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    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 3 War and peace优秀课件ppt

    这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 3 War and peace优秀课件ppt,共48页。PPT课件主要包含了核心词汇,重点句式等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Starting ut
    Watch the vide and answer the questins. 1 Which wars are discussed in the vide? 2 What was the deadliest cnflict in human histry? Hw many peple were killed?
    >视频脚本The War t End All Wars? The First Wrld War was als called“The Great War”,because nthing s terrible n such a great scale had ever been experienced befre. It was als knwn as“the war t end all wars”,which f curse was later prven nt t be the case at all. The First Wrld War was the result f cnflicts between the great Eurpean pwers. When the war began in 1914,mst sldiers thught they wuld be returning hme in just a few mnths. Sn they understd hw wrng they had been. The use f machine guns and ther pwerful weapns meant that the casualties(伤亡人员)were beynd anyne’s imaginatin . At ne battle,fr example,the British Army suffered mre than 57,000 casualties in a single day. Ttal casualties fr the entire war numbered(数量是)arund 40 millin peple. The Secnd Wrld War was t be the biggest and deadliest cnflict in the histry f the wrld,invlving mre than 30 cuntries. Its six years f fighting resulted in the deaths f arund 60 millin peple. The Secnd Wrld War was a war in which China played a majr rle . China was the main battlefield in Asia in the war against fascism,with the Chinese effrts cntributing greatly twards the final victry. Chinese sldiers successfully resisted sme 1.5 millin Japanese sldiers. Elsewhere in Asia,tens f thusands f Chinese sldiers fught alngside American and British trps. The cst in lives was great. Over the curse f 14 years f war with Japan,frm 1931 t 1945, China suffered a ttal f ver 35 millin military and civilian casualties. It has nw been mre than 100 years since the end f the First Wrld War,and decades since the Secnd. Remembering the destructin,peple acrss the wrld hpe fr a lasting peace between natins.
    Read the qutes abut war and answer the questins.1 What is yur understanding f the qutes? Wars shuld be prevented if there is any chance. 2 Which f the qutes helps yu t better understand the nature f war? Give yur reasns. Sunzi’s qute helps me t better understand the nature f war. The purpse f war is t reslve the cnflict between the tw sides, nt t harm each ther’s peple. Sunzi’s qute expresses the highest state and the essence f war. 3 What is yur pinin n war? Cme up with three wrds r expressins t help express yur pinin. Vilent,cruel,terrible.
    Understanding ideas
    Lk at the picture and the map and answer the questins. 1 What d yu think the picture and the map shw? This picture shws the D-Day landings while the map shws the allied rutes. 2 What d yu expect t read abut in the passage? Share yur ideas with the class. In this passage,I expect t read that hw the Allied trps fught against the German army in rder t land successfully.
    Nw read the passage and check yur predictin.
    The D-DAY LANDINGS By spring 1944,the Secnd Wrld War had been raging acrss the glbe fr abut five years. But alng the suth cast f England,smething unusual was happening:Allied trps made up mainly f British,Canadian and American sldiers were gathering in large numbers. This marked ne f the final stages f a tp-secret peratin that had been mnths,perhaps years,in the planning. Cde-named “Operatin Overlrd”,it was the largest cmbined sea,air and land peratin in histry,the aim being t free nrth-west Eurpe frm German ccupatin. After waiting fr the perfect cmbinatin f weather,mn and tides, the date fr the start f Operatin Overlrd was set fr 6 June.
    An rder issued by Supreme Allied Cmmander General Eisenhwer t the trps read:“Yur task will nt be an easy ne. Yur enemy is well trained,well equipped and battle-hardened... But this is the year 1944... The tide has turned! The free men f the wrld are marching tgether t Victry! I have full cnfidence in yur curage,devtin t duty and skill in battle. We will accept nthing less than full Victry!” With these wrds ringing in their ears,Allied sldiers prepared fr what wuld becme knwn as D-Day. At dawn n 6 June,thusands landed by parachute behind enemy lines in nrthern France. Meanwhile, thusands mre were jurneying acrss the English Channel t Nrmandy,prtected by fighter planes in the skies abve them. Their bjective was clear:t reach the Nrmandy beaches alng abut 80 kilmetres f French castline. But even in the depths f war,few culd have been prepared fr the vilence and hrrr they wuld experience there.
