Colleges today often operate as machines for putting too many opportunities before already advantaged people. Our educational system focuses too much on helping students take the next step. But it does not give them adequate ___1___ in thinking about the substance of the lives toward which they are advancing. Many institutions today have ___2___ that it is an essential part of education to teach the young the art of choosing, and to train them to use ___3___ to decide which efforts deserve the investment of their lives.
We spent many years teaching on a college campus, trying to help students struggling with their confusion. Eventually, we sought to address this problem ___4___, by designing a course intended to introduce the young to the art of choosing. The course begins with Plato’s “Gorgias” — a messy dialogue that turns on a(n) ___5___ over whether the pursuit of virtue or of pleasure is the way to a good life. The dialogue ends ___6___; no one is satisfied. But with remarkable regularity, it ___7___ the kind of thinking that students need to better understand the choices that shape their lives.
Students’ first reaction to the “Gorgias” is disbelief, sometimes even horror. It is the dialogue’s ___8___ that alarms them: the idea that we can seriously argue about what represents the human good. Everything in their education has led them to believe that such arguments cannot bear fruit.
Most students are ___9___ to discover this art of choosing. Learning to reason about happiness is as delightful as discovering that one’s voice can be made to sing. Why, then, do institutions ____10____ teach it? In some cases, intelligence members are encouraged to ____11____ specialized research rather than thinking about the good life. In others, they share the belief that feeling is a more ____12____ guide to happiness than the mind.
Colleges should self-consciously prioritize initiating students into a culture of ____13____ reflection on how to live. Doing so will hold them ____14____ performing their proper work: helping young people learn to give reasons for the choices that shape their lives and to ____15____ about the ends they pursue.
1.A.assistance B.protection C.recognition D.treatment
2.A.forgotten B.promised C.repeated D.responded
3.A.determination B.imagination C.memory D.reason
4.A.controversially B.effortlessly C.resistantly D.systematically
5.A.argument B.lecture C.performance D.session
6.A.automatically B.inconclusively C.indirectly D.unnecessarily
7.A.abuses B.awakens C.demonstrates D.echoes
8.A.assumption B.pattern C.progress D.variation
9.A.grateful B.quick C.reluctant D.shocked
10.A.commonly B.effectively C.rarely D.strictly
11.A.direct B.emphasize C.review D.sponsor
12.A.detailed B.formal C.qualified D.reliable
13.A.logical B.moral C.spiritual D.theoretical
14.A.eager for B.patient with C.responsible for D.skilled at
15.A.complain B.experiment C.question D.reflect
“A revolutionary approach on how to connect our world without being super-weird... In the Iceland-verse, there’s... skies you can see with your eyeballs, volcanic rocks you can caress, and really big geysers (间歇泉) you can observe from a safe distance.” So ____16____ a viral advertisement designed to lure tourists to Iceland. The target of the parody (滑稽的模仿) is Mark Zuckerberg in ____17____, and Silicon Valley in general, for whom the idea of the “metaverse (元宇宙)” — a sort of 3d sequel (续集) to today’s two-dimensional internet, in which users work, play, buy and sell inside immersive virtual worlds- has become the latest Next Big Thing.
Iceland’s tourist board is not the only ____18____. When, on October 28th, Mr. Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta Platforms, to signal his ____19____ to the new idea, many assumed it was a PR stunt (公关伎俩) to divert attention from the social-media giant’s scandals. Mr. Zuckerberg may well prefer to think about exciting new products than deal with the downsides of his existing ones. And exaggerated advertising is the water in which techies swim. ____20____, to stop the analysis there would be too dismissive. There are good reasons to take the metaverse seriously.
One is historical: as computers have become more capable, the ____21____ that they generate have become richer. The internet began its life displaying nothing more exciting than white text on a black background. Flat ____22____ were added in the 1990s. Video came to dominate in the 2010s. Therefore, a(n) ____23____ into three dimensions is a logical consequence of the steady growth in computing power.
That progression is more than merely ____24____. The video-game industry has been selling virtual worlds for years. “Ever Quest”, an online game launched in 1999, had half a million subscribers ______25______. (Players quickly co-opted (选择) it for socializing, and even ______26______, as well as dragon-slaying.) “World of Warcraft,” which arrived five years later, ______27______ 12 million, with many players spend their real money on virtual goods. It is hard to argue that an idea will never ______28______ when, for millions of people, it already has.
Finally, mockers (嘲笑) is a(n) ______29______ guide to the future. When YouTube was launched in 2005, commentators wondered why anyone would what to watch spotty teenagers filming themselves in their bedrooms. The two decades, online dating has taken its place as a perfectly normal way to meet people. Smartphones are some of the bestselling devices ever built. In the 1990s their brick-sized predecessors were considered ridiculous status symbols for insecure investment bankers.
This does not mean every Silicon Valley brainwave will automatically succeed. Nor does it mean a fully grown metaverse will arrive overnight. But it does suggest that something metaverse — ______30______ lying in the relatively near future is an idea worth taking seriously.
16.A.imagines B.runs C.launches D.concerns
17.A.essence B.existence C.particular D.doubt
18.A.participant B.subscriber C.enthusiast D.sceptic
19.A.commitment B.contribution C.integration D.exposure
20.A.Indeed B.Likewise C.However D.Otherwise
21.A.challenges B.prospects C.calculations D.experiences
22.A.images B.dialogues C.charts D.expressions
23.A.urge B.move C.motion D.proof
24.A.fundamental B.theoretical C.foreseeable D.futuristic
25.A.on its basis B.under its charge C.as its peak D.at best
26.A.competitions B.simulations C.outings D.weddings
27.A.hit B.listed C.fit D.occurred
28.A.bring about B.catch on C.die out D.settle down
29.A.inaccessible B.unparalleled C.unattainable D.unreliable
30.A.fueled B.equipped C.attached D.shaped
Stephen Hawking remembered by his research student
Stephen was not so famous when I began my PhD at Cambridge in 1972, but his brilliance was already clear to his peers. On becoming his research student, I found it rather discouraging when I was informed by one of my tutors that Stephen was the brightest person in the department. _____31_____, it soon became evident that my relationship with him would not be the usual type of supervisor-student relationship. In those days, before he had his caretakers’ group of nurses and assistants, students would necessarily have to help him in various ways_____32_____ his disability. This was not an tough task, but it did mean that my relationship with him became quite _____33_____. Indeed, I shared an office with him, lived with his family for a while and _____34_____ him as he travelled around the world, giving talks and collecting medals.
