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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature试讲课ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature试讲课ppt课件,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了课文预习自测等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Starting ut
    Read the qutes and answer the questins.1 What is the cmmn message cnveyed in these qutes?2 Have yu ever learnt anything frm nature? Give examples.
    The cmmn message cnveyed in these qutes is that they have a clse relatin with nature and they respect nature and get inspiratin frm nature.
    We shuld respect nature and make scientific use f it. Fr example,if we cut dwn t many frests,there will be mre sandstrms.
    The richness I achieve cmes frm nature,the surce f my inspiratin. Claude Mnet
    A painter shuld regard nature as their teacher, and never stick with just ne style f painting. Zhang Daqian
    Let nature be yur teacher. William Wrdswrth
    Adpt the pace f nature:her secret is patience. Ralph Wald Emersn
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.1 What lessns frm nature are mentined in the vide?2 Which ne inspires yu the mst?
    Trees give us lessns abut strength in the face f hard times. Succulents in deserts give us lessns abut learning t adapt t the envirnment. Frm birds,we learn t spread ur wings and fly t reach ur full ptential. Frm salmn,we learn the imprtance f perseverance in rder t achieve ur gals. Ants teach us t embrace respnsibility and always d ur best.
    >视频脚本 Lessns frm NatureThere is much wisdm t be fund n Earth,but perhaps the best teacher f all is nature itself. Here are sme lessns nature can teach us,if we lk and listen carefully.Trees bend and flw with the winds f nature’s strms. When a tree’s branches break,they grw back and give us fruit nce again. Trees give us lessns abut strength in the face f hard times.Deserts are ht,dry places,where it seems n plants can grw. But sme,knwn as succulents,have adapted t this envirnment by string water in their thick stems and leaves. When we learn t adapt,we can get the mst frm situatins and achieve things that seem impssible.Fr birds,taking that first flight can be scary. But withut taking risks,nthing can be achieved. Like birds,we all need t learn t spread ur wings and fly t reach ur full ptential.At the end f their lives,salmn return t the freshwater streams in which they were brn. T d this,they swim hundreds f kilmetres up river,determined t achieve their gal f returning hme. Frm these salmn,we can learn the imprtance f perseverance in rder t achieve ur gals.We can even learn frm sme f nature’s smallest creatures. Ants live and wrk tgether. The individual ant has its respnsibilities,each f which is necessary fr the cmmunity t functin. Ants teach us t embrace respnsibility and always d ur best.Nature can indeed teach us many imprtant lessns. But perhaps the first ne is t respect nature,and emulate its ways in ur lives.
    Understanding ideas
    Lk at the pictures and answer the questins.
    1 What is shwn in the pictures? Hw much d yu knw abut them?2 Hw culd yu assciate them with architecture?
    Nw read the passage and check yur ideas.
    A ltus flwer,a termite mund and algae are shwn in the pictures.· The ltus flwer is white r pink,and grws n the surface f lakes in Asia and Africa. Smetimes the shape f this flwer is used in decratins.· The termite mund( 白蚁丘)是野外生活的白蚁群体建筑的巢穴的地上部分,形似土丘,故名为“白蚁丘”。· The algae are a very simple,usually small plant that grws in r near water and des nt have rdinary leaves r rts.
    Nature is ur teacher. We usually learn a lt frm nature. The three things mentined abve give us sme inspiratin t create sme similar buildings.
    Trees,plants and flwers are all arund us and we enjy their beauty every day. In fact,we are s used t them that we may even take them fr granted withut realising hw much inspiratin they have given us. When we lk at a pine cne,we might think hw much it lks like the tiles n a rf. An pen flwer might make us think hw clsely it resembles an umbrella. It is natural t think in this way,but f curse it wasn’t the umbrella that inspired the flwer r the rf that inspired the pine cne. Nature has inspired many f the mst fascinating designs arund us,including thse in architecture. Frm Barcelna’s frest-like Sagrada Familia t the mdern style f Beijing’s Water Cube,nature is presented in varius architectural designs. Tday,architects cntinue t explre ways t capture the beauty f natural frms,t mimic the way nature wrks r even t make natural rganisms part f a building.
