We have featured people who lost weight by following many different methods. Some focused strictly oneating well. ____1____Here are some lessons you can learn from those people.
One thing most of our wellness winners had in common was a turning-point moment. For San Boeuf, her journey started when her unhealthy weight was threatening her dream of becoming a mother. She focused on her goal of being healthy enough to have kids. ____2____
Many of our winners relied on technology to assist them on their weight-loss journeys. There 're numerous apps, devices and online communities. ____3____So using all the tools available makes a difference, whether those are apps to log your food, smart devices to track your exercise, or online communities to find the support you need.
Losing a significant amount of weight is a long process. ____4____All of the wellness winners experienced struggles along the way but managed to stay or get back on track and maintain their healthy habits. Susan Elizabeth Chaney struggles with an eating disorder after losing a significant amount of weight.
____5____Choose a diet you can stick with. In other words, the specific plan matters a lot less than the effort you put into it. Some used intermittent fasting( 间歇性禁食), while others found eating smaller meals throughout the day to be more sustainable.
A.They can help people lose weight.
B.Set a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
C.There’s no magic diet for wellness winners.
D.There are struggles and setbacks along the way.
E.But finding help and support made a big difference.
F.Along with lots of hard work, she managed to lose 167 pounds.
G.Others found a love of exercise—or a healthy combinations of both.
Types of Words
There are tens of thousands of words in the English language, and along with social and scientific progress, new words appear frequently.____6____But we need not be worried about the impossibility of learning all of them, for only a few thousand words are used by ordinary people for ordinary purpose. These are the most useful words, or the common words, words that form core of the English vocabulary. They are the words we must learn and remember.
____7____Among these are political, legal, scientific, technical, business and literary words. It would be good for us to know some very useful words in various fields, and many of the words related to the field we will work in or be associated with.____8____
There is another type of words: those used by people who are not well educated or by people of special groups, such as people of a particular region or an age group.____9____Some of them may continue to be used, become acceptable to all people and join the common words. Among these words are slang, jargon, dialectal and obsolete words.____10____We need to understand them but should avoid using them, unless in special situation.
A.Apart from the common words, there are words used by people of special professions or fields, on special occasions or for special purposes.
B.These words belong to standard words.
C.The total number of English words, if it could be found out, must be surprisingly large.
D.These words are generally formal, and may be called formal and technical words.
E.Besides the easy common words, there are some difficult technical words for us to remember.
F.Some of these words may not be understandable to people in general, and may disappear after short period of time.
G.They may be called nonstandard words.
Traveling in the same car with several people is an excellent idea, which allows one to save on fuel. In the past, few of us would go to the company or work place together. ____11____We share a car every day with people whom we do not know anything about. We just need to connect to the Internet or use a mobile app to find the perfect transport for us.
____12____It makes practical sense to use tools at our hands to connect with people who would like to share cars together. Tools like mobile apps help contribute to sharing options.
Undoubtedly, carpooling (拼车) is an excellent option to save some money. It also adjusts our monthly budget for other activities, but the truth is that this type of transport is also much better suited to improve the traffic conditions of cities. ____13____
Practically speaking many times, we see heavy traffic but upon further finding we would see many cars with only one passenger in it. Rather than being alone in a heavy traffic situation, why not have passengers?____14____ At the same time, you can also have amazing conversations.
Spending on transportation is part of what we consider to be fixed expenses in a family, whether to move to work, to study or simply because we live in areas far away from the large urban centers.
____15____ It’s specially fit for those who want to spend less on fuel or would love to have an eco-friendly approach for the environment.
A.Carpooling is also fit for long routes.
B.That helps you reduce your fuel cost.
C.However, nowadays it is a bit different.
D.Each passenger can travel for a reduced cost.
E.In today’s digital time we are constantly connected.
F.In these situations, car sharing becomes an excellent option.
G.Moreover, it improves the environment since it means less cars.
Four ways to make someone else smile
In a world surrounded by bad news, it may feel like an unhappy place sometimes. However, you can make a difference. If you make even one person smile today, you can help make this world a better place.___16___What are you waiting for? Go be amazing!
Send a handwritten letter
In this day and age, where everything is sent via email, Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat, it’s a shock to receive a letter through the post. __17__. Even a postcard with a couple of sentences could really make someone’s day – all for the price of a stamp!
___18___ Whether you volunteer at your local youth group or take dogs from shelters for a walk, the simple fact that you are giving up your time to help someone else is incredible. There are so many opportunities, so you are sure to find one that is right for you. And it doesn’t necessarily have to take up all your time. It could be once a week or a couple of times a year.
Whether you’re creative or not, taking time to make something for someone else shows how much you appreciate them. Even if you think you’re not creative, the recipient will feel lucky to get such a unique gift that you put your precious time into. Some ideas could include a card, painting, drawing, song, poem or cake!
Tell someone ‘I love you’
Before you go ‘yuck’, it can be anyone – your mum or dad, grandparents, family member, friend, boyfriend or girlfriend.___20___Perhaps you can tell a friend that you appreciate all they are to you, or remind your mum that you love her. Sometimes, in our busy lives we forget to take a moment to tell people what they mean to us.
A.Try to be creative.
B.Here is a list of ideas to help you.
C.Make something for a special person.
D.This can help get more help from your friend.
E.And you don’t even have to say ‘I love you’.
F.Volunteering is one of the nicest things you can do.
G.Writing to a friend can be an easy way to make a positive impact.
___21___. A study recently published in Current Biology reflects previous perspective. Can you catch up on lost sleep? Here’s what the science says.
Losing even an hour puts you in sleep debt.
___22___: Withdraw an hour on Monday, then deposit an extra one on Saturday to break even. But as far as truly making up for the lost sleep during the week, you really can’t make up for it hour by hour. Research has suggested that a person would actually need four days of adequate rest to make up for even one hour of sleep debt. ___23___, it’s almost mathematically impossible to close that gap over only two weekend nights.
Your circadian clock (生物钟) is more sensitive than you think.
Pulling an occasional all-nighter or extra-early morning may not seem like a big deal. But tiredness isn’t the only consequence of an uncertain sleep schedule. ___24___. Your circadian clock naturally starts producing sleep-promoting melatonin (褪黑素) around 9 p.m., and levels stay high throughout the night before dropping off in the morning. Light exposure influences circadian rhythms somewhat—which is why you may have trouble sleeping after using screens at night—but if you maintain stable sleep and wake times, your internal clock should be similarly reliable.
If you’re exhausted by the time Saturday arrives, you should select a midday nap rather than a marathon overnight sleep. Previous research has also linked naps to better, memory focus and creativity. The National Sleep Foundation says that just 20 minutes of napping is enough to leave you feeling refreshed, as long as you don’t nap too close to bedtime.
A.Napping is better than sleeping in
B.Many people think of sleep like a bank account
C.If you spend that extra time sleeping during the week
D.Since many people get less sleep than they need just about every weeknight
E.Preserving your circadian rhythms by napping may improve your sleeping quality
F.Experts have long said you can’t make up for lost sleep by sleeping more on your days off
G.It also disrupts your circadian clock, a system that regulates hormone levels to promote sleep
Researchers recently discovered that mosquitoes who have their sleep disrupted would rather get rest than go looking for their next meal. “____26____. Sleep deprived (睡眠不足) or not, a blood meal should appeal to them.” said the lead author of the study.
To study mosquitoes, researchers spent more than a year developing ways to analyze and quantify their amount of sleep. It was particularly challenging because of something researchers call the “observer effect”.____27____. In the case of mosquitoes, they’re able to sense that people are nearby due to their body heat, movement, smells and breath.
To deal with those circumstances, researchers set up the experiment in a quiet lab where the mosquitoes were several rooms away from anybody who might pass by. ____28____. Researchers found that the mosquitoes in the lab slept between 16 and 19 hours each day. They moved their enclosures regularly at night or during the day to make them suffer sleep deprivation. ____29____. But less than one-quarter wanted to eat after asleep less night.
____30____. By understanding the circadian rhythms of insects, researchers hope to find new methods to prevent the spread of infections. In fruit flies, a link between sleep and immunity (免疫力) has been established. And immunity is an important factor for disease transmission in mosquitoes. Based on this, this research would provide us with an understanding of the role of sleep on the disease transmission in mosquitoes.
A.That was so natural
B.It was a bit surprising
C.Mosquitoes can spread serious diseases to humans
D.They placed cameras and sensors in the room to record the mosquitoes without disturbing them
E.The mosquitoes who were deprived of sleep went hunting for a blood meal wildly
F.Most mosquitoes that got to sleep normally went hunting for a blood meal when they were awake
G.This is when the act of just observing something can change its outcome
Procrastination (拖延)makes people live under constant stress. Making changes will lead to positive results, like relieving stress and increasing the quality of work, family time and joy. But how to? ___31___
◆Acknowledge the need to change.
If you’re a master procrastinator, stop making excuses and acknowledge the reasons why procrastination is bad. ___32___
◆Identify and understand your feelings.
You may feel fearful about the size of a task, proud of your productivity, and anxious about your time. ___33___ However, could you break a huge project up into manageable tasks? You might need to say “no” more often to give the proper time and attention to the more important things. You can also set a time limit on your break, maybe 15 to 20 minutes.
◆ ___34___
If you find yourself with some free time and you need to convince yourself to start working on a difficult task, follow the five-minute rule. Force yourself to work on a task for just five minutes, with the understanding that you can quit after five minutes if you like. This simple mental trick is usually just to get you started. And it will often turn into much more than five minutes.
◆Work on stuff earlier.
___35___ But remember: Just because you start working on something doesn’t mean you have to finish.
By starting, you get the juices flowing, allowing you to get more done than you anticipated. Additionally, you increase the quality of your work because every time you revise your thing, it gets better.
