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    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT01
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT02
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT03
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT04
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT05
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT06
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT07
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT08
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures优秀ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures优秀ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了核心词汇,题组练·领悟方法,beyond ,with ,buying ,behaves ,behaviour,depressed ,depression,depressed等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    教材原句p.19 Well,I suppse it was difficult t grasp the tnes at first. 嗯,我想一开始很难掌握音调。
    1 grasp v. & n.(1)v. 理解;领会;抓紧grasp at sth. 试图抓住某物;试图抓住机会grasp sb. by the arm/hand 抓住某人的胳膊 / 手搭配grasp the meaning/significance f 理解……的意思 / 理解……的重要性grasp the chance/pprtunity 抓住机会She grasped at his cat as he rushed past her.他从她身边冲过去时,她使劲向他的外衣抓去。
    (2)n. 理解力;领悟力;紧握;抱紧 have/get a grasp f 理解…… a gd/firm/pr grasp f 对……领悟得好 / 不好搭配 be beynd ne’s grasp 超出某人的理解力 beynd/ut f ne’s grasp 力所不及 slip frm ne’s grasp 失去控制He has a gd grasp f German grammar. 他德语语法掌握得很好。These cmplex frmulae are beynd the grasp f the average pupil.这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。
    单句语法填空(1)Bb grasped ______the by’s hand,but he escaped.(2)The tasks are _________ his grasp,s yu had better nt ask him t d them.(3)The pliceman grasped him _______ the hand and asked where he came frm.(4)Yur daughter has ______ gd grasp f English.完成句子(5) His parents _______________(不能理解) his wrry.(6) Finishing the task n time is ____________________ (力所不及).
    had n grasp f
    beynd/ut f his grasp
    教材原句p.20 T begin with,many students wh study abrad face great ecnmic pressure. 首先,许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力。
    2 t begin with(1)“首先;第一”,用作插入语,多置于句首。We can’t g. T begin with,it’s cld. Besides,we have n mney.我们不能去。首先,天太冷;其次,我们没钱。(2)“最初;开始”,用作状语。The special schl was quite a small ne t begin with.这所特殊的学校一开始规模很小。【归纳拓展】近义词汇有:first,firstly,t start with,first f all,first and fremst。First f all,we shuld learn t prnunce every wrd crrectly.首先,我们应该学会正确地读每个单词。
    单句语法填空(1)T begin ________ ,students can braden their hrizns if they g abrad fr further study.(2) As high schl students,yu have sme prblems t deal with. First ________all,yu shuld get yur study hurs well arranged.完成句子(3) Undubtedly,the bike-sharing prgram can bring lts f benefits. ________________(首先),riding a bike is nt nly ecnmic but als time-saving.
    T begin with
    教材原句p.20Tuitin fees and living end up csting mst families an arm and a leg. 国外的学费和生活开销……大部分家庭最终可能要花费一大笔钱。
    3 expense n. 费用;花费;开销cver /meet an expense 支付……的费用g t the expense f ding sth. 花钱做某事搭配put sb. t a lt f expense 使某人花钱(于……);使某人负担费用at ne’s expense 由某人付费at the expense f 以……为代价They went t all the expense f redecrating the huse and then they mved. 他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。
    Their visit put us t a lt f expense. 他们的来访使我们破费不小。We were taken ut fr a meal at the cmpany’s expense.公司出钱请我们外出就餐。
    单句语法填空(1) The cuple didn’t g t the expense f_________ (buy) a cellphne fr their sn.(2) That little mistake put us ________ the expense f reprinting the whle bk.(3) Mr. Yang went t Hangzhu fr his hliday______ his wn expense.完成句子(4)_________________________________(不惜巨额花费),the king built the great palace fr his late wife.