    The fiercest fighting was at Omaha Beach. The enemy were hiding, ready t attack the Allied sldiers even befre they reached land. Bats were hit and men drwned, while thse wh did make it t the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. By mid-mrning,hundreds lay dead in the water and amngst the tanks n the beach. One sldier recalled hw he barely made it with bmbs falling all arund him:“I was the first ne ut. The seventh man was the next ne t get acrss the beach withut being hit. All the nes in between were hit. Tw were killed;three were injured. That’s hw lucky yu had t be.”     But,despite the high cst in human life,the D-Day landings were a success and were seen widely as the beginning f the end f the Secnd Wrld War. By the end f August 1944,the Allies had reached the River Seine,Paris was liberated and the Germans had been remved frm nrth-west France. The Allied frces then prepared t enter Germany,where they wuld meet up with the Sviet military mving in frm the east.
    Seventy years later,men wh had fught n D-Day gathered n bth sides f the English Channel,where peple were cming tgether fr memrial ceremnies. As part f this slemn and mving ccasin,a frmer sldier read ut t the crwd these lines frm the pem Fr the Fallen,by Laurence Binyn: They shall grw nt ld,as we that are left grw ld: Age shall nt weary them,nr the years cndemn . At the ging dwn f the sun and in the mrning We will remember them. Survivrs f the D-Day landings cntinue t meet t remember the fellw sldiers and friends they lst that day. Althugh each year they are fewer in number,their utstanding acts f curage mean that we will always remember them—as well as thse wh lst their lives n the beaches f nrthern France.
    Match the main ideas t the paragraphs and give yur reasns. □ The utcme f the peratin □ The backgrund infrmatin f the peratin □ The severe casualties n Omaha Beach □ The everlasting memry f the sldiers’ brave actins □ The initial stage f the peratin □ The rder issued by the Supreme Allied Cmmander befre the peratin □ The 70th anniversary f the D-Day landings
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the fact file.
    The D-Day landingsDate:            Place______________________________________            Aim f the peratin:____________________________________________________________Supreme Allied Cmmander:_________________________________Timeline f the peratin:Spring 1944 Allied trps___________________________________________6 June 1944 Start f____________________________________________________·dawn:thusands f trps were jurneying acrss _________________________________________________________·mid-mrning:hundreds f sldiers _________________________________________________________August 1944 The Allies liberated Paris and the Germans_______________________________________________________________Outcme f the peratin:__________________________________________________             
    6 June 1944
    the Nrmandy beaches
    t reach the Nrmandy beaches alng abut 80 kilmetres f French castline
    General Eisenhwer
    gathered in large numbers
    the Nrmandy landings (Operatin Overlrd)
    the English Channel t Nrmandy
    lay dead in the water and amngst the tanks n the beach
    were remved frm nrth-west France
    despite the high cst in human life,the D-Day landings were a success and were seen widely as the beginning f the end f the Secnd Wrld War
    Nw think abut hw the authr f the passage presents histrical facts t a pwerful effect.
    1 What is the histric al significance f the D -Day landings? The D-Day landings were the largest cmbined sea,air and land peratin in histry. The peratin was seen widely as the beginning f the end f the Secnd Wrld War. 2 What is yur understanding f the pem Fr the Fallen ? N matter hw the years change, the wrld will always remember thse wh died in war.
    Think & Share
    3 Hw can yu use the language yu have learnt t describe anther event during the Secnd Wrld War? Share yur ideas with the class. Attack n Pearl Harbr The attack n Pearl Harbr is a military event planned by the Japanese gvernment t attack the U.S. Pacific naval fleet base—Pearl Harbr, which became the trigger fr the utbreak f the Pacific War in the Secnd Wrld War. On the early mrning f December 7,1941,Japanese Navy aircraft carriers and mini-submarines raided the U. S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbr,Hawaii,and the U.S. Army and Navy airfields n Oahu. The Pacific War brke ut. The attack eventually dragged the United States int Wrld War II and became knwn as Pearl Harbr.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. What’s the purpse f“Operatin Overlrd”?A. T cmbine the sea,air and land trps.B. T gather in large numbers alng the suth cast f England.C. T liberate nrth-west Eurpe that was ccupied by Germany.D. T wait fr the perfect cmbinatin f weather,mn and tides.2. Hw did Allied sldiers feel after hearing the rder frm General Eisenhwer?A. Inspired. B. Puzzled.C. Discuraged. D. Mved.