So, remember: Fighting procrastination is a life-long battle, but it’s a winnable one.
A.Use the five-minute rule.
B.These emotions are quite natural.
C.You might think of the possible results.
D.Here are some ways to beat procrastination.
E.Pay special attention to the quality of your work.
F.Otherwise, you won’t be convinced there’s a need to change.
G.For master procrastinators, the idea of working too early on a task is stupid.
Bad things sometimes happen to you at school or with a friend. Then who would you like to talk to? ___36___ You may have a lot of helpful friends in your life. However, you will always have family there for you. Through good and bad times, your family always supports and loves you.
___37___ David R. Wommack, a famous expert, thinks family is the tie that links us all so closely together and builds our characters, shared goals, respect and values. You just learn values like love, trust and tradition from your family.
Family is an important part of your everyday life. You can be yourself in front of your family members every day and they will accept you for who you are. ___38___ Even through difficult times, they will bring happiness into your life. Family is a tie that will last forever.
What are the ways that you can strengthen your family tie? You can make a family fun night each week. ___39___ This time together will strengthen your relationship for years to come. With a strong family tie, you can always turn to them for help and comfort.
Your family is a team. Do you remember when your family tried to help you deal with a challenge? Are there moments when your family tried to get you out of sadness? ___40___ You can try family dinners to improve your family tie.
A.Who do you turn to as well?
B.Friendship is a bridge that seems weak.
C.It can be a game night or a campfire night.
D.Who do you love most in your whole life?
E.It takes hard work to have a strong family tie.
F.Family helps you shape yourself and your life.
G.Your family will love you no matter what happens. .
Five Easy Solutions to Stress
It’s almost impossible to totally avoid stress, but these top tips will help you to get it under control so that it doesn’t take over your life.
Lean on other people
Studies of both animals and humans show that social contact can help tone down the body’s physical response to stress. It can even boost(增强)immunity.____41____.
Cut your to-do list in half
Most of us set the bar too high. After you’ve written your to-do list, decide what’s most important to you in the long run, then cut the list in half. ____42____. For instance, hire a person to mow the lawn or skip cooking and order takeaway.
Leave the house fifteen minutes earlier for appointments, set up a system for paying your bills, refill your prescriptions a week ahead of time and collect on birthday cards whenever you see ones you like. A little advance planning can spare you a lot of headaches!
Organize your world
____44____. Clean surroundings will help prevent the disappointment of not being able to find something you need. It can also make you satisfied that everything is in its place.
Laugh in your life
Laughter boosts your resistance to infection. If you laugh for twenty secondsyour body gets the same amount of beneficial oxygen as it does in three minutes of aerobic exercise (有氧运动).____45____
Find cartoons, videos, TV shows, writers and comics that make you laugh. Share jokes with friends over email.
A.Make a flexible schedule
B.Stop the last-minute rush
C.So develop a network of people you can turn to
D.It’s also nearly impossible to stay anxious while you’re laughing
E.If you have to do certain tasks, try to have someone else do them
F.However, if you laugh while doing exercise, it will hurt your body
G.Stop piling old magazines and throw away those receipts you no longer need
6 Ways To Make More Time
1. Only have three major things on your to-do list. To reduce stress and help you become more effective, have a daily plan for the tasks you need to finish, but include a maximum of three challenging or time-consuming jobs.____46____
2. Call time on social media. We’re not suggesting you stop it, but social media is a terrible timewaster. ____47____Then do the things you always say you’re too busy to do—going for a run or writing that novel.
3. ____48____Similarly, to avoid any anxiety about arriving late, build in an extra ten minutes to your outward and return journeys.
4. Prepare for a journey the night before. ____49____To avoid it, check the weather, transport and traffic reports online and pack everything you need the evening before.
5. Learn while you drive. If you’ve always been meaning to learn Spanish or read the classics, your car journey can help you realize that ambition.____50____
6. Draw up a timeline for important projects. Even if your project is a long-term one, start the planning process as soon as possible. Write out a timeline, with short-term goals leading up to the achievement of your long-term ambition. But be realistic.
A.We’ve all experienced that annoying morning rush.
B.So set an alarm to signal that it’s time to stop checking Facebook, Instagram and other sites and apps.
C.Perhaps these tips will help you make the most of your time.
D.Leave ten minutes earlier than you need to.
E.Getting these done will give you a sense of achievement.
F.Just be relaxed about arriving late.
G.Even being stuck in a traffic jam is bearable if you’re absorbed in an exciting audiobook.
Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.____51____Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.
You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a text-book or doing research for a report.____52____Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.____53____
●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.
●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.
●Write your notes in your own words.
● ____54____
● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.
As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand. When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.____55____
A.Use words, not complete sentences.
B.You must write your notes on separate paper.
C.There are three practical note-taking methods.
D.The following methods may work best for you.
E.Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.
F.you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
G.First, this simple act makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.
The “Three Rs” of Environmental Protection
Last time you drank a soda in an aluminum can or water in a plastic bottle, what did you do with thecan or bottle when you were finished? Did you know both could be recycled? To recycle something is to make it into something else. Pollution is the introduction of harmful chemicals into the environment that can hurt people and the earth. Pollutants can come from garbage that isn’t recycled. ____56____ . These pollutants can make us and animals very sick. It is a big problem in our world today.
Is there something you can do about it? There sure is. ____57____ .
First, reduce. Something simple like turning off the lights when you leave a room or turning off the water faucet while you brush your teeth can make a big difference. ____58____ , and even using a cloth towel rather than a paper towel when you spill something in the kitchen can help our planet.
When you don’t want a toy you have anymore, don’t just throw it away. Find a friend who might want it. That is reusing. Clothes you have grown out of can be donated for others to wear. A plastic cup you drank out of can be cleaned and used to store small toys in your room. ____59____
____60____ . Look on the bottom of plastic cups and containers. If you see a recyclable symbol, you can recycle the item. Newspapers, school papers, even glass jars and bottles can be recycled. Most neighborhoods have garbage trucks that just pick up recyclable items. Ask your parents if there is one in your area and use it.
We only have one planet to live on. Be someone who makes an effort to take care of it.
A.Garbage can be recycled and made into something new
B.Many of the items that are thrown away could be reused
C.Countless things can be recycled
D.Pollution affects living things other than animals
E.You can help by “reducing”, “reusing” and “recycling”
F.Pollution can also be caused by smoke and exhaust (废气)in the air and chemicals we put in the water
G.Walking or riding a bike rather than driving a car
How to Turn Your Dreams into a Reality
Do you have dreams, visions or plans about things you’d love to have or achieve? Of course you do! We all do. Unfortunately, dreaming is the easy part. ____61____ The good news is that there are proven techniques that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. Follow this process to bring your dreams to fruition(实现):
Turn your dream into a goal.
When you have a goal, you have a true target. For a greater chance of success, your plan should have a deadline and it must be measurable. ____62____ Give yourself the gift of setting a deadline and things will start to happen. Make your goal as desirable as possible without being unrealistic. If you feel that your goal is unreasonable, it’s much more difficult to encourage yourself to actually pursue it.
Prioritize(优先化)your goal daily.
____63____ You give instructions to your brain thousands of times a day. Let your mind know that your goal is something more important than “I feel like eating a ham sandwich” or “I need to stop at the grocery store on the way home”.
Difficult goals can rarely be achieved alone: you’re likely to need some help and guidance. Look at the list you made and see what you already have in your life that could help you on your path.
Track your progress.
Measure your progress each day. Use old fashioned paper and pencil or take advantage of the latest smartphone app. ____65____ You can only adjust your approach if you know how you’re doing. Consider making a chart if that’s applicable to your goal.
A.Classify (将……分类) your available resources.
B.Make a list of negative associations.
C.Read and write your goal each day.
D.Turning those dreams into a reality is the challenge.
E.Tracking is critical to making continued progress.
F.It has been said that dreams are goals without a deadline.
G.So make a list of all the negative stuff that slip into your mind.
Baratunde Thurston, a digital media adviser, decided to disconnect from his online life for twenty-five days — no Facebook, no Twitter, not even an e mail. He needed a break. ____66____.
It didn’t take him long to adjust to a disconnected life. By the end of that first week, he was less stressed about not knowing new things. ____67____. He enjoyed food without twittering the experience. But the end came too soon. After the twenty-five days, he had to restore (恢复) his online presence.
His experiment summarizes two important points about our relationship with social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The first point is that we increasingly recognize that these tools reduce our ability to concentrate. ____68____. But the problem is especially serious if you’re attempting to improve your ability to work deeply.
To fight back against these distractions (使人分心的事), Thurston felt his only option was to quit the Internet completely. But the problem is that no one actually follows Thurston. ____69____. That is, our current distracted state is unavoidable. This brings me to the second point, it didn’t take him long once the experiment ended to slide back into where he began.
____70____. Instead, I’ll ask you to reject the state of highly distracted connectedness. Social networks might be significant to your success and happiness, but meanwhile accept that most people should be using fewer such tools. If you’re to develop a deep work habit, you must fight to get there.
A.This accounts for the reality
B.He started chatting with strangers
C.I won’t ask you to quit the Internet
D.“I was burnt out and done,” he explained
E.It is a real problem for many different people
F.He had to return to the online world with books to market
G.Fortunately, you will break the habit of surfing the Internet gradually
Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus (马戏团). There were so many people that we waited for a long time. ____71____ This family made a big impression on me.
There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn't have a lot of money. Their clothes were not expensive but they were clean. The children talked excitedly about the clowns, elephants and other acts they would see that night. I could tell they'd never been to the circus before. ____72____ The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.
The ticket lady asked how many tickets the father wanted. He proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adults' tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.”
