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    选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品课件ppt

    这是一份选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品课件ppt,共42页。

    Write an art exhibitin annuncement
    What art frm are they? And what ther frms d yu knw?
    ANCIENT CHINESE ART ON SHOWThe Richfield Museum f Fine Art is prud t present ur new exhibitin,“Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages. ”Jin us as we explre mre than 3,000 years f wnderful art frm the Middle Kingdm. Frm brnze bwls t ceramic vases,and jade sculptures t ink wash paintings,ur gal is t display the Chinese artistic genius frm ancient times. The highlight f this exhibitin is the painting Clearing After Snw n a Muntain Pass,ne f the great wrks f Tang Yin (1470-1524). Brn during the Ming Dynasty,Tang sught and failed t gain entry int the civil service,s he turned t painting instead. In time,he gained recgnitin as ne f the greatest artists China has ever knwn. This painting,shwing high muntains,trees,and huses cvered in snw,was made with extrardinary skill. Thugh it is ver 500 years ld,it lks as fresh and full f life as the day it was created.
    Read the text and discuss fr whm it was written.
    Als f primary nte is a cllectin f nearly 100 brnze bjects frm the Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE -1046 BCE). While the artists wh made these great wrks are nt knwn,they shwed great skill in creating these beautiful pieces. Sme f the items n display are thught t have cme frm the cllectin f Emperr Qianlng (1711-1799),a great admirer f Shang Dynasty brnze. Finally,we have many fine examples f Tang Dynasty (618-907) sculptures. Mst f these are f Buddhist rigin. Even thugh Buddhism entered China much earlier,it did nt really begin t shw expansin until the seventh century. During this same perid,trade alng the Silk Rad als bmed. Chinese sculpture thus fund itself highly influenced by Buddhist art brught frm India and Central Asia thrugh the Silk Rad. These wrks were intended t spread Buddhism and they are f exceptinal beauty and quality. Lking at the faces f the figures in these sculptures,ne sees the faces f the past. Histry is brught t life.
    This is just a small taste f what is in stre fr yu in this exhibitin. We guarantee that“Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages” will transprt yu t anther time with its amazing cllectin f wrks. “Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages” will run until Nvember 25. Opening hurs are frm 9:00 a. m. t 5:00 p. m.,frm Tuesday t Sunday (the museum is clsed n Mndays). N ne will be admitted int the exhibitin after 4:30 p. m. Admissin:$10 fr adults;$8 fr students;$5 fr children under 12;free fr children under 5. N phts r fd and drink are allwed in the museum.
    I think this text was written fr peple wh are interested in art and art histry,and wh enjy visiting museums. It gives infrmatin abut what is n shw,and details f when ne can see the exhibitin,hw much it csts,and what rules there are in the museum.
    Read the text again and cmplete the advertising leaflet belw.
    Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages
    3,000 years
    brnze bjects
    Tang Dynasty sculptures
    be transprted t anther time with its amazing cllectin f wrks
    Nvember 25
    1 Wrk in grups. Brainstrm the details abut the exhibitin and take ntes . Fr example: ·What is the exhibitin abut? ·Where shall yu meet? ·What are the highlights? ·Hw are yu ging t get there? ·When are yu ging? ·What shuld yu bring?
    Yu are nw ging t write an annuncement fr art club members abut a trip t see an exhibitin.
    2  Write yur annuncement based n yur ntes.
    T:Art Club members Frm:J. Turner Subject:On March 15,we will g t see“ Making an Impressin:the Birth f Impressinism”. This exhibitin is abut the beginning f the Impressinist mvement. Its highlights are paintings by Mnet, Manet,and Renir. We will meet at schl at 9 a.m. and take the metr t the museum. Bring yur phne t take pictures and a ntebk fr ntes and sketches. Bring sme mney fr lunch,t.
    Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist t give feedback n yur partner’s draft. √ Is the annuncement clear and t the pint? √ Is all the necessary infrmatin abut the exhibitin and the trip included? √ Des the writer use crrect grammar,punctuatin,and spelling?
