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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures一等奖ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures一等奖ppt课件,共51页。PPT课件主要包含了on Page 19,Discussion,Summary,Writing等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Talk abut Chinese language learning abrad
    1. What d yu knw abut Chinese language learning abrad?2. Hw d peple frm ther cuntries find ut abut Chinese culture?
    Befre yu listen, talk with yur partner
    2.Listen t the cnversatin and answer the fllwing questins.
    Where des this cnversatin take place?Wh are the peple speaking?What are they talking abut?
    Pay attentin t the settingWhen yu listen, always ask yurself, “Where is this prbably happening?" Understanding the setting will help yu understand the type and cntent f the cmmunicatin mre clearly.
    Check answers
    This mrning we’re lking at Chinese language learning arund the wrld. We’re pleased t welcme Aisha Khan, wh is frm the Cnfucius Institute in Karachi, Pakistan...
    At the radi studi
    A radi hst and a Chinese teacher
    They are talking abut Chinese learning in the Cnfucius Institute in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Listen again and take ntes by filling in the pster belw.
    Welcme t the Cnfucius Institute.Learn t ____________ and all abut ______________!Our institute has grwn! We started with _________________ ____________but nw we have many mre.It is a centre fr _________________. Yu can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditins.
    speak Chinese
    Chinese culture
    a few students
    Chinese activities
    and teachers
    Knwledge f the Chinese language and culture is imprtant because f increasing _______________________ __________________Many students g n t great jbs in ____________________.Jin us tday t help breakdwn language and ____________________ and bring the wrld tgether!
    trade between China
    and Pakistan
    Chinese cmpanies
    cultural barriers
    4.Answer the questins accrding t what yu remember f the cnversatin.
    Making and eating delicius dumplings tgether in Ms Hu’s hme made Aisha feel like she was part f her family.
    Because she wanted t carry n Ms Hu’s wrk.
    Because learning Chinese wuld help them find gd jbs at Chinese cmpanies.
    Imagine yu're interviewing a student at a Cnfucius Institute in anther cuntry abut his r her experience. Wrk with a partner t brainstrm what the interviewer might ask and hw the student might answer. Then rle-play the interview. Use the phrases and questins in the bx t help yu.
    We are pleased t welcme fr jining us.Tell us mre abut …Thanks fr yur time.It was a pleasure talking with yu.
    Interviewing smene
    What was yur biggest challenge?Hw did yu vercme it?What are yu keen n?What is the key t yur success?What d yu feel is yur biggest achievement?
    A: Hi, Jane. Welcme t the shw! B: Thanks fr inviting me A: Tell us, what was yur biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning? B: Well, suppse it was difficult t grasp the tnes at first A: I bet! Did jining the Cnfucius Institute help vercme this prblem? B: Abslutely! Getting invlved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lt...
    1.What prblem is Lu Ya having? Lu Ya is having a prblem with an English learning may be the cause f the prblem? He has truble hearing the weak frms f the wrds which are nt can he slve his prblem?He shuld pay mre attentin t the weak frms, watch sme mvies, and study hw he weak frms are used.
    1. Read the cnversatin and answer the questins:
    2. Listen t the cnversatin abve and underline the weak frms the speakers used. Then practice the cnversatin with yur partner.
    Lu Ya: Excuse me, Miss Cnner. I'm having a prblem with this English listening task. Sme wrds are prnunced really fast and sund different.Miss Cnner: Oh, let me listen .. Yes, that's prbably because the wrds are nt being stressed. Yu see, English is a stress-based language.Lu Ya: S des this mean I need t knw which wrds are stressed and which are nt?Miss Cnner: Yes, I'm afraid s. English wrds have a strng frm and a weak frm.Wrds like prnuns, articles, prepsitins, and s n are ften nt stressed. S we usually use the weak frm fr them when we speak.
    Lu Ya: Oh n. When I speak, I wrry peple wn't understand me, s I always try t prnunce all my wrds really clearly. N wnder my classmates say | sund like a rbt!Miss Cnner: Oh dear! Well, I suggest yu pay mre attentin t the weak frms. Fr example, in the sentence "Are yu studying hard?", the wrds“are" and "yu" are prnunced as /a/ and /ja/. Lu Ya: Oh, I get it. Thanks, Miss Cnner.Miss Cnner: Yu're welcme. I als suggest yu watch sme mvies and study hw the weak frms are used.Lu Ya: That's great advice, Miss Cnner! I'm ging t watch a mvie right nw. Thanks again! Bye!