    At great/vast/cnsiderable expense
    4 cst an arm and a leg (使)花一大笔钱Buying the huse cst an arm and a leg.买房子花了一大笔钱。【归纳拓展】cst a frtune/the earth/a bmb 花一大笔钱Ging abrad t study further must cst the earth.出国深造一定花很多钱。完成句子(1) Althugh buying the land _____________________ (花很多钱),we can d what we have been wanting t.(2)The car is f high quality,but it __________________(太贵了).
    csts an arm and a leg
    csts an arm and a leg
    教材原句p.20 Sme may struggle and suffer frm culture shck when learning hw t behave in new surrundings. 在学习如何在新环境中举止得体时,有些学生可能会感到吃力,并承受文化冲击的折磨。
    5 behave vt. 表现 vi. & vt. 表现得体;有礼貌 behave well/badly 表现好 / 不好搭配 behave neself 守规矩;举止得体 behave as if /as thugh 表现得好像D behave! 规矩点!I didn’t knw hw I ught t behave. 我不知道自己应该怎样表现。Behave yurself in public places and yu will win the respect f thers. 在公众场合举止得体才能赢得别人的尊重。
    【词语积累】behaviur/behavir n. 举止;行为gd/bad behaviur 良好 / 恶劣行为be n yur best behaviur 行为检点;举止得当Children shuld be praised fr their gd behaviur.孩子们应该因他们的良好行为受到表扬。
    单句语法填空(1) He tld his pupils t behave ___________(they)and nt t chat while listening t a lecture.(2) She always _________(behave) well when her aunts cme t visit.(3) The Great Wall is still facing threats frm natural disasters and human _________(behave).完成句子(4) They felt a sense f achievement,because their children all ___________ (表现得好).(5) His mther ften punished him in his childhd because he ____________ (表现不好).
    behaved well
    behaved badly
    教材原句p.20 Other becme depressed. 另一些学生……可能会感到苦闷。
    6 depressed adj. 沮丧的;意志消沉的be depressed abut 对……沮丧搭配be depressed by 因……沮丧feel depressed 感到沮丧Hunger and cld can make peple feel depressed and lse cnfidence.饥饿和寒冷会让人感到沮丧,失去信心。 He is depressed because he hasn’t built up his wn cmpany up t nw. 他很沮丧,因为他至今还没有成立自己的公司。
    【词语积累】depress vt. 使沮丧;使忧愁depressing adj. 令人沮丧的;令人丧气的depressin n. 沮丧;消沉suffer frm depressin 患抑郁症Jane suffers a lt frm depressin after the death f her husband.简在丈夫去世后患有严重的抑郁症。【误区警示】depressed 的主语是人,depressing 的主语是物或修饰物。【一言助记】Hearing the depressing news,he felt depressed and later he had depressin. 听到这个令人沮丧的消息,他感到沮丧,后来他抑郁了。
    单句语法填空(1)When yu are ____________ (depress),the last thing yu likely want t d is get up and g fr a run.(2) He was nt satisfied with the summer camp because the whle experience was ____________ (depress).(3) There are few things in the wrld that can better r mre rapidly treat ____________(depress) than exercise such as running.(4)When we fail t d smething,we ften feel very ____________ (depress).
    完成句子(5) His parents ____________________ (很沮丧) because the by had a bad temper.(6)My brther stays at hme and _______________________(对……沮丧) lsing his jb.
    were very depressed
    is very depressed abut
    教材原句p.20 appraches t teaching and learning may cme as a shck t many students. ……不同的教和学的方式对很多学生来说也是一种冲击。
    7 apprach t ding sth. 做某事的方法(t 是介词)Culd yu think f an apprach t slving the tricky prblem?你能想出一个解决这个棘手问题的方法吗?The best apprach t building up yur bdy is t d exercise every day. 增强体质的最佳方法就是每天进行锻炼。
    单句语法填空(1) Facing up t yur prblems rather than running away frm them is the best apprach t __________(wrk) things ut.(2)What we need are new appraches _______slving the prblem.(3) Plicy makers and educatrs shuld lk fr ways ____________(imprve) access and reduce csts fr traditinal higher educatin.(4)Music is a means _______preserving Anna frm harm r unpleasantness.(5) Over time,India has tried many methds ____________fighting the grwth f the mnkey ppulatin.