I soon discovered some of Stephen’s unique _____35_____. The first, of course, was that he was very smart. Students are probably always in respect of their supervisors and with Stephen the respect was even greater. Indeed, on matters of physics, I always regarded him as an oracle(圣人), just a few words from him generating insights that would have taken weeks to_____36_____on my own. However, Stephen was only human and not all encounters led to inspiration. Once I asked a question about something that was _____37_____ me. He thought about it silently. His eyes then closed and I was even more impressed with myself because he was clearly having to think about it very deeply. Only after some time did it become clear that he had fallen asleep. Nowadays, I also sometimes fall asleep while talking to students, so I recall this incident with _____38_____.
I also learned about Stephen’s stubbornness and _____39_____ to continue doing things for himself as long as possible, despite the continuous progress of his illness. For example, because he had an office in both the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics and the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge, I also had offices in both places. I recall that he sometimes gave me a lift (probably illegally!) between the two places in his three-wheeled invalid car. I found this rather ______40______ because I thought he drove faster than was safe. Later, he had to discontinue the use of the car but he never lost his drive and the desire to travel as far and wide as possible. One ______41______ is he didn’t live long enough to achieve his dream of going into space.
I’m often asked where Stephen stands in the pantheon(名流群) of great physicists. There are many ways of being a great physicist and they cannot be ______42______ like runners in an Olympic race. Stephen himself never ______43______ to have the status of Newton or Einstein, but I strongly disagree with people who suggest that his scientific contributions have been ______44______ because of his symbolic status. His disability was clearly a factor in his becoming so famous, but I doubt any other ______45______ physicist will achieve the honor of being buried next to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey after his death.
31.A.Otherwise B.Nevertheless C.Moreover D.Therefore
32.A.in process of B.on account of C.in possession of D.accounting for
33.A.familiar B.similar C.close D.related
34.A.accompanied B.served C.treated D.entertained
35.A.habits B.habitats C.tempers D.characteristics
36.A.work out B.pick out C.put out D.lay out
37.A.bothering B.puzzling C.disordering D.suffering
38.A.amazement B.amusement C.disappointment D.astonishment
39.A.innovation B.evolution C.determination D.imagination
40.A.fairy B.chilly C.scary D.worthy
41.A.sympathy B.dream C.doubt D.regret
42.A.leveled B.classified C.ranked D.awarded
43.A.claimed B.appealed C.fastened D.applied
44.A.outnumbered B.emphasized C.outlined D.overstated
45.A.optimistic B.potential C.positive D.contemporary
Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherited need to _____46_____ uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will _____47_____ to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will hurt.
In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested students’ willingness to _____48_____themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one experiment, each _____49_____was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would deliver an electric shock when _____50_____. Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified; Another 27 were told only that some were electrified. _____51_____ left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would _____52_____. Consequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, such as the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of horrible insects.
The drive to _____53_____ is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for food or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct — it can _____54_____ new scientific advances, for instance — but sometimes such ______55______ can backfire. The instinct that curiosity can drive you to do self-destructive things is a tragic one. Unhealthy curiosity is possible to ______56______, however. In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to ______57______ how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to ______58______ to see such an image. These results suggest that imagining the ______59______ of following through on one’s curiosity ahead of time can help determine whether it is worth the efforts. “Thinking about long-term ______60______ is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity.” Hsee says. In other words, don’t read online comments.
46.A.address B.protect C.discuss D.ignore
47.A.refuse B.wait C.seek D.regret
48.A.alert B.tie C.treat D.expose
49.A.messenger B.participant C.candidate D.applicant
50.A.removed B.weakened C.clicked D.interrupted
51.A.Unless B.If C.Though D.When
52.A.happen B.continue C.disappear D.change
53.A.disagree B.forgive C.forget D.discover
54.A.begin with B.rest on C.learn from D.lead to
55.A.withdrawal B.inquiry C.persistence D.diligence
56.A.resist B.define C.replace D.trace
57.A.predict B.overlook C.design D.conceal
58.A.remember B.choose C.promise D.pretend
59.A.relief B.plan C.outcome D.duty
60.A.limitations B.investments C.strategies D.consequences
With vigorous promotion and extensive participation over the past two years, waste sorting is a new trend that has reshaped the image of campuses across Beijing.
“In the past, sanitation workers sorted the garbage next to the trash cans near the dormitory, ____61____ a disgusting odor. On windy days, the trash was blown everywhere and we always ____62____ around it with our hands covering our noses,” says Sun Jiajing, a sophomore at Beijing Forestry University. “Now, we are more active in classifying waste.”
Since a revised guideline on household waste disposal in Beijing was ____63____ on May 1, 2020, many students have seen their campuses take on a new look that is more pleasant, tidy and appealing.
At Beijing Forestry University, about one in four students are trash-sorting volunteers.
In the Beijing No 20 High School, bins to recycle waste are placed on each floor and students on duty will set their wits to turning trash into ____64____.
“I received training on trash classification before taking on the role as head of the trash-sorting station. My job is to remind everyone to classify waste and recycle to the best ____65____,” says Ding Shuyi, a student at the school.
As China pushes ____66____ the “double reduction” education policy, which aims to ease the burden of ____67____ homework and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students, understanding of waste sorting has been fused into academic teaching via various innovative approaches.
“Our Chinese teachers encourage students to write poetries ____68____ on waste classification, math teachers lead them to do math on topics such as water conservation, while our music teachers choreographed a ‘waste sorting’ dance with the students,” says Zuo Chunyun, principal of a primary school in the suburban Tongzhou district of the capital.
Zuo adds that students in senior classes will join trash-sorting projects and map out ____69____ in the form of handwritten newspapers and mind maps. Decorations made from recycled materials are exhibited in the school’s corridors.
The same scene can be seen in Qianjin Primary School, Haidian district. “Garbage can be turned into _____70_____,” says Wang Liping, the principal. “We have raised 100,000 yuan ($15,760) of charity funds by encouraging students and their parents to recycle waste, and the money was used to purchase movie screens for schools in Hotan, Xinjiang.”
According to Liu Jianguo, a professor at Tsinghua University, the implementation of garbage sorting depends on the _____71_____ participation and unremitting efforts of society, which is conducive to the_____72_____ of social civilization.
“Wide participation of students and school staff will help promote garbage sorting to become a new fashion in society,” adds Liu.
Official data shows that over 90 percent of the residents in Beijing have participated in waste classification, and about 85 percent can _____73_____ categorize the garbage. But still, relevant departments are _____74_____ to further raise the ratio.
“Our next move will be more precise supervision of groups that did _____75_____ poorer jobs in sorting out garbage,” says a staffer with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Management.