    Ⅰ 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. What is the purpse f the exhibitin mentined in the text?A. T present the cllectin f the Richfield Museum f Fine Art.B. T display the Chinese artistic genius frm ancient times.C. T explre mre than 3,000 years f Chinese civilizatin.D. T intrduce Chinese art frm the Sng Dynasty t the Qing Dynasty.2. Which f the fllwing is False abut Tang Yin?A. He was brn during the Ming Dynasty.B. He is ne f the greatest artists China has ever knwn.C. Clearing After Snw n a Muntain Pass is his best wrk.D. The reasn why he turned t painting was that he failed t enter the civil service.
    3. Which is nt included in the exhibitin? A. The painting Clearing After Snw n a Muntain Pass. B. Nearly 100 brnze bjects frm the Shang Dynasty. C. Fine examples f Tang Dynasty sculptures. D. Buddhist art frm India and Central Asia. 4. If Amy(a senir schl student) and her parents want t visit the exhibitin,hw much will they pay? A. $28. B. $25. C. $20. D. $26.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文) A new exhibitin,“Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages” will be n in the Richfield Museum f Fine Art. The items include brnze bwls,ceramic 1     (vase),jade sculptures and ink wash paintings. The gal is 2    (display) the Chinese artistic genius frm ancient times. The highlight f this exhibitin is the painting 3    (call) Clearing After Snw n a Muntain Pass,ne f the great wrks f Tang Yin, 4      gained recgnitin as ne f the 5     (great) artists China has ever knwn. A cllectin f nearly 100 brnze bjects frm the Shang Dynasty is eye-catching as well,sme f which are thught 6       (cme) frm the cllectin f Emperr Qianlng,7 great admirer f Shang Dynasty brnze. Many fine examples f Tang Dynasty sculptures will be 8      display,t. These wrks were intended 9      (spread) Buddhism and they are f exceptinal beauty and quality. The exhibitin will transprt yu t anther time with 10    (it) amazing cllectin f wrks.     
    t have cme
    Language pints
    教材原句p.8The Richfield Museum f Fine Art is prud t present ur new exhibitin... 里奇菲尔德艺术博物馆隆重推出我们的新展……
    1 exhibitin n. 展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演 搭配hld an exhibitin 举办展览会 (be)n exhibitin 在展览中The museum is hlding an exhibitin,where yu will see many wrks by influential artists. 博物馆正在举办一个展览会,在那里你会看到许多有影响力的艺术家的作品。[词汇复现] Lts f yung peple are fnd f this type f car n exhibitin. 很多年轻人喜欢展览中的这款汽车。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)An       (exhibit) marking the 90th anniversary f the funding f ur schl is being put n in ur schl hall. (2)The phtgraphs will be        exhibitin until the end f the mnth. 完成句子(3)I’m delighted t tell yu that ur schl          (正在举办一次展览会), which fcuses n the theme “Science Makes Life n Campus Better”. (4)The paintings         (在展览中) in the gallery are frm the Palace Museum.
    is hlding an exhibitin
    n exhibitin
    教材原句p.8Brn during the Ming Dynasty,Tang sught and failed t gain entry int the civil service... 唐寅生于明朝,一心想要踏入仕途而不得……
    2 entry n. 加入;进入;参与 N Entry. 禁止入内。 Entry t the museum is free. 这座博物馆免费参观。 t be granted/refused entry int the cuntry 准予 /禁止入境 She made her entry t the sund f thunderus applause. 她在雷鸣般的掌声中上了场。[词汇复现] Hw did the thieves gain entry int the building? 窃贼是怎样进入大楼的? 【词语积累】 enter v. 进入             entrance n. 入口the entrance t... ……的入口/ 门口(t是介词)
    单句语法填空(1)T my surprise,the entrance        the mine was clsed. 选词填空(enter/entry/entrance) (2)The children were surprised by the sudden        f their teacher. (3)China has        int a new age f develpment and has refreshed her image hme and abrad. (4)The glass drs have taken the place f the wden nes at the       ,letting in the natural light during the day.
