On the first day of school, Tina’ s teacher told the class, “Everyone of you will have a turn to be the Terrific (极好的) Kid of the Day!”
All year, Terrific Kids celebrated their special days in special ways, but Tina hoped her turn would never come.
When Ben was the Terrific Kid, his aunt Sarah taught the class how to draw funny cartoon faces. Tina didn’t have aunts. When Ken was the Terrific Kid, his twin baby sisters came to school. Tina didn’t have sisters or brothers. When Curtis’s turn arrived, his family came to school. Curtis’s mom baked cakes. Curtis’s father was a gardener and gave every child a plant. Curtis’s grandmother taught the class a song. Tina didn’t have a dad or grandmother.
After school that day, Tina walked to the library for Story Hour. Mrs. Kaplan, the children’s librarian, greeted Tina with a bright smile. “Today’s story is about your favorite animal, Tina!”
A dog story! Tina loved dogs, but wasn’t allowed to have pets.
“Will you work the puppet (手偶) while I read the story?” Mrs. Kaplan asked Tina.
The little black and white dog puppet felt soft. Tina liked it so much. So when Mrs. Kaplan read Tina’s favorite dog story, Tina moved the dog puppet alongside.
After Story Hour, Tina waited until 7: 00 for her mom to pick her up. That night, Tina kept thinking about being a Terrific Kid. “I hope my turn never comes,” Tina thought.
Sure enough, Tina’s turn came. When she told Mrs. Kaplan that the next day was her turn to be the Terrific Kid, she had tears in her eyes. When Tina’s mom arrived, Mrs. Kaplan asked her into her office to chat while Tina waited.
On the way home, Tina and her mom stopped at Tico Tony’s for hot dogs. Tico Tony noticed Tina’s sad face. “Hey, Tina! What’s up?” Tico Tony listened while Tina told him about her Terrific Kid day. “We think you’re a Terrific Kid.” He smiled and, winked (眨眼示意) knowingly at her mother.
That night, Tina’s mom stayed up late baking cookies.
Then, the day arrived. Tina walked slowly to school with her mom. Her Terrific Kid day wouldn’t be terrific-just cookies.
Para l. When Tina and her mom got to her classroom, there was a sign on the door, reading “Tina____________
Para 2. “We came to honor our friend on her special day,” Mrs. Kaplan said.
I first became conscious of my body image last year in fifth grade. One day I was walking by my mirror getting ready for bed and I noticed that my stomach looked big. I started to really hate that and think I was fat even though my family always told me how skinny I was. It wasn’t only my stomach—I started to think my nose was ugly and that my laugh was disgusting. I was even afraid to laugh or smile in public.
Then, in the sixth grade, a popular guy in my class named Luke made it worse. He told his table group that my body looked swollen in skinny jeans. I heard about it from someone else, but then Luke even told me to my face! I couldn’t stop thinking about what Luke had said. Even worse, I started to believe it was true, and I hid my skinny jeans all the way at the bottom of my drawer.
I know I cared too much about what other people said and thought about me. I guess I just wanted to be liked. In fact, I really wish I could have just brushed off comments like that, but I couldn’t change my personality and what I care about that easily.
Luke’s mean comment affected me in a big way. I lost confidence in more than just my body—I started to think that I didn’t matter and that I didn’t have a place in the world. To make it worse, some people also started telling me that I was not meant to be an author, which is what I really want to be. That especially hurt and I started to feel really sad all the time.
I hadn’t really told anyone how I’d been feeling until a couple of months ago when I got a call from my cousin. I’m really close to her, and hearing her voice and laugh made me feel so good inside. I thought about how I used to be that way too, and how I was so sick of feeling sad.
Then I started telling her and it all came out.
When I went back to my bedroom, I looked at myself in the mirror for a long time.
The Leap
Once a twelve-year-old boy was traveling around the world by sea. His father was the captain of the ship. Now, the ship was sailing home at last. It was a pleasant day. All the passengers were on the deck(甲板).
A monkey was making funny faces at the passengers. It became funnier as more passengers came closer, enjoying its tricks. Suddenly the monkey ran towards the captain’s son and took his hat. It then put the hat on its own head. Soon after that, it climbed up the tall pole with two crossbeams(横梁)that supported the sails(帆) on the ship.
Everyone laughed, but the boy was not sure whether to laugh or cry. It had come as a surprise. The monkey sat on the first crossbeam of the pole, took off the hat and began to tear it.
