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    这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市涟水第一高级中学高三上学期12月第二次阶段检测英语试题(Word版含答案),文件包含江苏省淮安市涟水第一高级中学2022-2023学年高三上学期12月第二次阶段检测英语试题docx、高三英语参考答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What did the man d?
    A. He did the dishes. B. He washed the clthes.
    C. He tk ut the trash.
    2. What will the wman bring t the barbecue?
    A. Ptat salad. B. Ht dgs. C. Hamburgers.
    3. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The speakers are frm different cuntries.
    B. The man's dg lks like a cat.C. The wman cannt see well.
    4. Why is the wman excited?
    A. She just left her ld jb.B. She was hired fr a new jb.
    C. She gt an interview pprtunity.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Salesman and custmer.B. Neighbrs.C. Husband and wife.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
    6. When will the grass be cut?
    A. Tday. B. In three weeks. C.Tmrrw.
    7. Why is Mrs. Jhnsn's grass lng?
    A. Her husband hasn't cut it. B. Jim hasn't cut it. C.She is t busy.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。
    8. What did the man use t clean the tea pt?
    A. Oil. B.Water. C. Dish sap.
    9. What des the man say abut electric tea pts?
    A.They save energy. B. They are safer. C. They are easy t clean.
    10. What can we learn abut the man?
    A. He asked the wman t clean the kitchen.
    B. He didn't knw hw t clean befre.
    C. He's always been a master at cleaning.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。
    11. What d the speakers need mney fr?
    A. A car. B. The summer camp. C.The sccer team.
    12. Where will the man sell lemnade?
    A.At the beach. B. Near his schl. C. In frnt f his huse.
    13. Hw will the wman make mney?
    A. By washing cars. B.By selling cups. C. By wrking at a snack bar.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 16 三个小题。
    14. Where are the speakers?
    A. In New Orleans. B.In Bstn. C. In Memphis.
    15. Why desn't the by want t g skiing in the frnt yard?
    A. He wants t build a snwman instead.
    B. He thinks skiing there dangerus. C. He desn't want t be cvered in snw.
    16. Hw des the girl knw s much abut the snw?
    A. She spent every winter in the muntains. B. She learned abut it frm her mther.
    C. She grew up in a cld area.
    听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。
    17. Hw many visitrs chse t attend LSU?
    A. Mst f its visitrs. B. Abut half f its visitrs.
    C.A small percentage f its visitrs.
    18. Why are many students attracted t the schl?
    A. Because f its histry.B. Because f the gd athletes in schl.
    C. Because f the beautiful envirnment.
    19. Which are the strng prgrams at the schl?
    A. Agriculture and Spanish.B. Educatin and sprts.
    C. Sprts and envirnmental studies.
    20. What is a unique fact abut the schl?
    A. 80% f their buildings are brand new.B. They have cws n campus.
    C. Mst f the wrld's best athletes g there.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Amazing China in 60 Secnds is a shrt vide series cvering cultural and scenic htspts acrss the cuntry.
    Tibet autnmus regin in Suthwest China, hme t the highest plateau(高原) n Earth, is knwn as the "rf f the wrld". It's a paradise fr turists with its twering snw muntains, vast grasslands, peaceful lakes and breathtaking views. Must-visit places include the Ptala Palace - a UNESCO wrld heritage site, Munt Qmlangma, Yarlung Zangb Grand Canyn and mre.
    Tibet is als famed fr its rich ethnic culture, including the Tibetan dance, age-ld thangka painting and Lum medicinal bathing f Swa Rigpa - traditinal Tibetan bathing fr a medical purpse which was included in the Representative List f the Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity by UNESCO in 2018.
    Neighbring the Chinese capital city f Beijing, Tianjin rests between the nrthern Yanshan Muntains and the castal plain. Adjacent t the sea and rivers, it carries distinct eclgical beauty.
    Tianjin is where Eastern and Western cultures meet. It has many precius histrical sites, frmer residences f celebrities and freign-style architecture. Famus turist destinatins include the Tianjin Eye, the Huangyaguan Great Wall, and the Five Big Avenues area, which hsts abut 2,000 villas in varius Western styles built in the 1920s and 1930s.