    教材原句p.8In time,he gained recgnitin as ne f the greatest artists China has ever knwn. 最终,他被公认是中国历史上最伟大的艺术家之一。
    3 recgnitin n. 承认;认出;赞誉 搭配:beynd recgnitin 认不出来I went back t my hmetwn after 20 years and the city had changed beynd recgnitin. 20 年后我回到了家乡,这个城市已经变得认不出来了。【词语积累】 recgnize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认 be recgnized t be... 被认为是…… It is recgnized that... 人们公认…… English idims are recgnized t be the mst challenging. = It is recgnized that English idims are the mst challenging. 人们一致认为英语习语是最困难的。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)The film star wears sunglasses. Therefre, he can g shpping withut___________       (recgnize). (2)I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed        recgnitin. 句型转换(3)It is recgnized that nthing is mre imprtant than green grass and clean water. → ________________________________________________________________________
    being recgnized
    Nthing is recgnized t be mre imprtant than green grass and clean water.
    教材原句p.8 did nt really begin t shw expansin until the seventh century. ……直到七世纪它才真正开始广泛传播。
    4 expansin n. 扩张;扩展;扩大The cmpany is cnfident f further expansin. 公司对进一步扩展充满信心。The bk is an expansin f a series f lectures given last year. 本书是去年举行的一系列讲座的扩充。【词语积累】 expand v. 扩大,扩展,发展We’ve expanded the business by pening tw mre stres. 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。
    单句语法填空(1)At present,the number f students        (expand) rapidly. (2)A child’s vcabulary       (expand) by reading far and wide. (3)The cmpany has adpted effective measures. As a result,it will see a perid f rapid ecnmic       (expand) this year.
    is expanding
    教材原句p.8These wrks were intended t spread Buddhism and they are f exceptinal beauty and quality.这些作品的目的是传播佛教,它们都精美绝伦,品质非凡。
    5 be intended t d... 目的是做…… He thinks eating alne is intended t relax neself. 他认为一人用餐的目的是放松自我。【归纳拓展】 intend sb. t d sth. 打算让某人做某事be intended fr 专为……准备/ 设计的intend t d/ding sth. 打算/ 想要做某事The headmaster intended Jim t deliver a speech in frnt f the whle schl. 校长打算让吉姆在全校师生面前做演讲。The bk is intended fr experts in animatin. 这本书是给动画专家看的。[词汇复现] They intend t launch a campaign t raise mney. 他们打算发起一场募捐活动。It is intended that all new emplyees will receive apprpriate training. 按计划所有新员工都要接受适当的培训。
    【误区警示】 had intended t d sth./intended t have dne sth. 意为“本打算做某事”,表示过去未曾实现的愿望。Peter had intended t take(= intended t have taken) a jb in business, but abandned that plan later. 彼得原本想在商界找份工作,但是后来放弃了那个计划。
    单句语法填空(1)The chair was intended        yu,but she tk it away. (2)The writer clearly intends his readers      (identify) with the main character. (3)We finished later than we         (intend). (4)It is intended        prductin will start at the end f the mnth. (5)It astnishes me that the bk       (intend) fr children under 12 is nw being used t educate adults. 完成句子(6)这种自行车是专为过高的人设计的。This kind f bicycle             peple wh are t tall.
    t identify
    had intended
    is intended fr
    教材原句p.8Lking at the faces f the figures in these sculptures,ne sees the faces f the past. Histry is brught t life. 看着这些雕塑中人物的脸部,(你)可以看到过去的面貌。历史“复活”了。
    6 life 赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来The gifted perfrmer brught the ld dance t life. 这位天才的表演者使这个古老的舞蹈复活了。[词汇复现] The new teacher really brught French t life fr us. 新来的老师给我们把法语讲得生动活泼。 【学法点拨】 t life 意为“使复活”,及物,可用于被动语态cme(back)t life 意为“苏醒”,不及物,不可用于被动语态He came back t life with the help f the dctr. 在医生的帮助下他苏醒过来。
    完成句子(1)[词汇复现]We managed t        the victim       (使……苏醒过来). (2)Only by wrking hard                   (我们才能使我们的家乡恢复生机). (3)When he               (苏醒过来),he fund himself in a hspital bed,surrunded by his family and friends.