    教材原句p.20 t educate yung peple wh will cntribute t the ecnmy and further strengthen ur cuntry. ……助力培养为经济做贡献、进一步增强我国实力的年轻人。
    8 strengthen vi. & vt. 加强;增强;巩固 strengthen cperatin 加强合作 strengthen discipline 加强纪律搭配 strengthen natinal defence 加强国防 strengthen the weak lines 加强薄弱环节 strengthen ne’s curage 增强某人的勇气The wind had strengthened vernight. 夜里,风更大了。
    The team has been strengthened by the arrival f tw new players.球队因两名新球员的到来而增强了实力。The exercises are designed t strengthen yur stmach muscles.这些训练的目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。强某人的勇气【归纳拓展】strng adj. 强壮的→ strength n. 体力→ strengthen v. 加强,增强lng adj. 长的→ length n. 长度→ lengthen v.(使)变长wide adj. 宽的→ width n. 宽度→ widen v.(使)变宽high adj. 高的→ height n. 高度→ heighten v.(使)加强,提高deep adj. 深的→ depth n. 深度→ deepen v.(使)变深
    单句语法填空(1) Thrugh these activities,we hpe that ur tw cuntries will ____________ (strength)cperatin.(2)T make members f a team perfrm better,the cach first f all has t knw their____________ (strength) and weaknesses.(3)Practising Chinese kung fu can nt nly build up ne’s ____________ (strng),but als develp ne’s character.(4)“Midnight Zne”is an area at a ________(deep) f abut 1,000 meters belw the surface where light des nt reach but life still thrives.完成句子(5) My father’s wrds _______________________(增强了我的勇气).
    strengthened my curage
    教材原句p.20T sum up,ne cannt deny the fact that studying abrad has its disadvantages... 综上所述, 我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端……
    9 t sum up 总而言之;总之T sum up,yur daughter is an excellent student.总之,你女儿是一名优秀的学生。【词语积累】sum up 合计;是……的总和;总结;概括He summed up the mney he spent last mnth.他合计出了他上个月所花金额的总数。Culd yu sum up the main pint f the stry in three sentences?你能用三句话概括这个故事的主要内容吗?
    【归纳拓展】表示“总之”的短语有:in sum,in summary,in cnclusin,in shrt,in a wrdIn summary,thery shuld be cmbined with practice.总之,理论必须与实践结合。
    单句语法填空(1)T sum ______ ,we shuld never frget thse peple wh gave us help when we were in truble.(2) ______ sum up,we have achieved a lt,but we still need t wrk harder.(3)______ shrt,all pwer n earth cmes frm the sun.(4)In _____ wrd,she is ne f the best players in vlleyball.完成句子(5)___________________________________________________________(总 之),I was a real human by,such as yu might meet anywhere in New England.
    T sum up/In sum/In summary/In cnclusin/In shrt/In a wrd
    10 deny vt. 否认;否定;拒绝 deny ding sth./having dne sth. 否认做 / 做过某事搭配 deny sb. sth. 否认某人某物 deny neself 节制,克制 deny sb./sth.(t be) + n./adj. 否认某人 / 某物(是)……deny the truth/the fact 否认真相 / 事实deny neself t all visitrs 谢绝一切来客Jacksn denied having written t me. 杰克逊否认曾写信给我。He was s stubbrn that he denied me any help.他很固执,拒绝接受我的帮助。
    By denying herself,Mrs. Brwn gave the children a gd educatin.布朗太太省吃俭用,使孩子们受到良好的教育。【归纳拓展】n ne can deny the fact that... 没人能否认这个事实……There is n denying that... 不可否认……N ne can deny the fact that the Internet plays a very imprtant rle in ur life. 没人能否认这个事实,互联网在我们的生活中起着非常重要的作用。There is n denying that learning a freign language is difficult.不可否认,学习一门外语是困难的
    单句语法填空(1)Mr. Green denied ____________ (d) anything illegal befre the plice.(2)There is n _________ (deny) that in the current situatin,cperatin will be the nly way.(3)N ne can deny the fact _________ nline shpping has brught a lt f cnvenience t us.完成句子(4) Helen ____________________________(否认自己是一名医生).
    denied herself t be a dctr
    (5)In rder t write this bk,Mr. Lee __________________________(谢绝一切来客).(6)__________________________(不可否认的是)I am bund t fight fr my dream t the end in the fllwing mnths!
    denied himself t all visitrs
    There is n denying that
    教材原句p.20 are n great difficulties fr a persn wh is brave,ptimistic,and willing t wrk hard! ……对勇敢、乐观、愿意拼搏的人来说,世上无难事!
