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    高中英语Unit 6 Earth first精品ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Earth first精品ppt课件,共37页。

    Starting ut
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.Which f the facts in the vide d yu find mst alarming?2 What des the vide want t tell us?
    Severe envirnmental prblems we are facing nwadays make ur future uncertain. It’s time fr everyne t take actin nw and make ur planet a greener and safer place fr ur future generatins.
    >视频脚本Save Life n Earth Earth,hme t cuntless plants and animals fr millins f years,has an uncertain future. Hw many f us are aware that... ·130,000 square kilmetres f frest disappear every year ·arund 25,000 trees are cut dwn each day just t make tilet paper ·each day,arund 150 t 200 species f plants and animals becme extinct—nearly 1,000 times the natural rate f extinctin ·ver 1 millin animals are killed by cean pllutin each year ·1 billin peple dn’t have clean drinking water ·a plastic bttle can take 450 years t break dwn ·the ice caps are mre than 50% thinner than they were 40 years ag If we d nt change ur ways,we are at risk f ruining ur planet and destrying many mre plants and animals. Sme day in the future,there may be n tigers,n hrses,n butterflies,n dlphins and n whales;nr will there be any trees r flwers. All f these things will be gne. And we will be gne,t. Time is running ut. Our planet needs ur help. It’s up t us t decide tgether what happens next.
    Lk at the cartns and answer the questins.1 What envirnmental prblem des each cartn refer t?2 What are the causes f these prblems?3 What d yu think is the mst serius envirnmental prblem we face tday? What shuld be dne t help slve it?
    water pllutin;defrestatin;air pllutin;glbal warming
    Understanding ideas
    Tick the wrds that yu wuld use t describe sharks. Add anymre yu can think f.
    □ dangerus □ pwerful □ endangered □ interesting □ man-eating □ terrifying □ cute □ intelligent □ huge
    Nw cmpare yur chices with the class. Share what yu knw abut sharks.
    Add mre:flexible,fierce,cean giant,sharp teeth
    Read the passage and find ut hw sharks are described in the film Jaws.
    Sharks are described in the film as dangerus and bad animals that eat humans.
    SHARKS:DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED?We see a wman swimming at night in a dark sea. Suddenly,she is pulled underwater. She surfaces,cries in fear,then disappears frever. This is the pening scene frm the 1975 film Jaws,shwing a shark attack. It tells the stry f a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers. Jaws was a great success,attracting huge audiences and winning many awards. It strengthened peple’s lng-held idea f the great white shark as a dangerus animal.Peple have always been scared f sharks,but Jaws made things wrse. It made peple frightened f sharks,especially f the great white shark. Many peple wh saw the film started t believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans. Sme peple stpped swimming in the sea,afraid f the hrrible creature frm the film. Other peple started fishing fr sharks,killing as many as they culd. At that time,nbdy cared if sharks were killed,r hw many were killed. Peple just wanted them killed.
    After 1975,the number f large sharks arund America fell quickly,and sn fell arund the wrld. This was nt nly due t fear f sharks ,but als finning. Finning is a type f fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut ff. The sharks are thrwn back int the sea where they die slwly and painfully. The fins are used in shark fin sup. Finning kills millins f sharks a year. Finning wuld have an unexpected effect upn Peter Benchley,the man wh wrte the bk the film Jaws was based n. In 1980,Benchley was diving when he came acrss an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning,and the sea flr was cvered with dead sharks. Benchley saw sharks being killed and this caused a deep change in him. He came t see peple as a danger t sharks,rather than the ther way rund. Frm that day n,he fught t prtect sharks. He admitted that his bk was wrng abut sharks’ behaviur. “Sharks dn’t target humans,” he said. Experts have prved that sharks d nt see peple as fd,and they attack us by mistake. Only arund six peple are killed by sharks every year. Frtunately,nt everyne wh watched the film Jaws became afraid f sharks—sme became interested in understanding them. Tday,as we learn mre abut sharks,mre peple than ever want t prtect them frm extinctin.
    Chse the authr’s purpse in writing the passage.1  T criticise Peter Benchley’s misleading descriptin f sharks in his bk and advcate the prtectin f sharks.2  T explain peple’s misunderstanding f sharks and raise awareness f shark prtectin.3  T infrm peple abut sharks and recmmend the film and the bk t them.