61.A.smelling B.generating C.eliminating D.generalizing
62.A.skirted B.migrated C.flew D.hung
63.A.proposed B.celebrated C.implemented D.issued
64.A.action B.cash C.garbage D.waste
65.A.extent B.element C.extension D.initiative
66.A.forward B.around C.roughly D.blindly
67.A.decisive B.excessive C.inclusive D.academic
68.A.scheduled B.integrated C.proposed D.themed
69.A.instructions B.distributions C.solutions D.anticipations
70.A.sources B.supplies C.demands D.resources
71.A.intensive B.aggressive C.successive D.extensive
72.A.promotion B.intervention C.addition D.communication
73.A.accurately B.narrowly C.broadly D.scarcely
74.A.participating B.supervising C.striving D.negotiating
75.A.fantastically B.relatively C.deliberately D.densely
It is early days for the idea that toys shaped humanity, but Felix Riede, at Aarhus University in Denmark, and his colleagues recently published a paper outlining some interesting case studies. ___76___, examining the records of communities living in Greenland from around 4500 years ago, they found that the early colonisers ___77___ toys and also showed little innovation in their material culture, but the Thule, who migrated into Greenland around 800 years ago, had many tiny objects that appear to have been designed specifically for child’s ___78___, including toy weapons and dolls. Their appearance seemed to coincide with an explosion of new adult technologies, such as advanced designs for boats and elaborate clothes. The records aren’t ___79___ enough to determine which emerged first, the toys or the advanced technology, but Riede thinks the two may have grown together, with the richer material culture inspiring new play objects, which ___80___ equipped the young minds for further innovation.
The team also points to sites in Western Cape, South Africa, dating back 60,000 to 80,000 years ago. Analyses of rocks show that children were imitating the adults’ stone striking, producing ___81___ useless copies of real tools. This “play-copying” again seems to coincide with new technologies, including the first arrowheads, suggesting that the childhood games might have ___82___ greater cultural innovation.
It is the invention of the wheel, however, that offers the most persuasive ___83___ for Riede’s idea. The oldest evidence of wheeled vehicles suggests that the technology ___84___ around 5500 years ago, across western Eurasia – in the northern Caucasus, Mesopotamia and central and northern Europe. But some two centuries beforehand, we ___85___ small models of animals with holes drilled through their feet for an axle (车轴), and ceramic (陶瓷) discs that served as wheels. But given their ___86___ and the fact that small animals are playthings in many modern cultures, Riede believes that they were toys. “You could easily call them quite cute,” he says.
If so, like any kid with a train set today, children playing with those toys would have been exploring the ___87___ of spinning motion. They might have used their toys to carry various objects, and practised different ways of driving them – from the front or the back, or letting them roll down a slope. They might even have ___88___ wheels of different sizes, or made from different materials to see different results. As the children grew up, those same ___89___ would have helped them make the cognitive leap necessary to imagine a wagon, but a society that lacked those toys would have ___90___ to think of a workable design.
76.A.What’s more B.In other words C.For instance D.As a matter of fact
77.A.designed B.understood C.deserted D.lacked
78.A.learning B.play C.care D.health
79.A.up-to-date B.related C.equivalent D.accurate
80.A.on average B.in turn C.in theory D.on demand
81.A.equally B.economically C.functionally D.socially
82.A.inspired B.normalized C.resisted D.applied
83.A.proposal B.support C.victory D.model
84.A.exploded B.decreased C.emerged D.matured
85.A.imagine B.make C.present D.see
86.A.time B.size C.shape D.use
87.A.mechanics B.studies C.periods D.contents
88.A.depended upon B.distinguished between C.experimented with D.searched for
89.A.playmates B.motions C.materials D.skills
90.A.struggled B.preferred C.wanted D.prepared
1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是对于他们所走向的道路上重要的部分,教育却没有提供足够的帮助来引导他们思考。A. assistance帮助;B. protection保护;C. recognition识别;D. treatment对待,治疗。根据前文“Our educational system focuses too much on helping students take the next step.”中的提示词“helping”可知,此处教育未能帮助学生去思考生活的本质,故选A。
2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如今很多机构已经忘记了,教育重要的部分是教会年轻人选择的艺术以及培养他们如何用理智来决定哪些努力值得他们的付出。A. forgotten忘记;B. promised承诺;C. repeated重复;D. responded回复,回应。根据前文“But it does not give them adequate 1 in thinking about the substance of the lives toward which they are advancing.”可知,此处指很多机构忘记了去教会年轻人选择,教会他们用理性来决定他们的付出,故选A。