    11 ptimistic adj. 乐观的 搭配 be/remain ptimistic abut... 对……乐观 be ptimistic that... 对……持乐观态度She tk up the jb and was ptimistic abut her future.她开始从事这份工作,并对未来充满了信心。 We are still relatively ptimistic that the factry can be back n its feet. 我们仍然比较乐观地认为工厂能够恢复元气。
    【学法点拨】在阅读理解中,经常考查作者对文中某一事物或现象的观点态度,ptimistic 是高频词,另外还有 pessimistic(悲观的),negative(消极的),bjective(客观的),supprtive(支持的),dubtful(感到怀疑的)等。
    单句语法填空(1) My gd perfrmance in the jb interview left me ____________ abut my future and abut what I culd d here.(2) They are cautiusly ptimistic _______ the educatinal refrms will take place.完成句子(3) Peple are likely t live mre happily and lnger if they______________ _________ (对生活持乐观态度).(4)After the traffic accident,Nancy _________________(对……悲观) her future.(5)If yu _____________________(对……感到非常消极) their jb,yu have n intentin t d it.
    are ptimistic abut life
    is pessimistic abut
    feel very negative abut
    教材原句p.20The educatin yu gain and the experiences yu have will change yu fr the better. 你获得的教育和拥有的经历将有助于你提升自我。
    12 gain vt. & n.(1)vt. 获得;赢得;取得;增加搭配gain experience/independence frm 从……获得经验 / 独立 从……获得……Mary gained valuable experience by wrking in the tp cmpany.玛丽在这家顶级公司工作获得了宝贵的经验。The cuntry gained its independence ten years ag.这个国家十年前获得了独立。
    (2)n. 好处;增加N pain,n gain.[谚]不劳无获。A fall int the pit,a gain in yur wit.[谚]吃一堑,长一智。Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。
    完成句子(1) Students shuld take an active part in scial activities where they can ________________(获得经验)fr grwth.(2) Yu will never _____________(取得成功)unless yu are fully devted t yur wrk.(3)In 1947,India ___________________________ (从……赢得独立) the United Kingdm.
    gain experience
    gain success
    gained independence frm
    用 gain,earn,acquire,btain,win 填空(4) Hw did yu ____________ s much knwledge f buying and selling f stcks in such a shrt time?(5) Jessica ____________ a gld medal in the Olympic Games.(6) My daughter ____________ a driver’s license after three-mnth training.(7) He fught bravely in many battles and____________ their respect.(8) William ____________ sme mney and bught a huse fr his mther.
    教材原句p.20 Studying abrad als helps yu t gain a glbal perspective and imprve yur general cmpetence. 留学还有助于你获得全球视野,提升你的综合能力。
    13 cmpetence n. 能力;胜任;本领general cmpetence 综合能力prfessinal cmpetence 业务能力Susan imprved her prfessinal cmpetence by studying nline.苏珊通过在线学习提高了她的业务能力。
    【词语积累】cmpetent adj. 有能力的;称职的be cmpetent at sth. /ding sth. 能 / 擅长做某事be cmpetent t d sth. 能做某事The girl is cmpetent at cmmunicating with thers.这个女孩擅长与别人交际。【归纳拓展】be able t d sth. =have the ability t d sth. 有能力做某事
    单词拼写(1)Mr. Smith shws thrugh ____________(能力) in dealing with the unexpected issue.单句语法填空(2) Being cnvinced f his wn____________ (cmpetent) is an imprtant factr in his success.(3) Imprving yur wn ____________(cmpetent) really needs time,hard wrk and great determinatin.(4) Teenagers interact with peple in rder t learn hw t becme ____________(cmpetence) adults.(5) Please believe in Henry. He is cmpetent____________ (cmplete) the task by himself.