    Cmplete the chart shwing hw attitudes twards sharks have changed with wrds and expressins frm the passage.
    as dangerus animals
    sharks were bad animals that ate humans
    swimming in the sea
    fish fr sharks
    fear f sharks and finning
    was wrng abut
    sharks’ behaviur
    sharks d nt see peple as fd
    understanding sharks
    prtect sharks frm extinctin
    1 Hw d yu think Peter Benchley felt after diving in 1980?2 What ther films r bks d yu knw that feature wild animals? D they “paint” a gd r bad picture f these animals? Say hw the animals are described.
    He might feel sad fr the sharks being killed;he might feel regretful fr depicting the great white shark as a dangerus animal in his bk;he might als feel angry abut finning.
    A film—March f the Penguins(《帝企鹅日记》).It“paints”a gd picture f penguins. This is a film that really reflects the life f the penguins. The climate f the nrth f the Antarctic cntinent is mild and the fd is adequate;while the suth is cvered with snw,the climate is cld and the fd is shrt. But the suthern part has its advantages. There is n natural enemy. In rder fr the penguins t grw up healthily,the penguins’ parents are cming frm the nrth t the suth t hatch the little penguin eggs every year. The penguins’ parents take turns t wrk fr hatching eggs and lking fr fd. Hw hard we can imagine the weak penguins are ding these tasks every year.A bk—My Wild Animal Friend(《我的野生动物朋友》). It“paints”a gd picture f many wild animals in Africa. It tells the mving stry and persnal experience f Tippi Degre when she returns t Paris at the age f 10. At the same time,mre than 130 rare pictures taken by her parents,the famus wildlife phtgraphers, are included,which can nt nly be appreciated,but als aruse peple’s awareness f prtecting natural wildlife.
    Think & Share
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. The film Jaws     .A. shwed the prtectin f sharksB. made peple mre afraid f sharksC. stpped peple frm watching hrrr filmsD. encuraged peple t care if sharks were killed2. Which f the fllwing changed Peter’s attitude twards sharks?A. Peple killed sharks cruelly.B. Peple stpped swimming in the sea.C. Sharks became a danger t peple.D. The film Jaws became a great success.
    3. What is the fact abut sharks?A. Sharks are dangerus t peple.B. Sharks d nt see peple as fd.C. Sharks kill a dzen f peple each year.D. Sharks are killed by peple in a small number.4. Why des the authr write this passage?A. T shw a successful film abut the prtectin f sharks.B. T infrm peple abut sharks and recmmend the film and the bk t them.C. T explain peple’s misunderstanding f sharks and raise awareness f shark prtectin.D. T criticize Peter Benchley’s misleading descriptin f sharks and advcate the prtectin f sharks.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文) The 1975 film Jaws tells the stry f a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers. Jaws was a great success,1    (attract) huge audiences and winning many awards. It 2     (strengthen) peple’s lng-held idea f the great white shark as a dangerus animal. Peple have always been 3    (scare) f sharks,but Jaws made things wrse. Many peple wh saw the film started t believe 4    sharks were bad animals that ate humans.Sme peple stpped 5     (swim) in the sea while thers started fishing fr sharks. The number f large sharks fell quickly due 6    fear f sharks and finning. Peter Benchley,the man wh wrte the bk the film Jaws 7     (base) n,admitted that his bk was wrng abut sharks’ behaviur and fught 8     (prtect)them. Experts have prved that sharks d nt see peple9    fd,and they attack us by mistake. Sme peple became interested in understanding sharks and mre peple want t prtect them frm 10     (extinct).