    back t life
    can we bring ur hmetwn back t life
    came(back) t life
    教材原句p.8 We guarantee that “Frm Shang t Qing:Chinese Art Thrugh the Ages”... 我们保证“从商朝到清朝:中国历代艺术”……
    7 guarantee vt. & n.  ( 1)vt. 保证;确保;肯定……必然发生;提供(产品)保修单(免费 更换或修理有问题的产品) guarantee t d sth. 保证做某事搭配guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人获得某物 be guaranteed t d sth. 肯定会做某事,必定会做某事Take it easy! We guarantee t deliver yur gds within a week. 放心吧! 我们保证一周内交货。Even if yu cmplete yur training,I can’t guarantee yu a jb. 即使你完成了培训,我也不能保证你能有工作。(2)n. 保证;保修单;担保物搭配:under guarantee 在保修期内We give a guarantee f ur prduct. 我们对产品的质量提供保证。 Quality is ur cmmitment t yu,and als the guarantee f ur reputatin. 质量是我们对您的承诺,也是我们信誉的保证。[词汇复现] Is yur TV under guarantee? 你的电视在保修期内吗?
    单句语法填空 (1)The fridge       (guarantee)fr ne year. It means that the cmpany prmises t repair r replace it if it breaks within a year. (2)That kind f behaviur is guaranteed       (make) him angry. (3)The shp said they wuld replace the televisin since it was still        guarantee. 完成句子(4)If yu send the applicatin frm in straight away,I can _______________________________                 (保证你获得一个面试的机会). (5)My watch is still         (在保修期内),s they’ll repair it fr free.
    is guaranteed
    guarantee yu an interview
    under guarantee
    教材原句p.8Sme f the items n display are thught t have cme frm the cllectin f Emperr Qianlng... 部分展品被认为是来自乾隆皇帝的收藏品……
    【句式分析】句中 be thught t 意为“被认为……”,其中不定式使 用了完成式,表示该动作先于主句谓语动词的动作发生。1 be thught t 被认为…… 可以转换为It is thught that... 结构。不定式根据情况可用一般式、进行式或完成式。Tang Yin is thught t be ne f the greatest artists in China. = It is thught that Tang Yin is ne f the greatest artists in China. 唐寅被认为是中国最伟大的艺术家之一。
    【归纳拓展】 下面的句型可以转换为“Sb. + be + 动词过去分词+ t d...”结构: It is said that... 据说…… It is believed that... 人们相信…… It is reprted that... 据报道…… It is cnsidered that... 大家认为…… It is suppsed that... 据推测…… It is said that he has written a new bk abut symphny. = He is said t have written a new bk abut symphny. 据说他写了一本有关交响乐的新书。[词汇复现] 【误区警示】 It is hped that... 不能转换成Sb. is hped t d... 结构。
    单句语法填空(1)The manager is said       (arrive) back frm Paris where he met sme Eurpean business partners. (2)She is believed       (tell) a lie because her wrds dn’t agree with her actin. (3)[词汇复现]The fire is reprted        (expand) at present,fr the wind is quite strng. (4)The turist destinatin is cnsidered      (be) ne f the mst attractive places in China. (5)It is believed        human beings can walk in the universe in spaceships in the future. (6)        is generally thught that reading is as much an art as it is a science. 句型转换(7)It is said that Jhn is ne f the best teachers in the schl. →___________________________________________________________________________                
    t have arrived
    t have tld
    t be expanding
    Jhn is said t be ne f the best teachers in the schl.
    教材原句p.8Even thugh Buddhism entered China much earlier... 尽管佛教传入中国为时更早……
    2 even thugh 即使,虽然(=even if) Even thugh he suffered frm a lt f difficulties,he never gave in. 尽管经历许多困难,但他从不屈服。Even if yu take a taxi,yu’ll still miss yur train. 即使乘出租车,你还是赶不上火车。【学法点拨】 even thugh/if 引导让步状语从句,如果主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。Even if I fail this time,I will try again. 即使这次失败了,我还要再试试。 【归纳拓展】 as if/thugh 好像,仿佛(引导方式状语从句或表语从句) They stared at me as if I was crazy.他们盯着我,就像看疯子一样。 It lks as if it’s ging t rain. 天看起来好像要下雨。
    选词填空(even if/as if) (1)There is little cnnectin between the tw bys        they lk much alike. (2)[词汇复现]There are cuntless fallen leaves        they were a red carpet cvering the grund. 完成句子(3)即使你可能会失败,你也应该尽最大努力去完成你的工作。 ________________________________, yu shuld try yur best t finish yur wrk.