    3. What’s the main idea f the furth paragraph?A. The enemy were ready t attack the Allied sldiers.B. Hw the mst vilent battle was at Omaha Beach.C. Mst sldiers lay dead in the fiercest fighting.D. One sldier recalled hw he barely made it.4. What’s the significance f the D-Day landings?A. The D-Day landings marked the beginning f the end f the Secnd Wrld War.B. The Allied frces entered Germany.C. The Allied frces met up with the Sviet military.D. The D-Day landings ended the Secnd Wrld War.5. Why did men wh had fught n D-Day gt tgether seventy years later?A. T have a view f the English Channel.B. T have a party and spend a slemn and mving ccasin.C. T listen t a pem Fr the Fallen.D. T remember the sldiers wh lst their lives that day.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  On June 6,1944,during the Secnd Wrld War,1____________(free) nrth-west Eurpe frm German ccupatin,cde-named“Operatin Overlrd”,the largest cmbined sea,air and land peratin in histry started.Allied trps 2____________(make) up mainly f British,Canadian and American sldiers were gathering in large numbers. With the cmmander’s rder 3____________(ring)in their ears,Allied sldiers prepared fr 4____________ wuldbecme knwn as D-Day.  The 5____________(fierce) fighting was at Omaha Beach. Althugh hundreds 6____________(lie) dead n the beach,many sldiers 7____________(bare) made it with bmbs falling all arund. 8____________ the high cst in human life,the D-Day landings were a success. Paris was liberated and the Allied frces then prepared t enter Germany,9____________ they wuld meet up with the Sviet military mving in frm the east.  Nwadays,10____________(survive)f the D-Day landings cntinue t meet t remember the fellw sldiers and friends they lst that day.
    Language pints
    教材原句p.25A gd sldier is nt vilent.善为士者不武。
    1 vilent adj. 狂暴的,凶暴的;暴力的;猛烈的;强烈的vilent crime 暴力犯罪a vilent headache 剧烈的头痛They were invlved in vilent frictin with the plice.他们和警察发生了暴力冲突。There was a vilent reactin frm the public. 公众的反应强烈。【单词积累】vilently adv. 凶猛地;激烈地;强烈地vilence n. 暴力,暴行;极大的力量
    单句语法填空(1)His heart is beating ____________(vilent) in her breast.(2)Children shuld nt be allwed t watch mvies that shw a lt f ____________(vilent).完成句子(3)Jseph Hall had reprtedly been kicked ut f schls fr ________________________   (暴力行为).
    vilent behaviur
    教材原句p.26 aim being t free nrth-west Eurpe frm German ccupatin. ……目的是解放德国占领的欧洲西北部地区。
    2 把……从……中解放出来;使……免除/ 摆脱……She freed the bird frm the cage. 她把鸟从笼子里放走了。Besides building my bdy,after-class activities als free me frm the heavy wrk f study. 除了强身健体外,课外活动也让我从繁重的学业中解脱出来。【归纳拓展】be free frm/f 不受……的影响;没有……的;摆脱……的The mst pleasant thing f the rainy seasn is that ne can be entirely free frm dust. 雨季最令人愉快的是可以完全没有尘土。【学法点拨】 中free 是及物动词;而在短语be free frm/f 中,free是形容词。
    单句语法填空(1)They give us entertainment prviding us a means t safely free urselves ____________stress.(2)Three peple ____________(free) frm the wreckage.(3)It was several weeks befre he was cmpletely free ____________ pain.完成句子(4)Sn,many Americans were calling fr war t ____________ Cuba ____________   (使……摆脱……) Spanish rule.(5)The fd prduced in this factry ______________________(没有) artificial clurs.
    is free frm/f
    教材原句p.26I have full cnfidence in yur curage,devtin t duty and skill in battle. 我对你们的勇气、责任心和作战能力十分有信心。
    3 have cnfidence in 对……有信心,信任……Yu shuld have mre cnfidence in yur wn abilities.你应该对自己的能力更有信心。I make friends with him because I have cmplete cnfidence in him.我与他建立了友谊,因为我对他完全信任。【归纳拓展】(1)lse cnfidence in 对……失去信心(2)be cnfident abut 对……充满信心be cnfident f 对……有把握  be cnfident that... 确信……We are cnfident abut ur future. = We have cnfidence in ur future.我们对未来充满信心。
    单句语法填空(1)At first Rbert wuldn’t let his daughter g diving,but eventually he gave in as she had full cnfidence ____________ her skills.(2)We are cnfident ____________ the envirnment will be imprved by ur further effrts t reduce pllutin.(3)They dn’t sund cnfident ____________ the future f the industry.完成句子(4)I ____________________________(对……没有多少信心)him after his behaviur in recent mnths.
