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    湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题 Word版无答案
    湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题  Word版无答案01
    湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题  Word版无答案02
    湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题  Word版无答案03
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    湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题 Word版无答案

    这是一份湖南省永州市2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次适应性考试(二模)英语试题 Word版无答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了本试卷共10页,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。







    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)




    例:How much is the shirt

    A.₤19.15.             B.₤9.18.                   C.9.15.


    1.What are the speakers going to do

    A.Dine out.             B.Take a flight.                C.Go shopping.

    2.Where are the speakers

    A.In a library.            B.In a bookstore.             C.In the classroom.

    3. What did the woman do last night

    A.She watched a show.    B.She gave a performance.     C.She went to see her sister.

    4.Why does Michael take exercise

    A.To get stronger.        B.To lose weight.              C.To relax himself.

    5.What are the speakers mainly talking about

    A.A food shop.          B.A terrible picnic.             C.Tomorrow's weather.




    6.Why does the woman talk to the man

    A.To book tickets.         B.To get some information.     C.To ask for suggestions.

    7.When can the woman get the cheapest ticket

    A.In March.              B.In June.                   C.In July.


    8. What is the man doing on his computer

    A.Watching a movie.       B.Listening to a book.         C.Enjoying some music.

    9.How often is the reading posted on the website

    A.Monthly.               B.Weekly.                  C.Daily.

    10.What is Daniel Radcliffe

    A.A director.            B.A writer.                   C.An actor.


    11.How often does the woman walk to work

    A.Two days a week.      B.Three days a week.          C.Four days a week.

    12.What does the woman dislike about shared bikes

    A.The speed.           B.The expense.               C.The parking situation.

    13. Where will the man go next

    A.His office.            B.His home.                 C.The subway station.


    14.Why does Nancy come to the store

    A.To learn to make a cake.

    B.To get some tools for baking.

    C.To buy a few things for a cake.

    15.What kind of birthday cake does Nancy prepare for her grandmother

    A.A fruit one.           B.A chocolate one.           C.A cheese one.

    16.What does Nancy think of making a cake all by hand

    A.Very easy.            B.Quite boring.              C.A little difficult.

    17.What will Nancy do next?

    A.Return home.         B.Go to a bakery.            C.Chat with the man.

    听第10段材料,回答第1820题。18.Who is the speaker talking to

    A.Teachers. B.Students. C.Parents.

    19. What is important to a good class according to the speaker

    A.Interesting teaching methods. B.Students'class performance. C.Teachers'attitude toward it.

    20. What can the listeners do if they are dissatisfied with the material

    A.Pay 25 dollars for the service. B. Contact the speaker to change new ones. C.Keep the material and take their money back.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (ABCD)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。


    Are you looking for something to occupy your kids in the upcoming winter holidayThe following books recommended by Jeff Kinney may be your best choices.

    Class Act: New Kid by Jerry Craft

    A graphic novel with heart and humor,eighth-grader Drew Ellis is one of the few kids of color at an influential private school. As social pressures mount,will Drew find a way to bridge the divide so he and his friends can truly accept each other? And most importantly, will he finally be able to accept himself?”the publisher synopsis(出版商简介)asks.

    Three Keys by Kelly Yang

    A sequel(续篇)to the award-winning novel Front Desk ninth-grader Mia faces some new challenges at school and at home in her family's Calivista Motel.But if anyone can find the key to getting through unsettled times,the author's description reads,its Mia Tang!”

    The Last Last-Day-of-Summer by Lamar Giles

    A magical story with imagination and heroism about two adventurous cousins who wish for an extended summer and accidentally freeze time. According to the publisher's synopsis,the teenagers learn thatthe secrets hidden between the seconds,minutes,and hours aren't quite the endless fun they expected!

    Boys Will Be Human by Justin Baldoni

    A self-esteem building guidebook for boys ages 13 and up,producer,actor and author Baldoni explores the social and emotional learning around confidence,courage,strength and manhood.This book isnt about learning the rules of the boys' club,a slogan reads, its about UNLEARNING them.

    21.Who are the four books intended for

    A.Parents.B.Teenagers.C.Authors. D.Publishers.

    22. Which book tells difficulties from both school and home

    A.Class Act: New Kid.B.Three Keys.

    C.The Last Last-Day-of-Summer. D.Boys Will Be Human.

    23.What can we know from the passage

    A.Mia faces great social pressures.

    B.Three Keys is an award-winning novel.

    C.The story about the two cousins is imaginative.

    D.Boys Will Be Human is a book about selfishness.