    ArtScience Museum,Singapre Peple whse interest is explring the relatinship between art and science will enjy Singapre’s ArtScience Museum. The building was designed t shw the cnnectin between nature and the mdern city envirnment in which it sits. Shaped t resemble a ltus flwer,it appears t flat abve the Waterfrnt prmenade and the water that surrunds it. Its rf cllects rainwater and channels it 35 metres dwn t a waterfall in the centre f the space. The water is then recycled thrugh the building’s plumbing system. Visitrs are ften amazed t find themselves in an urban building that s truly captures the beauty f natural frms. The Eastgate Centre,HarareHarare’s Eastgate Centre is a superb example f bimimicry. T use bimimicry is t create structures based n natural frms and prcesses. Zimbabwean architect Mick Pearce was inspired t create the Centre while watching a nature dcumentary in which termites were cnstructing their nests. The insects built munds cvered in little hles designed t allw air t mve freely in and ut f the munds. In a similar way,the Eastgate Centre has a “skin” cvered in hles. During the day,warm air is drawn int the building thrugh the hles,cling as it reaches the middle f the building. At night,the heat absrbed by the wall during the day warms the cl air,creating a cmfrtable temperature inside. The design reduces the need fr traditinal air cnditining and heating systems,s the building uses less energy and csts less t run.
    The Algae Huse,HamburgThe wrld’s first algae-pwered building is in Hamburg,Germany. The surface f the apartment building is cvered in panels that cntain algae. The algae are fed with liquid Nutrients and carbn dixide t encurage them t grw. In bright sunshine,they grw faster and prvide shade. The panels als capture heat frm the sun and cnvert it int energy that pwers the building. And that’s nt all—the algae inside the panels can be harvested and used t prduce fuel. The building therefre nt nly respnds t its envirnment and uses less energy,but als reduces damage t the envirnment by generating its wn renewable energy. Creating buildings such as these enables us t live in clser harmny with ur envirnment. T meet the needs f tday while prtecting the wrld f tmrrw may be a challenge,but even the simplest rganisms can help teach us hw t achieve this.
    Chse the magazine in which yu wuld mst likely find the passage.Give yur reasns.
    1 Extrardinary Architects 2 Living n Earth 3 Architecture Frntier4 Natural Wrld 
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the diagram.
    many f the mst fascinating designs
    the water that
    the water is then recycled
    mimic the way nature wrks
    surrunds it
    mve freely in and ut f the building
    traditinal air cnditining andheating systems
    make natural rganisms part f a building
    capture heat frm the sun
    prduce fuel
    generating its wn renewable energy
    live in clser harmny with ur envirnment
    Nw wrk in pairs and talk abut ther examples f architecture inspired by nature. 1 Which f the three buildings are yu mst impressed by? Why? If yu were given a chance t design a building,what inspiratin wuld yu take frm nature? Hw did the pictures help yur understanding f the passage? Share yur ideas with the class.
    Think & Share
    I’m mst impressed by ArtScience Museum. It’s a wnder that a building resembles a ltus flwer and it can cllect rainwater and recycle the rainwater thrugh the building’s plumbing system.
    I wuld build a building like the terraced fields,with slar panels at the tp f each flr t absrb slar energy.
    These pictures give me a visual view f the buildings,which helps me understand the text mre clearly.
    I 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Why dn’t we realise that nature inspires us?A. We’re used t it.B. That’s what we deserve.C. Pine cnes cannt replace tiles.D. Inspiratin cmes frm within us.2. What d we knw abut the rf f Singapre’s ArtScience Museum?A. Its shape is a ltus flwer.B. It was built int a waterfall.C. It can cllect rainwater.D. It has 35 metres f plumbing.
    3. What gd des the Eastgate Centre d fr the envirnment?A. It prtects termites.  B. It csts less.C. It makes the air cleaner.  D. It uses less energy.4. What’s unique abut The Algae Huse?A. It can prtect the envirnment.B. It can prduce its wn renewable energy.C. Its slar panels capture heat frm the sun.D. It prvides shade fr peple.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  Trees,plants and flwers are all arund us and we enjy their beauty every day. Hwever,we are s used t them 1_________ we may even take them fr granted withut 2 _________ (realise)hw much inspiratin they have given us. In fact,nature has inspired many f the mst 3 _________ (fascinate) designs arund us,including thse in architecture. Nature 4 ____________ (present)in varius architectural designs. Tday,architects cntinue t explre ways 5 ___________ (capture) the beauty f natural frms,t mimic the way nature wrks r even t make natural rganisms part f a building. ArtScience Museum in Singapre was designed t shw the 6 __________ (cnnect) between nature and the mdern city envirnment in which it sits. Visitrs are ften amazed t find themselves in an urban building that s 7 _________ (true)captures the beauty f natural frms. Harare’s Eastgate Centre is 8 _________ superb example f bimimicry. T use bimimicry is t create structures 9 _________ (base) n natural frms and prcesses. Creating buildings such as these enables us t live 10 _________ clser harmny with ur envirnment.