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句p.61 What envirnmental prblem des each cartn refer t ? 每幅漫画都提到了什么环境问题? 1 refer t 提到,谈到;查阅,参考;涉及,关于They agreed never t refer t the matter again.他们同意永远不再提这件事了。He made the speech withut referring t his ntes.他脱稿发表了演讲。The figures refer t ur sales in Eurpe.这些数字是我们在欧洲的销售额。 【归纳拓展】 (2)refer 称……为…… refer sb./sth. t sb. 把某人介绍给某人(以求帮助)/ 把某事物交给某人(解决)(3)in/with reference t 关于 fr future reference 供日后参考
    单句语法填空(1) Wh d yu think the teacher is referring     ?(2)The scientist referred t the discvery     the mst exciting new develpment in this field.(3)Write dwn the phne number f that restaurant fr future     (refer).完成句子(4)Sme scientific stries this bk          (提到)have cme true nw.(5)When reading,yu’d better avid               (查词典)t ften.(6) Cal               (通常被称作)a fssil fuel.
    referring t yur dictinary
    is usually referred t as
    教材原句 p.62 Peple have always been scared f sharks,but Jaws made things wrse. 人们本就害怕鲨鱼,但《大白鲨》加深了这种恶劣印象。2 scare v. 使(某人)惊恐,吓唬It scared me t think I was alne in the building.想到楼里只有我一个人,怪害怕的。The dg scared the thief away.那条狗把小偷吓跑了。【单词积累】scared adj. 害怕的 scary adj. 可怕的,恐怖的be scared f ding sth. 害怕做某事 be scared f sth. 害怕某物be scared t d sth. 害怕做某事 be scared that... 害怕……
    单句语法填空(1)It scared me     (think)I tk a ship alne n the rugh sea.(2)When we are getting excited,angry r     (scare),ur bdies als g thrugh manyphysical changes.(3) [词汇复现] The researchers had t make a fire at the edge f the frest t scare     wild animals at night.(4)She was scared     (g)int the yard because she was scared f      (bite)by the big dg lying at the gate.完成句子(5)Many custmers have been               (被吓得购买)rganic fd.
    being bitten
    scared int buying
    教材原句p.62 Finning is a type f fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut f. 采割鱼鳍是一种渔猎活动,人们捕到鲨鱼后将鱼鳍割下。3 cut f 切掉,砍掉,剪掉;停止,中断(供给);使……与外界隔绝cut ff ne’s lng hair 剪掉某人的长发cut the fat ff the meat 把这块肉上的肥肉切掉cut ff the gas/electricity/water 切断煤气供应 / 断电 / 断水In winter,the twn is ften cut ff by snw.到了冬天,这座城镇常常因大雪与外界隔断联系。【归纳拓展】cut dwn 砍倒;减少,缩减 cut away 去掉;切掉;砍掉cut ut 裁剪;删去 cut up 切碎,剁碎cut in 插嘴,打断别人说话 cut acrss 抄近路穿过
    完成句子(1)The army            (失去了联络)frm its base.(2)Busy with his prject,he felt                        (与外界隔绝了).单句语法填空(3) Charlie cuts     the leather tp f the she and shares the she with the ther fellw.(4) She always fcused n what her friend said and seldm cut     .(5)Dn’t cut     the tree that gives yu shade.(6) We can gain sme time if we cut     this field.
    cut ff frm the utside
    教材原句p.63 “ Sharks dn ’t target humans,”he said. “鲨鱼不以人类为攻击目标,”他说。4 target v. 把……作为目标 n. 目标;对象;靶子The campaign is clearly targeted at the yung.这个宣传活动显然是针对青年人的。aim at a target 瞄准目标becme the target fr/f a lt f criticism 成为众矢之的hit/miss the target 中 / 脱靶
    完成句子(1) The advert fr the energy drink            (专门针对)yung peple.(2) The plan desn’t sund very practical. It is bund t            (成为……的对象)the attack.(3)            (给你自己制订目标)that yu can reasnably hpe t achieve.
    is targeted specifically at
    becme the target f/fr
    Set yurself targets
    教材原句 p.63 Frtunately , nt everyne wh watched the film Jaws became afraid f sharks ... 幸运的是,并不是每个看过《大白鲨》这部电影的人 都变得害怕鲨鱼……5 frtunately adv. 幸运地搭配:frtunately fr sb. 某人很幸运(作状语)I was late,but frtunately the meeting hadn’t started.我迟到了,不过幸好会议还没有开始。【单词积累】(1)frtune n.运气;大笔的钱try ne’s frtune 碰运气 make a frtune 发财(2)frtunate adj. 幸运的be frtunate t d sth.幸运地做某事(3)unfrtunate adj. 不幸的→ unfrtunately adv. 不幸地
    单句语法填空(1)     (frtunate),after six years’ hardwrk,he funded his wn cmpany.(2)Tw middle-aged passengers fell int the sea.      (unfrtunate),neither f themculd swim.(3)He went t Australia and sn made     frtune.完成句子(4) I                 (很幸运找到一份工作)that I lve.