    Suthwest China's Chngqing is largely built n muntains and surrunded by rivers; thus it is knwn as the "muntain city". Many peple are drawn t Chngqing by its delicius fd - especially its signature spicy htpt - and natural scenery.
    Basting the largest number f htpt restaurants in China, Chngqing was named "China's Htpt City" by the China Cuisine Assciatin in 2007. Statistics shw there are mre than 50,000 htpt eateries acrss the city. With mre than 3,000 year f histry, Chngqing still preserves traditinal culture and lifestyles.
    21. Where can yu experience a bath with medicinal functins?
    A. Tianjin B. Tibet C. Chngqing D. Sichuan
    22. Which cuntry's villa style can't yu find in Tianjin?
    A. Germany B.France C. India D. Italy
    23. Where might this article cme frm?
    A. Turism website B. Entertainment newspaper
    C. Gegraphy magazine D. News reprt
    After decades f wrk trying t save the giant panda, Chinese fficials have annunced the species is n lnger endangered. The pandas have been reclassified in the cuntry frm endangered t vulnerable after effrts t increase the ppulatin. Nw the number has risen t 1,800 in the wild.
    “China has established a relatively cmplete nature reserves system,” Cui Shuhng, directr f the Department f Natural Eclgical Prtectin f the Ministry f Eclgy and Envirnment, said n Wednesday. “Large areas f natural ecsystems have been systematically and cmpletely prtected, and wildlife habitats have been effectively imprved.”
    The latest classificatin upgrade reflects their imprved living cnditins and China's effrts in keeping their habitats integrated, Cui added.
    Bamb makes up 90% f pandas' diets, and the animals wuld likely starve withut the shts. Experts believe China’s effrts t replant bamb frests have been the key t the increase in the ppulatin f pandas.
    Generally speaking, a panda has t eat at least 26 punds f bamb every day t maintain its energy, s large areas f bamb frests are primary t their survival.
    Planting bamb als has advantages fr the planet, as the bamb is grass, nt a tree, and is incredibly efficient at absrbing carbn dixide, as well as emitting 35% mre xygen than trees.
    “The Chinese have dne a great jb in investing in panda habitats, expanding and setting up new reserves,” Ginette Hemley, senir vice president f cnservatin at the Wrld Wildlife Fund. tld the media. “They are a wnderful example f what can happen when a gvernment is cmmitted t cnservatin.”
    Cntinuing China's success will be dependent n the cuntry prtecting land frm agricultural and urban develpment. As land becmes rarer, measures will need t be extended t prtect mre land, t ensure bamb frests can thrive and as a result, prtect the future f the wrld's mst lvable, lazy, and mnchrme (black and white) creature.
    24. What d we knw abut the giant panda accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. It has gt a classificatin upgrade.B. It increases by 1,800 each year.
    C. It has seen a decline in ppulatin.D.It is an endangered species.
    25. What can be inferred frm Ginette Hemley's wrds?
    A. Scial media makes a difference. B. Gvernment's cmmitment is crucial.
    C.Panda habitats are getting smaller. D. Setting up new reserves is impssible.
    26. What can be the challenge China faces in achieving cntinued success?
    A. Lazy and mnchrme animals.
    B. Lack f supprt frm the Wrld Wildlife Fund.
    C. The influence f agricultural and urban develpment.
    D.The emissin f carbn dixide int the atmsphere.
    27. Where is this text prbably frm?
    A. A news website.B.A travel magazine.
    C. An fficial reprt.D. A bilgy textbk.
    Bangkk's future hangs in the balance. Rising sea levels, unchecked develpment and rapid urban ppulatin grwth have left millins helpless t natural disasters — scientists warn the city Bangkk may nt survive the century.
    But it des have a secret weapn in its battle t resist the impact f a htter planet — LANDPROCESS, a Bangkk-based landscape architecture and urban design cmpany funded in 2011 by the landscape architect Ktchakm Vbrkaakhm. She wants t shift the rientatin frm grwth t the actins n envirnment and land and prmtes mindful develpment instead f mindless cnstructin.