    is presented
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句p.49 A painter shuld regard nature as their teacher,and never stick with just ne style f painting. 画家应该以自然为师,而不是墨守成规。1 stick with持续,坚持做;紧跟,不离开Let’s stick with the riginal plans. 我们还是按照原计划进行吧。Stick with me and yu’ll be all right. 紧紧跟着我,这样你就不会有事的。【归纳拓展】stick t 坚持;信守,遵守  stick t the pint/subject/facts 紧扣主题/ 题目/ 事实stick by 继续支持,对……忠诚;信守,遵守,贯彻(承诺、计划等)be stuck with 被……缠住 stick ut 突出;显眼     stick up 向上突起;竖起N matter hw tugh life wuld be,I will always stick by yu and see it thrugh. 无论生活多么艰难,我总会支持你,和你一起渡过难关。She certainly sticks ut in a crwd. 她在人群中很显眼。
    完成句子(1)If yu are in a jb that keeps yu busy,________________(坚持做下去).(2)Yu just_____________(紧跟着)me,I’ll explain everything as we g alng.单句语法填空(3)I want t g ut t see a mvie but I am___________(stick)with the hmewrktnight.(4)I prmised t supprt yu and I’ll stick ___________ my prmise.(5)They wrte the ntice in big red letters s that it wuld stick___________.
    stick with it 
    stick with 
    教材原句p.50 In fact,we are s used t them that we may even take them fr granted... 事实上,我们已经习惯了它们的存在,甚至可能把它们视为理所当然……2 granted 认为……理所当然Yu shuldn’t take thers’ help fr granted.你不应该把别人的帮助看成是理所当然的。【学法点拨】take it fr granted that... 中,it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that 从句。I just tk it fr granted that he’d always be arund.我还想当然地认为他总能随叫随到呢。完成句子(1) He kept telling himself never___________________________(认为什么都是理所当然的).(2) Sme students________________________(认为……理所当然) parents shuld prepare everything fr them.
    t take anything fr granted 
    take it fr granted that 
    教材原句p.51 The building was designed t shw the cnnectin between nature and the mdern city envirnment in which it sits. 该建筑旨在展示自然和它所处的现代城市环境之间的联系。3 be designed t d sth. 为……而设计,目的是……The prgramme is designed t help peple wh have been ut f wrk fr a lng time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。【归纳拓展】be designed fr... 为……而设计be designed as... 设计为……The curse is designed fr beginners. 这门课程是为初学者设计的。The rm is designed as a receptin hall.这个房间被设计为接待厅。
    单句语法填空(1)These prgrammes are designed______________(develp) the ecnmy.(2)This range f clthing is specially designed__________ shrter wmen.(3)The flat is designed____________ ne living rm,ne dining rm and tw bedrms.(4)__________(design)fr children,the album became ppular with parents immediately itcame ut.
    教材原句p.51 Harare’s Eastgate Centre is a superb example f bimimicry. 哈拉雷的东门大厦是极好的仿生学范例。4 an example f ……的例子(example 前可加形容词)This painting is a gd example f his early wrk.这幅画是他早期作品的范例。It is a perfect example f a medieval castle.这是最典型的中世纪城堡。【归纳拓展】a gd/typical example f ……的范例a classic/perfect example f ……的典型/ 绝佳例证an bvius example f ……的明显的例子an example t ……的榜样set an example t 为……树立榜样give (sb.) an example 给(某人)举例Her curage is an example t us all.她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。
    完成句子(1)这是这位艺术家早期作品的范例。This is_____________________________ the artist’s early wrk.(2)Can yu________________________(给我举个实例) what yu mean?单句语法填空(3)He’s a very gd example__________ the rest f the class.(4)Yu shuld set a gd example __________ yur yunger brther.
    a gd/typical example f 
    give me an example f
    教材原句p.51 T use bimimicry is t create structures based n natural frms and prcesses.利用仿生技术指的是在自然形态和过程的基础上创造建筑结构。5 be based n 以……为根据/ 基础Their relatinship was based n mutual respect.他们之间的关系以相互尊重为基础。Judgements shuld be based n facts,nt n hearsay.判断应该基于事实,而不是道听途说。【归纳拓展】(1) 把……建立在……基础上Edisn based his ideas n scientific experiments.爱迪生把他的想法建立在科学实验的基础上。(2)n the basis f 在……的基础上,根据……Dn’t evaluate a persn n the basis f appearance.不要以貌取人。
    单句语法填空(1)In my diary,I set dwn a series f things that are based____________ facts.(2)__________(base) n a true stry,the film is very ppular.(3)He culd hardly find any necessary grunds n which___________(base) his argumentsin favur f the new thery.完成句子(4)The film______________(以……为根据) a shrt stry by Thmas Mann.(5)His decisins are ften made_________________(在……的基础上)incrrectinfrmatin.