    dn’t have much cnfidence
    教材原句p.27With these wrds ringing in their ears,Allied sldiers prepared fr what wuld becme knwn as D-Day.盟军士兵耳中回荡着这些话语,做好了登陆诺曼底的准备。
    4 prepare fr 为……做准备 搭配:prepare sb. fr sth. 使某人为某事做好准备Hpe fr the best,and prepare fr the wrst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。Yu need t prepare yurself fr a lng wait.你需要做好长时间等待的准备。【单词积累】(1)prepared adj. 准备好的,有准备的be/get (well) prepared fr 为……做(充分)准备It is bvius t the students that they shuld get well prepared fr theirfuture. 很明显,学生们应该为他们的未来做好充分准备。(2)preparatin n. [U]准备;[C](常用复数)准备工作d sth. in preparatin fr sth. 为准备某事而做某事make preparatins fr 为……做准备They are busy making preparatins fr the wedding.他们正忙着筹备婚礼。
    单句语法填空(1)____________(prepare) fr the cming exam,Tny has t lk ver his ntes nce again.(2)We shuld imprve ur study methds and get well ____________(prepare)fr examinatins.(3)I want t imprve my language skills in____________(prepare) fr further study verseas.(4)All the ____________(prepare) fr the task have been cmpleted and we’re ready t start.完成句子(5)The lectures help students ___________________________(为……做准备)cllege mathematics.
    prepare fr/get prepared fr
    教材原句p.27Their bjective was clear:t reach the Nrmandy beaches alng abut 80 kilmetres f French castline. 他们的目标十分明确:到达法国海岸线约80千米外的诺曼底海滩。
    5 bjective n.[C]目的,目标(=gal) adj. 客观的搭配:set/achieve an bjective 设定/ 实现目标The main bjective f this meeting is t give mre infrmatin n urplans. 这次会议的主要目的是进一步介绍我们的计划。Can the sales team achieve its financial bjectives?销售人员能否完成财务目标?an bjective assessment/analysis 客观的评价 / 分析He had n bjective evidence that anything extrardinary was happening.他没有客观证据证明有什么非同寻常的事情发生。
    完成句子(1)Yu must ________________________(设定一个能够实现的目标) fr yurself.(2)If he can ________________________(实现这个目标),he will be rewarded with atrip t Beijing.(3)I find ______________________(难以做到保持客观)when I’m judging my daughter’s wrk.
    set a realistic bjective
    achieve this bjective
    it difficult t be bjective
    教材原句p.27Bats were hit and men drwned,while thse wh did make it t the beach faced heavy machine gunfire.船被击翻,一些人落水而亡,而那些成功登陆的人面对的则是机关枪的猛烈扫射。
    6 make it(1)获得成功As lng as yu have a dream,keep trying and yu’ll make it.只要你有梦想,不断努力就一定会成功。(2)(尤指在困难情况下)准时到达,赶上The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we’ll never make it.再过20 分钟飞机就起飞了——我们无论如何也赶不上了。(3)渡过难关Shay didn’t make it t the fllwing summer and he died that winter.谢伊没有熬到第二年夏天,他在那个冬天就去世了。(4)(口语)能参加,能出席I’m srry I didn’t make it t yur party last night.我很抱歉昨晚没能参加你的聚会。
    写出下列句中make it 的含义(1)Hw many f yu made it t the tp f the muntain in the end?  _______________  (2)We just made it in time fr the wedding. _______________  (3)He had a high fever,but it desn’t mean he culdn’t make it.   _______________   (4)I’m really srry,but I wn’t be able t make it n Sunday after all. _______________ 完成句子(5)She _____________________(赶到机场)just in time t catch her plane.(6)He says he’ll cme n time,but he’ll never___________(准时到达).
    made it t the airprt
    教材原句p.27One sldier recalled hw he barely made it with bmbs falling all arund him... 一名士兵事后回忆他是如何在轰炸中侥幸脱险的……
    7 recall v. 回想,回忆起;召回,收回搭配:recall ding sth. 想起做过某事I can’t recall meeting her befre. 我想不起来以前曾经见过她。He recalled that she always came hme late n Wednesdays.他回想起她星期三总是很晚回家。The US envy was recalled t Washingtn.该美国特使被召回了华盛顿。[词汇复现]Mre than 3,000 cars were recalled because f brake prblems.3 000 多辆汽车因为刹车问题被召回。
    单句语法填空(1)She recalled ____________ (see) him utside the shp n the night f the rbbery.(2)Can yu recall exactly ____________ happened?(3)Bth cuntries ____________(recall) their ambassadrs last mnth and he ____________(recall) t military duty.