The man's wife lowered her head. There was no longer a smile on the man's face. He quietly asked, “How much did you say?”
The ticket lady again told him the price.
The man obviously didn't have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news? ____74____ (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, you dropped this."
The man understood my father was helping him. He picked up the money, looked straight into my dad's eyes, and in tears replied, “Thank you, sir, thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family."
A.The ticket lady told him the price.
B.It was clearly a very important day out for them.
C.My father decided to help them and give them some money.
D.Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us.
E.Although we did not go to the circus that night, we didn't feel regretful.
F.Seeing this, my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it on the ground.
We start to lose muscle mass from age 30, but it’s never too late to improve it. If you do, it can help with balance, reduce your risk of falls, increase bone density, which will help guard against osteoporosis (骨质疏松症), and benefit heart health too. ____76____. Here are some tips on how you can build your strength.
____77____. If you’ve had previous health problems or injuries, you can tailor your strength training to your own needs. Book a session with a personal trainer to be assessed and get a personalized plan.
Start small. Don’t go crazy — you’ll end up doing yourself a damage. There’s no need to go to the gym and lift dumbbells or kettlebells. ____78____. There are plenty of free beginners’ workouts on YouTube and on the NHS website. Don’t forget to have rest days to allow your body to recover.
Set a goal. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to lose a few kilos, get fitter, look more toned, or improve muscle mass for health purposes? Or maybe it’s all of those. To lose weight, do more cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise, such as brisking walking, cycling or running. ____79____.
Pack the protein. ____80____. You need to eat well too. Protein is key. Include it in all your meals in the form of lean meat, fish, beans, tofu, eggs or dairy produce. Focus on mixing protein and carbs, such as fruit, rice, sweet potato and quinoa, as these will help with muscle growth.
A.Have a plan
B.Clear your problem
C.Building strength isn’t all about getting physical
D.You particularly need to take in food rich in protein
E.In fact, they may make you more likely to be injured
F.Another plus is that you’ll look stronger and feel more confident
G.If you’re looking mainly to build strength, do more resistance training
Everybody wants to hang out with fun people. Nobody wants to be classified as “boring”. It’s just that some of us need a little help in this department. Being fun to hang out with fun people starts with developing healthy self-esteem (自尊) , an adventurous spirit, and a kind personality. ___81___.
Be confident. ___82___. Before you even begin trying to become a fun person, you have to believe you can be a fun person. Nothing is wrong with believing in yourself, and it’s looked up to but never looked down on. Most confident people have insecurities.
Show interest. Listen and show kindness to others during conversation. If people think they can talk to you about anything, they’ll invite you to hang out more often. ___83___. If you ignore people or always talk about yourself, they won’t invite you anymore.
___84___. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, what you are looking forward to, or what you want to do. We all know that sadness needs company, but if you are unhappy all the time, others won’t want to hang out with you.
Smile. Looking the part of a fun person is half the battle, and it’s not even really much of a battle because once you get the hang of it, smiling just becomes a reflex, and an attractive one at that.
Learn how to “hang out”. ___85___ . Some people like to just sit around casually, watch TV, play games, or just talk. For others, hanging out can mean doing interesting activities outside the home. Figure out what your friends consider hanging out to be and then tailor your interests to that crowd.
A.Be positive
B.Hold the conversation
C.Don’t control the conversation
D.Have a healthy sense of self or good self-esteem
E.Hanging out means the same thing to every person
F.All of this will make you an ideal person to hang out with
G.Hanging out can mean different things to different people
Traveling along the old Silk Road can be a quite interesting and rewarding experience. Here is some information that the visitor should consider when planning a possible travel on the road.
Language. While traveling along the road, the visitor can meet with about 20 different nationalities. ____86____. However, Some ethnic groups began learning Mandarin(普通话)and adopted the lifestyle of the Han people. Chinese became the official language in the autonomous regions. ____87____.
Accommodations. The Silk Road spans most of China, from modern cities in the central China to villages and towns in the remote west. Accordingly, accommodations along the route range from high standard hotels to simple guesthouses.
In big cities like Dunhuang, Urumqi, Lanzhou, the visitor can enjoy high standard hotels. They all provide excellent conditions, good services and they are quite safe. ____88____ . Visitors without money may consider the cheaper guesthouses because these guesthouses with simpler equipment and basic service are fit enough to live in for most Chinese travelers. In the remote villages, only simple accommodations are available. ____89____
Travel by Road. Buses are the most inexpensive method of transport along the Silk Road but, unfortunately, they are very slow. ____90____ . A travel by car can be the only way to visit sites far from cities or towns that would otherwise be hard to reach. Rental prices are based on the number of days and kilometers traveled, and sometimes they can be negotiated(协商).
A.It offers good views of the mountains
B.Some of them speak their own languages
C.Learn some of their languages before going
D.But this kind of hotels is also the most expensive
E.Cars are offered by some travel agencies and hotels
F.These locations offer nothing but a quite simple room
G.Today, Chinese can be easily used among these nationalities
Biologist Marc Bekoff studies dogs, wolves and coyotes. ____91____. If they’re in the same pack, animal friends may sleep close to one another. They greet one another, travel together, share food and groom each other. Animal friends are nice to one another, and they even play together.____92____.
Playing together, for instance, helps animals bond and keeps them close to the group. “Coyote pups who don’t play together are more likely to go out on their own.____93____.” says Bekoff. “If an animal has a special friend, both friends benefit by having someone to watch out for them.”
____94____. When a young rhinoceros sets out on its own for the first time, it may look for an older travel friend, and this companion helps to find food and water and avoid predators. Young male elephants hang out together when they leave their mothers’ herds, and young dolphins do, too. Pairs of bottlenose dolphins sometimes form strong bonds and pal around together for years. Among chimpanzee groups, some pair up to groom each other, hunt together, share food and defend each other from danger.
Why do animals have friends? “Mainly because in the long run they benefit from friendships,” scientist Franz de Waal says. “It is all give and take.____95____.”
A.Young animals often team up for protection
B.He believes that many animals do have friends
C.He thinks that many animals seldom have friends
D.Therefore, playing together sometimes is harmful
E.And leaving the protection of the group can be dangerous
F.This friendly behavior can be important to an animal’s survival
G.Sometimes one gives more, the other takes more, but in the end both parties gain
One of the most popular new outdoor activities is day hiking. For many first-time hikers, it’s important to learn the proper hiking tips and safety rules. ____96____ Here are some of the main ones to know.
Take out your own garbage. One of the biggest surprises for people new to the outdoors is that many parks and trails have no facilities; i.e., no restrooms or garbage cans. ____97____ You’re even supposed to ferry out poop (your own or your pet’s), unless you bury it 200 feet from the trail or any water source. Advisably, you can pack out trash with some zip top bags.
Don’t move things around. This means no taking home pretty rocks or flowers. Any time you move or remove something, you may destroy an animal s home or a weak ecosystem. Leaving things alone also applies to wildlife, so don’t try to pet a deer or approach a bear for a great photo. ____98____
____99____Since hikers tend to head into the outdoors to enjoy all of the natural sights, sounds and smells, don’t blast music, talk loudly on the phone or bring along an uncontrolled pet. Being a considerate hiker also helps the resident wildlife, which may need undisturbed spaces and enough quiet to hear the sounds of nature for their communication and survival.
Know when to stay on and step off the trail. Hiking trails are created with specific purposes, which may include preventing pollution to environment and protecting precious plant and animal communities. ____100____ There are a few exceptions, such as leaving the trail to “use the restroom”.
A.Enjoy them from a safe distance.
B.Be considerate of your fellow hikers.
C.So stay on the trail as much as possible.
D.Communicate with other hikers politely.
E.That means you’re supposed to carry back out whatever you bring in.
F.Just as with any sport or activity, hiking involves certain accepted practices.
G.It’s also considered proper to step off the trail if you want to rest or have a snack.