The hat was too important for the boy. So he shouted with extreme anger, “You terrible creature! Return my hat or you are going to pay for it.” He went after the monkey on the pole, which continued to climb higher.
“I am not going to forgive you,” the boy shouted, as he climbed higher and higher. After a while, the monkey stretched itself to its full length and hung what remained of the hat on the end of the second crossbeam. Then it climbed to the very tip of the pole and sat there, making fun of the boy.
The distance from the pole to the end of the crossbeam, where the hat was, was about two meters. To reach the hat, the boy had to let go of the pole. Everyone froze with fear when they saw the boy had stepped onto the crossbeam without support. One wrong step, and he would fall hard to the board of the ship, which would lead to death. The only solution was to jump into the water. However, the boy didn’t realize the danger, as his mind was focused only on getting the hat.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Just then the captain came on deck.
Seeing his son wet but alive, the captain breathed a sigh of relief.
Catherine was the coolest kid in her class. Wherever she went, she was in the spotlight, with a bunch of kids following her and doing everything she did.
Her deskmate, Landy, however, was not in the cool kids’ group. Being the tallest kid in her class, she was laughed at by her classmates, who were always chanting(唱起……歌) “Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti(意大利面)”.
Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti”. But she never told them to stop either, and nor did she ever talk to her. She liked being popular.
One weekend, Catherine went over to visit her grandfather. Her grandfather lives on a farm, where he keeps chickens. While helping to feed the chickens, Catherine noticed a special one. Hidden in the corner, it looked smaller than the others and was almost half-bare!
“What’s the matter with it?” She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frown on her face. Her grandfather told her how chickens could act. “They have a pecking(啄) order,” he explained, wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead. “If one chicken is different, the others will push it away and keep pecking it. Sometimes they peck it so much that it dies.”
“Oh, what a poor little thing!” Catherine let out a sigh as she picked the frightened chicken up in her arms, whose heart was beating fast in the bony little body. Suddenly, she thought of Landy, the girl being “pecked” by her classmates. “I’m going to take it home and take good care of it,” she said with a determined look.
Back in school, Catherine told the cool kids about the chicken. “It’s looking healthy,” she said proudly. “It’s fatter and its feathers are growing. Even the cat likes it. She carries it around, and...” Everyone was entertained by Catherine’s story of her lovely chicken, laughter spreading around the classroom.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then Catherine spotted Landy seated alone in a corner.
But Catherine walked toward Landy, no matter what they said.
Lucy looked at the store window longingly. There was nothing that she wanted more than a happy Hannah doll. It was 29. 9. Unluckily, Lucy didn’t even have the 95 cents, so she let out a deep sigh (叹息) and continued walking home.
As she crossed the street, she thought about doing her brother’s housework, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes all months to earn money, but even then she would have only eleven dollars. Suddenly, something small and pink in the snow caught her eyes. Lucy walked over and picked it up from the snow. It was a beautiful wallet. She opened the wallet and found a thick pile of folded green bills and a woman’s driver’s license. Lucy put the wallet into her bag quickly. She turned around and walked back.
Lucy’s heart beat fast as she entered the store. She had long dreamed about this moment, but something didn’t feel right. As she got to the Happy Hannah dolls, she pushed away her feelings. She grabbed (攫取,抓住) one and walked toward the checkout.
As Lucy was waiting to pay, her mobile phone rang. Lucy looked around, startled (吓了 一跳) . It was her grandma. Lucy’s heart was suddenly filled with love and warnth when she thought of her. She put the doll down and answered the phone.
“Hi, Grandma! I’m going to be a little bit late tonight …Alright …I love you, too. “Lucy left the store and walked all the way to 301 West Street.
2 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
“Honey, welcome back home. I have a surprise for you.”
Paragraph 2:
Together with Grandma, Lucy returned where she found the wallet.
As I began to wade through thirteen pages of the credit-card company’s new policy, I wasn’t sure how it was going to affect me personally. As I waited to be connected to a customer service rep, I considered whether I should even write the fifth novel in my Old Cape House series. Did my readers really enjoy the mysterious historical stories I told? Should I take on more debt to buy my paperback books? I thought about all the author events, book signings, and book fairs that might be canceled because of the virus. When would normal life return?
“Hello, Ms. Struna, this is Thomas. May I have your account information?”
After repeating the information he needed, I explained my dilemma in trying to understand the new policy and asked how it would affect my future purchases.