    She made her name by creating the internatinally acknwledged Chulalngkrn University Centenary Park, an 11-acre space in central Bangkk, which tilts (倾斜)dwnward at a 3-degree angle, allwing rainwater t flw thrugh the grass and wetlands. Water that’ s nt absrbed by the plants runs dwn t a pnd at the base f the park, where it can be stred fr use during dry spells. In case f severe flding, the park can hld up t a millin gallns f water.
    In 2018, she created Asia's largest rftp farm, which imitates the regin’s famed rice terraces(梯田), preserving bth water and sil. Uniquely, winding arund the 22, 400m2 rftp is a jgging path and a lawn.
    Green space design f eclgical cities emerged ne after anther, which nt nly expanded the design ideas f landscape industry, but als prvided new strategies fr peple t deal with climate prblems.
    Later this year she will carry ut plans t transfrm a vast, unused bridge crssing the Cha Phraya River int a park with bicycle lanes, bringing mre green space. Ktchakm has even greater ambitins fbr her hmetwn — she wants t reuse the mre than 1, 000 canals that snake thrugh Bangkk that are currently used fbr waste water. "Canals have s much life, s much ptential t be public green space and a skeletn(框架)f the whle city, " she explains.
    LANDPROCESS has always listened t the needs f the sciety, and established a hannnius relatinship between nature and human beings thrugh design, s as t create a public landscape that can really give back t the sciety.
    28. Why is Bankk's future mentined in paragraph1?
    A. T make a predictin f the city.
    B. T stress the urgency f slving prblems.
    C. T prvide sme scientific knwledge.
    D. T draw readers' attentin t climate change.
    29. What is special abut Chulalngkrn University Centenary Park?
    A. Its tilt design. B. Its green cverage.
    C. Its landscape. D. Its space.
    30. Which f the fllwing is Ktchakrn's effrt t build a green city?
    A. She cllects rainwater fr industrial use.
    B. She will recnstruct the canals t recycle waste water.
    C. Her rftp farm has made the best f urban spaces.
    D. She always designs sprts facilities in her green parks.
    31. Which can be the best title accrding t the text?
    A. A Prductive Architecture Cmpany
    B.Mindful and Mindless Cnstructin in Bangkk
    C. Bangkk's Future Hangs in the Balance
    D. An Architect with Green Grwth Mindset
    I sent a message t my sister at 12: 30 p.m. during my lunch t ask her abut my father's prgress. He was having his secnd knee surgery and my expectatins were the same as the previus successful surgery. My brther picked me up frm schl and we headed fr the hspital.
    When we arrived at the hspital, my first questin was “Hw is he ding?” My father was cnnected t a breathing machine and his face was very swllen. I tried my best nt t cry because 1 was suppsed t interpret fr him what was happening as the nurses did nt speak Spanish. I had never seen my father this way. He lked s fragile and different frm the strng man I knew. I asked him hw he was ding and he said he was fine. I returned t the lbby and I was in a state where I realized that my her, best friend, and lve f my life was in a dangerus state and at this pint anything culd happen.
    I recalled n when I was a child. “I'm ging t the stre” were always his wrds, and that was withut a dubt my cue t fllw him. We wuld walk t the car, and smetimes if I was lucky, I gt away with sitting in the frnt seat. We wuld arrive at the stre and he always said “Get whatever yu want and smething fr Ana”; Ana is my sister. My dad and I were best friends, he never shwed preference with his children, but I just always happened t fllw him. It was kay fr me t cry when I wanted smething because I was his yungest girl, he culdn't say n t me.
    All alng my father had dedicated his life t giving us the best. Grwing up des nt necessarily mean that ne must distance frm ur parents because it is childish; it is a time t take actin and embrace the feelings because it is the right thing t d. Life presents us signals t acknwledge and value what is the mst imprtant in life.