1.根据首句“We have featured people who lost weight by following many different methods.(我们介绍了通过遵循许多不同的方法减肥的人。)”可知,此处说的是很多人的减肥方法不同,下文“Some focused strictly on eating well.(有些人严格关注吃得好。)”介绍的是其中一些人的减肥方式,由此可推断,此空处要继续介绍其他人的减肥方式,E选项“Others found a love of exercise—or a healthy combinations of both.(其他人则发现了对运动的热爱——或者两者的健康结合。)”中的others为解题的关键信息,符合语境。故选G项。
2.根据空前的“She focused on her goal of being healthy enough to have kids.(她专注于自己的目标,即足够健康,可以生孩子。)”可知,此处讲述的是一位女性减肥的方式,所以此空仍于该女性有关联,F选项“Along with lots of hard work, she managed to lose 167 pounds.(加上大量的努力,她设法减掉了167磅。)”中的she指代的对象与上文涉及到的女性San Boeuf是同一人,代词指代内容一致,且语意贯通。故选F项。
3.根据空前两句“Many of our winners relied on technology to assist them on their weight-loss journeys. There 're numerous apps, devices and online communities.(我们的许多获奖者依靠技术来帮助他们进行减肥之旅。 有许多应用程序、设备和在线社区。)”可知,该段讲述的是人们靠科技减肥的方式,所以,此空内容应与高科技有关系,A项“They can help people lose weight.(他们可以帮助人们减肥。)”中的they指代的内容为上文中的apps,符合语境。故选A项。
4.根据空前“Losing a significant amount of weight is a long process.(减掉大量的体重是一个漫长的过程。)”以及空后“All of the wellness winners experienced struggles along the way but managed to stay or get back on track and maintain their healthy habits.(所有健康获奖者都经历了一路上的挣扎,但设法保持或回到正轨并保持他们的健康习惯。)”可知,减肥是有很多困难的,D选项“There are struggles and setbacks along the way.(一路上有挣扎和挫折。)”的内容与上下文内容吻合,均是介绍减肥路上有很多的困难。故选D项。
5.根据空后的“Choose a diet you can stick with.(选择一种你可以坚持的饮食。)”可知,此处选择的内容应该与选择饮食有关系,C选项“There’s no magic diet for wellness winners.(健康赢家没有神奇的饮食。)”中的diet与空后的内容一致。故选C项。
6.根据上文“There are tens of thousands of words in the English language, and along with social and scientific progress, new words appear frequently.(英语中有成千上万的单词,随着社会和科学的进步,新词经常出现)”以及后文“But we need not be worried about the impossibility of learning all of them, for only a few thousand words are used by ordinary people for ordinary purpose.(但我们不必担心不可能学会所有的词汇,因为只有几千个单词是平时人们为了普通的目的而使用的)”可知,从文章第一段第一句可知随着社会和科技的进步新词频繁出现,以及第三句我们没有必要担心学不完这些词汇得出一个结论:如果能够完全统计,英语词汇量大得惊人。故C选项“英语单词的总数,如果它能被查出来,一定是惊人的大”符合语境,故选C。
7.根据后文“Among these are political, legal, scientific, technical, business and literary words.(其中包括政治、法律、科学、技术、商业和文学词汇)”可知,后文的例子说明某些词语是给专业人士使用的。故A选项“除了常用词外,还有一些词语是特殊职业或领域的人在特殊场合或为特殊目的使用的”符合语境,故选A。
8.根据上文“Among these are political, legal, scientific, technical, business and literary words. It would be good for us to know some very useful words in various fields, and many of the words related to the field we will work in or be associated with.(其中包括政治、法律、科学、技术、商业和文学词汇。知道一些在各个领域非常有用的词汇对我们来说是有好处的,而且很多词汇都与我们将要工作的领域或与之相关)”可知,上文提到词汇属于某个领域专业词汇,本句对上文进行总结:这些词汇通常很正式,被叫做正式词汇或技术词汇。故D选项“这些词通常是正式的,可以被称为正式的和专业的词”符合语境,其中These words指代的就是上文提到的那些种类的词汇,故选D。
9.根据上文“There is another type of words: those used by people who are not well educated or by people of special groups, such as people of a particular region or an age group.(还有另一种类型的词:那些没有受过良好教育的人或特殊群体的人使用的词,如特定地区或年龄群体的人)”以及后文“Some of them may continue to be used, become acceptable to all people and join the common words.(其中一些可能会继续使用,为所有人所接受,并加入常用词)”可知,上文提到词汇在特定区域或特定年龄段使用,后文则提到了会继续会用,可推测有些词汇可能不被大众理解,甚至会在短时间使用后消失。故F选项“有些词一般人可能听不懂,在短时间内就会消失”符合语境,故选F。
10.根据上文“Among these words are slang, jargon, dialectal and obsolete words.(其中有俚语、行话、方言和废词)”可知,本句是对上文提到的单词进行定义:它们可以被称为非标准词,G选项中they指代上文slang, jargon, dialectal and obsolete words。故G选项“它们可以被称为非标准词”符合语境,故选G。
11.C选项“然而,如今情况有所不同。”与上文“In the past, few of us would go to the company or work place together. (在过去,我们中很少有人会一起去公司或工作场所)”形成转折关系,引出下文“We share a car every day with people whom we do not know anything about. (我们每天与我们并不了解的人共享一辆车)”讲现在大家愿意拼车的现象。故选C项。
12.由下文“It makes practical sense to use tools at our hands to connect with people who would like to share cars together. Tools like mobile apps help contribute to sharing options. (使用我们手中的工具与希望共享汽车的人建立联系是有实际意义的。移动应用程序等工具有助于共享选项)”可知,此段主要讲述如今的数字技术非常有利于拼车,E选项“在今天的数字时代,我们不断地联系在一起。”切题。故选E项。
13.由上文“It also adjusts our monthly budget for other activities, but the truth is that this type of transport is also much better suited to improve the traffic conditions of cities. (它还调整了我们每月的其他活动预算,但事实是,这种交通方式也更适合改善城市的交通状况)”可知,G选项“此外,它改善了环境,因为它意味着更少的汽车。”承接上文讲拼车对城市的好处。故选G项。
14.由上文“Rather than being alone in a heavy traffic situation, why not have passengers? (与其在交通拥挤的情况下独自一人,为什么不多些乘客呢)”可知,B选项“这有助于降低燃油成本。”承接上文讲交通拥堵情况下,你与他人拼车的好处,该空和下文“At the same time, you can also have amazing conversations. (同时,你也可以进行精彩的对话)”是并列关系,都在讲拼车的好处。故选B项。
15.由上文“Spending on transportation is part of what we consider to be fixed expenses in a family, whether to move to work, to study or simply because we live in areas far away from the large urban centers. (交通开支是我们认为家庭固定开支的一部分,无论是工作、学习,还是仅仅因为我们居住在远离大城市中心的地区)”和下文“It’s specially fit for those who want to spend less on fuel or would love to have an eco-friendly approach for the environment. (它特别适合那些希望在燃料上花费更少或希望采用环保方法的人)”可知,对于工作、学习或居住区远的人来说,拼车是个好选择,有诸多好处,F选项“在这些情况下,汽车共享成为一个很好的选择。”切题。故选F项。
16.前文“If you make even one person smile today, you can help make this world a better place.”(如果你今天能让一个人微笑,你就能让这个世界变得更美好。)讲述了你能让这个世界变得更美好的一个条件。同时结合下文黑体字可知,下文讲述的是让别人开心的四种方法。因此空处应总说下面就是一些好的建议。选项B.“这里有一些想法可以帮助你。”,切题,故选B。
17.空前“In this day and age, where everything is sent via email, Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat, it’s a shock to receive a letter through the post.”(在这个所有东西都通过电子邮件、 Facebook、 WhatsApp 和 Snapchat 发送的时代,通过邮件收到一封信令人震惊。)提到了用邮件收到一封信会令人震惊。结合本段标题“Send a handwritten letter”(寄一封手写的信),可知本段主要叙述手写的好处。因而空处可能叙述手写信件对朋友会带来的积极的影响。选项G.“写信给朋友可以是一个简单的方法来产生积极的影响。”起到承上启下的作用,同时与下文“Even a postcard with a couple of sentences could really make someone’s day – all for the price of a stamp”(即使是一张只有几句话的明信片,也能让一个人的一天充满乐趣——而这一切只需要一张邮票的价格)也形成呼应。故选G。
18.空后“Whether you volunteer at your local youth group or take dogs from shelters for a walk, the simple fact that you are giving up your time to help someone else is incredible.”(无论你是在当地的青年团体做志愿者,还是从收容所带狗出去散步,你为了帮助别人而放弃自己的时间这个简单的事实都是不可思议的。)谈到了帮助别人,同时根据本段的段落小标题为:志愿者。可知本段谈论与志愿相关的内容。选项F.“做志愿者是你能做的最好的事情之一。”,与本段的标题相符,同时选项中的“one of the nicest things you can”与下文的“giving up your time to help someone else is incredible”意思一致。故选F。
19.下文“Whether you’re creative or not, taking time to make something for someone else shows how much you appreciate them. ”(无论你是否有创造力,花时间为别人做点什么,都能表明你对他们的感激之情。)提到了当你要表示对某人的感激之情时,你可以花时间做点什么来表示感激。因而作为标题句可以讲述对于特别的人可以做点什么。选项C.“为一个特别的人做点什么。”与下文的意义一致,符合题意,故选C。
20.下文“Perhaps you can tell a friend that you appreciate all they are to you, or remind your mum that you love her. ”(也许你可以告诉你的朋友你很感激他们对你的一切,或者提醒你的妈妈你爱她。)表明对于朋友或你的妈妈他们为你做的一切,告诉他们你感激他们是表达你爱他们的方式,即不必通过说出来也可以表达爱。选项E.“不一定要说我爱你”,符合语境。故选E。