    教材原句p.20Cperating with peple frm diverse cultural backgrunds helps us view the wrld frm different angles... 与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同视角看待世界……
    4 cperate vi. 合作;协作;配合cperate in/n sth. 在某事上合作搭配cperate with sb. 与某人合作cperate t d sth. 合作做某事cperate clsely 密切合作cperate happily/successfully 合作愉快 / 成功It is hped that we can cperate with yur cmpany.希望我们能与贵公司合作。
    The cmpany will cperate t develp new rbts with us.公司将与我们合作开发新的机器人。【词语积累】cperatin n. 合作;协作cperative adj. 有合作意向的;合作的;协作的【误区警示】cperate 本身有“彼此合作”的意思,其后不跟 mutually,with each ther,tgether,jintly 等词。我希望我们能合作。I hpe that we can cperate with each ther.(×)I hpe that we can cperate.(√)
    单句语法填空(1) Several natins had cperated ____________(create) effective cnservatin effrts,the rganizatin said in a statement.(2) He was awarded the prize because f his effrts t achieve peace and internatinal____________ (cperate).(3) That yung man is hnest,____________(cperate),always there when yu need his help. In shrt,he is reliable.
    完成句子(4) Is there any pssibility that we can ________________ (与……合作)the big firm this year?Tw well-knwn firms f drug manufactures are __________________(合作寻找) a cure fr cancer.(6)I will be very glad if yu ________________(在……方面合作) the develpment f this kind f new plan.
    cperate with
    cperating t find
    cperate in /n
    教材原句p.20... these in turn will prvide them with better career pprtunities . ……这些反过来将为他们提供更好的职业机会。
    15 in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流Sme f yur chices during the day and evening affect yur melatnin levels,which in turn can play a rle in hw well yu sleep. 你白天和晚上的一些选择会影响你的褪黑激素水平,转而影响你的睡眠质量。 The Queen shk hands with the players in turn.女王依次与队员们握手。
    【归纳拓展】by turns 轮流地,交替地(表现某些特质或情感)in ne’s turn 轮到某人,接着The bk is,by turns,funny and very sad.这本书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。They,in their turn,accunted fr the reasn why the plan was a failure. 他们接着解释了这个计划失败的原因。
    单句语法填空(1) Please give yur pinins n the educatin system ______ turn.(2) Cleaning envirnment can help the city bid fr the Olympics,which ______ turn will prmte its ecnmic develpment.(3) His children tk care f him ______turns when he was in hspital.(4) ______ his turn,Mr. White said nly tw wrds “N prblem”.完成句子(5)This gesture makes breathing mre difficult,which ________(转而) can make yu feel nervus r uncmfrtable. 
    教材原句p.20All in all,studying abrad helps t build character... 总而言之,留学有助于塑造品格……
    16 all in all 总之;总而言之All in all,yung peple shuld be frward-lking rather than the ther way rund.总而言之,年轻人应该向前看而不是对过去一直留恋。All in all,cperating n this plan is beneficial t bth sides.总而言之,在这个计划上合作对双方都有好处。
    【归纳拓展】abve all 首先,最重要的是(强调重要性)at all 根本,完全   after all 终究,毕竟in all 总共,总计   first f all 首先,第一(强调顺序)Abve all,children need lve and care.最重要的是,孩子们需要爱和照顾。The Greens decided t mve t the castal twn after all.最终,格林一家决定搬到沿海城镇去。
    用 all in all,after all,abve all,in all 填空(1) _________,it was a surprisingly delightful weekend spent between a river and a hawthrn tree.(2) I’m very lucky t have a cmfrtable life,where there’s always fd n the table,heat in the winter,and,_________,lve in the huse.(3) On February 14,images f red hearts are everywhere. _______,many cultures view a big,beautiful,red heart as the traditinal sign f lve.(4)It is reprted that mre than 10,000 runners _____ tk part in the race.