3.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. determination决心;B. imagination想象力;C. memory记忆力;D. reason理智,道理。根据空前“and to train them to use”可知,此处指培训他们用理智来决定他们的付出,故选D。
4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终,我们设法系统地解决了这个问题,通过设计一门专为年轻人介绍选择的艺术的课程。A. controversially有争议地;B. effortlessly轻松地,毫不费力地;C. resistantly反抗地;D. systematically系统地。根据后文“by designing a course intended to introduce the young to the art of choosing.”可知,此处指系统地解决了这个问题,故选D。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这门课程以柏拉图的“高尔吉斯”开始,它是一段混乱的对话,开启了关于“通向好生活的方式到底是道德的追求还是快乐的追求”的讨论。A. argument讨论,争议;B. lecture演讲,讲座;C. performance表演;D. session一段时间,会议。根据空后“over whether the pursuit of virtue or of pleasure is the way to a good life.”可知,此处指开启了关于此话题的讨论,故选A。
6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这次对话没有结果;没有人满意。A. automatically自动地;B. inconclusively没有结论地,非决定性地;C. indirectly直接地;D. unnecessarily非必要地。根据后文“no one is satisfied.”可知,此处指这次对话没有结论,故选B。
7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是有规律的是,它唤醒了这种想法,学生需要更好地了解塑造他们生活的选择。A. abuses滥用;B. awakens唤醒;C. demonstrates证明;D. echoes回响,附和。根据后文“It is the dialogue’s 8 that alarms them: the idea that we can seriously argue about what represents the human good.”可知,此处之后它唤醒了学生需要更好地了解自己选择的这种想法,故选B。
8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:正是这种对话的设想提醒了他们:我们能认真地讨论什么代表着人性的善良的这种想法。A. assumption设想,假设;B. pattern模式;C. progress进步;D. variation变异,变化。根据后文“the idea that we can seriously argue about what represents the human good.”可知,此处指对话的这个设想,想法提醒了他们,故选A。
9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学生很感激去发现选择的这种艺术。A. grateful感激的,感谢的;B. quick快速的;C. reluctant勉强的,不情愿的;D. shocked震惊的。根据后文“Learning to reason about happiness is as delightful as discovering that one’s voice can be made to sing.”可知,此处指学生很感激发现这种选择的艺术,故选A。
10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:那么,为什么机构很少去教授呢?A. commonly常见地,通常地;B. effectively有效果地;C. rarely罕见地,很少地;D. strictly严格地。根据前文“Many institutions today have 2 that it is an essential part of education to teach the young the art of choosing, and to train them to use 3 to decide which efforts deserve the investment of their lives.”可知,此处指机构很少去教授学生选择的艺术,故选C。
11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一些情况下,鼓励情报人员强调专业的研究,而不是去思考生活的好处。A. direct指导;B. emphasize强调;C. review检查;D. sponsor赞助。根据空后“specialized research rather than thinking about the good life.”可知,此处指强调专业的研究,而不强调思考的重要性,故选B。
12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在其他情况下,他们有着共同的想法,比起头脑,感觉是通向幸福的更可靠的指导。A. detailed详细的;B. formal正式的;C. qualified合格的;D. reliable可靠的。根据前文“In some cases, intelligence members are encouraged to 11 specialized research rather than thinking about the good life. In others, they share the belief that feeling is a more”可知,此处指在一些情况下,强调了研究的重要性,但在另一些情况下,就强调的是感觉的重要性,故此处指感觉是更可靠的指导,故选D。
13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大学应该自觉地优先考虑让学生开始富有逻辑地去思考该怎样生活。A. logical富有逻辑的;B. moral具有道德的;C. spiritual精神上的;D. theoretical理论上的。根据后文“Doing so will hold them 14 performing their proper work: helping young people learn to give reasons for the choices that shape their lives and to 15 about the ends they pursue.”可知,此处指让学生逻辑性地去思考该如何生活,故选A。
14.考查形容词短语词义辨析。句意:这样做能让他们为自己的本职工作负责:帮助年轻人学会理性地对待塑造他们生活的选择,帮助他们反思所追求的目标。A. eager for对……渴望的;B. patient with对……有耐心的;C. responsible for对……有责任的,负责的;D. skilled at对……擅长的。根据空后“performing their proper work: helping young people learn to give reasons for the choices that shape their lives and to 15 about the ends they pursue.”可知,此处指教会大学生为自己的工作负责,故选C。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. complain抱怨;B. experiment做实验;C. question质疑;D. reflect反思。根据上文“ learn to give reasons for the choices that shape their lives ”可知,此处指学会理性对待塑造他们生活的选择,并反思他们所追求的目标,故选D。
16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了吸引游客到冰岛旅游,这则广告在网上疯传。A. imagines想象;B. runs奔跑,持续,流行;C. launches发表,发射;D. concerns关注,担忧。根据上文中“In the Iceland-verse, there’s ...”可知,引号内是在介绍冰岛旅游宣传广告,因此设计并在网上疯狂转发这则广告的目的是为了吸引更多游客来冰岛旅游,B项符合文意,表示广告持续被转发,流行于网络中。故选B项。
17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:戏仿的特别目标是马克·扎克伯格,以及整个硅谷,对他们来说,"元宇宙 "的概念—一种当今二维互联网的三维续集,其中用户在身临其境的虚拟世界中工作、娱乐、买卖,已经成为最新的下一个大事件。A. essence本质;B. existence存在;C. particular尤其,详情;D. doubt疑虑。根据空格后“and Silicon Valley in general,”可推测,空格处与“in general”成对称关系,因此C项结合语境,最恰当,并表达出特别强调扎克伯格对元宇宙的解读过度,他将脸书改名为“Meta”的行为让人感到滑稽。故选C项。
18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:冰岛旅游局并不是唯一持怀疑态度的人。A. participant参与者;B. subscriber用户,订阅者;C. enthusiast狂热爱好者;D. sceptic持怀疑者。根据后文“many assumed it was a PR stunt(公关伎俩)to divert attention from the social-media giant's scandals.”可知,很多人都认为扎克伯格将脸书改名的行为,只是一个公关噱头,目的是转移人们对这家社交媒体巨头丑闻的注意力。因此,后文在说明很多人都怀疑“元宇宙”的可行性,可推测出冰岛旅游局并不是唯一持怀疑态度的人。故选D项。