    am frtunate t find a jb
    教材原句p.63 ... mre peple than ever want t prtect them frm extinctin. ……越来越多的人想要保护它们免遭灭绝。6 extinctin n. 灭绝,绝种species in danger f extinctin 有灭绝危险的物种be clse t extinctin 濒临灭绝 extinctin 保护……免于灭绝lead t the extinctin f many animals 导致许多动物的灭绝【单词积累】extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的an extinct species 已灭绝的物种
    单句语法填空(1) The     (extinct)f the dinsaurs ccurred lng befre humans came int being.完成句子(2)Accrding t Jack,it is glbal warming that leads t           (许多动物的灭绝).(3) Cnservatinists are trying t              (保护鲸类以防止其灭绝).
    the extinctin f many animals
    prtect the whale frm extinctin
    教材原句p.64 ... shwing hw attitudes twards sharks have changed ... ……展示人们对鲨鱼的态度是如何变化的……7 attitude n.(尤指通过行为表现出的对某事的一般)看法,态度He has a very bad attitude t/twards wrk. 他的工作态度极差。It’s ften very difficult t change peple’s attitudes.人们对事情的看法通常很难改变。 【一言辨异】As the saying ges,attitude determines altitude. Nthing is t difficult if yu set yur mind t it. 俗话说,态度决定高度。世上无难事,只怕有心人
    单句语法填空(1) Only when yu take a psitive attitude      the prject will yu enjy the whle prcess.完成句子(2)I dislike him because he always               (对……有不好的态度)the peple arund him.(3) Peple                    (对生活有积极态度的)are mre likely t succeed.(4)If yu want t pass yur exams,yu’d better           (改变你的态度).
    has a bad attitude t/twards
    with a psitive attitude twards life
    change yur attitude
    重点句式 教材原句p.63 Tday, as we learn mre abut sharks, mre peple than ever want t prtect them frm extinctin.时至今日,随着我们对鲨鱼了解 的加深,越来越多的人想要保护它们免遭灭绝。【句法分析】as we learn mre abut sharks是as引导的时间状语从句,as 表示“随着”。as 引导状语从句(1)引导时间状语从句,强调从句和主句的动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……,随着……”。As he grew lder,he became less active.随着年龄的增长,他变得不那么活跃了。(2)引导原因状语从句,表示“因为,由于”。As it is fine,we shall g ut fr a walk. 因为天气好,我们将出去散步。
    (3)引导方式状语从句,表示“按照,如同”。Yu’d better have a balanced diet as the dctr tld yu.你最好按照医生说的保持均衡的饮食。 [词汇复现](4)引导比较状语从句,表示“像……一样”。I can’t run as fast as I used t. 我不如以前跑得快了。(5)引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。as 引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序。Try as he might,he culdn’t pen the dr. 他想尽了办法也没能打开门。
    判断 as 引导的是什么从句(1)As it was getting late,I turned arund t start fr hme. _______________________(2) As yu make reading a regular part f yur life,yu’ll understand the text better.        _______________________(3)When in Rme,d as the Rmans d. _______________________  (4)That’s nt as simple as it sunds. _______________________(5) [2018·全国Ⅱ卷] I lked at his face,smething ccurred t me. _______________________(6)Ht as the night air was,we slept deeply because we were s tired after the lng jurney. _______________________

    英语必修 第二册Unit 6 Earth first教学演示ppt课件: 这是一份英语必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002263_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 6 Earth first教学演示ppt课件</a>,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了shark,dangerous,man-eating,terrifying,fierce,horrible,scary,A life,A bowl,be scared 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了dangerous,man-eating,terrifying,fierce,horrible,scary等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第二册Unit 6 Earth first优质课件ppt: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 6 Earth first优质课件ppt,文件包含Unit6EarthfirstPeriod1StartingoutandUnderstandingideas课件pptx、Unit6Period1StartingUnderstandingideas同步课时练习解析docx、Unit6Period1StartingUnderstandingideas同步课时练习原卷docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共21页, 欢迎下载使用。

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