    教材原句p.21 Students wh want t study abrad must cnsider their parents’ budget. 想出国留学的学生必须考虑父母的预算。
    17 budget n. & v.(1)n. 预算educatin/health/defence budget 教育 / 健康 / 国防预算a mnthly/an annual/a family budget 每月 / 年度 / 家庭预算a tight budget 预算很紧budget cuts 预算削减n/within budget 按预算;在预算内 ver/under budget 超过 / 低于预算an advertising budget f $2 millin 200 万元的广告预算a big-budget mvie 一部巨额预算的电影
    We decrated the huse n a tight budget. 我们俭省地装修了房子。Libraries are finding it increasingly difficult t remain within(their)budget. 图书馆感到想把支出维持在预算之内越来越难。(2) v. 制订预算;制订开支计划Yu shuld budget first,r yu wn’t have any mney at the end f this mnth. 你应该先制订预算,否则你在本月底就没有钱了。
    单句语法填空(1)The wrk was finished n time and ________budget.(2)If the TV play is _______ budget,will it be abandned?完成句子(3) 大约三年前,该计划的预算不到10万美元。Abut three years ag,the prgram was _______________ less than $100,000.(4) 当我想买这个玩具时,妈妈提醒我玩具不在我们的预算内。When I wanted t buy the ty,Mther reminded me that the ty wasn’t ______________________ .
    n a budget f
    within ur budget
    教材原句p.21Which parent wuld yu prbably side with? 你可能会支持哪位家长?
    18 side with 支持;站在……的一边When we quarreled,my mther sided with my brther.当我们吵架时,我妈妈站在我哥哥一边。When Nancy was in truble,her best friends sided with her.当南希遇到麻烦时,她最好的朋友们支持她。单句语法填空(1)I will side _______ yu thrugh thick and thin.(2) One wh sides _______ yu in times f truble is yur true friend.
    教材原句p.21 as far as I am cncerned 依我看来;就我而言
    19 as far as I am cncerned 就我而言;依我看来As far as I am cncerned,educatrs shuld be cncerned abut the prblems. 在我看来,教育工作者应该关心这些问题。 【归纳拓展】表达“某人观点”的词语:as far as I knw 据我所知as far as I’m aware 据我所知as far as I can see 在我看来as far as I can judge 据我判断in ne’s pinin/view 在某人看来t ne’s knwledge 据某人所知frm ne’s pint f view 在某人看来As far as I can judge,Li Ming is mre reliable.据我判断,李明更可靠。 In my pinin,he didn’t upset yu deliberately.在我看来,他不是故意使你不开心的。
    单句语法填空(1)As far as I am __________(cncern),he is suitable fr the psitin.(2)As far _______ I knw,they have gne abrad fr further educatin.完成句子(3)___________________________________________________________(在我看来),nthing is mre imprtant than health in the wrld.(4)__________________(据 我判断),Jessica is nt equal t the psitin.(5)_________________ (据 我所知),these fish can live in deep water.
    As far as I’m cncerned/In my pinin/In my view/Frm my pint f view  
    As far as I can judge
    T my knwledge
    教材原句p.21 generally speaking一般来说
    20 generally speaking 一般来说(=in general)Generally speaking,children are naturally curius.一般来说,孩子天生好奇。 【归纳拓展】现在分词(短语)作评论性状语有些现在分词(短语)用于句首,没有逻辑主语而独立存在,作为句子的独立成分来修饰全句,表明说话者的态度、观点等。我们称这种状语为评论性状语或评注性状语。常见的评论性状语有:
    generally speaking 一般来说 rughly speaking 大致说来hnestly speaking 老实说 frankly speaking 坦率地说judging frm/by 由……判断 cnsidering... 考虑到…… suppsing... 如果…… prviding... 如果…… assuming... 假设……Frankly speaking,I dn’t agree with yu.坦率地说,我不同意你的看法。Judging frm the expressin n his face,he acknwledged defeat.从他脸上的表情来看,他承认失败了。
    单句语法填空(1) ________ (general) speaking,girls have a greater gift fr language than bys.(2)________ (judge) frm the smile n his face,he was satisfied with the result.(3) ___________(cnsider) his health,we didn’t tell him the bad news.完成句子(4)__________________________(一般说来),relatinships make r break us.(5) _______________ (如果)he is at wrk,he wn’t answer the phne.(6)_______________(大 致 说 来),the car will cst yu 500,000 yuan.
