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小学英语人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.Lesson 2教案
这是一份小学英语人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.Lesson 2教案,共4页。
课题Lesson 2课型新授 授课人 课时 1课时备课时间 授课时间 教学目标知识与技能:1.能够在真实的环境中表达自己有的东西,理解、会说I have a new... Me too.2.能够听、说、认、读有关学习用品的单词:textbook, storybook 3.能够将所学知识融入到生活中。学习表示所属关系的拥有(have)句型和一些物品词汇,并能用所学知识进行交流.过程与方法:通过情景教学法使学生理解并会初步运用本课的单词和句子、通过游戏法、合作交流法来巩固本课的单词和句子。情感态度与价值观:通过对本节课内容的学习,使学生乐于交流,通过交际表达团结友爱。教学重点:1、能够在真实的环境中表达自己有的东西为话题理解、会说I have a new…Me too.2、能够听、说、认、读有关学习用品的单词:textbook, storybook 3.能够将所学知识融入到生活中。学习表示所属关系的拥有(have)句型和一些物品词汇,并能用所学知识进行交流.教学难点:1.语音知识 :oo读/u/和oo读/u:/的区别。2.词汇知识:合成词:storybook, textbook 突破方法:给学生创设真实语境、等方法来突破重点,通过同桌、小组合作交流、表演来突破难点。教法与学法愉快教学法、情景教学法、活动学法教学准备:单词卡片,学习用品,PPT等教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-upGreetings.T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again.(“Nice to see you again.” just learned in Lesson One)Ss: Hello, Miss xxx! Glad to see you again.T: Today we will learn Lesson Two. Lesson Two. (repeat)First, let’s sing a song together, OK?Ss: OK.Sing a song Let’s go to school
2.复习第一课的单词和对话,学生小组对话练习。设计意图:通过PPT演示图片,请学生说单词和句子已达到复习旧知的目的。Step 2 Presentation新学期来了,来吧,向同学们展示一下新学期买的新东西吧!Look! I have a new …2. Let’s guess.猜一猜 You have a new …通过游戏引出新单词3.学习新单词及句型(1) textbooka. Teacher lifts a new English book and says: I have a new textbook. Then, teacher lifts a new Chinese book and says: I have a new textbook. Lift a maths book and say the same sentence. Teacher can ask: Can you guess what textbook it is? Some students (who previews the dialogue) will answer it. Teacher repeats the answer:教科书. At the same time, teacher lifts a Chinese book, an English book and a maths book separately and repeats “textbook” several times. Students read the word together one by one. In the process of learning, teacher should focus on the pronunciation of “text”.设计意图:激发学生兴趣,以学生为主,扩展语言渠道b. Teacher writes “textbook.” on the blackboard with students spelling it with their fingers: t-e-x-t-b-o-o-k. Students spell and read it together and one by one.c. Teacher lifts a new textbook and says: I have a new textbook. (New term begins, students all have new textbooks.) Then, students speak out textbook together one by one with holding own textbook. (Practice 2-3 groups.)(2) storybookWhen finished, teacher shows a new storybook and asks: Look! I have a new storybook, do you have it?Students: Yes, I have a new storybook.(学生拿着故事书说)T: Good! storybook, storybook… ( in a high voice and in a low voice.) Teacher should focus on the pronunciation of story. After several times, teacher can let some students to repeat. Then, contrast between textbook and storybook to help students understanding.Learn storybook in the same way.4.Speak the chant:textbook, textbook, I have a textbook. storybook, storybook, I have a storybook.Step 3. PracticeWatch the videoSs read the dialogue after the teacher one sentence by one.3. Practice and act out the dialogue in pairs.4. Make up a new dialogue.Step 4. Production1.Let’s chant. Watch the video of “chant” twice and sing after it.2.Let’s play a game .(接龙游戏)3.Let’s do some exercises.设计意图:(教师可以向学生提供语言环境,丰富学生语言表达空间)Homework 1. Say the chant for your parents or friends. (Must do )2. Make a new chant on your own or with your classmates. (Choose do ) 板书设计: Lesson2 textbook Hi, … I have a new textbook. storybook Oh, good! Can I see it?Sure. Here you are 课后小记:
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