    A perfumer is responsible for designing and composing perfumes and other fragrance compositions. To become a perfumer,it is important to follow a recognized training at a perfume school. The training to become a perfumer will generally take at least ten years.At the end of the training,a perfumer must be able to distinguish and name about three thousand different basic chemical odors(气味).As a perfumeryou also have to deal with a number of important rules of life that a perfumer must observe,such as not drinking alcohol,not eating spicy dishes and not smoking,because this will seriously affect the sense of smell of a perfumer.

    Professional perfumers should in most cases be regarded as chemists. As described earlier, becoming a professional perfumer is not easy,because it is a long and heavy training. It is only the major international perfume brands that employ professional perfumers. This does not change the fact that anyone can try to design perfumes independently. There are quite a lot of people active in the field of making perfume,but these people cannot be classified as professional perfumers.

    The development of new perfumes is important, because good perfumes can bring in a lot of money for manufacturers. Those well-known perfumes are usually expensive, because perfume manufacturers spend a lot of budget on development and marketing. The cost of perfume is usually not in the fragrance or perfume bottle. It is the costs in the development and the marketing that make good perfume expensive.In addition,perfume manufacturers spend a lot of time conducting market research and styling.

    How exactly a perfumer and the perfume industry work is of course a big secret,but in general,a perfumer spends all day smelling and putting together different scents in order to be able to come up with a new perfume. Nowadays,computers are also used to further analyze certain odors. New fragrances are usually made in different variants until the best result is achieved and the perfume company is satisfied.Developing a new perfume scent generally takes several months after a lot of testing.

    24. What should a perfumer be able to do

    A.Eat spicy food to stimulate the sense.

    B.Distinguish three thousand chemical smells.

    C.Remove life habits affecting the sense of smell.

    D.Take a ten-year-long training at a perfume school.

    25.Which statement is right about professional perfumers?

    A. Chemists studying smells are professional perfumers.

    B.People producing perfumes actively are professional perfumers.

    C. People designing perfumes independently are professional perfumers.

    D. International perfume brands employ professional perfumers.

    26. What contributes to the high expense of good perfumes

    A. Cost in perfume development and marketing.

    B. Cost in fragrance collection and production.

    C.Expense in making stylish perfume bottle.

    D.Expense in conducting market feedback research.

    27.Which of the following best describes a perfumer's work?

    A.Boring.          B.Well-paid.          C.Painstaking.        D.Old-fashioned.


    Although most diets vary according to what foods you can eat,they all follow the same principle of restriction to lose weightyou need to eat less. The now-trendy diet of intuitive eating is,in a sense,an anti-diet:followers are encouraged to base what they eat on how they feel, not on prescribed limits or calorie counts.

    The concept was first proposed in the mid-90s by registered dietitians Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole,who wrote Intuitive Eating. The first step is to reject the idea that you need to be on a diet to be healthy. You're encouraged to also give yourselfpermissionto eat all foods, to reject the idea of "good" and "bad" foods and to accept your natural body shape. Finally,you help make your body healthier by adding exercise, finding better ways than food to relieve your emotions and slowly shifting to more nutritious food choices.

    One of the biggest misunderstandings around intuitive eating is that nutrition goes out the window. Curiously,researches shows that in a traditional diet,caloric restriction is usually followed by a binge(放纵),where the body's primary drive to make sure it gets enough calories is more important than any desires for nutrition or moderation(自我节制),which leads to disordered eating patterns. However, because intuitive eating allows all foods on the table, practitioners can make small,slow changes that ultimately are more long-lasting-toward eating more nutritionally.

    There isn't strong research to back up claims that intuitive eating helps with losing weight or eating more-nutritious food. However, in Keller's experience, a registered dietitian in Calgary, intuitive eating can help with overall weight maintenance. In addition, intuitive eaters do gain a healthier attitude toward food,compared to traditional dieters. Keller says,When people decide

    to diet, what they actually want is to feel comfortable and confident and healthy in their own body. People have to be ready to overcome their constant desire to lose weight and control their body, and to realize that changing how they look on the outside isn't going to change those things on the inside.

    28. What do we know about intuitive eating

    A.It helps followers to lose weight by eating less.

    B. It prohibits followers from eating what they like.

    C. It encourages eaters to be on a diet to be healthy.

    D. It advises eaters to be healthier by exercising more.

    29. What does the underlined phrasegoes out the windowmean in the third paragraph

    A.Exports.           B.Disappears.       C.Destroys.       D.Distributes.

    30. What is the Keller's attitude to intuitive eating?

    A.Favorable.         B.Intolerant.        C.Doubtful.       D.Unclear.