    is based n 
    n the basis f
    教材原句p.51 The panels als capture heat frm the sun and cnvert it int energy that pwers the building.这些面板还可以吸收太阳的能量,并转化为电能,给建筑物供电。6 cnvert v. 使转变;使转换;(使)改变(观点、习惯等)搭配: 把……转变为……They cnverted the spare bedrm int an ffice.他们把备用卧室改成了一间办公室。I’ve cnverted t rganic fd. 我改吃有机食品了。【归纳拓展】cnvert 的同义词有change,turn,transfrm 等,这些动词的用法基本相同。单句语法填空(1)What’s the frmula fr cnverting punds___________ kilgrams?(2)The htel is ging t______________ (cnvert)int a nursing hme.(3)She succeeded in______________(cnvert)me t her pint f views.
    be cnverted 
    教材原句p.51 The building therefre nt nly respnds t its envirnment and uses less energy... 因此,该建筑不仅能够适应环境,减少能耗……7 respnd t 对……作出反应;回答,回复Hw did they respnd t the news? 他们对这则消息有什么反应?She never respnded t my letter. 她从来没有给我回过信。【用法比较】回复电子邮件: respnd t emails(√)respnd emails(×)回答我的问题:reply t my questin(√)reply my questin(×)answer my questin(√)【归纳拓展】(1)respnd with... 以……回应respnd by... 通过……回应respnd that... 回答说……He respnded t my ffer with a laugh. 他对我的提议回以大笑。He respnded by slamming the dr behind him.他的反应是猛地甩上了门。(2)respnse n. 反应,响应;回答,答复in respnse t 作为……的回应/ 答复make a respnse 作出回应/ 回答
    单句语法填空(1)Knwing basic first-aid techniques will help yu respnd quickly_________ emergencies.(2)We cmplained t the travel agency abut the terrible service during ur trip,but n ne ________________(respnd) by nw.(3)The dctr respnded___________ he culd nt tell the name f her disease.(4)She waved,and he respnded__________ a charming smile.(5)The gvernment respnded by_____________(ban)all future demnstratins.完成句子(6)These cmments came__________________(作为……的答复)specific questins ftenasked by lcal newsmen.(7)I asked her what the time was,but she________________________________(没有回答).
    has respnded 
    in respnse t
    didn’t respnd/made n respnse
    重点句式教材原句p.51 And that’s nt all—the algae inside the panels can be harvested and used t prduce fuel. 除此之外,面板内的藻类可以收集起来,做燃料用。【句式分析】that’s nt all意为“这不是全部”,nt all表示的是部分否定。部分否定 总括性代词或副词与nt 连用时,表示部分否定。这类总括性词主要包括all,bth,every,everything,everybdy,everyne,always,altgether 等。Nt all peple are full f cnfidence. =All peple aren’t full f cnfidence. 并非所有的人都充满了自信。Nt bth f them misunderstd yu. =Bth f them didn’t misunderstand yu. 并非他们两个都误会了你的意思。I dn’t g t wrk every day. 我不是每天都上班。 Life is nt always easy. 生活并不总是容易的。【学法点拨】全部否定的表达方式:表示全部否定意义的词(n,nne,neither,nbdy,n ne,nthing,never 等)与肯定形式的谓语动词连用。
    N student is permitted t leave the rm. 学生一律不许离开这个房间。Nne f my friends came. 我的朋友一个都没来。 Nbdy knew what t say. 谁也不知道该说什么。完成句子(1) It’s an either-r situatin—we can buy a new car this year r we can g n hliday but we __________________(不能两者都做).(2)_________________________________________(并非所有的人都喜欢)entertaining prgrammes n TV,particularly aged men.(3)Our English teacher is excellent,but she_______________________(不能帮助每一个人)in the class in 50 minutes.(4)Niki is always full f ideas,but________________(没有一个是有用的) t my knwledge.(5)Jeremy has tw strategies,but_________________(两者都不)seems t have wrked very well.
    can’t d bth 
    Nt all peple like/All peple dn’t like 
    can’t help everyne 
    nne is useful 
    neither f them 

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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature完美版课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature完美版课件ppt,共21页。PPT课件主要包含了trees,Birds ,Salmon ,Ants ,strength,out,patience,of ,with等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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