    was recalled
    8 barely adv. 勉强才能;几乎没有Mary had barely enugh mney t live n. 玛丽的钱只够勉强度日。There was barely any smell. 几乎没有什么气味。【学法点拨】barely是表示否定意义的副词,位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序,即把助动词、情态动词或连系动词be 放到主语之前。有类似用法的词还有never,neither,nr,hardly,seldm,little,rarely 等。Barely culd I speak any French befre I went t France.我去法国之前几乎不会说法语。Hardly culd she believe her wn eyes.她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。Seldm have I caught a cld. 我很少感冒。Rarely did he fail t keep his prmise. 他很少食言。
    单句语法填空(1)We ____________(bare) had time t catch the train.(2)Absrbed in her wrk,she was ____________(bare)aware f his presence.完成句子(3)Barely _____________ (我见过)such a splendid castle.(4)Never befre ______________(她见过)anybdy wh can play tennis s well.(5)Rarely ____________(他看望)his parents,which surprised me very much.
    have I seen
    has she seen
    did he visit
    教材原句p.27The Allied frces then prepared t enter Germany,where they wuld meet up with the Sviet military mving in frm the east. 之后盟军准备进攻德国,而苏联军队也正从德国东部攻入,两军相遇。
    9 meet up with 与……偶遇/ 碰面/ 会合Why dn’t I meet up with yu after lunch?我何不吃过午饭后和你碰头?The path eventually meets up with the main rad.这条小路最终与大路会合。【归纳拓展】catch up with 赶上 cme up with 想出,想到(主意、答案等)end up with 以……结束 keep up with 跟上;与……保持联系put up with 忍受,容忍 team up with 与……合作
    完成句子(1)Instead f ging straight hme frm schl she tk the bus t the mall and __________________(与……碰面) her father there.(2)Yu must learn t ____________________________ (与队友团结协作)if yu want t succeed in this prject.单句语法填空(3)The man came ____________ with a plan that the majrity f peple apprved f.(4)Smell the flwers befre yu g t sleep,and yu may just end up ____________ sweet dreams.
    met up with 
    team up with yur teammates
    教材原句p.27 utstanding acts f curage mean that we will always remember them... ……但他们的英勇壮举将会让我们永远铭记他们……
    10 utstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的an utstanding player/cntributin杰出的运动员 /突出的贡献an area f utstanding natural beauty 自然风景极美的地区Tsinghua University is hme t a great number f utstanding figures.清华大学是很多杰出人才的摇篮。【归纳拓展】v. + adv. → adj.(由动词短语转化而来的合成形容词)stand ut 突出;出色→ utstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的g ut 外出→ utging adj. 外向的;离开的speak ut 大胆说出→ utspken adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的
    完成句子(1)The basketball cach,as well as his team,was interviewed shrtly after the match frtheir________________________(突出的表现).(2)Wlk ________________________________ (做出了杰出的贡献)t children’s medicine.(3)Fr frty years Jane Gdall ________________________(一直直言不讳)abutmaking the rest f the wrld understand and respect the life f these animals.       
    utstanding perfrmance
    made utstanding cntributins
    has been utspken
    教材原句p.26Cde-named “Operatin Overlrd”,it was the largest cmbined sea,air and land peratin in histry,the aim being t free nrth-west Eurpe frm German ccupatin. 这次作战行动的代号为“霸王行动”,它是历史上规模最大的海、陆、空三方力量集结的行动,目的是解放德国占领的欧洲西北部地区。
    1 独立主格结构( 1)构成:逻辑主语(名词、代词)+ 分词 / 不定式 / 形容词 / 副词 /介词短语(2)句法功能:作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随状况等。The table set,they began t dine.桌子摆好后,他们开始用餐。(名词+ 过去分词,表时间)Lts f wrk t d,I have t wrk extra hurs.由于有很多工作要做,我只得加班。(名词+ 不定式,表原因)Weather permitting,we’ll g sightseeing.如果天气允许,我们将去观光。(名词+ 现在分词,表条件)The hstess came in,her face serius.女主人进来了,一脸严肃。(名词 + 形容词,表伴随)The strm ver,everything was in peace again.暴风雨过去了,一切又恢复了平静。(名词+ 副词,表时间)He rushed int the classrm,bk in hand.他冲进教室,手里拿着一本书。(名词+ 介词短语,表伴随)
    单句语法填空(1)She walked alng the path,her sn ____________(fllw) clse behind.(2)His mther ____________(be) ill,he stayed at hme t lk after her.(3)Many things ____________ (settle),the manager lks wrried.(4)N ne ____________(wake)me up,I might be late fr the first class.(5)He sat at the edge f the bed,his eyes ____________(fix) n the letter in his hand.完成句子(6)_________________(他的腿严重受伤),he had t stay in bed.(7)The party will be held in the garden,________________________(天气允许的话).