21.下文“A study recently published in Current Biology reflects previous perspective. Can you catch up on lost sleep? Here’s what the science says. (最近发表在《当代生物学》上的一项研究回应了以前的观点。你能弥补失去的睡眠吗?接下来的这些是科学告诉我们的。)”引出问题:我们能否弥补失去的睡眠,回应了专家的观点。F项“Experts have long said you can’t make up for lost sleep by sleeping more on your days off (专家长期以来一直表示,你不能通过在休息日多睡一会儿来弥补失去的睡眠)”介绍了长久以来专家们对补觉的观点,衔接下文。故选F。
22.下文“Withdraw an hour on Monday, then deposit an extra one on Saturday to break even. (周一提取一个小时,然后在周六额外存入一个小时以达到收支平衡。)”举例说明如何弥补睡眠。B项“Many people think of sleep like a bank account (许多人认为睡眠就像一个银行账户一样)”指出睡眠像银行账户,引出下文对“bank account”的解释,故选B。
23.根据下文“it’s almost mathematically impossible to close that gap over only two weekend nights. (从数学上讲,仅仅在周末的两个晚上,几乎是不可能缩小这一差距的。)”可知,在周末的两个晚上几乎不能弥补工作日缺失的睡眠。D项“Since many people get less sleep than they need just about every weeknight (由于许多人的睡眠时间几乎少于每个工作日晚上的需求)”说明人们在工作日睡眠不足。引出下文:在周末的两个晚上几乎不能弥补工作日缺失的睡眠。故选D。
24.下文“Your circadian clock naturally starts producing sleep-promoting melatonin (褪黑素) around 9 p.m., and levels stay high throughout the night before dropping off in the morning. (你的生物钟在晚上9点左右自然开始产生促进睡眠的褪黑素,并且整晚都保持高水平,然后在早上下降。)”介绍人体的生物钟是如何运转的。G项“It also disrupts your circadian clock, a system that regulates hormone levels to promote sleep (它还会扰乱你的生物钟,这是一种调节激素水平以促进睡眠的系统)”引出下文,介绍生物钟这一概念,故选G。
25.下文“If you’re exhausted by the time Saturday arrives, you should select a midday nap rather than a marathon overnight sleep. Previous research has also linked naps to better, memory focus and creativity. (如果你到周六时已经筋疲力尽,你应该选择午睡,而不是马拉松式的彻夜长眠。以前的研究也将小睡与更好的记忆力和创造力联系起来。)”说明小憩比睡懒觉好,以及小憩的好处。A项“Napping is better than sleeping in (小憩一会比睡懒觉好)”概括下文,说明小憩一会比睡懒觉好。故选A。
26.根据前文“Researchers recently discovered that mosquitoes who have their sleep disrupted would rather get rest than go looking for their next meal. (研究人员最近发现,睡眠被打乱的蚊子宁愿休息,也不愿去寻找下一顿饭)”再分析设空,可知,空处是研究人员说的话,应该是研究人员对这个发现的感受,根据下文“Sleep deprived or not, a blood meal should appeal to them.(不管是否睡眠不足,一顿血餐应该会吸引他们)”可知,这个结果是让他们惊讶的,所以B项“It was a bit surprising(这有点令人惊讶)”符合文意。故选B项。
27.根据前文“It was particularly challenging because of something researchers call the “observer effect”(由于研究人员所说的“观察者效应”,这项研究尤其具有挑战性)”可知此处提出一个新的概念“observer effect”,所以空处应该是对这个概念的解释,所以G项“This is when the act of just observing something can change its outcome.(这是指观察某事物的行为可以改变它的结果)”符合文意。故选G项。
28.根据前文“To deal with those circumstances, researchers set up the experiment in a quiet lab where the mosquitoes were several rooms away from anybody who might pass by. (为了应对这些情况,研究人员在一个安静的实验室里进行了实验,蚊子与任何可能路过的人都有几个房间的距离)”可知,此段是在说研究员如何解决观察者效应。由此推知,空处应是进一步说明方法,所以D项“They placed cameras and sensors in the room to record the mosquitoes without disturbing them.(他们在房间里放置了摄像头和传感器,在不打扰蚊子的情况下记录下蚊子的活动)”符合文意。故选D项。
29.根据前文“They moved their enclosures regularly at night or during the day to make them suffer sleep deprivation.(他们在夜间或白天定期移动笼子,扰乱它们的睡眠)”可知,此处讲述了研究员的研究过程,所以空处应说结果,所以F项“Most mosquitoes that got to sleep normally went hunting for a blood meal when they were awake(大多数正常睡眠的蚊子在醒着的时候会去觅食)”符合文意。故选F项。
30.根据段尾“Based on this, this research would provide us with an understanding of the role of sleep on the disease transmission in mosquitoes.(在此基础上,本研究将使我们了解睡眠在蚊子中疾病传播中的作用)”可知,本段主要讲蚊子会传播疾病,此项研究可以帮助我们了解睡眠在蚊子中疾病传播中的作用,所以C项“Mosquitoes can spread serious diseases to humans(蚊子可以将严重的疾病传播给人类)”符合文意。故选C项。
31.上文“Procrastination (拖延) makes people live under constant stress. Making changes will lead to positive results, like relieving stress and increasing the quality of work, family time and joy. But how to?(拖延症使人们生活在持续的压力之下。做出改变会带来积极的结果,比如减轻压力、提高工作质量、家庭时间和快乐。但是怎么做呢?)”提到了拖延症使人们生活在持续的压力之下,做出改变会带来积极的结果,并提出“该怎么做”这一问题;下文直接列出几项打败拖延症的方法。由此可知,设空处需填一个过渡句,承上启下。D项“Here are some ways to beat procrastination.(这里有一些击败拖延症的方法)”与上下文对应。故选D项。
32.根据小标题“Acknowledge the need to change.(承认改变的必要)”可知,本段主题与改变相关;上文“If you’re a master procrastinator, stop making excuses and acknowledge the reasons why procrastination is bad.(如果你是一个拖延大师,停止找借口,承认拖延不好的原因)”提到了停止找借口,承认拖延是不好的;选项中只有F项“Otherwise, you won’t be convinced there’s a need to change.(否则,你不会相信有改变的必要)” 与“改变”这一主题相关,且与上文对应。故选F项。
33.根据小标题“Identify and understand your feelings.(认识并理解你的感受)”可知,本段主题与感受和情绪相关;上文“You may feel fearful about the size of a task, proud of your productivity, and anxious about your time.(你可能会对任务的规模感到害怕,为自己的效率感到骄傲,为自己的时间感到焦虑)”提到了害怕、骄傲、和焦虑等情绪;下文“However, could you break a huge project up into manageable tasks?(然而,你能把一个庞大的项目分解成可管理的任务吗?)”则转而提到把庞大的项目分解成可管理的小任务。B项“These emotions are quite natural.(这些情绪是很自然的)”中的these emotions恰好指代上文的fearful、proud、anxious等情绪。故选B项。
34.设空处为本段的小标题,需能概括本段主旨;下文“If you find yourself with some free time and you need to convince yourself to start working on a difficult task, follow the five-minute rule.(如果你发现自己有一些空闲时间,你需要说服自己开始做一个困难的任务,遵循五分钟规则)”提到了如果要说服自己开始做一个困难的任务,遵循五分钟规则。由此可知,本段主要与五分钟规则相关。A项“Use the five-minute rule.(使用五分钟规则)”能概括本段主旨。故选A项。
35.根据小标题“Work on stuff earlier.(早点做事)”可知,本段主要与work earlier相关;下文“But remember: Just because you start working on something doesn’t mean you have to finish.(但请记住:你开始做某件事并不意味着你必须完成)”转而提到早点开始做某件事并不意味着必须完成。G项“For master procrastinators, the idea of working too early on a task is stupid.(对于拖延症大师来说,过早开始工作的想法是愚蠢的)”既符合work early的主题,也下文对应。故选G项。
36.根据上文“Bad things sometimes happen to you at school or with a friend. Then who would you like to talk to? (坏事有时会发生在你身上,在学校或和朋友在一起。那你想和谁谈谈?)”和下文“You may have a lot of helpful friends in your life. (你的生活中可能有很多乐于助人的朋友)”可知,横线处的句子承上启下,应与遇到问题和谁谈一谈相关。A选项Who do you turn to as well?(你也向谁求助?)承接上文,与和谁谈一谈相对应,符合语境。故选A。
37.由下文“David R. Wommack, a famous expert, thinks family is the tie that links us all so closely together and builds our characters, shared goals, respect and values. (著名专家大卫·R·沃马克认为,家庭是将我们所有人紧密联系在一起的纽带,并塑造了我们的性格、共同的目标、尊重和价值观)”可知,横线处的句子要引出下文,要与家庭对生活和个人的影响相关。F选项Family helps you shape yourself and your life.(家庭帮助你塑造自己和生活)符合语境。故选F。
38.由上文“Family is an important part of your everyday life. You can be yourself in front of your family members every day and they will accept you for who you are. (家庭是您日常生活的重要组成部分。你可以每天在家人面前做你自己,他们会接受你是谁)”和下文“Even through difficult times, they will bring happiness into your life. Family is a tie that will last forever. (即使经历困难时期,它们也会给你的生活带来快乐。家庭是一条将永远持续下去的纽带)”可知,横线处的句子承上启下,要和家人会接受自己和给生活带来快乐相关。G选项Your family will love you no matter what happens. (不管发生什么,你的家人都会爱你的)符合语境,选项中的no matter what happens与下文difficult times相对应。故选G。
39.由上文“What are the ways that you can strengthen your family tie? You can make a family fun night each week.(有什么方法可以加强你的家庭纽带?您可以每周度过一个有趣的家庭之夜)”和下文“ This time together will strengthen your relationship for years to come. (这一次在一起将加強你们未未来几年的关系)”可知,横线处句子承上启下,要与和家人度过的家庭之夜相关,C选项It can be a game night or a campfire night.(这可以是比赛之夜,也可以是篝火之夜)符合语境,选项中的game night or a campfire night和上文family fun nigh相对应。故选C。