“Please, do not worry. You will have no change.”
“Are you sure? I am an author and travel frequently. I need to have access to my card at all times for big or small purchases.” I laughed to myself, thinking I wasn’t going anywhere for a while, at least until there was a vaccine.
“Let me reassure you. There will be no change to your card, but Ms. Struna, may I ask you one more question? Are you the author of The Old Cape House?”
My jaw dropped. He was talking about my first novel of suspenseful historical fiction, The Old Cape House, published in 2013. I was stunned and I stammered, “Why, yes I am.” I was still skeptical about what he wanted from me.
Thomas kept talking. “I thought it was you. I recognized your name, and when you told me you were an author, I knew it was you.”
“Oh, my goodness.” My heart started to beat faster with delight at the connection I was making with an unknown foreign reader.
“Ms. Struna, your book changed me. It changed how I look at the world. It showed me ways to be more adventuresome and to be open to new things. Thank you so very much.”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I was stunned at the idea that I had made a difference in someone’s life.
Paragraph 2:
I hung up, ending this coincidental connection to a fan reader in a faraway place.
David is a 22-year-old man. Not having received a college education, he found it difficult to find a job. He worked at a small company and wasn’t paid well. He thought life was unfair and often complained.
One day, his boss asked him to go to his office. To his sadness, he was told he didn’t need to come to work again.
That day, David didn’t go straight back to the small apartment he shared with another man. He wanted to find a quiet place and sit there quietly for some time. Having lost his job, he had no idea what to do.
He walked and walked. Finally he stopped in front of a beautiful house. The house had a very big garden behind it. He saw an old man sitting in the garden.
“The old man must be a millionaire” thought David, “How I wish I were him! If I were him, I wouldn’t have to work and I’d have a large amount of money. I would be the happiest man in the whole world. ”
Thinking how poor he was, David was even sadder. He hurriedly walked forward and found a place and sat there quietly.
Finally, he became hungry and decided to go back home. On his way back home, he passed the old man’s house again. This time the man was sitting in his front yard. When David passed by him, he noticed that the old man was looking at him. The old man looked as if he admired him very much. David was confused. Why would such a rich man admire him? He was so poor while he was so rich.
Finally, David decided to have a talk with the old man. So he stopped and walked to the old man.
“Hello,” he said.
”Hello,” said the old man.
Then they started talking. David told the old man he really admired him.
“You have such a beautiful house. You’re so rich! How I wish I were you!” said David.
Hearing that, the old man smiled and said, “And I admire you, too! I wish I were you! If I were you, I’d still enjoy my youth. Now I’m so old. Wealth doesn’t mean much to me!”
Para 1: What the old man said struck David .
Para 2: David stopped complaining about his life.
Early in my teaching career, I heard countless excuses — most of them made up, many of them amusing — for why students didn’t have their homework. And, yes, “the dog ate it” was one of them. As time passed, I grew tired of hearing “I don’t have my homework because...”. So I quit accepting any excuse.
When I was transferred to an inner-city middle school, I took my no-nonsense attitude with me. “No excuses, no extensions!” I warned my eighth graders on the first day of school. I collected homework at the beginning of each class. When a student didn’t have it, I never asked why. Instead, I sighed loudly, shook my head in dramatic disgust and with the student looking on — recorded a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the reputation I thought I wanted.
Then, one afternoon, shortly after the dismissal bell rang, Anthony approached me. “Could I talk to you a minute?” he asked shyly, not taking his eyes off the floor. “I know you don’t accept any explanation, but I don't want you to think I’m a slacker because I come to school without mine so often.”
Anthony looked up at me for the first time, and I could see that his lower lip was quivering. “It’s just that...well, my dad moved out, and my mom waits tables at night, so I have to take care of my little brothers. Sometimes they cry a lot, and it makes it hard to concentrate.”
I put my hand on Anthony’s thin shoulder. “Why are you just now telling me..?” I stopped in mid-sentence. I knew why. So I changed the question. “Would it help if you stay here after school and work on it before you go home?”
He swallowed hard and nodded.
Paragraph 1:
The next day, I made an announcement to all my students.
Paragraph 2:
Having read their stories, I learned more about these kids.
It was the last game of the season. Cali had been playing soccer all summer. She really enjoyed running around with the other players. As much as she tried, though, Cali still had not scored one single goal.