    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using language -------Express yur pinins n studying abrad
    1.A lcal newspaper has invited parents t share their pinins abut studying abrad. Listen and read tw letters, underline each writer’s main pints. Then mark the reasns fr their pinins.
    Read the passage and underline each writer’s main pints. Then make the reasns fr their pinins.
    The disadvantages fr yung peple are greater.
    The advantages are much greater.
    1.Great ecnmic tremendus pressure that cmes with studying abrad des have ptential benefits, yung peple wh study in China als have a great future t lk frward t!
    1.Persnal increased chance fr cultural a great pprtunity t cntribute t the develpment f ur mtherland.
    STUDYING ABROADIS IT A GOOD OR A BAD IDEA?留学:好主意,还是坏主意?Dear Editr尊敬的编辑:In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number f peple studying abrad. Althugh studying abrad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages fr yung peple are greater.过去几十年里,留学人数急剧增长。尽管留学大有裨益但我认为,留学对年轻人来说是弊大于利。
    T begin with, many students wh study abrad face great ecnmic pressure. That means studying abrad is just nt pssible fr everyne. Tuitin fees and living expenses are much mre expensive than at hme and culd end up csting mst families an arm and a leg. Studying in China is much mre cnvenient and can help save mney.首先,许多留学生面临着巨大的经济压力,这意味着并非每个人都有留学的可能。国外的学费和生活开销比国内昂贵得多,大部分家庭最终可能要花费一大笔钱。而在中国读书则更加方便,还能省钱。
    Tuitin fees and living expenses are much mre expensive than at hme and culd end up csting mst families an arm and a leg.学费和生活开销比在家贵多了,多数家庭最终可能会花费一大笔钱。
    end up 结束,最终成为;最后处于end up ding 最终会做某事;以做某事而告终end up in/with/as/adj. 在……中结束;最后处于;最终成为end with 以……结束
    Anther imprtant factr t cnsider is the tremendus pressure that cmes with studying abrad. Students must learn hw t live in an unfamiliar envirnment with limited language skills. Sme may struggle and suffer frm culture shck when learning hw t behave in new surrundings. 需要考虑的另一个重要因素是留学所带来的巨大压力。学生必须学会靠有限的语言技能在一个陌生的环境中生活在学习如何在新环境中举止得体时,有些学生可能会感到吃力,并承受文化冲击的折磨。
    Sme may struggle and suffer frm culture shck when learning hw t behave in new surrundings.有些人在学习如何面对新环境时可能要奋力抗争,并承受文化冲击的折磨。
    behave vt.表现 vi.& vt.表现得体;有礼貌※behave neself/well 守规矩/举止得体※well-behaved adj.表现好的badly-behaved adj.表现差的※behaviur n.(=behavir)行为;举止;习性
    (1)My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.我的相机自从维修后一直工作正常。(2)The shp assistants behave very (gd) twards/t custmers.这家商店的营业员对待顾客的态度非常好。(3)What d yu think f the hst’s (behave) n the stage that day?你怎样评价主持人那天在舞台上的行为?(4)My mther is always telling me t behave (me) when I attend feasts.我妈妈总是告诉我在参加宴会时要举止得体。
    surrundings n.环境;周围的事物※surrunding adj.周围的;附近的※surrund v.环绕;包围以……包围……be surrunded by/with...被……包围
    【要点微练】语法填空(1)(2020·浙江高考)The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp, which ________________(surrund) by a high wire fence.  (2)(2020·全国Ⅲ卷)And when he saw the mists rising frm the river and the sftcluds ___________(surrund) the muntain tps, he was reduced t tears. (3)(2019·江苏高考)Steve arrived and sat in the frnt rw, ___________ (surrund) by his family. (4)The develpment f the site will have implicatins fr the ___________ (surrund)cuntryside. (5)Schumacher adapted effrtlessly t his new ____________(surrund).