    His leg badly hurt
    weather permitting
    教材原句p.27With these wrds ringing in their ears,Allied sldiers prepared fr what wuld becme knwn as D-Day. 盟军士兵耳中回荡着这些话语,做好了登陆诺曼底的准备。
    【句式分析】with these wrds ringing in their ears是with复合结构,在句中作状语。2 with 复合结构  构成:with + 宾语 + 宾补with 复合结构常在句中作状语,表示原因、方式、时间、条件或伴随状况等。具体形式主要有:(1)with + 宾语 + 现在分词(表示主动或正在进行)The weather was even clder with the wind blwing.因为刮着风,天气更冷了。(2)with + 宾语 + 过去分词(表示被动或已经完成)With all the wrk finished,they hurried back hme fr lunch.所有工作都做完了,他们匆忙回家吃午饭。
    (3)with+ 宾语 + 动词不定式(表示尚未发生)With s many things t deal with,I can’t g n hliday.有这么多的事要处理,我不能去度假。(4)with+ 宾语 + 形容词/ 副词/ 介词短语(表示状态)We lay in bed with the windw pen. 我们开着窗躺在床上。She went ut,with the televisin n. 她出去了,电视机开着。He came in with a bk in his hand.他进来了,手里拿着一本书。【学法点拨】with 复合结构在句中还可作定语。D yu knw the lady with a baby in her arms?你认识那个抱着婴儿的女士吗?
    单句语法填空(1)With air pllutin ____________(get)wrse,the gvernment needs t cme up with sme effective measures t deal with it.(2)With a lt f prblems ____________(settle),I can’t g skating with yu.(3)With everything she needed ____________(buy),she went hme happily.(4)The ld cuple ften take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dg __________(fllw)them.(5)The living rm is clean and tidy,with a dining table already _________(lay)fr a meal t be cked.完成句子(6)The ld man walked in ___________________________ (手里拄着一根拐杖).(7)_______________________(她的自行车被偷),she had t walk hme.(8)___________________________________________________(没人可以求助),she had t depend n herself.(9)The lady ________________________(手拿钱包的)came t the bank cunter.
    with a stick in his hand
    With her bike stlen
    With n ne t turn t fr help/With n ne t ask fr help 
    with a purse in her hand
    教材原句p.27Bats were hit and men drwned,while thse wh did make it t the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. 船被击翻,一些人落水而亡,而那些成功登陆的人面对的则是机关枪的猛烈扫射。
    3 助动词d/des/did+ 动词原形强调谓语动词不能用强调句型It ,可以借助于助动词d/des/did。d/des/did 在陈述句中句常译为“的确,确实”,在祈使句中常译为“一定,务必”。Hnestly speaking,he did make a brilliant remark n the film.老实说,他对这部电影的评论确实绝妙。We d spend a gd deal f ur time waiting.我们确实花了很多时间在等待。D be careful next time. 下次一定要小心。【误区警示】d/des/did 只对肯定的谓语动词进行强调,没有否定式和疑问式,且只用于一般现在时或一般过去时。
    用助动词d/des/did 填空(1)The design f this dress ____________ display extrardinary and nble quality.(2)The prfessr stared at her in amazement and____________ hesitate abut whether t accepther invitatin.(3)We ____________ get up early every mrning,even if it is Sunday.翻译句子(4)昨天我在动物园里确实见到了你姐姐。________________________________________________________(5)一定告诉他这个消息,下周他父亲将要来看他。______________________________________________________________
    I did meet yur sister in the z yesterday.
    D tell him the news that his father will cme t see him next week.

    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters课文内容课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002253_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Family matters课文内容课件ppt</a>,共51页。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace图文ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace图文ppt课件,共41页。PPT课件主要包含了Activity 1,in 1914,four years,six years,in 1939,Activity 2,violent,miserable,fierce,cruel等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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