19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:10月28日,扎克伯格将Facebook更名为元平台(Meta platform),以表明他对这个新想法的决心时,许多人认为这是公关噱头,目的是转移人们对这家社交媒体巨头丑闻的关注。A. commitment信奉,承诺;B. contribution贡献;C. integration一体化,结合;D. exposure暴露。根据空格前扎克伯格将脸书更名“Meta”的行为,以及第一段中“The target of the parody(滑稽的模仿)is Mark Zuckerberg in 2 , and Silicon Valley in general, for whom the idea of the ‘metaverse(元宇宙)’”都可以看出,马克·扎克伯格对“元宇宙”是持支持的态度,A项最符合文意。故选A项。
20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但如果在这里停止分析,就太轻率了。A. Indeed确实;B. Likewise同样地;C. However然而;D. Otherwise否则。根据后文“There are good reasons to take the metaverse seriously.”可知,作者这里将开始论证“元宇宙”值得认真对待的理由。因此,空格处与下一句是承接关系,与上文是转折关系。故选C项。
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个是历史性的原因:随着计算机的功能越来越强大,它们产生的体验也越来越丰富。A. challenges挑战;B. prospects前景;C. calculations计算;D. experiences体验,经验。根据空格前“as computers have become more capable,”以及空格后“have become richer”由此可知,该句中只有D项“体验”与形容词“richer”搭配,表达出计算机的功能越强大,给人们带来的体验也会更丰富的意思。故选D项。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:平面图像是在20世纪90年代添加的。A. images图像;B. dialogues对话;C. charts表格;D. expressions表达,表情。根据下文“Video came to dominate in the 2010s.”在介绍视频占主导地位的时间,可知此处是在介绍计算机产生的哪些体验和功能。因此,A项结合来看“平面图像”与下文的“视频”相对应,最为恰当。故选A项。
23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这样看来,向三维空间迈进是计算机能力稳步增长的合理结果。A. urge冲动;B. move移动;C. motion运动;D. proof证据。根据空格后“a logical consequence of the steady growth in computing power”可知,此处着重强调“元宇宙”从开始的变化这种抽象概念,向三维空间迈进是计算机能力稳步增长的合理结果。而C项指的是具体运动的本身,因此B项表达出起始运动的含义。故选B项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种进展不仅仅是理论上的。A. fundamental基础的;B. theoretical理论的;C. foreseeable可预见的;D. futuristic未来的。根据下文“The video-game industry has been selling virtual worlds for years. "Ever Quest", an online game launched in 1999, had half a million subscribers 10 .”作者以电子游戏行业中的虚拟空间和《无尽的任务》游戏为例,通过提出真实可靠的例子,说明“元宇宙”有实际性的进展,而不仅仅是停留在理论上。故选B项。
25.考查介词短语辨析。句意:《无尽的任务》,一款1999年发布的在线游戏,顶峰时期有50万用户。A. on its basis基本上;B. under its charge由……负责;C. as its peak在巅峰时期;D. at best充其量。根据空格前“had half a million subscribers”的游戏用户数量可推测出,通常介绍时会统计最多用户人数时期。因此,结合上下文文意来看C项最符合,强调出鼎盛时期的人数。故选C项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:玩家很快就把它用于社交,甚至是婚礼,以及屠龙。A. competitions竞赛;B. simulations模仿,仿真;C. outings远足;D. wedding结婚。根据空格前“Players quickly co-opted(选择)it for socializing,”可知,玩家们在玩《无尽的任务》这个游戏时,玩家还可以在游戏中进行虚拟社交和屠龙以及结婚,D项“wedding”与句中的“socializing”、“dragon-slaying”形式相同,都是动名词,而且这三种都属于游戏中的玩法。故选D项。
27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:5年后《魔兽世界》问世,用户达到了1200万,,其中许多玩家将真金白银花在了虚拟商品上。A. hit达到,击打;B. listed列举;C. fit适合;D. occurred发生。根据空格后“12 million”可知,此处是在介绍“魔兽世界”这款游戏的用户人数,因此填写A项表示用户达到1200万,最恰当。故选A项。
28.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当一个想法已经被数百万人接受的时候,很难说它永远不会流行起来。A. bring about引起、导致;B. catch on流行起来;C. die out消失;D. settle down定居下来。根据空后“for millions of people, it already has.”可知,作者认为“元宇宙”这个想法会流行起来,即很难说不会流行,与后文的“it already has”相一致。故选B项。
29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,冷嘲热讽是对未来的不可靠指南。A. inaccessible达不到的;B. unparalleled无与伦比的;C. unattainable不可得的;D. unreliable靠不住的。根据下文“Smartphones are some of the bestselling devices ever built. In the 1990s their brick-sized predecessors were considered ridiculous status symbols for insecure investment bankers.”由此可知,作者以智能手机的前身遭到人们嘲笑为例,说明这一段是在说人们的嘲笑,不是一个可靠的指导。故选D项。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但它确实表明,在不远的将来,一些有关元宇宙形态的设想值得认真对待。A. fueled激起,补充燃料;B. equipped配备;C. attached贴上、把......固定;D. shaped具有……形状的。通读全文可知,文章是在介绍“元宇宙”这种新事物,但人们还并不十分明确,此处主要强调“元宇宙”这种东西的形态。故选D项。
31.考查连接副词词义辨析。句意:当我成为他的研究生时,当我的一位导师告诉我斯蒂芬是系里最聪明的人时,我感到相当沮丧。然而,很快我就发现,我和他的关系将不是通常的师生关系。A. Otherwise否则;B. Nevertheless然而;C. Moreover另外;D. Therefore因此。根据前文“discouraging”与后文“would not be the usual type of supervisor-student relationship”,可知前后句意构成转折含义。故选B项。
32.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:在那些日子里,在他有护理人员和助手之前,学生们必须以各种方式帮助他,因为他的残疾。A. in process of过程;B. on account of由于;C. in possession of拥有;D. accounting for说明。根据前文“have to help him”,可知是因为他的残疾。故选B项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这不是一项艰巨的任务,但这确实意味着我和他的关系变得非常亲密。A. familiar熟悉的; B. similar相似的;C. close亲密的;D. related相关的。根据上文提及我要帮助他,那么自然而然我们的关系就会亲密。故选C项。
34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我和他共用一间办公室,和他的家人一起住了一段时间,陪他周游世界,发表演讲,收集奖牌。A. accompanied陪伴;B. served服务;C. treated对待;D. entertained使开心。根据前文“his disability”,可知作者必须陪伴他。故选A项。
35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很快发现了斯蒂芬的一些独特之处。A. habits习惯;B. habitats栖息地;C. tempers脾气;D. characteristics特征。根据后文“The first”,可知此处表达独特之处或特征。故选D项。
36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,在物理学问题上,我一直把他视为一位预言家,他说的几句话就可以产生见解,而我自己要花上几周的时间才能得出这些见解。A. work out解出;B. pick out挑选;C. put out熄灭;D. lay out布局。根据前文“he was very smart”,可知自己要花上几周的时间才能得出这些见解。故选A项。
37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次我问了一个令我困惑的问题。A. bothering麻烦;B. puzzling困惑;C. disordering扰乱;D. suffering遭受。根据前文“asked a question”,可知应该是困惑作者的问题才会问。故选B项。