    Other students are nt mature enugh t handle the challenges by themselves and may becme depressed. Sme students might even encunter prblems with persnal safety. In additin, different appraches t teaching and learning may cme as a shck t many students.另一些学生则还不够成熟,无法独立应付各种挑战,因而感到苦闷。有些学生甚至会遭遇人身安全问题。此外,不同的教和学的方式对很多学生来说也是一种冲击。
    A final pint t cnsider is that while studying abrad des have ptential benefits, yung peple wh study in China als have a great future t lk frward t! As China has bmed, the educatinal envirnment has imprved significantly, with many great universities nw available. They have great facilities and utstanding prfessrs, helping t educate yung peple wh will cntribute t the ecnmy and further strengthen ur cuntry.最后要考虑的一点是:尽管留学有诸多潜在的益处,但是在中国读书的年轻人同样未来可期!随着中国的蓬勃发展,教育环境己大为改观,优质大学比比皆是。这些高校拥有一流的设施和杰出的教授,助力培养为经济作贡献、进步增强我国实力的年轻人。
    T sum up, ne cannt deny the fact that studying abrad has its disadvantages, s when yu think abut studying abrad yu shuld cnsider these many factrs.综上所述,我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端。因此当你想要海外求学时,应当考虑上述诸多因素。 Kind regard谨致问候!Wang Li ( ther f twin girls)王丽(一对双胞胎女孩的母亲)
    T sum up,ne cannt deny the fact that studying abrad has its disadvantages,s when yu think abut studying abrad,yu shuld cnsider these many factrs.总之,出国留学有不利的一面,这个事实是不可否认的,所以在考虑出国留学时,你应该考虑这些因素。
    deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝※deny (ding) sth. /that...否定;否认(做过)某事deny sb. sth. =deny sth. t sb. 拒绝给予※There is n denying that...不可否认……
    (1)The prisner denied t the plice that he had taken part in the rbbery.该犯人向警方否认他参与了这起抢劫案。(2)There is n (deny) that it is a serius prblem;the gvernment shuld take strng measures t deal with it.无可否认,这是一个严重的问题,政府应该采取有力措施来解决它。(3)He was s stubbrn that he .他很固执,拒绝给学生说话的机会。
    denied the student a chance t speak
    Dear Editr尊敬的编辑 Is studying abrad a gd idea r nt? There are certainly disadvantages, but in my pinin, the advantages are much greater. As I always tell my sn, there are n great difficulties fr a persn wh is brave, ptimistic, and willing t wrk hard!留学是个好主意还是坏主意呢?留学当然有其弊端,但我认为利大于弊。我时常告诚我儿子,对勇敢、乐观、愿意拼搏的人来说,世上无难事!
    The first advantage f studying abrad is persnal grwth. The educatin yu gain and the experiences yu have will change yu fr the better. Fr example, yu will certainly becme mre independent because yu will have t deal with all kinds f difficulties by yurself. Studying abrad als helps yu t gain a glbal perspective and imprve yur general cmpetence.留学的第一个好处就是个人成长。你获得的教育和拥有的经历将有助于你提升自我。例如,由于你需要独自应对各种困难,你一定会变得更加独立。留学还有助于你获得全球视野,提升综合能力。
    Anther advantage is the increased chance fr cultural exchange. Chinese students can be seen as cultural envy prmting friendship between natins. Internatinal students in China als bring their clurful cultures here. Cperating with peple frm diverse cultural backgrunds helps us view the wrld frm different angles and thus gives us mre insight int ur wn culture.留学的另一个好处是获得更多文化交流的机会。中国留学生可被视为增进国际友谊的文化使者。在华的外国留学生也带来他们丰富多彩的文化。与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同视角看待世界,进而让我们对自己的文化有更深入的了解。
    Finally, studying abrad prvides a great pprtunity t cntribute t the develpment f ur mtherland. China’s glbal utlk, with prjects such as the Belt and Rad Initiative, has helped us make cnnectins acrss the wrld. 最后,留学是为祖国的发展作出贡献的好机会。中国“带一路”倡议等项目的全球前景帮助我们与世界建立联系。
    Therefre, China needs mre talented yung peple with a glbal perspective wh are highly cmpetent with languages, have leadership and rganisatinal skills, and have strng cultural awareness. Students wh study abrad will develp such skills and abilities, and these in turn will prvide them with better career pprtunities.因此,中国需要更多有才能、有国际视野、语言能力极强具有领导力和组织能力、拥有强烈文化意识的年轻人。海外求学的学生能够培养这类技能,而这些技能反过来又将为他们带来更好的就业机会。
    All in all, studying abrad helps t build character and increase peple’s understanding f cultural diversity while strengthening China and building a shared future fr all. I think this life-changing experience is certainly wrthwhile and I hpe my child will study abrad in the future. 总而言之,出国留学有助于塑造人格,增加人们对文化多样性的了解,同时增强中国的实力,为大家打造一个共同的未来。我觉得这段改变人生的经历肯定是值得的,我希望孩子将来能出国留学。Sincerely yurs此致Zhang Yi(ather f ne by)张毅(一个男孩的父亲)
    Read the letters again and then use the cnnectrs in the bx t rewrite the sentences belw.