40.由上文“Are there moments when your family tried to get you out of sadness? (有没有时刻你的家人试图让你摆脱悲伤?)”和下文“You can try family dinners to improve your family tie. (您可以尝试家庭聚餐来改善您的家庭关系)”可知,横线处的句子承上启下,要承接摆脱悲伤,引出增进家庭关系,E选项It takes hard work to have a strong family tie.(建立牢固的家庭关系需要艰苦的工作)符合语境。故选E。
41.根据本段主题句“Lean on other people”(依靠别人)及“social contact can help”(社交能帮助)可知,本段主要讲述寻求他人帮助可以减轻压力。空处为段尾句,对本段内容作出总结,选项C中“So”衔接合理;同时C句意为:所以建立一个你可以求助的人际网络,与本段段落大意一致。故选C。
42.根据下一句“For instance, hire a person to mow the lawn or skip cooking and order takeaway.”(例如,雇一个人修剪草坪,或者不做饭,叫外卖。)可知,这是对设空处的举例说明;选项E中提到“try to have someone else do them”(让别人去做)与所举例子中找别人修草坪、叫外卖意思一致,所以衔接合理,符合语意。故选E。
43.根据文章结构可知,空处应为祈使句,所以答案选自A、B、G;由所在段中“fifteen minutes earlier”(提前十五分钟)、“a week ahead of time”(提前一周)和“A little advance planning”(提前计划一点)可知,本段主要讲述做事要有提前量,不要卡着点匆匆忙忙,选项B(停止最后一刻的匆忙)意思相符。故选B。
44.根据本段主题句“Organize your world”(整理你的世界)可知,本段主要讲述整理内务、保持整洁的环境有助于减轻压力;该段中“ Clean surroundings will help ”进一步表明了干净的环境是有帮助的;选项G(停止堆放旧杂志,扔掉那些你不再需要的收据)所表达的内容属于整理清洁的一种,与本段主题相符,与下一句衔接合理。故选G。
45.根据本段主题句“Laugh in your life”及段中多次出现“laugh”可知,本段主要是介绍笑有利于减轻压力;选项D中提到了“while you're laughing”,且句意(当你在笑的时候也几乎不可能保持焦虑)与上一句“If you laugh for twenty secondsyour body gets the same amount of beneficial oxygen as it does in three minutes of aerobic exercise ”(如果你笑了20秒,你的身体得到的有益氧气量相当于做了3分钟的有氧运动)衔接合理。故选D。
46.根据上文“Only have three major things on your to-do list. To reduce stress and help you become more effective, have a daily plan for the tasks you need to finish, but include a maximum of three challenging or time-consuming jobs.(你的待办事项清单上只有三件大事。为了减轻压力并帮助你变得更有效,每天都要为你需要完成的任务制定计划,但最多包括三项具有挑战性或耗时的工作)”可知,本条建议中提出最多只能在自己的待办事项清单中列出三条内容。由此推知,当你完成这些内容之后就会产生一种成就感。E项“Getting these done will give you a sense of achievement.(完成这些会给你成就感)”符合文意,选项中Getting these done中代词these与three major things相对应。故选E。
47.根据上文“Call time on social media. We’re not suggesting you stop it, but social media is a terrible timewaster.(计算社交媒体上的时间。我们不是建议你停止,但社交媒体是一种可怕的时间浪费)”可知,本段建议控制用在社交媒体上的时间。B项“So set an alarm to signal that it’s time to stop checking Facebook, Instagram and other sites and apps.(因此,设置一个闹钟,来提醒是时候停止查看Facebook、Instagram和其他网站和应用程序了)”符合本段主旨,set an alarm呼应上文call time。故选B。
48.空处为本段主旨句。根据下文“Similarly, to avoid any anxiety about arriving late, build in an extra ten minutes to your outward and return journeys.(同样,为了避免对迟到感到焦虑,在你的往返行程中多留出十分钟)”可知,本段的建议是提前10分钟出发。D项“Leave ten minutes earlier than you need to.(提前十分钟离开)”符合题意,ten minutes是关键词。故选D。
49.根据主旨句“Prepare for a journey the night before.(前一天晚上为出行做准备)”和下文“To avoid it, check the weather, transport and traffic reports online and pack everything you need the evening before.(为了避免这种情况,请在网上查看天气、交通和交通报告,并在前一天晚上打包所有需要的东西)”推知,空处提到了出行较晚受影响的情况。A项“We’ve all experienced that annoying morning rush.(我们都经历过那种烦人的早高峰)”符合文意,下文it指代选项内容。故选A。
50.根据上文“Learn while you drive. (边开车边学习)”可知,本段建议边开车边学习。由此推知,空处内容与边驾驶边学习有关。G项“Even being stuck in a traffic jam is bearable if you’re absorbed in an exciting audiobook.(如果你全神贯注于一本激动人心的有声读物,即使是堵车也可以忍受)”符合主旨。故选G。
51.根据上文“Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.(记好笔记是一种节省时间的技巧,可以在很多方面帮助你成为一个更好的学生)”以及后文“Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.(第二,当你准备考试时,你的笔记是很好的参考材料。第三,记笔记可以丰富你的学习时间,帮助你保持你的兴趣)”可知,本句是在说明记笔记的第一点好处,故G选项“首先,这个简单的动作使你更容易理解和记住它”符合语境,故选G。
52.根据上文“You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a text-book or doing research for a report.(在课堂讨论、阅读课本或为报告做研究时,你会想要做笔记)”以及后文“Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.(无论何时,无论如何记笔记,记住记笔记是一个有选择的过程。这意味着你必须首先决定哪些内容足够重要,需要写进你的笔记)”可知,后文提到了必须首先决定哪些内容足够重要,需要写进你的笔记,即记笔记需要有自己的方法。故F选项“你还需要发展自己的记笔记的方法”符合语境,故选F。
53.根据上文“Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.(无论何时,无论如何记笔记,记住记笔记是一个有选择的过程。这意味着你必须首先决定哪些内容足够重要,需要写进你的笔记)”结合后文论述了记笔记的方法,故D选项“下面的方法可能最适合你”符合语境,故选D。
54.根据上文“Write your notes in your own words.(用自己的话写笔记)”以及后文“Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.(记录下你对所说或所写内容可能有的任何问题或想法)”可知,本段主要说明了记笔记的方法,且为祈使句开头,故A选项“使用单词,而不是完整的句子”符合语境,故选A。
55.根据上文“When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.(当你这样做的时候,确保你理解了你的符号,并且你一直在使用它们)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明用自己的符号记笔记需要注意的事项。故E选项“否则,你以后可能无法阅读你的笔记”符合语境,故选E。
56.设空位于段中。根据上文中的“Pollutants can come from garbage that isn’t recycled. (污染物可以来源于没有被回收的垃圾。)”和下文中的“These pollutants can make us and animals very sick. (这些污染物会使人类和动物生重病。)”可知,这里继续陈述污染的来源。所以选择项F“Pollution can also be caused by smoke and exhaust (废气)in the air and chemicals we put in the water(空气中的烟雾和废气以及我们在水中放入的化学物质也会造成污染)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
57.设空处位于段尾。根据上文“Is there something you can do about it ? There sure is.(你能做点什么吗?肯定可以。)”以及下文三段分述的内容可知,此句对下文起到了提纲挈领的作用,提出在日常生活中采取何种措施来保护地球。所以选择项E“You can help by “reducing”, “reusing” and “recycling”(你可以通过“减少”、“再利用”和“回收”来帮助它们)” 符合上下文语境。故选E。
58.设空位于段中。根据下文中的“and even using a cloth towel rather than a paper towel when you spill something in the kitchen can help our planet.(甚至当你在厨房里洒东西时用毛巾而不是纸巾都可以帮助我们的地球。)”可推测,设空处应为与“and”并列的v-ing形式作为“can help our planet”的主语。即通过减少使用汽车和纸巾来保护环境。结合选项Walking or riding a bike rather than driving a car的结构可推知,所以选择项G“Walking or riding a bike rather than driving a car (走路或骑自行车而不是开车)” 符合上下文语境。故选G。
59.设空位于段尾。根据本段分述的主要内容为“Reusing(再利用)”。根据前文“That is reusing. Clothes you have grown out of can be donated for others to wear. A plastic cup you drank out of can be cleaned and used to store small toys in your room.(这就是再利用。你穿不下的衣服可以捐赠给别人穿。你用的塑料杯可以清洗干净,用来在你的房间里存放小玩具。)”可知,衣服、塑料杯和小玩具等物品都可以再次利用。所以选择项B“Many of the items that are thrown away could be reused (许多被丢弃的物品可以被重复使用)” 符合上下文语境。故选B。
60.设空处位于段首,为本段主旨句。根据本段分述的主要内容“recycling(回收)”并结合后文“Look on the bottom of plastic cups and containers. If you see a recyclable symbol, you can recycle the item. Newspapers, school papers, even glass jars and bottles can be recycled. Most neighborhoods have garbage trucks that just pick up recyclable items. Ask your parents if there is one in your area and use it.(看看塑料杯子和容器的底部。如果你看到一个可回收的符号,你就可以回收这件物品。报纸,校报,甚至玻璃罐子和瓶子都可以回收。大多数社区都有垃圾车,专门捡拾可回收物品。问问你的父母在你所在的地区是否有,然后使用它。)”可知,很多东西都可以回收利用。所以选择项C“Countless things can be recycled (无数的东西都可以回收利用)” 符合上下文语境。故选C。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。每个人都有自己的梦想,那么怎么能把梦想变为现实呢? 本文提出了一些可行性建议。
61.根据上文“Unfortunately, dreaming is the easy part. (不幸的是,有梦想是一件轻松的事情)”可知,下文应该是表转折含义的句子,D项的关键词challenge表示“挑战”与上文的easy是相反的意思,所以D项“把梦想变为现实才是挑战”符合语境。故选D项。
62.下文“Give yourself the gift of setting a deadline and things will start to happen.(给你自己设定一个梦想实现的截止日期,然后事情就会逐渐开始进行)”提到了梦想和设定截止日期,F项中deadline是关键词,与上文呼应,所以F项“dreams are goals without a deadline(梦想是没有截止期限的目标)”符合语境,同时和本段的标题“Turn your dream into a goal. (把你的梦想变成一个目标)”相一致。故选F项。
63.根据标题“Prioritize your goal daily(把你每天的目标最优化)”可知,本段主题是优化每天的目标,C项中goal是关键词,与标题呼应,且引起下文的关于goal的描述,所以C项“读出并写下你每天的目标”符合语境。故选C项。
