初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B教案
这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B教案,共4页。
TopicUnit 1 How can we became good learners?Section B 3a-Self check Lessontype Reading TeacherBessieTime /Analysis of teaching material本节课是一节写作复习课。活动3a-3b是相互联系的一个整体任务,以话题为核心进行写作,学生围绕“如何学习英语”为话题写一篇短文。3a是写作前活动,通过填表进行写作思路及内容上的准备,旨在激发学生的兴趣,为3b写作提供写作素材。3b提供写作目标语言,旨在训练学生利用目标语言构建语篇结构,通过提供语言提示,引导学生整理信息,将写作落实到语篇,帮助学生独立完成写作任务,达到语言运用及提升写作能力的目的。Self Check板块是引导学生自主归纳总结复习课。主要包括词汇、结构、功能等方面的评价练习,旨在引发学生思考,引导学生自主归纳和总结本单元知识,培养学生的自主学习能力。Analysis of students在前面的学习中,学生已通过听、说、读、看等多种途径的训练,掌握了 相关词汇和表达,学生无论是对结构、功能还是话题都有了一定的了解和掌握,并且能够初步运用,有了一定的写作“支架”。但该班学生写作底子薄,基础差,在本节课中,写作任务对学生来说难度还是很大,在内容要点、文体结构以及语言的规范性方面可能会存在一定困难,需要进行针对性的指导来完成写作任务。 Analysis of teaching objectivesLanguage abilityobjectives学生能够围绕“如何学习英语”的话题,通过看、讨论、说等活动搜集理解所需要的语言基础信息。能够综合运用相关词汇及目标语言书写信件,就“如何学习英语”这一话题给朋友提出建议,提升写作能力。Learningabilityobjectives通过“如何学习英语”主题开展的写作及展示环节,增强英语学习的兴趣和积极性:能够在写作及分享中发现自己的错误及不足,及时修正。Thinking qualityobjectives 能够在老师的帮助下,通过学习,多层次、多角度、多元化地内化有关“学习英语”的语言知识。在写作中,注意到语篇的整体性、结构性、逻辑性:通过写作前的“分类词库”训练,提升思维的广阔性;通过写作练习,提升思维的批判性和创新性。 Cultural awarenessobjectives通过发现英语学习中的问题,并找到对应的解决办法,总结适合自己有效学习方法并实际运用,从而取得学习上的进步,体验成功学习的快乐。Teachingkey points1.key words ,important phrases and target language.2.To construct the structure of writing.TeachingdifficultpointsTo write a passage by themselves and correct the mistakes .Teaching and learning methodsTask-based teaching Self-dependent learning Cooperative learning.Teaching ProceduresTeacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesPurposesstep1Warmming-up Play a video aboutlearning English.Enjoy the video.Try to find the was of learning.利用一段有关学习英语话题的视频,导入话题,激发学生学习兴趣,引发学生思主题。Step 2Lead-in Introduce the topic by asking questions: What good learning habits have you learned in this unit? What other good habits can you think of?And make a list.Think of the questions and try to find out as many good learning habits as possible.复习2b中学过的优秀学习者应具备的学习习惯和方法,导入话题,同时也借此让学生对本单元进行一次全面浏览性复习。 Step3Pre-writing Show some pictures toguide Ss to review the passage in 2b. Retell the passage in 2baccording to the pictures. 在创设的情境下,借助上节课的阅读语篇进行复习和 知识再现,通过图片提示 唤起学生的记忆,做简单 的口语输出,为之后的写 作积累语料。 Step3 Pre-writing3aActivity1: Ask students to go through the chart in 3a,and finish it . Activity2:Get students to exchange their charts with partners,and then do the proofreading.Have a discussion about what they don't understand or what is not correct.Think of three best learning ways and the reasons to finish the chart. Share and discuss with partner.写前铺垫,通过填表进行写作思路及内容上的准备,旨在激发学生的兴趣,并提供写作素材。 学生完成表格后与同伴交换,双方展开校对式阅读,就对方所写内容中自已看不明白或对语言正确性有疑问的地方展开商讨交流,达到共同完善、提高的目的。Step4While-writing. 1.Let students read the expressions in 3b by themselves.2.Ask Ss to write a letter about ways of learning with no less than 80 words in 10 minutes.3.While Ss are writing.walkaround the classroom to offerhelp if they need.Read the expressions and write a letter to a friend.Ask the teacher for help if necessary.让学生在限定的时间内完 成作文,教师提供文章结构及语言等方面的支持。Step5 Post-writing After Ss finish writing,letthem have a self-check for 3minutes.Pick out one or twoexamples to evaluate in class. Modify each other's diary in pairs according to theevaluation scale.Correctmistakes as possible as theycan.培养学生良好的自我纠正的习惯和方法,以及合作精 神、批判思维能力和对作 品的鉴赏能力。在自我修 改和同伴修改的基础上,集思广益,取其精华,学会运用更多的方法把文章写好。Step6Self CheckWork on 1 Ask students to read the words in 1 and try to review the meanings of them.Check the answers and get students to give the reasons. Fill in the blanks and then check the answer with their desk-mates. 通过浏览信息,对被选的单词作相应地回想或者发散思考。 Step7Self CheckWork on 2Ask Ss to go through the sentences by themselves. Number these sentences in order to make a conversation. and check the answers. 学会如何给句子排序,训练学生逻辑思维的能力。Step8Self CheckWork on 3 Ask Ss to go through the three people's problems in learningEnglish.Think of advice and share the answers. 旨在培养学生引发思考,引导学生自主归纳和总结,培养学生自主学习的能力,同时训练学生巩固目标语言。Step9HomeworkLevel A: .Make a conversation with your partner about how to learn English well. Level B :Write a passage about how to learn English well. Blackboard DesignUnit I How can we become good learners?Section B 3a-Self Check There are three good ways…..I think you should ...If you do this, you will... It is also a good idea to ... because ...You could try to improve your English by ... This will help you to . Teaching Reflection: ...
这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section A教学设计及反思,共10页。
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