    31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text

    A.Does intuitive eating beat a conventional diet

    B.How does intuitive eating work

    C.Will intuitive eating help lose more weight

    D.Should we bother to lose weight


    One morning a few years agoat home in the Mänoa Valley on Oahuscientist Kimberly Carlson looked out of the window and saw a rainbow so bright and clear that it took her breath away. That wasn't a shocker: Hawaii is possibly the best place in the world to see rainbows today,and Manoa has particularly ideal conditions for clear bows: frequent rain showers and sunlight. But Carlson, now an environmental science professor now at New York University, realized she didn't know the answer to a simple question: Would climate change affect Hawaii's and the whole planet's breathtaking rainbowsShe shared the question with some climate scientist colleagues, and it interested them so much that they enlisted a class full of students to investigate.

    Rainbows are not special because their basic ingredients are common and governed by relatively straightforward physics.The basic recipe for seeing any part of the natural rainbow,says Lee,is sunlit rain.

    In November, they published their findings.Climate change is affecting rainbows——now we know that's true," says Carlson, the lead author on the paper,which used computer models to simulate future rainbow-ready conditions. As major weather patterns change because of climate change, many parts of the world-particularly places nearer to the poles,like Alaska or Siberia, will get more rainpotentially adding dozens more rainbow-rich days by the end of the century.

    The changes follow broader patterns of climate change; in fact, the shifts highlight some of the biggest risks and dangers. The increases in the Arctic,for example,are likely to play out because water that used to fall from the sky as snow will more often drop down as rain in a hotter future. And today's rainbow-rich Amazon is predicted to suffer more frequently droughtboth because the forest,which currently creates it sown rain, will lose that superpower as it shrinks, and because planet-wide climate change is shifting and changing the major weather patterns that cause tropical rainfall.

    32.Why does the author mention Carlson's experience in paragraph 1?

    A.To explain a rule.                  B.To introduce a topic.

    C.To present a fact.                  D.To make a prediction.

    33. What is the most important reason of seeing a natural rainbow?

    A.Frequent sunlight.                 B.Frequent rain showers.

    C.The sunlit rain.                    D.The geographic position.

    34. What is paragraph 3 mainly about

    A. Climate change causes more rainbows.

    B.More rainbows worsen the climate condition.

    C.There will be less rainbows in Siberia.

    D.The temperature will be lower in Alaska.

    35. What can we learn from the last paragraph

    A. There may be more snow than rain in the Arctic.

    B.Rainbows will be on the increase always.

    C.Increase of rainbows is a natural phenomenon.

    D.Amazon may suffer from drought more frequently.



    Productivity seems to be the holy grail(圣杯) of the working world. Imagine the perfect dayworking from dusk to dawn, a productivity machine. Thankfully,a productive lifestyle isn't all that difficult to achieve.___36___In line with that, here are some steps highly productive people do that you can carry out in your own life.

    There's one thing everyone must have in common - listening to our bodies. If we don't listen to our bodies,productivity isn't sustainable.___37___They notice signs such as lack of sleep and constantly feeling tired. But, most importantly, they act. During the working day, highly productive people know how their bodies work and adapt their schedules. For example, by doing small tasks first,productive people set themselves up for a successful afternoon.

    ___38___Every minute is maximized to its full potential,whether it's relaxing after work or a period of deep work. For starters, organizational tools such as Trello are popular,and with good reason.___39___Email marketers have more attractive tools such as Convert-Kit that automate the email sequence. Automating may sometimes be annoying to set up,but it saves so much time which better used elsewhere. When you learn to maximize your time as highly productive people do,maintaining longer periods of efficient work becomes easier,

    The benefits of prioritizing downtime can not be understated. Sleep, the ultimate rest, is vital to a productive person's weapon. For example,a study found that when you sleep for four hours or less consistently, your thinking ability declines to the equivalent of adding about eight years in age. Besides, as we know, your body needs time off from work. Think of the famous metaphor:you can't shoot an arrow without first pulling it back.___40___.

    A.You must rest before you go again.

    B.You don't need to get anything done.

    C.The tools keep your mind in check and focus high.

    D.Highly productive people know when they're burning out.

    E.All highly productive people manage their time effectively.

    F.However,useful tools like Convert-Kit extend beyond Trello.

    G.To be a productive person,you need simple and practical steps.

    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    I grew up fishing with my father in his boat. We often saw other___41___,at the boat launch, and___42___we'd greet each other with,Catch anything?which would usually move into a comparison of the day's___43___or traded suggestions on lures(鱼饵).

    My son Gordon is now growing up fishing.He loves to fish.He can spend a full day,sunrise to sundown,___44___his line and changing lures. He's relatively unsociable and usually quite ___45___ to talk to strangers;but if they area similar fisher-person,he___46___instantly.