    Generally speaking/In general
    Rughly speaking
    教材原句p.19 N wnder my classmates say I sund like a rbt ! 难怪我的同学说我听起来像个机器人!
    1 N wnder... 难怪……N wnder... = It is n wnder(that )... 意为“……不足为奇,难怪……”。句中的 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that 从句。 It was n wnder(that)Lucy was s upset. She failed maths.难怪露西如此心烦意乱,她数学考试没及格。【归纳拓展】It is a wnder(that)... 令人惊奇的是……in wnder 惊讶地 d/wrk wnders 创造奇迹
    It is a wnder that the by set dwn 1,000 wrds n his trip t Munt Tai. 这个男孩在泰山之旅中记下了一千字,真令人惊叹。The dctrs frm China wrked wnders in this disaster.在这次灾难中,来自中国的医生们创造了奇迹。
    单句语法填空(1)Yu stayed up late last night. It is n wnder _____ yu lk s tired.(2)With all his attentin fcused n his study,_____ is n wnder that he has made great achievements.完成句子(3) He is the cleverest and wrks hardest. __________(难怪)he is always getting first place in his class.(4)________________(令人惊奇的是) he culd finish such a hard task in such a shrt time.
    It is a wnder that
    教材原句p.20 T sum up,ne cannt deny the fact that studying abrad has its disadvantages... 综上所述, 我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端……
    2 同位语从句本句中 that 引导的是同位语从句,进一步补充说明 the fact 的具体内容。that 在从句中只起连接作用,不作句子成分,没有意义。The fact that the elderly are learning t use the Internet is a fruit f this era. 老年人正在学习使用互联网的事实是这个时代的成果。The fact that the earth ges arund the sun has been accepted by all f us.地球绕着太阳转的事实已经被我们所有人接受了。
    【归纳拓展】(1)同位语从句一般跟在某些名词之后,解释说明名词的具体内容。可以跟同位语从句的名词常见的有:fact 事实 hpe 希望 desire 愿望 thught 想法 suggestin 建议 idea 主意 news 消息 prblem 问题 questin 问题 pssibility可能性 truth 事实 decisin 决定rule 规则 evidence 证据 cnclusin 结论 pinin 观点 feeling 感觉 reply 答复 reasn 原因 belief 信念message 信息 dubt 怀疑
    (2)同位语从句多由 that 引导,也可由 whether,when,hw,what等引导。The fact that the amunt f carbn dixide in the atmsphere is increasing wrries us all. 大气中二氧化碳的含量在上升这个事实让我们所有人都很担心。The truth came ut at last that it was his friend that played tricks n him. 真相终于大白,是他的朋友搞的恶作剧。
    单句语法填空(1) I liked the fact _______ the wrk envirnment was s relaxing.(2)He made the suggestin _______ we shuld watch ut fr the suspect’s mvements.(3) There is n dubt _______ we can defeat the disease with jint effrts.(4)The questin __________ the gas is harmful t peple’s health is nt clear.(5)I had n idea _______ happened t Jhnsn.