    as a result besides fr instance that is t say
    Use cnnectrs(连接词)
    When yu write an argumentative piece, use cnnecting phrases t lead readers thrugh yur prcess f reasning. Gd lgical cnnectrs will help yur audience understand yur pint f view, whether they agree with yu r nt!
    adj. 合乎逻辑的; 合情合理的
    Read it again and then use the cnnectrs t rewrite the sentences belw.
    as a result besides fr instance that is t say1. Students wh want t study abrad must cnsider their parents budget. They shuld think abut whether they can affrd the csts f studying verseas.2. Studying abrad can put great pressure n yung peple. They may feel lnely and miss their families.3. Studying abrad will give students a gd educatin. It als helps them t gain a glbal perspective.4. Glbal develpment strategies help t make cnnectins between China and the rest f the wrld. Yung peple with language skills and strng cultural awareness are needed.
    as a result besides fr instance that is t say1. Students wh want t study abrad must cnsider their parents budget. _______________ they shuld think abut whether they can affrd the csts f studying verseas.2. Studying abrad can put great pressure n yung peple. ________________ they may feel lnely and miss their families.3. Studying abrad will give students a gd educatin. _______________ it als helps them t gain a glbal perspective.4. Glbal develpment strategies help t make cnnectins between China and the rest f the wrld. ___________ yung peple with language skills and strng cultural awareness are needed.
    That is t say ,
    Fr instance,
    As a result ,
    1. What are sme ther advantages r disadvantage f studying abrad that were nt mentined in the letters?2. Which parent wuld yu prbably side with? Why?
    1. What are sme ther advantages r disadvantage f studying abrad that were nt mentined in the letters?
    One disadvantage f studying abrad is that nt all students are suited t it. Sme students will never gain the needed language ability r may nt get the mst frm an unfamiliar teaching apprach. One advantage f studying abrad is the pprtunity t meet new lifelng friends frm different cultural backgrunds.
    2. Which parent wuld yu prbably side with? Why?
    I wuld prbably side with Zhang Yi because I think Wang Li’s perspective is t narrw. Yes, there are pssible disadvantages with studying abrad, but Chinese students are smart and strng enugh t vercme these. Meanwhile, the rewards fr studying abrad are much greater than any f the disadvantages.
    A Start with a questin r a fact.B State an pinin.C Give reasns and evidence t supprt an pinin D State a cnclusin.
    By Analyzing the argumentative letters, the structure f the passage can be arranged as fllws:
    Writing skills
    Mark the parts f the argument in the letters.
    2. Underline the cnnectrs in the letters. Then study the wrds belw.
    Pint f view:观点 in my pinin 在我看来as far as I knw 据我所知as far as I am cncerned 就我而言persnally(speaking) 就个人而言Summary: 总结 in shrt 总之t sum up 总之all in all 总而言之in cnclusin/summary 总之generally speaking 一般来说
    Restating:重述 in ther wrds 换句话说that is t say 也就是说that means 这意味着
    Cnnectrs expressing pinin 表达观点的连接词
    Listing:清单 t begin with 起初 what’s mre 此外besides 此外mrever 再者in additin 此外Cause & effect: 因果 because 因为 as 因为s 因此thus 因此therefre 因此as a result 因此
    Giving examples:举例 fr example 例如fr instance such as
    Cnnectrs expressing reasns r evidence表达理由或依据的连接词
    Hw t write an argumentatin
    Hw t write the augmentative letters【文体指导】本模块要求写一篇正反观点对比类议论文,写作时应注意下面几点:1.主体结构:本文可分为三部分: 1)开头部分:论点的提出;2)第二部分:使用论据来论证论点;3)第三部分:得出结论或提出解决问题的措施或建议。2.主体时态:常用一般现在时。3.主体人称:议论文常用第三人称。
    Hw t write the augmentative letters1.引出讨论话题(1) a heated discussin abut nt.(2)There have been many reprts f...(3)Peple hld different pinins abut...(4)The reasns fr that are as fllws.2.对比双方观点及陈述理由(1)表达支持的:Sme peple think it...;Sme are in favur f...;Sme supprt...;The majrity f them think...;Many f them are fr...;There are many advantages f...; an imprtant part in...; f vital significance...; a lt frm...

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