38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如今,我有时也会在与学生交谈时睡着,所以我愉快地回忆起这件事。A. amazement惊奇;B. amusement娱乐;C. disappointment失望;D. astonishment惊讶。根据前文“I also sometimes fall asleep while talking to students”,可知作者的心情应该是愉快的。故选B项。
39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还了解到斯蒂芬的固执和决心,尽管病情不断恶化,但他仍会尽可能长时间地为自己做事。A. innovation创新;B. evolution进化;C. determination决心;D. imagination想象。根据后文“continue doing things for himself”,可知斯蒂芬的固执和决心。故选C项。
40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我觉得这很吓人,因为我觉得他开得太快了。A. fairy美丽的;B. chilly寒冷的;C. scary吓人的;D. worthy值得的。根据后文“he drove faster than was safe”,可知这速度是很吓人的。故选C项。
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:遗憾的是,他活得不够长,无法实现进入太空的梦想。A. sympathy同情;B. dream梦想;C. doubt怀疑;D. regret后悔。根据后文“he didn’t live long enough to achieve his dream”,可知这是应该很遗憾的事情。故选D项。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:成为一名伟大的物理学家有很多方法,但它们不能像奥运会赛跑选手那样排名。A. leveled等级;B. classified分类;C. ranked排名;D. awarded获奖。根据后文“like runners in an Olympic race”,可知奥运会比赛是排名的。故选C项。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:斯蒂芬本人从未声称自己拥有牛顿或爱因斯坦的地位,但我强烈反对有人认为,由于他的象征地位,他的科学贡献被夸大了。A. claimed声称;B. appealed有吸引力;C. fastened紧固;D. applied申请。根据后文“have the status of Newton or Einstein”,可知斯蒂芬本人从未声称。故选A项。
44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:斯蒂芬本人从未声称自己拥有牛顿或爱因斯坦的地位,但我强烈反对有人认为,由于他的象征地位,他的科学贡献被夸大了。A. outnumbered寡不敌众;B. emphasized强调;C. outlined概述;D. overstated夸大。根据后文“because of his symbolic status”,结合上下文句意,可知作者是对霍金是非常尊敬的。故选D项。
45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的残疾显然是他成名的一个因素,但我怀疑其他当代物理学家能否在他去世后获得与艾萨克·牛顿一起葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂的荣誉。A. optimistic乐观的;B. potential潜在的;C. positive积极的;D. contemporary当代的。根据后文“physicist will achieve the honor of being buried next to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey after his death”,可知作者所指是当代物理学。故选D项。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据《心理科学》最近的一项研究,那是因为人类天生就有解决不确定性的需要。A. address解决;B. protect保护;C. discuss讨论;D. ignore忽略。由后文的“the need to know”(求知的需要)和“satisfy their curiosity”(满足他们的好奇心)可知,人们想要知道答案,满足自己的好奇心,从而解决不确定性。所以,人们有解决不确定性的需要。故选A项。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这项新研究表明,求知欲非常强烈以致于人们会设法满足自己的好奇心,即使他们清楚答案会让人受伤。A. refuse拒绝;B. wait等待;C. seek设法,寻找;D. regret后悔。由于人们求知欲很强,所以人们会想方设法满足自己的好奇心。短语seek to do sth.意为“设法做某事”,符合题意。故选C项。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:行为科学家们测试了学生们是否愿意暴露在不愉快的刺激下,以满足好奇心。A. alert敏感;B. tie系,扣;C. treat对待;D. expose使暴露。由后文“Consequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, such as the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of horrible insects.”(随后的实验用其他刺激来复制这种效应,例如指甲敲击黑板时的声音和令人作呕的昆虫的照片。)可知,实验中,学生们是暴露在一些不愉快的刺激下的。故选D项。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个实验中,研究人员向每位参与者展示了一摞笔,研究人员称这些笔来自上一个实验。A. messenger信使;B. participant参与者;C. candidate候选人;D. applicant申请人。由本句中的“experiment”可知,被展示一摞笔的人是参加实验的被试,也就是参与者。故选B项。
50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一半的笔被点击时会发出电击。A. removed清除;B. weakened削弱;C. clicked点击;D. interrupted打扰。由后文“the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens”(不知道具体哪些笔会发出电击的学生,他们点击的笔更多)可知,有些笔发出电击的触发条件是点击它们。故选C项。
51.考查连词词义辨析。句意:当独自留在房间时,不知道具体哪些笔会发出电击的学生会比知道的学生触碰更多的笔,也就遭受更多的电击。A. Unless除非;B. If如果;C. Though尽管;D. When当……时。前文“Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified; Another 27 were told only that some were electrified.”(27名学生被告知具体哪些笔是带电的,另外27名学生则仅被告知有些笔带电。)讲的是,研究人员告诉学生们笔的带电情况,那么本句讲的就是具体发生的实验状态了,也就是测试学生单独待在房间的时候,点击笔的具体情况。故选D项。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当独自留在房间时,不知道具体哪些笔会发出电击的学生会比知道的学生触碰更多的笔,也就遭受更多的电击。A. happen发生;B. continue继续;C. disappear消失;D. change改变。由前文“Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified; Another 27 were told only that some were electrified.”(27名学生被告知具体哪些笔是带电的,另外27名学生则仅被告知有些笔带电。)可知,有些学生是知道具体哪些笔是带电的,也就是说,当他们点击某支笔,他们知道会发生什么。故选A项。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:探索的动力在人们心中根深蒂固,就像寻找食物和住处的基本动力一样。A.disagree反对;B. forgive原谅;C. forget忘记;D. discover发现。由前文学生点击笔的实验可知,当学生不知道哪些笔带电时,会去点击笔,从而了解到哪些笔会带电。这个实验也印证了人们心中有着一股去探索、去发现的动力。故选D项。
54.考查动词短语辨析。句意:好奇心常常被认为是一种好的本能,它可以带来新的科学进步。A. begin with以……开始;B. rest on依赖于;C. learn from向……学习;D. lead to带来,导致。由本句讲到好奇心常常被视为好的本能可知,此处讲的是好奇心带来的积极影响,四个选项中,只有D项与“new scientific advances”搭配能表示好奇心所带来的具体的积极影响,也就是能够带来新的科学进步。故选D项。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有时候这种探究会适得其反。A. withdrawal撤回;B. inquiry调查,探究;C. persistence坚持;D. diligence勤劳。由前文“The drive to discover”和“curiosity”可知这里探讨的对象是好奇心以及好奇心驱动下的探究,B项“inquiry”符合题意。故选B项。
56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们是能够抵抗不健康的好奇心的。A. resist忍住,抵抗;B. define给……下定义;C. replace取代;D. trace追踪。由前文“The instinct that curiosity can drive you to do self-destructive things is a tragic one.”(好奇的本能会驱使你做些自毁的事,这很可悲。)可知,有时候好奇心对人们产生不好的影响。本句的“howerver”表明本句与前文是转折关系,说明尽管好奇心的本能有可能对你带来消极的影响,但是对于这样不健康的好奇心人们是抵抗得住的。故选A项。