64.空处为本段小标题。根据本段最后一句“Look at the list you made and see what you already have in your life that could help you on your path.(看看你列的清单,看看你已经拥有了哪些可以在你的人生道路上帮助你的东西)”可知,本段中提到了列清单,然后看你在生活中所能帮助你的那些资源,A选项中Classify是关键词,与list呼应,所以A选项“对可用资源进行分类”能概括下文内容。故选A项。
65.根据标题“Track your progress.(跟踪你的进展)”可知,本段主要建议追踪你的进展,每天把进步做一个衡量。E选项中Tracking是关键词,与标题呼应,所以E选项“Tracking is critical to making continued progress. (追踪对于取得持续进步是至关重要的)”与标题内容相一致,符合语境。故选E项。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了数字媒体顾问Baratunde Thurston决定开始25天不上网的实验,这个实验总结出社交媒体分散了我们的时间,而且使我们集中注意力的能力下降,作者最后建议适度使用媒体社交工具。
66.根据上文“Baratunde Thurston, a digital media adviser, decided to disconnect from his online life for twenty-five days — no Facebook, no Twitter, not even an e mail. He needed a break.(数字媒体顾问Baratunde Thurston决定切断他的网络生活25天——没有Facebook,没有Twitter,甚至没有一封电子邮件。他需要休息。)”可知,Baratunde Thurston决定过没有网络的生活是为了休息。由此可知,D. “I was burnt out and done,” he explained.(“我已经精疲力竭了,”他解释道。)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
67.根据上文“By the end of that first week, he was less stressed about not knowing new things.(第一周结束时,他对不了解新事物的压力减轻了)”及下文“He enjoyed food without twittering the experience. (他享受美食,但没有在Twitter上分享自己的经历)”可知,此处在描述他没有网络后的生活。由此可知,B. He started chatting with strangers(他和陌生人攀谈)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选B。
68.上文“The first point is that we increasingly recognize that these tools reduce our ability to concentrate.(第一点是,我们越来越认识到这些工具降低了我们集中注意力的能力)”提出社交网络降低了我们集中精力的能力。根据下文“But the problem is especially serious if you’re attempting to improve your ability to work deeply.(但如果你试图提高自己深入工作的能力,这个问题就会特别严重)”可知,E. It is a real problem for many different people(对许多不同的人来说,这是一个真正的问题)能够呈上启下,符合语境。其中选项中的problem呼应下文中的the problem。故选E。
69.上文“To fight back against these distractions (使人分心的事), Thurston felt his only option was to quit the Internet completely. But the problem is that no one actually follows Thurston.(为了对抗这些干扰,Thurston觉得他唯一的选择就是完全退出互联网。但问题是没有人真正会跟随Thurston的脚步)”指出没有人像Thurston那样完全离开网络。下文“That is, our current distracted state is unavoidable.(也就是说,我们当前分心的状态是不可避免的)”指出人们只能回归社交网络世界。由此可知,A. This accounts for the reality(这解释了现实)能够呈上启下,符合语境。故选A。
70.根据下文“Instead, I’ll ask you to reject the state of highly distracted connectedness. Social networks might be significant to your success and happiness, but meanwhile accept that most people should be using fewer such tools. (相反,我会要求你拒绝高度分心的连接状态。社交网络可能对你的成功和幸福很重要,但同时要接受大多数人应该少使用这些工具的事实)”可知,作者并不会要求人们完全拒绝网络。由此可知,C. I won’t ask you to quit the Internet(我不会要求你退出互联网)符合语境。故选C。
71.上文“There were so many people that we waited for a long time.(人太多了以至于我们等了很长时间)”可知,作者和爸爸一直都在排队等待购票。下文“This family made a big impression on me.(这家人给我留下了深刻的印象)”可知,在作者前面排队的是一家人。D项“Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us.(终于,售票处和我们之间就隔着一家人)”可知,与上下文对应,符合题意。故选D。
72.上文“I could tell they'd never been to the circus before. (我能判断他们之前从未去过马戏团)”以及下文“The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.(孩子的父母似乎非常开心)”可知,这家人都非常期待看到马戏表演。可推断这一天对于他们一家人具有重要意义。B项“a very important day out for them(这一天对他们很重要)”符合句意。故选B。
根据上文“Please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adults' tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.(我需要买八张儿童票和两张成人票,这样我能带我一家人去看马戏)”以及下文“The ticket lady again told him the price.(售票员再次告诉了他价格)”可知,这位八个孩子的父亲是在买票,可推断售票员告诉了他票价。故选A。
74.根据下文“The man understood my father was helping him. He picked up the money.(这个男士理解我爸爸是在帮助他。他把钱捡起来)”可知,作者爸爸是故意把钱扔在地方,装作这个男士掉钱了,而不是直接给钱帮助他。F选项“Seeing this, my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it on the ground.(看到这一情景,我的爸爸从口袋里拿出20美元扔在地上)”符合句意。故选F。
75.根据上文,作者的爸爸帮助了这一家人去看马戏表演。E选项“Although we did not go to the circus that night, we didn't feel regretful.(虽然那天晚上我们没去看马戏表演,但是我们不感觉到遗憾)”可知,作者抒发了对帮助这一家人的感想,即使自己没有去看马戏表演,仍然不后悔遗憾。总结得当。故选E。
76.上文“We start to lose muscle mass from age 30, but it’s never too late to improve it If you do, it can help with balance, reduce your risk of falls, increase bone density, which will help guard against osteoporosis (骨质疏松症), and benefit heart health too. (我们从30岁开始失去肌肉质量,但改善它永远不会太晚。如果你这样做,它可以帮助平衡,降低跌倒的风险,增加骨密度,这将有助于预防骨质疏松症,也有益于心脏健康。)”,下文“Here are some tips on how you can build your strength. (以下是一些关于如何增强体质的提示。)”,F项“Another plus is that you’ll look stronger and feel more confident (另一个优点是,你会看起来更强壮,感觉更自信)”,根据Another plus,F项与上一句为承接关系,上文提及健身对身体健康的影响,F项强调了健身带来的精神方面的好处,下文则是引出本文话题“Here are some tips on how you can build your strength. (这里有一些关于如何增强你的力量的建议。)”可知,上下文语义一致,衔接连贯顺畅。故选F项。
77.根据后文“If you’ve had previous health problems or injuries, you can tailor your strength training to your own needs. Book a session with a personal trainer to be assessed and get a personalized plan. (如果您以前有过健康问题或受伤,您可以根据自己的需求定制力量训练。与私人教练一起预订课程进行评估并获得个性化计划。)”可知,健身计划要注意自身实际,get a personalized plan为同义复现短语,A项“Have a plan (有个计划)”,A项与下文语义一致,故选A项。
78.根据上文“Start small. Don’t go crazy —you’ll end up doing yourself a damage. There’s no need to go to the gym and lift dumbbells or kettlebells.(你就要从小处开始。不要太疯狂——你最终会对自己造成伤害。没必要去健身房举哑铃或壶铃。)”可知,本段讲述锻炼不可操之过急,E项“In fact, they may make you more likely to be injured (事实上,它们可能会让你更容易受伤)”,根据代词线索,they指代前文的 dumbbells or kettlebells,它们可能会让你受伤。E项是对上文的进一步阐释,语意一致,衔接连贯。故选E项。
79.根据本段第一二句“Set a goal. What do you want to achieve? (设定一个目标。你想要达到什么目标?)”为中心句,可知,本段主要讲述设定健身的目标,G项“If you’re looking mainly to build strength, do more resistance training (如果你主要想增强体力,做更多的阻力训练)”可知,此处的健身目标是增加肌力,举例说明设定目标后,应该怎么达成目标。上下文语意衔接连贯。故选G项。
80.本段中心句“Pack the protein.(摄入蛋白质)”,以及下文“You need to eat well too. Protein is key. Include it in all your meals in the form of lean meat, fish, beans, tofu, eggs or dairy produce. (你也需要吃得好。蛋白质是关键。把它以瘦肉、鱼、豆类、豆腐、鸡蛋或奶制品的形式包含在你所有的膳食中。)”, C项“Building strength isn’t all about getting physical (增加肌力并不全是关于锻炼身体)”,根据下文的too,C项与下文为并列关系,解释了摄入蛋白质对增加肌力的重要性,语意衔接连贯。故选C项。
81.由该题位于段落句尾,可知为总结该段内容或与上文内容相关。上文“Being fun to hang out with fun people starts with developing healthy self-esteem , an adventurous spirit, and a kind personality.”(要想和有趣的人一起玩得愉快,首先要培养健康的自尊、冒险精神和善良的性格。)说明要培养自己健康的自尊,冒险精神和商量的性格,才能成为一个和有趣的人玩得快乐的人,选项F“All of this will make you an ideal person to hang out with.(所有这些都会让你成为一个理想的玩伴对象。)”符合语境,总结上文的内容,得出结论。“all of this”指代上文提到的“developing healthy self-esteem (自尊) , an adventurous spirit, and a kind personality”。故选F项。
82.上文标题“Be confident”(要自信。)说明要自信。下文“Before you even begin trying to become a fun person, you have to believe you can be a fun person. Nothing is wrong with believing in yourself, and it’s looked up to but never looked down on.”(在你开始尝试成为一个有趣的人之前,你必须相信你可以成为一个有趣的人。相信自己没有错,它会被人仰视,但绝不会被人看不起。)说明要相信自己,可以成为一个有趣的人,故可推断,空格处内容也是说明要充满自信,选项D项“Have a healthy sense of self or good self-esteem(拥有健康的自我意识或良好的自尊)”符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