    32. Hw was the authr's father when she arrived at the hspital?
    A. He was wrried abut his life. B. He was dangerusly weak.
    C. He remained healthy and strng. D. He was uncnscius and culdn't speak.
    33. Hw did the authr feel after knwing her father's situatin?
    A. Sympathetic. B.Optimistic. C. Wrried. D. Indifferent.
    34. What can we learn abut the authr's childhd?
    A. She never tk n fr an answer.
    B. She was her father's favrite child.
    C.She gt away frm her family at an early age.
    D. She fllwed her father a lt as a yung girl.
    35. What advice des the authr give at the end f the text?
    A.Grw up and share yur parents' respnsibility.
    B. Value yur lved nes and keep them clse.
    C. Care fr yur parents' health befre it's t late.
    D. Distance frm yur family and be independent.
    第二节 七选五(每题2.5分,共12.5分)
    Hw is eating in space different frm eating n Earth?
    If yu send astrnauts int space, yu have t send alng fd as well. But what d astrnauts eat, and hw d they eat it? Scientists take several factrs int cnsideratin as they plan meals fr space.
    First, and pssibly mst imprtant, is nutritin (营养). ____36____ Prviding junk fd t eat, such as ptat chips, sdas, and pizza, wuld make the astrnauts unhealthy.
    ____37____ If the fd that has been prvided is distasteful, then the astrnauts may avid eating it. If yu’ve ever tried t cncentrate n smething imprtant while yur stmach desn’t feel well, yu’ll knw why the scientists in charge f a space missin(task) want their astrnauts t eat regularly.
    The lack (缺少) f gravity (pull) in a spacecraft als determines what fds can r cannt be eaten in space. Meals must be packaged carefully s they wn’t spill(洒落/溢出) int the cabin (ne f the areas inside a spacecraft). Water r tiny bits f fd culd get inside a machine r electrnic device and damage it. ____38____ A lse knife buncing (弹起) arund inside the cabin wuld be dangerus.
    ____39____ The weight f every bject included in a spacecraft must be calculated (计算) in rder t ensure that there is enugh fuel and pwer t carry the craft safely int space and back hme again. ____40____ Mst fds are stred in plastic bags, and ften, the fds are dehydrated (使脱水). When an astrnaut is ready t eat, ht water is added t the meal and warm it up.
    Despite all these requirements, much f the fd eaten in space is actually similar t what yu might eat n any given day.
    A.Taste is als imprtant.
    B.Finally, weight is an imprtant cncern.
    C.Believe it r nt, they als have fresh fruits and vegetables.
    D.Fd packaging is made t be as light as pssible.
    E.Nutritin and practicality(实用) are imprtant things t cnsider.
    F.Keeping astrnauts’ physical health is a tp task fr any space missin.
    G.Fr the same reasn, sharp knives and flks are never used n bard.
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    “I knew when I saw yu, I wanted t take yu hme,” my dad says t me when I visit him ne Saturday. There is a deep-seated ____41____ f a father seeing his daughter when she was brn.
    My father has Alzheimer’s (老人痴呆症). He des nt ____42____ express in wrds, s the sudden accuracy f his wrds ____43____ me.
    Anther Saturday, he pints t a pht f me and says, “She’s smart.” Des he knw the ____44____ persn, 30 years lder, is sitting beside him? It des nt matter. At that mment I can feel his ____45____.
    Nw I bring a spnful f ygurt t his lips. With a ____46____ hand, he tuches me and says, “Yu’re very gd. Thank yu.” He ttally frgets it was he that ____47____ me in lifting a spn t my muth.
    These wrds are all he can give nw. But they make me understand mre ____48____ my generus father.
    His dr was always ____49____. Drp-in visitrs were welcmed with a drink. He wuld nt ______50______ t give mney t a family member in need. In the cmmunity, he ______51______ his time t preserve the histrical buildings.
    Time, advice, mney. There were many ways he ______52______.
    And he gives, still. The ______53______ has taken much frm my father. What’s ______54______ are his wrds. It’s ______55______ fr him t find the right wrd and say it ut lud. Yet he keeps ging.