    When we were visiting Paris,on our evening walk back to our___47___, on a quiet part of the Seine,Gordon___48___a fisherman.Dragging us down several staircases to reach the river's edge, we___49___the fisherman for a conversation about his catch. Despite Gordon speaking almost no French,they had a(an)__50__conversation as he showed us what he caught and indicated if it was a good size or___51___than normal,and it ended up with Gordon being ___52___ a fish,which we cooked that night.They shared joy in fishing,and reached across language and age___53___.

    Recently walking along the river's___54___in Calgary, I saw a person fishing. I couldn't help calling out,“Catch anything?”Not missing a beat in his castthe guy called back,“Yeaha couple of small rainbows(虹鳟鱼)!"It's a conversation we would have had and___55___understood in any country or in any language.

    41.A.folks 42.A.without fault


    44.A.hiding 45.A.brave 46.A.stands 47.A.launch 48.A.texted

    49.A.went out








    B.without control


    B.casting B.disappointed B.connects B.attraction B.inspected

    B.looked out

    B.uncomfortable B.smaller






    C.without fail



    C.reluctant C.combines C.hometown C.spotted

    C.watched out








    D.without reason




    D.withdraws D.accommodation D.invited

    D.sought out







    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


    Ji Jiahe,from No.2 High School of East China Normal University, wants to help people around him who are suffering from depression.His team project won first prize in the 2022 Brain Challenge,___56___is held by Brain Bee for young students,and this year___57___(be) the third year of the competition since 2020.

    Ji's project,aided by two other friends and team members Zou Ruoyao and Zhang Yutian, has an interesting name called Le Bu Si Shu(“乐不思鼠”).They have focused___58 ___innovating the tail suspension test(悬尾实验).___59___normalin a tail suspension testrats with depression___60___divideinto two groupswith only one group injected(注入)with the new antidepressant whose efficacy is about to be tested. The two groups of rats are hung by their ___61___(tail).Researchers observe how long each group of rats struggles to free___62___(they). His team also came up with the idea of using computers to quantify___63___calculate rats' movements. Researchers can decide whether each movement counts based on the numbers that the computer gives___64___usethe weighing scale(体重计)to capture every single movement of a rat.

    In the future,Ji wants to become a researcher.I think the most fundamental way___65___ (help)is developing medicines,so that's the field I will be working on.Ji added.

    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)

    第一节 (满分15分)

    假定你是校学生会主席李华,你校本周五将举办一场关于消防安全(fire safety)知识的讲座,请你代表校学生会写一则通知。内容包括:







    参考词汇:灭火器 fire extinguisher  火灾逃生演练 fire escape drill




    第二节 (满分25分)

    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“JAMIE EVANS.

    Oh no. Please tell me that Coach Cafferty did NOT just say my name. Not for the one-hundred-meter breaststroke(蛙泳).Except all eyes were turned to me when she announced itand her eyes met mine over the clipboard(剪贴板)that held the list of events and swimmers for the Plain Township Aquatic Center meet. The PTAC meet was the first of the season, and I was not ready.

    Remember, the meet is on Wednesday night. Be here at four-thirty for and the race kicks off at six. I'll see you at practice tomorrow.Coach Cafferty added. The crowd cleared quickly and I headed back home,feeling desperate.

    Did you find out your events for Wednesday?Mom asked as she slid the pizza box across the table to me.

    Yeah. One-hundred breaststroke,I finally said, not meeting her eyes.I don't know why Coach didn't give me backstroke(仰泳).She knows it's my best. I can't swim breaststroke!”

    Maybe she sees something you don't.Mom said.

    Or maybe I should just quit the swim team.

    Mom frowned.Is that what you want?”

    I sighed.No.I took a bite of my pizza.I'm terrible at breaststroke. What happens when I show up on Wednesday and raceand I sink to the bottom of the poolOr even worsecome in last?”

    Someone has to be last.Mom pointed out.

    But I don't even know if I can swim breaststroke for one-hundred meters!I set my pizza down.She had submitted the names,but there's no way I can do this.

    You could. But how will you know unless you try?Mom persuaded.

    Yeah, but if I try, I could fail. In front of everyone.I pictured the entire crowd watching as I finished last,pointing and laughing. My belly squeezed.

    Mom set her pizza down and gave me her Im-saying-something-important-so-listen face. Don't worry about other people. Just race against yourself.Forget about anything else except doing your best and swimming your own race.Prove to yourself that you can do it.

    Somehow, there seemed a mysterious power in her words comforting my unsettling heart and I decided to have a try. The next day,I was at practice as required.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;


    Paragraph 1: The first practice was a disaster.


    Paragraph 2: Then everything crashed in the last 5 meters of the race.





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