83.根据上文“If people think they can talk to you about anything, they’ll invite you to hang out more often.”(如果人们认为他们可以和你谈论任何事情,他们会更经常地邀请你出去玩。)和下文“If you ignore people or always talk about yourself, they won’t invite you anymore.”(如果你忽视别人或者总是谈论自己,他们就不会再邀请你了。)可推断,空格处内容讲述不要总是说自己的事情,不要控制交谈。结合选项C项“Don’t control the conversation(不要控制对话)”符合此推断,承上启下,起到上下文的过渡作用。故选C项。
84.由该题为段落小标题,可知总结该段内容。该段下文“Focus on the positive aspects of your life, what you are looking forward to, or what you want to do. We all know that sadness needs company, but if you are unhappy all the time, others won’t want to hang out with you.”(关注你生活中积极的方面,你期待什么,或者你想做什么。我们都知道悲伤需要陪伴,但如果你一直不开心,别人就不想和你一起玩了。)可知,主要讲的是关注你生活中积极的方面,做一个乐观积极向上的人。因此推断A项“Be positive(积极乐观)”总结该段内容。为最佳标题。故选A项。
85.上文标题“Learn how to 'hang out'”(学习如何“出去玩”。)说明本段讲述要学会出去玩。下文“Some people like to just sit around casually, watch TV, play games, or just talk. For others, hanging out can mean doing interesting activities outside the home. Figure out what your friends consider hanging out to be and then tailor your interests to that crowd.”(有些人喜欢随便坐着,看电视,玩游戏,或者只是聊天。对另一些人来说,出去玩意味着在外面做一些有趣的活动。弄清楚你的朋友们想要出去玩的是什么,然后为他们量身定做你的兴趣爱好。)可知,说明要了解人的爱好,不同的人有不同的爱好。选项G.“Hanging out can mean different things to different people(出去玩对不同的人来说意味着不同的事情)”符合语境,引出下文。故选G项。
86.根据本段的小标题Language可知本段主要介绍的是语言。结合下文“However, Some ethnic groups began learning Mandarin(普通话)and adopted the lifestyle of the Han people.(然而,一些民族开始学习普通话,并采用了汉族人的生活方式。)”可知,空后转折说出一些民族开始学习普通话,故B项“他们一些人说自己的语言。”符合,B项中的them指代空前的20 different nationalities,且与空后构成转折关系,尽管他们说自己的语言,但是一些民族开始学习普通话,故选B项。
87.根据空前“Chinese became the official language in the autonomous regions.(汉语成为了这些自治区的官方语言。)”可知,空前与G项“现在,汉语很容易地在这些民族中使用。”顺义承接,因为汉语成了官方语言,因此能在这些地方很容易地使用汉语,故选G项。
88.根据本段的小标题“Accommodations(膳宿)”并结合空格前的句子“In big cities like Dunhuang, Urumqi, Lanzhou, the visitor can enjoy high standard hotels. They all provide excellent conditions, good services and they are quite safe.(在敦煌、乌鲁木齐、兰州等大城市,游客可以享受高标准的酒店。他们都提供极好的条件和良好的服务,而且都很安全。)”可知,空前提出了高标准的酒店,故D选项“但是这种酒店也是最贵的。”符合,与前文构成转折关系,说出这些高标准酒店都很昂贵,并引出后文较便宜的小型旅馆,故选D项。
89.根据上文“Visitors without money may consider the cheaper guesthouses because these guesthouses with simpler equipment and basic service are fit enough to live in for most Chinese travelers. In the remote villages, only simple accommodations are available.(没有钱的游客可以考虑更便宜的宾馆,因为这些拥有更简单的设备和基本服务的宾馆适合大多数中国旅行者居住。在偏远的村庄里,只有简陋的住所可以使用。)”可知,空前介绍的是在偏僻的村庄的住宿情况,所F项“这些地方只提供了一个非常简单的房间”相符,故选F。
90.根据上文“Buses are the most inexpensive method of transport along the Silk Road but,unfortunately,they are very slow.(公共汽车是丝绸之路沿线最便宜的交通工具,但不幸的是,它们速度非常慢。)”和下文“A travel by car can be the only way to visit sites far from cities or towns that would otherwise be hard to reach.(汽车旅行可能是前往远离城镇、难以到达的地点的唯一方式。)”可知,上文提到的是公共汽车,下文提到了小汽车,故E项“一些旅行社和酒店提供汽车”符合,公共汽车是最便宜的,但却是最慢的,因此可以选择一些旅行社和酒店提供的汽车,因此下文乘坐汽车的旅行。故选E项。
91.根据上文“Biologist Marc Bekoff studies dogs, wolves and coyotes.(生物学家马克·贝科夫研究狗、狼和郊狼)”可知,上文提到了生物学家研究动物,可知本句承接上文说明他对这些动物的看法,B选项中He指代上文Marc Bekoff。故B选项“他相信很多动物都有朋友”符合语境,故选B。
92.根据上文“They greet one another, travel together, share food and groom each other. Animal friends are nice to one another, and they even play together.(它们互相问候,一起旅行,分享食物,互相梳理毛发。动物朋友对彼此都很好,他们甚至一起玩)”可知,上文提到了动物一系列友好的行为,本句为本段最后一句,应说明这些行为的意义。故F选项“这种友好的行为对动物的生存很重要”符合语境,故选F。
93.根据上文“Coyote pups who don’t play together are more likely to go out on their own.(不一起玩耍的土狼幼崽更有可能自己出去玩)”以及后文“If an animal has a special friend, both friends benefit by having someone to watch out for them.(如果一种动物有一个特殊的朋友,这两个朋友都受益于有人照顾它们)”可知,后文提到了朋友可以提供照顾,可见独自外出的动物可能遭遇危险。故E选项“离开群体的保护是很危险的”符合语境,故选E。
94.根据后文内容“When a young rhinoceros sets out on its own for the first time, it may look for an older travel friend, and this companion helps to find food and water and avoid predators. Young male elephants hang out together when they leave their mothers’ herds, and young dolphins do, too. Pairs of bottlenose dolphins sometimes form strong bonds and pal around together for years. Among chimpanzee groups, some pair up to groom each other, hunt together, share food and defend each other from danger.(当小犀牛第一次独自出发时,它可能会寻找一个年长的旅行伙伴,这个伙伴帮助寻找食物和水,并躲避捕食者。年幼的公象离开母象群后会一起出去玩,年幼的海豚也是如此。一对宽吻海豚有时会结成牢固的友谊,在一起生活数年。在黑猩猩群体中,有些会结对为对方梳理毛发,一起狩猎,分享食物,互相保护免受危险)”可知,后文的例子表明,动物幼崽喜欢交朋友,是因为可以提供保护,免受危险。故A选项“年幼的动物通常会组队受到保护”符合语境,故选A。
95.根据上文“It is all give and take.(这和付出和索取有关)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文具体说明付出和索取的情况,G选项中gives、takes对应上文中give and take。故G选项“有时一方付出更多,另一方索取更多,但最终双方都有收获”符合语境,故选G。
96.根据上文“One of the most popular new outdoor activities is day hiking. For many first-time hikers, it’s important to learn the proper hiking tips and safety rules.(最受欢迎的户外活动之一是日间徒步旅行。对于许多第一次远足的人来说,学习正确的远足技巧和安全规则是很重要的)”以及后文“Here are some of the main ones to know.(以下是一些需要了解的主要规则)”可知,上文提到正确的远足技巧和安全规则是很重要的,可知本句是在说明远足旅行也有做法和规则需要遵守。故F选项“像其他运动项目一样,远足旅行也有一些广泛被接受的做法和规则”符合语境,故选F。
97.根据后文“You’re even supposed to ferry out poop (your own or your pet’s), unless you bury it 200 feet from the trail or any water source.(你甚至应该把便便(你自己或你宠物的)运出去,除非你把它埋在距离小路或任何水源200英尺的地方)”可知,后文提到了甚至需要将自己或宠物的大便拿出公园,可见无论什么东西都要带出公园。故E选项“这意味着你要将你带进公园的东西悉数带出”符合语境,故选E。
98.根据上文“Don’t move things around. This means no taking home pretty rocks or flowers. Any time you move or remove something, you may destroy an animal s home or a weak ecosystem. Leaving things alone also applies to wildlife, so don’t try to pet a deer or approach a bear for a great photo.(不要乱动东西。这意味着不要把漂亮的石头或鲜花带回家。只要移动或移走某物,就有可能破坏动物的家园或脆弱的生态系统。对野生动物也不干涉,所以不要试图抚摸一只鹿或接近一只熊来拍一张漂亮的照片)”可知,上文提到不要试图抚摸一只鹿或接近一只熊来拍一张漂亮的照片,可见要保持距离欣赏动物,故A选项“欣赏时保持一定距离”符合语境,故选A。
99.根据后文“Since hikers tend to head into the outdoors to enjoy all of the natural sights, sounds and smells, don’t blast music, talk loudly on the phone or bring along an uncontrolled pet. Being a considerate hiker also helps the resident wildlife, which may need undisturbed spaces and enough quiet to hear the sounds of nature for their communication and survival.(因为徒步旅行者倾向于到户外去享受所有的自然风景、声音和气味,所以不要大声播放音乐、大声打电话或带着不受控制的宠物。做一个体贴的徒步旅行者也有助于当地的野生动物,它们可能需要不被打扰的空间和足够的安静来聆听大自然的声音,以便它们交流和生存)”可知,空格处在该段开头位置,处于总起位置,而该段的主旨大意是要顾及其他远足旅行者的感受,不要大声喧哗和打扰他们,即强调要考虑他人,贴心周到。故B选项“做一个贴心的远足旅行人”符合语境,故选B。
100.根据上文“Know when to stay on and step off the trail. Hiking trails are created with specific purposes, which may include preventing pollution to environment and protecting precious plant and animal communities.(知道什么时候该走,什么时候该留。徒步径的设立有特定的目的,包括防止环境污染和保护珍贵的动植物群落)”以及后文“There are a few exceptions, such as leaving the trail to “use the restroom”.(也有一些例外,比如离开小路去“上厕所”)”可知,上文提到这些远足路线开发出来是考虑到保护周边的动植物的,又根据空格后的举例可知,有一些例外情况,比如上厕所,你要离开道路。可见本句是建议尽量呆在远足的道路上。故C选项“尽量待在远足的道路上”符合语境,故选C。