“Don’t give up, “said her coach. He showed Cali and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. Cali was pretty good at passing the ball, but even during practices, she couldn’t kick the ball past the goalkeeper. She wondered if she should quit soccer for good.
“Don’t give up, “said Uncle George and Aunt Lisa. But it was half-time, and Cali was feeling upset. She was trying! Every time she got a chance to kick the ball, it would go in the wrong direction or a player from the other team would take control of it. Maybe she would try a different sport next summer.
The break was over and the referee (裁判) blew her whistle to start the game again. The two teams walked back onto the field, both determined to win. Cali heard her aunt whisper in her ear. “Look for an opportunity to get the ball. You can do it. “Cali took a deep breath. Even if she didn’t get one goal all summer, she knew that she had tried her best. That was something to be proud of.
The yellow team was pretty good, but Cali’s blue team was fast. Cali was off to the side when the ball headed her way. She ran over to it and kicked it. She watched it land right in front of a girl on the yellow team who expertly stopped it and sent it back in the other direction. Cali sighed (叹气) .
Cali decided she’d wait until the game was over and then she was going to hang up her soccer shoes for good. Cali started daydreaming about becoming a hip-hop dancer instead. She was woken from her daydream by some music that was definitely not hip-hop. It was the sweet, happy jingle of the ice cream truck.
It was right beside the soccer field, playing its music loudly to attract customers and players as well.
She ran fast to the ball.
I was moving as fast as I could, stepping from rock to rock along the uneven jetty(栈桥). Far ahead, I could see the back of my brother’s hair and the bright orange of his shorts.
“Too slow, sister!” I heard Sam yell as he jumped with ease.
“I’ll show him,” I thought, and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! “Ouch!” My shoe was stuck between two rocks. I bent down and that’s when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone, attached to a glittery gold chain. It was just lying there on the wet sand, and a few seconds later it was in my pocket.
Sam stopped waiting for me. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer? I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket. I was dizzy, but I didn’t want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my business.
“Ryan saved the mini cola bottle from the carnival! ”
“Ryan wasted her pocket money on salt and pepper shakers from the yard sale!”
My family calls me their “little collector”. Some mean kids at school call me “trash girl”.
Sam and I walked along the main street. Through the window of the candy shop, I could see colorful jelly beans. A sign on the window caught my attention: Lost: Gold and blue necklace. Very special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.
Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster: The necklace looked different from the one in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago. We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.
Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought.
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop.
1.Para1 When Tina and her mom got to her classroom, there was a sign on the door, reading “Tina Brown-Terrific Kid of the Day.” Tina’s eyes grew round. She could not believe such nice words. Everyone clapped when Tina and her mom came into the room. Just then there was a knock at the door. “Is this the room of Tina Brown, Terrific Kid of the Day?” asked a voice. “It certainly is,” her teacher answered. “Won’t you come in?” Tina’s heart pounded when she saw Mrs. Kaplan and Tico Tony walk into the room.
Para2 “We came to honor our friend on her special day,” Mrs. Kaplan said. Tina helped Tico Tony give out delicious hot dogs. Mrs. Kaplan read Tina’s favorite dog story while Tina moved the dog puppet. After the story, Mrs. Kaplan gave Tina the puppet to keep! Tina’s mom’s cookies were a hit. “Good cookies and hot dogs!” Curtis said. “You have a great family of friends,” Ken said. “The dog story is cool!” said Ben. Tina couldn’t stop smiling. Her teacher stood in front of the room. “I’m so lucky to have a class full of Terrific Kids! Always keep celebrating yourselves and each other!”