    41. A. fearB.dubt C. memry D. pinin
    42. A. graduallyB. eventuallyC. generally D.gladly
    43. A. amusesB. answersC. surprises D. calms
    44. A. successfulB.respnsible C. independent D. same
    45. A. admiratinB. affectin C.cnfidence D. curisity
    46. A. tremblingB. feedingC. firm D.cld
    47. A. fllwedB. guidedC. sclded D. assessed
    48. A. easilyB. quicklyC.deeply D. carefully
    49. A. magicalB. clsedC. safe D. pen
    50. A. intendB. hesitateC. pretend D. attempt
    51. A. valuedB. dividedC. vlunteered D.killed
    52. A. gaveB. tkC. preserved D.tried
    53. A. chatB.decisin C. visit D.disease
    54. A. knwnB. leftC. faced D.remembered
    55. A. imprtantB. cnvenientC. difficult D.impressive
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Many peple gave up lng-distance travel this year 56 (avid) crss-infectins f pandemic, with lcal turs and nline turism widely favred during the week-lng Spring Festival hliday.
    In additin t57__________(traditin) winter attractins like ht springs and skiing venues, btanical gardens and lcal temple fairs became ppular chices. The peple58________ culdn't return hme were given a chance t get t knw mre abut the places where they 59_______(lead) a life.
    Fr the peple wh stayed at hme, nline turs became a new chice. They culd enjy 60_________beauty f places f interest nline. After seeing the 61____ (lse) Buddha head shwn at the gala(春晚)n televisin 62_______ the eve f the Spring Festival, many peple culd have a feast fr the eyes n the mystery f the retrieved(收回)treasure via VR technlgy thrugh the WeChat withut a lng distance t the Tianlngshan Grttes in Taiyuan, Shanxi Prvince. 63_____ (similar), the nline travel platfrm f "G-Yunnan" has launched lively feeds f famus scenic spts.
    64_______ is believed that the sense f gain and 65________ (satisfy)f Chinese peple will further imprve.
    第四部分 写作
    1. 大赛内容和安排;2. 大赛目的和意义;3.表达期待。
    Dear Tny,
    Li Hua
    Schl was ver, the day was fading and it started t rain. I std at the schl gate, with a laded backpack n my shulders. It was Friday again—a weekend f jy with unlimited sleeping hurs and dinner curses specially made t my taste. I waved gdbye t my friends as they jumped int their fathers’ warm and cmfrtable cars. Curiusly, this gave rise t a disturbing feeling in me. It was nt exactly what they called jealusy (嫉妒), but smething like depressin. I knew all I culd expect was an ld bike Mm wuld ride alng n, with the badly-iled chain creaking against the wheel t annunce her arrival.
    Every Friday when Mm came t pick me up, it was a mment full f great expectatin and great unease. I always felt my face burning as we rde ur way in and ut f the cars and saw my friends’ faces sticking ut f the car windws. It was like stepping int a ballrm with beautifully dressed ladies and finding yurself in a smelly T-shirt.
    T tell yu the truth, Mm is quite a headache ccasinally. She lks like a hmely middle-aged husewife. She knits (编织) mst f my sweaters, chiefly in ld styles. Whenever caught by sme curius classmates asking what brand my sweaters are, I’d frce a smile and reply in a half-jking manner: hmemade. She simply desn’t seem t understand what’s in fashin; Chanel r Gucci means nthing t her.
    I culdn’t remember when I started t find her such an embarrassment. As a little by, I relied n her s much. She had been wrking at hme, cking in the kitchen, knitting by the lamp, r riding acrss twn t buy me a bk I badly needed. It had always been fun riding with her. I had enjyed watching ur shadws grwing lnger and shrter in an alternate fashin by the light f the streetlamps alng the rad. Just nw there seemed t be smething standing between us, smething that made her s strange t me and me t her.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Tday Mm shwed up in a raincat.
    Mm tried t cver me with the raincat again as a strm set in.

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    2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市涟水县第一中学高三上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市涟水县第一中学高三上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题(解析版),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Why is Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市涟水第一高级中学高三上学期12月第二次阶段检测英语试题: 这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市涟水第一高级中学高三上学期12月第二次阶段检测英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Why is Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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