57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在最后的实验中,研究人员鼓励参与者去试想一下自己浏览令人不悦的图片之后的感受,这些参与者就相对不太可能选择去看这种照片了。A. predict预测;B. overlook忽视;C. design设计;D. conceal隐藏。后文“These results suggest that imagining the _____14_____ of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time can help determine whether it is worth the efforts.”(结果表明,预想自己遵循好奇心之后的结果可以帮助自己决定是否值得为之付出努力。)是实验结果带来的启示,即人们要预先设想结果,由此可以倒推,在实验中,研究人员让参与者去预想自己浏览令人不悦的照片之后的感受,这里的感受即结果。故选A项。
58.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在最后的实验中,研究人员鼓励参与者去试想一下自己浏览令人不悦的图片之后的感受,这些参与者就相对不太可能选择去看这种照片了。A. remember记住;B. choose选择;C. promise承诺;D. pretend假装。前文“Unhealthy curiosity is possible to _____11_____ , however.”(然而,我们是能够抵抗不健康的好奇心的。)说明,不健康的好奇心可以被抵抗。随之提到这最后一个实验,用以证明这个观点。能够证明人们抵抗住好奇心的表现就是,参与者选择不看令人不悦的图片,即抑制住自己看令人不悦照片的好奇心。故选B项。
59.考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果表明,预想自己遵循好奇心之后的结果可以帮助自己决定是否值得为之付出努力。A. relief宽慰,解脱;B. plan计划;C. outcome后果,结果;D. duty义务。本句是前文实验的结果。由前文“In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to _____12_____ how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to _____13_____ to see such an image. ”(在最后的实验中,研究人员鼓励参与者去试想一下自己浏览令人不悦的图片之后的感受,这些参与者就相对不太可能选择去看这种照片了。)可知,实验中的好奇心表现为想要浏览令人不悦的图片;预想看这种图片后的感受也就是预想满足这一好奇心的结果。所以设空处所在句子中的“imaging”和“ahead of time”一并对应的是前文的“predict”,设空处对应的是前文“predict”的结果。故选C项。
60.考查名词词义辨析。句意:考虑长远的后果是减少好奇心可能带来负面影响的关键。A. limitations限制;B. investments投资;C. strategies策略;D. consequences结果。由前文“These results suggest that imagining the _____14_____ of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time can help determine whether it is worth the efforts.”(结果表明,预想自己遵循好奇心之后的结果可以帮助自己决定是否值得为之付出努力。)可知,提前考虑结果可以帮助自己决定是否值得遵循好奇心而付诸努力,这么做能够减少好奇心可能带来的负面影响,所以设空处与前文的“outcome”对应。故选D项。
61.考查动词词义辨析。句意:过去,环卫工人在宿舍附近的垃圾桶旁边分类垃圾,产生一种令人作呕的气味。A. smelling闻起来;B. generating产生,引起;C. eliminating消除;D. generalizing归纳,概括。根据“sanitation workers sorted the garbage next to the trash cans”可知,环卫工人在宿舍附近的垃圾桶旁边分类垃圾会产生令人作呕的气味。故选B。
62.考查动词词义辨析。句意:刮风的时候,垃圾被吹得到处都是,我们总是捂着鼻子绕过垃圾桶。A. skirted环绕……的四周;B. migrated迁移;C. flew飞;D. hung悬挂。根据“____1____ a disgusting odor.”和“around it”可知,刮风的时候,学生们总是捂着鼻子绕过垃圾桶。故选A。
63.考查动词词义辨析。句意:自2020年5月1日《北京市生活垃圾处理指导意见》修订实施以来,许多学生看到自己的校园焕然一新,变得更舒适、更整洁、更有吸引力。A. proposed提议;B. celebrated庆祝;C. implemented实施,执行;D. issued出版,发表。根据“a revised guideline on household waste disposal in Beijing”可知,此处表示《北京市生活垃圾处理指导意见》修订实施。故选C。
64.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在北京第二十中学,每层楼都有回收垃圾的垃圾桶,值班的学生们将绞尽脑汁把垃圾变成现金。A. action行动;B. cash现金;C. garbage垃圾桶,废物;D. waste浪费。根据下文“We have raised 100,000 yuan ($15,760) of charity funds by encouraging students and their parents to recycle waste(通过鼓励学生和家长回收垃圾,我们筹集了10万元(15760美元)的慈善基金)”可知,此处表示把垃圾变成现金。故选B。
65.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在担任垃圾分拣站站长之前,我接受了垃圾分类方面的培训。我的工作是提醒大家对垃圾进行分类,最大限度地回收利用。”该校学生丁淑怡(音译)说。A. extent程度,范围;B. element要素;C. extension延长;D. initiative倡议。根据“My job is to remind everyone to classify waste”可知,提醒大家对垃圾进行分类是为了最大限度地回收利用,to the extent为固定短语,表示“达到……的程度”。故选A。
66.考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着中国推进“双减”教育政策,旨在减轻中小学生的家庭作业和课外辅导负担,通过各种创新方法,将垃圾分类的理解融入到学术教学中。A. forward向前;B. around在周围;C. roughly粗略地,大致;D. blindly盲目地。根据“the ‘double reduction’ education policy”可知,此处表示中国推进“双减”教育政策,push forward为固定短语,意为“推进”。故选A。
67.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. decisive决定性的,关键的;B. excessive过度的;C. inclusive包括的;D. academic学术的。根据上文“ease the burden”可知,学生家庭作业量过度。故选B。
68.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们的语文老师鼓励学生以垃圾分类为主题写诗,数学老师则引导学生以节约用水等主题做数学题,而我们的音乐老师和学生们一起编排了一段‘垃圾分类’舞蹈,”首都通州区郊区一所小学的校长左春云(音)说。 A. scheduled安排,预定;B. integrated成为一体;C. proposed提议;D. themed以……为主题。根据“math teachers lead them to do math on topics such as water conservation”可知,此处表示语文老师鼓励学生以垃圾分类为主题写诗。故选D。
69.考查名词词义辨析。句意:左还说,高年级的学生将参与垃圾分类项目,并以手写报纸和思维导图的形式制定解决方案。A. instructions指示;B. distributions分布,分配;C. solutions解决方案;D. anticipations预期。根据“in the form of handwritten newspapers and mind maps”可知,高年级的学生以手写报纸和思维导图的形式制定解决方案。故选C。
70.考查名词词义辨析。句意:该校校长王丽萍表示:“垃圾可以转化为资源。”A. sources来源;B. supplies供应;C. demands要求;D. resources资源。根据上文“recycle to the best 5 ,”可知,最大限度的回收利用可以将垃圾转化为资源。故选D。
71.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:清华大学教授刘建国表示,垃圾分类的实施有赖于社会的广泛参与和不懈努力,这有利于促进社会文明。A. intensive加强的,集中的;B. aggressive有进取心的;C. successive连续的,相继的;D. extensive广泛的。根据“participation and unremitting efforts of society”可知,垃圾分类的实施有赖于社会的广泛参与和不懈努力。故选D。
72.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. promotion促进,提升;B. intervention干涉,介入;C. addition增加;D. communication交流。根据下文“‘Wide participation of students and school staff will help promote garbage sorting to become a new fashion in society,’ adds Liu.( “学生和学校工作人员的广泛参与将有助于推动垃圾分类成为社会的一种新时尚,”刘补充说。)”可知,垃圾分类的实施这有利于促进社会文明。故选A。