    Even thugh/if yu might fail
    教材原句p.8Chinese sculpture thus fund itself highly influenced by Buddhist art brught frm India and Central Asia thrugh the Silk Rad. 中国雕塑因此深受经丝绸之路从印度和中亚传来的佛教艺术的影响。
    【句式分析】句中谓语动词 fund 后接反身代词 itself 作宾语,过去 分词短语作宾语补足语,构成“动词+ 复合宾语”结构。 3 find + 宾语+ 宾语补足语 发现……处于……状态 过去分词(表示被动或动作已完成) 现在分词(表示主动或动作正在进行) find + n./prn. + 副词介词短语形容词T my surprise,I fund the exhibitin ver. 让我惊讶的是,我发现展览结束了。She returned t England,nly t find herself famus. 她回到英国,发现自己竟出名了。
    【学法点拨】 find 后可接it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语放在后面,构成“find it+ 宾语补足语+t d...”结构。With the wrld becming a glbal village,I find it necessary t have a gd cmmand f English. 随着世界变成一个地球村,我发现精通英语是有必要的。
    单句语法填空(1)When he arrived,he fund all the wrk       (finish). (2)Just the next mrning,I fund my mther nt       (feel) well. (3)Jane fund       (her)in a different wrld. (4)[词汇复现]When preparing fr the English speech cntest,I fund        very challenging t cllect infrmatin and use language precisely. 完成句子(5)                   (我发现父亲坐在他的椅子里),cmpletely absrbed in a magazine. (6)[2018·浙江卷]The mment I stepped ff the plane                 (我发现钱包不见了). It must have been left n the flight.
    I fund my father sitting in his chair
    I fund my purse gne
    【句式分析】句中 f exceptinal beauty and quality 为“f + 抽象名 词”结构作表语。4 “f+ 名词”结构“ f + 名词”结构可在句中作表语、后置定语和宾语补足语。该结 构可分为两类: ( 1)不能转化为形容词的:该结构用来说明主语在重量、大小、颜色 等方面的特征。这类名词有clur,age,size,shape,weight,height, kind,type,price,quality 等,名词前可用a(n),the same,different 等修饰。The tw bks are f the same clur but they are f different sizes. 这两本书颜色相同,但大小不一样。Wang cllected mre than 7 millin abandned bricks f different ages. 王收集了700 多万块不同年代的废弃砖。[2018·全国Ⅲ卷]
    ( 2)能转化为形容词的:be f + 抽象名词 = be + 该抽象名词的同根 形容词;名词前可用great,much,little,any,sme,n 等修饰。
    单句语法填空(1)The way that he had thught f t deal with the prblem was f great       (imprtant). (2)[2018·浙江卷]I treasure this as a gd chance and it is        benefit t me in many ways. 句型转换(3)His pinin is cnsidered t be f great value. →                   . 完成句子(4)Yur guidance and suggestins                    (对我很有帮助) and I’m lking frward t yur early reply. (5)[词汇复现]These tw vases          (价格相同) but they _______________                  (质量不同).
    His pinin is cnsidered t be very valuable.
    are f great help t me/are very helpful t me
    are f the same price
    are f different quality

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品ppt课件,文件包含Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课件pptx、Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课时练习解析版docx、Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课时练习原卷版docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品课件ppt,文件包含Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课件pptx、Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课时练习教师版docx、Unit1ArtUsingLanguage课时练习学生版docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction完美版ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction完美版ppt课件,共13页。PPT课件主要包含了Free talk,Lead in,Scanning, Para 1, Para 2, Para 4,actions,emotions,feelings,as before等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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