    完成句子(6)We are quite excited at the news ______________________________ (我们队赢得了比赛).(7) There is grwing evidence __________________________________(跑步是最有效的方法之一)t keep fit.(8) Is there any pssibility _____________________________________ (科学家找到像我们地球一样的星球)?(9)Nw,we have a big prblem ______________________________   (我们怎样筹集足够的钱)fr the prject.
    that ur team has wn the match
    that running is ne f the effective ways
    that scientists will find a planet like ur earth
    hw we can cllect enugh mney
    教材原句p.20 All in all,studying abrad helps t build character and increase peple’s understanding f cultural diversity while strengthening China and building a shared future fr all. 总而言之,留学有助于塑造品格,增进人们对文化多样性的理解,同时增强中国实力,打造人类命运共同体。
    3 连词 + 分词短语while building... 是“连词 + 分词短语”结构,是状语从句 while studying abrad is building... 的省略形式。While waiting fr the bus,I came acrss ne f my university friends.在等公共汽车的时候,我遇到了我的一个大学朋友。
    【归纳拓展】当时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句的主语与主句主语一致(或者从句主语是 it),且从句谓语含有 be 动词时,可以将从句的主语和be 动词一起省略。While(we were)carrying ut a survey,we came acrss difficulties.进行调查时,我们遇到了困难。Thugh(he was)surprised t see us,the prfessr gave us a warmwelcme. 尽管教授看到我们时很惊讶,他还是热情地欢迎了我们。When(it is)necessary,yu can lk up the wrd in a dictinary.必要的时候,你可以在词典里查这个单词。If (it is)heated,water can turn int vapur. 如果受热,水会变成蒸汽。
    单句语法填空(1)While ________ (walk) alng the bank f the river,I saw a big white bird in the water.(2)When ________ (wait)fr the pprtunity t get prmted,Henry did his best t perfrm his duty.(3)Even if ________ (invite) t his party,I wn’t attend it.(4)If __________(accept)fr the jb,yu’ll be infrmed sn.(5) The injured sldier pened his muth as if_______(say)smething.
    完成句子(6)__________ (如果可能的话),I will call n Prfessr Smith this weekend.(7)_________________ (除非有必要),dn’t call me this afternn.(8)________________________(虽然受伤很严重)in the accident,he survived.
    If pssible
    Unless necessary
    Althugh seriusly injured
    教材原句p.22N matter which cuntry yu g t,yu will end up feeling like an utsider. 无论你去哪个国家,你都会觉得自己像个局外人。
    4 “n matter + 疑问词 ” 引导的从句本句中 n matter... 引导的是让步状语从句,意为“不管……”。类似的还有:n matter what/wh/whm/hw/when/where 等。N matter which apprach yu will adpt,yu will get the same utcme. 不管你用哪种方法,你将得到同样的结果。 N matter where yu are,yu must bey laws.无论你在哪里,你都必须遵守法律。
    【归纳拓展】(1)引导让步状语从句的词还有:whatever,whichever whever,whmever,hwever,whenever,wherever 等,通常可以转换为“n matter+ 疑问词”。Hwever(=N matter hw)carefully I explained,she still didn’t understand. 无论我解释得多么仔细,她还是没弄懂。Whatever(= N matter what) happened,we must keep calm.无论发生什么,我们都必须保持镇定。(2)whatever,whichever,whever,whmever 等还引导名词性从句,此时不能转换为“n matter+ 疑问词”。
    I’ll take whever wants t g. 谁想去我就带谁去。The girl might d whatever her mther asks and becme a different image. 这个女孩可能会做她母亲要求的任何事情,并成为一个不同的人。Whichever ne f yu breaks the windw will have t pay fr it.你们中的任何一个人打破窗户,都得付出代价。
    单句语法填空(1) ____________team wins n Saturday will g thrugh t the natinal champinships.(2)While staying in the village,James unselfishly shared ___________ he had with the villagers withut asking fr anything in return.(3) The bk will be given ____________ can answer the difficult questin.
    完成句子(4) As many as five curses are prvided,and yu are free t chse ________________________(最适合你的那一门).(5) Yur supprt is imprtant t ur wrk. _____________________ (无论你能做什么)helps.(6)______________________________ (不管他去哪里),he brings his digital cameras t take phts.(7)___________________________________ (不管你什么时候来),we will welcme warmly.
    whichever suits yu best
    Whatever yu can d
    Wherever/N matter where he ges
    Whenever/N matter when yu cme

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