I will. /No, I won’t. (注意缩写形式)一般将来时语法知识精讲3. “there be”句型一般将来时的表达:肯定句: There will be +名词(短语)否定句: There will not / won’t be +名词(短语)一般疑问句:— Will there be +名词(短语)?— Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.Will there be fewer trees?There will be more people.There won’t be money. Everything will be free.语法知识精讲总结语法知识精讲3. will 表示将来时态,其后常跟的时间状语。tomorrow 明天 next week 下周 next year 明年 before 在……之前 next month 下个月 soon 不久the day after tomorrow 后天 the year after next 后年the week after next 下下周 in ten years 十年后1. Are you kidding?你开玩笑吧?2. Will people have robots?人们会拥有机器人吗?3. Everything will be free.一切都将是免费的。4. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。5. They’ll study at home on computers.他们将在家里的电脑上学习。6. There will be only one country in the world.世界上将只有一个国家。7. There will be less pollution.污染将更少。8. What will the future be like?未来会象什么样子?【单元目标语句回顾】读一读 练一练基础夯实9. We never know what will happen in the future.我们永远不知道未来将会发生什么。10. And my apartment will be no good for pets.我的公寓将不适合于宠物。11. I think so.我认为是这样I don’t think so.这认为不是这样。12. I hope so.我希望如此。I hope not我希望不这样。13. In 50 years, people will have more free time because there will be less things to do.50年后,人们将有更多的空闲时间,因为他们会有更少的事情做。14. In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter.20 年以后,我想我会成为一个报社记者。15. You should also remember that there will be both good and bad things in life.你也应该记住,生活中有好事也有坏事。【单元目标语句回顾】读一读 练一练基础夯实16. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.然而,一些科学家相信,尽管我们能够让机器人象人类一样运动,但让他们象人类一样真正地思考却很困难。17. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.例如,科学家James White 认为,机器人将不能够清醒得知道他们身处何处。18. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.这在20年前是不可能的,但是计算机和火箭在100年前也是看起来不可能的。【单元目标语句回顾】读一读 练一练基础夯实实战演练1. —How many birds can you see in the trees?—I can see _____ birds in them.A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred of D. five hundreds of【答案】A【解析】考查数词的用法。hundred 是数词,意为“一百”,hundreds of 意为“成百上千的”,当 hundred 前有数词修饰时,hundred 用单数,且后面不跟 of。2.Many scientists believe that robots _____ able to talk like humans in 50 years.A. be B. are C. will be D. have been【答案】C【解析】由时间状语 in 50 years 可知用将来时。句意:许多科学家相信 50 年后机器人能像人类一样交谈。 一、单项选择题实战演练3. —Why are you in such a hurry, John?—There _____ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.A. will be B. was C. would be D. has been【答案】A【解析】考查动词的时态。根据答语中的 in ten minutes (十分钟后),可知答语是一般将来时,只有选项 A 是一般将来时的结构。4. He often helps his mother _____ the housework, but he never _____.A. with; get bored B. with; gets boring C. to do; get bored D. with; gets bored【答案】D【解析】本题可以用“排除法”解题。句意:他经常帮助他妈妈做家务,但是从来不觉得厌倦。help sb. with sth. 和 help sb. (to) do sth. 都可以表示“帮助某人做某事”。由后半句的主语 he 指人可知,形容词用 bored,而不能用 boring,排除选项 B。又因为 he 是第三人称单数,故动词 get 后需加 -s,排除选项 A 和 C。实战演练5.Take it easy. I am sure you _____ work it out soon.A. will can B. will be able to C. be able to D. could【答案】B【解析】根据 soon 可知,时态应为一般将来时,可先排除 C 和 D 项;will 和 can 不能连用,排除 A。句意为“放轻松。我确信你一会儿就能把它计算出来”。6.—Tony, please be careful, or you may _____ onto the wet ground.—OK. Thank you.A. feel like B. fall down C. care about D. find out【答案】B【解析】根据设空所在句句意“托尼,请小心,否则你可能会摔倒在湿的地面上”可知。fall down 意为“跌倒”,符合此处语境。 实战演练7. —He got an A in last week's math test.—It is _____! His math is always the worst.A. possible B. simple C. impossible D. bored【答案】C【解析】根据“His math is always the worst.”可知,应答者对“他在上周数学测验中得了 A”感到质疑,觉得不可能。8. Hank lost his job two months ago. He is now _____ a new job.A. looking out B. looking after C. looking for D. looking up【答案】C【解析】考查 look 短语。look out 当心;look after 照顾;look for 寻找;look up 查找。句意:汉克两个月前丢了他的工作。他现在正在找一份新工作。look for a new job 意为“找一份新工作”。实战演练9.—I think that China will win the World Cup one day.—I _____. The Chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger.A. agree B. disagree C. don't agree D. think【答案】A【解析】根据“The Chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger.”可知,应答者同意对方的观点。10.Jason likes the _____ of the cake. It is a heart.A. color B. size C. smell D. shape【答案】D【解析】考查名词的辨析。color 颜色;size 大小;smell 味道;shape 形状。句意:杰森喜欢这个蛋糕的形状。它是心形的。根据第二句“它是心形的”,可知是表示形状。实战演练1. Rock climbing is one of _________________ (dangerous) sports.【答案】the most dangerous2. Our class took a part in _________ (clean) up the park.【答案】cleaning3. Jay spends a lot of time __________ (practice) singing.【答案】practicing4. He __________ (work) in his garden every morning next year.【答案】will work5. How many ________ (part) are there in the educational exchange?【答案】parts二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。实战演练1.我将查明他的住处。I'll_______ _______ where he lives.【答案】find,out2.首先,我向你们解释一下比赛规则。First of all, I will _______ the rules of the game _______ you.【答案】explain,to3.移山看起来好像是不可能的。It doesn't_______ very________ to move a mountain.【答案】seem, possible4. 有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。You helped to_______ ________ ________ for me to have Lucky. 【答案】make, it, possible5. 只要你一直努力,你的梦想就会实现。If you always work hard, your dream_____ come ________.【答案】will, true三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。实战演练1. He can drive to work now. (改为同义句)He_____ _______ ______ drive to work now.【答案】is, able, to2. Half the students won't come if we have the music party this evening.(对划线部分提问)_______will _______ if we have the music party this evening?【答案】What, happen3.There will be fewer people in the future. (改为一般疑问句) _______ ________ be fewer people in the future?【答案】Will, there4. The weather will be rainy tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)_______the weather_______ _______ _____ tomorrow?【答案】What, will, be, like四、句型变换。实战演练That's all.Thank you!
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