73.考查副词词义辨析。句意:官方数据显示,北京90%以上的居民参与了垃圾分类,约85%的居民能够准确地对垃圾进行分类。A. accurately精确地;B. narrowly狭窄地;C. broadly广泛地;D. scarcely几乎不。根据下文“Our next move will be more precise supervision of groups that did ____15____ poorer jobs in sorting out garbage,”可知,此处表示85%的居民能够准确地对垃圾进行分类。故选A。
74.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但相关部门仍在努力进一步提高这一比例。A. participating参加;B. supervising监督;C. striving努力,奋斗;D. negotiating谈判。上文提到官方数据显示垃圾分类已经取得成效,结合“But”和“to further raise the ratio”可知,相关部门仍在努力进一步提高参与人数和垃圾分类的精确性。故选C。
75.考查副词词义辨析。句意:北京市城市管理委员会的一名工作人员表示:“我们的下一步行动将是对垃圾分类工作相对较差的群体进行更精确的监督。”A. fantastically空想地,难以置信地;B. relatively相对地;C. deliberately故意地;D. densely密集地。根据“poorer jobs in sorting out garbage”可知,此处表示是对垃圾分类工作相对较差的群体进行更精确的监督。故选B。
76.考查固定短语辨析。句意:例如,他们研究了大约4500年前生活在格陵兰岛的社区的记录,发现早期的殖民者抛弃了玩具,他们的物质文化也几乎没有创新,但大约800年前移民到格陵兰岛的图勒人,有许多似乎是专门为儿童游戏而设计的小物件,包括玩具武器和玩偶。A. What’s more此外;B. In other words换句话说;C. For instance例如;D. As a matter of fact实际上。根据上文“published a paper outlining some interesting case studies”可知,后文是对上文案例研究进行的举例。故选C。
77.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,他们研究了大约4500年前生活在格陵兰岛的社区的记录,发现早期的殖民者抛弃了玩具,他们的物质文化也几乎没有创新,但大约800年前移民到格陵兰岛的图勒人,有许多似乎是专门为儿童游戏而设计的小物件,包括玩具武器和玩偶。A. designed设计;B. understood理解;C. deserted抛弃;D. lacked缺少。此处与后文“toys and also showed little innovation in their material culture”并列,说明早期的殖民者抛弃了玩具,他们的物质文化也几乎没有创新,故选C。
78.考查名词词义辨析。句意:例如,他们研究了大约4500年前生活在格陵兰岛的社区的记录,发现早期的殖民者抛弃了玩具,他们的物质文化也几乎没有创新,但大约800年前移民到格陵兰岛的图勒人,有许多似乎是专门为儿童游戏而设计的小物件,包括玩具武器和玩偶。A. learning学习;B. play玩耍,游戏;C. care关心;D. health健康。根据上文“had many tiny objects that appear to have been designed specifically for child’s”指专门为儿童游戏而设计的小物件,故选B。
79.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些记录不足以准确地确定玩具和先进技术哪个先出现,但Riede认为这两者可能是一起发展的,更丰富的物质文化激发了新的游戏对象,这反过来装备了年轻人进一步创新的头脑。A. up-to-date最新的;B. related相关的;C. equivalent相等的;D. accurate准确的。根据后文“enough to determine which emerged first, the toys or the advanced technology”可知,这些记录不足以准确地确定玩具和先进技术哪个先出现,故选D。
80.考查固定短语辨析。句意:这些记录不足以准确地确定玩具和先进技术哪个先出现,但Riede认为这两者可能是一起发展的,更丰富的物质文化激发了新的游戏对象,这反过来装备了年轻人进一步创新的头脑。A. on average平均;B. in turn反过来;C. in theory理论上;D. on demand急需的。根据上文“the two may have grown together, with the richer material culture inspiring new play objects, which”可知,更丰富的物质文化激发了新的游戏对象,这反过来装备了年轻人进一步创新的头脑,in turn符合语境。故选B。
81.考查副词词义辨析。句意:对石头的分析表明,孩子们在模仿成年人敲击石头的动作,制造出了功能上无用的复制品。A. equally相当地;B. economically经济上;C. functionally功能地;D. socially社会地。根据后文“useless copies of real tools”可知,孩子们制造的是功能上无用的复制品。故选C。
82.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种“模仿游戏”似乎再次与包括第一个箭头在内的新技术相吻合,这表明童年时期的游戏可能激发了更大的文化创新。A. inspired鼓舞;B. normalized正常化;C. resisted反抗;D. applied应用。根据后文“greater cultural innovation”指童年时期的游戏可能激发了更大的文化创新。故选A。
83.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,轮子的发明为Riede的想法提供了最有说服力的支持。A. proposal提议;B. support支持;C. victory胜利;D. model模型。根据后文“for Riede’s idea”可知,指轮子的发明为Riede的想法提供了最有说服力的支持。故选B。
84.考查动词词义辨析。句意:关于轮式交通工具的最古老证据表明,这种技术出现于大约5500年前,横跨欧亚大陆西部——高加索北部、美索不达米亚以及中欧和北欧。A. exploded爆炸;B. decreased减少;C. emerged出现;D. matured成熟。根据后文“around 5500 years ago”可知是在说明这种技术出现的时间。故选C。
85.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但大约两个世纪前,我们看到了在动物的脚上钻洞作为车轴的小型动物模型,以及用作车轮的陶瓷圆盘。A. imagine想象;B. make制作;C. present呈现;D. see看见。根据后文“small models of animals with holes drilled through their feet for an axle, and ceramic discs that served as wheels”指看到在动物的脚上钻洞作为车轴的小型动物模型,以及用作车轮的陶瓷圆盘。故选D。
86.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但考虑到它们的大小,以及小动物在许多现代文化中是玩具的事实,里德认为它们是玩具。A. time时间;B. size尺寸;C. shape形状;D. use使用。与上文“small models of animals”中small相呼应,此处指的是它们的大小。故选B。
87.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果是这样的话,就像今天任何一个玩火车玩具的孩子一样,玩这些玩具的孩子应该是在探索旋转运动的机制。A. mechanics机械学;B. studies学习;C. periods时期;D. contents内容。根据后文“They might have used their toys to carry various objects, and practised different ways of driving them – from the front or the back, or letting them roll down a slope.(他们可能会用玩具来搬运各种物品,并练习用不同的方式来驱赶它们——从前面或后面,或者让它们滚下斜坡)”可知,玩这些玩具的孩子应该是在探索旋转运动的机制。故选A。
88.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们甚至可能试验过不同尺寸的轮子,或用不同的材料制成的轮子,以看到不同的结果。A. depended upon取决于;B. distinguished between区别;C. experimented with实验;D. searched for寻找。根据后文“wheels of different sizes, or made from different materials to see different results”指用不同尺寸的轮子,或用不同的材料制成的轮子,以看到不同的结果。故选C。
89.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着孩子们长大,同样的技能会帮助他们实现认知上的飞跃,从而想象出一辆马车,但如果没有这些玩具,社会就很难想出一个可行的设计。A. playmates玩伴;B. motions运动;C. materials材料;D. skills技能。根据后文“would have helped them make the cognitive leap necessary to imagine a wagon”可知,随着孩子们长大,同样的技能会帮助他们实现认知上的飞跃,从而想象出一辆马车,故选D。
90.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着孩子们长大,同样的技能会帮助他们实现认知上的飞跃,从而想象出一辆马车,但如果没有这些玩具,社会就很难想出一个可行的设计。A. struggled挣扎,努力;B. preferred更喜欢;C. wanted想要;D. prepared准备。根据上文“but a society that lacked those toys would have”可知,玩具对孩子发展认知很重要,所以如果没有这些玩具,社会就很难想出一个可行的设计。故选A。