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了上学的第一天,Tina的老师对全班同学说:“你们每个人都有机会成为最棒的孩子!”一整年,了不起的孩子们都以特殊的方式庆祝他们的特殊日子,但Tina希望永远不要轮到她,因为她觉得自己没有最棒孩子应有的一切。终于轮到了Tina的Terrific Kid of the Day,Tina忧心忡忡,却不知一切自从Tina参加了图书馆的“故事时间”活动之后都在悄然发生改变——妈妈准备了精美的小饼干,Tico Tony’s的热狗,儿童图书管理员Mrs. Kaplan的小狗故事和那只可爱的小狗玩偶,一切都表明Tina就是那个最棒的孩子。
①由第一段首句内容“当Tina和妈妈来到教室时,门上挂着一个牌子,上面写着‘Tina”可知,第一段可描写Tina看到的牌子上写的内容、Mrs. Kaplan and Tico Tony的到来以及Tina的反应。
②由第二段首句内容“‘在这个特别的日子里,我们是来纪念我们的朋友的,’Mrs. Kaplan说。”可知,第二段可描写Mrs. Kaplan讲的的故事,Tico Tony的热狗和妈妈精心制作的饼干以及Tina、老师和同学们的反应。
分发:give out/hand out/hand around
【点睛】【高分句型1】Tina’s heart pounded when she saw Mrs. Kaplan and Tico Tony walk into the room.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】Mrs. Kaplan read Tina’s favorite dog story while Tina moved the dog puppet.(运用了while引导的时间状语从句)
2. Then I started telling her and it all came out. She seemed so surprised and said how special I was. She started listing all my good qualities, saying I shouldn’t listen to people who say mean things because they were probably just feeling bad about themselves or trying to look cool. Definitely, she added, I shouldn’t let them tell me how to feel about myself or my body. It was like a sudden wake-up call: focusing on what other people thought of me only made things even worse, and I must learn to love and accept myself for who I am.
When I went back to my bedroom, I looked at myself in the mirror for a long time. I saw what I had never seen in myself before, like my nice grey eyes, my cute smile, and the fact that I am beautiful in my own way. I know some people might still make hurtful comments again, and sometimes I may feel like I am fat again, but next time I will be prepared. I will only think well of myself even when I am feeling sad, and stand up for myself when someone puts me down. In my eyes, I am perfect myself—no one can change that.
【详解】1. 段落续写
③关注:focus on/concentrate on/centre on
【点睛】【高分句型1】She seemed so surprised and said how special I was. (运用了how引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】 I saw what I had never seen in myself before, like my nice grey eyes, my cute smile, and the fact that I am beautiful in my own way. (运用了what引导的宾语从句和that引导的同位语从句)
3.One possible version:
Just then the captain came on deck. He was surprised at the sight of the huge crowd. Then he looked up, only to find his son likely to fall at any moment. A sudden wave of panic swept over him. But he managed to pretend to be calm. “Hey, Dad is here! Be brave and jump into the water!” Hearing the words, the boy hesitated before he stuttered, “But…” The captain added, “Trust me! I’ll get you out immediately.” Finally the boy agreed and jumped off. At the same time, the captain, along with some sailors, dashed into the water, rescued the boy and brought him back on board. They pressed his stomach and water came out of his mouth and nose. Then he began to breathe.
Seeing his son wet but alive, the captain breathed a sigh of relief. A burst of applause and cheers broke out from the crowd. Though he had an outward appearance of calm, his heart was pounding with nervousness. Never in his wildest dream did he imagine he was so close to losing his beloved son. At the same time, he was proud of his son for making a wise choice in face of danger. He kept his son company for a long while until his son felt better. The moment the boy stood up, he threw himself into his father’s arms, saying in a gentle voice “Thank you, Dad!” with tears of gratitude and happiness rolling down his cheeks.
①.跳开:jump off/trip off
②.感谢的:of gratitude/thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Never in his wildest dream did he imagine he was so close to losing his beloved son. (由否定词never位于句首引起的部分倒装句)
[高分句型2]. The moment the boy stood up, he threw himself into his father’s arms, saying in a gentle voice “Thank you, Dad!” with tears of gratitude and happiness rolling down his cheeks. (非谓语动词现在分词作状语以及with复合结构)
4.possible version:
Then Catherine spotted Landy seated alone in a corner. She ducked her head with her eyes fixed on the floor as usual. It hit Catherine that the pecking order worked in school, too. Landy was just like the poor little chicken, being teased and ignored by her classmates, merely due to her special height. “It’s high time to do something for a change.” Catherine thought to herself. Having made up her mind, she urged the rest cool kids to make peace with Landy. Astonished at what she said, all the kids burst out screaming, “Talking to the long spaghetti? Are you crazy?”
But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, no matter what they said. “Landy, sorry about the spaghetti thing. I should have realized it earlier. Can you forgive us?” Catherine murmured an apology, her face reddening. She figured Landy might just walk away. But she lifted her misty eyes and nodded yes. Catherine wiped away her tears, giving her a warm hug. Moved by the scene, the other kids also came to offer their sincere apologies to Landy. From that day on, no one made up silly chants about Landy, and Catherine also learned that everyone should be treated equally no matter how special he or she was.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“Then Catherine spotted Landy seated alone in a corner.(然后Catherine发现Landy独自坐在角落里。)”可知,第一段描写Catherine发现Landy被冷落的样子而产生的联想,Catherine准备道歉,引起其他同学的惊讶或不满。
②由第二段首句内容“But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, no matter what they said. (Catherine不顾他们说什么径直朝Landy走去。)”可知,第二段描写Catherine主动找Landy道歉,Landy和其他同学深受感动。
2. 续写线索:Catherine看到孤独呆在角落里的Landy——Catherine想到了“受欺凌”的小鸡——Catherine想要改变——Catherine希望大家向Landy道歉——Catherine独自走向Landy并道歉——Landy原谅,彼此拥抱——大家和平相处
3. 词汇激活
①低下头:duck one’s head/ lower one’s head/ hang one’s head
②使某人突然想到:hit/occur/be stuck
③嘲笑:tease/laugh at/make fun of
⑤拥抱:give sb. a hug/ hug sb./ embrace sb
③抱歉的:sorry/ apologetic/ regretful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Having made up her mind, she urged the rest cool kids to make peace with Landy.(现在分词短语“Having made up her mind”作状语)
[高分句型2]. Astonished at what she said, all the kids burst out screaming, “Talking to the long spaghetti? Are you crazy?”(“Astonished at what she said”为形容词短语作状语,和what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型3]. From that day on, no one made up silly chants about Landy, and Catherine also learned that everyone should be treated equally no matter how special he or she was.(that引导宾语从句,和no matter how 引导的让步状语从句)
5.Paragraph l,
“Honey, Welcome back home. I have a surprise for you.” No sooner had Lucy come back than her grandma’s gentle and happy words came into her ears. Taking her by the arm, Grandma led her into her room. Standing on the desk quietly is the Happy Hannah doll! With tears in her eyes, she told Grandma what had happened on the way home. So shocked but satisfied that Grandma hugged the lovely girl and said, “Let’s go and find the owner of the wallet!”
Paragraph 2:
Together with Grandma, Lucy returned where she found the wallet. Cold as the weather was, she felt warm from the bottom of her heart! Before long , there came a woman who looked up-set and anxious. Lucy recognized her from the ID, but she still asked some questions about the woman and the wallet. Of course, the woman answered correctly. Lucy gave the wallet to her. The woman took it smilingly. She was so appreciative that she touched her head and said happily, “You did a good deed. Thank you, good girl!”
拥抱:hug/embrace/hold in one’s arms
感动的:with tears in one’s eyes/touched/moved
No sooner had Lucy come back than her grandma’s gentle and happy words came into her ears. (运用了倒装句)
Before long , there came a woman who looked up-set and anxious.(运用了who引导定语从句)
She was so appreciative that she touched her head and said happily, “You did a good deed. Thank you, good girl!”(运用了so…that引导状语从句)
6.I was stunned at the idea that I had made a difference in someone’s life. I murmured unbelievably and excitedly, “I had thought nobody would like this type of novel. I was about to give up when you gave me strength.” At this time, there were so many people standing in line that he had to be busy with his work. Therefore, he didn’t say too much, just giving me a determined look and telling me to call him as he handed me a note with a telephone number. Considering that maybe he was off duty, I called him. He was extremely grateful for my calling and said emotionally, “It was your Old Cape House series that inspired me and people around me with confidence to life. Hoping you can continue writing to bring hope and new things to your loyal fans.”
I hung up, ending this coincidental connection to a fan reader in a faraway place. I sank into thought: because of the outbreak of the epidemic, everyone's life was deeply affected and couldn't go out. Yes, he was right. It may be a good chance for me to bring a new world and something about adventure to their life. What a kind man! His words were like the warm sunshine to sweep away dark clouds overhead and bring me hope and confidence. Now I think it is time to open my computer and continue writing.
【详解】1. 段落续写
2. 续写线索:作者难以置信——留下号码——通话——陷入思考——开始相信自己——继续写作
3. 词类激活
激动地:excitedly/ emotionally
【点睛】[高分句型1] I was about to give up when you gave me strength. (运用了be about to do… when…句型)
[高分句型2] It was your Old Cape House series that inspired me and people around me with confidence to life. (运用了强调句型)
7.Paragraph 1:
What the old man said struck David. He suddenly realized that wealth wouldn’t really mean much if one was already so old. What the old man really wanted was what he still enjoyed-his youth. It was the most valuable thing he had. He realized that he was still young and everything was possible for him.David looked at the old man again and this time he no longer admired him.He knew he still had chance to become rich. But the old man could never become young again.
Paragraph 2:
David stopped complaining about his life.Instead,he decided to make a change. Later he found work again. This time he worked hard and tried his best to learn new things in his free time.He even went to attend a course at a night school. Two years later,he found better work. And some years later,he started his own business.Finally,he became rich.But he knew that wealth wasn’t the most important in his life. He wanted to live life to its fullest.
【点睛】[高分句型1]What the old man really wanted was what he still enjoyed-his youth.(第一个what引导的主语从句,以及第二个what引导的表语从句)
[高分句型2]But he knew that wealth wasn’t the most important in his life.(that引导的宾语从句)
98.Paragraph 1:
The next day, I made an announcement to all my students. I told them that I’d be offering an after-school study hall. Anthony was the first to show up. Several days later, Terrell joined him, followed by twins Sandy and Randy. Before long, I had a room full of eighth graders to work on their lessons. I never asked why any of them were there, but I soon had a large collection of “I don’t have my homework because...” stories. All were very real. None were amusing.
Paragraph 2:
Having read their stories, I learned more about these kids. The things I learned that year weren’t taught in the education classes. I discovered not all kids come from homes that are safe and warm. Not all kids have a quiet bedroom with a desk and study light. Some don’t have a home where a parent is even around. And some kids do go to bed hungrily. Most importantly, I learned that “I’ll listen” works better than “No excuses”.
②出现:show up/make an appearance
③发现:discover/find out
【点睛】[高分句型1] I told them that I’d be offering an after-school study hall. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] I never asked why any of them were there, but I soon had a large collection of “I don’t have my homework because...” stories. (运用了why引导宾语从句)
9.It was right beside the soccer field, playing its music loudly to attract customers and players as well. The players on both teams turned to look at it. A few girls pointed to it and cheered. Some called out excitedly to their parents to buy them one. The soccer game had practically stopped. Cali looked around and saw the soccer ball close by, ignored by the nearest yellow player. Cali smiled happily. She looked at her aunt, who nodded at her. “Now!” her aunt yelled. Cali didn’t hesitate.
She ran fast to the ball. By the time the other girls had noticed, Cali was positioned right in front of the net. The goalkeeper was standing to one side, also looking at the ice cream truck. She turned back quickly to guard the net as Cali kicked the ball hard. The goalkeeper reached out her gloved hand. The ball touched the tips of her fingers as it swooshed past, right into the top corner of the net. The referee blew her whistle. “Goal!” Cali jumped with joy, at the same time all his teammates surrounding her, jumping and shouting.
向……大喊:call out to/shout at
跑向:run to/rush to
激动地:excitedly/with excitement
【点睛】[高分句型1] It was right beside the soccer field, playing its music loudly to attract customers and players as well. (playing是现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] She looked at her aunt, who nodded at her.(由关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型3] The ball touched the tips of her fingers as it swooshed past, right into the top corner of the net. (由连词as引导时间状语从句)
10.Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought. So far, there had been many things like mini cola bottles and shakers. I stared at the shiny blue stone, which put other things in shade. “So beautiful!” I murmured. But soon a flow of questions arose: Could it be Chrissy’s? Was it very special? Should I return it to her? … I paced back and forth in my room, not knowing what to do. Having struggled for a long time, I dialed the number on the poster, told Chrissy that I happened to spot a gold necklace by the sea and made an appointment with her.
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop. Looking at the recovered blue stone in her hand, Chrissy burst into tears. After a while, she calmed down and told me the necklace was a gift from her dear grandma who died 10 years ago. “Thank you. Never can you imagine how sad I was when I lost it.” she sobbed.” It is the only reminder of the happy old days between us.” She thanked me again and gifted me a bag of candies. On my way home, I congratulated myself on making the right choice. Well, I was “a treasure girl” as Chrissy nicknamed me instead of “a trash girl” called by the mean kids at school.
①.低语:murmur /mutter
②.盯住:stare at / gaze at
③.归还:return/give back
①.感谢:thank/express her appreciation/show her gratitude/be grateful
②.大哭起来:burst into tears / burst out crying /cry loudly
【点睛】[高分句型1] I stared at the shiny blue stone, which put other things in shade. (运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Having struggled for a long time, I dialed the number on the poster, told Chrissy that I happened to spot a gold necklace by the sea and made an appointment with her. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的宾语从句)